HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-1, Page 6• • Tuuas».i', Pesti. 1, •917 I+ _Align FE -J go Lifebuoy for the `{Counter-attack" All day long he's been standing the attacks of dirt, dust, grime, germs and microbes. Now for the counter-attack. Lifebuoy to the front! Its rich, creamy lather for skin, shampoo and bath - or for socks, shirts, handkerchiefs, etc., mattes short work of " the enemy.' LIFEBUOT say: iv more than soap, finest of all soaps though it is. Lifebuoy has splendid antiseptic and germicidal power as well -tits mission is to clean and purify. Send your soldier a package of Lifebuoy. He'll appreciate it. At all grocers LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO • • The Kaiser's Dream. The following lines were sent to The Signal by an Ashfield reader, with a request that they be republished. In a'I countries. Ask for our IXVEN. There's a 'tory rune current, though strange it TOIL d A LVTSER,whlch w fl' to sent free. may •sem• MARION AI MAR:ON Of the great }Calder Bill and hl+ wonderful 1S4 Unlwnite St., M ntreal. dream. Being tired of the Alliq- he lay down in bed. -- - --_ Aod amongst other detail. be dreamt he en. -:GIRLS WANTED For omcr work to 511 the place. of men who nave gone 01 are airing to tee front. Young women eau render the country real ...nice by preparing to take pwltione to banks and bu+wean offload `tpecfal Courses of training 11. Ho•k- keeping. Shot Owed and ell other Com inertial -objects now in DrOgrsd.. rta4;edmlttedanyIime.Illustrated free. Nartll�rwa IN ROUND. ONT. ealiaeas Cantle, Ltd. 0. rueutNO. Principal. dead. And in • ane coffin was lying In -tate, W Ith a guard of brave Belgian. who mourned for hie fate. He wa. n't long dead 'fore he found to hi. cost , That hid soot like hi. doldierx. bad got busily lost. 'On leaving the earth up to Heeweu he went rtralght, And arriving up there gave a knock at the Gate, Cit. Peter looked out and in topes loud and clear Said "Begone. Haider Bflh we don't want you here." "O6," said the Kaiser. "that'', very uocltil, 1 suppose, after all I must go re use devil." do he torted on his heel. and off he did go . At The tuD of hie .peed to the region•. belo But when he got there be was 511,4 with die- may, For whll,.t wailing outside he heard old Nick .ay To 61a Imp`, "Look here. boys. 1 moat glue you a warning. I'm expecting the Kaleer down here In the morning : lint don . •, him In, for to me It's quite clear Hesse t.•., bed man, and we dont want him here. If we have him to here there'll be nothing but quarrels : In fact, 1 m afraid hell corrupt our good morale. t "Oh, 8etan, dear rrieod." the Kaiser then cried, "Forgive mc for listening while weltingout• :if ; if you won't admit me, then where can 1 go? "indeed." old the devil, "1 really dont knee." "Oh, do hi me in, for lin feeling/ so cold. That Here I'd be weloome. or .+0 I've been told • Let rue .it Inc anew., no matter how hot. "No," " aaid the devil. "mast certainly not : We dont admit MIK for riches or pelf. Here'. •ome sulphur and' malcbes-make bell for yourself." Then he kicked \t'Illielm out. and he tani.hed In. ke. \red jud. at that moment the Kaiser awoke. He jumped out of bed in a shtvering sweat. Aud Raid: "Well, that dream 1 shall never r..rgrt. That 1 slant go to Heaven I know very well. But it'd really !oohed to be kinked -art d Heit:" Conveyor Belts are subjected to great strains and abnormal wear and tear. All the more need for an en- during quality such as is found in the Dunlop. Renlales pliable, resists moisture, maintains adhesiveness. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND F}EAD Sia Cream Applies{ Is N tells Iteiferet these$ -Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged and your heal is Atlded and yoU can't breathe freely because of n t•n1j or catarrh, just flet a small bottle of ly'e Cream Balm nt any, drug store. Apply a little of !hie fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostril* and let it penetrate through every air passage of your bead, soothing and healing the inf1aT,ed, SW* len wutwu* membrane and you get id. `taut reief. AL! Low good It feels. Your nose trite are open, your bead is clear, no more betaking, snuffling, blowing: no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Fly's Cream Bann is just what sufferers from head colds and ca- tarrh need. Lt's a delight His Joy. He never reached the top himself, .But 411 ill he doesn't rare, >:ir's•ati.fed to criticise I'he rares who do get there. The Dust Tickled Her Throat, It was at the movies. An old couple ia together er t rot K h a picture that 'u - cluded ninny view s of the Wold est. l., one of three a couple "round -up" ppeared, ,in which the dust rose in ••1 lids lion the perched ground. The cid Tam Itegen to. cough. and thirdly. what the neighbors hegan to 11 'get, her husband nudged her with lea eats,..: "Don't Iongh, Annie; can't you see v u're disturbing the other folks 1" Het wire looked at him apologetic - .1 y over her handkerchief, smother- • K a spasm. "f can't help It. !Ephraim. The dual tickles my throat." 7 here'. nothing so gloriously unoet- t I as the law. You Know This Box - This box is fatnl"►r to 1h• as - endo rp n t:.r. ...Ms net . ly thrnngnoat Can. do but to the United Mortes a well. Thera la Mr. Cholas Collins. of Staten Is- land, N Y., w',o 1:7a to found Gin Tills the bast medicine he had Mir taken rot Kidney and Bladder tronblss. 1's daughter heard of Ola Pills w:,'Is trayrs:ling In Can- ada and sent i.:m a Pox. Ile writes asking et` ere nay eon be pur- chased to New Tork City as be be. llavns 1n eking them, .1 end o0, to keep kin M good condition. All dourest' all CM Pine at See. a bet, Se Si bete/no $! Mt. Ase. eat try Gin Pills without risking mousy. rm. sasses ..111 la nailed ea Melee to National Drug ilk Chemical Co. of Genitalia, Limited Toronto, Ont. U 1 Andress Ne Drn Co Ise , ,Or Mata St, Hegsln, W T. M - THE SIGNAL GODERIOII ONTARIO THE COUNTY PARLIAMENT. Report of the January Session of Huron County • Council. The January session of the county council opeueti on January 53rd and, as reported last week, Iteeve Milne,- of Blyth, was elected Warden. All the ..embers. of the council were present. A Dumber ut communications were read and sent to various committees. Applications for the position of county auditor were received from G. W. Holman, hgmoudville ; P. W. Soott, Belgrave; A. (amens, Wioghaw; A. Porterfield. Marnoch ; Paul Powell, Turnberry, and P. Metcalf. Blytb. On motion of blames. Sbortreed end Dalton, the following were appointed a committee to strike the standing committees of council for the year : Reeves Campbell. Armstrong, Reis, Erwin and Powell. Reeve Govenlock (McKillop) and County Clerk Lane weir appointed auditors of criminal justice accounts, A. Cosrns, of Wise/ham. and G. W- Holwan, of b,t dville, were ap- pointed auditor, for this year. Moved by Messrs. Erwin and Ford that the usual grant of $2 he made to each public libray w the county. Moved by Mesar`. Neeh and Erwin that the ueual grant of 1125 he made to all agricultural societies iu this county that hold fall fain in 1917. Moved by Mesers. Nairn and Iabester that a grant of $1,000 be given to the county hospitals, the amount to be equally divided between the Winghani and Gode Heti hospitals. Moved by Newry. La!thwaite and Powell that a grant of $2,000 be made) to the four bigh schools. Gtjderich, Clinton, kleaforth and %t'ingham. Thee` motions were sent to execu- tive committee. 'Other motions respecting proposed grants and appointment. were res tetrad to the proper cowtuitteer- Mr. M. H. Staples, field secretary of the Canadian Patriotic Association.' addressed the council with reference' to the work and requirements of the I Asroci■tion. Mr. W. Brydone, of Clin- ton, spoke along the same lines. ' WNDNIWDAI-. The report of thestriking committee was received and adopted. The fol- lowing are the standing committees I for 1917 : Exact/Ilea (7ogMrrrea.-J M. Gov - enloak, &W. Livingstone, J.N. Camp- bell, W. H. Lohb, W. ►sbteter. SPE(:IAL (>t►MMtTTe.a.-J. elhortreed, J. McKinley. G. Young, T. Brock, W. Yearly. FINANCK COMMITTAL[. -O. Stewart, R. ttitrdioL_B. W F.Heavers, J. A. Mallougb, J. P. falsots, EDUCATION COMMrrrr* -C- A. Nairn, G. C. Petty, J..Mcfearb, W. R. I Elliott, J. A. -Ford. Rome Attu BRIDGE CoMM(TTp&,-! J. A. Stewart, A. E. Erwin, Coo. Reis, I W H. Neel., M. Armstrong. COUNTY PROPERTY. -J. C. Leith-' waw 1'• K_PQsall..fil�! Yi4 b. P F ig, 8. P. Plum. HOUSE OF RKFUaa.-J,N. Campbell, 1'. K. Powell, C. Stewart, P. Doig. WARDI•:N'ttCOMM rerelc.--C, A. Nairn,' J. A. Ford, J. P. Dalton, R. Hardiug. .H. Crich. Mr. G. M. Elliott, county superin- tendent of neglected children, ad- dressed the council with reference to the walk of the Children's Aid So- , ciety. Mawr`. J. 8. Andrews, of Clinton, and W. E. Kelly. of Godericb, police magistrates, appeared before the council and asked that their office al- lowance be increased. The annual statement of Dr Holmes, county treasurer, wee presented and referred to the finance couLntittee. Treasurer s Statement. The abet root statement. if receipts and expenditures for 1916 woe as fol- lows KKIKYTa 4, "cunt rote- . $ 131.198 let Lend tax 441 10 IA( mac. WI p. 14.175 27 Schoola. Schad management -...,, .. 1.A1 m Begkrryomne.. ,stn a4 Redemption amount......' .. w .-„tr 40 a@ Interest.. Ale N1 Division Court jury 21 11 Administration of ju.tloe 2,724 59 Gaol account . 115 x* Lunation 18 •0 Roads and bridge. 12 In 'doormat refuge. Al H Ik..e fund. C. T. A3.53. to War Auxiliary- y 31 Sinking load. 117,458 'Li Debenture. 120,411i 0.1 $ 4110.0gI 7., $ KZP•I5DITUMa0. Bonk overdraft L ,,. Land tai Administration sof justice...... Oaol acoount. (vision Courtjury. Redemption aocount Regletry- oMce. Grant.. ... ..... .... ... Municipal govt'.nment &,hoola Ib -boot maoageruent . Stationery .. .. . ... ........... iii; oouiiir�lolitrrisl -` Mleeellaneor,s Vounty property [toads and orldgea... House of refuge. Debentured, principal interest ........... ..... Raking funds .. . License fend. 1:,'t'. A War tax.... . British Rei (.'iuu ............... ., Canadian {ted Croft. Pa rk,tic Fund..,.., ........... War Auxiliary Balance forward. 3,' 14 o... 1111" Al8811541 2,47:1 :N 14 7o 14 86 310)(0) 2.177 tel 97,4C 80 ,,1;41 H1 erre) 97 Lots 2x 7f1 2 44 21 at :sal 1111 1.x1.; Ila 11,1$;2 N4 x.324 14 71.16'.110 5.1121 Ne 31.11111 72 2,828 75 42.5 1 (4 21,231 70 MS IA ;Lunn 111 4314 70 ,xlkl 1.3 e Inu,twl 73 ' Some time was taken up in discus. sion thenestion of the supply of copies of the Ontario Statute`, Some of the new menthes* said they bad out been able to get tie. copies Tr -6M the ofd membeis and therefore bad crone. The matter was deferred to the .tune meeting. The sports of Messrs. Tom and Field. inspectors of public schnola, were presented and sent on to the ed- ucation committee. School inspectors Reports. inpporter Tom reported the total expenditures of the. Jere school hoards in West Huron for 1916 as $113,721.7e, of which amount $81,192.12 was paid ars Palettes to the 144 teachers em- ployed. The number of pupil. enroll. d was 4,460 and the avernge attendance was 2,91t8, or (17; per cent.. A large number of pupils change from one school to another duri ig the year ; so that the real average of attendance is actually over 75 per cent. During 1910 a fine two -(•nom school wars befit in the Se Helene section. It is soli atanlial, couven:ent, well located and beautifully finished- .11 coat 'item/ $4..it1U. Two teachers are employed, and a fifth clam has been rrtablielleu, The "George Baird" school in Stanley was remodelled and a basement added, making it peactically a new and up-to- date school. 8rveral other eahools were much $..proved. New schools should be erected at an early date in S. 8. No. 4, 8. 8. No. 9. 8. 8. No. 16, Ashfield township. 1'he report continues : "The Hol.. Do, Pyle, Minister of Ifgirruatloo, ..gee teacher. to *speed up' ppreduction and be grow mere food le lbs school and home gardens. to ut- iiise vacant arear for growing food plants. He suggests that school Wards and teachers way in this. way take advantage of the potential labor of boys and girls troth eight to sixteen years of age, to increase the food pro- ducts of Ontario by $10,090,0110 in the urban municipalities alone. Evet y teacher and every trustee Should, at once, orgauizs the buys and girls so that the garden work may begin ea coon as the weather be favorable next spring." There were many excellent home and ecwa/l gr:dens in thea in- epectorate tart year for which the teacher. and bum de will receive grants. Dr. J. M. Field, inspector of East Huron schools, reported that of twenty-two rues teaching in the in- spectorate at the beginning of last year the following bad enlisted : A. L. Piolrlf,priucilalof Wiogbam public school : Norman (Geddes. 8. 8. No. 8, Bul- lets • Robert Hoover. 8. 8, No, 7, McKil- lop W. H.. Stafford, 8. 8. No. 4, How- lek 7raslie Winch, Bluevale public school. The returns from the township clerks indicate such • decrease in the population tetween Ove and twenty- one years of ageism would be accounted for by enlistment : on the otber head, fall fain iu the oouotry. In all eight , schools took part and its mimeos was i largely due 10 the efforts of the Wo- men's Institute. The report of D. Patterson, county eugloeer, showed that orders issued siuoe the December report amounted to 11,8411 43. The report stated that some 'Attie email bridges on the lake road between Goderlch and Awberlry will require to to renewed this com- ing summer, as oh v ars almost past repair. Also new floors will be re - y .fired for the following bridges The Eighteen Mile River bridge, uear• Aiuhe'bey : Day's Midge, boundary of Howiok and Turuberry ; Westfield Midge, Fart and West Wewat.osh townships ; Bali'. and Clinton bridge`, THUI4$UAt, . Reeve Goveolock Inquired regard- ing the payment of the $1.1109 grant to the various branches of the Red Cross Society in .,he county and as to how it had been spent. This brought on a discussion in which 'several members took part, and all were satisfied that the grant had been appropriated to the vety feet advantage. A wotlou was wade by Mewra. Young and Mallough th►t a grant of l ,01110 he given to the Red Cross So- cieties in the county this year. It was wooed by Messrs. Ford and Neel. in aweudment that the grant be $10,(1110. This war sent to the execu- tive committee. Moved by Messrs. Nairn and Young that the allowance for office rent for the police rttagietrates at Goderlcb and Clinton he 11.13 per month each for 1917. Referred to executive commit - Moved by Messrs. Isbeeter and Powell that the townships of Morris acrd Bast Wawanosb, in unison with the count fit up that portion of toad south of Wingbaur commonly known as the Prairie road, as it is in a dang- erous condition and unfit for safe traffic for life and property. Moved by Mestere. Erwin and Lobb 11at the engineer inspect the north abutment of the Bayfield hridge, as It is cracked and the crack is becoming wider. Both Obese motions were sent to the coed and bridge committee. Moved by Messrs. Ford and Living- stone that the grant to the Canadian Patriotic Association be increased BY - OUR BLOOD WE LIVE 11 you toe easily, are subject to cold hands or feet -if your catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains -your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you need 5 EMULSION OF THE PUREST COD LIVER OIL which is nature's easily -assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles and charge the blood with life- sustaining richness. Scott's creates warmth to throw off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. Always insist on SCOTT'S. Every Druggist has it. scorn t SOWN&. T.c suer. Owe. We/ ing, and ((mod everything in good oondItioo. The road and Midge cowwittee re- commended that the motion of Messrs. lebester and Powell be left over to the June meeting ; that the county en- gineer examine the Snyder bridge. on ;the Lake road, Stanley, and have it repaired or rebuilt. if it no a county 1 hridg e ; that 1 he engineer inspect the Bayfield bridge abutment and have it repaired. if necessary, as soon as pole giple ; that the recommendations of the engineer bre dealt with as soon as weather is favorable in the spring. These clausal of the report were adopted. The executive committee recom- mended the following grants for 1917 : $2,0116 to the four high schools in the county, : the usual grant to the Contln- uatlon and fifth -class schools : $500 to the Children's Aid Society ; $1,(100 to the twb hospitals in rhe county ; glut► per year to the police magistrates ; 118.1») to the Canadian Red Cross So- cieties of the bounty, to be paid in the same manner its last year's grant ; $8,000 per month to the Patriotic Fund, commencing the 1st of Febru- ary, 1917, and to continue as long *1 this council considers it necessary, CLEANING UP GERMAN EAST AFRICA. In the picture General Smuts, accompanied by General Bevis and General Tight, is Been Inspecting the British troops at Mouyuni, the echool population shows a slight increase. Three schools (No, 12. Mc- Killnp ; N. 14, Uny ; No. 4, Tun). berry) ynalified for the grant in ag- riculture last year. A school fair was held at Walton early in September at which great interest was shown and which in many respects, says the in- spector, was the equal of many of the W&LL-LN©WN ONTARIO WOMAN SPRAKS. Wellsad, OM. -sI am most pleased to w that, Dr. knee'. Favorite Prescrip- tion has proved itself a first-el's`e remedy. I was run-down, weak and played out, and seeded a woman's tonic. I have just finished using one bottle. I feel much stronger and better. \ Can eat better and am lees nervous. You may say that 'Favorite Prescrip- tion' it just the medicine for tired -out, worn-out women. It does wonders for them." -Mea. Gro. FLANIGAN, E. Main and State Eta., Welland, Ont. THiS PRESCRiPTiON IS FOR YOU. If you wafer from hot flashes or dimi- ties*, fainting spell`, hysteria, headache, oe nervotrsoeas yen are not beyond re- �Dr. Pit&ree's Parnell` Prescription is directed to the real cause and promptly removes the disease, and thereb bnnp comfort in the place of prolonged mtaery It has been sold by druggists for nearly 50 years, in fluid form, at $1.00 per bottle, go priers iMtistaction. It can new be had In sugar-coated tablet form. Sold by all medicine dealers or trial box by mail en receipt of 50 Dents in stamps. I Every tick woman may consult us by letter, abenlutdy without charge. Write without fear as without fee, to' Faculty of the Invalids' Hotel 1)r. V. M. Pierce, President, 663 Main St., Buffalo, I N. Y. De. Puree's Pillets are unequaled as a 1 Liver P111. 8wrefles( eeriest to ISM. Ore hay Bepr- ssfsd PAW a Deas. Cure' Sul Headache, Bill VHeadache, Digs - aeon, Constipation. onstia Stomach and Bowels.Atteck.. and *1l &ran$Ep0tgge/t Of jZ • from 115,000 per month to $7,1»'. Moved by blesses. Elliott and Mc Kinle (bat this county grant $600 t the Children's Aid Society. These motions were sent to the ex ecutive committee ( The contrast for groceries for the gaol - was awarded to W. [fern and for meat 0 to W. J. Baker. The contract for county printing was awarded to The - Ooderich Star. . Committee Reports. The report of the finance committee recommending payment of a ouwbe of accounts, was adopted. The report was amended by leaving the allowance to police magistrates at $6 per month, as at present. 1t was decided also that all the usual yearly c grants not mentioned in the report be made this year. The special committee reported three recommendations : (1) Respecting the request of Grey county council for co-operation in se- curing an amendment of the Assess - went Act with reference to telephone com ani -no n M (bat action be taken. • (2) Respecting the request of the West Huron Teicherr Adaociation and the Thames Road Farmers' (Putt, that this council ask fur the appoint - 'tient of a district agricultural repres- rotative for this county -that the re- quest be granted, (3) Resppecting the request of Ox - find and Norfole county couucils for co-operation in memorializing the Fed- eral Government to raise money by direct taxation for Red Cross and pa- triotic purposes -that no action he taken, mit we continua along the name lanes that we have been follow- I mg. Clause 2 was lett over for further consideration. Clatter 3 was amended to read, -that we cu -operate with the counties of Oxford and Norfolk." The report as amended was adopted. The report of the education commit- tee contained the following recom- mendations :, That the usual grants he made to continuation classes ; that the following amounia be paid : (ilio• ton Collegiate Institute, *5.3147.71 Gtrderlch Collegiate Institute, $4,170.. 40 ; Meatorth Oollegiate institute, 54,009.56: Wiligham bigh school, 1.3,449.31 -Ism the fees paid by country pupils ; that the following 'accounts for support of Huron county pupil+ at scbtwls outside the count, be paid : Mitchell, $24,67 ; Parkhill, $181.05 St. Marys, $81.10 ; Listowel, $97,24 ; that the following appointments to Collegiate institute tenet`` hoards he made : Godericb, Judge Dickson ; Clintoc, Herbert Paul. Ernest Hovey; Seaforth, It. 8. Hays ; Wingham, Frank Vanstone. 1'be report war adopted The Bounty property eommIttee re- ported having visited the county build- FRIDA T. The Warden, ex -Warden and the clerk were appointed • committee to prepare and send to Mrs. W. Glen and family, of Clinton, a letter expressing the sympathy of the council in the death of the late Mr. (;len, formerly Reeve of Stanley. The report of the "good road*" cons- ' mlttee was as toliowe We recommend that the council pay the fee of $15 to the Good Roads As- sociation and send delegates to the convention to he held At Toronto, February 27, "It and March 1st. We would ask these delegates to go into the matter thoroughly and report to the council at tite June meeting, Un- der the present circumstances we do not deem it wise to commit ourselves to take up the grad roads movement at ..nen, but we wish to bee. sufficient Mate on hand to take up the scheme when the time is opportune for so do- ing. The report was adopted. The second clause of the report of' the special committee was then taken up, and it was moved byM . Mc- Nabb and Dalton that te council ap- point • comwittee to enquire into the value of aft appoint went of a district representative and report at the June meeting. This was carried and Sleeves. Mallougb and Young were appointed ai such committee. Messrs. Stowers 1 Asbfleld) and For were appointed delegates to the good roads convention at Toronto. Bylaw No. 1, lo appoint auditors, and No. 2. to raise money for patriotic purpoens by the issue of debentures, were read and passed, and the council adjourned to meet again the ant Tuesday in June. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario El t bon Rbvertfser All Mail Editions 113 Per Year DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. if you are accustomed t wake up with a coated tongue, foul ath or a dull, dizzy headache; or, f your meals sour and turn Into and acids, you bate a real surprise sit- ing you. To -morrow morning, Immedlat upon arising, drink a glass of hit. water with a teaspoonful of limestone. phosphate In it, This Is intended to Drat neutralize and then wash out or your stomach, liver, kidneys and thirty feet of intestines all the indi- gestible waste, poisons, sour bile and toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal. Those subject to sick headaches.' backache, bilious attacks, constipation or any form of stomach trouble, are urged to set a quarter pound of lime- stone phosphate from the drug store and begin enjoying this morning in- side -bath. It is said that men and women who try this become enthu- siastic and keep It up daily. It is a splendid health measure for It is more Important to keep clean and pure on the inside than on the outside because the skin pores do not absorb impuri- ties into the blood, canning disease;. w 11 h eh t e bow elpo res do. The principle of bathing inside le not new, ae•a11111one of people practice 1t, Jett es hot water and soap cleanse, purify and freshen the skin, so hot water and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the Stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Limestone phos- phate la an Inexpensive white powder and almost tasteless, Giant fie,rnrtne 1arnatine �rfh�rr-. �vr. �- Address a pourard to us nese bud r •cave by return nis.l a copy of or n»w illustrated Se - page catalogue of Garden, 4lonvrand Fled A,',.,11, Root Seed., Uri ins, nu:ba, Small $•-such, G....100 Toots, etc. SPECIAL -W. will Oise send yore free a packet { oolus 15c) of ow choke Giant Flowering Carnation This carnation is a great favor- . an. ant the plod,d., well outdoor". 'its; Cie dowers are large avid Tranrtpia:Veil into pots in the early fat, they pio,,,n profusely from (Moller till he `tient' May. EXlia plants are easily propogated from them by cut! meg, "pipings' or layering. Seri) fsr ear eafelegwa and team `l our d)Aer volreAle pregMsns 11 Cor Dalrc}I &+�H�unter Seed Co., Limited, �°" d,rS,itr„ ','STG� /f5 * , CANADA N •