HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-1, Page 44
111-1fr14 ^
Just One More Week
$10.00 -
Worth, $I3, $I5 and $18.
Clearing lines.
Worth $5.00 to $7.50.
Men's Soft Felt Hats
Worth $2.00 to $400.
Men's Negligee Shirts
Regular up to $1.50..
Arrow Notch Collars
10c or 3 for 25c.
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57
20th Century Clpthisii
Footwear !
WHETHER 3tu've been
buying cheap or high-
priced footwear, our Shoes
and Rubbers, at medium
prices, will make it possible
for you to save money mid
you'll still be able t� havE
footwear that cannot be beaten
fOr sty le,comfort or dnrablitiy.
. • .
Side of Samirg----podetich
King Edward Cafe
(111,1)MAT1411K1 ALAI
The weather is now col. People
coming to tutu can be served
Hot Coffee, lea or Cocoa at 6c
Meals also served 36c
Highest price. peal foe butter and mg..
The best barn in town f./r stabling.
Joseph Murray
K I ngston Street 000IERICH
WILMS/DAY, Jan. 31.
---iDolda and la grippe, are very pre-
valent In this oomminnity.
The W. M. R. meets this month at
the -home of Mn. Thomas Dickson.
i Mine Roselle 8chombale, of Clinton,
leaned en:friends in She village lain
Mr. and Mrs. John ?dollen spent
Sunday with friends near Lucknow
last week. '
i Master Lorne Mitiee le not Iniprov-
Ing s Tairlitlite many' sehooluiates
hook! like to see.
Mr. and Mr... -M
. Jake -McGee, 01 Wind -
stir, and M.. Alfwrt McGee spent the
work end with the forriter's naregfaa
Mr. John Hotebiaon intend' suo•ing
two spring to Mr. Wilirvel Stevemoon'a
farm as Wilfred intends going %Vest
for a few year li.
Mr. Kuntz. of Preston. and Mr.
lehbinacher, of Kitchener, were In the
village last week attending to the
affairs:of that late J•ihn Kiln. Z.
Rev. 1/r. Minefing. F. R. G. 8.,
Who it repreartiting the Belgian Re -
The Saults Coal Co.
\„ teMeDeeisith t
We deal in Frird anti -Soft Mal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Pitt
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs. -
Hemlock Slabs, $2 per curt
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cemeat just received.
OFFICE PifoNg - - - 75
B. ). Sank.' Residence 275
W. W Souks' Residence 202
-414,imeis3„..a.31ku 411;44S,
-444.4.14`Se4',' ie`be„-f,
lief Fund, will preach in Rt. Andrew's about two peers old. He was mars Lod
ethyterian thumb on Sunday next alt Novato/ler 29th, leak to Margaret
at 3 o'clock. Dr. MinefIng ha. served McWhinwry. only daughter of the late
as a soldier limb In HeIghtur and in John and heirell•McWbinney of Ash -
Pittner *sad tell.. very thrilliug story. thrld, and settled un the trim 4.41 which
1,11 air rortlially welcomed. be died. He loaves to mourn his de-
F.5KICW1CLL PICKNENTATION. -Once parture his widow and seven children,
wore 11r. and Mo. Alfred Quaid were of whom Jame. and William reside at
warmly welcomed. Ode time at the hour& John ea Auburn, Alis. Henry
t of Mr. •iia sirs David Melt- Piitp.. at Applegate. folichigau. Alm
smio, where the Ashfleld 8,1diersAid lfaviu Johineton In .t.htield. him. h.
tioc,„(,, nul&jlw mg about iiirtel,y. 0. Chr total at MOttleveb, sush., and
gat hered L pay fa. e w to Mu. and Mrs. W. J. Scott at °genie, Sleek. The
Mrs. *Jai& who leer. Itorily for family were all present with hien &a -
lo -1r HTriue 113 the %Vest. livqvite he trig his last Mahar. The Nitta al touk
evenings amusements c ))))) toenreil Mi. place un Munday afternoon to Efuti-
lind MIS. Quaid were pre.iented wi h gaunon cemetery, ILe•. A. Liiug, of
hariti.,,ine 'wittier club hag and the Aomori, coeducting the obepile..
following addrem : l'ne willbcaters were the three sons
and three rons-in-law of deceased :
James, John and Win. McKnight,
Darks Johnstou, Chas. Cloystal mid
Wan. Scott The very large number
of rola' ives, friends nod ueistbbor• who
atseuded the funeral showed its wino.
esteem the deceased was held in the
00ialutt in which he had rankled so
To Mr. .1 nal Mrs. Alfred quald.
ft 1. whit of rear.1 that we, year
iHleh eh. and ftlei.d-. I alai of your tam 164111
depart ere from our wie.t. yea
YS) initi'h Hy your be sod •u. 1.1 dt-Pesi-
((0 )OU b.". endeared you rvei t to all who
hes, had the uleaeure of meg, li,g Feu. We
hov.• foiled you both eto ye tidy and
wino go 111.e y*.t.r **veleta/0V wheeeve- the
0, CA • 1011 W11111111,1 Mil+and be thw-tred we
414.11 I ILO 740 , forget the Ple %SAW 1.1100. MS
here tosvt her. We wl h you .very h vpi
pine- le your tie* home to the 1V. wt. sod a
wehvoie airline you ou your return 10 A.A.
Ilehl. t on to accept ihlv hill *ma +light
of the day, you have .pot
reams nod we would Ant adv. thhi
r0UbkFi yonr pah..10111 Of What Dodd's Kidney Pitts Are Doing
-oc .1/4 thew top la your uld kit-hiaf end vett ie.
Thai your flame envy he height i Up North. a
1,1"o r1111.. 1te4 101•It of ',Jur WRAY
tAlgried1 Glacier Creek, via Dawson. Yukon,
C. A. "'urn"' January 119 (Speztald-Listeo 10
HARM' 1. iiisr.
7111. !what the filial/UV tr.pper. Thome,
Q 14i/1 responded ill 1.:r wv-ipitimy, Imo to say ut Dosid'a Kidney
chosen word-, thansing their friends
-rttreir -nearer truding-...
••Last fall." Mr. Pillbtry states. •'1
hag was volt in game., music and waa so sick 1 dld not think I would he
daocing, keeping the 8 lori warm 1,4111
ableto follow my occupa, 1011 as trap -
the eaudy hours io the morning. •
per. Mut after taking six d me. of
Dodd's Kidney Pill. 1 war *hie t.
make • round of my trap., which en-
TUits"AY' 3/1 tails' a walk of eighty miles in the
Mr. Woodsy Vanderburg is workingIbius
acd antiwehtsiong in the .alleys
in a mum,' actory a1 rieleforth.'. with the tantiperitturr at forty below
Mrv. A. McDougall and Miss AI irinie
rein' tied to London on Thursday fast. o in tno room. of my travels 1 came
Miss L. Mole. of Reeforth, spent
waves an ludas* ecicatupment. Oire
sunder at Mr Wesley Venda., bairg*O. a she Indians Was very sick and from
John Cox returned home on log symptoms 1 effnebberd - boa
Thursday last, having spent • month kidney trouble. So 1 gave bins some
at Lamdr.n
The friend. et( Mr. James -Harrison hoDadoz o'at itimaidn.tty wilt and, retlefurnest bias ills
will be Pleabed to boor dull bp 1111°1- two wee*. the Igelian has St mod woll
proving slowly.
and the Indians ad claimed 1 watt •
Mi.,. Roby Potter left no %Vednee- (.41 medicos. wan."
day for New York, where the will g
take A post•graduatecourtse in nursing.
The t'. 0. 0 F. will boll their ail -
4 Coal supper and social evening at Mr.
Sterling M2Phrirl's on Thuitalay even-
inc. Feb, ii.ry b.
Thr Moore. !Margaret Walker. of
Clinton, arid Pearl Clatworthy, of
Allan Craig. spent Monday at the home
or M a . anti Mi b. 0. %V. P0110,.
'AN Of..H Rgainiocr DEPART& -Wil-
liam McKnight, iitie of the oldest resi-
dents of tho row tomtit y, passed away
1 -set atter s very toying ill-
ness of hve week. I.D.reased was horn
near Hainfield, County Dowan. Ireland.
on M trch h, lt{18, hot came to this
country with his parents when only
Hotel Bedford, Tuesday, Feb. 13,37
of Toronto
Canada's foremost
hairgoods manu-
facturers. will exhi-
bit for your inspec-
tion their finest and
latest hair creations
in ladies.
_Coronet and
Fancy Braids‘
Waves, Bangs, and
PrITIOIttatisms- I 1.
2.10. j111111111._frt
Keep Up With
the Times !
AND haveour hou
lighted inthe modern
way -with electricity. We
know how to do it, and
will cheerfully furnis
plans and estimates for
wiring, fixtures, etc. --
A large ,a.ssortment of Elec-
trical Sundnes and Supplies
always on hand.
, 6 4141644....
Toupees sad Wigs of hygienic and scientific construction that are
as lifelike as nature. cannot be detected from a person'. own
\ hair, and will render long service and satisfaction.
They make the appearance years younger and improve
health by the protection they offer.
A Demonstration of any atheism Hair-Stroctures is FRIEL OF
CHARGE. It will sat 'epode you to any way.
Tuesday,\!diroary 13
Head Office and Showrooms
105 Yonge Street
West Street.
Notit Postoffica
82 and 193
4" • ;.
' PAW '4fT1
'5I1 r
. ,
1- &Mk -
simaavenwer as semeamer
eki • 1*
Notwithstanding die marked advance in the prices of Corsets, we secured
some time ago 6o pairs of D. & A. Corsets, which would be in the
regular way good value for $1.25, but having secured them
at a special price we are enabled to sell them at
$1.00 a pair. This is a snap in Corsets.
-1114 • t •Ofk 'r; ZVV.O.Z. :Area ;Furs .*•?7!.....a.11,11S1 'HAT
Neck pieces, 13 only in this lot. Sale prices are trout $1.50 to $6 99. None of them
half price.
Prints ' - "''''' • '
Now Is a good time to by Prints. We are still selling Indigo dye Prints at lfic. they
be 1Scjlater on. Giughouts. too, will be higher later 15c La our price now.
C '
_-.1.1.4ixto need cloth to make a Coat vomit here eld let n. show you what we have. Prices are rig
more than
Fancy Georgette Crepe Collars
Just 27 Collars left after the Christuitts selling. They must be cleared out this week. livery one
new. 111 georgette crepe, broadcloth and satin. Regular $1.40 and $1.2.-) for 99c,
regular St 00 for 7*, re-gular'7c for 59c.
co-LaoRN E
Kol. Grigg 14.. 'banter is
making • busidess to Torontb
GODER1CH TOWNSHIP. this week Miss oh!, Treat'',
N%'SUNICAILI% Y, Jan. 31. nor is visitlog with her sister, 31ta. J.
C'. thirst We are sorry to Wean
Mi•e Ruth Thompson entertained* i hat Mrs. L. tiroos is sow. -What in -
number of her filer:ids at A dance •t di.poited this week, and hope for her
her home on Wednesday night ot test
week. opeedy rasa/very Mr. M. Uhler
eoid &choice mare to Mr. %V tr. Jewell
A sewing meeting will he held by hu,,
the Patrititir Society at the home of
Mrs. J. T. Saalkeld, Hayld fiemad, on I LA ium Pipe -illegare. a
Friday. February fah. ar 2.30 o'clock. ,O'connor write in The Signal in roe -
All the Ladies are invited to he present. ever ion of a paragraph puoli.hed in
In the absence. through of , them columns la -it 'reek with regard
Rev. Jame* Lite service to to a pig mocha -ed by them from Mt .
Union church oh Sunday af.ernoon 1Tho.. Borns. It appears that Mr. Mime, ini.e..eompanv. sop not any
was conducted by Rev. J K. Pord, of
bluderich. who gave a spteodad die- Burn.' wog sew not the benviest that m •re than real happen is dos..Word has been rg.zate'd that Pies.
Alex. Chisholm and W. J. ("•4tootty-t
Johnson have teen promoted to he
corporals, and Pte. Joe acting
as guide of att ammunition column to
MN trenches. All these are flips who
left list.. with the 71 t 114tt'lion.
81..:trittlethrUL KVBST -
home of Mr. and Mr . (i -'.r,0 Leith -
wait., Hui on road, wits the scene of
a doge gathering on Tuesday night of
this et eek , t he °ambito° heing a "pa-
triotic eucbre'ondee the auspiees of the
Woureit'a Patriotic S..iciety of Taylot'.
Owner. P.,.nple came from far and
now and from all direction*, urtil
tWelitt -four table's weir/ filled, and still
the people kept on cowling. Alto -
nether about 140 were present. When
play was concluded it was found the.'
blre. John Porter 1.11.14 the winner of
Ehe Lady's prize and Mr. A. J. Gold-
thorpe of the gentleman's prize. Miss
Nina Walters' and Mr. John dowerhy
were awarded the consolation prizea.
A girth WWI offered for sale at 10 cents
a "chance" realiziug over SRI. which
with the adanissiort receipts brought
the total prrted* to 84650, a hand-
isome s,dditlim to the fends of the PA-
triotic The winner of the -
quilt was Mr. Arthur Tichbourne. It
was patched by Mn. T. M. Johristcn
and quilted by the young ladies of
Taylor's Corner at the home of Mrs.
Robert-Rodges. After the serving of
lunch the young people engaged in.
dancing for an hour or so. and the
gathering dlepersed with twiny ex-
pressions of thanks tci „Air and Mn.
Laithwaite for their holititatity
ing their comfortable home for the oc-
casion. Th. limner' of the Patriotic So-
ciety wish to thank all who assisted In
making the evening a success, includ-
ing .oarticulaily thore who cartie from
a distance to take part in the gat her-
-The Patriotic Society also ac-
knowledges the receipt of the sera of
$.1. 75, ni (-weeds of a part. at the home
of Mr. and Robt. Thompson last
bee Alien Mrlis Vr ;
.i.othae nine la the minis . *ph
the sialessiery thm Mr. Maui
w as 1
doe sal ES) on aehium of I he excise- 1
w.-igoo 01lea• ihakua. Mr. MIMI
giros tbs. fol owl ue Int**ristai :
Corm tomtit& the heaviest hogs
rte. snippeti at. ah:Gaw st•Lion a•
1-t, Mr. Median's I
t4tb rahoceesson, Vollinrm bog, erigh-
ing 7111 Ib. : Mr. Thu, Burnie
tLn eamesneetc. Cothorart, ereifrbing
ON) Ib.. The prie• paid r.\ Mr. Thos.
we.. $71.10.
TUKSHA Y. dam 30.
Reeve Erwin was in Ooderich IOW
week at t.nding the county council.
Mr }folic. Sp.ekrnan left last week
for London, where be has secured.
ien.J. R. Jones will attend the
social service convention at, Toronto
dthoeiNt7191servIces in Sr.'lkYis
burnr, of Goderich, con -
Andrew's church
on Sabbath morning.
Mr. Milton McLaughlin of the Ster-
ling Hank staff left oc aturday for •
Toronto. He is succeeded by Mr.
Feagan. of Carlow.
Rev. A. Mecfarlane returned on
Tuesday horn visiting friends at Port
Elgin and attending a meeting of
Bruce Presbytery at Walkerton, in
the interests of Clinton congregation,
which has extended a call to Rev. J.
Hogg, of soilihstopton.
PREPARIMH A PI.AY.-A number of
the young people in the viII.g. are
busy preparing a play entitled "The
Stolen Diamands," whir+ they hope to
present in tbe town hall nn Lite even-
ing of Friday, February 16th. The en-
terfAinment is tinder the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid 01 81. Andrew's dorm+
and the soc•ety will donate one-third
of the proceeds t • the Patriotic Soci-
ety. The play is* rom.tly-drams In
three acts. occupying • whole even. •
Ing, and will he ono of the hest ever
put on in this vinare.
Ane quintile of y hemlock slabs
tot eiii ttttt er w.o d at MacKwan's
iphone Wit vim) per cord t f
Matrin ttttt y 1. catch -as many an
es-harhelor has discovered t his Kir-
Wou'dn't Sow Wheat Without Home-
' so at
John It. Allison, Park Hill, Ont•rio,
an : •
"I barn neva lioinesteal Hone Hia k
Reno, ser lite the past three years and
1 Mod it pays. 1 use it in connection
with •naniter, and clover and I would
re t. so* wheat without it. -
• Every mar-
ried man in
the ranks of
Canada's sol-
diers means ,•
that his wife
gave her con- 'N7A
His the sacrifice,
danger, yes -but his
the interest of a new
perience, the companion-
ship of comrades, the in-
spiration of action, the
thrill of the advance, and
the glory of victory.
Her's the pitiful4wrt
ing, the weary Whiting,
the fevered watching for
the dreaded message, the gruelling grind of daily responsibility for those
dependent upon her -and her alone.
No, No; not alone! Not alone, as long as the people whose battles her
husband is fighting have a heart in their bosoms or a dollar in their pockets.
Not alone -as long as Canadian manhood and womanhood knows the
meaning of the word "trust' Not alone, as long as Generosity is the hand-
maiden of Duty and Privilege.
Only an appreciation of the need is required by those of us who here at
home keep the hearth fires burning. Not for some of us the supreme sacrifice,
but for one and all of us at least that whole -hearted answer to the cry of patri-
otism that never yet has failed to go ringing around the world when the call has
GIVE- GIVE - GIVE as your own heart prompts you, give to the
Canadian Patriotic Fund. $6,000,000 must be raised in Ontario for the vital
necessities of the greTtir-vork of caring for the needy families of Ontario's men
at the front.
Every case is carefully investigated, everything humanly possible is done
to eliminate mistakes and prevent imposition -but to the needy is held out a
helping hand, without lavishness, but with the deterniination to see no real
want unsupplied.
You are again offered the great privilege, not of charity, but of recognition
of the magnificence of Canadian Wifehood. -
I VP:SHAY. Jan. 311.
Mr. Vaientlits Fisher. of Did.bio y.
Alta., it eleltSfal with bis sister, 74,-..
Remember, if the Man is a Hero, the Woman is a Martyr.
"She hath done what she could "
1017 Fen tile famine. of Ontario *Schen
Ontario hi holes wilted to admire the essadlau Patriotic road Wes It eau depeadt Metes ste magas Achim tw
Poor telllkm ed these dollars most be welared tram 1041041•1 .nibicrlpile• ltllee. 1u.o Ploaneh The Fund la
your teen or meaty seed your subscription demi to the Awed HIllee. (*amanita Pataiothe rued. Vittoria street, ttitavra.
r v.‘,srvri•eup,r emetel
v. *tail