HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-1, Page 3- - • THE OtIiIN1l AND ONl,V fENU1NE BEWARE OP IMITA- TIONS 8ULD ON THE MERITS OP IINIRD'S LINIMENT BODK.0INDINU MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and ' LIBRARIES bound or repaired, MOLD LETTERING prampoun LEATHER OOODB suB $IGNit si ALatteod(/odeetirfoh. to 0o IaNYIg A. R. TAYLOR, 81aATm1102- MEDICAL I1R. (7Eu. Hh1LEMANN, O8TE0 i/ PATH..psoWyt In women's and obit der off" Meows. acute, :bronb n and oeousdia wwae. eye, ear, nose .od throat, ppsartI J deaf ass. lumbago and rheumatic 000ditions• Ada welds remit%el without the knife. Uftloe at r'rrfdence, corner Nelson and 81. Aodrew's and aaturAdt sd hope *Moe Mondays, Thunders Saturday*. soy evening' by eppotutmeot. DENTISTRY UR. H. G. MAC-DONELL-HONOR Graduate Toronto University. Graduate *Is Won't* of Dental tltjireone, t3aoaeese.r to the late "Major Sale• rerjiqusre and West street. Ueda k h l�or n AUCTIONEER UI(DRY Ucrsurmasm. 111 ►I.atderk . A11 )reuarner, 1) p telt a1 Weal es will Le Pltaptly r ' •'. aataed te. a4dgm telephone Hg. LEOAL IL I.. 11Aka BARRISTER. I/ OW(•I1VMR, i'UBWe , kit„ .moe-tlterllor Book Bleck. Ramillies wake. ''•"mereet at heal Locate Loam and 1nsmtamap. P1tOCDFUUT,Y 1 ; NtCOOKE hARlt187'EIta, 8OLICI NOTARIES PUBLIC, til'(„ lidos on the Square, second dire dA Mam- Ot u .meet. Uooarkk Private rood. to loan el basal W. PI•Ot'DVOOT• K.I,. J. la krtioaaM B. J. D. (bogs ILI G. CAMIKKON, K. U., hARRIS licit. euntor, notary public. Whom nominee w iee Street. Uuderleb, tblyd drf Suture. At Lb,ton lburvdey of each week 1n oda on Albert turret occupied by Mr. Hoopsi. t,nles hours it. a.m. to•p.ru. QAttLha'JARROW , LL.B., bAtt- hie111t. suosrtey, solicitor. eta, Gude- Musty W Waal at beast rates • it . IMAGER, BARRISTER, SOLI e' Meer. Notary Pudic and Cow/clamor. mess --(:.art plow Goderlob. seism IMBUMAM IDAM� ITC. McX1Ll VP MU1UAL FIRM IN- ari e u R A N d 1i CO. -Parra sad kolstsd tows property insured. (kglrers-Jae. l.ounolly, Pres., Ooderloh las. Et ens, Vice -Pres.. Beechwood P. 0.; Thum... K. Mays, Bee --Tree.., Seaford P. U. Ulreetors-D. Y. YoUreaor, ueatorii • John 3. Grieve, Winthrop; WubamRlon Coeslmmoe; John BenneweMs, kirodhsgen ; U110.1MoCmrtees. Welnith; Robert Ferris, Dertouk; MsPoolt Yob,wen, bruosnsld. Leitch. Clinton; Willlliam Chesney, Senle aforth; K. Wruuhley, Seafortb Policy-holen can pay ss.ermeutr aim gat their Duds reoelpted at It. J. leorrlah's CWthlaa Store, Clinton, R. H. (,nit. Grocery, "rumen street, (lode icb, or J. IL held's 0eoenl Store, Bayfield. ILtt,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO Itoloan. Appy Po M. O. CAM. N. Barrister Hamilton street, Oodansk'. WR. ROBERTSON, s INSURANCE AGENT. flan AMD LIuwTMijo 1 British, Canadian and •e6 ieefeaw:- aOWDa$T SIOgMt.s Otto kMP'I.Oy baa' LIAwll. ITV : The Ocean Aoolde.t and Guarantee Corporation, Limited, of Loudon. SDs. ftDi{.IT1 AMD 1JVAluWrnk BOMD.: The U.S. Fldenty and Gua %woe Company. Unice at red d ,nos, ortbea.t corner of Vic- toria and St. lhvkl's street... Phone 175. MARRIAGE LICENSES W ALTER E. KELLY J.P., GODZRIUB, ONT. ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICI N888, Patents, Trade Marts, Designs Secured in All Countries. Write for free bookl'PAT1LNTS PROTIG'- T1UN. fells all about and how to get. pat eon.. RAIKACK & 80N8, established 1017 formerly Patent (Mice Examiner, Matter of Patent Laws, Registered Patent Attorneys eta, to tit. James Street. Montreal. Branches- oneweand Washington. Representative* In all foreign countries. • Brophe3 Bros OODRRLCR 1 ne Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers • Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. Iletepetweetotereoteeepte •1r • HE SIGNAL GEDERJCH ONTARIO ASHFILLO, WeDr,rrel,A Y, Jan, u• , THE CHIEF CHARM A Sumter, Cate.-- shade of rad - new was teat ever this communis y on Iniuming of the euddeo death oo Sethi- MARKET dry, demon~ IS b, of Mr, William QUOTATIONS Burgles., of Laurier. Mr, Bue lase OF LOVELY WOMAN '• JANUARY 30th and uteric alarm. his w 1 • THL H80AY FEBSVABY 1, 1917 a I•••••••••e•••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••!• • ri1'll ill;► nl M I-LLAP U SON • tY r • contracted a cold, but thought g gb t little of it usual. It e0u0 developed into wonia, which, in spite of al wedicel aid and care could do, t aced fatally in about ten days. Boogies" was a life long reside A•bfleld township. He was • sterling integrity of character, and friendly in di.poeitior•, .r rffrctloneus huebsud and father. will be greatly oilseed in this di Besides hie bereaved widow be to mourn bis loss two Pons -Th at home on the farm, and Ralph, serving with the Canadian ov foreealn Prance --arid two dau -Mrs. David MtMurcby, of 8 chewan, and Mrs. Lumbers, of ' tp. He leaves abet a brother, R and two sisters, Miss Barbara Mrs. %William Buckingham, 1i Laurier. The sympathy of the munity is extended to the beret widow and family and friends. GOND To HIM REST. -An old and much ea1eewed resident of Ashfield Posed away on Wednesday, January 10, an the person of Mr. Donald Mc- Iver, at the ripe old age of almost ninety years. M. McIver had been in failing health for several years, but he was about as usual when death came with startling suddenness while be was partakingof his mid-day meal. he 1st Mr. McIver was a sturdy son of old Scotland. and came to Canada urny yeas ago. Por several years e was in Use employ of the Hudson y Co. in the then Ione and dreary ortbweet. Lauer, he was for a num- ber of years a sailor on the Great Ler. Sunseq.rentl htesettled ma a ush fares in Aybtfgld, where he hared for many years the toils of the ionrer. On a.;count of age and in- rwity he had retired from the farm a umber of years ago. Hs,� ived in te- irewent at Ripley and Krntail.• He eat Lack to Scotland to visit We land f his With and stayed there about s ear'. liesidee many ft lends, he leaves hree sons : Kenneth, on the old otnestead ; John, in Detroit, and eorge, in Calgary, and two daugh- rs: Mrs. James West ■nd Mn. bert Drennan, of Aabfield. The moral service was conducted by Rev. 8. Hardie and the remains were in - reed in Kincardine cemetery beside oseof his wife, who died eight o oak as, pneu- I Choice weighty steers 610.60(011.00 • 1 that soft, Clear, Smooth Skis Comes Whit ' do. medium 9.75 10.26 "rutin- Butchers' choice hrndyl. 9.60 10.t6'r: Mr. �• U.. `FRUIT-A•TIVES". o. [� do. medium 8.76 9.26 of 0f B do. common 7.75 8.60 . uirt 8.76 7.60 Toronto Cattle Market •v.:I" • • nt • mio all ap• Butchers' choice lows.. 7.76 8.60 „inn' • He i a do good 6 Tb strict. leaves 001a1. now arsons ght.era +ski1t - 1 oron- siph, and I of cow - red r b 13r N 1. pb w y t h G to Ro fu J. to th ni cu Ch t Do M tw ('b and wo Th of Mi �aook 8rl else con aid fort mot ne years ago. DIED AT CHI -A110. -The death oc- rred, at the home of ber daughter in icago, of one of Asbfleld's most es- ewwed citizens, in the person of Mn. nald McLean, of Awberley. Mrs. cLean had been in pour health for 0 or three Tears and had gone to icago to visit ber daughter there, while there suddenly because roe and passed peacefully May. e remain' were brought to the home another daughter, Mrs. Pb�p Me- ilen, at Lucknow, and theTuoaral place rm the 15th inst.. iiwar gr attended by friends from Ash - d Pie.byterian cbutcb, of which w.s a member. Rev. J. R, Hardie ducted the funeral set viers. Be- ,. her husband, the deceased leaves r daughters and" tore sons to trri their greet lobe. IMPORTANCE OF SECURING VIG- OROUS POfATO SEEO STOCK. IFzperi mental Farms Nae.) Experiments conducted at the Dom- inion Experimental Station, Keno villa, N. et., with eight lots of Garnet Chili potatoes secured 1)row different growers in 1915 show a variation in yield of from ;i6 huehto 2x40 bushels per acre, or a difference f - bushels per acre in yield when grow • under uniform condition'. Reed from these eight lots planted in 1916 yielded om 88 bushels to 212 bushels per sere, a fereoce of 144 h,n hely per acre. Tb erent lots were positions veiythe little in the second year, but the lowest yielding ones increased somewhat and the high - es yield was not so great. Sent from fifteen others of this vari- ety wart planted in 1918 and the lowest field obtained wan 158 bushels and the yield t278 bushels per acre, a differ- ence in favor of the twit over the poorest of 120 bushels per acre. Ten lob of pore stock of Green Mountain from \different growers ranged from 181111 bushels per acre to 313 bushels per any, a difference of I32{ bushel*. Seventeen lots of Irish Cobbler ranged from In bushels per acre ea the poorest to Zig buehels as the hect, a difference in f.vor of the best -yielding strain of 112 bushels. This would show that their may be as gteat a difference between potatoes of the same variety as there is between potatoes of different vitrietiee, end that it is wise to secure stork from farms which have had hIQh-yielding elope. Merause the Green Mountain lies frilled in giving a crop on a cer- tain farm in nit proof that this variety will not yield well there ; it may have been due to low vitality In the seed stock. Such reversion in yield may have been due to disease, or adverse! soil or climate conditions which of fecred :he coop at some time, and it may be better to discord the stock en- tirely than to try to bring it up to iia former vitality by selection. t NO11AN WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nov. 10th, 191'I. A beautiful complex ion is a handsome woman's chie(glory' and the envy of her less fortunate rivals. Vet a soft, clear skin -glowing with health -is only 1hr salami rest/7 of pure Mood. "1 was troubled for a cdnaiderable time with a very rrpleasoaf, disfgrriwf Rash, w rail h covered my face and for which I used applications and remedies without :"lief. After usipg "Fruit a- tnes" for one week, the rash is com- pletely gone. 1 am deeply thankful for the relief and ip the future, I will not be without " 1•'ruit-a-tive,9 ". NORAII WATSON. 50c. a box, 6 for 3x'.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. SOLDIERS' PENSIONS. do medium 7.60 I• • e ru a r ttie out 6.00 650 1'O • Butchers' bulls, choice7.50 9.00 `/N do. good 8.76 7.26 • do. medium 5.75 6 50 . do.dbologna 5.00 6.60 • the eod'rs, 900 to 1,000 Iba8.76 1. S5 • dc. med.,700 to70o t0 800b6.00 6.60 .1„'w o Sewing • Stockers, 900 lbs. 6.25 6.60 • do. common Tight5.00 6.76 • Cutters 4.50 6.26 • • Canners 4.26 4.50 da Milkers, good to cholce80.00 100.00 f'EBRUAR • do. common to mod55 00 70.00 Y _ • Springers 55.00 100.08 ��E3Rth ..{ people Ce t0 get Calves, veal, cholce13.00 14.00 as much sewing done as possible. • dos medium 8.00 10.50 •p� Our extra value do. common 6.00 7.50• 5.00 6.00 14.00 . 14.75 8.00 10.50 do. grass Sheep, lambs, choice. d0. culla Sheep. ewes, Tight 9.50 10.00 do. heavy and bucks 7.60 9.00 do. culls 4.00 7.00 Hogs, weighed off cars14.00 0.00 do. fed and watered 13.76 0.00 do. fo.b. 13.00 0.00 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports, No. 1 northern, 41.92; No. 2 northern, 41.89; No. 3 northern, 11.84; No. 4 wheat, 41.72; (old crop wheat, 4 cents higher). Manitoba oata-Track, bay ports. No. 8 C.W., 6714c; No. 3 ('. W., 64Rc; extra No. 1 feed, 44c; No. 1 feed, 62u' su eat -Winter, new n[ to1 • CambTrics, Lon s 11� • $;sloths►--Ma-dapals�s; -S • i Lawns at very keenest prices in English and Canadian makes. • • • Special values in 36 and 40 -inch Nain- • sooks, at 1 5c, 20c, 25c and 30c yard. • • Victoria Lawns, extra fine quality, at 1 5c, • 17c. 20c, 25c and 30c yard. , • • • • American corn -No. 3 yellow, 41.10, I • blect to embargo. Ontario wh Butter - No. 2, 41.73 to 11.75, accord) freights outside; No. 3 winter crop, 11.71 to 41.73. Ontario oats -According to fr outside; No. 2 white, 62c to 64 white, 61c to 68c. 3 Peas -No. 2, 12.36. Barley -Malting. 41.18 to 41 20. I • Buckwheat -41.28 to 81.30. Rye -No. 2, new, 41.40 to 41 Manitoba dour --First patent to bags. 49.90; se.:onds, In g', 49.40; strong bakers', in 9. Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, new, , oronto, prompt shipment, acco.....w sample, 47.10 to 47.20. In Jute bags; export grade, bulk, seaboard Millfeed--Car lots, delivered, treat freights: Shorts. 438; bran, mood feed flour, crop. New Embroideries and New I,aces Board of Commissioners Makes Arrange- iu meats to Keep in Touch with Public. t„, eights , No. • Just opened up this week our Spring shipment of Embroideries and Laces, bought at • practically old prices, which mean a saving of at least 25 . • 2 - All Odd Lines Being Cleared Out This Month s In me jute • Ladies' Sweater Coats, Odd lines of our Infants' Bearskin Coats. Clearance of infants' white Bearskin' Coats. regular Millar's Caledonian Prints. Our special qua.lity Prints, absolutely fast colors, 31 inches wide. Light grounds at I5c yard, dark grounds at I8c and 20c Anderson's Kindergarten Galatea. There is no better cloth for children's wear ,,and ladies' house -dresses, etc. Abso- lutely fast color, even after repeated washing, in plain colors and fancy stripes, 29 inches wide. Special 25c yard. Special value in yard -wide Longcloth and 20c and 29c yard. The Dominion Government ha. ap- $ pointed a Board of Pension (7titintni.- ea 1Ittle delay as possible in deal I sioners for Canada with offices at OE« T taws. Au this Board wishes to CAW* to with communications with reeard to pensions, it is desired that the public correspond directly with the Board of ' A great deal of delay may he eaesieli ex by communication's being sent throuyh to other Dertinentir AL Mu_ 1'he Patriotic Fund Aseoeiation and the Military Hospitals Conarnisekin have kindly consented to give intonn- ing to write direct to the Hoard of • • • • • • • • • • • k, • being cleared at $1.50 each. V:: : Further Reductions in Women's and Children 8 12 80. • This month it iii- our desire to clear all racks of women s and children's Coats, • Furs . Furs Furs , • vur Fur stock is now very low after a month's busy selling. All that remain must 44 MP .43 flay -Track, Toronto. No. 1. ties have offices in certain localities St throughout 'awed*. In addition, ill •ordet to facilitate c the granting of pensions, the Etoa, al i• cr opposing branch pension offices at Van• Cr coulter, Calgery. Edmonton. 11.-gina. Ch dinary dairy prints.. .36 fluttery prints, storage .42 • earners solids .41 .42 nice dairy prints.38 alb*: .37 I i : rge. June, 26%c; twins, 26c to l• PHONE 56 Millar s Scotch Store Cheese -New, large, 25%3c1 to 26.c3? ;I• PHONE S6 0 • d 10 • • 21c prepared to get.* big bargain, you *rill not be dispppointed • oats • • • • • McCall Patterns McCall Patterns • Winnipeg, London, Hamilton, Toron- or to, Barrie, Kingston. Ottawa, Mont- oa real, Quebec. St. John and H II .1 All information with regard to pen- la "ions may be obtained from these' 2 StarVale Corner etootreatiatrest and Square 1-1101-1.CLASS and SANI7 AR`, We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKE OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and aunthanien CAREFUL SERV! Our Motto CleanIMOMI 0 WINTER TOURS 14'1 Fares now in effect to resorts in Florida, North anti South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia and other Southern States, and to Bermuda and the West Indies. Retire Limit May 31st, 1917 LIBERAL STOP -OVERS ALLOWED For full information write to C. t. r100B180, D. P A. Union Station, Teront•, Ont. P. P. LAWRENCE t SONS Town Agents Phone 8 • A Well -fitted Bathroom is one of the greatest luxuries imaginable, and at the same titne it is comparatively inexpensive. (If you want estimates or any information a bo u t consult • FRED. HUNT 01 mitten Illtrsst Phone las Sp Old Gee Due plc Iota Pri ring chickens, lb. 22c to se, lb. 19c 21c ks, lb. 21c 23c eans-Japasiese, hand picked. 5; prime, 35.75; Canadian. hand ked, bushel, 37.25; prime. 36.75. otatoes-New Brunswicks. in car- nce Edward Island, 32140. I East Buffalo Cattle - , Cattle-Recelpts. 3.000; active; 1 shipping steers, $8.50 to 311.50; but - 15.50 to 38.60; stockers and feeders, 44.75 to 87.75; fresh cows and spring - fVeals-Recelpta, 10.000; active: heavy, mixed and yorkers, 112.36; Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 8,000; lings. 39.50 to $13.75; wethent, $11.60 to $12.00; ewes. 36.00 to 311.00; mixed sheep, 311.00 to $11.25. Tonto wholesale houses ars 01101' Beef, requartern ...$13.00 to 116.00 do. com n 11.50 13.50 Veals, conirno 9.50 11.50 Heavy hogs Abattoir hogs , 17.60 18.60 18.60 19.00 Mutton, heavy 104..00 13.00 do. light 14.0$ 14.00 Lambs, spring 20.00 22 . 00 Chicago Livestock steady; beeves. $7.76 to 311.98; w tern steers, 37.75 to 110; stockers and feeders, $6 to 39; cows and heifers, Hogs--Recelpts. 67,000; market an. I settled; light, $11.15 te $11.65; retied, to 311.70. 49.40 to $10.60; bulk of sa/es. 31110 1 Sheep -Receipts, 14.000; market strong; iambic native, 311.75 to 314.40. The following ere the seed priest Toronto wholesalers IWO myths a1 country points: Alsike, No. 1, bushel ..310.00 to 310.60 do. rejected" 4.25 6.00 IRed clover, No. 1 10.00 10.541 THE TAX ON PROFITS. How a Company Can ite Elmo° to the Patriotic Fund at a Cost of $7so. I It may not he known generally that i contributirns to the Canadians eitio.,' treated ea eg gentles in any Mos Pets subjeet to 1 he Federal tax on profits. on which the lax is bined are lessened ,,s per vent. The lax on thia of ti per g cent. is $2,5181. Rot if the husinees has g, contiihnied 131,11n0 to the Pstrioti Cables for Soldiers in France. The Department of Militia and De- fence reports that core.iderable delay and eonf (Won Creptetatly result through improperly addressing in care of the War Mee, Lit nilon, cable MPH - engem intended for off14eta end men Dairying with the Canedien Expedition- ry Force in Fraoce. No .et re nee- ments exist for the forwarding of etirh rneeseges from London by telegraph, nd it ie therefore nereeeary in all orh GIPPS to send them on by post. All nahle TIPOMIliteli intended for clambers of the Canadian Exped it ion- ry Force in Franee may (like tele - re n,. for other. rbe sent from Ceram& 'dressed directly to Prance, the ail- . toles of snob Meallia0PN, in addition to .1..ating iegimental number, mime. nit. ere., ro hear the words "Carta- Fund t • profits will be estimeted at and.dellar contribution coats the ever I it ,Mit 8750. Pi tans, Franc ' There itleoutriPa, 1114- err, @son if id for At full ititett, art« on in France, am ay be stabieot to -1 UR CIGARETTES Isome delay. The foregoing dorm not apply to meesages which may be sent at the special non-minitutini week -end letter nerving with the Canadian F:rpedit Ion - which should be fully sultan -reed in ell case.% ate forwarded by poet from England by Ole Telegt kph many. and should not, therettre, he direeted in care of the War Office, London. mt.: idet.ila-______-__...-,..,:r. uott:hfrd:rti ; need. r ;int iiiw.1.1::aes• . At Vile allow the young Iii e h tip -Wolk a.ket1 permission to teke e chive with from her nee" old cuddled up amen* ask