HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-1, Page 27.4
TYNainity, EiaavA NY 1. I9ni
Tex SIGN&L L uubhabed even/ ilurdalr
Ow the ogles to The Signal BntWing. North
attest. t:odrrlch, fuse's, Telephone No. Si,
•jii. - IeTION rLarta.--O . llogar and Mtfty
ant. troy year ; aphid slrtoUy in advance One
Dollar will be sooepled: to subscribers to Ow
United eltate- the rote t One Dollar and Fifty
Cent.-trictly lu-advance. Seb.orlbere who
,tall to teoelve Tun Sweat regularly by mall
will confer • Savor by acquainting the publt.b•
of the fact at sa earl &date ea powalble. Whey
change of adds. lea ds.tred, both old and
ret new address abuuld be given. RemllWcee
may be turd, by bens draft. stones mousy
order. pont-ulnoe order, or regiatr,rcd letter.
9ubecrlptlune True�youmwenee at any time.
Atwos:r vu ►Ara—itat.e for chantey and
amtraCt advert hoemeat* will be given on &ppll-
catlon. lwrgaland other .testier +d vert trnreots,
tee cents per line for drat inaertiun and four
-seta per line tor each subsequent Insertion.
ttea►ured by a scale of aoltd umtperell-1 weir.
Pam to ea Inch. ituatneaa card+ of sit lints
and under. Fire Dollar. per year. Advert ie-
ment. of lrost. round. Strayed. Situations
V &rant. flit trattoria Wanted. Hu urea for Sale t r
to grog. Y.rm• fur Sale or to inert. Articles
for R t.', etc , not eiomdingsteht Ilse.., Twenty -
ere Cant -.ach Inca loo: One Donor for Out
mouth. Fin y Ceuta for use bleu .'--Uuen[ mootb.
IArrer advertisements le proiortiOn. Tn-
uoano aagetal ti ordinary reading t pse
Colt. per line. No notice Irmo than Twenty-
five Cent*. Any spacial no, toe. the object of
which L. the pecuniary benefit of any individ-
ual or ..aociatton, to be Don*tdered au adver-
tisement and charged aa•onl6grly.
To l'UANL&r riiLNTL—The oo operation of
--Ler slow -seer- and reader* to cordlalty tnt-tt-
ed toward* making Tins Alla v&Laweetlyy nroord
of ell load. county and Caine' doing. .o Donn
muuloatioe will be attended to twins it con-
tain* the name and addreaa of the writer. not
Oeeeelertly forublication. but as an evidence
PAR otilie notl•teandel ehanWednerdaY noun
of each week.
. THE Donott($TiR CAMPAKin.
Hon. Alpert Sevigny, Minister of
Iulaud Revenue in thrtBlydenUovern-
ment. was iv -elected in Dorchester.
Quebec, on Saturday, with a majority
roruewhat smaller than that which he
received at the general election of 1911,
Mr. Sevigny it a Nationalist, one of
those elected in 1911 with the approv-
• of of Mr. Bourassa, and he has not re-
canted the v:ewa which he ezprereed
at that dine. In the bye -election
campaign which has lint beat: con-
cluded, his utterances were not of it
character to inspire the confidence of
loyal' Canadieps. He and his cam-
paigners endeavored W arouse preju-
dice agaiert Sir Wilfrid Lienar by
pointing out that Hit tWilfrid bad
taken a thoroughly British attitude in
connectioe with the war. The follow-
ing is frOw a Moil and Empire des-
"Mr. Sevigny said that be was ready
to retire and leave toe field 10 Mr.
Crmuon if anybody present war ready
to say that Sir Wilfrid Laurier had
uoL-advised the people to sign the N.
tioual Service cards,
Mr. Sevigny aleo war careful to
point out to the voters that the Hon.
Foust Oliver, one of Mir VV 111rid
L Mutter's lieuteaNts, bed proauuuced
himself in favor of conscription in •
speech made in Prrli•weu: a few days
Le Petrie, the Prrnch l' rnservatiye
organ &L Montreal, wade a bid to the
spirit inculcated by )sots
pointing out that Sir Wilfrid Laurier
was tbe.Ir.t Canadian Premier to en-
gage in an lwperiel war. Said La
Pante :
'•Ic was "lir Wilfrid Laurier who
first defined this policy of participation
in 1887 at the Jubdre of gleam Vic-
tors. in London. 'When we hour Nf
b.Ltle..trikee,' be said, 'hghr your
beacon -fires on the hiller, sound your
trumpets .fid Canada. all answer
your call in secs ill tug the best of her
r "of •'ln 1899 for the first tiene'tbe Cana -
digin (igvernuneut
pird war. Tee . tea err Uovernieent
sent the contingent.' to Metes.
"iu 191(1 Laurier brought about the
adopter.' cf the Nkvy Hill. affirming
this coneti t tit ional truth : 'When
Britain (England) is at wee. Canasta is
at war.' Chid navy 'Mould be lanadlao
in peace time and Imperial in war
"•it is Sir tVillrid i.eerier who is the
sponsor of military Imperialism in
2 Id
are lagging when such Infiueneea are
allowed Within the inner circle, What
do the C.inservatives of Ontario think
about it
The Ontario Legislature is to inset
on Trisedey, Febru.ry 13th.
The Nrt(.halbt mottoes eC
of Dot -
chrster, being opposed 10 participation
in the war. l -cold not be expected to
support • cantlid8Le named Cannon.
Wellington county council baa de-
cided in favor of engaging a district
representative of tbe department of
Agriculture and has voted ,$54O for
hie salary, the Department being re-
spoosible for the other half. Huron
county council at its session last week
got as far as appointing a committee
to look into the wetter of securing •
district representative for this county .
leintegFerdifielting rfi`urta Tian
hampered by lack of fonds. This re-
vives the question why the Dominion
Uovernwent should not prov✓.desuffl-
cient Punas for the purpose The
Government is quite ready to take the
glory for,, e.nesils'e share In the war,
but is very backward abotiTeoing any-
thing practical to help those wha..aoe.
doing the work of organisinikthe' new
Itgbting forme.
14r. Anson McKim. teed of the Mc.
Kim advertieiog agency of Mt.otreal,
whose death by accident was reported
• few dere ago, was the leader of the
advertising buaineee In Canada, and
was st the head of r 'ergo and very
efficient organization for the handling
of adv toeing contract.'. The develop-
ment 7ff newspaper advertising in Cat-
— - -- - • . by the Wer Auxiliary of lb.
.a. $7. I �••••••••••••�•••••�•.••••
Some Facts Regarding title Patriotic Fund Mr. W Erydone, of Clinton, the •
county president, having addressedr
ork in Huron.the county council on 1'the
W. ACHESON & SON •eday of last •
- week to: co-operation in the work. •
As there are frequent stideoees that , patriotic Braoob in this county is lees
the work of the Patriotic Fund Branch :than three quarter* of One per Dent.,
for Huron county is not as widely wrade up of • small salary fur clet ical
known as it should hr, t" prevent w111 -help, pene crent, printing, etc„ and
understanding the following items, I no erithrtanding an oerasional impres-
gleaned tenni lbs prx'redings 01 the Sion -to the contrary. out Doe cent has
last monthly utseiiug of tote r 'recta'p
' i : 0, ever been aid to the om isle who ate
in tltdrieh, should prove of interest conducting the work. 1
to those slabiaj to know the reds, as I levo Other branches of war work ereI
well as to the people of the courtly as (hlouring up, and will likely entail a
hnele the opening of the work not Marge arnoutrp of 1.h nr, separate tr Dun
the ordinary Patriotic work. Thele
less Than 350 tagriliee Crave !been dent
Orilla obi last ten days about thirty rets
Ib • the pi errant limy about uc'.sou are i of papers for settling claims have been
the Dirt for monthly rlluwuncw . Thrc
total paytuents for the month of Jane- received et this office, and these are
'try will aggregatenow in the hands of the respee1tlre
y 14,540, ineludlnD l Reeves in whose municipalities the
the amounts otheed and plaesd ID wldierr' families live. to be filled up
-s•si, sbe+Ikttrtheeted of lNbune and sent to to the Patriotic officiate
with frotu the ofiloe in liodrntb An are : (let) The Pens' b anch. W uh•
'Witt ie... 11 is womb uoting that obit
r11,•wditee,adiiiited by thea branch, *ions Hoard at Ottawa for settlement.
ticip tuts two found 1 hefts Ives in an are under consideration for tine wunt5
g yrators raving one-half the monthly bare and then forwarded to the Pen•
UT great !ene-Qt to poo. Altogether about thin y-Rve casualties
emergency which needhd the help of up to (0•
a little ready cash. and the example of Then (224), the care of disabled sol-
tbe Huron branch hire been urged by deers who are returned to this county.
the IIltswt executive for general This work, involving continuotle and
.dopticn. careful attention, will be undertaken
,An auditei statement from Ottawa
ibowa that in the years 1915 Lori 1918 a
total of >i.ia,Ir2o war drawn ripe the
general fund for diets ibutioo in Huron
county• and this large mini bas been
bendiest here without tbe disagree-
ment of one cent with the audit at
A report Prow the executive of the
citizens' campaign fond of 19l5-19141 in
oda within a quarter of a century uderich showed that including the
been wonderful, and in this develop- 1 town's share about s2,,llki was in ar-
went the McKim and otbel.uoces.ful Ire•rs on Deeember '21st, but with the
and reputable agencies b e bad • towu'e balance paid the amount to be
large part. - _ \ collected and Considered good was
Are we in (4r.deria t not hecomiog 1452.7'^ and this it is understood will
lax in our interest id the returned sol- be all tot rhor:Iy.
diets i The Atter two or there The expense of tbe working. -y f the j
enthusiastic reception'', hut of late urbanite. This u perhaps only na-
there bas been no popular demon- tetra!, as the city man is more pre
*oration on the arrival of men who . -, than the rule! resides% with
have sacrificed health and strength 1s q
our behalf. "When Jack cornea back •rq
there'll he w mighty welcome for a ( only a
soldier boy" -so the song goes : but 1 try lad 0 seventeen yaws who knows
the reality is redly lacking. What !nothing of what is going on in na-
can we do to ensure that every hero Liansi life, a`4ozen boys could eaatly
who returns from the front shall at be found in\farm bonier whir would
least receive a public expression of make the average city boy heck blank
thanks for his services ? is a diseuetloo of each matter s
ns of municipal life and gov-
t, and con give national attain
vided interest. For one court -
'The Toronto Star does well 'n pro- E NAY.
testing against the Lreatiuent ac-
corded the three trainmen who were
arrested in connection with the ac- Taasbll'u%
Presideue Nrtlsuil'w extraor-
oidentrl killing of a military cRtcer at divary performance before the nited
the Union station, Toronto, last week. i States Senate lends point to Use titer,
!'hese men were placed in jail on a ! told of An Easterner who wag tr►arel-
AinOM 5fury
charge of manslaughter and were re- ling tb.ough a part of 11"
furled release on bail" Several drys al
-wrtt greeted. The average
MulRsty that if blame fur the
accident is to be attached to anyone it
would he either to those who allowed
the m litary officer and hiscompwoions
to get into the place of danger or to
the victims themselves for being there.
At any rate, the trainmen had no
criminal intent, but were doing their
work and so tar as is known at present
were doing it properly, and they prob-
ably felt worms over the accident than
anybody else.
At one of the campaign meetings,
in a town' near the United States bor-
der, Hon. P. E. Blondin, another of_
the NAtionsllet members of the Borden
Government, sought to cairn the feel-
ing against cnomcriptioa by declaring
that, "evert if eeaseription were put in
foroe, it would ruean little to the
people of St. Mee. because th.j would
only have to' cross the frontier to
escape it."
L'Bveneuoent, a newspaper con-
trolled by Hon Mr. Blondin, came
out before the election with Haring
headlines anmruoeing that if L/urier
were returned to power .his first act
would be to pit conscription in force.
Tbousands of copies of the paper were
eirculared in the constituency of Dor-
chester by Mr. Hevigny's workers -
the Idea being, of course, to arouse
pre udioe against the Liberal candi-
dal e.
When Mr. 8rvigny wax elected in
1911 he and his fellow-Natir,nwlists
waged a hitter csmpeigo against Sir
Wilfrid Leurirr's proposals for the
creation of w (:anedian a &vy. declaring
that it would he used in fighting "Kng-
land'. wars." When confronted with
bis action in supporting the proposal
Ito vote trtfi,000,000 fol dreadnought.,
what was the Minister's explanation ?
leistlply that it was necerea, y to satisfy
the Kugileb Province•. ; hut be and his
er�lleegues knew that they were safe
in pareunq the bill, as the Senate
would defeat It I
This is the kind e�f men whcin Sir
Role rt Hardeo welcomes to hit CAN-
net- No wooden Canada's war efforts
valley iwinorl heed by Al
The Kesterner encountered a\ native,
of whoop he meds some enquiries shout
Lite author. 'Che native had non liw-
ing of knowledge about Mork
Twain. "did you never hear of m
Sawyer ?" asked the visitor, "No,"
mild the native. "Nor Huckleberry
Finn?" "Never heard tell of him," wen
the reply. "Well," said the Eaateroer,
"'nicely orator heard of Pudd'uhead
Wilson ?' "Oh, sure," was the answer.
1 voted for him."
The Boone Entente.
Mount Fure-t 1'oufed.-rare.
i+ to the prununciatlon of Bonne
Entente The Utdench_ bgnal aeyet
"Don't call is the bonoie entent. Call
L the hong (intoner, and everybod
It will be seen from the above that
the work in connection with Huron's
share in the war is no email matter,
trot the executive and tbe officials who
are carrying It on do so with a desire
to "do their bit" willingly and cheer-
fully. For a time the week was con-
ducted under extreme difficulty,
with no proper office accommo-
dation, but now a room in the histrionic
Temple building it occupied, and witb
adequate equipment there is no delay
in any part 01' the wtttk.
T00 Bushels of Wheat from Twenty
Hooey Frew. Forest, Oot., say, :
•'i have ,used your Homestead Fer-
tilizer for lour years with good re-
sult. Lain. fall 1 sewed twenty acres
of sheet with no other drbseing, 'JI
pounds to the acre. rho yie13 was
thirty-five bushels per acre. My neigh-
bor did not use fertilizer and his wheat
lief* - ired only twenty bushels per
were. My wheat wintered better, filled
better. consequently produced more
Write Michigan Carbon Works, De-
troit, fur fres book grid particulars
about their Homestead Bone Black
Fertiliz •r.
The German Peace Proposals.
Hethtnaa-Hollweg :
-Westminster Gazette.
"Now remember, you've gut to look like • dove."
iv matlettFtWEI
will think you know how to do ir." it
council t at photographs of the may
is An interesting tart Oust the Scotch
t thetow be red and hung
u n seep word bonnie is derived from the
in the council chit/niter. The idea is
nal• I,hltt stloYla rte ae
poo, one
with a fine new library just opened
whynot organize a historical society
and pure such work otter to it ? Photo-
graphe of the mayors and other
French bonne. being one of the
many words Added to Maid Santa dur-
ing the period before end after the
time of Mary Queen of Hcotr, when
the relations of France and Mcotland
nutrbles of our county town would were vet y friendly i • deed. It is im-
gtvs such an orgr�nizb.0 n a good. sound* Vinyl RHsh a iuivalen•s,hutto get near some ench
Atari.-Colliogwood bulletlq.
Here's a suggestion for Gnderich. A
portrait ot. Godesiob's era Mayor is
huog in the town council chamber ;
but why should there not be portraits
of all who base filled the high and
honorable -position ? The task ef col-
lecting them might he put in the
hands of one or two members- of tits
council, and it thele should not he
room on the walls of the council
chamber for ell of them some other
provision could be made for their
preset vatioo
At a 'crural life and work confer-
ence" held the other day et Guelph
one of the speakers gave, as an It1ns-
tratioo of **ignorance of national af-
fairs among sections of the rural oom-
muflity," an account of an interview
with a seventeen -year-old farm boy.
The boy wee *eked who was the
Premier of Ontario, and replied that
he did,not know. He did not know who m
was Prime Minister of ten Dnsninimt.
He knew that the President of the
United States was named Wilton. and
when asked who ran again.( biro at
the recent election the boy answered.
"Hain Hughes." Presumably in ordet
to relieve this Alight of ignorance in
the "rural sections," it was suggested
that a series of lectures and entertain-
ments night he arranged throughout
the rural districts by lecturers. end se-
tertalners from the city. if the up-
lifter* from the city woeild rook shout
them they would probably find suffi-
cient work to do at home in dispelling
Ignorance without invading the "rural
sections." Men for man, the rural
dweller knows far more about what Is
vital la .aIMid e/•irs time doe. the
on -tont would be touch nearer then
stn oolong, whicbus away off. We
English speaking bad hem. use ttoglub
and calfit Good Understanding.
•*...,.,M B Y
$ 2&.00 OR $21.50
BO. • • •43-00
100.• � 86.00
• • •
• • rSij
• •
s UR Janucley Sale of Furs and •
• O Fur Coats Is :a splendid op- •
IP portunity to secure best styles •
• and values while stock is so large. •
• Men's black China Dog Costa, made'of select skins, 41112•
• Collar of Bocharan Limb. wool cuffs in sleeves. •
• farmers' satin lined and quiked, sizes 40 to 46. •
Speciarat each $25.00 -
• Black Bulgarian Lamb Coats of selected skins, a -
• coat for warmth and wear, sizes 42 to 46, at 0
• each $32.00
Ladies' Muskrat Coats of dark well matched skins. •
• lined with Skinner's guaranteed satin, full skirt •
• ` and very handsome, sizes 36 to 44, at each •
• ...-_.. -$SO and S60 •
• Black Wolf Muffs, large pillowsstyle, with head and •
• tails, beautifully lined, at each $6.00 •
• •
• Black Wolf Scarfs and Boas in a variety of shapes •
• and styles, reduced to each ..$5.00 and $6.50 •'.
• •
• Blankets A'tLt till ' •
t" t •
• Large size white or grey wool Blankets, beau- •
• titin pure stock, size 60x80 inches deouuble, 4.
• .-, at per pair « $0.50 •
• • White Cottons •
• 36 -inch Lonsdale Cambric, 500 yards on sale• •
• '' Regular 22c, at per yard 12' iC
• -
ale of Fu
• •
• •
••••••••••a•• •••••••••••••
The conning m.•ae to le going to bel
merited by high ices for'ell tams i
products. It wtU be In your interest J
u. woeeb the Mark. t• dosfly. The I
Mil... r -nn rnwr•-
FMmer' 11 O / e•ef 1
r>! e,T
ken paper ben no rgrwl. It baa ./reed)
its leedets maty u..11 .r. by k. e g
them ported al 10 the trend of pric-.. 1
There never was a time when this re-
formation was of suds v.lue .0 the
farmers of the Province A. new. Those
who reagllne Bun ►rguhtnly find it •
Good Profit.
J. W. Gregg, Foldene, Ont., say. :
"1 used uhr bundred and Arty intur.de
of Ht,tueetead I•rrnliz•r on fourteen
rows of turnips( tatting it with four-
teen rows of unfertilized, and realized
fifty five hu -bels of turnip. profit from
the fey tilized g 1. All the ground
was other wt.e treated alike."
The ler. she means it the louder A r;
business proposition that /prams lun,u•y l woman can laugh.
to them.
Self-.duni!Atom i+ ant to rause a
Your sub+crip•ion for The Nun cant, ban to .tretch tut truth.
he left at trite office
♦ 'I TRAPPERSr;!O'!'
kir.. Feta, U ky , wRa
1Yts Weass!, nh, first.
ie.rense.aaest•w/srssarersadtarasdW layoermemo
sate TOUR PUne DIR ECF N •'1iBUREtaT" lite��s,t )
Mess Mae oriels daily atlsslvety Y s 1111011C111tssf1111011C111IA rotas
a rNiabie-raponanble-safe Fur Housewfth en unblemiabrdre►
station existing for "rears than a third of a ceetory." • long ,so- 3
ectal record of sending Fur Shipper* prnrept SAT7uiPA('t0k V g
AND FROFITABLX returns. Write for Sir Atlitoel.rtr�i-' % -• 4.
the only reliable. accurate market report and pirate grablMksta . _ 1
Writ. ter It -NOM --b•. PRLE
WEST ammo
A B. SHUBERT, In.-- D."(;
FIrr*N0Jt CtWA erne* ie aur
JAN. 9, 1917 drrAwA
School of Commerce
Principal repayable 1st October, 1919.
Interum payable half -yearly, let April and bit October by
%chegque (free of exchange at any chartered Rank in Canada) at
the rate d five per cent per annum from the date of put. Mae.
Holden of this stork will have the privilege d.urrendering
at par and arcrued interest, as th4 equivalent of rash, in pay-
ment of any atliotment made under any future war Iran Miele in
Canada other than an issue of Trsaautry Bills at other bk. s►crt
date security.
Proceeds of this stock ere for war purposes only.
A eominiasiOO d one-quarter of one per cent will he allowed
to rvnogoised bond and stuck brokers an allotm.pta made in
respect of application', for this stock which bear then stamp.
For appliewtion forma apply to the Deputy Minister of
Fitment-, Ottawa.
y (
have always intended to take a Commercialand Stenographic Course some time. Do it
now. A course here puts s,ou in a position
to command a good income whenever and as long as
you want it Can you invest your money and time
in any stock, w•1r loan or anything else that will
promise you so great a return
Write for hill information. DO
- , nt .SSuta,.x&tv.'aw9raz«= PRINCIPAL
. 0'
• :Ass i+Aa st.W