HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-1, Page 1,t -
THE S1UtiAL is ready to
banal• your Printing work,
large or small, aad give yon a.
satisfactory job every tire. Let
u, lave your next order.
Telephone 35 The Signal
e , w
a aina
SAVE, Because--
Fy ic ilg 3 c FeticiW a
DaticIal telvice. AAA„:,'Ai.y;
kJ W ie mak.tllw sale mak. at 16Mcw
c r t s! 'w
ga ea. Telep,MhN oo ser oder to .1 N.
NWBAN,ClolbnnaVane. es' (lab. Melt
lhtlowing is s portion of • letter re -
'Heed by Mr. Wm. Strachea, of town,
front his uncle. Mr. John O. Ullfl.ed.
of Louisville. Rentesky :
1 should have acknowledged the re-
_ ceipt of The Signal you sent toe con -
NO INO (INCLUDINO SIGHT- raining au amount of the opening of
A Nil and UHLMAN taught
READING rad VOICE CUL1T71R). the Buffalo and liodapicb R. R. When
M 1). NI(:HOL- 1 see one of them W my mind goes
OLIN ITchr's. (rtlf. Rey. Asad. RWL• loud.). bark to my early boyhood days. i
omw.t a.4 ekMrmar „ui1 '. Aa.+ t,t think my Brit teacher was D. H. Cam -
tsltbm. R ac” .aksvlsw' (pre tame) Bron, w believed in making good
we Mite W OeMle . his word by leaving the imprints; of
the taws on the unfortunate pupils.
When it came my turn 1 bad to Saks
my medicine like the test. 1 gum. it
was best for ale. This schoolhouse
was at that time a square building.
but I am net sure whether it was log
_ or frame, but it Was ant back on the
Tlot WANTED-TOWNBHIP where the not hrlok fire engine
uFI'ULHI)1t'. . hoose was built ,.just ora the ware
on the street going to the 0. T. R.
TM ,n, der -„gels d wit, musty, t*PAoes np to depot. along which • man by the
moods, lebreary 11th urn!. for a.oep lave name of Polley ran a'bus line. I woo-
ikon..ndr tart of red bee' kplanr,..cross hest der if The Signal has a copy or any
W alt K VlLls. 11 it account of this engine house ',bat I
suit clubdQtB•qusTenoshin. roles to.
At this time there were two ere (Am-
poules in sew°, Nue 1 and 2, tied
then a able rivdry be-
_ tweet Weey f"tber (Gowan Clif-
KR'O oIS N[Pt1 RAW FOR lord) organized Co. No.
t1 and by some
-'I` .,`.',;r, Ise Pats sash D $SwMSI1, las mora more elude' 1n thak n No. 2 had ; go Dew of
MAID WAFTBD -APPLY 1t TO coupe i sews entere'ted in No. 1. 1
MK8 DI('.IieON, et• Viacom a4ePt. well remember scrambling out of toed,
though only a very small boy, when
WM,.16 + ' D. - APPLY 00DR- Mae Kid's bell gave the alarm, In the
{Y RICK KNI T11140 Cofiat issue of the nrwe(aper after a
• . — -- — fire there was rlwaya "mud" thrown
101 SALE 01 111T. .it the rival company by the other, as
to the slowness of their movements,
or not being able to throw any water,
or any other deficiencies. Although
only a small lad then 1 can recall bow
it certainly put ginger into the effi-
ciency of each company, and it has re-
mained in my mind as a good object
lesson to be carried out in life. it was
needed at tbe outineak of this great
Yon will think i ant getting wound
up and forgetting The Signal you
sent Inc comer ' g the entrance M
the B. k L. H. H. H. into Goderich.
Well do 1 recall the first locomotive
that carried on the construction work
some distance south of Munros farm,
near Black's farm, long before they
crossed the Huron road. When 1 be-
came an apprentice eons years later
inat Brantford 1 wot ked on
that tame engine, and it didn't look
quite such a monster then. 1 retnem-
ber very well the opening celebration
it was a big day for (ioderich. The
special' trains hrodght several hun-
dred visitors from vatioue points. 1
enpecially recall ti: dieplaylay the Brent t
ford fire companies made. tith
their large helmets they irnpreseed me
as being A (Payless lot, sure enough
fire-fighter*. 1 am proud to pay that
the annex that was placedh,u the
lake side of the court hoopoe was built
by m father. This was the recep-
Ptr. Joseph McNeely.. of town. is on
the casualty hat. A teleer•m received
by his sister, Mrs. Charles Carey.
states tb•t he was admitted to No. 6
stali0oary hospital on January 76tb
with a fractured arm. Before enlist -
lag Pte. McNevin was engaged ea a
driver in, connection with the Mc -
Seam fk kg.
Fernier Resident Writes of Occtlsreaees
Many Years Age us Godencb.
b. C. Weals. Apple W. T. RrtlIBIIL.
1180. 1 . BUNBURY, A• A. 0. 0..
L.P.C. M.. (lmaaI.t lad tbsiteswKer et
Cleared Teaches pose. nibs, emptn.
,repand esouniestlana. Waite--
- strait, four deur. east sf Dr. BuMMr's
far b
a tt ssswesa. YRS.
Renew I Time
This is the time to r'lnew jrAbr
subscription to The Signal-
hrfore the paler is advanced
Cour dollar NOW ensures yeity'
fifty-two weekly eiCilla d Huron's
best wood brigktg t pepef-
The Signal
F15OMI IiuwwwY PIMOLAND. I of locks. You asked in a little note OBITUARY.
VARYin the socks for tbe person who re- .
Tells Hew He Camillo Hs fon the Case- craved them to let you know. They
were handed to we this woruina and
muat say they came In very bandy. as ALaxANnKK DRVsUAiAZ. HA4 MILTON.
It has been raining for some time and ma Hamilton Spectator tlbrotiklM
my feet were somewhat wet until I the death of • forever rssldeol_, of
received theme. Allow rue to tlitemA Goderieb, in the peso iffit
you very, vermuch for tbem. tenor Drysdale. who passed away on Wed -
pore you hadw good time iu the boll- °etiday morning Qf last week st ble
1 -
days. Before 1 go on any further t late residence, 12'f $tlrtt;n street. Ham -
wish ynu • merry l'hristmas and a! Ilton, after an illness soave
happy Neer Year. Itis quite late for ed tort sdveti • n OM
such Riueetiog., but they say it Is I months-
nths- l ceased was born in Crieff.
hotter Isteo thio hever. Not knowing Pertbehitr, Scotland, and had been •
from you.
ynu personally, 1 will await a letter 1 resident of Hamilton for the past two
Yours tryly, valises. Hr was a member of West -
Sig. R. Mu"."'
TT' wjnster Prirmhvterian church and •
member of St, Michael Lodge, A. F. &
A . M.. 01 Crieff, Scotland. He leaves
to mourn his dengue his wife, two
mos, Swanson and John : three
A CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER. daughters, Agnes, Mary and Kerb -
leen, all of Hamilton, and one brother,
Ferdinand Deyardine, Arratgoed to Con- three *viers and his mother in Ment-
eection with His Wife. Death. laud, While • resident of boder ich
Mr. Dr ysdale lived tate some years on
Ferdinand Deejatdine, of the town- Brock street,
oleo of 'itepbra. has been arrested on
the charge of manslaughter, and nn
Tuesday was arraigned before Magis-
trate Andrews at Clinton. An ad-
journment was wade to %Vedueaday
f next week.
The charge follows an investigation
before Coroner Dr. Campbell and •
toy at Dailwnr d into the death of
De.jar•dine's wife, who died on the
22 of December boo. The jury's
verdict was that "Della De-jerdine land county, Ont., fifty-nine yeah
came to her death from blood -poison- "go, but had lived in Colborne for over
Ing following confinement on the fatty ,rare. He was a well -Informed
22nd day of December, 1916, at her man and was well known and well
borne situated on lot 6, concession A, liked by everyone. He leaves a widow,
in the township of St. -hen, the blood- a [lumber of brothers and sistere, and
poisoning befog contracted froru an right children. T6tare are three girls
Flora (Mrs. Mcintyrel, of Snub Ste.
Mao ie ; Ruth and Charlotte, at home,
and five bop' : Lee and Roy, of Wis-
consin ;Clarence, Russell, rind Lyman,
at home. All of the sons and dimwit -
ten were present at the funeral, which
took place to Colborne cemetery on
Wednesday of last week and was very
largely attended. The services were
\VID FcretKDAV, sten. 31conducted by Rev. A. Laing, ot
.. Auburn. Among those present from
A patriotic entertainment will be
a distance ware Mr. W. C. Potter,
held In the Foresters' Hall on Friday
rveniug. February 9th, under the rlu.- of Winnipeg, Man. (father of the de -
picas of the Auburn Red Cross.
good program is he,ng arranged.
Knox Church Animal Meeting.
ally List - Neer s England -
Mr. and Mn. Job* Flaglood, of Hu1-
tient received the folMwiag letter
front lir sou, Murray. 1t le dated
January 14 :
will be wondering what bas become of
we, for 1 mooting you will have teen
on,iflad that 1 am on the easualty list.
• I just arrived In England last night
and was moved about so much belnre
that 1 bad no chance to write. 1 might
hawell ,tart at the first and tell you
w it bapposed. On the BJ.b of De-
w/tuber a call was Wren for volunteers
for a night raid ooPritz'e trench. I
was take° in the party, twelve in all,
and we went bank behind the reserve
line to rebearse the game ho that
every mat would be sure of his part
la the raid. About an bour or so after
reheat eel we were gathered in a circle
talk'ng it over with our bombe and
`recedes lyiug In • heap In the centre.
They were all supposed to be dam•
odes, but one suddenly esplod.d and
blew the whole crowd into the air. I
next fall. Mr. Andrew Porter will re- picked myself up about thirty feet
coma implications from any intendlsg away and thought her • few minute. 1
Mr. 1. C. Hays but reeeived word
from his son. La oe-Ctmpwal R. Cook -
burn Hays, that he expects to be home
this month. He was severely wounded
0o the dowses front and has sines
been in several hospitals he Blighted
Lt. -Col. E. N. Lewis would like to
receive w good DOW her of recruits from
Oodericb and vicinity for Me artillery
units which he is orgsnishng• He
Points not that this will probehly he
the laic chance for the young men to
Ret a trip PC; Ole the ocean at the ex-
ploit.. of the country, with the prob.
whUity that they will he hack horse fly
Illi twiesto7y torte* house on Rs* wrest. con-
venient is 0 T. 1t saaiileek%ypwi t hmodern p ono
sant rtApppl Alli$. W. KI4YNAIt, Roost
•Nest ltetephoes tlo. 511, ou
_ c Tweet) edM w tet tib
.un, -e --i' . Uod•rith town.hlp, about to r and
w half tootle. hew Dudack* : goad sail, high aha
dry. frail and vagrhible land, -wase wood .Io
en farm. On the Wig N a nine -rosea armee
WWI goal d tot n,aehMken hosre, eta. 1 also
ha.', horse. wagon. Desats and ether farm -
Dicincnt.. wt, Mk eau br purebs.eat. Will be
sold treonwhly. For farther nern6ularr apply
on the promisee M B. P. ROMP. or Ude rich
eight mike from i:oderich. Holl w good
stay loam tklth +print er.ek running
through farm; 2.i amus of fall plowing
done, -r 1n come fall wheat. Then, on•hard
of es er to gone hea:mg apple tr.ow., elo all
kind- of ether fr11U. The buildings are in
g,qA retsoir and the water le etoellent. W'111
bo rollaQ o leapp and on Pae, Lerma. Apply at
TOE I4WNAL fur t.,IMr Irsrticulere, emit
in the wheat nett' of ge.kateheWaa': .11
end well watered : within mem D►
• rlacre..wptl
.i winch
eAlr1 : also ,,d erord term of
pn.Inlyd',mai crops Int two years: 1.1101 shade
teess, on the t4.ee, all growing k'way terwu..
V rtloulars apply U, J. (IAN fe:
(7) . Hotel Redford. findericb. IR-gt
• l► RENT. -SOUTH SiDE 0 F
home North*disci ; Ix
David R, Rosa bas e.nli"ted in the
967th Railway Construction Batts -
lion, Toronto, and left last week for
Toronto. David la a brother of Corp.
Char. Rose, of the 161st Battalions, now
musketry instructor In Bowland. and
a brother-in-law cit Pte. C. Penning-
ton. now in Fr'aooe. Good luck to
The Postof i 1e Department is in re-
ceipt of a cablegram from the Be flesh
Authorities stating that no port -elm
containing foodstuffs or articles of
clothing should in future he forwarded
from Canada for prisoners of war in
Germany. From thi. date (F.busry
1st), therefore, poetoffices in Canada
will refuse to accept any such parcels
for prieoners of war in Germany. Ad-
ditional information regarding the new
regulation tnwy be had o.. spplioa.don
to auy postmaster.
Mee C. M 'Ross rec- eived word this
week that bar no, Corp. (Thew, Roam,
was .ceidentally wounded while at
bayonet drill and is in hospital at
Handling Camp.
was all right, but cion began to Leel
weak and discovered that I was bleed-
ing in the leg. A few fellows caws
along iu about an hour's time and sent
ter the ambulance, and we were soon
back in the dressing station. I et -
°epee about the best of any.' The
whole twelve were more or lees hurt ;
three have since had Ings amputated
and four bad legs fractured. We weir
standing so close W it that we were all
struck on the legs : one piece struck
me in the right aye. which 'made lie
blind for a couple of days. but is better
now. Another piece which 1 don't
want to see again went through the
rim of my steel helmet. From the
dressing atetioo i was sent to the,
clearing station, where 1 was oper-
ated ou the owe night to have the
ahiapnel removed. After lour days
there 1 wee put on • hospital thio
and sent to Letreport stationary bos-
pltal, which is a seal town on the
north coast of France. Everything
00,2..1..4.4 good Ito me, plenty to
eat and • goad soft bed. 1 remained
there until three days ago. when 1 was
meet to another toepltel train to Havre
and there placed on • boat and twelve
hour* Tater landed in Southampton,
rod soother bo.piiiI train brought
Wit here last nig*, . you see 1 have
been moving a.ss.. My leg is healing
np ens. altbowgh Out* ie quite a hole
in it yet. i hope 10 t^tb 11 or bad in
another week or so. .re is no pain
in it now, but 1 cannot head my knee.
This b a efieeial hospitwi for ('.na-
diens and Australians and -we have
' ever thing we need. a There etre see-)
eral fellows who ■re able to get up
thtougb the day and thing" get pret' y
lively. There were dozens of viekore
Olio afternoon and wy table is piled
' high with gifts which they left hehinfl,
them. This town is fourteen tulles
from London and people come out on
the train from the city. 1 had a call
from a Red ('rose lady today who is
going to see that 1 get ensue parcelm.
i lost everything I owned except my
paybook and money belt, but of course
they will rig rue out now herr when 1
' need ir. 1 left Sandy W ele' in charge
of my kit and he, will make use of my
socks and °thee articles, They don't
(The writer gives has addr. se. but
in eccordauce with instructions of the
Oriel Censor this is not published.)
As the result of an accident received
several weeks ago, Mr. Hemurl Potter,
of Colborne talwnahip, died on Satur-
day aflrtuonn, January 9)th. At
first it was thought that he would re-
cover, but his condition grew 'wow;
and he was unconscious much Of the
time until finally death intervened,
Mr. Potter wee born in North.umbei-
outside source. Pouiihly the deceased
woman miicht have died even with
medical aid, but we believe that her
husband, Ferdinand I)rejardine,
through ignorance failed to *apply the
proper medical aid and to that extent
i* responsible for his wife's death."
ceased) Mrs. Allan Potter, abet. of
Winnipeg: Mr. Samuel Morris. of
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Mr. Curnin, pf
Detroit, Micb.: and Mr. McIntyre, of
The annual congregational business the "Soo." Mrs, Walter McGregor,
meeting of Knox church was held on of Detroit, a eiater of Mrs. Potter, bas
Mogday evening, January 22nd. been at teal pore is Colborne for sew.
When the time of marling eirived the eral weeks.
eletnenb were in such a fury only a Mea. MM'AMA,
very few bad assei.-ee, led. After the One of the oldest. residents of G/ldes
w.. nag exeerisft an sdjnurrimvnt rich d awes on Wednesday, Jan -
was made until after the preparatory Iter . in the person of Mr.. ('xth•
service on Friday evening. Y
On Friday evening the alerting was seine Macau. Although well past
proceeded with, wit h only an average ninety year. of age. Mn.. Macara until
attendxru:e, but all was tarry hwr•w,•ni- • iew week* ago was about town, and
our end in order. The merlon report' ler phyy9lca1 •ctivily,wae only Inas re -
Indicated that no ramifies had mored martaMe Chap Ihat of err mental fac-
away during the year and no mem-
which rhe retained unirnpahrd
berm had teen removed either by letter to Ile end. Tea 1ata1_illna•a-.u.e)-
or by death. Further, that $21x.211 far; with bronchial trnodds, Mre,
bad reached the Toronto offices fotr MasKa sews horn ser Kilmarnock, Scnt-
"ssioaary giving', a very subetanli•I land, and after musing to Canada was
incipese over a year ago from this con -
et Hamilton to the Into John
a e removed to
grog •ion. In addiunn cousiderehle M•cwta With hes h tett
hod t n given W ter 7 . M. C. A. war London. Ont., and ever•tnally to finlde-
work, uron temperance .work and rich, enrol. g to this town about the
Mr, Kchoo's work in Persia. During year 18f10: Ni. Macara, who was a
the year there were eight infant bap- member of the legal prpfession, and
Herne, and Ldp were added to the roll the first Chancery lawyer- who ever
on pi ideation Of faith. •The trustees Deacti.ed in Oralertch, died in I.
There ere two sons and two daughters:
John ?decant, 'of i he Astrnnonlical Ob-
servatory. Oita** Willi-arri--- :. u ,
%innipeg, Registrar -General for the
viuce of Manitoba; Mrs. %V. A.
ow, Philadelphia. and Mima.Alary
of (lode' All of the fam-
ily were home during the final day(r of
w e funeral
re's alumni. Pb f
their m
o e residence St. Vin-
t street. on FriAa ytt afternoon to
Maitland cemetery. Env. .1. B. Foth-
eringbam was the officiating clergy-
man and the pellbearere were Me"prw.
ohn halt, Lt. -Col. N. Lewi., 0.
cdona , biro. Wil new, R. C. flay"
m Dr..1.
S r:1i aura h V .
h ffH
Imes d Mr. C. Se ser as .hon-
orary llbeat rs. ,
report indireted, that they had re -
let us hying anything to Englani es• ceived $Iti.li5 towt(rda the ud•n*edeh
rept what we wear, as it ie usually too The debt at the u. wing of the new
muddy and mmetimes crumhy. There t year stands at $1.14.: which -will he
reduced to Ies9 than $ 1 when t'hean-
nivereat y -off, ring is' a• •lied to it.
The board uf_manag
ler r I
r Hli 11 1 Il dllr-
ee 1 h
ttetim t
P bo
y• hospital, but th • in
reel" toa h o
tial d c mr
7 w It et 1 7r b
np n ter ser r i
BROTHERS_ sh ws( aHMe, my section will get them and they will inethrough the ekriime •veno a and
This picture •bowa(.Oodei g)Sernt• need them wot'ee than 1 that they were ebb• to begin the new
Robert Redfern. of Gnde. ich, and There are eevttal fellows in this tsar with a harems of si: ,. 1'hr tV.
(dltingil'ioneerTboma" Kedfrrn. from ward with trench feet and they are M. S. repnrt Indicated conaidrre
Australia. The two are sons 1,t Mr. only allowed milk to live on, and we vitality,.--ihtc revenue des ing the yea
Thos. tt fee ftown.1 t Redfern- ,+ ' 1 h
T R t n n R t R f n a s alas extra read o
•barest greet time t K was 511-.$0, moat. of which wee need
Wer vumr
It o ru•rras withthe Huron Bat -floor to them. it aeon the h m.
gwork,either in man
talion, and his dim of the tri ears• R in marded 0. a lh y
7 p Some of them have had nothing but forwarded of clothing, Thr Sunday
the Atlantic was published In The milk for flee weeks, which is a .hard school report indicated -this lrr-
elgnel • few weeks ego. Thomaa blow to a Iran when does not feel sick gwmzatidn to he strong financially.
IFtedfern enli.ted in Australia in 1914, and who has beet used to solid food in The receipts for the year tdtalled
apartment urs nn •tees days otter the war broke out. France. _. _ -- $tiY,@4 and thwre14 Aii.L(t.ce nn. bind
retains and hath.baw.mcoot oratedy,..il modern 0e bet. seen service az,.tbe Uwrdsnelles I have snider ',ben I will go hack for 0.. incoming year of $Ifl:ill, The
Dour enlenor newly decorated wr.d sanity tion, dining room and hall roots. Ori and in Kgynt end has been in France again, but alien, it will he near erring. Y. p. S. C. K. had no remota to offer
Kent reawosatee. A.K. POLLKY. 8-t( i lie other side of the court house that since last July. The only wnund he' We were only a few mile" from where except that mretinga hod M•en held
--- -- - night they had a gold display of fire- has received so far is one in the hand. Will it-, but there is no chance of nine- eve.v week arming the year. When
R $+'NT. -MODERN' HOUSE ON works. 1 think the celebration lasted Robert came to Canada thirteen canR e the re ekrth were collected and the
oftrao.aster Terraria Apply to Jos. 1;. y Ing beyondte our own brigade area. u
iikIFIN 37 rt over two Hayes In connection with it I ago nr d the broMrn had not ase° We acre on s long stupes called Vimy Riv(ngs int ill«u it was fauna fh+t aur-
a __ ____ remember that jest at the last it was each other since until they met about Ridge, between Arras and Hill (1U, it Ing ter year 51,5541,12 had pawned
New l'eer's, when the strove protases very quiet part at present except for • through the hands of the vat tons trews -
mea taken, few shell* and "emplane flghte which `-
was no Christmas mall in France
when 1 left, so 1 will miss all the par-
cels. I have written for my letters to
e won't. for
P but l til ♦ wo tvwr[i'
he a nt nn,
discovered that the rope on the flag-
pole on the donee of the court house
was either rotted or broken and the
Mayor nr aonteone offered a ren and of
• email amount to anyone whin won
climb the flagpole an put a new rope
in the pulleys. This watt accomplished
by• young man named Frank Mc -
Hardy, who was an apprentice under
my father and Ii d in our house at
the time. It wealconsideted w dan-
c------ - -- -- -- - 1 h k h e
L04iT.-A 81 &C8 •PUR QAUN'1'- are very Interesting to watch, f raw the l the close of the hieI, i r PNP'n1e4l1JIg
ix, Winos eke assn factory and the y one Feltz take w comp -down nearly the reales provided trflPshmrntw end
O. T. R station. inn will kindly leave at 7 h Id halfa•mile and there was not touch a simnel half-hour was .pent. With
picku . Our machine ung did n s
v ward left to g another year pawed into history and
SIG14ALUFFIcFsnd remise n p enc h e y 1 y
the trick. Every night eer ark the stuck -Inking done, Knox church is
Frits pub out hie eJrning n"hal P,d" .15 settling down into another year of
it le called -that i., atttUery tire WO- , work an I endeavor in the hope that
1°g for about two hours or so -hut' before another year comet round thr
our batteries soon cool him down, No . twelve boys at the front may be home
again end e war aetUed. --
The IlonorthRoll of Knox chufoheon-
,tains the fallowing names : Ceppl.
Wm. Fingland, M A., Sergt. D. `V.
Patter*on, Pte. Mut-say Fingland.
flergt Clarence Cox. Pte. Clarence
Symington, Sergt. Frank Fingland,
Pte, Chas Nivine, Pte. Geo. McNall,
Corp. Nelson Robinson, Pte, Earl
Bentley. Pte. Harvey Bentley, Pte.
Russell Bentley.
11'ATER RATES FOR 1917 ARE german feat to perform. By the way,
11 now doe and If lard In January 111 per this young man came from Colhnrnc
Cent. discount w111 be allowed. township and be had a sister. Mary
Jan, Mellailfr-Vbi-i went to the new
school with me and we were in a divi-
sion taught by Mies Walker. 1 would
like to get. an old Signal If there are
any published about that celebration
or any other paper puhliebed about it.
1810 Third Ave.,
t Louisville, Kentucky.
The band is an exoellent index to
cbaneter.,With proper rare It is
easy,for y, n) to have beautiful hand..
witwell-trimmed transparent nails
that Indicate culture and refinement.
Thee In surefire for weir* aed electric tttht
an n'Rues ted to rule early, at- ell In arrear.
will be.peciany dealt with at ata early date
11'. T. 11URNIiY, A. 1TKAITON,
l'h'urneao. Water t Light Coll,
7isawanay. Fwhniery 111
Wheat. pet bosh 111I10 le e1.
Oat.. tet hush .M to R
Barley per hnoh • se to 1.4)
Pesopar blush 2.0n M ILLS
Burk wheat per book. ...... I.00 to 1.10
r loer. faintly. for cwt 4.00 to 4.50
flout patent. per ewe 4.76 to 5.00
Haan, prated
tr. per toe
ay. per tort .
Straw. loow per ton
Weed. per :.gut
Dalry Rutter. per lb
Creamery Rutter
• - M1r4 te V p00 it Is not necessary for yea to dvprud ber-January hales. of $31:1 19.
m ro al
u Tim 't'pon the nervier• 01 • profrs•ional Expenditures to the billowing
assn to 4.04 manicunst. An up•to-date manicur- an is wore authorised : Sewing
Urs to ASI' ing outfit may he secured at slight I souunIttee, $21111 : yarn romtnit1M,
.at to M ff
The monthly meeting of the Red
('rose Society took pl .ce in the jury
room of the court Inane on the' even-
ing 01 January 22.
The members of the working eom0
mores reported that, Nhipmet) ta to the
value of $44-1 'Ji bed herr made during
the month, while the MIN *innunted
w $:'42.36. The Nolan -jai Isis)! was
aa follows : Balance from last month
after deduct' $60 sent to head office.
$cC,.lf); rece) during the month-
Sl. Petrick's w , $77.03 ;Mt George's,
5514.113: St. Dior s, 119185 ; St. An-
drews ,
n-drews, $F-:t,i 5 ; U. F. M. em-
ployees, $28.15; Mrs. Porter, sale
of baby bonnets, Lrulies
Guild, Christ church, Prot Albert,
sale 411 aprons and handkerchiefs.
51.80: a total receipt of $217) fife,
making a total on hand of $595.145 ;
and • r avatlahle balance, after de-
ducting the ezpen .sa of the Decem-
YM M poet -nail bas era, nail clapper/. null $11M1: Britannia Branch. Rift. It was
gig. resell. per dos. w ta N se{aewlre, n•11 polishes, nail hlewchN, decided to send 554 to head nfce.
Pinatas. b 1.1)1e 1,m nal files, orange stick.. Select your it was alsn decided to arrange for
appser pli er aaesry '*sibs, ow NW. 7..Y1 to outfit now and resolve to keep Your the enlarging of the yarn eommette,
Cattle Ntnlm
en modite,serewt a6n to sit nails In the pink of Condition. E. R. ani for the distrihutlon of yarn and
Hop.11rP *meet., pee ewe... tees 1• 1122 Wigle, Drutgist. Gnderleh. receipt of socks In the hawement of
sen. per osswl . ........ AM to 7 G
lirPro idiesl,earib ... .a t1 ole "H" is • dangerous letter : It tun"- theHode ads Bets.' store. The meeting
r, run I then ad jonrned.
Ah*epl'eits .,,v Leos ' 100 ferias • rainstorm tarn a healcntorte.
one has an idea of the weight of Hr U-
tah •rtillerl and the Mire of shells
evrtytvhere are beyond description.
i think 1 will chs* now end will
write often. 1 ata fetter off here than
1 have been since i joined .he . army
and 1 am afraid that 1 will be apoiled
if this continues long.
Your son.
Address :
Pte. Murray Fiffgland, No 7([0216,
Ontario Milliary Hospital,
Orpington, Kent.
Human Hier Protects and Adorns the
and if you have thin hair -if you are
THE SOCKS WERE WELCOME. bald -4o nor mins seeing Dorenwend'e
-_ exhibit of human hair.goode for ladle.'
and gentlemen et Hotel Bedford, on
Goderich Knitter Receives an Acknnwl- Ttt.d.y, February lath. The dimples'
edgment from France. will includes 1"dies' switches. coronet
Abot a year wqn \visa 1)mlly Hewn, and fancy braids, traneformetion*,
mf townu, plwcrtl w notes In w pair of
pompadours, waver, chignon., hangs,
socks she war *ending to the soldiers• and for lard ayes toupee and wig
The niters day rhe received the fol -
structures that will benefit. the health
Inning too : and appearance. There Is no charge
pe i t+. Jan, 1st, 1917, I fore demonstration
Mies I>plli Bova. Crest-erialed oyster, solid meat
DRAM rwtgtdn,-Jost a few lines nr fresh from the oyster beds. at mark
to to let you know 1 reeteeitd the pair stone's. Phone 240.
The exti• pressure of business
at the l'hrietmas and New Yeast
season, combined with the Mecum-
evince of a ••shorthanded'eta(
bas delayed the writ of The
Signal's business office, and WNW
temittanoes for subscriptions barn_ _
of yet been ai-knowledged. We
are doing our best to -catch up,"
and in the ,meantime beg the kind
Indulgeoce of our subscnhen.
Although, because of uncertainty
as to the price of some of the news-
papers, we have not published our
clubbing list as usual. the following
oombiaations are (Meted :
The Signal and Daily (ilobe...83.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and
Empire ... 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Fam-
ily Herald end Weekly
St .r 1 85
The Signal and Weekly Sun1.75
The Signal and 'Toronto Daily
sitar '3 30
The Signal and Toronto Dally
News 3.99
The Signal and Toronto Daily
World '-1,51)
The Signal •ted Farmer's Ad-
vocate 2 all
The Signal and . London Daily
Advertiser .3,75
The Signal and London Deily
Free Preis ,. 3.75
The Signal and Montreal
Weekly Witness 2.35
Other publications will be secured
on request.
The price of The Signal is still
ONE DOLLAR if paid In ad-
We return our hearty thanks
to the many who have paid their
subterlpt inn for 1917, and trust that
tboae who have not yet done so
will let us have their dollar u soon
as possible.
The Si=nai Priding Co., Limited.
and it is expected that the iuduction
will take place Match 9th. in the
meantime the Hi'bnp will furnish a
supply. On Sonde.. last Rev. Canon
Hill, of Regina, conducted the services
ot the day.
Wednesday and Thursday of Next Week
to Be Red-letter Days.
On Wednesday and Thursday of
next week, et the Model Theatre,
Clara Kimball Young, surrounded by
hi -Wiener, cent of exceptional hiener, wi 1
be seen in a great seven -reel Fodor•
t)nn of Hobert W. Chambers novel
"Tete C Law." _The pioductiot
b raldwt ma mHgtii'IIcant in every re'
ep et:t end is cleating' a Prnaation in
the movie wyl1.1.
Lin sdtkln to this great "ossa
tap will hem Hve•terl phnte-
Sr1fi-h Woman." with
I11d l'Irn Hidg, ly in the
w\ k instalment of
Min r a the third fee-
ute n n* a N.41^11 I ram.
n o
ere will nr t r sacs ra h
Th c
ce nun nciu t 7. sen
rvrniu d w
R, R
ni+ttine* each day at 2.:p).. 'cl'rrk. Thi
advance rale of .rata i. nsi on. For
further informatiou. Pe • ad4,\ pe 8,
•Wlbkshrnenese and purity . ou
Brod ennaidet ll inns when slaking • i,
horieortlade (w sty mud ire -rasa it
w4- w444--eanTmcw ynu. taw
Phone dile).
The annus ro°gregational meet
of Knot churc . ill be held next We
needay evening, ' ehrunty 7th.
The Ladies' Aid Klima church in-
tends holding the en tial high tea on
Thurday, February 16th. Remember
the date. -
At Knox churchhnext Sunday twain-.
ink Rev. R. U. 'McDermid's 'inflect
win he : 'The Field is the World. -
n dieenvered
"I n
eu set
The sacrament of the Lord's Slipper
will le,,h/.erved in Northelreet Metho-
diet church next Smiley morning.
Evening subject will IIP : •'Lair's
!hit 1'I ace.+- -Iris ajeth."
The "ut.jert for disco/100n at the
Men's S lay Club at Nrnth street
Methodist church next Sunday morn-
ing will 1* : "Dove a good cousrience
imply tight living F'
Annivereery servires will he held in
North street Methodist church on
Mende', February 11th Hon. Col.
Hey. S. 11. l'hown, D. 0., general
euperiniendent, of thcl Methodist
Church in Canada, will he the preacher
at both services.
The retiring rector of St. Genree'e
church and hi" proipmetive agree -mu
were associated in 1',period service at
9t. George's church Iasi Friday even-
ing. R.v..1, H. Fotheringham pi Pitch-
ing the sermon and Rev. A. 1.. (i.
Clarke reading the lesson.. itev, E.
L. Williams "ran was present in the
chancel. After the srrvire Roo. Mr.
Clarke met w hnmher of hie future
parishioners, and Rev. Mr, Fothering-
hane said farewell, as he left the fol-
lowing day for his Mesh scree of labor
at Brantfori. The new rector will
not take ch•rgs of the services here
until the second Sunday of March,
story, the
Platy, ••Th
%Veneer Rei
star nitric
t ter. tw
••Thr Yellow
t ftbIb
.14!1 `-yid..
Seal -ship', oyat.tto, ei ltd bleat and
alwitys (melt, at Edwards'. Phone 21*).
ack-tong w dancing class, Time-
d , Fehi
PuredaFehr nary fit.h. 8 p, m., at tet
Ma.iunc Temple. Joan now. For par-
ticulaea:apply at Hl'eketone's restaur
ant. -
Trrutiy. Feb :44, (leering antlen sale of
fano M k. at t•.1', cNetl'a farrm, hal((•see
south of Dunlap, 1.. t.,rl1.3uD. sleeknext(11 roar. anrtlon•r4 1 144 *I
weft r.
act . l ..-suis via
M. kNII:HT.--hl 1411. .n Alex Jansen Ye
tt"llltan, McKnight. "Red 7e r awl Is
IentV.IIALK At 1.1. lat.' r'.tl'nee 1?:ilhlit no
.t reel, Halailtsn, amt.. ml Weft 41001114.•
Jannary N, Aletandet Dry -dale aged if
)d*t" and lout month..
,I E" -At Nile, on sur -.Ay. J, nsary a1,
ro"iph Jows.. weed 7. scir.
The Newel will tyke pplat, from hi- lets
re.Iderl6e. 4I1e, en 8s1, rdas. I"- r, ary :1, at 1
ri ob el p. m., to Dude. 1111Am et n,e cry.
JARDINF.-in (trMPrlrh. nn Wednesday.
January 31, Mr*. Ellraheth JeMlne, widow
of the late John Jird ne, aged ,w year.
and las month.
11. funeral n dl tette Morn from the family
fir• lasses, Wlddrr .tress, un rryyluMay, Fehne-
ry '1. at Y1' orbck, 10 t'nrNnrne cemetery,
tte•r r1.e wt 15. knew M 2 o'einr•k, ,
Honor to Hent Mn. W. Rhyne .. 1
Make Your indianPieta-0tnanos Depart•
ment. Ottawa. 1
Farm for tiara H. P. lust►, -...r„ 1
Reader The Weekly f en e
Hair (loons -The Dnrenwetkl
Olrl '.canted - Mr.. ('has. tenses 1
Raw Fora Wanted David Brews.. 1
Oanntlst IoM Algh*I tlM t.. 1
W.11 fos',;8ree-J N Korn'rhttn ... 1
Tender,. Wanted Township of consume- , 1
.,+vat,ae. '.ww,.w•s +r.w+a•'.^"". r'I""..mf'ru... a .es ._
1 mC\ •-'