HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 8Office Supplies Blank Books, Memo. Books, Bills Payable and Receivable. Canadian Office and Pocket Diaries, Gen- uineShannonFiles and Binding Cases, Busi- ness Envelopes,Waste Paper Baskets, etc. _Complete stock pa Steph- en s and Carter's Inka,. from 5c per bottle to 90c per • uart - bottle. Special Belling Agents for et*moan's Ideal Poontain Peru.( New.ftelf•AIIer, eporiol $9.80 tip to N.110. OBITUARY. WILLIAM CONAN. Oo Sonday last a highly respected resident of Goderich passed away, in the person of Mr. 'William Cowan who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Newcombe, at the age of seventy- seven years. Mr. Cowan was a native of Scotland, but cute to Canada 'when quite young. The last seven year. he bad been a resident of Goderich, mow,. Ing here front his fa: w near Blyth, Mrs. Cowan died twelve years ago. Onc• sister and tour brothers ate still living : Dire. Anderton, David, [salmi and John, all of Blyth, ani Alexander, of Colborne township. There are also tour daughter", Mrs. Malcomson, c.f New Westminster, B. C. i Diss.. Wai,. tote. of Sakk.tc-ftewan ; Mrs. Flack, of Manitoha, and Mrs. Newcon,he, of town, and two sons, John, of Mon- tana, and George. of Blyth. On TOPS - day the body was taken to Blyth and interred in C' cemetery there. Rev. A. Laing, of Auburn, conducted the services. ('ATTAIN 111LLIAY HAI M. to already mentioned in these columns, the death of Captain William Bahh, wt occurred on 1helith inst.., removed o1 e of the oldest and best- known r adept. of Goderich. Captain Habh, who was in his seventy-seventh year, had bird an uncommonly event - ;royal navy as a t�ehiprnao when still Ia bay. `After se lug his appienUor- ship and getting is papers as a Hein- classgunner, be put in a number of years along the British coast and later n the Mediterranean Sea. being on the gunboat Marlborough, commended by Lieut. Fisher, now Keat-Admiral Fish- er of the British deer. While in the alleditert anean he wan *tattooed around the entrance to the Dardanelles and WAS thoroughly acquainted with its surrounding waters. At the time of Hose attempt by the Allies to break through the Dardanelles in 1115, Capt. Babb said that 1t would never be se- -ouipliehed. In Visit he caws to Can. edit on the gunboat Cherub. as fleet claw gunner. The boat wee engaged in patrolling the I)stroit 1. ver, guard ing against the Fenian raiders. When the Cherub left the lakes he remained with ber while she was engaged in patrol duty in the \Vest Indies., and at the time of the Venezuela insurrec- tion, in INfi(t, he left the Cherub, going back to Spgland on the gunboat Re- venge. Shortly whet he cane to this country with John Roberts, a fellow - seaman, and until the death of the latter, about a year ago, they were feet friends. He settled in Gnderich in 1570, while the Prince Albert. • passen- ger boat, was being titled out as a gun- boat :n preparation against the second wtten,pt of the Fenian Raid in 1870, and he signed on as Roo instructor. When the boat was sold he settled in Goderich, where for nearly forty yeera he ran the hotel which was well koowu all over the lakes, the Ocean House. For many years the deceased was captain of the lifesaving station here, receiving* gold medal from the Am- erican Government for assisting in Saving the lives of the crew of an American Iron ori consort which drifted whore near the old "International" in the early 80'i. The deceased is aur rived by hi' wife, two daughters, Catharine, at home, and Mary, in British Colorable, and two sons, Thomas and Harry. at borne. The funeral took piece on Sunday, the .14111. to Maitland cemetery and wen very largely attended in spite of etorwy weather. The lore) lodge Sof Oddfellowe, of which the deceased was • Get After that Cough WITH- ' • White Pine NI) Spruce Spruce Balsam JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Phm. B. "Central Drug Store" Corner North Street and Square Goderich Bus. 90 'Phones' Res. $4,g•, HOT WATER BOTTLES ARE A 1100SENOLD NECESSITY A FULL LINE OF GUARANTEED BOTTLES PRICES $1.50, 2 QUARTS 1.75 2.00 A. L. Caldwell, Phm.B. y -Aresaipti..Druggist !loses It a sad Ilk Nor tk SW Square one of the oldest members, attended in a body.Rev. J. B. Fotheringbam was the officiating clergyman, and the Oddfellows burial service also was performed. The pallbearers were David Marwick, Wm. Marlton, Capt. James Inkster, ()apt. John McDonald, Capt. Malcolm McDonald and Alex. Johnston. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. ASHFIRLD. The following were duly constituted the council for 1917 at the meeting on the 81b, each making and subscribing the declarations of qualification and of nmce, viz.: Charles Stewart, reeve ; Joe. P. Dalton. dep.-reeve`James Alton. Joseph Hackett and Thos. J. Richardson, councillor.. After remarks by the Reeve and dis- cussion as to the general policy for the year, the minutes of Dec. 15, 1916, were approved, on motion by Alton and Hackett. s Alton and Hackett moved the fol- lowing dot,atione, viz.: t'htktran s Aid and Humane Society- cf Huron, $10: Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle, $50. Moved by Richardson and Hackett, that the Dungannon Women's Insti- tute be granted for Red Crop, *2.. Amendment by Dalton and Alton that the grunt be t.._,, or any aWount up 13 $75 to equal any grant that may be made by the council of West Wawa -1 nosh for the same purpose, was de-' Oared carried by the reeve. I Moved by Hackett and Alton, that the collector's roil be returned to the treasurer by Feb. let as required by statute. The following bylaws were properly using amarret as twrows : (Mira, $IIt0: atwssaor, «i0; collector, ow. treasures, $120 ; auditor, $10 ;deputy -returning officer. 1114 pull clerk. lid ; *elector of Jurors. $4 ; fsnoo viewers. $'l it day ; sheep valuator. I$ a lay ; engineer, $8 a day and travelling expenses from our nearest R R. station: member of local board of bealth, $:: a day and milrag.-, the clet k to receive extras for wutk re ditchesand watercoue., d t anlage and lis rsfences, slot) elections. No. 2, appointing John Cameron as- sessor, and fixing his duties. No. A appointing ('has L. McDonagh col- lector and fixing his duties. No. 4, appointing Jobo Long and Donald McLean auditor', with duties. No. 5, dividing the township into road divi- sions and appointing one of the coun cil in each division road commissioner. No. (I, appointing Wm. B. Hawkins member of local board of bealth and Dr. Simpson medicalofficer of health I and sanitary inspector. No. 7, ap- pointing sheep valuators as follows: David M. Johnston, Richard Johnston, Thos. Garvey. Robb Drennan and Neil Murdoch. No. 18, to burro11:112:, from the Moleons Hank, top the interest coupons of the bonds o , the Ont. W. 8. Elec. R. R. Co. gueran The following accounts were r- dered paid on motion by Hackett a Dalton, in lid' to the grants tore mentioned, viz. : LOcknow Sen- tinel. printing account, 19111. 750 ; Sig- nal Printing Co , account, 1918, 50e ; lioderich Star, balance contract, 1916, $14 ; lsaac Stotbers, drawing plank and repairing culvert, con. 9, $1 ; Roy Alton, putting in two culverts, eon. 10. $3.10 ; Jas. lh-eanan, repairing l.ridge S. R., 6 & 7 W., $:, ; R. J. Dur. niu, repairing washout and ditch, S. R., 6 L 7 Is., $5. On motion of Alton and Bsckatt. commit adjourned to Monday, Feh. 12th, at 1230 pp. to. Tune. O. ALLILN, clerk, Ashaeld, Seal-shipt oysters, solid pleat and always fr.sb, st Edwards'. Phone 300, Preparation. "My daughter has obtained a post. tion in a lawyer's office. She start• on the first." "And in the meantime is she doing anything to 6t herself -for the work ?" "Yes, she is rending 'Bertha, the Beautiful Blonde Stenographer.' '- Louisville CourierJoarnsl. FOR A LITTLE LONGER TFiE success of our January Sale has really surprised us and been so marked that we have decided to continue It a little longer. Here are some of the special attractions that are bringing us more business by a good deal than we expected to do this January. Fresh Items added to the list this week to make it more than ever a money -saver for you. Continuing the Special Sale of Odd Muffs that' are Selling -at -Greatly Reduced Prices Our Special Sale of the shipment of Odd Muffs is an exceptional opportunity for you to secure a handsome Muff at a decided saving. It is not often we get new Furs in January, but this lot of Muffs was so attractive that we did not make any mistake do- ing it. All new models in pillow, barrel and melon styles. Fresh this week from one f the big fur factories and selling at prices that mean real saving for every buyer. are not cheap Muffs in the ordinary sense of the word, that is, they are not r furs made up to sell at low prices, and we back everyone with our unqualified tee as to its reliability. There are some particularly handsome pieces in black ox, e : ck lynx, Alaska sable, Persian lamb and Hudson seal, together with many -_ lower-. •ced furs, such as marmot, Siberian dog, etc. A beantifu Black Fox Muff, barrel shape, at - - - - - 426.80 An exceptions y han4someBlack Fox Muff, pillow style, hicb we will sell at 432,80 Choice five -stripe anadian Mink Muff, pil- low style, at - - - 438.28 e Muff, thick, close • .IS5Qe nd a cheapetoile - S1ti... square ship' ea.-, - -- •- Beaut Alaska Sa fly, at - er cue at $28.2 at Grey Lamb Muffs, empire half-dozen to pick from, at Black Siberian Dog Muff, pil .w stjt t Fine quay Marmot Muffs, pillow yle, at L . 95 a - - *4.98 Natural striped,Muuirat Muff, pillow •le, vtlown for freedom from stretching, strength of duck and excellent quality of rubber friction between the various plies. U •• •VERY �• • SPECIAL � �►TTRACTION• �•••••• • AT MODE • •"_ • • •• • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••i • • • • • THEATRE, GODERICH Clara ball Young IN Dollar SATGJ will be the annual One Extra choice Muskrat Muff, pillow style, made with skins cut diagonally with striped effect. A very handsome riece of Fur, special at - - 413.28 Persian Lamb Muffs of superior quality, at 419.80, 1119.28. 11128.50 There are between 30 and 40 Muffs in the lot, many others in addition to those listed above. With the Muffs carte six or eight new style Collars, which we are offering at the same re- duced prices as the Muffs. These Collars are in Alaska Sable, Persian Lamb. Black Fox, natural Badger, Grey Wolf and Red Fox -the last three of which are particularly suitable for young girls. It's the Fur chance of'the season. Don't miss it ! ay in llie 1Viillinery A Y, JANUARY 27th llar Day in the Millinery Depart - very Hat in the showroom will be the former price or actual value. ice of all. 50 or 60 for you to and colors. Every one new before Saturday morning, $1.00 ment. That means that sold at $1.00,no matter wh A $ I.00 bill gives you your c pick and choose from. Blacks this season. Absolutely none but your choice then for only $1.00 Our Special Skirt -making Offer \\-e can take a few more orders for making Skirt,, at *1.75 each. The success of this special offer has surprised us and we have yet to have one dieappoioted customer out of the many who have had skirts made. We give you your choice of five of the treasons moat popular styles, give you one or two fittings if necessary, make the garment to your measure. and charge you $1.75 for the mak- ing. l'he only condition is that the goods mart to purchased in the store and sell for $1 (MI per yard or over. li ou can get a Skirt to your measure far and away better than any ready-made garment you can buy and the cost averages from 115.(0 to $7.E0 the gement, according to the quality of Ibe material used. We charge only 31.75 for making. Coats with Fur Collars 36.98 Five only Indies' cloth Coats, good quality black beaver. plain or quilted lining, Western ,iahlecollar and reveres. A splendid coat for driving and winter wear. Five of them only left to sell. t'holce of the Ave for January Sale $ 9 8 E'1tA SPECIAL. Flannelette Blankets 31.49 and $1.59 Really and truly "Extra Special" are these two articles. Admission 25c Matinee both days, 2.30 Orders by mail t. (l I" ,,in t t' - • onkInonLaw • • . • • From the novel by Robert W. Chambers• • A seven -reel Masterpiece • • • Wed. and Thurs, __ _ • Feb. 7th and 8th • s ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT • •• • • • • GEO. E. KING, Proprietor. • Reserved seats 35c p. m., admission 25c, children 15c (War Tax 2c) will receive prompt attention. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r White Flannelette Blankets 31.49 Just 15 pair of them, second lar,(eet raze, soft finish, pink or blue borders. Spe-121 $1049 Januar Sale Grey Flannelette Blankets $1.59 These are the largest size made. We were quoted $I.9S wholesale for the Mme Blanket this week. These are seconds but the Imperfection is so slight jW Wiz 1i 1drj noticeable and will not in any way effect the wear. We bought a hale at a bargain for this January Bale. While they 41.59 Iaat, offer you your choice for J+ • Moirette SidEts g Moirette Under,ki,ts, eat tull. perfect fitting, wide frill, worth today a brag way moire 984c than this price. January Sale Heatherbloom Black Underskirts 31.45 Ladles' pettlooms, good quality blarh heather- � Moms, cut just right for the prevailing style of ' *MN, wide ll and nicely trimmed. $1 •ate• .45 Sateen Petticoat 51.15 These are made from good quality black sateen, bright Inetrons finish, nicely trimmed, $1 wide frill. January Special Beautiful Plaid Silk 79c Beautiful Plaid Silk, half a dozen or more patterns 10 choose tram. Splendid gnalit suitable for waist". Regular $1.01), January Sale .15 Ivory Mesaline Silk 47c This is a gond wrathy Measaldne Bilk that will wipe excellent wear. 11 conies in the ordinary width about 20 inches which is the only reason for Its being sold at this price, as you know ihedemand today Fe for inks of the wider width. However, the paving in price makes up for any inconven- ience on accountof the width being narrowA 7c `i Special January Sale.... Black and Colored Braids 5c 300 yards black and colonel Braids, imported styles, qualities and widtbe. Regular values up to 20c. January Sale clearance at your choice,5c per yard ...... ............. ......... A Set of Handsome Black Fox Furs for $65.00 One of the handsomest seta of Black Fox we ever sold is offered this week for this extremely Inw price. Large pillow Miiff with head and tails, and two -skin Scarf. soft and silky, has the appearance of the C5• choicest Lynx. �/1l(k Special for JanuarySale . V �WJ 79c The Remnant Table People are picking up bargains every day from the Remnant Table. From day to day fresh lines are� ing added as stock -taking brings to light many odd lengths and short ends. The price in every case is a bargain. Our Special Slack S,IIa• w,d. width. ai S1.11 and 11.16 For this January Sale. are better vakMt by far than you will M able to set a month from now Hodgens Bros. Direct importers Goderich, Ontario