HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 7Printing 4 ,,.,. talc •v•>_.,___,- .-. ..... • 1444 COUNTY and DISTRICT .......0" ••••0•••••••••••••••••••••• i Robert Lamont is down from the West visiting old friends in Hay. The Peps way of trestle* coughs. colds, bronchitis and lung •nd threat troubles. How 1 Well, up to now people with these chest end throat trouble* have swat. lured cendbt et like,s. intotheir syrups r wet mocha. Sure lungs and throat Le. no good by dosing the moro- se... Peps work differently. • Pens are trbeets made up of Pine wt d when pu medicinal into the m whichwhenouth turn into healing vapors. These ere breathed down direct to the lull; s. throat and bronchial tubes swallowed down to the *:Misch, which is not ailing. Try \ • tic. box of Peps for your cold, your cough, bronchitis or asthma. All druggists and stores or Peps �p , Toronto, will supply - Miro ('hrietioe Mc ferso, of New York, is v►aitiug her p 111 Hato - still. Rey Appel, of Ztricb, bey left for Penne, ill.. to trite a remote in the Slattery Polytechnic lustituLe. Peter Melville hap returned to Hen - fell edict ts stay of swine month by the West. The funeral of the tete n• Used in Millions of Tea Pots Dail *-Eve Lead is Pure Every infusion is alike delicious a,�t U"1e tis.. of Councillor Robert M. the home I mush. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and chil- dren. of Brandon. are visiting Mee, Davis parrot.., Mr. and \lata Pied Robinson. .elthought Government registration was required only of teen between the ages of eighteen w sixty -flue, Mr. F i1 h ted K C despite his veventy• d axing hir wilhngnoo Lo r let o e th(se years, filled out hie `3aLiotaN Service car ,eYpte a oiertake tip, des q teal mut k Mitb- 1 out. remuneration. A large num her of hullo *ail planta have been donated to the. roaaMee, schools end other public buildiege by rt. He war accompanied ty the dlr War of the Seafor•t t Hortieul- Lural Society, and tbe matter of im- his con. roatn+t the grounds at the O. T• ft - M A J ostium it under son.t. the 0. Thr - J nh o dot, who died at London on Society ie a at eonsid its tuentber- Th. January 13th, taut place at Helierll 1Yhleed chip up w ii'. this reaaon. --- ou Muudry. — Atter alength) illness, alar. John home at Hem Rolston pesreu peacefully 'sway at her 1 holt& at tVi zrter on Jau`iary 1O b, aged.•+•venty yews. etas ac Black, Green I Sealed Packets only. -� Hem y. of Gravelhrrg, M k and Will Weinstock, ether from to rd b and wimp wardenofflurooeott'n y• In- tent/sent took --phren sc Wroseter on Saturday. - LuCKNOW. Parrish is home frim rt of '1' rasa on, neap • Mee her Abernethy, RArk•, ere lorded at the Roland Mote .peat a few days with borne of John McCat1. ilton. After a month% • ticlt Iii -her i tr- enti, Miss Ruby Mauagban has le - turned to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Broadbent. rith t Tboestbill, lien are ..try iL Broad b-ntr *beer, Carter. tib CUM Stomach Trouble. \Vdiiu,r mrflOn Cause is e Weat, ars viriwrs in Fu etc ThnWV ar to Mrs. Edward Lack of Blood There- stid vs Ma y+J ne Kin element, tStxt King. dais hoer of James Rtewy b 1 �* re Must Build Miss Mary Jane K R. R car in wan V. eV Numns formerly cure You die and Mrs. omelet King, of Morrie, mewing old rtyutu hoe now of W touip g died et her hums on January 13th, M James ll(.Cr►II and tone of ER. tbcoua Horror • aged twenty-seven year*• 1 bee parent* at Crediton on her way to I After .pending 4 couple of months Sogland from the west. He has en- l at her home here. Misr M. Gotham has listed in the British nary• i returned to Chillicothe, Ohio. Ott January 13th Mrs. John Wallace, The annual meeting of the Preehy• ,of ru(dwii ti. ate -•t tier b of bar milieu church was held on January 11, daughter, Mts. W. C. Hill, Bornholm.. wleen the vai•lWte• orgauizatjowl pre- U twin aged eevrmty►ix years. `waisted rte y . tory ragtag• anti front 11c1 of Brockville. We have large ones and -small ones- black ones andti d ones ms —some with tops tel without tress. We should be pleased to show thetas. RANG S. from thillia=;net a few left—Peerless Corona and Peerless Leader. AU kinds of Massey -Harris Co. • F - Mies -3i isbrat - r�ei,- o-i�-trirditob 11e bet . d sixty-four seers Her hit -Mend yds not Be Cured algid stellar child' en survive her . �• �+�„or ,.r;, -n the Mr. and Mri. Ed. McMnrchy, of belaalippltc,tton�.c. they SetuaUD, °$.ti -k., are visiting at the w'aT lei lion io of tb.rhal ear. Ther it o l 1 one ne home of Mrs. McMeecee'a parsers, Ray t Iture cat ,r,uedr. Ca,nrrnr, deatuo•., lt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Geiger, ail 1 trach. caned b an ton.wted rondni of t, tion' thio eldest son of Mr. Hulot o� the Ku-tarhian epee. „nand pr it•coard Bireby,tube i+of th ori rota hire a rutabllrIA and Mr ,. Them as Hielhy; former Leri- Limutitect bea,ing, x d w h..n n en•lre r d rimy eownsl+ip_ rimed deafer++ i. the rraill. ,d ih(.. ba, is died it b Howe on January Catarrhal Deafness Cagier dente of Clinton, r . hart enlisted with the Lordtra Calgary regiment. of atonia sU tr K Ill Id' Aataa.tion , an be+ redtw•t a n root will be Lieut. H. Roy Cantelon ban arrived /Mme on sick letive from nue of the English military hnepitely. following *eyelet months in the trencher. Mr. and Mrs. G. David have re- tw'ued front a stay o several weeks at London. their vista leg been pro- longed by Mi. Davide 11 -health. 'Thous*. Jcckson'v many friends will � be Berry W !eerie %het he was taken ill ou hir journey to South (•carotins and wart ohl.ged to remain at Detroit. The Huron county potiltry show held bete last week was the iargert show of the find that hes ever taken piece here. nese than :iUtl bird* being on ezbibit, ell of a high standard. \Villiam Darter, of Huliett, acted as • edge 13th at r e a,,r Alois. Major 11.' J. Rorke,eiecuod in cons- t1r.k. I e.roy.td fma P cawed o) c.txrrh• ahirn L. ab i..Jt *mad Bond/ b wan. t'wt.nh I wand of the 213th Battalion, who was Coal Co. s ol.ahm FOR Y THE COAL THAT S-tTIS1tf!S We deal in Hard and Soft Caul, Lime, Cement, Vire Baric ,Firer Clayr�-Hartland . Maple and Hemlock 'Slabs. He hck Slob, $2 cord. Fresh caro of Lime and C:.n:lit; sit r,::aivel. - ;n OF ncE P11(1Nli - B. , . Sauhs' Residence 27:) W. W `faults' Residence 103 nonnwl ,militia,. er •,rr. N••uy ,'w-Goutdratnear are Before leaving tor ecerseaa, cert• I ties of t e wuoou+-u.(*'ea• Peter end (;surge Muir. of '1'ireDLO• 'Cute solo the +y Mme blood 01 the tailcoat., Dt * few y� 1 we eat rice roe r •so. 1ASbert S. Muir, in Turn-� COOS .tanbaldatfneaw r gwtl'• t at► ' f°*e F•) t'HltelFT a (.0.Toledo- O. r [ da with their Tutu- asr(are.o 6 mortared dollar', for+an1i Mt. rtld Mtc that • ani.m be aur• burry. b rrfi (,aro. Cire.tate (Tx.. Alt . and Mn. 'phriam Brown. of $ et -.c Up the Blood. C • • • ClearingSale • January • • • • of Winter Overcoats .• • • . There is the most intimate relation between the .rooditiun of the blood and the *ctivity of the etow.►ch• The blood depends upiso the etinnech for a large part of its nourishment : while eerie act of digest ion. trout the time the food enure the atowweh an tr t sttditaterd-try the hlnird,need!1•he of Pore well -oxidized blood. W ut- cies, shield. and nerves of the etoiretch wo+k only according, to for finality�,of the blood. 1'he moat common cat►•et`of ndi e tion is lack of rich, red tiod. Not only does ermine blood weaten the tuuiclee of the etowacb but it hewn.. tee product or the glands ch he in- testines end etinpseb, .:v sh the digestive fluids. Nothg twill in more p(owptly cure indigestion plenty of pun blood. Dr. \Viftiawa Pink Pills are the eafeet and most cer- tain blood -builder., A thorough trial of these pills gives a hearty appetite, perfect digestion, strength and health. Here is proof of the value of these pills ion. Mr. Daniel in Cases of iodigest. Dexter, Liverpool. N. 4., saye : 'Mor several years 1 wait a great sufferer front indigestion . 1 was greatly troulded with gee on Ibe stomach which caused disagree•thle sensations. 1 was also frvy.fen+ly troubled with n.usea and vot.,iting, which werelt of oity very distressing. *ppetia Amort completely tely failed. hle my apps end what 1 did eat cwsed are constant pain. I was cent. Ily doctoringed hut otit made up get moi, t1 suet 1 wobenefit, and uld sutler for life. One day s ittiend asked me.. why 1 did trot try Dr.-Aliiiltisut Pink 1 Pills, and while 1 heel not touch bops 1 of *cure 1 decided to„ do so. 1 had only taken a few boxee�buwever, when I 1 found they were helping ,ne. Very 11 gladly then 1 continued the the of the pills, and in less than three month* 1 was as well as ever 1 had been. sites to est a hearty meal, and to feel that life was again worth -hiving. 1 bed auto been troubled -trout time to tirue with attacks of rheumttietu, and the floe of the ills cured this as well as the indi- gestion. It is now over *year elects 1 took the pile, arwl in that ti 1 have had no return of the trouble.” Dr. Willi*tsi.' Pink Pine ere sold *11 dealers in medicine or may be by mail at cell conte se box or 5.1 boils for $2 St) from The Dr. \Vitlia(ut Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. recently mentioned In set.tpatebee for gaflrutry in the tlrld, Ind Major J. Hilli-.rd Rorke, commanding officer of the 2.1d ()cry Beetrlioo, Ate couriu3 of H. 6. Rurke, of www. One of Clintons oldest and newt •M Jobn • • • ••• • IF it is an Overcoat • • you want, now is • c. cmc o, 3uy one=-- • • - - we are - offer) 7 our stoc " inter L'er- LI 'lets, announce be engegemeot of highly eetertued real denta. - rs• their daughter Ibis to Edward 1 EXETER. kir/ea./mien. rete gird et the home o{ her Youngl,lut, the merryrge w Wks place M. William Bawden i+ visits sl beer, Mrs, C. B. Adair. at Peter - at month. London, h of tlgh, on January 1_' h, aged lits.Ottrdider, widow of the late lira Harry ORdeu, of RtrnugbrnD. eighty-three years. Mr.` and Mn. William me of ofniece, ,r, Me.ar, gird 1! task_• ie viritiug het lathe" John Cil- Bi.ickrodee came to Conlon from at the home . her a me BitCurti•, 1 , Kent, England, about fifty -nye years lespre. at ttrwusrty, oD .]•uuarl 12 b, aged Preston • Dearing. who bas been tow conGuuing to live io nr near rho eighty-eight \ !Feeding twee time with hi- .weer it town until Mr. Briekenden's death Mi. and Mia. Solent Bills y. of t•r- s ot, Mi Rowes returned to town. raven yearlr ago. The remains mese borne, auuuuutw the engagement oft land, of t,e•,uitl,t he.e for burial, the service theta daughter, Mary 'L f to rne,1 lir. and . ,e,,eRng Mre. Eng- being held In Ontario sweetchu,cb on 111 aflertuunn.. .. _ . - .-:. - - Alexaoder 11. uuuc*o, of U _lea's � i Csppo nt••, Mr. and Naw. totem LV. � Malsdaf Germs IleIhrieige has te•urned tot yr. and 11re.J.11alwtssrb, of ylts�itietli*Ye Let M._plat:et_. 31.L - s•t. J. Letts, a former principal Zuncn public school and no of Ibe PiaorieNewts, of Govan. Reek. bits beral candief-e--- e e heefor htnriding in t. 1.tseket.chevra Lestirl*tute. Death came soddenly to Mrs. Wil. lieu Knit, of Knitter, on Sunday, Janneiy 13th, and testily friends wete srddeueU to hear of her uoeipeetrd leash. Mrs, lurk ora+ filty•eight years of agee and leaves her husband ytidletadatightere to wouru her lore. Pte. Charles {+• R.•nnie, who died from wounds in a hospital in France last aanrttb, war it totlner resident of West Wawenoab; but enli.•ted at Van- \fcJftlSsn.n of M Killnp, and s4e was*. nerhew of ,Mre. Jeutw Oshheanie and Mr.. Adam Dodds, ut Senfortb. Thursday, January IS•h, wirneseed ,the fiftieth enoiveraar) of the wedding ex -Reeve and dace. Ti urnbull isf Ginty. Their want' r•�( at nei�er Mr. nr Mrs. Turnbull is in re- borewill c,spa at prto enjotyut manyt snore will he'*P ennicerttatiea• One .d tete oldest residents of Mount. ('al note Janes Doyle, died at his horn. ors aged s.ventywight stats. H horn in Ireland, but came to Canada in early life, toothed hoed et Mount Cermet Inc over Arty years, and will ) he greatly missed. Two daughters I *,id seven sons survere. A happy e •ant i'iok. place at the hnwe of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hell, 4.h conversion of Uahorne, whetheir eldest daughter, Ethel. became bride of Thomas Drover. of leibtwrt. Rev. J. F. Knight, of Hennatl, per- formed the ceremony in the presence of a large number n friends. - toed * ira+e ( - BLYTH Taylor. Hamiota, Man., after visiting his - W' tR T©URS. • • •:- Grin •- ,.4iUJ&pU4rY • • • • • O eats a. seduced prices. Come in and sec .them. McLEAN BROS. Seri -Ready Tailors The Square, Goderich • • •• • • • 15 • • • •••••••!4••••••••••••0•••• ••••••!`•••••••••••••••• h..,e*vement- The' Rev. LO.. Dymond: The barmy young funetl in their to win emu le left Inc a trip to Detroit. Chi- p t funeral w place ou Friday R cargo and rather pointe. ham cemetery. A pretty Jetldin t took plate at. St. Twill's church on Tuesday. Jimmies 16, when Edna Pettedly, dmighteand Ar Hr Mr. and Mn. C. O Wil- ford, also of1 0 w , were married by. ST1CIAL Fares now in effect to resorts in Florida, North and South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia and other Southeast States, and to Bermuda and the West Indies. Retina Lind Kay 31st, 1917 LIBERAL STOP -OVERS ALLOWED POT fuel Infnrrnation write to C, E. MORNING. D. P A. Union Station, Toronto, Ont. 1r. P. L.1WRsNC1 do SONS 8S , Town Agents _ _ -- - one PUT CREAM SO NTPCATARRH ottii Open Clogged Nos - olds. and > WdCe- Tea feel Ase in a few moments. Tour !said is bead or ottani+ will be Meat clogged leotards will open. T sir a your bed Attar ar aed !ton ea breathe freely. No more ull- � met se hawking. sanding, discharges or dryness; no atrng- for breath at night. 1rog�istn you want a small el)may (`roast Rahn. Apply a of ibis lrtg?I R, antlesptie cream aeatrils, %et ht pre trate throe air passaet of the Arad. goods l ,wells, inllamsd tnneaua ad relief settee heateatty. Whet *ray sold sad satarrik eeefa Deal day 0104 'P. A pretty wedding was solwmn`z-d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hert- on wib hen their daughter, iter, Laurai,illie's, was married.to Dirck Meerlur•g, eon of the. late R. Meerhure, postmaster- eeorral of Tire Hague, holland. Mr. and Mrs. Meerbur'g will live its Timo- retina, Ontioio. An of her of Huron'd pioneers died on Jenuary 13•_h in the per.on of tieinge Peacock of Morrie. Mr. Piatrot•k wars hero intandeiwas wellich township years ago,known for many sewn. 31: of his seven children, h -wars his sorrowing wife. survive him. The fonerst was held on .lanu- are 18th to Rime/Ale cemetery. George Elgie, of .etanley township, died oil January fith after a short ill- ness, aged sixty-two years. The large gathering of friends who at tended the funeral to H iiid'a cemetery trniified to Usa esteem in whish be wee held hy the community, and the sympathy that le felefor the widow and the stens end daughters in their greet lora The Departing Soldier. Mio Minna Canada knowing that his 'nether, it in need, will Ye Ioeted • _ - _ BRUSSELS. 1. H. and Mee. Leivlllnan,etLiberty, Rask., were rrceut vi.it,a•r in Brussels and locality. Mr. end Mos. Addison Taylor, of Rhein, Sask.. pre renewing old tripnd ehipe int thii locality. lad to hear Manu friends here were g that MR' U• Ferrrcelitly to -elected peeve of Bruaset .was Y of'PPrswater by acclamation. and *Irish McFadden, of the egoo hie sou spent s day or two with the forntrt'd Netter, !11 y. D. Walker. on tbeir return from the funeri►l et liode- rich of the tate Judge MCFadde°. Atter a lengthy dinette Alfred .1. Lows y diedlsahie borne e he a yeare n JA Ise se wry 12th, silted fifty -woven enrv.ved by his widow, three eons and one daughter; as well as by six hrotage et hPrs. Word bes been received of the mac- ti8u.katoon of Mr. L. C. 1,ipp- bardt and Mies Be+ie Flatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Platt, of Blive; *t Mr. and Mrs. LipPha Kehlield, Sask. The funeral pece ern Jenuary 13,5 V of the late termer resident of Brussels, who died st Nitrgera Falls. his house for the past few years, aged fife six yearn. Ke A J. Merin conducted the aervitiere which war, held at the borne of \tr• Ocrdon's brother•in-irw, Wm. Dark. Often the b' 1 est - Always the Best W , ALKER ��1�1are Dealer and Undertaker House Furnishings The Store of Quality PHO !e FS STORE 89 RES 191, Little Job is or Big From ith e repairing of a faucet to the installa- tion of a complete plumbi n g system, we are equip- ped to do the joib. ♦ .ars W. R. PINDER Phone 1:5 Hamilton Soret after h this Canadian Patriotic Fund father. Richard Delbridge, who is inwold, Man•,are 'toying ,with relatives'. M a Guy Blacken has returned very poor health. Mt s. * stay of some weeks at 13'/I( -.even church bald its annual meet,well. 'l- ing on Janusi y 13th, when tbe re. porta of the various ordanizat.innw Mrs. George Burling and son have showed that the church is in a strong f returned t Termite) after foni and floe' easing condition. reNoand Mrs. Cherie@ Bur• I ling Meow Wilhelmina Margaret \Vetch• Iry D*yis. eon of A pretty wedding took pin. at Willem Lane Farm. he home of Mr. and Mn. Albert Shier. on January ite5, when tbelr daughter. Margaret Ethel Alberts, wee united in marriage to WiHlant Arnnkl Oi1111- lane, eon of Mr. and M waJJoh (linn- et -me The ceremony performed hy Rev. Pr. Turnbull,* f Ttad oronto unele of lbw arrows% (last Dr• Pletcher. of Themes Rout. The restaurant property Routh of Wesley smith and Elroy es })lackelf R Son's hardware atm a was Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, of Exeter, aolA fan faces last week. Mr. William were quietly married at the bride's MrBrele. of Owen Round, being the home at London on January lIMb. purchaser. August Thom, of 1)undut•n, Sask-. Charlie hagaitt, men of Mr. and Mrs, who fee many years drove the %Lege Fred Haltgitt, had the me -fortune to between Exeter and Dashwood, hut be thrown item hie sleigh while coast - went West eighteen years ago, is re- Ing at the 0. T. R. arch, thereby mewing nisi friendships in this vicinity. breaking three rib,. bis leg sad wrier. A meet wedding took place at Cal- Dr. le C. Wilford, of Toronto. who vary church parsonage, Hamilton, on hies obtained a eommiesion in the (1. A. Janua? h h Mies Bertha ).4.e m.o.. How a f.w days a iib 51s *,other. (la . wD.' III the clotli%I years of hal life there died at To - were t RnhP3I Miller, for life s. ye assent. m„ey y,w,.. a vrall-inoren resilient o/ E nron county. Mr. Miller same to tido onontry from Stentlard mime then achy yeses lope with hie parents Biz btetbent. ell of whom predeeeased sany roadie be livie•lo far • R' earW nzi*lrr, and was par a the* ase the* a ,nsysber of IiM osssnty *isutt16/I W1NO1-1AM. John H. Young. Winnipeg. Tient a hrief holiday with boa utot1,er, Mrs. A. Young, recently. Miss M. E. Barker has returned to °tu►w• to serum. her duties as eee- sional stenographer at the Parliament buildings. Mva�.J. Na1M�r, who died from pleurWy aL bir3r•iae in Wilkie. Seek., last montb, wawa sinter -'f' e•of Mre John Bus cber and Mrs. ..ey Wel- t. re, of towo- *teas=er on years of Inactivity, the Wingbata' Board of Trade held • yet y Pnrhyslaat is and elected re-organisation nieetinR lest week, poral y officers to act until the annual nee Gowers 1 + when ,(,, lraA. B. D•rr, tstevnitl7. captain Gower, 01 term hoMr. and Mar wild „pert, to go met•aeai in l3nwer of own. lieoarnw the bride of k• H. Fn*4l. of Ht. Catharines, Rev February. Mr. Poole of poi*ting. Nerd www sP• wivnd of the death of At the Presbyterian mantle on Jame J^Mae Blaekbroueh in Anaconda, ary17th, Rev- S. F. Mba►p united In Monsen*, a broth+-iretews of M*sata- mrtilet ge Mite Edith Oarrest,dattghier Jnhnatnn end of Mrs. Robert Brown of John Carrick, or Stephen, and Joe. and Mrs. Wesley Par(ow, all of tbie F Green, of Rseter. After the twee. own and vielnity. ninny Mr. and Mrs. Omen left fora yKAFORTH. trip to London and Bt. Tbnmas. Mrs. R Holman. W,tadeote, Satoh-, CLINTON. a .letting her brotherKr.C. 11 ode Mrs. D. G(•erlis hes iwtnrnPA ftovn � r• Pole sd.Jess*b1•e, of 1Viwnt• x Detroit. , whetw she was the guest of lam, are etaylag with Seafortb trtaods Mt dauabGwe. l tiara P. A. Pboonli and little sort, ate Mr‘ �Mi�w )gafrtbsh.hare on January 'reels, erten were (violets*Jinif, l the tern i Weber, their of WallSopa. N. D., are 11ait,i*R psthy is telt for Mr. OrCys aed bin am J. R potQ.ls[t Mot weak for their ui February. On January Dili, Mat+. Sidney Rine -11 ern died at her hilt* wallow daughter forty -of four tet )Pars w of Wing- ham, inft- haom.rande eprntbhe girlhood here John Roger*, of town. is a brother. Misr Nellie Flttdliter, daughter ofjt Witliam Fondlater, eoneresinn 2. Mor- rie, died et the hnnse of her swot, Mon ()avers, at W a. hi,igton. D.C.. Janu- ary 10th. lnterutent wee made in Wingbam c.e,eeery. the serviee ieing cn,tdtutetd by Ret. 11 Parvle. it was with *vont regret thea. the citizens of W ing/mos Warned e/ tM derttb of Mrs. J . P. Homo a tee 11• ATES! SPF ClAL VALUE FOR 'THE EXT TWO WEEKS Imperial Hockey, 8 pairs, were $1.75, now ...... $1.25 O. H. A., 1 pair, was $1.75, now Wellington, 6 pairs, were $1.25, now Boker's Lightning, 1 pair, was $3.50, now Crescent. t pair, was $1.00; mV'• • • . .. .35 1.25 .90 2.75 Hockey Club, 4 pairs, were 50c, now....3 Stadacona, 1 pair, was $3.75, now 00 Boker's Perfect Hockey, ;pairs. were $135, now . 1.25 Ideal, 2 pairs, were $1. , now 90 1.60 Standard. 2 pairs, were $2.00. now 1.25 25 Argo, 2 pairs, were $1.75, now , No. 10 Spring. 3 pairs, were $1.25. now 3. .90 Razor Blade, 'pair. was $4.00. now 2.75 5 Mic-macs, pair, was $3.50, now 175 Boker's ey, 1 pair, was $2.25, now... .... ,, . 10 pairs 'n Pads, were 60c.'now..-,---�^' 2 pairs Shin Pads, were $1.50, now 1.1 5 Regulation H • _Pu_ , .20 These are • , iar styles. Get yours now before the • • • mise sizes ar!eu picked nut. For Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring, give us a call. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee Phones : Store 22 The Square(loderich House 112 e, .,., ...• ..,.+tic ora.