HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 5f
we wilt take your wheel apart
an explain exactly the work
reAiuired to repair it. Know
that we are past piasters of our
business, do our work
ly h-
and quickly.Bring
wheel today and estimate --the
cost will la low, the work satis-
East Street Garage
.toe or A_ hi GLOVER
Qw a trail Phots 243
e Pradlca1 ma".
o e eatre
0E0. E. KIN(, Proprietor
1 LOCAL toeics
Death of Mrs. Merrill, Winnipeg.
Many in Oodericb'will leer,' with
regret of the death ofM.Arthur
i Merrill, of . Winnipeg. formerly,
Letts Whitney, ot 0oderich. She had
been ill for some Uwe, but the end
came suddenly 011 Sunday morning
I fast. Hesidrr bar husWnd she [reveal
two young children. As MiiIrs ohitt-
Iney the deeeesed was a
(ioderich for a nutuher ofyears ay d
an accomplished and top r
Rev. J. H. Dyki s Visit.
Rev. J. H. Dyke, field secretary tar
the Mukoka Free Hospital for Uuo-
suwPtIvee. was in town tbio tase bweek.
t 4
On $uoday mora{? be p
Knox church, end in the evening,
after the regularch service,
re ice, bee
gave se address io the
lecNorth street Methodist church. The
'erlidNhwas i�ated with lantern
showing phases of Lite tie-
done for conruwptivee. Mr. Dake
Week of January 29th
Monday and Tuesday
Second episode of the big railroad drama
"The Girl and the Game"
it you missed seeing the fist episode of this production, be
snit to see the second one nextooday or Tuesday.
In this episode Miss Holmes jumps frotn one fast-moving
locomotive to another.
Wednesday and Thursday
Mary rick
in an unusual characterization -
""Poor Little Peppina"
A seven -reel production, showing many dratsuati d aotusing
Friday and Saturday
Do you like a circn4 story ? Well. here you are. A swell
,:tory' in pictures, presenting ANN PENNINGTON in
"Susie Snowflake"
A Famous Pia)ers feature.
Prices 10c a
What Mothers
is a tin ofthe antiseptic
It should be kept in every house
for immediate use for burns,
sores, cuts. open wand all
skin diseases.
Get it today and be fore it is ewe".
Do not let thaw imitate or seta tuts
an Warier article.
Foster -back Co., Limited
Stadia [file., Ida.. Thc. aft. S).%miaow
If you have Backache you have
Kidney I)iseate. It you neglect
Backache it will develop int 0
pmethinK wore-BriKhT s
ease or Diab.•ter. There is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the knittey'. Ttwre
is only one kidney medicine but
it cares Backache every time-
yenta afro. He had been working for
the ([rand Trunk Bealwny ever yioce,
end for the last six year* had been on
the t:odeticband. Butfalo run. Four
sioterw and four brothers ettrvive.Of
the rioters, two are .n England, one
Australia, and 0110, Sarah, in tiode-
rich. Two brother., live in England
and two are in Australia.
The remains were brougnt to (Mode..
rich on Friday and the Nimrod way
held on Sunday to Maitland cemetery,
the rervieea being conducted by Rev.
W. J. Doherty. of Huron College,
London. The pellbe rel were Melore
Samuel Lee,
l;reenwry, Robert Bell, John Newell
and David Sproul. Aurung those from
e direance present at the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. \V0). f elbet and eon. of
Detroit, Mich.. and Mr. and Mr's.
John Pettier and rou, of London. Ont.
Several improvement 14 are swing
spade at the liexteriah Elevator UO.'e
works, including a new totter belt.
e part season iras.been the busiest
one the elevator has had since it was
'The waiter and light a mission
wet last night and organised for the
year, with Mr. W. T. !gurney as
chairmen. The regular meetings will
be held on the second and fourth
Thursdays of each ,uonth.
Owing to conflicting events, the
Genetel Brough Chapter, I. 0. 0t I ..
is not holding the prop pa
euchre this!. ternoon, but ineteed will
have a patrtotie tee tennorrow +Friday
afternoon, in the MenesetnnK Canoe
The Hag that for roiuetbing less
then a thotiitsnd yearn braved the
battle and the breeze from the court"
collected Liver t 41) in town for this
Police Magistretps Before Council
f'j tlesrrs:-- W:-$. K e11T saAi3.-
deceits. police magistrates. appeared
before the county council. yesterday
morning and asked for an increase in
Atte u,t
e allowance now nide0 them
• mouth for office rent and other ex,
pensee. The work under .the Can-
ada Temperance Art ie onerous end
the fees are small. For inrtattee, fun
severahearinl • case that may «pin out o
adjournments nments 511 uti istbe
fee allowed -for the entire case• not
for eeeb heerilig. The wagisirates
appear to -have sine ground for their
request for a more geueroas allow-
Saturday, January
the following week
Stamped Covers, heat
quality N k• regular3:„ •
or . S50
'Fie Linen, large-siz..d Guest
Towels, regular 3ic for...250
Hair Ribbons,. regular 1'2c. for So
or ? yards fnr 250. Colors -
red. paddy, rose, sky, Copen-
y .---bgen and white.
goes?' Wool Ca • regular 00" for
reptts ar for , 250
Crochet Books, all newest
deaigne. regular 2:rc for SOo.
regular )Oc for.... ... ...SO
Mary Pickford Next Week.
Though her countless admirers do
not require Mary Pickl,+rd to give any
further proof of Ler rwaziug versatil-
ity, tbis supreme screen favorite gives
ew character interpretational in the
Fe nous Players prodtictiuu. "Poor
Little Peppina." '1'pe boundless scope
of her:rrt is illnstratrd intbedelinea-
tion of the various roles of the child of
wealthy Amer ?conn kidnapped by
Italians and made to woik in a Sicilian
vineyard, a stowsweyl disguised ea a
b,,y. • newaie, a bootblack, • fruit ven-
dor. 00 employee of an opium den, a
iueas:'ngerhoy,aod finally the restored
millionaires daughter who conies into
her own. "Poor Little Pepping"*ill
he seen at the Model Theatre, o teu"�ray of
rich, i Wedne•drv'
nett week.
Just d chance for ONE
~ 1 Ir hoe been replaced by a
h use HrKI "
urs 0)144, which arrived on Monday
The new one i+ eighteen feet long by
shout ism feet wide, aowewb.1 larger'
than the bid one.
The legator tidy meeting of the
(lode' ich branch of the Women's In-
be shome
NAmStewart onThursdyebruy
1st. ata p. to. The subject on the
tpevoaRroti is : ''The Customs of the
Belgirms." Demonstration -tilling end
icing fur cakes. Visitors always wel-
vblic Notice
WE have during the past week taken stock and
find that we have the largest stock we have
ever had at this time of the year. This stock
was practically all bought before there was any BiG
ADVANCE IN PRICES and is all marked
d f plaor in
figures to sell according to the price
We have heard of some merchants who are taking
advantage of the aituatio h n �a g a�np int time.
up on account of the high p
We do not believe in this and have never advanced
the price of a single line until we have had to pay
more for it. We would thereforc advise all our friends
and customers to TAKE ADVANTAGE themselves PRESENT LARGE STOCK and supplycan so at
with a few pairs of Shoes while they
a reasonable prix. All goods coming in from now on
will be a good deal higher than at present. Boots and
Shoes bought NOW are a better investment than
putting your money in a savings account in the bank.
?hose isit cowries, oataf'io
A recital ot the junior pupils of Mr.
T. E. Sunbury took place at his home
on Friday evening last. A member of
parents and (rieude of the pupae were
present. 'Phe boya and gill„ who talk
part in the program acquu.ted them-
selves most creditably. Additional
nowhere were a vocal solo by Mrs.
Sunbury, a duet by llrs, Sunbury and
Miss McColl. and :► piano duet by Mr.
and Mrs. Suulury.
TfloaaDA3Ct .1ANVAat' '2)1917 5
WWI Cub Is UK Bank
Tse Cu Bay le
Alivastsgs t a`
You know how everything
costs more when you have to W
buy on crldtt. by not
practice sell-denialun
for a while If necessary, open a Savings Account
In the Union Bank of Canada, and with the m ,ney in hand.
buy at Cask prices? The discounts will help t..) swell your bank
balance, and you will have made a good start towards financial
Goderich Branch—
'. WOOLLCbM13E, Manager.
The Best Newspaper
Value ,
Western Ontario
the %onaon
All Mail Editions Ss Per Year
- new rerellna has (wen plu' `I in
(ieorgP n church, the got, „T '411.
\ViHriam \Verden. of Toronto, in menr-
nry of his Lather. the late William
\Vorden, who wee a resident of [lobs+
rich end a weather' of St. George's
church year. ago. The reredos ie a
handsome three of work.
Succumbed to His Injuries,
The death occurred At Bn1TA°, N.
Y. on Ttutndsy last, of 'ninnies
Luca^, 0. T. R. hsekeman, of (' e -
rich, as the result of injuries received
last November by slip ting limn the
step of a coach on the U.'1'. R. at
Buffalo. His hand war run
weer fend
his leg was severely hurt o for nine
He was in hospital at Buftat
weeks until death intervened. rare
Mr. Lucas wax born forty-five
ago at Hackshridg , Snine(.Amada twelve
land, and came w
SeCoteant Axing,- Hayden. of the Rental (signed
Co, p-. Loudon. 1. ep ou ieat+e. oinl
Mr. ()orlon Soli[., rat Toronto, u vl-itine pia Nor*: Folks {n town and adj rags
Mr. Noble. west stree . counties are delighted with the results'
tainedbyusing "dNURIC,• 1'
RiE11311$M, UROKT.
- Mr. Editor -I wish to tell yam
• recent a backache, ,Pring from back r d+cweak
congestion the'
makem, dropsy,
kidneys. 1 tried a new medicine called
"Anuric," which has recently
whose mods -
covered by Dr. Pierce,
eines and Snrgiest Institution in Buffalo,
N. Y., you have nn doubt heard for
This medicine acted upon me
in a wonderful manner. 1 never hove'
taken any medicine so helpful in snob I
quick time. 1 do wish ld give it s trial.
of each •nine$► 0, II. Use".
Oi nee 1 bad when ant
liacEsvart Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich •
and Disti ic.t. •
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity beet all Maple •
S1alw, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
• TELEPHONES, office 98
• residence - -a Or 68
Ontario's Best Business College
Stndet,lts may, enter our classes at any -
f Commencd"quos course now
and be qualified for • position by
midsttnemer. During July and August
of tart year we received calls for
OvIT 200 office assistants
we could not supple. Our gradates
are in demand. Write for our free
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
a I
Mi. };brie Fitrgnhar, of Clinton, k. the
Rue t of Mr t. w U. MacEw Lit tri wee
Mr. Jae. [Alton. of the ratlw ty 'nail Aervi,e,eMnie,
but i+ sow w u t up with adean atlaolt of poc
Mr. Frank Town.enA, who we. on rho
nor. taecbanical .t.tlr for the 1.4 1 i,, bth..
kaft.,011 Saturday to take a eieittou et.
from (*Wary. where they spent moveed
Mr, and r:al *
and w[ wain In thitarto. Mrs. MIar'nu,:k
,'tin Uoler•ch. with her parent.. Sir.
°wined 15 Pounds Ey Taking Marl
Norfolk, \'a.-"1 ',offered from net-
vounnees, had no appetite and was very
thin. Nothing 1 took 0armed to help me
until one day a friend told me about
Vinol. 1 have now taken six battles and
have gained fifteen pounds; hate a "-Mer-
appetite and can eat a l ahi
tig Tex eset W, Norfolk.
Vino[ is a constitutional remedy
with- it0 formal* on 44ver' toe gad
tle. It
creates an appetite. aide 1.
makes pure, healthy blood. Try it alta
our guarantee.
they haveoo of Dr. Pierce, who
the newest discover}and.
is bead of the INVALIDS'
n 110
E N• d.
StraoicaL Iserrrtt7'
Those who started the day with a back-
ache, (tin Thea arms worn out beford e the
an aching head
daybegan because they were in and out
of bed half a dozen timer at night) are
be refect rest, comfort
at prdr
a•t .o44 *. t William wornness appreciatingsnrengthp hey obtained from
Vl8 Helms Ferd returned uhf. work hro,u
brother for.ev▪ rpd weeks. :err DrouRDt wkp D[. Frerce's Anuric 1'ahlets. o prove
her her young ne�pe w, Ma.ler Kenneth Ford, that this is a certain
nr1 kidney end
who vlel remainrFlth hi, grandparent* here and conquers a • uwa disease^ and rheumatism, if
w the nnnc
IIs. L. J. t'anteb0, 1vel6 o rated mYuT [from
t iv .psndtn ate bladder i A cut
4 you've never send ten Cents 441 )bd c t
makks tu- tpha astainit rt roar meiitne; this Ode sctsge. This
ih it
weo-. where he pal mel ll x +ev Ti a fora large sample p
H.C. Dunlop, druggist, Go'lerirh, Ont.
Also at the hest druggists in all Ontario
e arc
rat 1lanitoba and lir+k le ween, trove i^ 1111 Mie LO yon -fiat ^ Anl'1- ]a
e• rl tbouauid n'lle.. He soma out th enc naw I
on'iitonti.'eot.t !feta(. Hs .. 111 favorable' p slur acid—Mud the l
HILI i -t Ice. • the re Ills wee. i 1st h •etbcr, ! iitb{a in elimi0 g mon actiae tan
Hsu■ dl.trlet. where be rl+?ted + brother, most perfect kidney and bladder cor'-'
Aden', they have had Rood crop., or Khat the
ir-t two . air. Mr. Regina. vt sed natter; druggist and ark for a 60-cemt box
Willow,at 14'ltiol who i- con ectad i recur. If von air a euffenr, go year
A - .no , , name
tern ;oars, on the prairie, from discovery as it has for
Brent y rotes crit .n Oadtaken'. Pte f new
WJIETIIER you've been
buying cheap or high-
priced footwear, our Shoes
and Rubbers, at medium
prices, will make it possible
for you to save money and
you'll still be able to have
footwear that cannot be beaten
for style,comfort or dnrablitiy.
(0EO. MacV1CAR
North 54 at » Oadsrieb
Would Would you like to end that ter-
rtl,le itching, that burning pain; to
bean those horrid sorest
You have tried all sortsoffa t
eintments, lotfone and powders.Nature •
them aside now and g
ive chance as repreee» ted by 7ba Thal t.
Zam-Bak is made is
in es-
ronew: 1s a natural boaler. ls not
send to be
something 7
end of the world for, and pay a
briv/ price! Every druggist *111
sell you ,' tn..Buk and for 50c. only.
Just give it afairtrial and dY Ind-
dently give yourself
gntck•atroete. See me on box. --
brother, Leet
,. to one' the big implement.
r0P44111 rce
,f "AnufC.• You run no risk tot Dr.
td ?mer in ow stands behind this
e'. rate on w'.. w0 air n
theo' 4,irluO1110,hap''•ul y.-.nt that .11- ran
pl ... durtryr the erteen yr.r+ef ha'
ab.en" 1 the poet halt eenmry for hie "Golden
Medical Discove which makes th
11.0111 tatl w,yteTil eOal,Crr.
-"- — _ blood pass, his ^ av ariYPrescription" a
Soldiers' Y. M. C. A. Fund. for weak women. arid
i. fes liven
To the Editor of The y ar+
1)gkH SIR, --t *1101110 acknowledge -
gratefull.y, on lebalf of the Y. M, C.
A., our i ndebteduese to those of our
citizen., who have so freely reepond;