The Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 4A he++ H IIA\, J 1Nl'ARY 25, 1917 1 HE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO PRIDHAM'S GREAT Money -Saving Sale Tremendous reductions on many lines of men's and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Underwear, Shirts. etc. M this time of the year we always give great bargains to clear out our winter stock. This year you can save more than any other year, because you save on present prices and on the advance -Prices of next spring and fall. Don't . let this opportunity -pass. Just ,a few items show, what YOU -May shiest` in other lines : MEN'S _SUITS AND4VERCOkTS Regular, $12, $13.50 and $15, for - $9.75 MEN'S HEAVY TWILL PANTS If bought today would sell at $2.75 or $3. Special $1.95 MEN'S ALL -WOOL UNDERWEAR Extra special 75e per garment. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 49c Clearing up a lot of odd lines; regular up to $ I.25, for 49c. Walter C. Pridham 201h Century Clothing Borsalino Hats King Edward Cafe I(SOMETHINO ICH) The weather is now cool. People coming to town can he served Hot Coffee, 1 ea or CesslaN,6c Msals also served 35c 3 H1ghe.t prior. paid for butier sand egxl. The Lest barn in town for stabling, .Joseph Murray amoeba. street (R1 - 000ibjra71 ELX'C Taft' UOHT wnu OW/0 vw. HOOSE AT NIGHT Keep Up With a.... .Isar the Times AND have yo house lighted in thecodern way -with electricity. We know how to do it. and will cheerfully f u r n i s' plans and estimates for wiring, fixtures, etc. `A large assortment of Elec- trical Sundries and Supplies always on hand. Robt. Tait West Street, Phones Next Postoffice 82 and 193 CARLOW. WEDNKMDAT, .ban 21. blr. S Allan, ofMcG iw, has recovered from an att., k of pneumonia. Meters. Aplin & Connor shipped a carload of hogs last week ; price. $13 pet cwt. Mr. Herh. Fisher disposed of a fine horse to Robett McLean and realized dyer 142111. Mr. Thomas alrPhee has born in the neighborhood cutting straw and wood with hi• gmsoline outfit. Mr. James filen has had a severe attack of pneumonia and we are glad to know he is around again. "COULD NOT STAND UP STRAIGHT" Oovwallle, Jan 13. "Sheet a year age 1 was .uf- f.r•laa from a dreadful lawa bulk amid him, me arse! .• that 1�r meld .0 set stead up Wbsl.itl spells. A fried Mid the • s KIDWCY$ =71,4•24 -a-he:; tW helped las is "I be.. t.kr Wet 1 t Musa The pals. Ia my beck .ad hies me all ass. 1 razors speak me Moldy ./ the ..ad.,fsl .test of year OM x111. Tun any use this if you ..e it le atseer.ty y. ars. a. 0. David '• 111 drepimm mill Obs Tal. ma Me.. o heL er • tows far sobs. Sammie fres If eta wow w NATIONAL MVO • CIMUTIOAL e0. 5 OA1L5A, way= larvas, Oat. 55 DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Says we will both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Illness. Sanitary science has of late mads rapid strides with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat- est application of Its untiring research is the recommendation that it 1a as necessary to attend to internal sanita- tion of the drainage system of the hu- man body as it 1s to the drains of the house. Thome of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise. splitttng'headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom- ach, can, Instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the sys- tem each morning and flushing out the whole of the Internal poisonous stag- nant matter. Everyone. whether ailing. sick or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stom- ach, liver and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and Poisonous toxins; tons cleansing. sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of bot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach 1. wonderfully In- vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphated hot water 1s quietly extracting a large vol- ume of water from the blood and get - ng ready for a thorough flushing of the Inside organs. The millions of people who are both- ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomaeb trouble, rheumatic rattiness; others Who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of lime- stone phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little. but Is suffi- cient to make anyone a pronounced crank nn the subject of internal san- itation. (Mr. Arthur Clark, cid the firth of Clerk & Clayton, has returned after spending m few days .t it, rat ford. Little Mi.. Perri Dene, who was staying 'rob her grmodl *rents, Mr. and Mre. Wlla.m, h.e returned to her home al, Port Carling. The aserarnent of the Leu,I'• Supper (will he observed text. Sabbath in Smith's Hill church. The minuet con- gregational meeting will tie held An Monday. The death of Mr. Samuel Pnt'eron I siaturd', Iwo has occasioned deep *oi- 1 row throughout this community. His genial manner and cherry nature wade him many friend■ and he WAS highly esteemed by all who knew him. We extend to the soirowing widow and family our warmest aywpatby in their hour of sorrow. A RecuRo-BRSAKtN(t Pur. --Mr. Thos. Bums the other day sold to Joseph O'Connor the ieige-t pig that was ever shipped at McGaw station. It measured right feet in length and four trot In h.ight and weirhed (55) Ib•. Mr. Borns was do. ked $2n on the priori on account of the excessive weight of the monster porker. AUBURN. Wmixes DaT. Jan. 21. Mrs. Pro -t is «rending • few days with her son« at Mlive, ton. Mr. Lawrence Patterson started on Thursday on bra note trip to his Western home. Maas May Denstedt returned hoose Saturday after • tern weeks' visit to tier rioter raw titre tined. Mr. •od Mr.. Rrnjaanln i.vnna, of Brondoo, MauiVns, u• via'Ing tae fat too b^either. Mr. F.1ward Joe... Mr. and rte. Thaw. Stam:Wbam .a. SENSITIVE THROATS need careful treatment ,from within more than they need bundling wraps during changing seasons. The pure cod liver oil in scows EMULSION is helping thousands to strengthen the tender linings of their throats, while at the same time it aids the lungs and improves the quality of the blood. Throat Specialists endorse SCOiT'S EMULSION -Try It Scott 5 Bone Toronto, Ont. 16-13 1 - rived h last week after three �months' .hsencr, during whish they Lsred their daughters .t St, 1'honnas uId Thawreville. The annual meeting of Knox church, which w.. to be held on Monday even- ing, was postponed on account of the storm to Friday evening next, when it will'"he"'iieid after the preparatory service. Owing to the storm our train service was 'diorgsniz-d oo Monday. The morning train from Goderich passed through about noon, having been de- layed a by snowplow getting off the track vt�4'•st of the village. MATH OF AN OLD RsingNT.-On Friday afternoon. Mr. O. Beadle, one of our oldest settlers, departed this life at the home of his son. in bis eighty- sbcond year. He leaves three daugh- ters -Mrs. H. Maylee, of Kalamazoo, Mich., Mra. L Lawson, of Clinton. and Mrs. 'Phomas Robinson, of East Wa- wannsb-and two sons, John, of Sats- katodn, Sak., and George, at home. The funeral on Sunday .1Iernoon to Ball's cemetery was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. W. Hawkins, and the pallhearerr were John Milker, Joseph Feagan, Joeeph Lawson, R•.I.rrt 1...vson, Wm. Robert- son and Ez-kiel Phillips. OUII CANNON. MR. N. F. WHYARD is the agent for TH IC SIGNAL at Dungannou. Order. left with blot for .otbsortpUooa adverU.ementm or lob printing will re- vive prompt attention. Telephone (Dederick' Rura1136r %VW/NEM/AY, Jan. 24. Rev. E. G. Powell, of Clinton, field secretary ut the Temper mice Alliance of Hulot , will preach in Erskine church on Sunday morning and in the Methodist church in the evening. The Kingsbridge Dramatic Club will give its famous play. "Luca Tree Mine," in the Agriwtltursl Hall, on Friday evening, at N o'clock. Admis- sion 25c and 33,.. Proceeds for Red Cross purposes. iHRtDMVLAR MAIL SERV11'g. -Not. since the pioneer drys had the wall s. mice to Dungannon been worse than M. present. 1f this village is a fair example of mail distributi•'n throughout the Province of Ontario, we would say 'bete is ouch labor awaiting the new Postmaster -General. Hou. P. E. Blondin, in his new sphere. Surely somebody needs an awakening. Tow PVBLI(' LIBRARY. -Che suntan' library meeting was held on Monday evening at Mr. Mob -'s residence. The treadnret'r end librarian'd telorts were quite satisla.:'ory. It war dis- covered, however, that fewer books were teal last year than previously, this being attributed to various rea- sons. particularly to the ab.ence of so many from' the locality, and to the fact that so many dailies and maga- zines full of war news enter most homes, occupying the spare time of the (readers. Rev. G. (annum gave a report of the library convention at Stratford last fall. The following officers we.e elected tor the ensuing year : Ray. G. Gornto. president ; Mr. Lyons, secretary, and Di. Case, treasurer ; the president aa drlrg.te to the convention this year, with Mr. (leo. Jackman as alternate. Mr,. Wm. Mole is retained again ase lib av- ian. The library is a great asset to the community, and should be patron- ized. It is urgently requested that it receive the support of all who are within reach of its benefits. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Miss Margaret Tull! stent Sunday at. home. The annual meeting of Union church was held on Tuesday. January V. Elwyn Anderson. of Hayfield rows. hos left fpr Galt to work at munitions. Rev. Jas. Hamilton being ill with la grippe, Rev. Mr. Hager took the rervicee at Union church on Sunday. Pre. Joe',ulll writing home from hie billet in France ("a cow -stable") states that be and Alex. Chisholm are fine. A goodly number of subscribers of the wuolcipel telephone attended the annual ntrstiog at Holmeeville on January Ititb. 'Pbe Taylor's Uorner branch of the Coiled Patriotic Society will hold a sewing meeting at the home of Mn. Wm. Driver on Wednesday, January 31.t. A11 the ladies are cordially in- vited '3IW IAL AND PATRlorrlt' EvEN(No.- Under the auspices of the local divi- sion of the %Vas Auxiliary • social was held on Tbur.d.y night at the beautiful new home of Mre. T.J. John- intro, Srd concerts' , and in spite of the stormy weather was well attended, about seventy persoos being present. 'rho first pea 1 of the evening was oc- cupied with euchre, at which Miss M.cEwan, teacher of Union school, and Mr. Isaac Salkeld won the prizes. Refreshments were served and after- wards the young people enj .yed there. selves at dancing for an hour. A ' number of eeleclionr were given oa Mr. Ross' gramophone and were mutat appreciated. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Johnston and family for the use of the house and stabler, .ate. The 4nt•i proceed., amounting to $15.s1t,' were handed to the Pau io.ic Society. The War Auxiliary is giving a social evening at the home of O. Laithwaute, 1 Huron road, oo Tuesday, January 30th, for the benefit of the '1'aylot s Corner branch of the Coiled P..triotic Society The evening will be spent in progressive euchre. The ladles will � supply the sandwiches and cake. I Price 25e and over. PATRIOTIC SOCIETY. -The monthlt business mletics of the Patriot c So- ciety of (3udernch township will be held at the home of Mn. James Joho- ason, Huron road on Wednesday, January 31st, at 230 p. m. The S - ciety wirhas to acknowledge with thanks tbm following donations : A Friend. 52c; the War Auxiliary, $15.51; Mrs. John Sowerby, $2. Goods crn- soted and forwarded to layman Hall, .Londeo.-42 pain of. socks end 37 pyjama suite. 'Anyone having odd pyjaiu• coma or pants will kindly bring them tc next meeting. CAN DO MY WORK -PAIN 1S ALL ft0NE Miss Dome McClain^Tells of Dodd's Kidney Pule. Ferguson Fiats. Alta., ,Van. 22 (Spec- ial). -••Yes, i am very gra l cap say that I have tried Dodd'r Kidp4 pills and found thew all that is alai ed for *Item." So says Miss Dollie McClain, an estimonk lady residing herr. "i was troubled with • sore k that made me Almost helplesm. I t one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills • say hack is all right. 1 can do my work and the pain is all gone." Every woman should use Dodd'.. Kidne' P,11.. They are the flne.t tonic in the wnrlJ because, seting di- rectly on the kidneys, they tone up those organ.' to their full work of straining all the impurities nr t of the blood. Pure blood means new strength fnrall parts of the h idy. New strength means new eheerfulne.s. That .. wi,y so many women so cheerfully testify to the benefit received from using Dodd'. Kidney Pills. II SPECIALS 1 During stock -taking we have broken lines that we wish to dear out, and to do so we have marked them at prices that will take them off our shelves quickly. Here are a few of the offerings for this week: D. & A. Corsets D. & A. Corsets have the largest sale of any Corset in Canada. Here is a line that is broken in sizes and we intend ro clear it quickly. No. 610 made of white English Conti!, with four hose supporters. Regular $2.00 for $1.49. Fancy Georgette Crepe Collars ' just 27 Collars left after the Christmas selling. They must be cleared out this week. Every one new. In Georgette crepe, broadcloth and sa>iin. Regular $1.40 and $1.25 for 99c, regular $1.00 for 79c, regular 75c for 59c. Neck Scarfs Black silk Scarfs for men, regular $1.50 for $1.19. Heavy cotton and wool Neck Scarfs, regular $1.00 for 49c. Children's wool Scarfs in navy blue, regular 50c for 29c. •7.tIiery Heavy all -wool Hose, sizes 7,9 and 10. Regular 35c for 29c. Fine fleece -lined cotton cashmere Hose, sizes 81, 9, 911 and 10. Regular 25c for 19c. Children's small -sized wool Hose, regular 25c and 35c for 19c. Hoods and Caps Ladies' and children'; Fool, and Caps. Regular $1.25, $1.00, 90c and 75c for 49v. Centres and Table Covers Ju -t a few left to sell. Regular $2.00 for 99c. Regular $1.00 for -49e, J. H. CO!_BORN E locir LOTHISN. TUESDAY, Jan. Z3. Mr. q.Oiltno-e, of Wroxeter, visited his brother, P.t Gilmore, one day bait week. Mr. Frank McGregor. of Duluth, ♦ia- ited his cousin, Mrs. Rnd.Camptrell, one day last week We are glad to know that Mr,. Atex. MacLean is improving after a very bed attack of la grippe. Dr. John MacLean and sister, Miss Sara, of Chicago, are spending a few days at their old home here. Miss Donalda Hogen hay acoept•d a position at Cochrane, New Ontario, and lett for there • few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. MacKeith, of Saskatchewan, are visiting al the home of Mr. T. F. Henderson. Mt. Jim Gilmore, of Weyburn,Sask., and sister, Mrs George Calhoun, of Calgary, ere spending a week or so visiting their brother, Mr. Pat Oil - more. AFTER GRIPPE �►iaol Restored Ir. Iartin'a Strength Wapakoneta, Ohlo.-"i •m • farmer Lc ...pupation, and the Grippe left me with • bad cough and Is a nervous, weak, run-down eondition, and 1 oould not swam to get •nytlring to do me any good until 1 took V'inol, which built me up and my rough and nervousness are all gone, and I can truly say Vinol is all that 4s claimed fSr It.' -.,Arts MARTIN. Vino! is a constitutional remedy for all weak, nervone and run-down condi- tions of rnpn, women and children, and for chronic coughs, colds and 'bronchitis. 11. C. Ihu+lop,rlruggiat,(:nderich, Ont. %boat the Leat diuggista in all Ontario t owns, Saltford Red Cross Society. Thanks are due to the workers of tbe8altford Red Cross Society for 116 pairs of socks, 16 trench shirts and 6 hospital shirts. Rocks -Grace Brawn, 12 pairs ; Mee. Gliddon, 11 pairs ; Mary Glidden, 1(1 pairs ; Mrs. Hees. 6 pairs ; Mra. Con- nell. Mr.. Bown, Dolly Boson, Mr. McLeod, Mrs. S. Bisset, 5 pairs each ; Mrs. (lnldthorpe, Mn. McManus. Miss A Bisset, 4 pain e•eb • Mrs. O. Hie - wit, Mrs. J. Walter, Mrs. Ionia, 3 pairs sash : Mary Barter, krft. Correll, Mrs Manderson, ArtaimBit Mrs. l,ippet, Margaret Hieset, Mr.. Dew, Mr,. It. Walter. 2 pelt. each ; Mrs. Tank, Marie Durnin, Mrs. W. McLean, Mn. Geo. Bisset, Mrs. P. Maltreat), Winn'. Glidden, Miss Ashton, Fled Haas, Mire. Gibbs. Mrs. A. Love, Clara Jones, Mrs. J. McLean, 1 pair each Trench phi. to -Mrs. Lippe', Mn. Adams, Mrs. W. McLean, Mrs. R. Walt. r. Mrs. G. Bls.et, 2 e«eh ; Mrs. C. McNeil, Mrs, Tank. Mrs. O. Myna - moody, Mrs. Harker, Mr.. Dew, Mrs. Correll. Mrs. H. Morris, 1 each. Hospital shirts -Mrs. R. Walter. Mos. 0. Fowler, 2 each ; Mie Buchan - nen, AhrJ• Hurhanan, 1 each. The stoat meeting will he bola at the hem. of Mrs. J. McLean on Pel.- ru$ry l.,. As. got•nttty of Ary he •nine% iambs (Ot mummer woad al MarMwsa's (phos 551 $L*l per cosi. tt JOB AND CO MERCIAL Prrnting? the f �a od-bye, Mother, n Worryi. Good-bye-trustinin God to bring him home to h- safe - if that be His will. Good -bye -t and me to see his Mother through while he, her natural support and defender, is some- where in France, facing shot and shell for God, for right, and for native land. In. the name of Christen- dom, men and women, what sacrifice is this! What con- secration to duty ! What re- sponse to the call of the Motherland ! -What clarion challenge to the world to "Watch Canada!" He goes -joy of his Mother's heart -idol of all her dreams from the day she bore him -- hope and bulwark of her declining years. He goes -and, Heaven bless his belief in us, his people, he goes, leaving his most beloved possession to our care and protection. He trusts us. Who will fail him? What man or woman, rich with the possession of the memory of a Mother, will fail his Mother as a reward for her sacrifice? This trust of our soldiers is a holy legacy. Give to the Mothers of our soldiers in the name of your mother -as your testimonial to Canadian Motherhood. Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. $6,000,000 must be raised in Ontario for this Fund for 1917. Mothers, wives, and children of Canadian soldiers shall never say that their nem people neglected them after their men went forward to suffer and to • die. Every case helped by the Patriotic Fund is carefully investigated. Only where assistance is really needed is assistance given. Everything humanly possible is done to avoid waste and prevent imposition. Cre u Your Own Heart Prompts You to the Patriotic Fri ceases, $ belay mated to aver. the V...diee ►M .body. Insid that It ass Mpeed as hesi.e b ran d1•wvi f• tt)t7 for Ms female. of Omura. .swore Powe a .' ss et time dollar. meat be ural ?rem 2. .$l.pl wb.ertpt+ese 1f Mare 1. se Ilmeith er the teed ywr •,.. r Msty mood year sn Wv(sum direst le lM ftsad (lased. oaasdtss P.efoate rota. Vasco ew.M, O�w► 3 1 Y