HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 1•
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THR SIGNAL is ' ready to
handle your Printing work,
large or shall, and give you a
satisfactory job every time. Let
us have your next order.
Telephone 35 The % al
• ' .•saw-rs....r.,...�
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SAVE, Because--
By saving you performa
national( asks
now dna and U el 1r Jaguars 10 Mr
cent. discount will be allowed.
Those in arrears for water and electric light,
are a. all in meats
will brequested
bee oKaseUy 4ent with .1 an early ate.
vmaa, water & Light Coll.
id ft
tinnal mdtUr's
Rev. R.C. Mc�eld
spoke of his
a..ociatiou with Kg Fotheringham
and said that dvrifg his brief ac-
quaintance with hi he had found
BlO$-f L Et iTS FOUNDER him a moo of broad btb
mpaies• Hn
ANO r*LIt11OLNT. would miss him exceedingly and he
hoped the new router would he r man
_ of similar sympathies.
Rev. G. M. Holmes spoke for him -
Many Speakers Ypres -Wit Regret self sod for Rev. J. B Fired, who wits
Felt by A11 in the Loss WhiCh the unable to be present, kr expressing de -
Town Sustains by His Removes- light in having knows Mr. Fot ering-
6em and regret at bts departure from
Rev. J B. Fotheringham in Elo- town
quent Words Gives a Farewell Mes-
seAs to the Men ot Goderich.
An affectionate snd regretful fare-
well to the president of the Canadianm
Club. Rev. J. H. Fotheringha, was
the note of the meeting of the Club
held on Tuesday evening at the Mas-
onic Temple. 'T'her'e was a large as-
tendanee, and the after-dinner
speeches were heard with apprecia-
retdry, and as Mr. Fotheriugh+heal Fellow and so Boded a mem'''
Others who spoke were W
This is the time to teotw your
subscription to The Signal -
before the price is advanced.
Your doltat NOW ensures you
fifty-two weekly visits of Huron's
best snd brightest paper -,-
The -Signal
1'UL 81O$AI PRINTiNO CO., LIMITED. hat 'sate
orp. Warner Writes About That
• Dinner and Other Things. Mr. John Felker, of Brock street,
went to Toronto last week snd en -
Lance -C
Menses. W.
H. Robertson, George
and Mayor Mutterings. Mr.
Staples, represent lug the Canadian
Patriotic Fund, addreed the meeting
with reference to the Fund. A letter
of regret for his absence was sent by
Mr. M 0. C,arreron and wars read by
the chairman.
Hands were joined while the a.-
sswbly sang "Auld Lang `Syne,"
which was followed by "liod Save the
The flub is at present without • sec- King,' and then "He's a Jolly (rood
-- BABY'S LAMENT. teen ipre•tdrnt since the l tubmeeting incepr able R cat We Canadian Club.
tion the fear has been entertained that
Written by Pte Kroert wares of tae meat with these two vacancies the organis-
t/attrition iterewiy of les uyroaak anon, which has been so successful and
throe I hada Daddy so helpful, might break up and the
Jest like other girls, Club go out of existence. However,
Uwe to count my phones, several of the speakers at this meeting
-- woke Orel to troll my curb, oke strongly in favor of kespit.$ up
• Used W hag and assumes me, the acti•ities of the Club. and 1t is
Always mess to day- hoped that suitable appointments may
rest batt loved Daddy- to mode and the requisite energy de-
voted to continuing the Club in its
Now he's gone away. successful c,►reer.
Daddy 11 ro+r+rs ore. M D MacDonald vice-president
Make nam «:awns with fright--
r °Prtgbt plats,. AOPI7 1'.OUNDRY.
and vOt:K ('ULTURZ),
Attu and ORGAN taeebt by D. NICHOL-
SON Freers. Certif. Rey. Acad. f)(In'.. (mrd.).
orstanigHeinrich �T�+sOoaeHUnt�withs urea.
mules. 1<ngeiriew et "Lakeview' (pro temp.)
er wale HUN ! . O.derieb.
L 1.14 c. 111-.041.4011444 sad char- sorer f
ams Church. Tine Piano. vdos, asp -
pp��ppul� prepared for AMA,
Aidien street. tear deers .ad of Dr, aster's.
lei MFW DICKSON, et. Vincent street.
The an.uol nneetlrig or the member. of (Joe
Mali Mele.l flu. Ireranee Ovmaaa/
vg1 be held In 1ne Www halt Masser ow M -
day. February Ik.4, 1917. at rite herr of I p. -.
The ins, Meme will be to receive the ann�[ual
three director sod auditors' owlother report,
minthe es• electing h
wall be ron•id.red for the benefit of the
y The retiring direriore .re James
ggeleely. Hebert Ferro and Witham Woo.
erbeare Marble for reelection.
ant Secretary.
l In the wheel belt of Saskatchewan • all
fenced and well wiail'ed ; within mile of poA-
esee : also Improved farm of Mb acuate, which
procto red good crop, le 1 two yeah' 4.114) shade
flee., on the plasm, all growing. fleas1 terms•
For Nether p rtloulan apply D.J.('ANre-
LUN* Hotel Redford, Ooderlch, 15.41
tight mil, a from (IndrMch, "prior c ek
rennin,n so throua 1.11 nh theat Then of
la on on hfall ard
se over an good hra,ing apple tree.. also all
kind- of other fruits. The buildings are In
good repair and the wester to elallent.
CI) avid cheap and on es07 terms. Apply at
THE MON A1, for farther particnler'. Y[If
Still I wish my l)eddy
Work walk to tools/1st.
How he seed to whi.Ue.
Siang, and make roe saner.
Now M'. gone away, away.
All the way to France.
Daddy cued to feed me
Flom s little spool,
And when cross and fretful
earn *nothing tune.
Now my Daddy + absent,
bons away to fight.
Ian me hen s, lonely -
1 dont think it's right
Now I'm helping crams,
Doing .la i can :
I can warn thedl.hwe
le the tittle pan
1 am growing bigger
Asthe ►ssn unfurl -
MU I know my`Dadd7
Wants his little g►ri.
Yes, 1 think of 1).dd7
A ad Daddy f hlaks d toe.
Acid we talk together
The' he's o'er the WA.
There's a Roby long• ase
Rome cant uoder.tand :
We speak like angels whisper
In the wonderlaud.
listed In the naval service. Ids re-
turned in uniform on Raturdr7 night
Comp. E. A. Warner. formerly of The andis in
for dutyowri at • few Hal days before Signal. -was written on Christmas Day re-
at the eam the I>luron Battalion to Pte. William Berriman, a returned
England u1dier, arrived in Goderich on Mon -
1 rm taking a few minutes thia after- day afternoon. Private Bert irnro en-
listed in September, 191,
p r in the 71.t
noon W write you another brief Britt•llon. He spent the winter in
epistle. Just now I feel comfortable 0.1t and went overseas last spring.
in the region of the belt and content When the 71st ars broken up he was
with my kit. The chief reason for I transferred to the 51st 1(e.crve Bat-
talion, 1 suppose, is that t have to had talion, under command of Major Duo -
one of the best newts of my lite. The lop,1.1 Goderich. While with this
officers of our Battalion clubt.ed to- Battalion be met with an injury end
gather and peppered, partly with their -'I was forced to return to Canada. Pte.
own hand, a feast tor the men that ,Ben linen goes to London in a few
was lit fur a king. You will p -j dsy r to take r_threr monthi con-
•hly ti interested@Day to knowt,bow our', veIescent treatment. Mayor Monologs
y R
dpecriuss Day naw spent, sn 1 will and Reeve Nairn caret the returned
describe it in detail. We rose er soldier on his arrival at tbe 0.1'. R.
the tumid hour, 8 a. tn., and, after station on Monday.
the usual cleaning operations, had our -
breaktast of the ordinary tare at 7 I Driver Alex. Straiton, who is train-
s, m. A parade for divine service was ing with a bowttery of artillery in Eng-
ulTeied a stymie and painful
e nam bolding hie horses
hing. frightened them and
jet king up its head. Rate
a wret-S h which broke
Rev. A L. G. Clarke, c( Waterloo -Will
Be is Gitdericb This Week.
The services at St. George's church
last Sunday were in charge of
W. J. Doherty, diocesan secretary,
iveeddn, who conveyed the announce-
ment from Bishop Williams to the
congregation that Ms Lordship had
Mr been pleased to appoint as rector of
of the Club, presided, and at the con- [hie parish 11.•v. A. 1., the 0`V` r'e, no
elusion 01 the luncheon proposed e of St. Savior's eburebtt'
toast of "The King," which was toy- i is expected the new rector will resume
his duties here about the end of Feb -
ram y. H. will, however, make a
visit to the parish this week and with
Club ' n 1 tie president, mingled' Rev 1 B. Fotherinahem, the la`
higher activities. Mr. Fotheringham
would take with him the goodwill of
all the people of Oodericb, who would
watch his progress onwards and up-
ward* in his church, until in due
time he should he called upon to ec-
ally observed, the assembly singing
the National Anthem. Mr, MacDon-
ald epN ke of the regret felt by the
The new war savings certificates of
the Domioio Government scheme
were issued locally to tbe Sterling
Bank of Canada this week. and al-
ready • somber of applications have
been received.
The certificates are pert of the new
plan promulgated by the Fedetal Gov- sist,nce and direction of its young
on Gov-
ernment for the purpose of raising career. and expressed the trust that ie.
ind e norm the war. T6$5 am $100.ene 111e new snd greater sphere greet
ain d 111. purchae of rice, foo, and x10 s thi s would he in store for him.
21. lbs ;rumba.* $ price for them is Rev. Mr.Fotheringhsnt in reply ex-
fi21.60, f14R and are e e redeemable
rBssed his regret et leaving the
Certificates redeemable at the Club and the town. Hie associations
expiration of three years from the here had been delightful. He liked
date of issue, at face value, and they treoknen of speech, and belled found
are equal to an investment at approxi- it in the public lite of Goderich and
mately 5 per cent. The payee of these particularly in the Canadian Club.
certificates has, however• the option I If be were to leave a't 'towage for the
of redeeming them at c e ce periods wen of (iodet icb, it would be to urge
which are .t his b on 1110 certificates. 1 tbe desirability of their giving them -
But should this be done the return I selves to the lite of the community in
them -
will not be the 5 per cent. which' developing the town, in enlarging its
would accrue supposing the term 01 idem in making it , 10 e e of better
service. Saywhat you
he believed ha a
great future beimo her, andsome of
1 apartment house on North greet • six
room- and lath. basement laundry. all modern
u,d eeetl
cenlen reale dammed 1
non Ota
sealed. Hart tea,.onaMe. A.M. F'OLi.gY. ant'
Olonos ier Torras& Apply W gf JOS
u in losing i
with pleasure at is elevation to rector, will officiate at a spacial ser-
vice to be held at SL ()sergge s on Fri -
da t evening, at 4 o'clock. The sermon
will be given by Mr. Fotheringham.
The new rector was the chaplain of
the 118th Battalion. but under the re-
cent ruling of the MYillitfa Department
cept the mitre. wu not permitted Logo overseas.
The ebairmwn then called noon Mr. HURON LU(X1E't;MONOR ROLL.
J. L. Killoran, iotwrr secretory of
the Club. who in • graceful epeecb ex- Huron Lodge, No. et, I. O. U. F..
pressed the sentiment■ of the Club to- g
wards the retinue pre.idenL Re re- I Inas an honor ton. containing thirty -
called Mr. Futbrringbem s activity in one names so far, of members who
the formation of the Club. which was hove of ve given
thettheir r er i ore. es in the war.
Sole, bas
and, ape on the 17th of arch, 1ii tiC sid the supreme sacrifice at the hat -
sod, .peaking of the charactrrirtie V
Scottish tenacity, as well as the ener- tirlront" The list is one of which
gy and eloquencppe which Mr. Fotber- Goderit'h Oddfellows bavegard reason
alt ibheti e &ekedlbow with a Soot loyed in the lult's to like miliita, y rank) ate e nye' (without the
that at its bead, and St. Patrick's Charles Edward Sale
Day as its birthday, the Club could R.egin•Id John Platt
help beings .rtocess, Alfred Hope Macklin
Mr. Kalman gave a brief review of William Lawrence Yule
the won k of the Club, recalling the Hugh Carhnee Dunlop
names of some of the eminent wen Percy Fisher
who had come to address it and .peak- Ferman H. Harris
Ing of the benefits that the members William Proudfoot, in,
received from its meetings- For the Donald McNevia
Cldb's succors a great deal of the creel- William Percival Yolt/rei�
it was due to Mr. Fotheringham. In Walter Yames Bu(itfgrta
behalf of the Club, the speaker Alexander Goodwin Nisbet
thanked hint for what he bad done i■ William Yates Hayden
its formation and in the way of as Ernest John Young
Alfred Fenton Sturdy
William Clark Soazel
George Fisher
held at 111 a. m. and dinner waa oro- I land, firs
oounced tor 11,:10. It was not Deices- Injury.
eery to coax the men to attend Chet atter son)
parade, for all who were not on duty one of (bed
or lying sick were eagerly waiting at bis left cal
the appointed hour, all rumors of what soma of wrl 1
bad been prepared for us had leaked
it has been decided in future to dis-
tribute the yarn for suldrers socks and
receive the socks in 'lodger's Bros'.
store. Mr. Hodgeos has kindly given
a space for that epos and ladies
from the Ked UrosW 8 iety will by
then each Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon, commencing
Wednesday, January 31st. 1'be need
for hand -knitted socks was never
greater and It is hoped that everyone
who can knit will help in this work.
Volunteers are needed to help fix over
imperfect sucks. Good yarn of dif-
ferent brand. is always on hood.
The Soci•-L thankfully acknowl-
edges the following pontiihutions of
socks : Mr+. Reynolds, er., 17 mitre ;
A Friend, 9 pairs ; Mrs. Ida Fraser.
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Jas. Dickson, 5
pairs each ; Mrs. Weller, Miss M.
Clark, Mre. .Ino. Sturdy. 4 pair+each
Mrs. Symonds (St (avid rt.), Mrs, Jot..
McDuoald, Mrs. Wendt.. Mn. S. An-
drews, Mrs. Carrie. Mica Grittlthe,
Min S. Clark. Mrs. Gruwtuett,'Mr,.
B. Sault., Mrs. Bullard sr., 3 pairs
each; Mrs. Jno. Graham, Mrs. Doolittle,
Mn. McEwao, sr., Mrs. Jordan, Mrs.
Carter, Mrs. James Clerk, Mies Shir-
ray, Mrs. Thor. Bell, Mrs. Ball, Mrs.
(ilwfhill, Mn. Lyt.n, 2 pairs each ;
Miss L. Millar, Miss M. [)ark, Mn.
Malcolm McKay, Mrs. Chas. Glrvin,
M s. Calvin Cut t, Mies I.t)ault,e. Mrs,
J. P. Brown, Mrs. Jno. Ohalle0, Mn.
Jno. Million,. Mrs. Hillyer. Mn. Oak,
Mn. W. J': 'Meniivew: Mn. Leckie,
Mrs. narrow, Mies Young. Mrs. Bell.
Miss Bell, Mrs. Harrison, Min White-
ly, Mrs. (Dr.) Clark, Mrs. Swaffield,,
Mr's. Burkholder'. Mies Lawreone, Mrs.
McPhee, Mrs. Wuulcowbe, Mn. Dr;nk-
welter, 1 pair each.
out. "But the half had not been told." Atter several
The dining ball, which is capable of whither he wen
seating the whole Battalion at once. artillery. Major E. ,N. Lewis, M. P., has
bad been deco,ated with ivv, holly returned toUanadaend has been in
and s number o. portraits of Come of town for several day►►, The announce -
our great ftghtere. The tables also I meta comes from military divisional
presented ■n appearance which was headquatlers at Loo2fpo that the
calculated to oinks the soldier think Pd.j,r has been appointed brigadier,
months he England.
with • battery of
had been allowed to ex-
of horse. There were piles of broad with the rank of heuten
and Nutter, greet jars ot vat ious kinds snd will lx+ in command of
of Dickler, plates of candy, dish,. of ►11th, 05 h avid 171n h liatteri
t -colonel,
e li3rd,
mute. bowls of salads, baskets o will be the otganlzxiiott and t'gcroit-
nruiges, and 'many other articles too I In officer for the brigade and fide
numerous to mentign," as Tom Gun- , g
headquarters will be at @teen's Park,
dry would say. Officers, all of them,
London. Major (now ht.•l;ol) Le 's
were .currying around, and as e.c6 I Informed Thr Signal that in the ei
man took his piers at the table a large pumeialu es he would not give much
plate, piled high with mashed Pita attention to Parliament this session
toes, corn and twkry and dressing but would devote his time largely to
was put before him. The officers,
I rllciroitiog.
who wete the waiters, wete dimmed in
white coats and white cape. Colonel , .
Combo himself was wielding the ' men baa been paraded for intoxication.
carving knife snd dissecting the tor- Tke English beer and ale seems to
keys into large generous shares for I work more as a sedative and if a ratan
every man. Throughout the meal i "gets a jig on" be is more likely to go
the 101st bend, augmented by a num- to sleep, whereas the Canadian liquor
ber of musicians of the A. M. C. hand, usual) starts s mem on the warpath
discoursed popular music, for which if be or ink, to .xct•s..
great applause was given A. soon as Ahnttt two-thiiJe of the men who
the fleet course war devoured plot" ate still here with the Battalion have
were collected and a large helping cf completed the musketry rousse and
pudding -such pudding as many a the rel her third will be through by the
bcugewife would do well to get the , time this reaches you. They make a
recipe of -was placed before the men, %peelaity here of retaking the then who
and if the response to the call for snow reasonehle intelligence learn all
cheers for 111, ()Klee" was k trifle In- they cur about the suldier'e trade.
adequate to the occasion it was he- Some of the men are taking a short
curse the men were actually too full for engineering eourse, some are at a
utterance. Dinner for the men being bombing school wkerw live bombs are
over the sergeant,. repaired to tbeir used, •otheie are engaged in trench
mess, where, judging by their bewar-
pan fare. The secret of tl - m frown
dog faees when they ranee out, they it, teem gnirkly arpear+te , w
were treated to as gond a time as the the monotony out of the work and
men had been. 'make it interesting.
The afternoon was spent quietly' in I Our camp is midway between two
the huts, most of the men teeincoo- aviation 'schools and we see A great
tent to stay in camp and write lettere I variety of aircraft, w,mething which i
home or read the Chrimtmaa news. i never tire of watching. Yesterday an
are {n the adjoining immense dirigible passed over' our
At North street Methodist church
next Sunday morning, Res. W. K.
Hager', subject will he : "Test of
Greeds." livening subject : "Life's
Christ Place,- Egypt."
The subject tor discussion at the
Men's Sunday Club at North street
Methodist church next Sundaymorn-
s will be : "Some of the Dierences
tween German and British Ideals."
Gro. H. King will Ping at both
es to North street Methodist
next Sunday. At the evening
.be will render the soprano
"The Triumph of David,"
me down in peace."
fist church next Sunday.
the omitting will be,
°tutees," the filth ser -
solo to
"I will U
in the Ba,
tbe subject
"A Plea for
George Krnest Swart. All the puynou
Lewis McMann Elliott -- - towns were closed, so that there wee' heads while we were on parade and It
Ernest. William Frazer little inducement for the men to leave , was only a few bundred Leet shmye us.
Harold Bruce McDonnell I camp. B company, to which the The wen ate uow billeted in entailer
Alfred Herbert Jane Goderich men ate attached, was on huts and hut No. B 7 is the Rhode of
Harold Newcombe I picket duty in the evening, so could twenty-four men, all from (ioderich,
Alesander MtNevin not leave the tete', but for all who myself being one of them. We have
William W. McVicar could go a Belgian concert company had visits ftnm quite a number of men
Joseph McNevin was in the camp in-4heevening giving from Oodericli and vicinity who came
Harty A. Mel'rearh w concert in one of the brigade dining over with other battalions. Amnhg
Alexander .1. Straiton halls, under the auapiie. of the Y. M. the more recent were Wm. Biseet
Ernest Pridham C. A. chi istnum Day in England will and Sem Brimicomhe.
Roht. E. Beattie be a day long to he remembered by Dec -A daft of twenty nien,
H.Preston Strang the men of tie 101st Battalion who all from D company, lett (hie morning
- are lucky enough to survive this war. for nem*. It is generally expected
three yeah lu
fire. The amount paid in the way of
and greater ch "The Common Law" at the Model., Theenlisteddafore Christmas
70�h I theabet
stet oftthe Bill natwalinn early Menges
interest is shown on the
Outtur In one of the 500000 in the big wh
forms. Selnick•Picture production of "The received' a pleasant su1piiee in the New Year, ore quite it number of the
Individual ofp11 5asers are limited n' the t wn would
would see the dee when
the town would awake and enter on w Common Lew" Ito be shown at tbe form of an en/elope containing s sum officers"are leaving to tale spatia
the amounth new c The a is that
ife•- ------- Modal Theatre, Goderich, February 7 ori^tit'nev. the envelpl4rr+e ei, git in -
retiree Arthur Goddard, who was left
til hada of the now scheme is rageI larger 1and 8), the producers employed 450
and that at
mealis mon and three of average I . rgha a then a e 1
R the war and spoke of the unequal extra people in evening clothes to rep- F<orrNat. GttdPrt`Ilwrr wsum rt.f mon y rrjoinPidath Rin talion the
prie. Het,�
with i eir mo ly, enabled to "fight horde**, laid upon our pPople and our resent a New Year's Eve celebration Al
with their money," at the same time filar Broadway .restaurant.
y Emp1rP by the present aitu&lion, The in n pop
1'hie indicates the scale on which the
mon in the "study of Peter's First
Epistle ; and irt`the evening. "Herod,
the Curious, J d,ting Jesus." The
pastor, Res. (i.M.,Holmes,will preach.
The National Se vice League of Vic-
toria street church ill hold its regu-
lar meeting un Tut. , ay est fling. 311th
inst., wfhes an add, will be gong
by Mr: A. Y. ' , +w •Tb.
Story of the Formatio oT the Ger-
man Empire." flood , opens of
music end readings. C . tion • for
Red Cross,
Antall a1ing.-. a.
and intro thio were given - in
street Methodist church on 8uo
by Rev. D. Norman, missionary
Japan. At the evening sei vice b
dealt with Japan's relation to the war,
showing how faithfully the Island
Kingdom has adhered to the cause of
the Allies and how she has helped in
the prosecution of the war.
All records were, completely brnkeu
inn Thuiaday evening. January 1(416,
in Salvation Army heal statistic',
when in the citadel s large, enthus-
iastic, and line r••presenlative crowd
ret liodetic citizrne, numbering about
250. gatheredid enj-'y one of the
events of the winter, it was
a splendid etere('p, icon service.
entitled "The Way of the Crows,"
given by Captain A. Wittier') Mantin,
of Palruet•atoe. The nervier included
a vivid dewctip,ion of each scene, giv-
ing a perp 11110 the life and ministry
ot the Saviour: *weevily -flue choicest
colored .lidee, vt,enl solo.. vendetta by
Capt. Fax and local relent. a cornet
solo by Ill. I rtitrer, and it. Was ceP-
teinly wul-ir pit ung se tivrll as enjoy-
able to hest she hearty si,gging 1r
the congregs lion of oIJ fwu,iliai' 11-
Imettaled hyunls 1browrt upon the
sheet. Many were the expreeawns of
Appreciation and 'blee.ing received.
It i. felt 'assured that h good was
accomplisheot. The fineocrs Amounted
to $:h,.1.14, which, after meeting ripen-
DPP, is t0 monist the Intel work. (tor
this, Copt. Fox, the (reale ding
oicer•Is extremely grateful to t ht• pub-
and places on ,mord his thank..
It is gratifying to note that since
Captain Fred Fox and Lieut. Frank
Leight have taken the b"al 0hwr'ge
the Army aotlpuk is brightly on the
nave. they have begun a splendid
work worthy of the reepeet and sup-
port of the cit zine. ro the question
we hear• "1. the Army wanted in
(ioderieh P" will the Above nerve a. an
answer ?-Col,
The undersigned has received Instructions
to sell by public emotion et lot 47, M attend
Cense-inn. Oodertch township, on
51 1,3o 1'. m. Ilse following
Thoroughbred Shorthorn cow. 7 years obi.
No. 1r,'s:11. due March Mb.
Thoroughbr*A heifer, risinngg3 years. time np
now. F'wliarem will be prodorrd for her yowl
the self
Springer. dne January 241h.
Springer. dne on February It)
High grade 1Mrham row, due jMarrh 7
('bol.-ep wde th.rh-.m oow, dne March 13
(trade Dorham now. dne February 11th.
Choice Holeteln cow. doe March 14th.
Four yews. doe In April and May.
Two cow.. W freshen In October, milking
receiving a satisfactory recompense burden of humanity was not being
manager of
r hit. 1 gio w
in thei t the nwti n•.
for doing equally borne by all
thin Sterling Bank ofs Canada, Mr. C. Britain wee carrying a burden a pm -
L. Janson, is in possession be
of red by tion of *Web Phonies be borne by
that may required by others. looking at a Brest democ-
ratic nation like the United Staters, he.
DR. MILNE IS WARDEN. thought there should be another
shoulder beneath that burden. in
Huron County Council Chooses Reeve of emphatic tone. and language the
Blyth for High Honor. speaker expressed hie contempt for
Dr. W. J. Milne, Reeve of Blyth, is "nentrality." in other respects the
Warden of the county of Huron for burden was unequal. d80010 � sees of
I10 year 11,17. His election wast the
first ho.ln as of the county council est
the opening of the January PPNPion 0n
Tuesday afternoon. Reeve Stewart,
of Waforth, moved end Reeve Reis, of
Wroxeter, seconded the tic mitrationof Be would like to seethe (mad Mlrealised
Weer. Milne, and no other name he- H some Ray. He bi-licved the pat -
ed el he was declared [ duly mirage system in ('evade should be
Jutted and was sacro {n by Dapuly abolished sherd tasty. A plan ytet. a
Judge Hays. lace not lecauae of ability or of ser -
Go Tuesday evening the members of P
wdl now, YOUNG HRiFF:RR.
Five Hiram, dates f 7.are.
Ten gond steno, rising 4 year.
M w111 be elnadset.d Indoor. Aoeomrno-
dation for hormea to file In
()tA&An'r&R-Ary tow represented
calf and proving not to be one month front day
of sale non he retorted and your note or money
will bs refupded •
Teems.- RRat months neerll1 on approved
joint notes, et a dl.00urt of s per trot. per ell -
mom for c.,eh.
W. g. 1A)48, T, oUNPRY.
Pews **or. Auctioneer.
.1il an Mende and /viole�0pm for their
Swings to her brother. 1 hone. i.,wv, dortng
hie skitres• and the Finn .hewn her le
Iyer and hw'Mveleeat tae (needles (Mme
.1 Ferrets" for theft atleation.
the community considered they were Mr. Fronk A. (opus, of Stratford,
doing more than others.d
Sonde fami- general agent of the Mutual Life As -
Hew in (in givenh h0. given eurwnce Uompany of Canada, wee in
tion had ellnone, Some mac; town lest week and appointed Mr.
tines had given many to the cruse . H. E. Hodgene, of the firm of Hodgens
other sections not ata 1 in proportion. Bros., as Goderich local agent for this
well-known Life Assurance. Company.
(ioderich policyholders will In future
pay their renewed preminms direct to
Mr. Hodgena instead of wending them
to the general agent's office at Strat-
ford. The Mutant Life has always
been favorably known in Goderich, a
very large amount of insurance being
carried by Ooderbch people in this
Company. Mr. Nodgwns will no doubt
bs able to add many new policyholders
in this town 101 Cwnadw's only Mutual
Company._ _ --
Tho pries of eggs in higher now than
ry�p ever before. The ehaneee are that
lfntherirtglrarro's work end .*rein"'they will conunno to bring high
Re had been an acquisition to the 1 rices. Henna that fire aro more to p07.
Food will keep e
orlon e R
pictures have leen made.(a1m-
mon Lew" has been secured by the
proprietor of the Model at very heavy
expellee, end everyone should make it
a point to attend one of the perform-
ances. _
Voast-.o.led oyster., solid meat
r rd the oyster beds, at Black
stone e. Phone 240.
Tresh f
Goderich Agent for Mutual Life.
the council were entertained at. w vice. hut because of in fluence. 1t was
•'smoker" given mt the British Kx- a curse that should he done away
hotel by the oounty officials.
with. Referring to the wub�ect of con -
The council is stili in erasion. scription, the speaker declared that
en want some kind of despXotiem that
HOCKEY NOTES. will' put the whole .ttergy and wealth
of the opuntry into the teak of winging
The Clinton team went to Mitchell the war
on Friday night and were defeated by Dr. it' 1. Strang was the nest
the score 13-4. speaker, and he said he es fished to echo
Clintonmuff Mit- ever wo that had been said of Mr.
The game between 1y
chell on Tuesday night resulted in a
win for Clinton, the score being R to 8
The Goderich team plays two primes
go to Mitchell, while on ThltrlidesT R
him -his. energy and abilities" were make miry hen an egg prndneer ; 2nd
h. Forint ern
which he intended should be owed in '1 he follow ing men from the G P -
giving the Goderich boys some Christ -rich detachment are now in France :
mss cheer. A banquet wan suggested, I J. Bet* m..0. \ 'alser, F. Robertson, C.
but it was found impeach -able to Kobertson, J. White, 1.. Mugft.rd,.1.
carry it out. Some raid. "Buy to- Mugf.nd, W. Oriirod, A. Hilton, H.
" but s number do not enioke, A. McCreath, H. Bellamy, C. Penn-
. 1 rP
1, 1 t 1
so the officer who received the money ulgton, L. Alien. L.
men. Whdivided it ileally the the sum among
in lottedthe r10 a each I shall,eT. Fry,0. Andemon, %V. F.
man was not great, it was in a large Bert y, J A. White, J. N. Newell, G.
number of cases the difference between 1 Rivett, E. H. Sutuentail, N. McPhail,
it im nearly a month since Pthe (men A.
Three omen are Iwith, J. the Acaeualty
were pari and very few have learnedi battalion at Shoren►m : H. martin,
the way to hu,hand their loose change ,df A. Ward, S. Locktteld, E. -Fraser, K,
in this country whelp supplies aril Ervine, F:. A. Lyniburner, W. F.
deur and he le nearer. !i Frere, R. P. O'Brien, B. C. Smith, I.
I believe 1 told you before that two A Fox F Bowes, 0, Ar McDonald,
drafts have left the Battalion for
France. Another email draft is to
(Pave thin week. Major Hays is "wine.
et here in France" on A tour of inspec-
tion. Major Campbell is field officer by-product of the war.
thin week for the Shnreatcliffe and Yours ur ..InallOrr relyA. `VARBR.It.
Folkestone Ars. Lance -Corp. Cur-
Mohr in and A. D. C. 1
yawn, but the speaker bad felt all view'.
Poultry F od 'll k t6
that Gndpri0h could not. hold retire flock {o nod rnnditinn and will
next week. On Tuesday night they
eight the Clinton team days here.
The League standing to date is 0.
follows :
Won Inst
Mitchell a 1
()linnet 2
1 1
Scor b 0 13
.ore td t tale him to a urger w phere.' • packs , sold by E. R. Wigle, drug -
Particularly be liked him strong (Sans -I hot, Goderich.
Martian his d.moeratie principle. and R is a tailor shop w coterie, •vest -7 or
film owns* of 11*' dote of serviwh, I • pantryP Well, F. J. Prldhwm's
Principal Hume ftheendorsed what bridle
establishment is the whole
elening been said of the great of the thing, and don't make any mistake
evening, and spoke of the help 1(r. amt 14
lrotbeHhjlham bed given r
S. R. Murphy. R.3. Moore. W. J.
Ruddock and Sergeant Chambers.
1 notice Goderich is still losing its
population. Isuppo.e that is &pother
son, Ptee. Koy i
McGregor are in hospital and Harold
Young is Pick in ramp. In neither
case is the sirknewe of a very %crioue
maitre. A number of men are still
under q iaraotne and are isolated in
one hut. having their mewls earl ied to
thee] and letting exercise by them-
has been extremely mild. ChrlslThe weather for the past two weeks
Eve being ma sunny And alarm as a
May do rd.' It is w little cooler today.
w very heavy rainfall
*fitly lots of mud, but we
Yn t hat t hat we are more
apt tthan grumble et it. it is
B ury, to inc what w small amount
of drunkopnPsn there is among the
men erhaffrthe inanner of eupplytng
liquor to anyone without question is
taken into account. 1 believe 1 and
correct ihyjkog • tlmt none et our
WA ha
Mr. Forests 01ft Acknowledged.
tehorncliffe, DPP. 'lid h. 1918.
On behalf cat the N. C. 0.'s and men
of the (;oderich deter hment of the
IOI.1 Battalion, we wish to exprens
our appreciation of the kind thoughts
which prompted the gift of money
made to thin detachment tip Mr. Wm.
Forrest, of (lode' lett. for the ptm}1ose
of giving some Christmas cheer to the
soldierw, and we wia1 to spats him
that hie purpose was accotuplirhed.
A. H. JAN,, Cci y Ser.-MajSer.
W. E. PRA('HRY, Co'y Orderly
Sleck,tone's dancing elan, Tt1e11-
day. January 10(1, 4 p. rel., at the
Masonic Tempest pil(rin n now. on 'w Forer per-
Menhirsapplyapp y
To Every Piano Owner.
.tae. R. Muir, head tuner for Heinle•
man, is here. Now have your piano
thoroughly and p•ofeesionally tuned.
Finest wink solicited, keenest critic -
Pain invited. Twenty-two years with
Mason & Rinrh snd Heintaman.
Orders left with Mr. Harry Edwards,
confectioner, promptly attended to.
WAttNOCK.-tn Ooderk'h. nn t)eesmbpf 5. to
Mr. feud Mr.. 1.. (1. Warnock. a daughter
(Martha Flt nlynl.
POTTER. In Colborne township. Oh Saturday
January "A, R.imuel R Potter. aged •tor years
and In month..
M.'RKK"oe 2 In find Mekenitte. dwwon �rhter
remand '1 '.•sten
Mr. and air. Kenneth McKenzie, aged F
n ala
MA('ARA.- fa Ooderinh. en Wednesdw
,binary es. Catharine Macara. age
,'WalasCowen aged ;?year,.. Jannwtji