HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-11, Page 7THE SIGNAL
Javt'tnv 11, len 7
The inducements offered , with common
soaps cannot (takeup for the purity of
SunlightSunp. It tolls US more to make
pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use
it, for Sunlighf pays for itself in the clothes
it saves. 11 does not weer and rub the
labricti as ex,n,neon soaps do.
$5,000 :marmite* Al
parity with ever, cake
./ Sisibehr S.ap
Mr. Jewell Gilmour, of Arrhydale,
Bark., is visiting his old hutue in
Tui nlerry.
On January 3rd \Ir. Allan Metier -
mitt, of Hawick township, died eit his
home, aged seventy -three years.
Mr. end Mrs. Jtulrs \Villin. of Ford -
w ich, have gone to Bit mingham,
Mich., to spend the winter with their
children there.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mef)nn,Ut,.of the
State of Washington, are visiting old
friend.. on the London road, after so
ahsrnce of thirty years.
Ura. Robert _Davie, mother of Mrs
Fred (Gadke, of Fi.rdwich, died at hat
home at Kirktnn on December 311th at
the age of sixty years. .
On rk.w Year's Day. Miss Annie
Irene -Foe It and 11;pFbat-fif3. fifctiti Hath
of U -borne, were united in marriage
at London, by Rev. A. J. Thomas.
Mrr. John A. Patterson, of the 2nd
enneeesion, Howiek. received `word on
New Yeat's Day of the death of her
rider, Mre. Cunningba,n, at Nesbitt,
Manitoba, •
Mina Lillian Manning, of London.
Ind Mr. George Pfau, youngest urn of
M. and Mre. Georae' aft, of Hensel',
were quietly merri at London on
Neet\Year's Day.
t Mr.iihd Mrs. Theo.Fset*r, of Bain-
Won, 1t►wvp been vieiting'`sfre. Foster's
parents, Mr. and Mn. Lou Weber, of
Zurich. hat have . left for Detroit.
where they Will reside ip future.
tnd ...one people are too Rood to be
my quantity of dry hem' ii etsbr
rummer wood at Mac an's.
tone 98). -ir2.W per cord. if
1t Corrie, on Friday, .Decewhet
w 20,
ihp Harding parsed away,-ag.d
seventy years.
Bert Little spent or few day. with
his father, Mr. Johni;Xiitle, in Titre -
het ry, before leaving td join the Brit-
ish Davy tt_�
MIs. Edna HelenMeArthur, :of the
14 h line, Morrie, and Gilbert Grigg, of
Moose Jaw, Bask., were married at the
manse, Walton, by Rev. R. A. Lundy.
F. O'Brien and S. Ireland. who were
elected to the hoerd of aldermen in
S ratfmd:-aree both Huron old lays,
Mr. O'Brien havink, been a well-known
resident of Tucketwuuitb, and Mr. Ire-
land of Stephen.
Mr, George A. Knox. of :he I2tb
concession, Hullett, died in the hos-
forty-eight years. The fugal took
place to Burns church corn tery on
Friday afternoon.
On December -27th, at the hOtne of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Augustine floun-
ders, on the 13th concession, Hullett, e
prOtty wedding Weesolemnised when
their only dsugbter, Agnes Loui
'Maude. became the bride of William
Austin. f
Do December 28th, et the manse of
flwneer- an dlonce/9 and gilix Suc --essor
Western Canada He had always
Lten promweut in sporting circles,
and on leaving Winnipeg was made
:runorary life member of three clubs
with which he lied been closely (dan-
t:tied, the Winnipeg Cricket Club,
the Aastnibolne Curilug Club and the
Winnipeg Golf Club. Coming to
Moutreal in 1901 Mr. Baker, however,
frequently had the opportunity of
meeting his many friends In the
K est. His finished courtesy awl
charming personality gave him a
\unique position in the Compete),
ctt.lte apart from the responsible
exec:sotnts offices which ho held as
Aneiitlent to the Vice -President
1901 Assistantto the
dent (19 08), andndSecretary off Um
Company d Assistant to the Pr•eal-
Are you a•suffererf Know
that terrible aching. dragging -
down pain, that robs you of
pleasure. even of rest, and makes
life miserable? Don't you believe
In the law of average? If a remedy
has cured hundreds of people, don't
you think it likely 11 wtigat at least
cure you?
Just give Zam-But a fair trial!
Mr. J. McEwen, of Dundas, suf-
fered from piles for fifteen years.
He says: "I tried pretty nearly
everything, but got no permanent
relief until I tried Zam-But. This
balm relieved the pain; oontlnued
use completely and perm/Meetly
cured me."
The rich herbal essences of which
Zen,-Buk Is composed, quickly re-
move congest -len, relieve the dull,
gnawing, burning pain. and cure.
All druggists and stores, or post-
paid from Zam-Buk ('o, 'Poronto,
for price, 50c. box, 3 boxes $1.25.
the First Pregb7terJao church, I d-_
'tmhntob, Visa Prireille Beatrice Kph',
formerly of Egmondvllle, and Mr
William Eddington Bridgeman were
married by Kew. L)r. McQnern,
A pleasant gathering' took place at
Elm Grove Fares, 13'b concession of
Otey, on`Drcewber :d) li, when many
fe ienrds and relatives of Mr. and Mil,.
Thomas Inglis assembled to celebrate
the twentieth amriversary of their
' tiordon D. Mitchell and br:de, of
Cobalt. are spending part of their
awed(1.,q trip at Mr. M,rrt)eIll dint
home in Hawick. Mre. Mitchell"wee
feet wrrly Miss Elizabeth Smith -Man -
cosh, daughter, of Mrs. George A. Mc-
Intosh, Whitecburrh.
Old friends, heard w:th interest of
the marriage, on December 14th, of
Agnes Wilson, deugbter of Rev.jK. H.
and Mrs. Sewers, formerly of Bruer.
eld, to Charles Kelso, of Port Elgin.
ware brim took place et _Wiatford..
. 1?awets' present charge.
. AvQleassnt eathering look Saes at -
'the flume of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell,
of Morris, where many member* of
Jacksuo'w church met and made e
piesentation to Mr.. J. Leslie Fear in
Appreciation of her faitbrul and em -
client servidrsasorpeeistof the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hartleib; of
Dashwood, ertrwunce the engagement
o' their daughter, Laura LIhan, to
Derek Mrrrbnrg,l5mnrrne,ont..only sun
of the tete R. Meerburg, Pn-Ugarter-
Oet.eral of the Hapue, Milhaud, and of
Mrs. Meerhurg, the mareia,tr to take
place quietly January 16th.
Hie (wilily and a fee old friends
gathered at the homeof Mr. George
Tervitt, sr., of East lewanneh, on
the evening of Drcemiree • lb, the oc-
easion being the celebra en of his
eightieth tit thdey. Mr. Tefwitt's rem-
iniscences of thie county extend back
over tba past sixty-two years end are
exceedingly interesting. J
Many friends were interested ip the
happv event which rink place at van -
hoe Farm, near Hensel), the home of
Mr. end Mil. Robert McLeren, \on
J.ouary 3rd, when their daughter,
Mary Alice, became the bride of Falt
weed Glen, only sun at Mr. and Mrs)
\Vur. Glen, of Clinton. Rev. Mr.
M,.ore, of Hensel!, peek.. coed the cere-
mony in the presence of many relatives
and guests. rhe house wee heaotdully
decorated for the occasion, and during
the signing of the register Mre. Frank
_Maunders, of Ooderich,_ eirter of the
groom. sang yery sweetly. On their
return from their wedding trip Mr.
and Mre. Glen will .take up_ residence
on the g'nom'e fawn, Bruce Iane,
Stanley township.
VER half • century of service,
as Lord Shaughnessy said In
announciug the retirement of
W. R. Baker from the secretary -
p of the Cat•dlan Pada:: Railway,
lUa any man to well earned rest
recreation. Fifty years ago the
P R. was still only a dream. but
Wa even thou connected in a sub -
scions way with the road. for the
ri Line. whose services Mr. Baker
ed In 1865, hue eines been eb-
sor debt' the younger company, and
the Alla:.s took active part In the
talion fore. the building of the
nscontlnenta1, railway. •
Waiter Re:Oriel: (Baker, who was
rn in Yorkshire. ' ngland, in 1857•
a only thirteen ye s of age when.
came to Canada. 1 entered the
Allan lane service, and remained
* e eentil 1871 when he was ap•
tad local freight and passenger
t of the Canada Central Rliiway
111 taws. Thlqjail way. witch as
Hied by th P. R. l0 1881, h
inc•orpo In 1861 to build' u
rail y from [Ake Huron to Ottawa
Ma. , Pembroke and Arnprlor, and
from,Ottawa to Montreal. A further
ee•ndetlon with the Ida of • trans-
tastln•ntal railway occurs In his alt -
'want la the same year as joint
ry with M. de Bellefeullle of
original Canadian Pacific Rall -
Company, the chanter of whish
to the Canadian Oovern-
Mr. Baker, however, temper -
lett railway life is 1874 to be-
A.D.C. and private secretary fo
Marquis of Dulferis, Oovsrnot-
1 of Canada Prom 1871 to
1, be was assistant secretary to
'treasury Board at Ottawa, but
the famous Ryndlrate took up
work of rnmpleting the eonstrne-
of the Canadian Pacific Railway
left the Oovemmest service •nd
this great enterprise as siels-
M the geseral superiatendoet
fbeal treasurer of Use Western
at Winnipeg Hs was thug
we lb* actual pioneers of the
i ..
art -Whig .1 Winning nn th•
w of Pihruary. 1181• In the
steepled oar, wbieb alae
ape fi Et Paul A B
1diwrie MW1 d
2114_ meassisess
the Western Division; William Har-
der, Assistant Traffic Manager; C. O.
Butterfield, Muter Mechanic. and
Joel May, Superintendent. Three of
these were identified more or less
with the 8t. Paul interests, whereas
Mr. Raker represented the Interests
at Montreal. On thla occasion they
crossed the Red River on a pile
bridge, a permanent structure not
Yet having been completed. Winni-
peg at that time had a population of
et about 7,000. and the work of
bi11ding up the railway was com-
menced under distinctly primitive
conditions. These were pioneering
days In the West and the ('. P. R
officials. owing to a flre which drove
them out of their proper quarters, at
one time had to do their business at
the corner of Portage Avenue and
Fort Street, in the basement of a
church, otherwise used a ■ Sunday
School. 1■ 1882 Mr. Baker rad two
promotions• first a purchasing
agent, then as asetetant to the g•s-
*ral manager. The Manitoba and
North Western Railway, ortglnally
an enteredse of the Altana. and ab-
sorbed by the C. P. R_ In 1900, knew
him as general superintendent from
1187 to 1892. when he became general
manager. "His asststanee." said
Lord Rhaugbnesey, "In straightening
out the affairs of the acquired pro-
perty wale of material value, and his
ether duties. many of tb.m of a
important and ewnndostial ammeter
ware performed with singular teal
and Intelligente "
Owing 1900 and 199!1 Mr. Raker
Heed the Impertawt position ef ..e -
entire agent wt tee C. P. R.. M fie
wed sWsrtNtsa tit tha Med d
dent (1901-1911). The royal train,
on the occasion of the 1 visits
of the Prince and Princess of Wales
(now King and Queen of England).
Prince Arthur of Connaught, Prince
Frubfml, and the Duke of Connaught
as Governer -General, were always
entrusted to kis charge with the re-
sult that be is a C.V.O. and holds
many valued orders, such a that of
the order of the Sacred Treasure. be-
stowed bt the Emperor of Japan,
while be is also an Esquire of the
Order of St John of Jerusalem.
By a carious coincidence. Mr.
Ernest Alexander, who eucc•ee1a
Mr. Baker, is also a native of York-
rhire. Another point be hu io com-
mon with his predecessor. namely. •
keen appreciation of pictures, shown
by his membership of the Arts Club
of Montreal. Mr. Alexander 1e also
a member of Rt. Jamea'e Clsb. Rene-
wal Golf Club, and the Montreal
Curling Club. He was quite • lad
when be ram* to Canada •peedtng
moat of his early days in Hamilton.
Ontario, where h* went to sehnol
and then entered genic* with the
Grand Trunk Railway Company. In
1893 he- becsm* secretary to nor
William (then Mr.) Van Horne,
President of tb• Canadian Pacific
Railway. When Sir Wi1IIam was
.uereeded by Mr. (new lord)
Phaughnesey, Mr Alexander remain-
ed In the president's office, ronUnw-
Ind In various rapeeitles uwtfl J,tly
2nd. 1901. when be we. appestats' to
011 the *Mee of aeststant trea.wrer
Os August 90th. 1512. he WWI wade
assistant aerretary 011 the Cornrow
and his portfolio as secretary began
M .1 KIM Z� *AL .
To W • Neryotu, Run -Down Women
so. Ci eland, Sid. -"For a long
tin,• i stiff from a nervous break-
down. 1 rant)' not,eat or sleep and waw
so weak 1 couldhardly walk. My hus-
band heard abort 'Vino' and got me to
try it. Now 1 have\a good appetite,
sleep soundly and am tr Il and strong.
Eben- nervous. weak. nut.4own woman
should try VinoL"-Mr.. D,\.W. Kraits,
We guarantee Vino] to create •
healthy appetite. aid digesters and
build up weak, run-down woman; deli-
cate children and feeble old people.
H. C. Dunlop, druggtsf,Grslerich, Ont)
Al.oat the beet druggists in all Ontario
tow n9.
The coal andierooil M alner. e.rried
on for mime time past by Messrs.
For ben has been purchased by Charles
The loal A. O. F. bas had an honor
Bronchitis or Tonsilitis
The irritating, tickling cough
affects the lung tissue and
wears down nature's power to
resist disease germs.
suppressers the cold, allays the in-
flammation, steadily removes the
irritation and rebuilds the resistive
power to prevent lung trouble.
SCOTT'S has done more
for bronchial troubles thea
any other one nnedccins.
11 esetais ae Laminal hay .
ammo sews. le.sss.. eat flees
.. irtt....A.
roll prepared which contains the
na Ines of 1etnrtern n)euibers of the
ledge who.are with the comm.
Mr. and Mre. Aimee Snell have
horn visiting their daughter, Miro
Mae y Snell, who hap been ill in a
Hamilton hospital for' revere) weeks
prat. '
In it better from Major Shaw it was
learned that Limo. O'Neil was the
Hret oM'er trout the 161st Hurons to
be .rut to Fratiee. Lieut. O'Neil has
been trwester' et' to the tlith:lettalion
Jobe Coutts, manager of the Clin-
tonskating rink'for w'ver.a! ...aeons,
died at hie home near Mildwsy on
December 21t11 aged seventy-one years.
Hie widow end three c,hildrep survive
Lieut. Howard Ciutf, of Stratford,
well known to many people in Clinton,
hassee.ived en intpoNant perfenotien
in England, bring utatlr eowmauding
officer of a company .11 instructors,
who train the men who are to be
drafted into the'211t Battalion.
Word hiST: received from West
Wti,fleld, N. Y'" of the repent death
the of Rev. Thomas Smith Kitty,
who t r fawn ill Clinton in lien, and
receiv hie e arty education here, hut
removedlyter to Michigan, where he
entered the church. lit -health conl-
pellyd hie to)rtire in 11411. .
ldis.1 one l%ave agh has gone to •
Grand Valley to Lea: ,.
I:rirwglviss lire. \I r. and \launders, *
.t it riontie i -t}-_�
this locality Net week
January ClearingSale!
• _
of Winter Overcoats!,•,
•_ I� -- -- ••
want, now is . •
iik- th •..
• we a ffering • our •
stock of . ' to Over- •
• s
• coats at ret `►�►9, prices,
• Come in and :e them.
i. ..
Mrs. George Rogers an *lighter, 'ID_
. s
of Portage le Prairie, are tiding
seise time. with relatives a old
itiendsin bit user's. •'
NOW,/ We.. received ben January-- •
of the death in Torr,nto of MEN. Al. •
Mclanehlin, formerly of Bruen)..
Interutebt w .. wade here po Jau
The mother of Mr. A. E. Hersey
massed sway recently in Tordntu, but
nwrUft'tu his severe ittaak. • .
Mr. Heresy' was unable to attend the
Harry Ainlay, of*. Edmonton, for-
merly of Brussels, hes enlisted .with
the Inlet FaailIere of bis city, where
he Peas previously engaged es a
Old h ion's in Brussels were inter-
ested to hear of the marriage 'last
month at I.onond.. ltesga.._.af-
Vera -li . Ainley, Trmer-Tp of this
plat. to D. _ Mourne. a_
young, farmer of Lomond.
Albeit( Rnhy, of Coehrene, Alberta.
Iv ietfing old friends bn town.
'George Irvine, of Mi*tkatehewnn, in
visiting his mother, Mrs. Robert Ir-
Mrs. Meetly and two daughter.:
moved here fretful Blyth )art Week and
are living -in \V. D. Varey'e bougie on
Patrick street.
The many friends of William Glen-
denning will regret to hear that it
will be neersairy for him to otelergo a
serious operation in Toronto Gen.ral
hosp.tal our his eyes.
J. R. Van Norman bee reerived
weird of the death of hie •tnciti Jae.epb
Ragland, at (:aro. Mich., aged eighty-
nine years. Mr. hngland was one o
the early settler* of Morris.
Captain James Moore, M. D., an
Mrs. Moore arrived home from Eng -
lend last week.Captain Moore having
been sent out in charge of three hun-
dred invalid eoldiers 1Taptitn'More
extaeete to retnro to Enghaad softer a
brief lesyr.
Mre. Halle Fiske end A A. J. Noble, of
8 Anton, Pa.. were quietly married
at �i3inahamptnn, N. Y., on Decent tier 1M Mrs. Noble how many friends in
%Vinghem, made during the two years
she spent in town keeping house for
her brother, John Ritchie.
One of the pioneers of Went Wawa -
noel), Mr. Thomas. Told, died et the I
h of hie daughter Nita. H. J.
Thompson, Win¢hemn, nn New Year's
Eve, at the advanced Age of eighty-
one years. His three on. and three
daughters survive him. The funeral
arae held (eon] hie Tete residence, Sr
Helens, on January 3rd to Dungannon.
cemetery. Rev. J. Little, of the Pres-
hvterian chinch, conducting the eer-
A happy event was the celebration
nn New Year's Day of \I r. and Mrs.
John Cooper's golden wedding anniv-
ersary. A. number of friendss called on
Monde, ett.trnoon, and presented
them with n nurse of gold. inc com-
munity unites in wishing that. Mr. and
Cooper may yet he spared to enjoy
many year. of happiness' together.
Another golden wedding Wee cele -
twitted nn the same day. January lst
hen Mr. and Mr. Thome. Bell, of
'thereinto°, fnrroer residents of
Wi hero, reached their fiftieth an-
niversary. Their four children were
all pre at the cetehration, and
miswrote' friends tined in hearty
emigratula ns to Mr. and Mre. Bell.
K E'['ER.
Mies Quinn, o1 eepeler, ii the new
eornmereial teacher the staff of the
high school,
Mrs. E. A. Folli k nceivel
word that her ennein, Pt Lanoaid
Rosters, wee killed in action ih,,Franee.
MrJane Gardiner and Mrs,`Da rj 1
Allison, tenth /ram Manitoba, ere
visiting Mr. and Mre. F. R. Hamiltnit,
Mr. and Mrs. Williams (the latter
formerly \lige Tells Treble, of Exeter),
of W Innipeg, are visiting relatives in
this vicinity. \
Miss Pearl Rest.rlee Eacrett, danyh-
ter of Mr. end Mn. Richard J Ecr-
r.tt, of Rrant.?oei, formerly of Rutter,
and Arthur W. Wallsee were married
at Brantford on December 211th.
A painful meetdent befell Prank
Mallett, sr.. while working In the.
hush r.renile with hie team. One of
the horse. heeawe restive while Ming
hitched, and in enme way Mr. M.Ibtt's
leg w•e.aught and hadly Pewit's,.
Segni-Ready Tailors ___-_ _ _ ___�
Often .th Cheapest
Always the Best
and Undertaker
Little Job
0r Big
Clouse Furnishings
The Store of Quality
TORT 89 RFS 197
Advertising Pays !
- -
Hie many . frim,* in Rioter and
elsewhere herd with regret of the
death an O►eemh.r Stat of Alpert
Henry Parana*, arta of Mr. and Mee,
lamu.l Parents, a1 'he early ere of
twenty 0.e Veers. The ftmerel wee
held nn Temedav, ander the ampler,
et the 1. 0 O. F of whish the ynnng
man was • member. Meeh sympathy
ie telt ter the bereaved (amity.
f' romThC
repairing of
a faucet to
the installa-
t i o n -e -'>f -'-a
plum bin g
system, we
a r e equip-
ped to do
the job.
net -
-- Jved
spec -
iven thegreatandnowouserd to,themof our
are awill be
all ef-
hild life
roan in
job com-
et reason
been es
le wider
h 1 now
At bas all
& success-
\ the tint
feats and
very few
rs to do
xper time,
• cient
d co On
eesan Vo-
tints ,a bat\
to which
\f judicature
e interest of
►t day. and
general ions
•riveted by
* at a eWy
, . lila Cort
(shed in the
, George M.
. Htcir..�r.
10 wed-
he led.
Phone 15.1 Hamilton Street
It Pays to Advertise in
Seasoab1e bines
in Hardware
We carry a large assortment
of goods for you to choose from, such
as: -
Pocket Knives
Table Knives
Carving Knives and ,Forks
Electric Table Lamps
Electric Toasters
Electric Irons
Electric Percolators
Hockey Sticks
Coal OiI Heaters
Coal OiI Cooking Stoves
Happy Thought Ranges
Coal or Wood Heaters
hemlock slabs
nt lflacllwtef's
contribution to
Idlers through
a _ wink. Our
be fit of it, as
Do r bit to
r 2:r.00
Tape, Treasurer.
duction 4on to Be
t the Mme'
as been taken in the
troduction of ""The
se femme story by
'hers -in which
Clara tlhe
Kim -
picture is one of the
lawny any sue -
.1. a brilli 5tt .. one,
.rr of Toted players.
which is heralded es
tph of Him art, bas
ei y heavy expense by
irtnr of the Model
:h, where it will be
esday and Thursdays
n. Patrons of the
al- these dates in mind.
-... c_!tuetrt next week.
y," that is what every
Melly eeys when they
aids% Phone '3s).
-we know -everybody
rest advance
has Knde. Now i. the
,tp •n fopri�r in our
the nisi p
edea A Co, _
dancing cls' Wednee-
24th. 8 p. m., at the
le. Join now. For r-
at Black tone's restaur-
For Plumbing, Heating. Troughing,
let us figure on your job. MI work
promply attended to and fully guaran-
Chas. C. Lee
Phones: Store 22 The Square
House 112 Gioderich
Monona January ben*
wee, fs Atikin street.
d Mrr w. E. /anon. a death-
s Esther!.