The Signal, 1917-1-11, Page 6Ue 1 • 1iv'nAY, JA\trARl 11, 1917 HE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO ___ Re- n:ilv or -tie SON1111 6ODE,IC1� -- Tuesday, ..__Jin.. 15.W -1�. M�l�iEE BOTH DAYS STARTI G AT 2 P.M. GENERAL ADMISSI 2 cents, , war tax LODING CHILDREN) 2Sc Matinee — or aught tot he Greatest Moving Picture in the World tri,\ +err,1 tiT„i :774 .IN 1 A juvenile Court for Huron County. At the inception of the campaign for the abolition of liquor in our Pi uviuce, the slogan war, "Siker the y.' This cunpaign having been succeneful therer is stilt anotheurgent duty which we an should be ever before us, which is "Save the children." Thie *Meddprovid a sufficient outlet for the eller- *"atone who desire to aid in the wap rasion of crime, which desire •b dd le. telt hyaII Caned lane. Kith t s accomplished there will be no t►ttn11N1 nienece Our pridlnr aad reformatories are bow 'bettering many unfortunate persons who were depuived of the early Omitting every ('anadien ie jug, yentitled to. Hundreds -of thou -ands dollars are ben{g spent on building, ippjng, enlaigieg and meintaining our •Holy and missive. for the CUSP of fully developed criminals. How tuch, .r how little. is bring provided that wi directly tend to keep th.rie inetittitio empty, thereby saving the vast expenditure now incurred % 1. It is surprising the amount it casts to apprehend, punish and maintain criminals, and how little to prevent j(' criminals coming into exietence. riu{inals do not tall ready-made frontthe sky, nor do they spring frim the earth ; as the rest of humanity, they are born. Tbey have infancy. childhood, youth end manhood. It is ft the neglected and dependent children that the ranks of professional ctiminels are recruited. These little ones raised fit hornes of vicioiu, fru- morel or rriininal environment; parent tel or otherwise, had not tbe oppor- trinities in these hovels, ',W.+ were called-lrbf>3eii; to talearn to be respect- able citene. Thr question now confronts us, what is to twdone % and to my mind the answer ie this : We have in oar Province tbe Chil- dren's Aid Society ander the very able mating. wrist of Mr1, .1. J. Kelso, who I ie eupet intendent of this great organi- zation with branches in every county in Our Province, and who has demon- e{tratt d by bis untiring efforts that he is the right man in the right place, and the constant aim of this orgauizt- tion is to prevent crime rather than cortect the criminals. Kelso ie very ably assisted in this great work in Huron county by Mr. G. M. Elliott, who is the officer in charge of the work of reclaiming and re-establishing these children in their proper places in the community. re- ceiving great praise from e11 who are in touch with hie work. These organ- izations are the most important fac- tors in the social life of a community. It is Riot alone the work accomplished that will command attention, but the silent influence exerted by the mere fact of many of the most respected people in the --;Province being banded together for the moral uplift. the pro- tection, training and education of the little ogee, and their development along the tight lines of our national life. The system under which theee so- cieties ,tree working is not inhumane, find as was at fit. thought by many,• but is on the contrary Troth humane and scientific, an will be sbasete by--Lbs.-re- sults of the cff\rtie of the organizations I in eeeisting rn iy persons to rise with m their children •oa careless, disso- turo end era inli.ra filthy condition ti the Community where they are re. opected and their little family kept in- tact. The homer' will regenei ate the that we multiply the right kind of homes, keep them intact, and in en tar as poesible see to it that (hone in them 'Hive the proper environment. The real strength tit our soldier,' at t liP front. is the strength of the homes for which they are fighting. This work is a preitiant one to all Whome heart. are in true sympathy with the welfare of the little ones. When you save a man or a woman you Imre a unit : but when you nave a child you MVP a whole table. Should you save Child from growing up to he a muiderer you net VP a two -fold purposie. He escapes the gallows or imprisonment for life arid his victim la not deprived of his life end hie family made to mourn and A erred regarding the manner in winch the juvenile delinquents are deftlt with in our county would, I be- lieve, he in otder, ao it ran he ne.n that we have not the proper method of dealing with the misdirected sir misguided child. who perhape hut commit t ed his fleet wrong act, "pet, y theft," and who nee& protection and guidence rather than punishment and humiliation. In these ease* the fol- lowing pi oeeduris in taken. An infotrn ation or complaint Inid against the child for the offence by • con- stable. The child le summored to ap- pear for ilia'. 111. parents are noti- fied and they ettend court with the child, who is confronted again by this policemen in uniform. A plea le taken and evidence heaid as in criminal child. The rhitd in perhaps eonvicted and %entente imapended. sand that lit Ile child goe. forth from the Pollee Court, in which are tried the most hardened criminal's, with suspended sentence 'Keep Witt) tbe r3intes ! ND have your house -Felted in the mOdern ‘vay—with electricity. Vie know how to do it, and \will cheerfully furnish plans estimates for wiring, fixtures; etc. Robt. West Street, next Postoffice Phones 82 and 193 upon him, which _very often fila'the bring this child into aubjection,,or - home he IN Remieof, in orderii, halm the threat is used that the po man will again be called. This eystem of dealing with the delinquent child • e concerned about the welfare of rom t e niveist,ty o or n ening of those social influences that many years by the publishers. would make their pathway easier. A Juvenile Court Judge should be 1 '" should be abolished in our county, an it is in many other counties and most citien. A Juvenile Court should he entabliehed. There should be no utint of a criminal mull. in the proceeclin s Ithe'young. is magnificent in ite sire and scope \ ,, JAMES MITCHELL, and splendid in the patriotic spirit which it breathes forth. It mitten's President Cbildren'n Atd !Society for the Coanty of Huron. over forty piges of picture. of Varsity men who have given their lives in the we'd of the Province, to•he cased for and guided by it, and not aa an enemy HUI-On Cooky War C. ntir4tent As - to he punished by it. Therefore in sociation— these juvenile mem instead of \a. charge. a trial and a conviction, thekel On December 19th should be nothing mote than • -care- 'cietiee brought thei ful Irwin y into.the condition and en- vironment of the child and the con- duct of its pftrent s. The remedy. if any, could then. hy the provisions of the statutes, be ready arrived at by the Juvenile Court Judge. It therefore verv essentiel that in our county. av -has been diseitiesed at the meetings of 'the Huron t'aunty Children's yAid Society, Co facilitate the carrying on of this cleat work in Ott r county, and it thould be a ursine, of great concern to every chinch so- gestsation and every society in our county that their support trOs, given great work, We have in nor .Prize7. Lions for the feeble-minded and incur- ables, which ate ciow4erl tu nivel flow- ing. a_ How essential it is that we whotilll make every •ffort to protect and care for the young life, and tt C40 be done. All thet is outlined above is possible if the right man la appointed to administer the law in this county, one whose whole heart is in the wink and whose thought would he devoted to the practical help and encourage- ment of the children and the strength- This clifiti should be regarded ns a derich Centre. Empire'. cause or who are now io military 'service In the Honor Rod is • gics.d .likenees of the late Major Charles Sale, and many faces fam- iliar to Ooierich people are seen among the number of over two thous- and wbo are on duty. Totonto Uni- versity ham a noble sear record. and the publication will be a treanured nutivenir in many a household. e following Sr - work to the : Maple Leaf stole on lille &on street, where the gal ments were censored and the next day packed abd shipped to Hyman Hall, London, Ont. ; Asbfleld Soldiets. Aid. Value. 10 fl.onselette pyjama suite$ \24 co 1 pair pillowcase,' Al 110 pail s socks . 54 bentniller Red Cross Etociety— 9 pvjama suits 13 50 54 pairs sock* 48 110 12 fomentation wringers I HO 24 flannelettebelpless shirts__ 24 00 54 cotton helpletie nightshirts: 41 00 154 pairs socks 16 20 6 dressing gown* 6 pyjama suite SI 001 1J dayshirta 29 00 bean ak Ilse World deaths, endinneir In /MU ARIMICUI • reliable--reatiomibie—safe Fur ti nose with an unbleminhed ret). *nation exiatine for ' more than a third of a century "'a Ione glIM1 AND PROFITABLE returne. Write for &Mint thtlayeer.' the only reliable. arru rate market rPport and pnre ptibliabed. Wilma ler It—NOW--11'. FREE A. B. SHUBERT I 2547 WEST AUSTIN AVE_ r.rrtru,uc noclety— G4 pyjama suit 81 00 _— — — 42 pelts socks 37 lire • Leehurn Red Cross Workers,8r, 9,tciet 1 '1 flannelette helpless nightshirt. 1 00 , 1!t cnttrnr --- 12 flTT 4 pairs pilloweasss 24 pain sock Experience has y— Scizool of Commerce aINTON, ONTARIO taught • never to buy imitations or sub- stitutes, because you do not receive the best that science has produced or money can buy. It is positively g-uaranteed that Mecca Ointment is non -injurious and non-poison- ous for all skin troubles and diseases. There is nothing as good as MeeCa. A free sample will bit mailed upon request hy the Foster-Dack Co., Um Toronto JAMES A. CArIPBELL 2 00 21 Olt Hakim -ft Red Oros* Society.. 3R daiyabietiii. MI 00 126 pairt socks 113 49 Total value of phipment. 11743 15 CHRISTMAS PUBLICATIONS. Winter T Moveral interesting Christman num- het s have come to the editor'n desk. One of these is the 0. A C. Review. publinhed by the students of the On• tario Agricultural College at Guelph. It contains articles on a wide variety of subjects., with numerous illustra- trat ions. and hi a distinct credit to the students and to the College. One of the contributed Aries':Weis by Mr. [C.V. Lawson, of Dunlop, who also is a member of the editorial stsiff of The Another Attractive holiday publica- tion is the Christman number of The Pat met's Aderreate, of London. Ont. Thin la vety readable number and maintains the high standard est for yOil have always intended to take a'Comtnercial and Stenographic Course some time. Do it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest your money and time in any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? WE GUARANTEE POSITIONS TO GRADUATES. Write for full information. DO IT NOW. B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. PHONIC 208 PRINCIPAL s.