HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-11, Page 5THE SIGIaAL GODERICH ONTARIO
we will take your wheel apart
and explain exactly the work
required to repair it. Know
that we are past wasters of our
business, do our work thorough-
ly and quickly. Bring us your
wheel today and estimate -the
cost will be low, the work satis-
East Street Garage
Owned and Operated be
a Practical Man.
A M (ItOven
Phone 243
GEO. E. KING, Proprietor
Week of January 15th
Monday and Tuesday
Matinee Each Pay at 2 p.min
addition tothe rlepdu performances
S $IG Aa OIrl P_ASLE 6.
Huron County Council.
The county council will meet for the
first session of 1017 on Tuesday, Janu-
ary 1r$rd.
G. V. 1. Literary Elections.
The semi-annual election of officers
for the 0. C. 1. Literary 13ociety war
held on Wednesday afternoon and
resulted as follows : Hon. president,
Dr. H. 1. S rang ; president, H. E.
Rlittera: 1st vice-president, Joe
KrIly ; 2nd vice-president, Ernest
Lee ; secretary, Mie Either Hume ;
tteaeurrr, Gerald Newton ; pianist,
Mies Jean Bogie : editors, A. Hunte,
J. Bowler, M. Pridhaw : oouncillore,
Mise Edna Pridham, Miss Eleanor
Hays, Miss Aileen Armour. t/ J
Donations to Alexandra Hospital.
The following donations were re-
ceived for the hospital since December
'11.h, IMO. and aregratetnlly-alocepted
with thanks : One, jar of fruit and 1 of
marura'ade, Mee. R. J. Acheson ; 1 jar
jelly and 2 of frust, Mrs. ( Dr.) Usesar ;
lata homemade candy. Mos. h Raines;
:t jar-it—a- �[e ry,-Myra. James • Wrier - 0
j ars of fruit end Christmas cake, Dr.
\V. J. R. Honored; 2 chickens, mince
pie and fruit, ;vire. Philip Holt ; basket
of fruit and nuts, Dr. end Mrs. Taylor;
turkey, A Friend ; plum pudding, a
Gen. Pau. Agent Wnite Star Line.
It is announced from the office of
the 1Vblte Star Line, Detroit, that Mr.
1'. F. Blelman. jr., has been appointed
general passenger "gent of the Ione,
with .headyueruerre .t_ Detroit. Mr.
limitation has visited (igderlCb on civ`
eta' occasions in connection with fhb
annual June excursions conducted by
hie company, and proved himself to be
a vigorous and .capable young man.
Congratulations are due both to bias
and too the White Star Lina on the ap-
pointment that has just been ao-
n cad
�k-•` f N^y>wAWA
t •. C.'LLS"
an engaging romance of ,Japanese and
A merican Lite
Prices-- if -3c a►ad 15c
Friday and Saturday
a picturization of
"Pk Trail of the
Lonesome Pine"
on the great 6y
JOHN FOX, Jr. the great novel by
- toe and 15e
Tat iaDAT, Jano*a; 111217
are .imply kidney disorders. The kidneys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. 'rhe blood passes through the kid-
ney. every three minutes If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that tines. Therefore if your
blood is out .°t' order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stunulatiort. etrengthe g or doctoring.
One ni dicioe will do all three, the finest
and most imitated blood medicine there
TheWomen'i iniitifoti.
A very pleasant and profitable after-
noon wad spent by the members of the
Uuderieh IirendLuf._the %Voweu s In-
stitute at the bowie of Mrs. McNaliy
ou Thursday of last week. 4fter the
business part w over Para IRev.)
Hamilton gave a splendid talk on
"Having an Aim in Lite." She spoke
of wary things which this branch
should aim at and is much interested
in cultivating vacant lots to reduce
the high cost of living, also io votes
tor women. A bale of goods b•tr been
.censored and ' forwended to Hyman)
Hall, London.
Neve,Tb6tite to Send: -
The following additional "subscrip-
tions for the military work of the
Y. M. U.A. have been received :
U. C. Lee ‘S 2 Oa
Mrs. ( Dr. } Taylor ... 5 1111
Miss AI. G. Rulwrtson 1 111)
Y. M. C. A. Ladie.i Auxiliary3 0
Miss K. Wanton1 tat
Mies M- Fraser 00)
Dr. Emmerson .... 2 0
A. J. Co Ter. .
The fund will be kept open for a. few
days longer, as others' no doubt wish
to contribute but have neglected to
hand in their eubecriptioas. The treas-
urer, A. M. Robertson, will he pleased
to receive cont;ibutions, Targe or
email, at. any time.
Death of John G. Kuntz.
A slat tingly sudden death occurred
in Ashfield %Vedneaday afternoon of
this. week. }Jr. John G. Kuntz.., of
Port Albert, well known throughout
Mr. Park's daughter, Mrs. John
Oliver. Mr. Park and bride have
taken up housekeeping at the corner
of Murray and Ramsey streets. The
Echo, in consuwon with taper friends,
extends congratulations.
The bride was formerly a resident
of tioderich.
son and C. Swarts, of town, and an
adjournment in these charges was
made for a week.
4 IUroWO Attoi ney Seager prosecuted
the case.
Huron Lodge Officers Installed.
The officers of Huron Lodge, lie: .L►,
1. U. U. F , were installed on Monday
evening. rue installatico officers being
Past Grande F. F. Lawrence, 1,.' L.
Knox and Chas. Chapman. The offic-
ers are as follows :
P. N. G. T. R. Wallis.
N. G.—W. R. Pinder.
V.li—.I. Vroowan.
-Fin. Sec._Wr. K amok.
Rec. Sec.—U. A. Reid.
Treasurer—J. S. Platt.
Warden—W Johnston. ;
Cbaplaio—W. Callow.
1. G.—Harry Hunt.
Newco nb ;-3r.--
. R. S. N. G.—H. T. Edwards.
L $. M. O. -W. Abell. —_
R. N. V. G,—L. G. Young.
L. 8. V. (i.—Roy Sperling.
R. 8.8 —George Symonds.
L. S. 8.—W. Sproul.
•'Trustees—W. Proudtoot, K.
Lawrence and C. A. Nairn. --
Huron Lodge expects to haw
in February from lirrrtd
of Tarontt..
The Signal Beats Tradition.
Orillia Packet.
"We aim to please," says the editor
of The li,wlericb Signal, and, as a
regular reader of his latter, this Page
is bound to admit he succeeds, which
is oontrary to the theory long held in
this office, that the editor who aims
to please is apt to meet the fate of the
man s's fable, who tried to
plraee everybtoAeodyop, but pleased nobody.
and lost his patient ass into the bat'
MItte. ifn3lr KAT.. _-..___:;<_
Accompanied by twenty-five rela-
tives and friends, the remains of Mrs.
John Kay, an old-time resident of
lind..rirb split to , igbt 'from Strat-
ford on the noon train on sew ayTeir
interwea in Maitlaud eewetery. Mrs.
Kay had lived for many. years at
"S.intford, and the following its from
The Beacom of that city ;
After a fatai-illness of only a -week,
although a menti -•invalid for otany
month*. Mrs. John Ktty passed away
suddenly st her residence, 54 North
1Vatetloo street, on Sunday, January
7.1i. in her seAnty-seventh year. The
deceased had a lovable disposition
and her death will he mourned by
many warm friatrde.. _-_J�ihe wait born
in lioderieh, the daughter of i he late
Robert Moderwell, ',holster moved to
Stratford and became the first sheriff
of Perth county. —Ian her marriage to
Mr. John Key. a tioderich mei chant,
she returned to that town. After the
death of her h*i hand, forty two yeses
ago, she came back to Stratford, where
she resided until ber demise on Sun-
day. She was one of the oldest mem-
hers of Ktiox Presbyterian church
and was widely connected in the city
and- district. Two sons survive,
Major George Kay,-recentl turned
from England, and Edwin J. 1: ay, of the orgwnirstinn ot a local rdilttary
the inspeetion,atalFof the imperial oast, the z1Iii•11 baht lot* ni lusty
Bank. wbeae home is in Toronto ; also )nit the rank of major at tbe time of
two brothers, •Andrew Moderwell of its inception.
Stratford and Robert of Buff do ; and p
eight sisters, Mrs. F. M. Workman.
Mines Jessie and Kathleen Moderwell,
all of this city ; Mrs, W. W. Ballan-
lowish Workman, Wal -
Bank by Mail and
Save Long Drives
Mail us the cheques or cash
you receive, with your Pass-
book, which we will return
with the Deposit credited. Then you can pay your bills by cheques.
which we will honor. or If you want the cash yourself, send us a
cheque In your own favor and we will forward the moony by return
mall. iet'
Drop In and talk to the Manager about It.
Goderich Branch— 1'. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
Only on Saturday was his illness di-
ttgncred- as pneumonia. The cite
(stances attending hie demise are un-
„«rrliy+lair ... Hes Aruwtrontf has for
several weeks been i11 at her father e
house in Winnipeg.
The late Charles Ernest Armstrong.
who was forty-two years of age, wise
born at (bitterish, Ontario. After
completing his education he timers' to
Manitoba and enured the law anter
of Sir Jaln's Aikins.. After having
been admitted to the bar he spent
mottle little ill Manitoba, and Cattle to
Moose Jaw in -111111 end entered into
partner+hi,) with \Villiam Grayson in
the firm' which subsequently )reams
known—ite—trotyenrr, Artn`tr^ng-aSd-
lulrlersoo. In 11)13 lie became Crown
prosecutor, succeeding . Mr. Grayson
in that capacity. He is survived hy a
*widow, six children, a widowed
mother and a brother, Mrs. Arm-
strong is a daughter of Col. Hutton of
The late Mr. Armstrong was a keen
spoltIman, having Iwen one of the
flrat to interest biwi.elf to the organ-
ization of the local golf club. He was
also very fond of hunting. In the
work of 1be_mililJtLhe 010_ keenl-y in-
terested. (wing one ..fibs Ptgneera in
C., F.F. type, Downie Mn Jahn 1.
mat IS Ur
trait ; Mrs.
ea visit senhurg ('ns- and Mrs. 1'. B. Shaver,
j}�tarty Alwrnrtby, THE CAUSE OF
Wedded at Amherstburg,.
Awberstb irg Echo : A quiet wed-
ding was sdemniz,•d at the home of
H sleety Park, 0.1bousie street,
(ilii-Istmae morning, when his young-
est daughter, Marguerite. was united
to..Alexander Park, of this town, tbe
Rev. A. Watton 'Drage. pcstor of
Wesley Methodist church, . nlciating.
Ouly the ediste family was preir
ent. The bride was attired in ber
going -away drew', and alter the ceee-
utony a wedding breakfast was served,
and the. family left at $.LS for Wind•
scar, where they spent Christmas with
Made Well By Delicious Vinol
Br11.•fowtalse. OYia—"My blood was
MIA diet iet, was at the home of Mr. vers poor -1 was to a weak, nervena,
Kenneth D. MacLennan, above Kin- run-down condition. 1 tried different
tail when he took s hemorrhage and ' remedies without benefit and one day
do d in a few minutes. He had suf-
fered f.om lung trouble for some
years. A few years ago he bad an
automobile garage on Kingston street
for one summer. Last year ht bad the
Lucknow agency tor the Maxwell car.
He also was an expert well -di iller. He
was thirty-seven yeast" of age and
unmarried. The remains will he taken
tomorrow to the home of his fattier
st Kltchenet. Ont., for burial.
Death's Harvest. -
The death of John Holland, Park
street, occurred ou Friday last at the
age of sixty-nine years. The funeral
took place on Saturday to Maitland
e.wslerv. Deceased was a native of
Scotland and bad lived in Goderict
with, bis wife and daughter for some
ye .
U pt. William .1. Babb, one of (lode-
rich's i eSt-known residents, died today
(Thursday) in his seventy-seventh
year. The funeral will take place on
Sunday afternoon horn the family
residence, Harbor street, W Maitland
Mrs. Wm. Fragan, Bruce street,
who had been critically i11 the past
two weeks, also passed away today.
The funeral will take place on Satur-
day afternoon to Colborne cemetery.
my druggist told me about Viool. I
tried it and it built me up in every way
—blood, strength and penes, and I tell
my friends it i" the best medicine on
earth."—Mrs. EARL )lsINaoN.
Pinot sharpens the appetite, aids
digestion, enriches the blood and in
this natural manner creates strength.
Complete formula on every label.
H.C. Dunlop, drugKia, 1 :o.lerich, Ont.
Also at the best druggists in all Ontario
Footwear !
WHETHER you've bt, n
buying cheap or high-
: priced footwear, our 5h.x•><.
paces, will ma -e it, pos ihlc
for you to save nioneg and
to hair
you'll still be ab
footwear Ntat cannot
for style.egtEort or du
ic_Acid ?i
Seek. Min M. S. Miller BACKACHE.
of Stratford is a eowdn. —=_1
The funeral was held.. on Tuesday. ` 'RHEUMATISM. GRAVEL jI
Rev', Dr. Mo. tin couduct.d the ser- AND SUDDEN DEATH.
vices at the house, subsequent to
which the b sty was placed on the
noon train for Goderich, whereinter- . Ever since the discovery of oris add
orient was made in the afternoon in I in the blood by Scheele, in 1775, and
Maitland cemetery. The nallhrarerharles Parkers, li. s,jl the bad effect it had upon the body,
were : Messrs. Cscientists and physicians have striven
ti. McPherson, K. C.. James Dickson, I to rid the tissues and the blood of
A. M. Kay, Win Maynard and J. H. this poison. Because of its over-
!Jordon. The service ..vas largely at- abundance in the system it causes
ten ted, Mr. Jaynes Pi ingle of Haril• 1 backache, pains here and there, rheu-
matism, gout, gravel, neuralgia and
p esent from out of town. sciatica. It was Dr. Pierce who dis-
DAN181. KTIRCHTEL. covered a new agent, called " Anuric,"
which will throw out and completely
The death occurred at Toronto on eradickte this ric acid from the sys-
Decetnbrr talth of Daniel Knechtel, a tem. former
has proved to be 37
former resident of the township ot i times more potent than liths, and, t
Ashfield, in the ninety-fifth year of , quently you need no longer feu
his age The deceased was horn in ' muscuier or articular rheumatism or
Death ot Judge M. McFadden.
The death occurred at hie home at
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., on Wedneeday
of tbie week, of Moses McFadden,
judge of the district of Algoma. The
deceased was horn in Mornington ,
township, Perth county, • sixty.thrse
years ago, studied law at Stratford
and practised his profession at Sault
Ste. Marie before his appointment as
judge. In ltift0 he married Miss Dole,
sister of Judge Doyle and of M.. J. .1.
Doyle, of Goderich. Mrs. McFadden
died ten years ago, and one son, John
McFadden, of Sault Ste. Marie, sur-
vive°. The remains are being brought
to Goderich for interment beside those
of the dece•lseed's wife. The funeral
will take piere on Saturday morning
from the residence of Mr. J. J. Doyle,
Colborne street, to St. Peter's church,
and thence to the cemetery.
Conviction in Bassett Case.
The cage under the Canada Temper-
ance Act against Captain R. G. BAR -
sett, of the steamer Mariska, which
had heen hanging fire for several
months. wee finally disposed of on
Tuesday of this week, when, after the
bearing of some further evidence,
Magistrate Kelly hnpoeed a fine of $.ill
and costs. The conviction was for
bringing liquor into Ooderich contrary
to the provisions of the Canada Tem-
perance Act. The costa amount to
over $100, owing partly to the briny -
Ing of a wit.oeas all the way front Ft/t1
AVitljttw, and partly to the fact that
thole Were twelve adjournments of
the ease, tate conviction being ruched
on the thirteenth occasion on *blob
Lthe came was up for hearing.
in connection with the same rasp
there are *barges against W. Tbomp-
we are offering through January
TOWELS- Guest end medium-
sized towels, linen, stamped,
30k each or 4 for $1.00.
PiLLOW SLIPS - ?Stamped,
00c, tale and RI a pair.
DAY SLIPS — $1 00 and $1.s-
per pair.
and $1 each.
PIN CUSHIONS -10c each up.
45c and 7irc each. Oftener.,
3(k and title each.
NIGHTGOWNS—Nainsook and
flannelette, stamped, $1.
COMBINATIONS — 9ainsoxik,
iiiadc-alp, sta,iined, 75c each.
,26c, 00c and Tie each.
For oaf.• tr0u to nit the elaei'a-011-
m,•., %hit Lane .a wM going 10 late
front. . i -
e •?ter osAelvtlat
roma .e., vl be lav-INI i�K—r7r'
tisk. p.reltloaw;' in b*lOkni and cru- uMw
o Xiai Cannon of Ini.yr )i lie k''
keeping. `h(+ *hand an, all ether l'pu.•
i,. r. dal .u'bje t. now proem••.
St intental••.n Usl .aul tirt,r, Ilh,.(r:rt,d
catalogue gree
Northern Business College, LN:
r'. A. FLKAMINI:, Principe&
liernrany,and came to Canada iu 1)itl.
Ten year.' ago he left his old home-
stead at Rintail. to lies with hie
daughter, Mrs..1ahA:.Tucker, '!51 Sy-
epington avenue. Toronto. Mince
Christmas he had been i11 with bron-
chitis. but up to that time wan quite
well. He had heen quite blind for
ninny years. but shaved himself deity.
Him syulptthres were wholly with the
All's" ; his one great desire being to
live long enough to see Oernlaoy de-
feated. Reenter, Mrs. Tucker, three
n, her daughters "u,•vive—Mrs. Taylor,
Sault Ste M ane Mrs. Elliott, Toron-
to, and Mrs. Herrick, Cleveland, Ohio'
--alta, two sone--')aniel, of_ _Pittelnint,
end John, of Cleveland; Ohio. Twen-
ty-four grandchildren and twelve
greetgrandehildren also survive. Mr.
Knechtel was a Presbyterian in relit
C. K. AKMNTRONt1, 11100i4E •IAN', BANK.
Moos. Jaw (gtak•l. News, Dec. 311:
The communis y today wise eta: tied by
she annoCro n°O prosectC.utor. one of
Moose Jaw's most prolitlnent citixans,
and, indeed, one of the hest known
remembers of the legal profeasidn in
the Province. had died suddenly haat
night f an attack of pneumonia at
his re. idence. Athahutsca et. East. He
had only been ill a few day., having
gone home 'on Tnesday of hurt week
suffering from an attack of la grippe.
We have Commercial, Shorthand and
TelegrahPl m'Departments.
rhe *nor" ms- thorough. up to
date and prect.ir•al. The instructor,.
are experienced and we pllu•e grad-
uates 10 4*o titiona, 1.1'•• are receiv-
ing seoles of applications for trained
help which weeannotsupply. Write
at „tire fur 1wlrticulare.
D A. McLACHLAN, Principal
goat, or many other diseases which are
dependent on an accumulation of ane
acid within the body. Send to Dr.
Pierce of the lnvalide' Hotel and Sur-
gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., for a
pamphlet on "Anuric," or send 10 cents
for a trial package of "Anuric Tablets.'
1l you feel that tired, worn -oat
feeling, backache, neuralgia, or if your
sleep is disturbed by too frequent
urination, go to your he.t drug store
and ask for Dr. th'roe's Anuric Tablets.
They are pat up in 50 -Dent pis ages.
Doctor Pierce's reputation is flack 'el
this 'medicine and you know that his
"Bolden Medical Discovery" for the
blood and his "Favorite Prescription"
for the ills of women have had a splen-
did reputation for the past fifty years.
Doctor Pierce's Pellets are nnegnaled
lye a Liver Pill. One hey Sugar-coated
Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipr TELEPHONES, office 98
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and I i reatdence -12 or 6d
all derangements of she Liver, Stomach
and Bowels. l
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity lea all Maple
Slaps, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar us- fine.)
Do Your New Year Walking
in 'a pair of our new mottelk
high -clang shoes. You co-
joj the perfect comfort of this
footwear and also the know! -
-•- -fie-44rat- yaur J.:ec ,are en-
cased in -shoes of the very
latest style,. And such is the
quality of our shoes you , will
enjoy this feeling for a long
ime to come. Our shoes last
Phone 158
After Every Meal
The Flavor Lasts
A the
is the
p our
t the
:.r par-
t tow