HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-11, Page 3. - ...L...•....•.••,a•� lS ,1 i t(E SIONAL G jDI✓RFCH ONTARIO THE ORIGINAL IND ONLY GENUINE BSWARR OF IMITA- T1 ONS --T--- - DISTRICT COUNTY and DIS MIS°ERBLE FROMI LUCKI")*V. e1 STOMCHTROUB[ A cable bap liven received announ I Toronto Cattle M.rket TMuRSDAY. JANCAttic Il, 1917 JANUARY 9th tug the safe arrival in hog an Wilmer MacDonald, who recently en- listed in the British net y. Chi latexes was the occasion of a pleesagt gathering at the home of Miss MacKenzie. Inglis street. Her brothers, Alex. MacKenzie, of Prince Rupert, B. C., and W. A. MacKenzie. of Oagetowu. Mich., and also her sister, 16 re. Richard Hughes, of Owen - dale, Mieb,, spent the holiday with Trouble. 1 hal frequent Dizzy Sjells, her. and when I took food, felt wretched It was with mutual regret that Rev. and sleepy. I suffered from Rheu- J. S. Duncan. for rbc last six sed s mations dreadfully, with. pains in my SOLD O N half ears minister of the Lucknuw back and joints, and my hands swollen. Prerayterian church, and that con- A friend advised "Frait-aw^ and THE gr�egation severed the connection. p$r Duncan preached his farewell ser- from the outset, they did me good. Y$RITn OP mon on the list night of the year and After thefiesI ms, Imil -was gelling left on Monday for Sault Ste. Marie • i spall and I can truthfully say that where he b to be pastor of 8t. Paul's IINiDD'S "Fruit-a-tivea" V the only medicine town h Steelton. Before leaving town both Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were tbsthelpedme". LOUIS LABRIF.. LIN1/ENT made the , ecipients of farewell gifts. , a hoz, 6 for $2.50, trial alae. 2 50. 11� G and of an address from the eongreitddealers At all oesentpostpaLdby Fruit - 50c Wretched Until He Started To Take "Fruit -a -`hes" Choice weighty steers $9.60t.) 10.26 do. medium Butchers', choice handy 8.60 9.20 do. good 7.90 8.20 do. medium 7 00 7.60 594 l'uarewlN Sr., 1lfolrraeAt. do. common 6.30 6.80 7.00 "For two years, I was a miserable Butchers', choice, cows. • 6.50 7.40 , sufferer from Rheumatism aged Stomach do.good do. medium 5.00 6.60 Butchers', bulls, choir{, 7.50 7.901 do. good 76.40 6.80 , do. medium 6.40 6.80 � do. bologna 4.85 5.10 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 1.26 6.76 do mei 700 to 800 4.80 tion, expressing their appreciation of k dthewa fives Limited, Ottawa. . BLY TH. 1300 K131N1)1N (j `hewn' one awottgst MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and 1.IBRARIES bound or repaired. JOLD LET'PSRINO p pOD LEATHER 000 All i TB K a ON A1.. Ood rtoate m Navies A. R. 'TAYLOR.. Fi wA rRnrtn• MEDICALjpre K. 0S0: )J)l,ILEMANN, OHTEO PATH. speolali.t 1n womeo'e and Mill 'e diereses. erste..bronlc sad Der sou. die green.. eye. ear. nae ,red throat. partial deaf era. lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ade- s reload el without the knife. °Mos M toe.s. t corner ome omoenMondayand s, Tbui.day' Saturday : any etenlua by appointment- - DENTISTRY Toronto, the Robe t Taylor. of Portage La Prairie, 'marriage toP of er, r•. for nR se last . Miw Amanda Watenn, eldest John. Betoce leaving she was ap daughter of 'David Watson, Hullett, inked matron of the contiogetlt of end David William Bowes were quiet- 1 . A. M l;. on of with whom she I7 mss ried at the Methodist parsuuage l watt oversew. on Uecetmbei :nth. At rhe manse on December SUM, The teachers sod pupae of the Rev. IA, H'. Larkin performed the n.ar- etbodi.t. Sunday school took ad- shwa cutemooy no ting Min Helen tam of Ow good sleighing last Rally, daughter of e`er Kelly, •ret k, and enjoyed a splendid .lelgh Kipped. and John Ilevta00ry of on Tburroay evening, followed iV I Highland Park. Minh. After an absence of five years, , Rev. J. 11. and Mrs. Oke, r stria take Isco kiss month. arrived in town this weak to visit bis Nu,,si„t olet)eeEdith F. Neelln Il.d mother, M J B Taylor g l d l t Saturday from fit. • id sapper and an informal program music. rs. Mn. D. Farquharson a u e• of Provost, Alhert.a. Iris A very pretty wsddtng took place at the home of Mr. and M home of the on December 27th at the habb, going on later to Ti bride, when Mabel Maude, eldest where Miss Farquharson will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Col -'school, and where her brother er woe united in marriage is in training in a bicycle corps. Louis Ogle Miller. of l'tintnn. The of.f. W. Hays has enlisted wi ficiating minister was Rev. R. J. Mc- 7 Oormick, of the Methodist church.) A. M. C., and M.J. Wankel wi UK. ti. NAcDONELL-HGNotAtter the reception and wedding bird Battery, and both are n brio rte Toronto University, OMrswu breakfast. Mr. and Mrs.Miller left for London. w three Four Seea o in khak is aye I* -4,r of be lel Surinam. - •. nor e e r owe late r Major Sale. OAllwla short !rip. William Westoo$s, Maw-. that eq red West sneak, (podaak h. -�""r' Neely. Mrs. J. F. Reid _ID Au'wt Wentet.------. ___ CTIONIIIR a Rkii, Red Blood Means (i1H0MA0 OU ' R A NIDSR Sex e7, Ordrutb. aft at etpe .1 `tet auded to. Residence Good Health. 11 U,ubuirr. 1) m "'lie"mp` ' Just a Little More Rich, .ted Blood Cures Most Ailments. The lack.atsufficient red health - giving blood doesiDot indm merely elyin lnnra pale complexion. ere the e .lest• serious. Blood i e people tired, languid, run-down folk who never haves bit of enjoynient in life. Food does out nourish, there's incl - ion heart palpitation, herdsche, LEOAL it. 11AIS BARRISTER SoLIC C R. N B LK -Jape -Starling Bank Block, Hams edertcb. The/ams M. Soil Elate Lease and lasaresos. nouutrUOT. Y1 LLOI1AN a COOK ART WRITERS, SOWLITOKS, NOTARIES PUbWC, K1'C. Oros on the square. .eooud door Irani Batu' num wrest. tiosulch. e•Nvate feuds to Wall at lowest rates. W. p&OVDYOO'r, H.C. J. L kite rs,' N. J. D. Comm LU• CA)1 KRON. K. C.. BARRIS � TAR, .ori tor. notary public. umoe. too Street. audeiricb. ikird door tr =ate At Clinton Tbursd&Y of each week in B aowr. ufttathour.9.et a.m occupied D • by 9 �BARLhS (+ARROW. LL.B.r liArt od lr� nitlbl kat, attorney, solicitor, own.. Oode- MObar to loud at lowest rates i SHAG ER, BARRISTER,SUL- • bitur, Notary Public Lod Coove saber. ire -Court ileum Ouderlob. iMlain INSURANCE, LOANS,_ 0 as more Just abound ore In h red and p Pills. No o pure blood su The cure actua dose though n• 6.40 do. common, light... 4.50 4.70 Stockers. 900 the 4.40. 6.6.00 Cutters Canners --- 4.10 4. Milkers, good to choice 10.00 100.00 do. common to med60.00 70.00 Springers 66.00 100.00 Calves, veal, choice 12.00 12.76 do. medium 8.00 10.60 do. common 6.00 7.60 do. grass 5.00 6.00 Spring lambs, choice. _13.00 13.76 do. culls 8.00 10.00 , Sheep, ewes, light 9.00 9.60 do. heavy and bucks 7.50 8.60 .. culls 3.00 6.00 -UMW weighed off cars .12.76 12.86 4ts fed and watered 12.60 11.60 Toronto Grain Mark*tA Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports, No. 1 northern, $2.12%; No. 2. north- ern. $2.09%; No. 3 northern, 92.06(,x; No. 4 wheat. $1.9216; (old crop wheat, 4c higher). Manitoba eat..--'l,'rackr--lay- Ports. No. 2 C.W., 73c. American corn -No. 2 yellow, SLO8K, subject to embargo. Ontario wheat -Winter, new crop, No- 3, $1.78 to 91.10 according to heights outside); No. i_ winter, new crop, $1.76 to 91.78. Ontario oats -According to freights Outside: No. 2 white, 64c to 66c; No. • 8 white. 68c to 66c. Peas -No. 2. 92.40. rley-Malting, 91.16 to 9:.18. uckwheat-$1.26. A le -No. 3 new, $1.36 to $1.37. Manitoba oar- s patents -1i anuary Clearancev Sale SPECIAL SALE OF COATS Fall -chat season we have about twenty ladies' Coats left. These we have marked down at great,reductionsto "make a speedy clear- ance. Regular prices $1c, C� 0 18 50 J - �� to ' � 3�, to clear at •. CHILDREN 'S COATS TS Our entire stock of Infants ' and Children's Coats to be cleared at 25 pea cent. off regular prices. A memorial service wee held the Methodist ebur ch on Navi• Year's ve, when atter special music and asermtn on the war the thirty-nine names comprising the cburch's "bannr roll" were read aloud. Fitting tribute was paid the memory of yergPant Reid and of Pte. Herbert Chapman, wh t have given their lives for the cause. (`contrary. "People should marry their oppo- sites." "Moet people are convinced that they did."-Loui.vilWCourier-Journal. The Madding Crowd. t ksche, sometimes fainting rpelbl 1Qewermer fat resort` -"is this a always. nervousness. It anaemia restful place' until odlseances 1w neeleeted taxi lung I Native-" Well, it twlyd to Inc 1. sure W follow. Ju t a little folks began cumin' here for a rest. -- blood cures all these troubles. Boston Transeript. ore rich, red blood, then g health, vitality and ideas- . To mate the blood rieb, re, use Dr. Williaine Pink er medicine increases the ly so quick or so surely. v begins with the first rally it is not notice- able. This is not a mere claim. Dr. Williams' Pink Pi have been doing this over and over in in Canada for more than a quarte of a century. This is why thousands have always a good word to say for t "s great medi- cine. For instance, Mrs. ' lex. Gillis, Olenville, N S., says: "1 ca not praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , • highly. They are really a wonderful ...• icine. 1 was very much run down, ffered front frequent dizzy spells, and h d an almost coneutnt severe pain in the back. My horse work was a sou e of dread, I felt so weak, and life he but little en)) avment. 'Phan I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and the, result was almost mai venous. wo an and They restored my health.ade me feel like 1 would urge every weak woman to give these pits a fair trial." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, poet paid. at 50 cents a box or six b,,xes for $2 J from the Dr. W MIMESIS' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - cKILIUP MUTUAL FIRE 1N- �1 SURA14CE CO.-FLrw and Warted town property insured. eM6rnn.-J r. ('moony. Pres.. Goderich P.O.; LIP F;, ons Vide -Pres.. Beachwood P. 0.; ry,w.,, W tial�e, Sem.-Tree«. Sealortb P. 0. IHrector•-I). F. McGr'egor.'Sedfbrtb : John ].Ocleve. Winthrop; William Rlnn Coostaooe:, John beonroeta. Brodhagen ; Geo. McCartney. Seaforth : Robert terns, bariock; Malcolm atck.wen. Brumfield. Alex• Agents: J. W; Willliain HChessnney,eeforth; Leitch. ('euton : ea n pay lt. temcblel. Su4 i thaeiricoarhd. ren hilted at 11 J■• menu and Ire Clinton. R. t. It J. Grocery, ry C oratuthing Store, Latta Grocery. Ktnar.tuo street. (Foderich, or J. H. Reid'. General Store, Hayfield. 120,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO ](rV ll Ian. Apply W M• O. CAM - N. Barrister Hamilton street. Goderlab. R. ROBERTSON. VT • iNSURANCE AOKNT. rm. D LIO TNIMG : British. Canadian sod £OO1DENT, SIO$Naae ANn a,Pi.oTIRS' L)Aa17. �r;u-( imiteAccident d, of Lo and ECng alae frnsuTT AND OUARANTS• HONDO : The U.S. Fidelity and Gos antes Company. Office at resldenoe, ort.heset corner of Vic- toria io toria sod St. David's streets. 'Phone 176. MAIRIAOE LICENSES w ALTJI Or B. KEL ONT. P., -- ISSUER Of IdARRIAOE LICZNSXS. Patents, Trade larks, '' Designs Secured in All Countries. Write for tree book "PATENTS PROTEC- TION. TAP all about `Sd how to get. pat111t set.. BABCOCK B. SO-' tormerty Patent CMOS Examiner, Master of patent LW., Registered l'atent Attorneys eft;, 1N St. James Street, Montreal. Branehars- uttawe end Washington. Representative. la SEAFORTH• Chester Crich. a former Seafnrth boy, was recently elected to the council hoard of Macklin. Sask. Me. and Mrs. Harry Downey and family have returned to Detroit after a visit with relatives in town. After spending the season as en. 'linear nn the dredge operating at the Welland Cane', Jame@ Melville hat returned to town for the winter. Sherman Stewart, son of Mr. land Mrs. George Stewart, of C,yetal City, Mich.. formerly ;tf Se*fo hC, A. PC. listed at Winnipeg in Mrs. Jessie Mason annouocee the en- Ragement of her deugbter, Harriet Ruth, to E. LeRoy Oke, eldest son of all forelas countries. Brophe) Bros. GODRRiCH lee leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully f night sled to at all hours, Ror A Good • New Year's Resolution - to call on Armstrong the Tailor for your new Ault or overcoat. Up-to-the-minute styles, first-class materials and tailoring. R, A runs trona MER ANT, TAILOR L IN e Furs.! \ Furs ! Furs 7 IT -25 cent;-�t16amlooner prices. All that is kit of our Fur stock �� � - $/.95 each. Ladies' Dress Shirts to; deared at Twelvelonly ladies' serge and panama Dress Skirts. Best sizes. Regular:$4.00 to $6.50. Your choice to clear y S Fir t 1 t tate bap, 99.0; seconds, 1e - Children's Hats an blasslast; $9.40; strong baktsy�e--1a ' �- _ Jute, $9, Toronto. /1,__ 'trickChildren's Q%inter Millinery n8 out at-t181OC. -- • Ontario flour -Winter, new, track, Our Toronto, prompt shipment, according , - to sample, 97.30 to 97.50, In jute bap. Millfeed--Car tuts, per ton, deliver- Special Values in Flannelettes ed. Montreal: Shorts, $37; bran, $31; good teed Sour, per baa. 92.70 to 92.80. Hay -No. 1 track. Toronto, new, 912 to $13 60, carlots; No. 2. $9 to $11. Straw -Carlota. 99.60 to 910. Cereals -Roiled oats, Carlota, per bas of 90 lbs., $3.66; email lots. 93.76, Windsor to Montreal. Oatmeal, 10 per cent. over rolled oats. Cornmeal -Yellow, 9:t -lb. sacks. in carlots. 93.15; small tots, 93.40, track, Toronto. $1.95 each Wholesale Produce Toronto wholpwls prices to the trade: Eggs - New -laid. cartons $ .60109 .66 New -laid. ex -cartons ... .66 .60 Storage, selects \•42 .41 Storage, No. 1 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh. .46 Creamery prints, storage .43 Creamery solids .42 Choice dairy prints .39 .40 Ordinary dairy prints .27 .35 .34 Bakers' Cheese -New, large, 26%c to 26c; twins, 26c to 26 ,4c; triplets, 265Sc to 27c; Stlltons, 27c to 27�a Poultry Live Dressed Spring chick's. 16c 17c 21c 22c Old fowl, l')... lac 12c 16c 18c Turkeys, lb. .. OOc OOc 30c 13c Geese, lb. .... OOc OOc 21c 22c Ducks, lb. ... OOc Otic 21c 23c Beane - Hand-picked; 96; prime,, 96.60; Canadian, hand -packed, bushel, $7; prime, 96.50. Patatoea-New Brunewicks, to car - las. $2 to 93.20; western in carlots, 91.60 to 91.80; Prince Edward Island, 91.70 to 91.00. 40 .41 .46 .44 .43 tarae Corner Montr• Iletre•t and Square HIGH CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PULS TO TAKL- OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentleman CARS iVI SERVICE Our Motto Cleanliness Alma,. OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. A Well -fitted Bathroom is one of the greatest luxuries imaginable, and at the same time it is comparatively inexpensivei, If you want estimateeor any information' -'a bout h' a t h'room fittings, consult FRED. HUNT ~THC PLUMBER" 14 ,mitten Street PAene 186 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle- Receipts, 2,700; active and strong; shipping steers. 98.50 to 911.26; butchers, $7 to $9.75; heifers, 95.60 to 99; COWS, T4:50 to 98; bulla, 95.25 to $8.25; stockers and feeders, 95.25 to $7.60; fresh cows and spring - ere steady, 950 to 9115. Veals-•Receipts, 800; active; 6 to $15. .flogs -Receipts, 12,000; active; heavy. 111.26 to $11.30; mixed, 911.20 to $11.26.,',Yorkers, 911.16 to 911.26; light yorkers, 910.25 to 110.76; pigs. stags,1010 1O 25; ro98.ugh,. 99.76 to 110; 0. Sheep and lamhs-Receipts. 6,000; active; lambs. $9.50 to 114.40; ypar- lings. 98.60 to 912.75; wethers, 910.60 to 910.50; ewes, 94.60 to 90.26: soled sheepe, 99.60 to $9.76. 36 -inch -wide English Flannelette, beautiful soft quality, splendid design exceptional special, per yard .Special Value -in -Table Linens, Towels and Napery 20c McCALL PATTERNS FOR FEBRUARY NOW iN STOCK HONE Si Millars Scotch Store PHONE Si11111111.11111111111.11111111111111 JOB AND COMMERCIALY� nting? the %Oiled Meats --Wholesale ronto wholesale houses are quot. Mg t the trade (.s follows: Beef, •requartere, -912 to $12.50 do. 5 .dquarters .. 16.00 Carcases, •hofce 12.00 do. corn on 10.00 Vests, comm ,, cwt9.00 do. medlu . 11.00 do. prime ... 17.00 Heavy Hogs 11.60 Shop ho„s 16.00 Abattoir hogs 17.00 Mutton. heavy 10 do. light Lambs, spring Kam1'oOPS fact, (1) Panoramle VI.W of Kamloops. (2) Irrigation Ditches. (3) Field Mengetda,, raison by Wel- HE, western t•anada irrigation l T Aasnclat Inn held its Tenth ,•ll Anna - HE, Convention at the y In July. lbws pictulresques the littlelast city takes ttw name from the Indian equivalent "Meeting of the Waters." where the sun shines every day and good fellowship. health and happiness radiate from all, and opens wide n hospitalitypits over s doors 17.00 I to you. Y dreLZ9* go. the North Rest FUr 12.00 with keen appreelstfon 11.00 OfTthe ft a••' 11.00 tat -dished the a & post onstheepre sent°'Siete 14.00 of(apo 11.50 ea[toil mlNorth lhe and junction south of nompsou 11.60 11.00 Rivera. its excellent roster common - 17 00 1 rations; its central nos -Pion In a wide open stretch of splendid g'"zing conn. .00 16.00 I 00 18'00 Ir„ and Its healthy. grnw.n; climate. attracted Indiana and traders from all 00 32.00 p,,rta and soon the little tradt;)K post grew in trillion Mice and pope Lawn. beventrdve years afterw.t'. s Mt uanadian Pacific) Kailway, thrust its heel rails through the main street of the aspiring little community, and feeders, 95.36 to 9i. It was but STI endorsement of toe en, 94A0 to 910; capes, 99 to p926.d. Moat IoKamloopaotwasadindeeding m"1'ts Hobo -Receipts 60 000 ms+ltot weak; Io $ .76;99.9heavy, to91115 to j Place 't here are Irretutante reasons why 10.16 to 910.7$; 5eavy. 9 Kamloops claims the nietinctton ba 1171 to 919 66; balk$10.to 910.44' pigs, TL 9f 6; bulk of sales. 9»t W being the leading Inland city of the LT& I Province of Britleh Columbia. as fnWp eogratencsI position mares It as IS Chicago Livestock Cattle - Receipts, 27,000; dtarket steady; beeves, 17.60 to 911.80; West- ern steers, 97.35 to 910; stockers 1t�0 40 cows and be•• . rase and lambs--�ecslp g Om; lambs, teem reeving/ a very large area: 950 miles loom yaacouver, 390 trots end 640 from e:nmonton. It50.5 Daoil p0•1111)144 rival. With a poonl some 5000, It points wttk pardonable pride to Its splendid streets and pave -1 meats. to its modern electric Itgbta. power, water aad telepkoae systems,` rid to 1's an'e'arr*ptt1 steaAy pts+• gre-s. With abnndstro of water, coo. ttnncw bright sunshine and end*. pate' eoif-terttllty. it contains all tee to future co .. R:tritoresciM 1 nm ric Mural develo9i� Randal sal Part -.J