HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-11, Page 2•
11118tONALPRINYING OU., tiro.
THU 131111N•L li published •very
oft the °Mai in The Signal Ruildirilrit%tagt
4%r -set, Goderich, °Mae° Telephone No. Si
'nseciurrion Tunes. --Oue Dollar 60.1 Fifty
• ents per year ; if paid Kt rictfren arivaitee One
Dollar will bo acoepted ; o subscribers in the
United States the rate is One I hiller and Fifty
COnle strictly in advance- Subscribers who
tail toreosive Tsui 1141404•L regularly by snail
sill confer a favor by acquainting the publl.h-
ot the (octet as early a date as possible. When
change of address, is degired, both old and
int new address should be given. Iterniusinces
may be matte by bank draft...sprees ssorsitg,
order, pot-elltee erder. sr registered letter.
Suberriptions Mill commence at any tiine.
A DVSKTISINU T1610114.-,Itatee for display and
odutnent ad von isements will be given on amid -
batten. Legalised other sd vett laments,
:en omits per line for first itionsion and four
'gate per _line for each subsequent tonertion.
Measured by a stale Of -send nenparett-twetve
lines to an inch. Business cards of id: lines
and under. rive Dollars per year. Advertise-
ment. of Lost. Found, Strayed. Situations
Vacant. Si t Salient. Wanted, Houses for Sale tr
to Rent. Vanes tui Sale or to Hart Article.
for rts le. st.c., not exceeding eight T w enty.
nes coat. each in .ert ion ; One Duller for first
mouth, rift y Coot...tor ea. ts quent month.
Larger advertisements in oroportion. An.
noloc!nnents in ordinary reading type. Ten
coits per line. No notice (i . than Twenty-
five Cent. Any otpecial sloths', (be object of
_which Li the pecuniary benefit of any
nal or inssoolation, 1., be considered An salver-
Usement and charged ao.ordingly.
To CORKEilrONDEMT14. -The oo oration of.
our subscriber- and readers is card ally invit-
ed towarils leaking TIM $1aeAt. a weekly record
of all local. county and district doliiint. No oom.
munication will be attended 10 nob.. it tate
tains the WW1. and Isidro. of the writer, not
130,e -warily for publication, but as an evidence
of good faith. New' items should reach 'EH/
li11041AL office not later than Wednesday noou
of .a -fl week.
i .ant,iifillIgThORt. toleillitLheNOETmEta) ire oversew.
\,. through the Goderich postottice. It is
'ea.) be hoped the card that reaches the
Service eard yet ? If not, why not P .
discarded beetilnegegor,..it .'Nears 10
chosen as the Alexander Mackenzie of
be just thaWeilt-.1binar-an a poi -Mast
weapone_elloth,_Orita and T.exiintarlit
Goderich municipal finences, and it
using it for their own purpases.
Call RAS_ hong MIMS; and every-
body will think you know bow to do
entirely in Fl each beer been Net out
coniereuce. Unless there is to he
regime is distinguished from the fact
will be hie ditty Lo guard the civic
treasury with the well-known shot,-
Empire must be left to eettle its own
city of Kitchener be.. dnevowed any
the recent ruinous ut, anyway ?
Minister of Militia in Sir Wile id
are good loyal (et' lens. Whet web
'vent train service on the railways
if, even when the war is over, sone
since to solve the piOLleins of the
editor of The Orange Sentinel is
the war, anti the Mayor anal other
Lion from Belfast that the Ulster
constant friction, each portion of the
Leariet's Government, ist dead. Hie
eucy. With the evert inctease in
earnings, and it will nut be surpris
Empire is illuetrated in the declare -
Unionists will never allow the Houle
Rule question to be decided by auc.h iii
purpose sieseeempting t o Ie till t to the
old name of Berlin. at aiiy late during
members of the. council declere they
the trains are not restored.
timg, was despatched frotn this Dein-
pi hoed in English.
sulowobile nark, the railway's. must,
will become sotnewhat of is pernsau.
be losing considerably in peseinger
thst under hie direction an organized
Canadian fighting force for the first
H4va_ yam_ sop k _jo your National
Doge' 0111 it the b limits' entent.
Although •the Roes rifle hits bean
Deputy Reeve Leithwaite has been
Moine National Service certIN printed
Sir Frederick 8 Irden, who was
Th& newly -elected teemed of the
It it not, unlitely ma the leas Ire -
The futility of an Imperial confir-
. .. ..
. . e
. ' Wdining the Boer war. ICI
bleb Sir Frederick Burden's only
n was killed. Sir Frederick and
the present Premier of Caned* Were
It is said that hundreds of young
men have pared through Canadian
horde' towns to the United States
since the talk If conscription became
active in Canada. It may be that the
country does not lose • great deal
when able-bodied young men will get
away rather than fight ; hut eves
such slackers as these would be of use
in keeping the wheels of industry
Lurning. The Government either
should adopt conscription or should
put the lid severely upon any public
advocacy of and) & measure.
the wisdom bi the voters of the town
by characterizing the adverseeeote on
the Hydro bylaw es a "tuistithe." I
would have been In quite as stood Undo
if one of the councillors had risen to
say thet the elects): es made a "mistake"
in electing Mr. !dunning, as Mayor. If
Mr. Miumings is at all wise, he will
get away from his habit of listening to
private whisperings and will during
his term in the mayoralty make it
his aim to carry out the will of the
people, clearly expressed.
After a long delay Sir Charles
Davidson has reported upon the War
trentactious investigated before him
last year end exonerates pretty nearly
everybody concerned. It is to be
Waste\ Ca,,,•••*•••,*
o the ruhe of the law of undone.
of 1907 exist eoly forbids any belliger-
Nothing But Leaves!IP
Article 23 of the league Regulations
Not Tea Leaves intermixed with Dust,
Dirt and Stems but all Virgin Leaves.
ent toe compel the natives of the ad-
verse pert, to Late part in the war
operations directed against their own
country. Muting the pieces of wort
to which our compatriots have been
forced to give their labor, we know
that there are wane, especially In
Antwerp. Bruges, in Mettle, which di -
roily concern the military oiwnitiens:
fortifications, routes, trenchea. But,
even supposing that the works they
are compelled to perform in Germany
have the appearance of inciusti
labor, is it not evident that, in the
present war of our deys where, after
the saying of Lloyd George, "every
suite* is a trench,. army fectdry is a
rampart," the restraint unposed upon
our population is • violatim of the
Fegulationa assented to in 1907 by all.,
den r the civilized .Late.?
ill they ociabidee applyiog thie
flitted. hey/ever, That thermnet proms
leant figures in the investigation ore raseraint or compulsion to the zone of
already retired from the positions
civ lion AN"tereer or PAPKR.' ygoavreeraturWill the Germannt as well as to the
which they occupied when the invests
Koss see, says to us Mr. Cents° de Chanernin, who declared on August 4,
dh.ecrILiiernremontimsenvIe110114. toct,ei.hr-
, 1914,that hie Government would b.
ligation war ordered, Uol. J. Weeley
Allison IN out of e:lavor ; Sir Sam eser to repair the injustice it had
bled in lead pencil, and sae ned by one committed by violating the Belgian
Hughes is no longer a (lathiest Min- neutrality, and Governor von Mitring,
later; Sir Richard McBride has retired
from political life and the Government
has the reputation of being the cleanest,
and most perfect tea sold. E 147
Carlon de' t, 'that th• perrrifiti
authority is actually proeeipoing iii
Belgium, throughout the whole min-
ters, area. to vet iteble raffle' of men
which ao a remoductien bet on a
stall larger I•Clile rit•I he crimes perpet-
rated it few months ego. under the
p • time,. of agricultural labor to be
dime, in the invaded mitten's ef
Fiancee' At tit the ' Idle of Om ,
e decree trine theWien•ittite of the
roe- ter General Von Motile'-
* • mg west ,111 n our nu IOW -
et .,,t1..144 committee. Tbit (Jeerer
stipulates that all persons who are
able-bodied and who hetet recourse,
themselyes or their 'snide., to "other
people's aid" may he foi eddy cone
Tile Caoliset ?testacy created by :be
death of the late Hon. T. Chase Cas.
/rein ban been filled by the appoint-
ment of Hon. Albert Sevigny as Min-
ister of Leland Revenue. Hon, K.
L. Patenauds transfers, from the In-
land Revenue Department to that of
Plectestary of Waite and Hon. P. R.
Bk,ndin, late Secretary of State, takes
the Postage' Department, which was
le charge of tbs. late Mr. Caserrain.
Tbe Ministers now holdieet these three
skipertments were all Nationalists In
1911 end were (sleeted with the ap-
proval of Mr. illetusaana.
_ _ •
It le unfortunate that Mayer Nun-
ging& In leis first remarks from it.
Mayor's chair, should have walloped
+glitch he led fgr men, vettrehas been
floated. SJ it doesn't make so much
a, erotica if tbe Daytdeon repo was
Some months ago a party sif repre-
sentative ()oleo io wen visited the
Proving of Quebec in an endeavor to polled to work. even outside of their
create &dew atmosphere of friendship • own d lllll kite. The deeree (tether
and coneono between the people of the states that any ratted theashrue. to
tere PrevInees. Th. petty viefted Anil ohlifte1i shell he subject 10 A
Montreal, Three Rivers, Quebec City, ilr eal,rnyellef„tih„",,,eYnTreo; elnetettirtntrijnij
Sherbrooke Sted other , places and M. or to one or the other penalty
everywhere Was warmly welcomed only. .\
and kindly entertained. The return To fully realize the sboinina
visit to this Province is this week be. character of such • eotupulsion, it nies
ing made by a party of French -speak- besrennembrereds that, owing tobthe
ing Canadians trout Quebec, including theirPartmuri;i.ioaryoonbeitingytion Belgians
14 s have ew ke°put
Sir Leiner Gouin, the Quebec Premier, away front their homes for more than
and other notabilities of the sister two years already and to the &knelt.
'Province. A banquet held at Toronto icsoriudipinleatenuertscanticlirsatisll oofnedutit•li!tir outstroiues
on )inoday night in honor of the .vieit- population are being assisted by the.
-Ore Was addressed by Prettier Hearst, Relief Committee. The latter, with
Mt. N.. %V, Rowell, Sir Lower Doisin the co-operation •:: the Belgian Gov -
and other& The Quebec Premier de- eminent and' of the Allies and the in-
hyena- an earnest and eloquent ad- tetventeon of both Spein and the
United Statei• are taking upon them•
dress which revealed the qualities of a selves an setprmoue obligation which,
statesman. Segue sentences helm his tenet° jut e, should b« exclusively su-
spend] should be' re-echoed throughout summed by the occupying power.
the Province of ,Ontseeke Speaking of As soon as Oils notice bed hewn duly
the union which natute,. history aud post ed. our fell esv-ci v izeue whom the
decree conceined were runinioned in
Providence had proclaimed between throngs at a titue, in Cotirtrai, in
the two Provinces, Sir Lomer said : Ghent, ie Beiges, in -eerinotirle and in
"Tbe naisunderstandinga of the past. Most, and in several other locelities,
which were due to blindness in each to the herre°1", warehouses and
other's merits, was due, I- believe, to empty mills and fectorier. Those who
lack of knowledge. It is for us to re- did not willingly answer the re lllllll ons
move such false impreseions and to wens prized and arrested in their lode -
enable all Cenedians to wangle more
fnsely and to krow each other better.
which is the patriotic and praiseworthy
effort of the Bonne Entente The
of these wog knien. 1. wes thrown hy
him from a ear window while the
who proclaimed, on July 8, 1915, his
reediuese to ad ' alter the occupied
tree" war passing through a tellege in
the towbent. And in its plainness territories in conformity watt the
, Hague Cenventions, "without cle-
papier" teerap of Pope. I. eett*e..7-41eeldestlii Ind In respecting every cote
aril "I'd'e""' thi° 'chill 'IL "e• tuanding from anyone to give up his
rises ter above ell the pith; of the Ger will ts„,",4.4...k, gi„ ouch .„
In°"11 ill'efie" which, in "'Y °Pin"'"• vietion relialoute political or patriotic,"
We waited for the foe at his poet, off to t he I rent. This odious
dignified and re-dy for all event.. and supreme expedieot so reveals
The German pilfered brutally bum- the progress of their wearing_
sunned, him, pointing their "brown- out that tt rudely contradicts their
imp." under his nose as an ar.gutnent. political tactice. How its it peeeible to
conciliate such *Cie with the hypo-
"( beg your feriae'," then eald Count
Viten, who has the Chilli/Peg 1111411- et i tic .I pretetaion which the Gentian
Chancellor did solemnly announce in
nerd of a seigneur of the Ole R-giele.
his speech of April 5, 191d, when he
"I beg your pardon, gentleissen 1 YOU
staled: "German• will not abandon
air the me -entree One.. You c ;le if
-- to Litiniz ttion the Flemish people so
900.90 desire it. have me :hot. Bu
onsidering my age and position-,--li long en"1"ed'" Dees he =Agile he
demand that all this be done with due an ni, "Get mot ze" them by violence ?
i eil it before the wat thou h
SUI(II1* : dent emote( &grant duplicity ?
'Nee de Diaitschere werken nooit.
sttee. Leve Albert, Kuniug der Bal- THEIR REAL OBJISCT.
01, Rog veal minting. imam op peeler -
gen." The object of such an infamy cannot
That le, to aliV: '' Work for the indeed deceive anyone. In the course
blerineni, ' never ! and less still sago of a statement made in the Reichateg,
any Palter for them ! Ling live Albert, Mr. Hefferich bas tried to ineinuete
King of the &delimit!" that if these unfortunate people were
On deer 1 the ttave , , et „e being thusdeperted it was for their
may welt be proud of 1 heP°°,11,PSenii ity..; own welfare and in order not to ex -
of our Communal m wit t ra tee, of evlione them to the rust of idlenseis. And
some de y the whole w mid will anuw lb* (Jarman lents Immediately folinwed
the full heruism and petriotiem. isu t and repeat as a chorus such an
impudent explanation. .
nen STANDARD OP SURGONASTER. AN s matter of fact, these crime;
cite but one example, here is find their inepinoi llll in the same case
whietook piece in Bruges : Tne bur- as did the "bluff" imagined to enlist
goinsterer of that town. the Coma aforinciiyli.ly. I it heis thePolceL's icnrptahts.sie tiienromearn.
Ainedee Visert de Bosarrne, is over many by the increasing deficiency of
eighty years of age. Ever since ISOS it.e ekeeoee fere... The Genne„ etif
he represents bib beauefel city in the try to Mika up for it by replacing ttai
vaellon reached B. uges. irr mid-Octo-
ber. 1914. this eyesore/. of -The. -."... cattle is well known. 'hut to whom 00
easily surrounded by the veneration tothetheyrinritight its gzanted exeept thet of
Gentian witrktueo wbo
ur alt, gave an 0061"" whi"h fuhY caste thus be detached and sent
rtray• him throupti and through.
Belgian Perlietnent• When 'h' In" Belgian manual leiter whose technic
lege and forcibly conveyed to the .
officiel rendezvone. For the cite of Pniteneee-" the bison v of our pet national life
Ghent alone, they n beied almost This man, so high spirited, who had ought to have tatight It to hitn he
3,i1110 pimple. comp nod not only 71111sL know today that., as niu^h as the
nf, them shown Ooni the very fleet dey. of
the . occupation the con raet whiA
two races form the vest nisjoiity of workmen unemployed or not. hut
Die Downie'''. t hough hot prebend also of numerouv clerks and petty diettnguishe4 • cietlized men set COM German spirit ie oriels. in th . errs-
the wort demonstrative. I know dealers and esupleyere. They wpared with thehi/hindrs,' who he-
ence e Force, so much more tnel :xi
e, e eli ;tele r. mains the Belgian soul. Every
whereof I speak when I say that there examined, leek+ d over snit mantete- heves he I. onde. 11 siegerefuse, when as •rt atte
they e ere baked from him a few so mpted t
to eed it n
• 'y cote
is not throughout the Dominion • *1.4, one after the other. just'', if they te *butes to develop in it the springs of
Province mute thotoughly anituated had been on a genuine plays market. weeks .go, 10 deliver the 11.1. or h" reientance and ef i•eaction. Anti, 'sow.
Tee Iese robsoit were eliminate) arid fellow-citis et.s.who were bein.g &hied
with the 'mirk of 'greeter tolerance et the very moment that they were
than the Province of Qeehec. Tbere put aside. As to the relit, they wear Dr 1 ,e. P" '1'c "l'et °rgen'"''°'n.v• Haltering themselves of practising 1 do
This 1 'Neal caused him to be put in
no population more loyal to the required to sign • doeutnen , all know whet kiwi of manoeuirtee 1)1Crown or more attached to British Print
ed in Germans hV which they en- conm
fineent, together er t
1-11 bit,-"el-hotallege...wed upon the B•Istians of Flem
institution!, end more devoted to
Canadian interests than the good peo-
ple of my own Province.
"If you could visit the French vil-
lages and +peak to the habitant you
would be impreseed with the depth of
the roots which the Iltitith ithitItu-
Lion, have taken in our soil, and tf you
mild go t the bilingual districte or
the Eastern Tewnships you would have
flee of the happy. life which_ cae
ed by two recee possessed of
t qualities, talents and virtues.
tal tolerance and mutual re -
he basis of their private and
be I
J testicle
pea are
public life.
"We need not deep tir of a situation
Yihrele offersus linger areas. History
tiffers ample examples of the fact that
iti the building tip of nations variety of
wellies and virtues is en eletuent of pulled away, under the menace and mem, of them had the heroic comae.
strength tending Lo national conbolida- force of the German beynnets, from of hi -siding out, in 'mite of this punish -
their homes, fr heir families' and nt nt, for two and even three days !
Irons their native land could be heard Thousands id our compatriots have
singing In a chortle, and never seem- thee been already pulled away from
Ingly growing weary, the Braten- their homer. Where are they?
corms', rine the Vlitemsche ieeuw (the when will they „tom f
gaged thetnelese to work under
i•rders of the German authorities'. All
the mean* of ordinary pressure were
resorted Lo : incioceettion, threabe
deprivation of freed and of fool „d
various, other seta of bruetlity. hey
refused. In spite of their refusal, ibey
were carried eft and deport
eunktrown destinations. itVe
them was authorized to plot
with a small beadle of e
and a porringer. The efliciel
giving them that information
textuelly. -- admirable irony !
'Gash will be allowed to be taken al
L,ng linet of trains., all picked t
the ch ors, thus went across Belgium,
running in an eastern direction. And
all along the railroad lines, these
breve people, who had thus been
one of
e bine.
ole,, 11 nIOeS L le CSV 01 lirwuse u,ge-lab language, our foes have folio.' the
sentenced to pee. a line of 100,000 M. i
inseam of further exasperating rage
for every day of debts,. An otsertire• and hatred in the minds and in the
Orient, by thenause of Rogge, who is,
hearts of the Fettling.. This contra-
lto it appeai
rs. n .civilian life,. bulge- diction alone suffices to demonstrate
master of Schwerin, was appointed to their mond and political disorder.
i fill the place of Uount YitarL This
I peisonaire immediately took poses-
! Ilion of the lista and. under his orders,
I'bundreds of Bruges workmen - weie
arrested. They were crowded into
wagons and cans, whilst the women
end children, mesad around the de-
' parting trains, were being brutally
'beaten hack and scattered by the pie
i trots. Conveyed at first at a certain
, distance from Binges and c towelled
1.sto work et the construction of new
trenches, the poor men who refused to
perferm surh a labor were completely
deprived of food of any kind and
We are destined by Providence
to live together ; we must whether we
like it or not. Therefore, why should
we not live happily ? Why should wile
not beni our every energy to weld to- Lion of Flanders.), the first verses of
wether in the nation this splendid ele- which -1 translate them from the
menet we have ?
"Upon eat—latilisns today there testa
an enormous responsibility. t'Vs are
in the fullest senile makers" of history.
We are weaving it faht•ic of a mitten
on the loom of time. Let us make it $
perfectly harmonious whole, in which
everything we have to coni Unite for
geed shall appeer—the energy of the
meet china°, the solid common sense cf
110 Englishman, the many qualities of
the Celt, combined with the good 'if the
Pietich, so that the harmony of the
finished pattern shall not suffer by the
absence of the admirable strands with
their brilliant colorings. So may we
turn to good account the various
qualities with which we al! endowed
tor no selfish purpose, but for the im-
pel t:ng of vigor and unison to our be-
loved country. and an we may best
evidence the best humiliate of our ton•
elation, and in our patriotism resolve
conteibute to the future weenies*
of our vast confederation."
The Biome Entente tnoveuient has
had an auspicious 1 eginning, and it is
an endeavor of the highest patriotism
worthy of the encouragement and en.
donation of all who wish well for
The Itcho de Paris publishes, In its
wiliest% of Noveasber ti, INK the fol-
lowing interview of Mr. 11. (estrum de
Wiest, the Belgian Minister of Jus-
tice, eioneeseing lbw removals, deport -
&Gone and erinspoltesser work imposed
upon eli11101104all Beleieu &villages by
the high German aut.honity.
It is testy too teen, de1a, Mo.
Fleming—are, by themaelvee alone,
most characteristic : They will not
have him, our proud Lion of Flan -
This new crime violates Just am
hrezenly the principles of individual
liberty and of the Civil Code as well
As far as the neutral nations are
cobcerned. it is probable that the Ger-
mane do doter te.einselves that they
have so west ied their indignation or
discouraged their contempt that any•
thing and everything may now he
permitted them to do. But here .gain
they lure themselves. For, now, the
le seerime which cannot he excueed hy
the lelitidness and the passion which
accompany actual and real military
operatione And, for my pert, I re-
fuse to believe that, even in the most
neutral countries, honest people will
remain indifferent to the revisal and
eri the aggravation in the inido, of
the twentieth century of the methods
which were practised in times of yore
by the harbarien pirates and the
African traders. Such a neutrality, to
repeat. Roosevelt's expression, would
disgust Pentium Pilate hiniself. Ili-
thanl has not ceased to he human.
In spite of all we still trust in her.
Principal repayalee 1st October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, lat Moil and 1st October bV
cheque (free nf eirlyange at any chartered Bank in Centl* at
the rate of five per cent per annum ham the date of porhase.
Holden of this stork will have the privilege et surrendering
at par and merited intwset, as the equivalent at moth, in pay-
ment of any allotment made under any future veer lean irate in
Canada other than an issue al Tottery Bills or other kke share
date security.
Proceeds 01 this stock are for war purposes only.
A easements -in of one-quarter of ane per cent will be allowed
ut nsootenised hoed and stork brokers on allotaiseta made in
respect of appliestiare for this stook which bear their stamp.
Fee appbeation forms apply to the Deputy billies" of
Plaaree, Ottawa
__. .,
:••••••••••••••• •••••••••1
• . •
• •
• •
Splendid Yarn Values .
• •
• •
• •
• Genuine Kitchener brand 4 -ply Knitting Yarn, copied •
• from English Baldwin's Beehive, grey, white, khaki' •
• and black, at peIb Canadian Fingering Yarn, soft pure stock, inSilig7h5t is
• or mid grey, at per lb $1.10
• Natural undyed Mill Yarn for knitting, clean and • '
• pure stock, at per Ib , . 90C • -/-*
• • /
• Grey Blankets • i
-• •
• Large size 60 x 80 inches, double Blankets, •
• soft wool, in beautiful silver grey shade with
• • • neat blue borders, well finished. Special, at • - t
• r Mir $0.0
Flannelette Blankets
• - ---- P
• Largest double -bed size made, best quality, •
• (American), pink or blue borders, veri,2.131 •
•• and soft, at per pair
.• Floor 'Rugs •
• Two only Scotch Wilton Velvet Rugs, seam- • . s>
• less, size 12 x 12 feet, i'l neat scroll pattern. •
• brownsan,
a5n. atdeagrecry, soft colorings. Regular
$29 •
Flannelettes •
• 36 -inch white or pink and white and blue •
• ' and white, neat stripe patterns. soft heavy •
• flannels —old buying—worth today -18c, at •
....—.1.--........—............... 12 , c •
: Cambrics 0
• Sheetings
• 72 -inch white plain bleached Sheeting, at per
• yard 25c
Three hundred yards only. 36 -inch white •
soft Lonsdale Cambric, entirely free from •
dressing, worth 20c, at per yard 1212C •
Home Defence !
-Men Wanted for the NAVY
R. N. C. V. FL Atlantic Division
The increased German submarine activities in the North
Atlantic 'all for increased cruiser protection for the
shores of Canada and the trade routes. Men up to 45
years of age of previous sea -faring experience will be
enrolled at once for the
PAY: Seam:: :1.10 Sznatiou
Applicants must be of good physique and character said
not over 45 years of age.
Also a limited number of boys from 15
BOYS to 18 years old will be enrolled for the
T 0 0 home defence service, receiving pay at
the rate of 50c. per day.
Apply to
Naval Recruiting Officer for Ontario
Jarvis Building
Copy for the next Tf4ephone Directory
doses on the above date!
q Order your telephone now, so that
your nuns will be in the new issue,
Report changes required to off Local
Manager to -dal.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.