HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-4, Page 6THE SIGNAL : GODRRICR ONTARIO, "PA*. 4'�N��iii _ ,. .• RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES we will take your wheel apart and explain exactly the work required to repair it. Know that we are past masters of our business, do our work thorough- ly and quickly. Bring us your wheel today and estimate -the cost will be low, the work satis- factory. East Street Garage Owned and Operated by A. M PLOVER • Practical Man. Phone 243 I - LOCA. . TOPICS Wedded. At the Victoria street parsonage on Tuesday, January 2nd. Rev. J. E. Ford performed the marriage core- , mooy uniting John W. Tania , of Birtle, Man., and Harsh E Sinitic of I (3oderich. Mr. and Mrs. Tansley will reside in Godericb. IDavis vs. Murray et al. INQUEST IN CHURCH DEATH, day evidence was taken by Coroner Hueter at the town ball. Off tial .inquiry the Result of Rumor. Sirs. Church was away from home ,Followu•g the Fatality. on the day her. husband wee killed, Owing to rumors its connection anti the discover of the fatality was wit h the death of Austin E. Church, I made by Janos* flutter. a farmhand. of West Wawanosh, who was found who went to the barn about twenty dead in bis barn on Sunday, December minutes after Church had left the IOth last, an inquest has been opened I house to attend w the horses. There at the Jnstance of Chown Attorney were marks on the borne showing Wenger, in order that the facie in the that it bad been whipped, and a spatter may be ascertained uuder currycomb and other articles were oath Tying about, strengthening the con- A. reported i0 The Signal at the ' elusion that Cbur•ch, while grooming time, Church's body was found lying ,the horse, had taken the whip to it, in w borse's stall, with the boiler's hind and the animal bad lashed out with tetanal the body and the forefeet inkw feet. .., the meager. The hear was CordayThe post-mortemexanntifaYd6A-bj' in jarred, evidently by • kick from the Drs. Weir and Macklin pointed to Lhe bores. An invratigation was made at .same conclusion. the time' by Coroner Hunter and A number of witnesses were ex- Urown Attorney Seager, and it was' ed in an endeavor to get ext the denidd Lb•t no further inquiry was I bottom of the rumors, and an adj,,urn- necessary. Owing to peretat.ent ru- Intent was made to Saturday next, at more, however, hinting et auspicious 110 a. w., when further evidence way r_ ciurwss twnoin connection with the be taken. affair, this decision was revered, and t Provincial Deteetittt Ujenry Reborn, last week Mr. Seager directed That an sof Toronto. was here in cunuectioo official inquest be held. A jury was I with the case. summonsed. vibe body was exhumed at I Mr. Seager conducted the investiga Colborne es.I ery_ end was there I tion &i d Mr. J. L. Killoran appeared viewed Wilke j e, and on Satur- for interested parties. Do Your Ntw Year- Walking in $ pair of our new model, high -(;lass shoes., You'll en joy the perfect comfott of this footwear and also the knowl- edge that your feet are en- cased in shoes of the very latest style. And such is the quality of our shoes you will enjoy this feeling for a long time to come. Our shoes last long. 1 Phone 168 W. SHARMAN Goderich His Honor Judge Dickson bas given udgment in the action of Davis vs.' Murray et a1., heard at the December County Coutt, in which Mr. T. M. Davis sued for the loss of a livery horse. The action as against Robert C. King is dismissed with costs, and judgment is entered in favor of the plaudit! against Claude Murray for $126 and costs. Accident -WSW S. Poit* A serious accident occurred last Thursday afternoon at Buchanan's planing will. Mr. Stout. Potter, ,of (,olborne Wwgsbip, was leaving the yards with some 1 ber when a wheel of hie wagon caught on the gate -post and be was thrown out on hie bead. For several days he was in a very era,- teal rit.ical condition, but he is now improv- ing rapidly and it is hoped that in a few days he may be able to return to his home. Fred Davis in the Political Field. A former well-known Ooderich man, Mr. Fred Ifavis, has been nominated by the Conservatives of the riding of (lleithro for the P.ovincial Legisla- ture of Alberta. Mr. Davie' nomina- tion was unanimous, no other name being considered in the convention. Mr. Davie has many friend, in Gode- rich who will be geed to learn of bis success wben the election comes off. He is on the wrong side of politics ; but it won't do any harm to have a few men of Mr. Davis' political color elected to sit to the Parliament at Ed- monton -ion the Opposition side. MODEL TITI.EATRE GEO. E. KINO, Proprietor Week of January 8th Monday and Tuesday HELENE ROSSON and FRANKLIN RITCHIE in "The Undertow" A great production its five acts from the well-known Capital and Labor drama by Rosalie Ashton. Also BEN TURPIN in "Ducking a Discord" a feature comedy. Wednesday and Thursday Marguerite Clark .-IN "Out of theDrifts" •A tlnigne and highly artistic photo play by William H. Clifford. Also ".THE YELLOW MENACE" Friday and Saturday PALLAS PICTURES presents FLORENCE ROCKWELL is "He •Fell in Love with s His Wife" An adaptation of tbe fatnows story -.by this edit Americas writer E. P. Roe. Prices -10c and I Sc Hockey Math Tuesday Night. Tomorrow t iday) night the (iode- ricb team plc its fiat game of the season at Clin o. The line-up win probably be as fo own: Goal -M. Pridb R. Defence -H. M roey. L. Defence -H. Foe r. Rover -J. G. Bowler Centre -8. Hood. L Wing -W. Babb. R. Wing -T. Johnson. ' On Tuesday night, Januar 9, Sea - forth plays in Goderich. As Orth is noted for the interest it in sport the gave should he wen w b seeing. Girls Play Hockey. The girls' hockey team of tbe G.C.I. took adyaotage of the presence in town of a number of ex-.t..dents of that Institute who used to have some reputation as puck -chasers, and chal- lenged them to a game of the great Oenadian winter molt, which took place at West street rink on New Year's morning. Tbere was a good attendance of "rooters" for both sides and the game was closely contested and at all stages exciting. as the score indicates -'L all at the finish. The fol- Dodd's Kldooy Pills are the a medicine that will, cure Dia- betes. Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in - c u ra b l e until Dodds Kidney !'ills cured it. Doctors themselves confess that without Dodd's Kidney Pills they are powerless against Milo Dodd's Kidney Pills are the first ntealieine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations --box, name and pill, areadvertised to do so, but the medicine that dam cure tes is Dodd's Kidney Pins. Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at all druggists. Garvin was best man. Mrs. Robinson, mutb3r of the bride, wore a becoming gown of steer grey with touches of palsy purple. her bat oleo being of the potpie. The wedding was very quiet, Mr. and Mrs. Killam leaving for the station immediately atter the cere- mony. After February eat they will be at their home in Yorkto•, Hoek. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. 'The Bettie of the Sommer picture* will he seen at the Model Cbeate& January 16 and 18. The inaugural meeting of the town council will be held on Mopday morn- ing next, at 11 o'clock. The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. still be held in the Temperance Hall on Monday. January 8th, at 3 o'clock. The Maple Leaf Social Club is put- ting on a social dance in the Club rants, Hamilton street, on Tuesday evening, Januar v flub. Blacketone's danciog class, Tuesday, January 9th, 2 p. m., Masonic Temple. Join now. For particulars apply at Blackstone's restaurant. The General Brough Chapter, 1. O. D. ES., will bold its regular monthly meeting next Monday, January 815, 4.13 o'clock, in the court house. "Out of the Drifter- the title a photo play in which the clever and charming Marguerite Clark is the leading figure. This will be seen at the Model Theatre Wednesdaivand Thursday next" Will the person who took a parcel containing two pairs of socks from C. M. Robertson's groocry store kindly return the wine, as they were soldiers' socks belonging to the Patriotic So- ciety of Godericb township. To enable the farmer to secure larger returns for his labor, greater 2puven- ience and comfot t. such as he should have, is the aim of the Farmers' Week! dun, the most helpful paper pubt-in Ontario. You can do your pact by becoming a subscriber. The /Sonja essentially the paper of the Ontario farmer. He will find its mar- ket report invaluable. Any quantity of dry hemlock slabs for summer wood at M•cIwan's phone n8). $2.00 par cord. - tf Seal-shipt oysters, solid meat, 71)c per quart. Edwards'. Phone'3i1o. PERSONAL MENTION. MIs, Jean Nairn returned to Toronto on Tonder - Myo Mary Hurley wan home from Toronto ter the bolidey,. Mr. and Mrs. T. Legg and family ,,pent New Years Day at Stratford. MIs, Minnie Campbell was home from Sarnia for !be sebool vaeatldn. visitin• gMeendston Burdett. ot in tows t0 week. ba, been p and Dean turruec from• week' l.ft at Buffalo..e�have re Mb.. • Ivy EllFaniott over us Neof w holiday. ]Liao Brlmicombe, of the staff of the ()elitism Collegiate lo.titute, was beets tot the holiday.. Mr,. John Oakley and little. daughter, .1 Tomato, were noose the holiday town. Mr. Ro.e.ell Fox of the Union Bank. Sl. Car harrow. .pent New Yen's Day At hi, home �p•Ls .klber•s Tate.. of :know% is vL.itinit at tie, home of her pergola, Mr. and Mr-. J.rues Yat__ Mese Florence Smith i. home for the holiday. frau Tatonto, where she is [ski ig a Univer•it1 ee0M t. Ilia. ii Carney, o town. Klno•rdlne rich...,wae bowie parent.. Dr. Archie Dish , of the Wllli,.rd Farber ho.piW. New York, t Cbrbetma. with hi. relative, In town. Mrs. .t B. Pomeroy. ofRridaeport wa. •t '1• MoCiertlemi and Mr stir. Me. rust H wove b,day , leton. in iter: Mi. R King. (lode. a few day. vi,1tlna her Do it now. Don't think it over and write • note. Beware those sub- marines. they might get you ; but go to Pridbam the Tailor and get your coat. lowing is how the teams lined up : Iths house of her loather. Me. J••. r'. 'Women students. leer New Yeses. Kt-Students.era T. Kearu of Ctirrm:.l. .1.iting her G. Field goal M. Baecbler niece. Mrs. J. McC�laoherty.%od bill be in town D. Hay centre (i. Pinder Ior some time. M. Tom rover A. Armour Mr. and Mn. Wm Clark, Walnut street, M. Claik wing E. Howe have returned fon, • .I,it to their daughter. E. vVilliamu wing J Bogie atPort Hume, Mich e..rotth e•we Mr.. Kitchen h►+ gene to B. Nairn defence E. McArthur her hems In Uooerieb cher a pleasant vbht at K "toddart defence H. Austin tae hams of Mr. and Mr.. Bell. Mr. James Hume, of Toronto, was Mr and Mn. referee. The players of the two teams agreed that one year hence the same fourteen should meet at the same place, the married ones to play the old maids, and the losers to pay for the banana - splits. The Late Mrs. Clement. One of (ioderich's moat' highly re- spected citizens passed from life on Thursday last, in the person of Aman- da Ellen Freeman. widow of the late Rev. Benjamin Clement. Mr. and Mrs. Clement came to Goderich ten years ago, upon Mr. Clement's retire- ment from the active work of the ministry, and Mr. Clement died two and • half years ago. The late Rev. Benjamin Clement had a long, active and honored career in the ministry of the Methodic. church. He occupied many iwportant charges in Western Ontario, was frequently chairman of his district, and in 1801 Wee president of the London Conference. In his labors Mrs. Clement was • worthy helpmate, being well equipped b torture and training for the part wbieb she fulfilled with anility and dignity, Three sons and one daughter sur- vive : Sheldon B. Clement, of North Bay ; B. H., of London ; Arthur H., of Toronto, and Mn. H. E. Hodgen., of Goderich. Miss Freeman, who made her home here with the deceased, U a sister. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from the family residence, Stanley street, to Maitland cemetery the services bean conducted 0. H. Robin on. of Toronto: spent New Year'. with the former', patent*. Capt. and Mr.. Win Robinson. Mr. Lewy G. Thomson sed two daughter.. of Arden Men. are visiting Mr rho.on', par- euts. Mr. ami mMet (leo. Thomson. M1+, Lottie Robtneor wa. home for the holt. day. flout Interne, where .he 0 engaged o• the public school teaching ,tart. MI. Susie J. Weill 4. of Toren' o. returned to the city the week after pending the Chi -La- ma. holidays with her relatives herr. Mr.. 1*. C. Brown. who he. been visit fel her brother, Mr. Wm. ('lark, leaves tomorrow on her return to her home at Port Horoo Mr.. King. of Toronto, i, vi.iting her ,on, Mr. ileo. IG. KIM, et the Model Theatre, and is the guest of Mr. and Mr.. (leo. H. King. Mr Thea K. Sunbnry spent New Year's Day at London end attended the performance of the "Messiah" is the Fir,t Mettodi-t church. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon WpHh, of Toronto. were the g"eete of Mr. a,.d Mrs. T. ft Wallis for New Years Day. Mrs. Welsh ie • ,tater of Mr. t% sells. Mi.York. ~ Tom,.fWelll. College, Aurtwa, N. Mary Toni,, of Toronto Unlveeslq, were home for the Chri,tm*e holiday.. Mrs. Taylor, of Bonet Ste. Marie ae. in own day. on Monday on her way to spa with friend. in A.blteld. While lu town she was the sue t of Al. K. Carrie!. Miss Agueo Hamilton has returned :.o Kln- rsrdlne, when she te.rhee in the (bllsi.te In. *Mute. after .pendlog Lhe bond.y, with her Parents, Rev. Jame. and Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. Arden Aitken, who has been several rear. , Mr. Edmonton, Nn11.1. 1 I. . Aitken. visit to .,n. mer he spent In the Peace Ricer 11.10 let with a Government err•eytnil party end he he. Inneh of interest to tell of that country, which he be- lieves o-!(eves will deveLsp rapidly lute a well-settled ere prosy+rens Markt. CHURCH NOTES. s. N$1(IL�1k�IIOk� BA OF CANADA I TgvRRDAT, JANUARY 4 19t7 • Are Your Children Learning la Save Money? Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account in the Union Bank of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training In how to expend money wisely. Such an education in thrift and saving will prove invaluable In later life. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. e Mr. David Nicholson, the new or- ganist of St. George's chinch, hail ar- rived in town and will enter upon bis new dui ors next Sunday. Evangelical church --Rev. W. H. Campbell, B. D., 'tarter. Service at Colborne Sunday. January '7th, at 10 a. m, and 7.30 p. w. Set vice at Zion at 3 p. tn. At Knox cht,rcb next Sunday morn- ing, Rey. R. C McDenuid's suhj••ct will be : "1'h« Marks of the Chi is - thin." Beeping subject : "Profit and moss." S.rtorth F.xpo.itor : Mr. Walter Hawthorne, of (ioderteh..pant Christmas at M. home In 1{gmondvllle . Mr. and .lire. Charlie Limo- usin, of Oodrrieh, *pent Christman with Mr. and Mr. Geo q of Harrah Mr. and Mr.. by Hoy. W. K . Hager and Rev. J. E. H. Little and daughter, of Oederlah. meet the Ford. The pallbearers were tbe three holiday. with Mr. and Mrv. Oeorge Brownlee. sons and Mr. H. K. Hodgen.. Mt . Little sang • .(de et tewh rhe morning The Best Newspaper Value • In Westei n Ontario UPM-%onbof stave rt feet 1lttacEvan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON All Mail Editions 53 Per Year ins the payments. The right of a councillor to bold his ..at may be tried and determined by a judge of the Supreme Court or by the Master -in - Chambers, or by a judge of the Coun- ty Court. Any person entitled to he • "relator" clay, within six weeks after the farts came to his knowledge, make application to a judge or to the Matter -in -Chamber•% for an order .de- (laring that the seat of the councillor is torfeited, or that be has become disqualified. upon such affidavit as he may think suMcien, and the judge or master may give his "Nat" allowing the person making the complaint to serve a notice of motion to determine the matter. Seca. 161 and 162 of the Municipal Act. When it is established that the money wan paid illegally it may be recovered back from the parties who received it. (4) There is an officer appointed by the, Provincial 'Government called the "Provincial Municipal Auditor." The auditor may at any time on his own motion, or wh requested by any two member of the municipal council, or when requested by a writing signed by thirty ratepayers resident in the municipality, make an inspection, examination or audit of the books, accounts, vouchers and money of any municipal corporation, etc. R. H. 0., chap. JM). 131 Section 246 of lbs Muni- cipJ Act says, where the remunera- tion of any officer of the corporation is not fixed by law, the. council shall fix it. Section 247 save the council may grant to any officer who has been in the service of the corporation for at least twenty years, etc., a sum not exceeding the aggregate of his salary for the preceding three yews. The service.) in the Baptist church next Sunday. at 11 and 7 o'clock, will he taken by the pastor. The morn- ing subject will be : "The Great Sal- vetion," and the evening subject : "Judas Iscariot, One of Jesus' Judges. j The congregation of Knox church had tie pleaaureon Sunday evening of hearing a solo, "Open the (i item," by Mr. Bert Cott, of Elora, the talented son of Mr. and Mee. R. H. Cott of town. The beautiful polo was ren- dered in splendid voice and with ex- cellent feeling. and r waning services In the Presbyterian ober ch Killam-Robinson. which wee mel* apprecbted. The following from The Toronto News of Thursday, December lei, re- cords the marriage of a former (iode- rich girl. a daughter of Rev. J. W. Robinson, formerly pastor of Victotia street Methodist church, (lode rich. Her friends here join in good wishes : High Park Methodist church was the scene of a pretty wedding at b.iTf- pxst three this afternoon, when Miss Roby Ashler Robinson, daughter of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Robinson, of Lenadowne avenue, was married to Mr. George T. Killeen, barrister -at - law, of Yorkton, k., of M and Mrs. W'lllan. Sac KM1rM,.nn of Stusexr., N. B The bt We was brouugght in M beer father. who also of*aeed •t the esesoony, twisted by Her. J. D. Hunter,. of Chariot Cross, tlaotlssr-in- law to the bode. and Rev. Dr. Tre- leaven. The beide was wearers/ Isar travelling eos4uiae. a blue plush suit with email hat of coque feat/toes. Her lowers were a cornege bouquet of pink rosebuds. Later when eh* lett with her husband or their wad - tuna t tbroogh lbs Middie Mates. eh" yweetr.ble i ding gift, • ,at. Afrod pyMbw slit. Neff bat bat geld! told lane, and bar A ,were ware Richmond eases. Oho alieJ wore elft" -or bs��ecklar. the Dr. R. G. What Hospitals Use is telo antiseptic, non-tajlltioui and non-poisonous skin reedy. Ooaet-sealed oysters, solid meat. fresh from the oyster beds, at Bleck- stoue's. Phone 210. Remorse ie memory that has gone meed. ;Most men mistake a little applause for ameocore. No Boman with a new hat enjoys riding id closed carriage. Intuition s what a woman thinks •be has whe she makes a real good Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple 8labe, Miettid Wood, Hteelotk and Kindling 'Cedar or Pine TELEPHONES, offwe 9g residence +u or W guess. THE GODER Mecca Ointment e.+v. H MARKETS. ire0 ArT Lien to I1.p6 .e1 to 116 .In to I.0n to 2.2i to 1.10 sm Wheat. per Duels °ate, per bn.h ......... Pea.. per tin.h r lour, family, per cwt. 4 00 Flour. peteat, per cwt 4.75 to Bran, per toot 31.1)J Lo Hay. per ton MOO to Ih Wood, per load 6.00 to 41 Creamery Ratter - .44 to .46 Potatoee, per bush LIM to 1.76 Cattle, butcher.' choice, per cwt. 7.5n to 7.75 Cattle, butchrniniediummer fret 6.50 to 6.75 Hog., live weight, per cwt. 11.01 to 11.7s - Sheep Pelts 1.011 to 100 IOver 2,000 ppoouufs&& have Iowa Asst a tit. Allied h.spitlala awe the war bogs'. What is a better i sstia>.nial thaw this tact 1 Sas Lill irit.�Mscsrkaio rf.a1r gas yen _ it. nstfirDtsek- co. „ Barley, per bush 7tietils nt •moil • 1 1tWa and a4ha lona. Asael ty the M• SaY ids Me .•..tie /� aim* treasurer eanwd disregard the Mot stn. Hors will ant loops otersMd Oji a JAMES A. GAIIPBELL or r.solutlew sf 4*s eesaM PAY OF COUNTY COUNCILLORS. Lan They Collect Six Days' Pay for the Regular Session P From The Toronto Mall moll Empire P. W . S. Belgreve.-Our county has a by-law fixing the remuneration of members of the (county council at $si per day and mileage allowance. The council meets In January, June aod December of each year. They meet on Tuesday afternoon, and finish their work on the following Friday. Have they a right to charge sicdays' pay for four days' work 7 (2) The house of refuge conimit.lee inspects that in- stitution during these sittings. Cee they charge an extra day's pay, or seta for four days time ? (3) hat action can toe taken against the cxonn- ctlion; for such illegal arta 7 44) Has the Provincial nuonicip•l auditor authority to order reatitorion 7 16) Has the council power to a1Mw or pay the county clerk, county treasurer, oonnty engineer end the caretaker of countybuildings anything in addition to ther regular eateries 7 Ans.-(I, 2 and 3) The treasurer is liahle for hissed payments to roun- eiltor•s, as well •a to anybody els* within the limits allowed by the Muni- cipal Act. The Municipal Act and the by-laws at lba (veinell must govern all n,ch .natters. Section 424 says by- laws - laws may he passed by the eminent of emtntsesand townships for paying the member* of the council for Ihoir attendants at meetings nt the oottnril ill t:Anrrai(j�.f, a r* a not exeeed- nr exceed - nn meets, .•tab At vitt •, Int se•ca IOWA ltd ,.I g to soak uttechw� i to �jaid .�a(ch rourgUW Jet rate1 Are you Bilious?rte s Don't fat it row t,'.• leadloto chronic 11.1��e, too it will indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow complexion Just tay CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH& LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion gently bet sorely cheese the .resew sad b.eo the elowa.k sad liver imperfect evening mine J + At suis rlc., .r M uuuJ tree 11 Cbsesbsrt■is MmUsi s Ce.. Terse.* f TAKE THESE ( d re and Good Lucke" "Thank you for the wishes and for 9 The Flavour Lada This great little pick-me-up is full of vigour and vim for the jaded soldier. Quenches thirst, allays fatigue, gives new life to enervated spirits. Every letter or parcel for your soldier friend should contain a few bars. Appetite, diges- tion and spirits are the better for it. Sold Everywhere Wss. Wtrigley Jr. Ce., LN.. • wipes Elev. consortia .1 A ' 11^o-7 e• MADE MI CMA$/A mom R /R11S 11111111111 MOL