HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-4, Page 4t, 1 1 tiE SIGNAL GIDERICH ONTARIO THE I Fitch A GOOD OLD FRIEND. e RAD ALMOST GaVEN 1//).".i OPI6INA1Mr. George Green Sends a Cheery Epistle Masala, Ont, -„Above 27 years ago le was taken vtry had my blcad ilio was IND ONLY from Picklord, Mich. Mr. George Green, a Godes ich "old boy" now resident at Pickford, riIlob., I and t was there for red maul I could not eat and suffered three uutc,l sends The Signal a letter which will be Lied three of the beet doctora I read with interest by the writer's tit just samel nAIM/ tray many friends help me. 1 had almost peen In bad shape, I Rot so I had to go to months, d agony. could get going to up. 1 Toronto Cattle Market th mienre hao a era choice handy 8.80 8. WI remedies 40. rood 790 8 10 FENVINE thought 1 would never be any be was w to pee up and die ra suffer as 1 was. A neighbor of mei of Dr. Pierce's wonderful 13EWAR OF !MITA- TIONS 13 SOLD ON Tait MERITS Of IINW'S UNI/ENT BI)0KBINU N! u MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. JOLD LETTERING on LEATHER OOOD8 All ordsmpromptl attended to on Ieartng alar at THE SIGNAL. Oodertoh. A. R. TAYLOR, tl'trtwrrrlsin, • MEDICAL (GEO. HISILII:MANN, 08TEo PATH, specialist in souse's and ohll '! deers..., acute, :hroaso sod oerrousdl. orders. ere, ear. nose and throat, partial deaf sew peso and rheumatic condition& Ade sal& rrworet without the knife. once at alt home.. omw Mesar., Thursddays • aye : any symbol by appoiatmeet. MAt D() ELI,.-li0NOR Toronto Uni • Cemgmete 'lents! tie ----- the __ _ the late M Mem West Welds A THOMAS (31714 j AU Klett t t Bque,.l hatrace • el ill ebe promptly •. eaded te. Reeld.oes tale, . U. L10AL C. HAY:* BARRISTER. 54 )LJCtToR. Perms', Eft. stliee-ieatfcie TelePang venu. llaadlsa basal glob Lease and lam aria, PIOIXTDPoOT, Y LLOI BLy t COOK L$ltltrlkttd BOLiCITOtil. WOTAN'S* PUBLIC. 141C. i Urnee au the *Setters, eleeud door frora3litr. iBirn.treet Gweileh, rHraty fund. to Ivan at lowest rates W. Paoveroo•r, K.C. J. L hiupaaw H. J. D. Cooks. iii. CAMERON. K. O.. BBARRIS w'a�--11Rl..ullcttor, votary puUtc. Oakes esaselt Att( pntonThursdher ut each third week,in on Albert btreet uocupted by Mr. 1. ',race hour. Il. a.m, toe para tltdkLES (*ARROW, LL.13,, BAR - Monty kit, attorney, soticitor, etc.. Olde. so lead at lowest tater. 1'1 $K&GER, .HARRIBTBR, 801. taker, Paws and Conveyancer, un Goderich, (lPllm !REIMAN LOAMS• ETC. -, Nj _ rr LeckILLGP (MUTUAL Fifth IN. Ju et R A N C k; CO. -Farm and Isolated town proven/ Ineund- (J *-er.--J., 4 ounoily, Erna„ Goderiob P.O.; law, F -,ate, Vie -Pres., Neechwood P. t).; fawns. a- Har. iiea-•Trews- beeforth P. 0. Director. -D. Y. NoUreger, eeatorth ; Joh° 3. Grieve, Winthrop; N ilium itino constanoe; Jahn Hnnneweb, Broditagec ; Gee Mc('artney, asaforth ; Robert Ferri.. Hazlett* ; Malcolm Maltwert, HruoedeM, �nt.: J. W. Yeo, Hotmwvule; Alex. l'linton ; 'William ('hewn* , Seeforptah ; a�tilenui and afoget their l,ards�reoellers pted et M. 1. etotrish•a Clothing More, Clinton, R. 11. Cott's Ornnery. Branston street. Oodertoe, or J. S. Iteld•a Oeueral Blore, Hayfield, L WJ PRIVATE F54. 0. TO loan. apple to M. G. cA N. Barrister Hamilton street. Oodett4.k, We R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE .4014247. rims Awn LIearNexa r Britten, Canadian sad American. , 4totnoaNr, Btckrlsee AND I.NPLOTCaa' Watt. ITT : The ')Dean Aoofdeot and Guarantee frDs(t Corporation, icAaaxri Booof t London. : The U.& Fidelity -and Ge. -antes Company, Moe at re.id,noe, .artbeset corner of Vio- terta and 8t. Darras street*. •Phone Ila, MARRIAGE LICENSES , 1► ALTRR B. RELL2 J.P., OODRRICH, ONT. litttuKR OF MARRIAGE LiC5Ne1C& Patents, Trane Marrs, Designs Secured in All Countries. Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEC- TION. Tells all about and how to get, pat sots, BABCOCK tit SONS, eetabu.hed 1777 formerly Patent (Moe Examiner. Master of Patent tewP, Reinstated Patent Acorns?* etc. Sat $t. James Street. Montreal Braoohes._- Lottae'a and Wedrtnrton, RepesentatJvse In W Negro eorintrles. Brophe) Bros. OODERICH lie Lemnos Funeral Directors sect Embalmers Orders easefully attended to at all banes, alight lir day% Pickford, lltnhlgsn, December dr, Itfd To nob Editor of The :Menai. tioder.�rtch, Outarlo Mit. F D1711R,-This is m third epistle from the town of Pickford to you. I left Wuderich on October 171h about 11 o'clUck and arrived in the "Roo" at 11 o'clock on the evening of the IStb. I was met et the Uanadiarl "Buy" dock by Mr. Bert Ptckfur•d. a son of my old friend, Mr. Charles Picklnrd. He bad his car there and he drove me to his beautiful r. T THOReDAY. JANUAR 1 4 !f JANUARY 2ad l Choice weighty steers 19.00 to $9 60 Bat h eroded to use them. My husband bought me six bottles of 'Favorite Pre- scription.' I bad not taken it long until I felt better. In lees than six weeks I was out of bed, and in leas than six months I was cured and have been well ever e Do all my own work. 1 have raised daughtars, two are married and en. They have used it are healthy, so are their children. residence, t 'toyed wilt) him over sure it was all on account of my eight and aratll Thursday afternoon. I t eW use the medicine. This was wy jiet visit to Mr. Pick- I I keep atf of Dr. Pietoeli ford's home sod 1 think he mai hod • t'bc house. Have 'Favorite splendid woman. • ton," 'Golden Medical Discovery' In the site' noon m son-in-law, Mr. 'Smart. Weed' --anything prepared by Ile, Beacom, and bis wife met me with Pieree is 1 also have a Dopy of their car. 1Ve rode across the river in the People's Common Sense Medical the car, on the ferry boat. W e arrived in Pickford about 7 o'clock that even- ing. The next morning the Methodist minister called on me before I was out or bed. do. medium , , , , -• T 00 760 do. common 6.90 9.80 Butchers' caws, choice- 7.26 7.60: do. good 6.50 6.80 do. medlufe 5.00 560 i Butchers', bulls, choice7.50 7 90 three do. good 6.40 6.80 have I do. medium 1.40 6.80 and they do, bologna - 4.96 6,110 baam • feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs6.35' ' 9.14 haring do. med.. 700 to 800 4 BO do. common, light.. , 4.60 4.70 IDwieiney Stockers, 900 lb.. 11.60 4.00 Prcacrtlr- Canon 4 i Cutters .10 4.70 and Milkers.4.10 4.30 good to choice. 80.00 100.00 do. common to med..60.00 70.00 II ringers . , .66.00 100.00 ha Ives, real, choice . . . 12 . 00 11.60 do. medium 8.00 10.60 do. common 6.00 7.60 do. erase 5.00 6.00 Sheep, ewes, tight 9.00 9.60 do. heavy aqd bucks 7.60 9.60 do. culls 8.00 "-'1.00 Hogs, weighed cars12.36 0.00 do fed sad w 12-26 -,•_0.00 do. f.o.b. Union• Stock Yards for week ...,11.40 0.00 1 Adviser, which 1 have had 26 years; it has been very valuable to me," -Mas, J. Waya,ZJ2 Ontario St-, Sarnia, Ont. If you are a sufferer, if your daughter, mother, ester need help, get Dr. Pierce's 1 was surprised to see so much Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet water lying on the round while it 1 form from say medirine dealer to-do was es dry at Godericb, It rained fort Then address Dr. Pierce, invalid? Hots so long that 1 almost of discouraged Buffalo[ N. Y. and get co*Gdentiel me with this country. Wds• We are hay cal advice entirely free. lovely weather and splendid sleighing 1 A most valuable book in any home i9 same as en Ontario this' yearnow. The crops here are much the Dr. Puce's Common Sense Medical . The I Adviser A apleridtd 10% -page volume, hay crops are Dad but :he very Iigbt. and the grain is potatoes are poor. 1 had • caller one day who told me a Rood story about a man near here. The man battled • toad of grain twenty-four '�piles to the "Soo" to oa have it Wrou' When be was asked why he took bhp' grist Po far he replied that the millet. at his home town kept the grist and gave hits the toll, while the other Wilier gave him a little flour, a little shnrta and a little bran. The ;Methodist Sunday Khoo! at Pickford gave • (.�hristw. tree and nsi program on Cbrniere night. I don't believe 1 ever craw uch a large and attentive audience was there, nor so many brigbt, in Ilig.nt children $a took pert, The -pro ram wee cer- tainly a splendid one. The children's brightness and Intelligence was due to the fact that their 'parents are of Canadian ancestry. • We have a smart miniiter bete. He ie not of ty a good pre,g•her, but he can sing nicely, play th,e organ for service, and can even be *leen with a shovel digging in the church basement, which is being npair•ed, Two of my grandchild/en wive in porch choir on Swaney and the third ne would hare, sung if she had not been stick. My old4•st geanddaughter rain,d the children who 'ttiok part in be Chinaware program. Her set vicesm ode the anter taiaeut *Wrest, suc- � cows I went to salt on Mr. Miller one ay. who live, perms the street front roe. He le bid'" crippled with rheu- matism and I asked biro why t)p did 11 nt Ret around spry like nu' . His fe spoke up and said, "0, but hp lel a widower.'' I not see, .hrlw_ fi _r► rseing a widower sbou our rheurnati*m. idow friend whom\ lvclke o was up heir before as been' 1 fear that my chs res are w. There is another Widow ratite la/111Mla/111Mwho Iivee in e village eid nbe has an unclaimed easure. If ere only twenty yea unser 1 'hi t rffecr my band in acrimony to an c 0 m d sr help M when very ill very pour lady of the th tr y0 m A very witty iriehman from Ontario, who lives here, met hie minister in a store the other day. Hr stretched out • his hand and told the minister to place his hand in itd he would shake it for hilt, for he ew he was too lazy to shake it. Het so said he was acre be would never\take the 1 Ague, for he would he too'. boxy to shake. Barney had been talklhtg to a lady one day and they were diseuesing their clergyman, The lady remaiked how bnmely the minister was,et there eras something nice about hi . Rainey agreed with her. but added that he thought that Mr. did some- thing that was very unbecoming to a minister. She sats! hint whet that was and be said that he parted his hair in the middle. The lady believed it, hut the truth of the neater is that the poor minister is very braid. 0f is like nsy own good minister, the Reverend Ford. who has thought. so deeytly that be has lost the hair off his heed, This epistle has been written for me by my datiRptet•'p_heh I hope thab,all my friends in (inde- rich and the starrounding country had a Joynes Christ:Ass and that they may. have • eery happ New Year. When, i Pee you again I hope that you may all be in the height ofosperity. Y�tr friend, (i.0. in trying to figure out the problem of life moist men sugtraet Wkat-'bey own from what they owe. The children of the man who made e specialty of sowing wiles oats before his marriage will be stere to harvest en ahnndant crop of advice. CANADIAN PACIF'I.0 Start the year backed by the con_ edence that your friends and folks at home are still your best friends. YOU CAN ViSIT THEM BY NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS vu Canadian Pacific SINGLE FARR Going Deane - ter 30th. ,31st and January tet Return limit, Janneey sod. FARE AND ONE-THIRD - Going Dec. Nth, 591h, 30th and yet Return Resit, Jan. 3rd. Sevres. n"ls see.. Teem rater. Newt An, Tr►.1 *emu C•naM•n P..also a•.Iway- engravings and colored plates A Dopy will be sent to anyone sending fifty cents in etamps, to pay the Dost of wrap. ping and mailing Duly, to Dr. PiMoa, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills, first put up steady 50 years ago. Advertising Pays! Corner Montre.l;etre.t and liquor* HIGH CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily Pf1 s TO TAMIL OIJT Private Luncheon Roonill for Ladies and Gentlemen • CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motto CI..Mmes. Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A M. imiworammog Good ew Year's esolufion - ttll on Armstrong Tailor for your Wt Or Obercbat. Up to -the- a ute styles, hitt-does t . and tailoiring. iV • 1.1111111111* :��...:�:� ti- al7CCEr.] A Well -fitted Bathroom is one of the greatest Itistoles imagi nahie, and at the'same time it is comparatively inexpensive. 11. you want estimates Or any information, a h • t b n t h room btttwga, .• consult FRED. rail N T t • r T1 s PLkf1tielLIK •'; MeeliltM sires( e'wOM tart 1 Toronto Oral Markets Manitoba wheat -T k, IIto. 1 northern, $2.02 No ai oy ff. cern. $1.93%; No. 3 no ern, 32.9414; o• 4 wheat. $L883• ,,(old crop heat, 4c hflfher), Manitoba oats -Track, \ bay ports. No. 3 C.W.. 69,4c, Ontario wheat-Whiter,\'pew crop, No. 2, 11.68 to $1.70 (ace rding to freights outside) ; Nd. 2 wider, new crop, 91.66 to 31.63. \\\\ Ontario Oats -According to freight outside; No. 2 white, 63c to 65k; No. 3 white, 62c to 64e. Peaa-No. 3, $2.30. Barley -Malting, 31.19 to 6:.18." Buckwheat -$1.30, �. Rye -No, 2, new, $1.33 to 31.35. - Manitoba Souter -Pleat patents hit fate bap, 39.40; seconds, In Jut 38.90; strong bakers', in jute, $9,60, Toronto, Ontario flour --;--Winter, new, track, Toronto, Prompt shipment. according to sample, 37 to 37.10, in jute bags. Mltlfeed-Car lots, per ton, deliver- ed, Montreal: Shorts. $37; bran. 332; good feed flour, per bag, 32.70 to 32.80. Hay -No. 1 track, Toronto, new, 313 to 313.60. carlots; No. 2. $9 to 311. Straw. --Carlota, 39.90 to $10. Cereals -Roiled oats, carlots, per beg ,01 90 lbs., $3.65; small Iota, 33.75, Windsor to Montreal; Oatmeal, 19 per cent. over rolled oats. Cornmeal -Yellow, 93 -Ib- sacks, In carlots, $8.16,. small lots, $3,40, track, Toronto Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices tothe trade: Eggs - New -laid: cars ......1 New-Iald, ex -cartons ... .62 Storage, eelecta .42 Storage, No. 1 40 Butter- ('reamery prints, fresh. .46 _, Creamery prints, storage .43 ,44 Creamery eollde .42 ,43 .41 .38 I ('hoice dairy -prints 40 . Ordinary dairy prints,.36 Bakers'- .32 .34 ' Cheese -New, large, 251Sc to 26c; twins,• _ to triplets, 26%c; le 1lrP is a7c;sat%ne. 27c to 27 Sc. 26�c to Poultry ^ Live Dressed Spring rhlck's, 16c 17c 21c 22c 'Old fowl, 13.-. llc 12r. l6c 18c Terkeyq, Ib, .. 00t- 00c 30c 33o Geese, lb. . 00r OOc. 21c 220 Ducks, Ib. ,. OOc OOc 21c 23c Beans - Hand-picked, 36; prime, 35„50; t'anadian. hand -packed, bushel, 47; prime, 36.60: 133icna ib.; 5 -ib, Nos' 13c a ib.; lO-Ib. tins._ }kc a Ib,; 60 -ib, tins, clover, 12c to 12%c a Ib. Comb honey -- Selects, 32.40 .o $2,75; No. 2, 32 to $2.26. Buckwheat honey, 60.1b, tins, 9c to9tecalb. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 600; active; ship- ping steers, $8.50 to 311.26; but,. ?here' steers, 37 to $9.60; heifers, 35.50 to $9; cows, $4.25 to 37.76; bulls, .$5.25 to $8; stockers and feeder $5.25 to 37.50; fresh cows and spring. i era, active, 360 to $115. Calves -Receipts, 800; active. 14.60 to $16. Hogs --Receipt', 12.000; Attlee; heavy and mixed, 311; ynrkeri, 60.9 tto $11; light yorker , 310.25 to 310.76; 'Piga, $10 to 310.26; roughs, 39.60 to $9.75; stags, $7.60 to 38.60. ! •Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 6,000; active; iambs, $8.60 to $14.26; year. ling., $7 to 312; wethers, 39.50 to 310; ewes, 34.60 to $9; mixed, 19.25 to 39.60. Meats -Wholesale holesle Toronto wholesale houses are (mots ing to the trade w follows: Beef, forequarters, ..,$11,60to$13,60 do. hingitarters 14.00 13.00 Carcases, choice 18.00 16.00 do. common 10.00 12.00 Veal', common, dwt9.40 11.00 do. mer:tum.- 12.00 14.00 'posy?, do. pilule Hogs 17.00 18.00 �1.60 13.60 Shop hogsid-00 19.00 ,Abattoir Hop 1x.50 16.00 Stratton, heavy 10.00 13.00 do. light 14.00 14.00 Med Quotations The fotlowt°g aro the sew Toronto wholesalers are pgfyrg country palate: Aloft*. No. I, buahel..110.00 to eft 60 do. No. 2 9,00 9.60 do. No, $ 7.60 8.00 do. rejected 4.96 900 Timothy, cwt. g N 000 do. coin 60 I'Red clover, Nod 1 ttii.4~0 3.60 do Na 9 i11 o. .a , 14e. 1 5.� D. MILLAR SON 'vire i - GENUINE RIEDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS PHONE 56 JVJillars Scotch Store PHONE ss %411041106.1.nonsubdoemommoommeollINIENED411.0a4.4040 1 1 Printing? JOB AND COMMERCIAL gibe %ianal C.Q.R. CONSTRucTJi WORK in 1 Completion of the Longest Tunnelin America ha , 11 gee, strug pared ed has trade. which a fore the the m Connaught Ma, l Iouald, tains. The this task t HE year 1916 a been an in market ocean stramsbips can be handled in (sews of the number that was hand- led at the port Mat wlntt:r. Never a -year passes without 110m7 Itnrt io a great war. An rent eesptre. alterations• being made to the vari- esi;h Cie revtOw The new station at Quebec, which cue hotels cut,;tr.utlug the lcr,g rhaia P year there s opened on August 10th, 1a l which sir -•h hes from corset to coast n a irunteuduus rerivsl of a, triumph of modern railway l oweed and or . rat, d by the C.usadian refs! Important work. for station construction. The buttd=Pacific. The 'oti,torf and- maven!: roprlations were made be- !Mg has a cratrat black and two rare of its patrons lir, have born cotnpte,ed, I wings, is akin to old F'ren ch chateau nlib3s-of the managemetit, and dItt la Important being the kyle of arcbtteeture, and is admit, these factors which donelbate all Me Tunnel through ' Mount ably adapted to the qualnteess of the provements. In the Selkirk Moan. old Preach -Canadian city. On the• acc•ompttshttlent of 1 outside of the station buliding there has tbeen the leomp)ed wake linlise hich lanew aone of a trluntj,h of en- i is a pretty ground which in the 'urn- the Hurst on the mottoes' bor seldom .equalled Inter time, when Its shrubs and flow - tory. Tile (tinned is, era are abloom, will be a bean,•lllsince the t la et•anadian Paomething cific Ry. b'uie thirty- ltctts trat k tunnel in th_ e+ Wu! set-off to the stately • call• Brat hotel In Vancouver. Since Diu! nW e, The lergTh II -t-- e. Ai tae -Uffiqt ei7 {I-eld me In which the occ•glou of the op#aia km Bare to exnode testing s and r - eeb• In tuu and a 1 MaoTter, General Managerr of thedeux somattou over.m (n iseb- a w'orld's re- i Eastern Lines, presented a sliver key,'y mod now the ten. employed bearing the coat of arms of the city Hotel Vasrwwrer star ds ose co al miles otT� Quobec to Mayor lAr)gtl.,,r it to Interesting to note that the targe win. bly reduce dow over the main .entrance, which ay points, helps to light the ticket lobby, fon. uctlon. tains t.,e arms of the seven great ,.,00.000. 'own of ('anadlan history, viz,:-.Mpnt- n from magny, the first Governor of Can: 50.000, ads, 11;36-1647; Ile Tracy Vlreroy Of kers teresting one in the history of was Sir Jailers Carroll, New Zthe ealand the Canadian Paclflc Railway, , who, in expressing his felicitations oars- bleu a year of pro- described the C. P. R. as a powerful even though the Dominion is tactor In th - s giDe *ring and In the world's b the longest doubt Western bemisph. alantt 5 mikes, the work was pertorme half years. coastkuti curd. The number of was about Gn7. The t the elimination of set snow -sheds, will' consldc' the dlatance connecting rat and affect a big grade The coat of the tunnel was The amount of material tak the bore is approximately cubic yards, and weighs conoid over 1,500,00) lona Much o centre portion of the bore was th solid rock. The work baa been ca ed out under the supervision of J. G. Sullivan, chief engineer of th 11'eetern Lines of the C. 1'. Il. Previous to this the longest rat way tunnel on the American conti- nent was the Itoosac Tunnel, 43 miles long, on the Now York Central Rail- way line. The work of the Con- naught Tunnel began in 1914, and has progressed steadily since that time. The contractors who 'had the work in hand applied an entirely new method in tunnel piercing, Known art the "Pioneer bore-" it rorjsires of an entirely separate tunnel d Nen in a :tne flfty feet parallel with the course Of the taaln passage-threugh- the mountain, The tunnel, which 1s 29 feet wide and 23 feet high, follows a etraieht line under Mount Macdonald, emerg- ing In the Beaver Valley at a pn(nt about 1,000 feet below the present line. The eastern entrance is directly below Hermit, a station just east of Rogers Pass. The highest point reached in the tunnel is 3.795 feet above the sea leve) and 4,06:, feet be- low the summit of Maclsonald Peak, The passage through the mountains will have a grade of 1 per ant up to the interior summit. Previous to the war the C. P. R. annually spent from 325.04)0,000 to burinleeAg public, as wall as for the Flarl� n the year lord Slum" - Weft, on the development of the Mxtple in the neighborhood. f*as Wert and the exea(PsUoe 0f th. Con- The Canadian 0 y decided that Domtniow wide or - naught Tunnel during the period of vices had a bustyPartAc Ocean Ser. moot k»,,osnfill 'erIp zatlon should be farmed hontllltlera shows that anada is' year. On the Pa ll* he Empress of Canada's rvese mertai, h connection w� strobe to y advance at home as lee is Russia and ndethe CEP press ofe Asia. two and chemical r•eeourcett, which would On July 17th -g 99111 abro d__, of the Moment ultimately result In the practical ,�„ pllrat,on to industry of many min. crlts bemoan, nogitsted or export- ed to other roastraita Jhiriag the year the C. I'. R. proceeded to nobble* the beet swabs in the coun- try, and to utlllze them to the man- na, whisk the President, and, indeed, the country at targe, donne desirable, Arthur D. Little, Ltd., the Canadian ',ranch of the w.41 known Roston or- ganlaatlsn of $ralytiest chemists, have been coremisebned to put the idea Into practical effect The C. P. R. has aiven more men to the army since the betiffn* tng of the war than Any otter renown fa most rnagaiticent hotels on the Am- erican Coutlakat,_aad-_I5 complete with the exception of the new dining room, construction of which has to he postponed (or the plveent. The Algonquin hotel, a very popu., lar hostelry on the Atlantic coast, has been slightly altered, the office ?ably 'Canada, 1665: Ileauharnola, Governor l.aa behe old n moved to the space formerly the Canada, 1726.1747; Montcatm and onlr•e now formned as a s tang oextenslooand tof the Ili %Voile, the famous French and Eng intinge, so that thla splendid large.. I. ;Bah generals, whose names are .fa. rooht with. Its two fireplaces 1s, now .1 mtllar to all; Fro°tenac, Governor of devoted exclusively to the comfort of Canada, 1672, and Talon; the flret to the guests without interruption from tendant of New France, 1665.1672 the olive routine. In 1917 there will Re,ently the C. P. R. acquired the be new'puarters erected for the ,ata f. 4eby brie and Northern Railway, One of the most famous hotel* in touch wgso brougbt ith a flourishing eand in- mir linos ust picdturesis que eu ouadings Inff Hotel, nits s e ing territory in. Western On- heart of the Canadian Pacific Rocky running from Galt to Port Mountatne-the deligbt of the tourist'. The new line has connection Here the C. P. R. has built a new Canadian Patine main line holler hones, and a "ileitis' I)orml- • d runs in conjunction with tory:' This was quite a large work. 11. Railway, which gives and a valuable acquisition to the tchener and Intermediate 'stately hostelry, ' 11 ars direct connection The deviator) of Cord Shaughnessy ver, Brantford and la- to provide, through the department as. The district in of Natural leaders s.of the C. P. 11. & N. runs will bene- farm homes for many of the returned vim life whkh the soldiers, is,* tut :ter proof of ills d.r int& the train ser- sirs that those .•lin take part in the ransportatlon of war will hare rccognitloo of their *0 abundant in services. The (-stew and magnitude ctllt.atcd, and of the work of preparing 1,000 farms travel In the will he matter' when alt is noted that d a convent. it int -were: Building 1,000 houses, fCP. building 1.000 barna, oonetruct)ng ]way eta 1,30o miles of fence, digging 1,000 stat or ane as a re, wells, breaking and cultivating 50,000 agreement itetweem the C. acres. The buildings. will require P. R and the }limiting Railtt4ay, The about 20,000,000 feet of lumber t new station Is to be used b? horn Ian Int (e tarto, Dover. with th at Galt a the (1. P. arcane to h points, as with tort 'eradiate 1+e whlth the I. F.. flt much by the C. P. R. is putttn vire there. The., the farming produ to the town, and a convenience to the or et. The preparation of the farms will entail art expenditure of about 83.500.000. were re! Paaed lor the Admiralty, have Highness. the Duke of Connaught, returned to their usual routes be paid • visit te the tunnel and com- tween Vancouver and Hongkong. the ,progrees that the company free 11.500,000 on the devehrensent of the making_ Then he baptized the new port of Vancouver. Greater trade work 'The Selkirk Tunnel." Some with Rusela seas ear. of the weeks latcr at tits request of Lord bfg ideas expounded In ithippflig Shrtuthnesey, 11Is Royal Trighnetrs con. circles duriag the later parts of the setaltto have the tunned noes! after •ear, n was site a slew towards ed "The Connaught Tannel." hlms6 fleneeforth It I* to be call- developing trade with Rosati& that tba C. P. it aPeointed Mr. Owen as imprOvitratnta have been made to r general agent at VIadivoetork, Pilvent thine along the canadise where he +rill look after the handling etEc. but tile the notables are M. of terieinesa. Raw 'Wish* eirectad it 'Goober arid During the asmosor improvement North reeento.' The latter on upper "rola( h togs troot. was tormaliy noosed P. R. Do:Iridium! at St. John, N.A.. mIt'k. ,ployemi (-mallow to Jola`.\ Tbe tntal caryied•oot at the O' a, and large nuMbers of mu- ll Juni 14. *bon Mayor chart* int it snottily,* to bandit. freight In a I Duvalier of the C P tent Med tho first train rennin: be 'more ateeditions meaner than in the the Mete terminal and NE 1. and derlareel the minion )1eabie of entreleve ism year ham liews cool- . • large pipes le the course eongratniated the Canadian 'nettle hewn down, eo that Vitra la between Tenet* awl tAs• Nod with the good rotation* tbit ,Stttited t for shoot • 1.600 oars. Beeriest mew y icor* berths whet* hod been le week overleam Hamer er-tahl ond reeerrog up. tgror Wove old ;Armee wneetritettos faring the ye,r occupy inkpotaled oesnoseade ea tits Malta Ids as efts. M ha .pipd as prate ales la am *ad lit Mid $6 more frank • soseethiett like 7,000 anePtilie num Der of Vtlieol who Isis appagre4 on the honor roll is 170, the asraher of the C. P IL, Was made a DTI/tsetse. getheral. aid he he now doing hi