HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-4, Page 3T * TittaMDAY, .JANUARY h Il>la I rH8 8IliNAL PRINTING CV., LTO. PUBuaaane Y'as areaat. le_pubilahed every Tburwi..f Om the ollkm In The liMuel illdIng. NorthYtrent. Ooderloha,Untarro Telephone Nu. 33. 'Ja1N7tterion t IMMS.--Uri. I)ufiwr and ally .,,ole ver year; It paid strictly 1n m ddvanne tube Dollar will be accepted ; to ,ub.crlbers in the United Stales the rate is thio Uollat and 1.'tft1 Cents strictly its advance. Subscribers who fail Lo rsuefve Tek SONAL regularly by mail win confer a favor by awruaiuUng the I,ublisb- ofthefactistasearlJ •date se possible. When change of address, 1s desired. both old 'oat the new address should be given. HemiLUtnow may be made by beak draft. expseaa money order.i-otaoe Po., order, or reny time. lenses. 9ub.•crlptfons mmm ay ooenon •tt any blue. ADVSIITIa13O Tanni.-trate. for display and eantraot advertisements will he given on rppll- stt.s. Legalaad eth.r ► other sdvertiarua.u, Jea cents per line for first insertion and four roots per line for each subeequent insertion. Measured by a scale of solid nonpareil wetve lines to •u loch. Husines+ oards of six fines fiind under, rive Dollars per year. Advertise- ment,.V c?.SituatIodn Wantee Strayed, ecruaids to Rent, yarns for Sale Or to. (tent. Article. for lisle. Ito., not exoeeding eight lines. Twenty. five ('crit., each tunert.ton ; One Dollar for mootb. Fine Centel orca, h*u w guent month. Larger •dverttsewente in rroporUoo. An- sonnotments to ordinary reading type. Ten Conteper line. No notice 1.1.. than Twenty. five Cont. Any special notice. the object of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individ- ual or aarocistlon, tn be considered an adver- tisement and charged en.oMingly. To CoKR seuxogat1..-Tho cooperation of Oar subscribers and readers is cordially invit- ed towards making Tna 1{IONAI. • weekly record ,of•ll bowl. count y and district doings. No oom- uniowtion will be attended to unless it con- n+ the came and address of the writer, not o • warily roe pabtle*ttnn, bet as-a.r-evMaaor faith. New, [tams should reach 1'ur 8ins Lothar not later them Wrdneeday noon of ear week. THU'•, aAY. JANUARY' 4. 4P17 THE VO ON THE BYLXW. so;unfortunate an laws of one' kind ropositiop now has to run the al"examina• as defeated it might to the could 1,e de Gnderich hue h experience with b .\ and another that an placed.hafot•e the vote gauutlet '"N'..' Vei<y crit OM). The Hydro bylaw because the voters saw tha involve a consider t,Ie addiu lialhiitise of the town. and the cot •ee what advantages were _ gained by iia parsing. Their atm. is that Insensible people who obieet tying a ".pig in • . ka" • The prominent supporter' of the by' failed to impress the voters with t ea that they (tbe supporters/ the` vee understood whet the byte (leant, and the literature disttihut by its p,omuters was plainly tit leading. The rejection of the bylaw sea also that the voters -or at any rote considerable number of thew -are di seti.fte3 with the deal handed out to th Wise by the Ootario Hydro-eletitr Uoutmiesion and toothe upportunit of demandiug better nee. That the vote neeresitHI, cerci witb it an implication of hostility the Hydro eoteiprise is not the c In fact, one could go a !.ring way mitt out finding any pet son who is hostil to the principle of public os,oerehip 0 electric power. This 'does not wean however, that critics of the imethod m and anagement of the Hy enterprise of Ontario are at 1111 amerceand there is a profound di•sati.factio with the *lunation in which Goderic Hods itself after seem al years of Hydr ee perieuce. There is no gainsaying the fact the the prospects held out by those wh -. promoted the Hydro bylaw in (code rich four years ago have failed lament Ably of realizttiun, instead of tat borsepower contracted for we sit using barely 250 hyrsepower, and the price is ,-o high that large users of power wilientit„t(tu r' uotd *team plant -which certo n'y was In needo itupro'vemqut-weaeerning lout or fin thousand dollars' a year iii profits, wh?rh' went•into the town treasury wud relieved the yearly 6.111111s to that extent` 1Cow'dive e the plant bar been torted titer to Hydro control, the teeth is without this source- of revenue, and there is no.rorrPapbndi(ug reduction in the charges to con/inners, The promise of Maitland River de- velopment, with the prospect of power at r price below $4i, is unfulfilled. The town has. lost the position It had of being able to negotiate independently with the pri duces or consumers of power in !rage quantities. and has • become simply an appendage of a power eyetetn Which is controlled chiefly in the intereete of the large cities and the places near the source t, of supply at Nisgera. ,N,o town with any ambition could ys rojtin satisfied 'with such a state of f affairs: We ate allowed that the peo- ple of Godrrich have stood it as long as airy have, and that thele are still busibuffo,.se men a g ii* who are ap - parently unal.le to we whet present oonditioh* mean to Ooderich if they are to he indefinitely continued. That the people of Godrrich as a whole are waking up to the situation is re- vealed by Mondity's vote. The rejec- tion of the hylww•tnay not in itself ec- comphrh anything but the diecueeloo which it has *homed how* that (lode - rich b not prepared t sit 'meekly At the tell -end of the Wm and accept hbrnnly with thanks any oracle?that are handed down to her. A town council (bat will adopt and ntain a Arm attitude ou the power qt Mon may he able to impress ileaHydro authorities with the fact that, While (ioderieh 'tithe" well of the Hydro en. 'Reprise, she want. to receive some of the benefits ..1 partnership in it. We Ma, of sworn! he told that this M a taw he u - w ed le- ns a i is y es to ase fentaetic dream -that the Hydro (Jont• - 1111)0ian will nut go out of its way just to please (iuderich. But Ooderich is not the only town in which there is "kicking." In other places the die - satisfaction hes not shown limonite the defeat of the bylaw which WAS liR& witted on Monday, but it exlsts, and may soon grow to InIlib geenter pro- portions that will beingdahleut a new t_ deal on the demand of the "outside" tnunioipelitles (fie dirtinguitbed from i the wuoi.:ipalities nearer Niagara). Another. 0 V ration which we be- lieve it is otir ity to make is in con- nection with the local water and Tight cowtnievioU/ T%ie eheirtnan - of the cowwiesidji on Friday night contesaeii —IVAN. himself linable W explain the ;bylaw , n /yj\ sod .admitted that the list of reasons rtin the bylaw_ polished ower -the signature of 1the water rtd-r 1i hc commission was situply a state- 1 strut prepared by the people at e(ydro headquarters and published at their request. That is, the money of the people of Ooderich is used to further a scheme fathered at Toronto. The local weter and light cgtnwission should conaider itself the servant of the people of Outletich, who elect it, rather that. tha,au.tthpicce_pf the Provincial Hy- dro -electric Cowwission, 1 1'1K !;T(.NAT, conERT(g : ONTARIT) HOME DEFENCE! North A MEN What will he the nest step? While no doubt the 'bylaw was. not under- yt06d in (Many of the places in which BOYS TOO tlantic Patrol Service A largely increased cruiser fleet is necessary to protect Canada and the trade rontea against -4e ^mewed tiler:._,, uteri submarine activities. Men up to the age of 45, with previous sea -faring experience, will, be enrolled at once. Pay : eainen, $1:1f -ktokers, -$j:2e, separation allownnee, $20. R. N. C. V. R. ATLANTIC DIVISION .A limited number of ho,)s in tw,•,'n the ages Of 15 and IR will also be given the oppor- tunity to 'participate in this service. Pay: 50c. per day. Apply to COMMODORE EEMILIUS JARVIS Naval Recruiting Officer Jarvis Building foe bntario 1 • TORONTO 1 ., it was carried, the Government may attempt. Another ease; so to say, or tiot caretoo beneath the surface but i Ike .1 Peek m bust.' • .g • • • may e0neidef the ante eau/Relent war- Oweu bouatt.son : Beginning soon rant to turn the Chippewa develop- anitlasting well into April the probe - went over to the Hydro-electric Com- ltiitfyT. that the mail-ewrriCr will more _ than earn the .cone he will mission. In this nese there will prop- for making his.ix entries a week. eHe ally he another mote -to enable each will appreciate all the help we can municipality to say whether it will or give him in the way of making roads will not accept the financial responsi• . more passable. When the winter trilby involved. B force of cirrus .rows'come, if every farmer would y y Freak Out the road alongside his farm V1 ems 1 d be more easily come to it, promptly. - ' Qollingwcod Bulletin : The en- trance foto Dias PnovinoTal abrnei o. _. Mr , W_ D- AtcPherspn• M. L t, for Northwest Toronto, give(' that ty and the legal profession another re- presentative within the Cabinet. Five out of the seven portfolio Ministers bare practised law, while one of the j members without portfolio is also • 1 lawyer. The lawyers in the recon- i t• strutted Cabinet ale : lion. W. H. I I Hearst, Hon. 1. B. Locate. Hon. T. W. t McGarry, Hon, G: Hbward Fergueon, Hon. R. D. McPherson and Hon. W. 1.1. Hann., the latter without portfolio. The of her members who are not con- nected with the legal profession are Hon. Ur. Pyne. Hots. F. G. Macdiar- j mid and Hon. R. F. Preston. All of wltirh goes to show the absence of in- terest in other sides of the economic j life of the Province. i e • • A hardware nrenufectirer in Hu. i tern Ontario received the following ( c letter flow s merchant in the Prov enured (l.tderich may he compelled to after each st)rm, GI go in with the other municipalities in snail -carrier wtml this matter; but this is a bridge that made, and the mails delivered more need not tw crossed until we EDITORIALNOTES. _ he old man" goes a pretty good gait et. Wb will he\the new finance minis- ter of • erirh T, • neve yo filled in sod mailed you National Her 'ce card ? "Once bitten wine shy" applies to Goderich voters the matter of by- laws. And Jake says to b self, Wasn't 1 the wise guy to draw t of that race before the Rottg was sown eld-? The esperiwent of a change of Min- istry in Great Britain in order to wile the war hat nut produced any start- ling restos w far. What's flee rurtf Ith Lnt bn; Ont. 71 The 'Tiger and The Ft ee Press weer not tearing each otber to ihrede Ovet the ntanteipal elections this year. What's ailing them ? I: is tither difficult to "site up" the 1917 council.On the one hand there it a decided butt, while on the other hand we see thptt a Story has been added. (No co,Pyeight on this joke.) r• Two_ot the strongest memtlwrs of the 1910 council were pitted against each other for the mayoralty, with the inevitable result that the council of 11017 will be weaker by the •bonne of the defeated one. Mugu and the new council • .troll, hacking for a vigorous policy on the power question. Ooderich ie not con. tent to drift along while her prospects for induttriai development ate being destroyed by existing conditions. The bylaw'deteated- at Hamilton on Monday • was the Hydro -radial bylaw, a proposition entirely distinct from the bylaw voted on in Godericb. Ham-- dton curled the bylaw similar to the one voted upon here. Like the other cities near Niagara, it ha* no objectIoo 10 taking the cresat of power develop. itieut under the Hydro -electric Com- 1111N6100. om- W11414100. 1 Ore of Quebec: "Dear Sir ;-i re• ceit.' the stole wick 1 I?y from yu shite. last tor why yu dont sentme no feet ? et is de use of de stove -wen Ihe dont have n i fee(? i am loose -to me cuott.naer Imre 1 ng by not having de fret, and date not verse pleasure for me. Wal is de matter wit yu P I is note my tradesnet•u.-y w good lite anrtder mans? `You loose nie m)t trade, and i am eery angst for dal. and now 1 tell yu dist yu area hag -'fool an no good. 1 sent ylt back at stone your stove to-.nurro foil Imre, because vu are ruck awful- ieh people!. Tours respectfnlee, Narei Lifl tone. P. S. Since 1 write yu die letter i tied de feet in de boven, excuse to we :lase." -r -----e Toronto Weekly Sun : After sonar aentrviarwy, the Apfrllete :Judged, -iu the case 6f arch against Lite .ct:ool bo*rd of rection 15 to the township of York, have defined for duties o/ seined boasts with respect to building new schools. A school board cannot snake a binding contract to buy a ere and build a new reboot until 11 is a$eureit of the .ueana to p ty. It was a funde- mental error, Chief Justice R. M. Meredith said, to assume that the school board bad power W compel the municipal conned to issue debentures. The hoard, he said, had power to com- pel content Po' ]tolPv the amount re- quired for all prop-rypurp...es in the one year for whi"h the b •mrd war elected, but not to create dehte ex, end - ng beyond the wear, without the sanction of the ratepayers, roti the 14000 of delwntares by the town*hip ouncil. That is a ree*unehle tilling, which will tend to ensure the public • fir January tiouoI'?1 Qn t orf Mu PJ t • Auch •rete 'iE. err regarded err runt rt7iig in Ute kirhr l d.grre the rsor:l 'as vf good frtt'o,:nteuti,• stlftty of principal ,ted good incomerr*turn. ' 89cu'rrity There was trouble at Kitchener on election night, caused by the triumph of the party that was euppoat•d t0 want the old name, Berlin, restored. We have doubted all along the wisdom of the change. A change of name does not necessarily mean w change in tbs spirit, of the people. end if all the Ger- man erratan place nameirin Canada are to be wiped out it means a pretty big con- tract and the stirring up of re great deal of HI -feeling. EDITORIAL NLIANINGM. Orillia Packet : "You ..retch my hack and i'll aerwtch yours," demerihes a good working partnership for • man who can do no Matter t hut a kind lady away on the other side of the Continent has made this Page Inde- pendent, by sending at Christmas • deinty creation of tm•kieh towelling and silk cord, hearing a prettily painted card with these directions "Thio !idle pied, est long and lean, will mar your ha.•k e11 nine and clean." Altogether it nosy snake a fellow feel that the matter of his personal clean. line., hes been under suspicion, even three thousand miles .way : hut, net erthrlcar, the gored blend ha* mar hearty thank., with the ae.uranee that hereafter the writer's hack will at tenet he kept se clown es his fees, or the "tittle pad" will be ruined in the - $ ITISH !,'!CFI"•-i t1UEQ Due 1£20 DOTI:ZION OF 'C rA 1925 DOMINION OF CA D 1931 DOMINIO11 OF CANA A OTOC:.. 1519 PROV. ALBERTA 1928 PIROV. SASKATCHEWAN' 1920 P&OV, SASKATCHEWAN 1521 PV. SASKATCHEWAN 1923 PRO . MANITOBA ("Guaranteed) 1936 GRANtk TRUNK PACIFIC BRANCH LINES (Guaranteed by Prov. Bask.) 1939 CI;Y MONTREAI. SCHOOLS 1951 CITY TORONTO, ONT. 1925 CITY T0RONt0, CNT. 1949 CITY LONDON, ONT. 1937 CITY LONDON, ort.r. 1938 CITY WINDSOR, ONT. 1918-1936 CITY REGINA, SASK.. 1934 CITY $OREL, QUE.. SCI COL3 1936 CITY VERDUN, QUE. 1939 CITY HAMILTON, ONT. 1934 CITY MEDICINE IHAT, ALTA. 1933 CITY WESTMOUNT, QUE. 1954 CITY ST. HYACINTH SCHOOLS 1918-1947 CITY CRANBROOK, B.C.... 1951 TOWN PEMBROKE, ONT. 1933-1946 TOWN AYLMER, QUE. ,.. 1947 TOWN SUDBURY, ONT. 1917-1937 TOWN GRAND VALLEY, ONT. '1917-1936 (Guaranteed by Co. Dufferm.) TOWNSHIP DOVER, ONT. B. M. A88INIB O L*, MAN 1918-1932 1917 Copy N jemmy I A, stifle Jou rsrfirwtdre, ow 'mutat. ts/aNfsbd tea A. E. AMES & CO. Union Bonk Bldg., 53 King W. reroute, Can. Y«urc.l Offiet : Trawnpsetata. Rsifdis(' f a.rNwrat t«Asn i control of expenditures, which are often trying. and ere often unduly pr,nnoled by the school inspectors and the but eruetrcy: • s a %Ve are accustomed to take the ex- pression of the "I)uuroiot" of Oen- oda fur gpautrd ; but the original of that somewhat urinate! wont ie Known to very fewhether true or not, the following iEs very inosreating tittle story : When at length the great 1ehe414e of 8,r J rho Macdonald w.0 rr.tlz,.J• and the nine P'nvinces grouped 1 heinvelvev together into one great oonf.•derstiun, *seri ,us difficulty was presented by the choice of a 1111i1 - side name. For it tine attire, a dead- lock ensued. At Ieogth one old mem- twr of P.tt iia i.int rose front hi seat. and told his colleagues that he hid read in hie Bible that very morning the words ; ''Hitt dominion shall he irrrnn the one sea to the other." Ae- rordingly,he summated that Canada should he known as the Datuition, or Ood's Land. 'Phis flogger/Orin seiz•d upon the hearts and iw.gioations of those preen-fr.' and It was promptty acted, upon. A Talk on Rheumatism Telling how to Actually Cure This Painful Malady. This article is for the utau or woman who suffers from • rheumrlTn•rf-w wants to be cored -not merely relies, hist actually cured. - the nowt th rhrururtic .u(ferer can bcpe for i rubbing something on the tender, fir ingoint ie a little relief, No iutlo or linauient ever dad or can mak a cure. The rheumatic poison is root in the bkuxt. Then slows rheumstis can only be cured when this ptlisoor acid is driven tit of the blood. An demos will telt you this is true. 1 you want something that will go righ 10 the root of the trouble in the blood take D.. %Vsiliatur' Pink P10.. The wake new, rich blood whi„b drive omit the poison me acid and curiae rheu Uta tistu s4 stay cured. The truth o thee. rtatemente bar been proved i thousand+ of Caere throughout Can rule, and the t Ilcwing cure is •atrik ing instance. *re. F.M. Simplon, t .R N. 1, Bleoheiw, Out., rays : "Fey long time 1 wad confined to my and attnalty oripplat with rheum tem, The trouble, first located in to Ankle -which was witch ewotleti- thought it might lie a sptai,t,--buh( doctor said it was rhenmatisru and ad vised Due to go to lied so that the trouble would not be aggravated. I did ate directed, hut instead of getting better it spread first to My right knee, then to my left knee and then at my arms. The limbs were much swollen and if 1 moved ,hem caused me con- -.de, mile Bain. 1 seemed to get weak in other respects and fell off in weight t our 1a0 to 110 pounds. i had no ap. petite and 'mewed to lea interest in everything. Ih111 One day whi K d teed' % i 7 nR a pap.° licame acreu.4 the °•.are orf `a rhrutnatie rutfner v ured by ucwg Dei Williams Pink Pipe. y1 doaued 10 try thr.ut rod sent for three 'taxa.. By the time there wets gone I had cer- tainly begun to improve, and with help was able to ger up. C,.ntinuine the use of the pills I was lint able to go shout with the use of a crutch, which later I discarded for a eine, and then through the use of the pill. 1 wee aide to throw aside the ea:.e . well, and go about as trri.k)v .1. 1 ever done, 1 feel that Dr. 1\'tlltamat Pink Pills have been a blessing to mr, and I strongly recommetid thew to other Similar nt.dfrtera.” You cru procure three pills through -any dealer in medicine in get them 14' mail at An centra box or .ix boxes for t1:Yirti it the Dr. Willf•w*' Medi- cine Co., Bockelite, Ont. NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Ottawa, Dee. 12. -His Excelleeoy the Governor-General as president of the Canadian Patriotic Fund has issued the following New Year's appeal on behalf of the Fund : ed e n h- 11 r ed m tie 7 7 f rt • fled bit ''Twice Hi. Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught appealed to the people of Canada in support of the Caoedian Patriotic Fund. " The prompt and gen- erous /espnn.e on each occasion shows how truly Canada appreciates the debt which she owes to her eons who are fighting for the Etnplrr• Heavy fig the sacriflcea have al, eady been, the Dominion is as determined as ever to carry the war to a auccienful conclu- sion and, however onerous the burden may he, she is equally detetwined to help the families of those who are serving in the army and in the navy. The administration of the fund has 11ee11 moat successful and economic aed suh•c'ihers can he folly aetii•ed that their contributions are being ex- pended to the beet advantage. Fifty -titre thousand families, com- prising 150,0110 individuals, are today] dependent un•m the fund end it in esti- mated Chet $I''2 5(1P.0110 will he requord to nreet the requirements of the next twelve ovnth.. The sum Ie a Large one. but wbentae circumstances are fully realised i •m confident that the people of Canada will willingly contribute the amount necessary for the fend to eontlnuc Ite patriotic and beneficent work. (Signed) Dxvoitelnha. OPEN NOSTRILS! END' A COLD OR CATARRH Bow To Get Relief Wien' Head sad Nowt ars Stated Up. Onnnt fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your cinggrei nos - trite will open, the air passage* of your head will clear and you can breath. freely. No more ilining, hawking, 1 n mucous dieeharge, drynrm or headache; 1 00 straggling for breath at night. (let a Aortal' brittle of Fly's Prete! Balm from your dntggiat and apply a little M this fragrant antMeptIe cream in your nostrils. itpenetrates through ' every air plumate, of the head, soothing and beating the .wnlk'n or inflam«I MUCOUS membrane, giving you instant relief. Heed wilds sed `rat.wrrh yield like magic. Don't stay sttrfJ<sd•tup sad Miserable- delict L NINE - -- :••••••••••••••••••••••••I i W. ACHESON & SON ; • •• • - - __ • • Sale of Smart Warm •• • • •• Coats for Women • • • •ate° itis flaring effects, same arse •in belted • •• • styles and some belted at back; tweeds, beavers. • chinchillas and lined. All our $10.00 and $12.00 • • Coats clearing at - $5.00 • • is Black Beaver Cloth Costa -sable • -111ti {C trimmed, quilted • lined. Regular $25.00. Clewing• rat $15.00 • • • • Women's Furs • Boas, Muffs •and Scarfs of sable, mink and • Persian lamb, ranging from $7.50 to $15.00. • Clearing at $3.50 to -2s0._ • Men's Black '• • China Dog Coats • • Lamb collar, _select skins (No. I). Special • at . r•$25.00 • •• •• •• • • • •• • •• •• • •• •• • Women's krat Coats Satin lined and perfectly matched skins of Canadian rat, all sizes, at $50, $60 and $65 i W., ACHESON & ON *•I....... •••••••• ••• LOTHIAN. (Intruded for laatlwesk. • TURNI>AT, Dee- 31Q Laratit Loes r s. -Mr. Alex. Ram. by, of Tnrnet°, is ..pending the Christ- mas holiday's at his home here Miss Len% Henderson, of \Viogbem, i. home for over Chrio mss Mrs. F. Sandy is amending a rottple of week., limiting ?Heeds wt. H•.witton. Me. Alf. Ritch'e hes tewrned home from the Wart J tense Hen - :diction, of Toronto, menta day or so ,vi(' inti his cret*[n, Mr. Alex; Met. an. ` \Min, Maggie Hoga.t. who has bt(ee lit Tori nru the p..r few moot ha, 18 hone for over l'nri.tletas Ed. Gilmore. of Warw./re, i• spending a few day. with hirt b,,, bi-r her. We are Bled toe .0 ilia. M sore *Mal klogen to aid. to he rip-.g.to. it 1f *roan i• in.•tbr.e.i to 11P fnnl- lab •.silk hat won't ..nee hitt. No tr hire env 'igloo that his wife's r,M}rve. at r .. • 1 to rr.peet.. Ma`s1y * oro, K•• • 1 r.polatlon is due ass what idm i t,.uod cwt about him. - . f . Known for freedom from stretching, strength of duck and excellent quality of rubber friction between the various plies D. .e RACCO N 11/4 TRAPPERS`fit`— ft,r *a(cese, nixes. weserat Wane Weasel. Mlak,l£,,.leartes,ans *tIOf Err ht•areraceneaselayas frarus t RHIPYOt•RPi'n DIRE.C'rto"RH F.RT"thrlargest) - forme to tae ward aeaY.(' radseted, le Asara 1Caa Ise IOy a rebab4-r-vp,r., bie-sate Four }louse with an unbtemuhed rep - t?` oration existing for "more than a third of a cant ' Ce•afel recordofaending Pur Shipper tn7S a looney I - AND PROFITABLE returns. Write (oar -tat OUeiert lieitpMY tIt. Daly reliable. accurate market report and price :at published. . Write far it -NOW -fn's MIKE A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. 2I-27 y EST AAU3TINo. A D.w School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Winter Term Begins January 3rd, 1917 y01' have always intended to take a Commercial and Stenographic Course some time. Do it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it Can you invest your money and time in any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? WE GUARANTEE POSITIONS TO GRADUATES. Write for full information. DO IT NOW. B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. PHONIC 208 PRINCIPAL .1