HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-1-4, Page 2• t• - '11-- --hall Printing THE SIGNAL, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal t: a �' . i. .MITY.NINLTH TRest-eici ado Renewal Time nat. .assa.a.aaaaosra-f..,.-, -,t„r ssrn.ei .11ft _.,1•JOS• i,.,. -/ THE STERLING AI OF CANADA ALlsrlOfiAPO•ie-FOnotelOMIONO1W-mmeOlOWIYM Ore SAVE, Because --- To prepare for opportunities is the best way to make them. GODERICH. ONTARIO, ?BORSDAY. THE ELECTIONS. 1 /MUNNINGM LEADS EY 17 IN MAYORALTY CONTEST. Grandpa Laithwaite Ambles Back to the Deputy Reeve's Chair with • Century Lead over Mon P'altridge- An Emphatic "No" on the Hydro Bylaw -Results In the Townships. HERB JANE sends his greeting. for Christ- mas and the New Year to all his old friends and customers. His dray business is still going on. While he thanks all for their past favors, he trusts that they will still con- tinue to send their orders to the old name as usual. leilst Hurons, Sboencliffe Camp. Kent, England. How about a case of Pale Dry Ginger Ale or one of the following for the Holidays ? 1 case Dry Ginger Ale, pints $1.80 1 case Dry Ginger Ale, splits.$1.00 1 case Cream Soda, splits....91.00 1 cane Lemon Soar. splits ....leen 1 case Birch Beer, splits 11.00 1 case Apple Cider, splits....11.00 1 case Cocoa Cola, splits 11.00 1 case Oreageade, splits 11.00 1 case Seting Misers' Water$1.00 Resterlirret Ginger >lear >� ,ii Olt bottles, per doze& Double Club Soda and Syphons. All goods made from pure spring water. Plain Spring Water, delivered in I gallon jugs or more. We hare ■ number of quarts in Ginger Ale, Cream, Lemon Sour, etc„ while they last, per dozen.. ..... 75c G.derich Mineral Water Co. WEST STREET Phone 201 Uoderich IEETINOS. IIODERICH INDURTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL 8(x'IF;r i. the annual atetutu.y meeting of the(lode- rich Iadttstrial and A_1rriculturat Society will be hold 1n the 10ra HAS. Oodericb. at 1 p. m. es Thursday, the lata day of January, 1117, lr for eoUon of ofaoer• and amend bonsae, J. ADDS YO W LCR. -43.21 Set retar y. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE DUN- (iANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The arcual.wsUug of the Danaanoon Agri celtoral 8adety will be held In klllott'a Hall. Duopanaoo, ea r riday. January 11th. at 2 p.m. WM. BAILIE, H. McILWAIN, President. Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING The animal mewls* of the members of the McKillop Mutual r1,. lu.urnooe Company th will be held in e town ka11, 8 8 ,afer . On phi day. February 2nd. 1117. at the hour of 2 p m. The business will be to receive the annual statement and auditor"' re the eNa/oto of three director" end other r which would be eoo.Nered for the t of the Osmwy. The retiring director are Jams Lossolly. Robe f r Koren e ec and Witham Rims, who are JAMES CONNOLLY, TOOK K HAY,, President- Secretary. PUBLIC NOTICE. GODERICH WATER and LIGHT COMMISSION. WA'I'F..R RATES FOR 1917 ARS now due and 1f paid In January 10 per sent_ dl.00enl will be allowed. These In arrears for water and electric light seere2uo•.t.d t0 settle early es all In arrears wW be .peeially dealt with at ao early date. W. T. MURNKY. A. RTRAITIIN. (%,firman. Water it light Cot (sit FOR SALE LiOR KEROSENE ENGiNE FOR `1 8 A 1.11 ( H 1.11' - 20 h p, portable. A ppb )e M.. Hsyne/I 1` U. tart VOR HALE. --UEDAR POSTS, AIJIO r R. ('. .hingle. Apply W. T. RIDDKLL, Arbnrn. IIII tt MUSiC �HEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. G. D., loL. 1). o'. M . Organist and Choirmaster of x Church. Teacher piado, voloe oeann Poa le prepared for examinations Rtir3 Rowe .erect, four doors win of Dr. Ruofer'a. M188 NINA WOOLLCOMOK. Tr-A('RKR PIANO.- Pepin prepared for Ts eo,to ('on.ervatory examination. Apply at vraki,•nne. Trafalgar street, Goderich. srtf WANTED. 111RI,k4 WANTED. -APPLY (IODE- 13 RIGH KNITTING COI WANTED. -PLAIN MEWiNG.- Apply MRH. JOHN MAX W FLI. Hrooa newt Olt PANTED.--EXPERiENOED L(N)P- RRA. We ere ppawr/ing the highest wagon of say ho.Nry mannheturer In Canada. eight mint. per down for line gauge hm fiery. Also has trsnspoelation paid from any town 1 ?ArrApply MONARCH KNITTING COW . i imited. Rt. Catharine., Ont. It ^'COMPANION WANTED. -F 0 R elderly m ega•ein ttbbee vvillegie pa wBriumltea. Adam. ad altimeters t Mete s to- P.O. ROXr21e, lllrtro*L. Ontario. IAA `11 MT R 1 o? REPREB ATIVR JJ wanted et wine taw and Me emanty of Rums. Aalty 1e. 81 4 etg8n. m.H10N ttVN. The gen5itll Nueseriea. Msesp.Ost. Oaf ANTRD.-el AOHOUSTS AND tom makers tor minalUde.. andel regulag �oSewvlmes/nr.ang mss tete tra�e i41t41iA1. Oodsnow. At 4 a]C i ■ AUCTION SALES. AUCTION RALE` The linSerelgoied hoe resolved iaetructlone to sell by NOM awakes at N. W. ARTHA'9 tem IOUs. W , JANUARY Io. atantfilintlire Dawson_ Ser/ N (Sani N Rlr�a WOW Carets -pe.. nswty mined. 7 years ail. with salt ` Kar dile ; cow. mswty shed. e reale eld will calf to her side; npeleeesJl seam OW to osg to Pulled Angus; ear i eta. la .11tf to Polled Anew : now. fears old, de. la April: 2 sew., $ year" old. due inyMarsh : 1 cows. 4 year. ell, ruUkln` erell. doe In keep- timber; eptimber; cow, 3 years old. milking; heftier. tidne $ peat. old, dos In April : 2 young farrow cows, half fu ; 3 halter., rising 2 year. old, half -ht ; 2 Polled Anew. baiter., t year. old, half -fat : 2 Polled Angus ,teen, Year. old. bait -fat : 2 Durham .teenthing ing 3 year. old. half -fol Durham. heifer, Hahn2 year. old• halffat: made Hereford ball. In months old. Taaaor.- 81x month.' reedit on approved joint notes. or 1 per oent..trolgbt off tor ensu. N. W. TREWARTH.t. T. OUNIIRY, Proprietor. AucUoaeer. CARDS OF THANKS. MISS (IERTRUDE FOX WISHER In thank all her friend. who kindly as opted her In the voting roots( Conducted by Mr. A. 1. Caldeell. To THE ELECTORS OF GODKRICH LADIES AND 61srst/gs,-I wish to thank you moat heartily for the confidence you placed In me In emoting me to the his/hew amnion ion 1n the gift of the town for 1917 ; and it will be my widens or to juallfy that confidence by doing my very bat In the Interna of our town. W tables ycu the corplimonte of the.eason. Yours truI,y R. 1'. MUNNINOR. TO 7'H'S ELECTOK.4OF GODERICH LADINA AND GC.TI.gM&Y,- 1 wleh toexpre.w myInnen appreciation of the .plendld vote wich you gore me Ore New Year'. IMy, return- ing me a. your Deputy Reese for the third tern, A. In the poet. It will be my endeavor to serve 'he interceptor he municipality, both at the town noun AAI and on the county board, without fear or favor. Tha..klns you, 1 sen, Your. faithful( J. ('. LAITH WAITE. FOR SALE OR RENT. UOUMIC FOR SALE OR TO LfS1'.- 41 Two -.eery frame hour. on Nelson .greet ; built in 111e . ha. .11 modern oortvenlonos.. Poasemmion can be given Ftbroary 1.L Apply JAS. BUCHANAN, 110 RENT. -SOU ICH 9i DE 0 1• apartment homer on Nort., .Inst ; six room■ and bath, basement Iaundr ,, all modern oonvenleooes, newly decorated sod easily heated. Rentroa,.onahle. A.M. 1'OI (.EY. l941 y0R RENT. -MODERN HOUSE ON IP'Oi�N�o Terrane. Apply to JOS � (, .-1 Though the Reeve and cogncillore for 1917 had been elected by acclaiva- Gun, there was sufficient intrust in Monday's polling to bring out a fairly good vote, about 125 votes fewer being polled on the mayoralty this year than Lot. The montest between F R. Wigle and B. C. Munnings fur the chief Municipal honors was a close Mit., and war won by Mr. Mannings with a lead of seventeen votes. For the offlee of Deputy Reeve. the old municipal warhorse. Mr. J. C. Leith - waste, won by a majority of 1U9 over A. J. Paltridg$e. No bones were broken in the c.untrrt, and both of the losers Gook their defeat in good init. The Wain council of 1911 will there- fore be as follows Mayor -H. C. Munnings. Reeve -Chas. A. Nein). Deputy Reeve -J. C. Iaithwaite. CuuneatIo ti -J. J. Mower, Jaw. D. Wilmot, T. R. \Vallis, W. F. ('Lark. It. 13. (Cute, John :(tory. The Byrom. The question submitted with refer- ence to the power development at Chippewa was anawerad in the nega- tive, the vote being 231 for and 31.E1 against. This mean. that the voters of 6oderich prefer to have the devel- opment carried out under Government auspices rather than under the sole rventr I of the Ontario Hydroelectric Commission. The School Board. The election in Mt. Davids ward for a sehool trustee, to take the plow of Mr. R. H. C'utt, was a walk -over for Mr. A. D. McLeart, Mr. I-eckie having intimated that he had no intent' of oppoe.ng Mr McLean. The vote wase : Leckie 51. McLean 154. The latter who has a record of several years' work un the school board. goes back after an interval of one year. This is the only change in the rnernberahip of the board this year, Moors. Parsens, Oallow and Hodgens having Iwrii re- elected by acclamation . The water and light r ommleal,n foe 1917 will be composed of Mayer Munn - W. T. blarney and A M. Ohrye- Monday'a vote by polling subdivis- ions in given elsewhere in thin iswue. CHANGE IN WEST WAWANOSH. Joseph A. Mallough Wins the Contest far Reeveship. Mr. Joseph A. Mallough, of Dungan- non, was elected Reeve of West Wa- wanoah on Monday,defeating the former Reeve, Mr. onald H. 'liirray, by twenty votes. Mr Watson headed the pill for councillors. The vote was : For Reeve -J. A. Mallough 2111, 1). H Murray DE. For (ouneillors-\Vw. Watson Loi, .las. Aitchison 2118, Jas. Pardon 1117, A. E. Johnston 191, B. S. Naylor 148. Watson, Aitchison, Portion and John- stnn elected. The Vtomen's Institute will pies. • progenitive eucbre and dames In Odd fellows' Hall on Thursday night, 111-111 inet. Gentleman's ticket 60c ; lady's, 26c. Everybody invited. Spring Millinery Classes The Industrial School Classes in spring Millinery will re -open on, edtltaday evening January 17th, at 780 ; Friday, 19th, at N p. m.; Saturday, KIth, at 3 p m. Mies A. Knox, instructor, will be Sled to welcome any new pupils at any of the .Masses Istesding pupils are salted to enroll at once. 4 JAN. 4. 1917 Bordon Young as Reeve for 1917. Mr. Young has served several terms as a councillor. The councillors elected ere Levi Sny- der (of last year's ooltntil), Aaron Fish- er, (leo. Curb Currey and Jaeph McCann. JI'he vote by polling sub -divisions wand. follows : FOS mere Willing Division 1 2 8 Gordon Young 59 49 81 John Me arty 48 19 bt: Majority for Young Vt1R coUJKILI.Ona A. F'vher 98 ND 86 G. Currey 46 47 113 L. Snyder 94 89 6t J. McCann 99 lel 61 A. Young 18 Si 47 J. Wilson 14 12 48 First four elected. 4 Total 43-232 13-027 106 47-263 311-227 -166 roe COUNCILLORS Vili\i414prr !fl This is the time to renew your subscription to The Signal - before the , price is advanced. Your dollar NOW ensures you fifty-two weekly visits of Heron's best said brightest paper- • The Signal TRICIIMIN.L PRINTING CO., LIMITLD, Puss -man LOBE Re -ELECTED; Lively Contest 4 Godericb Township for Municipal Honors. In Goderich townebip W. H. Lobel was re-elected Reeve. with • majority of 54 votes over his opponent, John McClure. The councillors elected are 0. Hol- land, D. A. Lindsay, Oswald Ginn and Geo. Vanlfferburgb. The vote by,eub.divhrioe■ wee es fel- lows : FOR Ritav t Polling Division 1 2 3 4 5 ()Total W. H. Lobb 34 311 40 911 97.3 33-272 John McClure 57 46 82 29 4 1111-218 Majority for Lobb te G. Holland 18 86 45 42 74 40-265 D. A. Liudrey, 47 15 37 52 47 31-2J9 0. Ginn 48 (15 '24'I„S' 51 12-22i 0. Vanderburgh 21 27 56 21 29 30- J. Sterling G 11) 59 18 Ire 24-1 Falconer tib :ill 28 11 10 7-151 Cox 21 17 21 8 48 18-131 3. iron 21 745 1321111-119 First four elected GORDON YOUNG IN COLBORNE. Fisher, Currey, Snyder and McCann Are the Councillors for 1917. The pilling in ('ollorn,• township on 31. iiday resulted in the election of Mr. WIN0HA31 The only contest was for the terve. ship, which was won by a1 -m. Isbkter, the vote standing: fidgeter 153, Mit- chell 189, Patterson I29. 14ENSALL. Reese-Oeo. O. Pet. y. Councillors-Oeor.e Hodson, T. H. Hudson, W. E. Pfaff, John Coulter (acclamation). Hydro power bylaw carried by large majonty. Plum won veteran John Leak. T "4ouneilluq weer elected by acclamation. TUCKERRMITH Reeve -Herbert (rich. Councillors -lamer A. Bell, Robert Doig. W illialu Hay, Thinners Coleman. GREY Reeve -R. W. Livingston (aeclarna- tion). 1p v�� yy ilyev4- t�tls Mc:lenbb. Lou-acillora-W Haut 'P4itirrr, Jaa. F. Collin, (acclamation). One council- lor still to be nominated. TURNHERRY ReeeT p-Tcyu K. Councillors-- Janes Muttag.t, James 1. Scott, Arthur Wheelef, W. 3. Adair. STANLEY odeffltati Reeve -J. McKinley. ' Councillors -J. T. Keyes, J. Hood, 0. Hanley. M. Elliott. THE LADS IN KHAKI. Pte. Lindsay Burrows. of Port Al- bert, who enlisted at Regina and wont overseas with the first contingent. arrived In Goderich on Monday even - Ing. Pte. Burrows was wounded in the left side, two inches below hie heart, at Ypres, in June of last year. He bad been in hospital in England ever since and was for s tithe in the came hospital as Pte. Drew, who re- turned home several weeks ono. In a week or so Pte. Burrows will go to L^ndoo Onta when he will spend several mouths in the convalescent home. Mrs. W. O'Jobnstoo has received letter from her .on, Pte. Walter Jobt,- eton, written from a war prieooera' camp In Germany, In whiob he makes many enquiries after his old chums sad friends in Goderich. They had their first snow of the smarm in Ger- many on the 19th of November. He says he has received four parade trout Canals so far (November 20,b). Word has been received that Pte. Ernest Clark, son of Mr. and Mn. Wm. Olert, who was invalided as s result of gas poisoning, lett eh* hoe - pita! December 9th and is to be en- gaged for • year and 'a halt in per. manent base duty. - BOARD OF AGRICULTURE.. Series of Three Meetingi, to Be Heb Next Week. ' Announcement is made of another series of public meetings under the auspices of the West Huron Board of Agriculture, as follows : Holmeaville-Tbureday, Jan. 11. Rt. Hidens-Friday, Jao. 12. Klntail--Saturday, Jan. 13. There will be two sesaione at each place, in the afternoon at 2.90 and In the evea1Dg et 7.30. The speakers for these meetings are Mr. Gavin Barbour, of Croeahill, Ont.; Mr. Wen, on, of New Hamburg, sod MMtz-L. Sowell.- of Meatordd. each of whom hal • list nt attactive and inter- esting subjects fns addresses. In addition Mire M. L. Watts. of Toronto, a Wromrn's Institute worker. will address each of the overtime meet - jugs, which will he conducted under the auspices of the Women s institute. These meetings•ere all open and free to all who are interested and it is booed there will bee. good attendance at each meeting. B. C. MITEXINGH, Mayor elect of lioderich. BLY'l'H Reeve -Dr. W. J. Milne tesecLttta- tion. (Councillors -Henry Horsey, Jamee Putt, Neil A. Taylor, Harvey Rubin- son (acclamation). W'ut. Phillips -and H. 11 McGowan aloe were nominated for the council but withdrew, BRVI.LM tL8 In the contest for the reeveship S. T. THE VOTE IN GODERICH 1 Potatoes For Sale. A quantity of good, sound potatoes for sale at the lowest market price. 'Phone 16 ring 7, Goderich Rural. R. R. ELLIOTT. A Nice New Year's Cift Tb your boy, girl or sweet- heart is a ticket to the k;nk. For a small sum a lot of good, clean, health - giving exercise can be had. GET A TICKET 1 BAND Friday. Saturday and New Year's Day. J, T' Goldthorpe . Polling Division B. C'. Mt'sstNoe E. R. Wigle .. Mat J. C. LAreawarlw , # ;, A. J. Paltrldge FOR MAYOR 1 2 3 4 5 47 50 ill 86 30 75 67 41 49 48 IPity for Mannings R DEPUTY REEVE 6 7 Total 77 247-378 57 34-361 i fig I w !M g Majority for Laitbwaite HYDRO BYLAW FOR AGA INIrr 17 41 -all 27 29 31 32 49 49 69 48 NI 67 18 53 Ayr Majority against 109 17-284 27-; 89 NATIONAL SER VICE. Cards are being sent out through the Postoffice to every man in Canada between the ages of 16 and 65 years. The purpose is to obtain an inventory of Canada's man -power for the use of the National Service Board of Canada. This week the Postmaster of Goderich has sent out these cards to all the men in reach of his office. The cards should be promptly filled in with the desired in- - formation and returned to the Postmaster, whence they will be sent on to Ottawa. Let everyman do hispart in this matter. It is important. It is a patriotic service. The National Service Board of Canada has been charged' with the duty and responsibility of making investigations and formulating plans that will in some measure provide for those adjustments in our national life necessary for the maintenance of the agricultural and other basic industries ;of the Dominion, at that point of production and efficiency so absolutely essential to the successful prosecution of the war, while continuing- unim- paired the indispensable public services of the country. To. accomplish these results, and insure the maximum production of war material and equipment, the Services of all available men and women of Canada must be utilized in such a manner as will, while achieving these purposes, permit of the release from their present employment of men who, physically fit and of suitable age, may desire to serve overseas with our military or naval forces. To lay the foundation for this work the National Service cards are being sent out so that an inventory of the man -power -of Canada may be available. The prompt return of the cards is of the utmost importance. The lesson of the last two years of war will have been lost if we do not respond promptly and unanimously to the appea). Germany and her subject _nations are united and organ) , and they can be defeated only by union and organization as complete and more powerful than their own. Canada has sent her fighting men to beat back the enemy in France and Flanders, but she has a great army of workers at home whose exertions are needed no leas to help win the war, In these days idleness is a crime, but mis- placed or inappropriate labor is hardly less an offence against the cense for which our country is fighting. We are asked to enroll ourselves for national service. Are we In earnest in our desire that the war shall be won for Liberty and Humanity? The National Service Inventory is a step to victory. - Let each man help to snake the registration complete. Fill itt your card AT ONCE and return it to the Post- master. ' , ax ,,,, t ` . ' ',..102.....i.:4 MAe�••,: ,. lel - s "ti s. + ' J. C. LAITHWAiTE, 1' Re-elected Deputy Reeve. Mr. J. C. Lal bwalt•', who hers been elected D. -lute Reeve of Goderich for the third time, bas had a -1• pg and euc- ooieaful municipal career. Before emir - Mg to Goderich he Ira• a candidate in nine elections in Goderich township and was elected seven times. Since his removal to town be lure been a figure in finesse elections. Twice he wee "tett at" mice be wee elected by aoclam t es tunes be has been au untested elections. The moiety council for 1917 will he oompneed of she following, reeves sad deputy reeve.: Asbeeld• Cbae, Stewart, Joseph P. Dalton. Uolhorne-*Gordon Youog. Oodericb township -W. H. Lobb. Rtanls *J. McKinley. Hay -H. M, Neeb. Stephen -W. R. Elliott, +William Yearley. Ueborne-•Tho►nas Brock. Tuckered:r eh-Hetbert Crich. Mullett -M. Arui.t.rohg. McKillop --J. M. Govenlock. Wert %Vawanosh-*Joseph A. Mal- Iough. East Wawano.h-J. N. Campbell. Mori it -Jahr. Shortterd. (trey -R. W. Livingstone, *John Mc- Nabh. Turnberry-T. K. Pow.II. Howick--R. Harding, Peter F. Doig. Goderich--(..1. A. Nairn, J. C. Leith - Clinton -Jae A. Ford. Meaforth-John A. Stewart. 'Vingham-* Ww. Isbister. Wroxeter -C. Reis, Brussels -*S. T. Phila. Blyth -Dr. VV: -J. Milne. Hayfield -A. E. hrwin. Hens•11-Ktivu. U. Petty. Exeter -*B. W. F. Heaver'.. There are len changes from last year's council. The changes are marked with an asterisk. - SHOULD wES r SHORE RAILS BE SOLD? To the Editor of The Signal. Dear Mir, -Can you inform no what is being done about the selling of the rails of the adandoned West Shore Railway'! So far ea I have noticed you have said nothing about this since you reported the tequest of the Do- minion Railway dtruuuiseion for any material than, could be used for war purposes. Before anything definite is done %bout the question should not the ratepayers have before them the report that i understand is being made by the Hydro engiueeason the cost of com- pleting the West Shote Railway so that it can be operated? Of course we must have sowethireg definite from Fair Adam Heck before we should turn down a good cash otter for the rails. If the Hydro is ever to build and oper- ate the rorei, Wei went to know ie; if not, want' VME111 "ill consider it the beet tiling to sell the wrterivl and reduce our interest chargee as much as possible. Kindly give us so.oe'light on this. ,A TAXPAY KR, On enquiry et the town hall' The !Signal learns that the question of sell ing the rails has been referred to the heads of the neuter interested munici- palitia., and an effort to bring trade to a cure ao expredsion bolo Mir Adam ' Heck as to subs er the railway should' be dlemantled. 'A query addressed to the Railway glamwission as to how much would be allowed for the ma- terial is eo farlinanewered. ," that ie what every roily says When they s'. Phone 910. • "Pam the alt.Cesher of the know it I. Ed A VISIT TO SIR A. CONAN DOYLE, Lias. O. R. Ellett Spots hears ,meg iwirAttt91a.strf Lieut. G. A Elliott writer bust 111. 38V. foo fain oa, sed G 1[. E)liortt Was up at 8fr A. Oman Doyle s last evening. His hours in about lsalf-.- mile from camp- He is the writer of Sherlock Holmes' stories, you knew. Spent a very enjoyable evening. The house is very beautifully furnished and Sir Arthur has a large number or teuurriios of which he explained the his - y. 111r. Forbes, the Bainter, received us at the door rind Sir Arthur and Lady Conan Doyle in the drawing -moat. Forbes iv -front Aberdeen I you brave to roil that "r"). Mir Arthur is an Irishmen, or orf. Irish descent, 1 forget which, and Fells his '•t'e" in a different way. Sir Arthur is a big fellow. Both he and his wife were very niee indeasL We generally find people who have been to (Canada much fondev of Cars. (lions than th,se, who have not.. :Sir Arthur showed no a hig stuffed teen Lady Conan Doyle had caught in Al- gonquin I'trk a couple of years ago. Sherlock Hotlines is so real to readers of the stories that, we almost expected to see R. • relics of the fa dl•tec•- tive, but all there was in sight was an imaginative portrait. The surround- ings here are very dismal and desertad- lo oking in s..'ne places and suggest very much th•••tnoot• described in "The Hound of the Haskervilles." I asked Sir Arthur if it was this eountry he had in mind, hitt he said it was Dart- np1'hsrr. e kioklier-hall tr,,a^,$-alk,"wrd foetal up a, a special t ('eat` three' little boys mitt little girl. Tht\lseys chief fun ulcer pjhsyingg at war`. with wooden swords, '1 he. little girl had a dull which apparently had rte name but "Mcntchy i),dl." Amonit-the eurioa was th€' Lusitania medal, new to ealled by Germany, , showing on o111' side the pYopltt buying their tickets from Death and .n the other the beat going down: a e an ";; arrowhead four (>r five tholtaaridears old which Mir Arthur found near ,his house. , Rico\ a.. When week and debilitated you wilt twdIIy contract colds, coughs and other diseases. In order to build up your energy and vitality, you need* gond tonic -Dr. Brown's Hy phos-, phitee. it is an eff.etivs remedy• and' will quickly overcome any run-down condition. it renews the activity of the •ital organs end supplies materia) to make new blood and to revitalize the nerve ceolred. Use it now and you will not be an easy victim to 17k cough., colds and other minor lit- • menu which usual) come with this meson. Pries a dollar a tittle, at Wigle. Drag Store. Eel • r Our subscribers an very and phased with tie iludaeale calms- ' dars issued this year by The Sig. Bal. Be flare yea tet yours by re.. hewing early.. BORN. YnoICAT.-le artrigar te Cti reteVIE rims stmt. a /muter t• • t1 alt ow a •rt..wn.,4.1,.A,.:as,. 4..W!,