HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-28, Page 8TWVIIMIDAY, Ditc. 201, 1916
/ 1 t
• . 4
Office Supplies for
Canadian Almanac, just publish-
ed for 11n7, containing Canadian
Tariff of Customs, all the
Poatoffices and Railway Seations,
Rankato4 Canada, Dominion Can-
ada Melilla List, Chronology of
the War and other general inform-
ation. frill cloth binding, price
Blank Rooks, Memo Books, Rills
Payable and Receivable, etc.
l'anadian Office and Pocket
'Diaries, from leo to *1.00.
Genuine- Shannon Piles and
trailing Cases, Business Ens elope,
01Waste Paper Baskets.
(losapIlete stock of Stephen,' and
Carter s ks front en per bottle_
tirefin-nPer qt . ho -14e.
Special Selling • „Agents for
Waterman's Ideal Pouintatie Pens.
New Self -filler. special as.eio up
to *MAO.
Watennap's Remex, pea' ively
the best Value 011 the market, id.
gold point, complete with ClipC.
special *1.00.
Peloubers Notes*os Sunday
:School IseStiall. few 1$117, price
The Gist of the. Leibb041, by
Torrey, pnde Rae. -
FIFTY YEARS 111116-1et6
Mr. arid Mire James Stewart Celebrate
Their Golden Wed. „„Agen 4
Ou Christmas Day, in the year 1800,
Mr. James Stewart and Miss Anne
Matheson were married at Atwood by
the Presbyterian sirs. Hee. Mr.
Renwick. On Chti•turar Day, 1910,
at their home on South Street and
Elgin Resole... Goderich, the bride and
grooni of limy year* ago celebrated
the fiftieth annivernay of that aise-
picious weddifig cloy Though 110
invitations were issued a lerge number
tit friend. called durum the day and on
Tuesday to extend congratulations,and
message,. were re'ceived bout many
distant points, int tuding rare from
Rev. George B. Koss and Mrs. Roes. of
Montresd, aloe one from Dr. George
Mackay •-,1 trornovera la son of the
famous 51..chity of rot sues*, who in
his Meting. .0%.s dirtntinuate friend of
Mr. and Mrs, Stewatt). Many gifts
The young couple Wok up their
residence iu Goderich and have
*ince lived iu or near the towu. Mrs.
Stewart is a member of a legally of
eleven, all of whom are till
lisr aistees are Mrs. John Porter, of
Croderich township : Mits. Pratt, of
Pet role.' Mir. Stephens, of Stratford ;
Mr.+. Anderson.. of HI auttous ; Mrs.
Prime. and Mee. Burke, of Millhank.
*a. tour brothers : William
Matheson, Goderich Angus, of Los
Angeles : Alex, Of TUCkersmith , and
Neil, of Florida.
l'hree children wine horn to Mr.
and Mn. 'Stewart. The deughter,
Isabella, and• the elder son, Willie,
died 110111e yeaen ago, and ths remaio-
log son, Rev. J. Ure Stewart, is filling
a useful and te . d place in the
Preebyteriao minis' ry as orator of be
cougregetion s Long Branch, near
Toronto. The Reverend Mr. Siewar t,
With hie wife and three chible en. was
home for the celebration this week.
Ou the occa•ion of her mother's
Two Candidates for Reeve and Six for
The ne lll ll odious for Colborne town.
atiip were held at, l'ae low on F. Ida)
afternoon. The U011111leee Welt. as
lour Reeress-fingdon _Young. Ilught
11.11, John MeLarty, tVilliani Hill end
For CtouneiliortipLevi :Snyder, Hugh
11.111., Jatbn Wij.ii.t‘e.i.rge Ctittey.
'Throe. Hewitt lllll Aaron Fisher. Alex.
tnution, Joseph Met'sren and Alex.
Theme reensinirg in the field are
°onion Young anal John lilelLerty,
lor4hc reeverdep. and Levi Snvilea,
Johti'VS mem, lieruge Ciariry .turtiti
rusher, Joectill MeCann d Arex.
Young. for e“Iincillol b.
were received f•y .the worthy uuple,
and the tbreabl..li Med A Meet
Mr. &tweet was born ill Hatiffshi
Scotlend. in 1MS. and came to Oaread
and to wt, with his points?
libelgellie,oftd_Mre. Cherie. Beeersiet.
The yea, before -his two
John anti Willearti bad corer_
out ; the 1 lir,' 10 • 1.1 a ....silent o4..
t sod itti Isle Mi. Jobb Stewart
an the 11 .itn et or the Beitiniller
Noriertee. A"o
live. at flort. Hue o
brothiw. Charles,
and .1 twit.. are two
•isters Mrs,7 irvio,of Manistee.
Slieh., and Mts. Heard 'sorb of Detroit.
Mrs. Stewart, 1- is tighter of the
ti Mts. Willi Matheson
atef use hewn sever,' v years alto on
abet is stow the Itutolle\ (atm on
it,"'""' Bl'"-!ei med! 11...,•lief address Ilse Huron road near te, deity
;MK. An tttttt need his ietteetileut from b;luilr illereal"-Elles ""kia17
the council. 'droll time and IL sae (hernia
Mr. Om don Yenta said he wreak! be period r hot the w• &him /
a candidate fur ref!.. lie expressed place lift y' years ago at Atweie
the opinion tea toe township wait -V-7-- ---
- '•
falling behead in the matter til roads.
Mose money wee being spew on the
i1i...a •
s• _ _
reads t ably Hese tart ty years ago
boa he toestiorwri if. the road- wet •
moseh hcrte.. Nome t wet, de
road 1•VbtAtind will
tbereent meat 46-41111-dritif -Wh In.
Horne ttttt ? If elected:la would
mese an eflor, et the county counei
lo live all ant nnitil neettbe fret e -
amino the township.
Mr. Hogh inlet:dm to be ewe/
from the tow nillip for *our years and
stutiorineeet hie withdrawal front. the
wineirec.I. 11e thought the bueiness
wiethods of the coinaell could ine
wowed -for instance, in connection
with the payment of hitle-and ad
wised wore uteto-date method', in rued-
usiskine. He spoke tit the loss the
coouril had sustained dining the pest
year owing' 1, the enlist emu of Lieut.
Niel bet ingt,ne fen- -over *es eserviee,
but said his felnovariemli. re of the
council and riorittlera r'ver y ratepaier
of the Iamb - rip web. . him.
Mi. John MrLeri y said he had with -
strewn beet ye.srarievord F. contest, hut
thiteas weirs. clitferent this year and he
would he e eandidale Inc reeve. He
dealt with the' road inaproventeut
question and thought the townehip
should too make too large an ineest-
swig at lhe presebt time. •
Mr. %Von. 11111 advocated doing
iioniething for Inc boy« returning (emu
die war, Me id. -'e being that the town-
ebip neurecil etionitil. male a grant to
start a fund No this !impose, end be
°flirt -A to iriveosee sloths,- to .seary
oueuty dollore voted' by the emitted.
This generous viler. wits received with
Mr. Levi Snyder eon' he had Ift•
1 r fleet or I err. yeti a card re
L Vs ealueeday troiu 1'Ln Ww.
scot froui the war nem000r4
camp at liVittettlierg, elertnany. and
dated November 12th. The wird reedit :
"D. ar Friend Hee .-L-Received your
card. *leo the parcel, and it was shindy
y 0 u
give an
Ansco, you
start,* chain
that begins
on Christ-
mas morn-
ingand adds
to itself
every time a
'picture is
through -
mit the year.
The Ansco Vest -Pock-
et Camera is so compact
and light you will always
want it with you. Fine
enlargements can be
made from its pictures.
Several bytes and sire% $7 up.
Other Anse* modets are priced
from $2 up.
oopteicm owranio
tended to ritire, hilt on the solieita-
ti tttt of many reetepe yeti he would re -
mein in the field. a rout a good deal.
Mt. Alex. Outten said_he would not
eptteep wedding *inn verse' y. twenty -
t ero yeers ego, Mrs. K w.rt Inside. the
golden wedilmg rake and preserved
ore ''etory,'• bleb top d the hand-
some eoke which she mile for her
tern goteli•ei weddieig. l'h Sigma men
among the (steamed who were
MAO of the old e, and he
stbbt .t wood.,
Annt er iintrwotthy (emu e in con -
(11 this bettry even it, that
olio and brides' id of
fifty yeats are still living. Mr,.
Hendee eon, 'stet of the groom was
the brideemaid. tal William Matti son,
brother of Hi bride, was • wet
Mr. .•,,i lyre rt see both n
fairly goad health, me The Sign I
join.. wort their ntaml tripods
ietrivisr- them Mtn)? -rim.* or
happinem• leer het ere hey err
called hence to the "sweet au. Winged
comas y" of -their hopes.
if (1._ -it Is impossible for me to te
eon w much 1 aripreentre fr. Thank
1.',,e1 sigie for pit* end tobniceo-
juet wh I wanted. Hope to see
you all again. Wishing you •
merry Chr 1 am. Yours truly,
W. itobtgoon.
Mrs. Robinson rivsite Robinson's
writhes ) received a rd free,' hien the
mane day saying he- hai received e
parcel from her 1040, acid pla ining
the delay in recelvittlf Mr."Hays'
prove! (which wan sient in September)
by the tact that he had beenynauved
A card received from Bomb. Russell
L Cowls ings word that he, is in
Prieerss Christian hoepitel, Priglefleld
Or -am. Surrey, England. He was
soundod an She left knee November
Is h and e•:. time of writing was etill
on hie heck and was useable to bend
his knee.
Mr. Alex. Votive said if. t Were'
be ea witirlidate.
1.41 lee a eouteet would be M candid.
ate. He wee proud of the. y (mit men
who had enlisted item tire tow
met thetmlit that ... nett int,' • More
ele add he done fe:r them.
Mr. John Wilson criticized the emin-
ty council for IIL giving a gond ex-
ample in the 'natter of economy. lite
claimed Oa towns and i
plop -mama to theit• sesetatuent, be
too liaise a temesentetton on the
county council. Reeve Bisset painted
out that representation tarot IT pop*
not by wesetsmet.t. "Some
men toseem.rd for t tree Or fourdollars,
tetererked the Reeve, ..bave• 'nue
tole*, ar you have.- (Laughter.)
M. Aaron Fisher made a tient 1(1 11
rowel' and said be would be a candid
ate. • • ---
Ms. Thee. Hamilton got into trould
when he eommenced to ventilate
personal grievance in connection with
the payment of hitt taxes. The chair
moor i Mr. R. Mellwane. ruled him on
of Ordet• and on appeal to the Audi
PIMP was feretislielmingly sustained
whereurem Mr. Hamilton took bi
seat in rather bail tempo.. Before he
s rock this snag, hewever, he had
made the generous offer of donation
Of OOP dollar to the Red Moss fund
foe every twenty dollars granted hy
the council.
Mr. Grunge Cue rev bit the „uail on
Ib' bead lion he tenggest ?Li -fakir), u
collecrion to *eat the township hall
He held that the township ceuncillore
were not, weltrerough paid to warrant
them in neglecting their own 'Mane
1, look after Ilse business of the town
Mr. Joseph McCann sail if there
were a contest he would be in it.
Mr. ?high Hill lord the floor agent
for a few minutes and Knee An earnest
patriotic address urging further con-
side•eo ion . theme whir had enlisted
to fight the count, y's
There was some further diectuision
irf the road iniprovement tjuestion.
and the meeting was then concluded.
Ashfield Nominations.
. The Ash Held nominal ions were held
nn F iday,1 nicern her le2,and t be council
id 1916 was put in Ranier without a
reptevt. The council for 1917 will,
thfseefore, be as followe :
ft-eve-11)haries ?Bee/krt.
Depnty Reeve -Joseph P. Dalton.
(nitineillere-Jamee Alton, Joseph
Hackett, Thomas 1, Richardson.
Rweve-John Shortreed.
Omineillore-W. H. Framer, W. 0.
lwlellaw, W. Rletton, W. Johnston.
Old council all by acelareation $100
saved fur Red Crone
'41.enasniet' n- L. Watson, of the
Herrera', writes from England that
ChattiteDoitagh is playing the 'snare -
drum in\gdxty-piece military hand at
Shot neli Charlie, who used to he
drummer for the hioderieh band twen-
ty-tive years aloe, went to the Yukon
and was supposed to be dead, the
Limit) having Iola track of him.
Mre. H. Jane has hal a letter horn
Wilts id Eric Drown, who used to sail
the Hero and other boats calling at
linderichowid who was supposed to
have gone down on the Midland Queen
when it was torpedoed by the Ger-
mane. He is now a lieutenant in the
Witoommot e, Dec, 27.
Rev. I. and 51rs. McKelvey and
Irene are spending Chreninas holidays
at St red ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood and child, of
Toronto, were the guesto of Rev. 0.
and Mrs. (Joints. for the Christmas
• vacation. Mee. Wood is • sister of
Mee. 14111 0i.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Medd, of Aelhirel,
spent Christuout Day et the home of
Mr. H. M. Duff, and Mr. end Mn.
J. Pattison, of Winghane, spent the
day at Mr. R. IlleKenzie'e,
The tellowing teachers are home for
their tfhrist snots Taced 10IR Misses
Ethel Came and Pearl McKenzie, of
Toronto ; Miss S. Kirke, White.
church ': Mien L. Pentland. Leeteitos
Miss E. Pentland, !Opted : Miss I..
Durnin. Ooderich ; fillenin,
i.loydtown, and Mrm. Gal risort,
Hof tnesville.
A Stromest.-The Christmas tree end
concert given hy the Methodist .Run -
day echoed in the Agricultural Hall on
Friday evening was quite a success.
The recitations, dieing's".., choruses
and Laney drills wero all well per-
formed. Onset credit N due
the inetrssatore for thee true -
epos of the entertelnment. The
door receipts were 111V, after the pupils
and actors were admitted free.
the annual paltile et hool meeting bold
on Vt-orfneedey Mr. Chas. Brown, the
reUrieg trustee, was re -eh -reed to this
position of instates, II J. Crawford
was elected auditor, K. Shackleton
seemed the caretaking. and D. Clem
• . .
•• '•••."....
". 1.," • • 1 ).‘
the °attract of $n114, etc- Wood 111
(matrons are yet to be given. _Bev.
O. Opium kindly consented to give the
pupil. some breathing iustructione for
chest development, that they may a c
quire vocal possibilities.
Wickens,Ifor 'several years manager. of
the Sterling Bank here. has been
moved to Sebringville. His position
here is filled by Mr. Lyme., of Chat -
ham. We regret to Imre Mr. %Vickette
from our midst, but know he will
make good wherever be is sent. We
also welcome the newcomer, and wish
hi.0 and Mrs. Lyons Newness in their
new field of labor, and that their
duties here will become as pleasant
and agreeable to them as it is otos to
welcome them.
PuBLIC &Man, ItKroitT.-The fol-
lowing is a ieport of the standing of
pupils in the senior room of Dungan -
11.01/ public school for the term gutting
December ,22nd. The 111.111Ubtano indi-
cate the average percentage in all
the subject.' of the fifth lotto* : Sr.
V. -E.; Brown 79, Iva Carr 74, V.
lirowu tri, J. Craitaton 00 E. *Amok-
letoo tt, 11. Auguition OU, D. Dirtier
53, part exam. Jr. V. --B. Errington
70, M. Orwell, I. AlcKelvey 67. A.
McKenzie 011, 0. Finigan 65, it. Pent-
land tii, J. Disher 64, I. Case
Gomm 55, A. Caldwell 50. Clam IV. -
Names according to merit ; A.331liott,
L. Savage, It. Brown, N. Culbert, H.
Carr, 0. Ryan. F. RCHS, Principal.
Tw A utv-filaWTY.-'llie home of
Mr. and Mts. Hobert Hasty, Dungan -
nem, wiis the beetle of • very interest-
ing event 00 Wednesday, 20th in•Lant,
when their daughter, Esther, became
t e bride of Mr. Wallace L. Twamley,
Ashne'd. The ceremony took place
under a beautifully Is immed arch of
evergt erns. The bride, beautifully
attired in a gown of cream eoline and
carrying • bouquet of American
Beauty roses, entered the room lean-
ing on the arm of her tether to\ the
strains of the wedding march ',keyed
l.y Mitts Reta Twanuley, sister of the
in nom. The many costly prose is
show the esteem in which the you
couple rue held, among them beton
handsome cheque from the bride's
lather. The young couple will reside
on the groom', farm in Ashfleld, and
the beat wiehes of a host of friends go
with them to their new home.
Sad news comet° the village on Friday
night hen when i' bereme known that
Mae. J irises (Jou) iris liad passed away
in the Godetich hospitel, where she
had been taken about ten days pre-
viously. The deceased had been a
sufferer for some few. yeare, nut had
borne her trouble with fortitude
until tintdly en Friday evening Last, at
the age of forty-one. she yielded to the
call. She was a women of noble
character and stet -ling worth, ilerrays
fretud doing her share in the things
that pertern to true and noble woman-
hood. Her loss will he a blank in the
c triunity. The sympathy of the en-
tire community goes out to the ber-
eafed husband and little son, Johnny.
and also tp the siSters, Mrs. Viii.
Carr and Mrs. Sutton of %Vattrn)°,
'1'he funeral on Tuesday alba -
noon was largely attended. The eere
trice was conducted hy 11-..v. H. R.
Williams, of the AngiLeate t Mach, ot
which the dFFe-aeea was a very active
inenther. The remains mete interred
.in Ddnitannoti cemetery.
'"Wifftcsttioa Dep.
t. Mon hair disporesi of a
ghh.rd Durham cow lout
er Nom Saskatchewan.
ben are in the field for
councillor. A,‘, number ot good
speeches were. given at the nomina.
twins. Some I.r. long. and some
were -cut abort b it\onatiirnorts vote.
Cottons tiro
Chas. Varotte,
Christotaa at di
Varcoe... . Mr.
eon,. of Niagara. Is a
Mrs. Ed. f isher
%Vetter, of Otognede Hall,
holidaying at the house of
Mr. and Me* Won. Walter
Resenholt. deaeotiess Sit.
learing the Millinery!
Special Clearing Prices on all the Millin"
Commencing Saturday, December' 30th
ISS SITZER will leave for her vacation in a few weeks
and every Hat must be cleared out before she goes.
Now is your chance to get a winter Hat at a very little price.
Velvet Shapes -$#29
The seasraa's best Velvet Shares at this very small
prier. Blacks and colors. hvery shape desirable,
and all this ataisetio!,s buying. (loud quality velvet.
Regular prices au high as $4.110. Special clearing
lot on Saturday morning et your
choice •29
Trimmed Hats $2.25
All Tr' Nil Hate gii iu this big I .1•461•-
anee. snow reserved wiuttever. Your
ehoice every Trio tttttt fiat in the
nhow.room tor matter whist Ito former
price tii• real worth, for the
$2.25very 11 price 41I
Big Shipment of Underwear
Just in This Week
Big Ail •ut of Underwear from Canada's best
mill to hand this week. All brand-new and better
values than you will get for a long time 10 come.
It will pay you to larin next season's supply while
these priers last.
Ladies' Ribbed Underwear, white in •-ja,„.,
manna. at per gartuent
Very nue Ribbed Underwease,white 371
only: at per groent
Ribbed\i"mmen. Union Underwear; White or
.1.. 50C '-
'biredrv. vohnionite'Lo'fridnaerwtrradr..iwiruilitrocannrwrientli tha157..
Pin tomtit y !tibias' Underwear. nearly all %%is,:
per ooent
'mil %aim% hitt. or natural. at $1
Very • ri walla i n pure-wi Undere ear.
_ shritika Ie. soft finish, at per gat -me -lit
$1.25. $1.40 anii $1.75
an:.. -Mr. and Mn.
Trrean to, spent
a. of,Lietit.-Col.
Iton Tyndall, of
nox College, Toronto, acecimpanied
y his mother, impending the holiday
1. the old home %be NI. RoltrIrt-
the home
r. Howe
Toronto, is
is parent1;*
... Miss
reshytenan church. Londoik, spent
he Christmas holiday with her\friencl
rs. Warner Welter Mies\ ?lim-
ner Young, of Pert Rigin. and
man, from Stratford Normal Cclhge, g
re at the hums of their parents, Nr.
eid Mn. R. M. 'Young Mr. A .d ,
re. Donald MoLaehlan, of Toronto. a
re visiting and Me s. A. %V. Wise. t
.... Mr, mos, vent the 0
hristmes holiday it, ()Aerial\
r. Patetson, et Hamilton, seen
oliday at ebb trine of M. A. Jo c
TUESDAY, Dec. 20. s
The Mims-* Was., of Sesforth, are
elfin/411dr . and Mrs. Chas. Oke.
C n Suit-, union wool and silk tuna kst..,1
mixtures. a
$1.00 $3.50
Skirts Made to Order
lVe are gluoi omelettes. that up Cali still Lake a
few mime orders for Skirts made vour measure
at this low prier. Pit anti finish thr•e geirnients
is guaranteed. Yon can have them math. from
airrntatnriad in the store that sells. at Side lies
yard oetwer. We. give you your chitin. of
of the 141,110,441111'ta best etlyes, give you one iir nein.
fittings if desired. make flie garment 111 your
measure. and chart(' you only 1111.7111 for th.•
Splendid Fur Values
lien. are sone. special valleys in niediunopriced
Fors that are attractive, , Qualities are all good
and lichititt them is otir tinteuslitied grierant4U•.
Red Fox Set $3o.00 -
so of find pillow Muff, cshirred silk ends
one -skin animal Semi Iteallyi.x. C3urrietrundik
1.••ptioual value at per set
Siberian Wolf Muff $zo.00
MufT, rich, Ituitroes pillew
ti' ed with head aud tail. A Muff that
will give exCellent tlerviee and retain its good ap-
pearance. Special value
Black Mu ff $6.00
uff far, geed quality tied
will stand any amount of hie re', wear, Duoe up ou
eperL bed, either piano tritomed with Cie nn- -
head and tail. Karl* may .pm.p.wr
One -skin animal Scarfs tri match, two or three
meet styles. at
each' QGOO and $124,50
Very Fine Black Wolf Muffs
rei.•ived some extra,pitility Black 'Wolf
Muffs in barrel end st yips. These air real-
ly choir.. ,.f or and I'M, fIrrirerlY be d
lattgoinhed ft...111Mo Pei,. Are... „
$19.00. $21.00-4-d$22.50
Superb Set of Black Fox
A pretty ...111wril .44, I of /11•41.1. Pox. rielt. g.lireery
fur, vomit appearance to Black Lynx. Tide ;-
311 exceptionally we'd seL Tao -akin animal Strrir
and new style pillow Muff. Special $ 77
pike for lo' I MI
Have You a "Eureka" Vacuum
. Cleaner ?
If there is not One; Of t I.e... itels.t. saving. health-
anVing. 1111/111.111 dunning unrel ' .. in yinir h •.
why not have our ? If you me, ba,.. 1.4;.
woottil not la. without it. It saves Nine. •
health. It is easy to run and irons but little
electric currenL You can- have eiwy --tering of
payment if you %vials..
Save mane, by geeing A new top on
your old Umbrella ,f needs one. We
'CEA $10 it Inc you a, a moderate r.ce.
Hodgens Bros.
Direct Importers Goderich. Ontaiio
hiller church The concert wax a
teat success. li h sot regards attend.
nee and rrogran The latter was
me of the hest eves presented here.
'oo touch praise cannot be given to
horst who bed charge of ,the training
t the children.
?dr. and Mre. Ed. Goode,' of Ben-
mller, have aro their guelds attending
hristmas week with them Mr. and
Mrtik ti. 13: Cooper, of Ottawa L.
ooner being a eister of Mrs. lino&
r. d Mrs. George Brownlee, o
sialt . e. Matie, Out, and Mr. and
Mee. T. -Iirriwnlee and two children,
1 A Ont. The Mesdameni
MIS. et tie Fisher, of floderich. is
visiting friend• in the neighborhood.
Mr. and tire. Richard Echlin, of
Nile, bpent Chri4t utast with Mr..lesse
Mr. beater Walters arrived home
from the West ori Thursday night of
last week
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur liopkine and
orl7Ftrisit, Poem Sunday in
the village.
Mies Elsa Oke, of Toronto, is spend-
ing ib week with her tuother, Mrs.
'Wm . Oke.
Our teacher, Mies Mills. returned to
her home near Stratford on Friday to
spend the vacation.
The next meeting of the h'at mere'
Club will be on Tburealay, January
4th (not the 5th as stated last week).
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. McKie, of l'or-
onto, 'meat Christmas with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mra. Wm
Mrs. Wm. Oke received a parcel of
souvenirs last week from her son,
Drivel Lonnie Okm, of the C. A. 8 C.,
who in in Prence.
Rev. and Mrs. P. 8. Benet are
spending several days at Hamilton.
Mr. George Currie, of Nile, preached
on the circuit on Supday in Mr. Banes'
Beetinning with the new year the
Goodwill Bible clam of Elenmiller
church ix opening a enntest to attempt
to increase the attend/moo at "Sunday
achnol. 8idee bilee been chosen and
each will have a egptain and a secre-
tary. It is hoped that this movement
will bring good results in more wars
than one.
On Tbsesday treening, Deeember
2151, a very susiosesfed Christmas tree
entertainment bold In the Ben-
• • '
't.s• 744164,,, s' •
1. 4
and Mrs. othe
Brownlee r.
and as this ie r: the datightere of Mr,
fleet time M and Mrs. Goode have
had them ho, together they expect
to have a very ant time,
WitutitenAY. Dec. 27.
SOLDISHM. Ain °mete.- On De.
eember 19th the Ashfield Soldiers'
Aid Circle met at the home 01
Mrb. Thos. Dougherty, with a large
attendance. Thanks itre due the fol.
owing ladies who made garments :
tire Jac Cook, 4 suits pyjamas : MEM
M. McKenzie, Mre. Jam. II Orden, Mrs.
;yell Camphell. Mrs. Thom. _pougher.
ty, Miss Minnie Nixon, Mee. Jas.
Hackett, 2 emits earh : Mist Mary
Alton, Mrs Jatr. Johnston, Mni. Jam,
Olver, Mrs, Thos. Ferguson. Minot Lila
McPwain. Mrs. ohn Craig. Miss M.
Barclay. MIR N. Metinders, Mn. Iwo.
Alton, Mee. %Vm. Finlay, Mr*. W
Carey, Mee. Alfred Quaid, Miss Mit\
Iloda Black, Mrs. John Quaid, Mn.
John Menary, I suit each.
ThaCircle is indebted to the ladies
who knit socks : Mre. Wm.
10 guiles ; Meas. John Saundere, Mew
Henry Johnston, 6 pairs each ; Mrs.
David Alton. Mrs. Angus Gordon, Mn.
Robt. HIegine. Mn .1.m. Cook, 5
pairs each; Mrs. John HeInt, Mr*. Jas.
Lane, Mrs. Rohe McKeon, 4 pairs
eaeh ; Mrs. G. Templeton, Mims Male
?blinders, Mrs. Maiinders, Mrs.
Wm. Kiekley. Mn.. Joe. Holm, Mae,
Herb. Alton, Mn. John Hackett. 3
pairs each Mire Mary MeKonele,
Miss Mary Conningheni, Mci. Thos.
Shackeltofl. Mee. Rd. Mr %Vhinney,
Mn. John Myers, Mn. Al... Millih,
Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Mn. Mut. Me -
Donagh, Mn. Albert Helrp, Mrs.
Ralph Nixon, Pr., Mr.. IL Nixon, jr.,
2 pairs each I Mrs. Joe. Hackett, Mre.
Hobt. Henry, Mn, John Irwin, Mrs.
Jem. Alton, Mts.. Thos. Hall, Mrs,
Thos. Ferguson, Miss Hattie Nixon,
Miss Jennie Maize, Mips Winnna
Stevenson, Mrs. Robt. thirnin. Mts.
Joho'Moaid, Mrs. D. MeKenzle, Mies
M. Black. Mee. John Menary, Miss
Tena Myers, MIs. Hazel Johnston,
Mrs. Jas. Hayden. Mr.. D. McIlwain,
rr. John lierclay, Mi•/4 ids Sillih,
.. Henry Caesar, Durigennor, Mre.
Jo • Nevins, Dungannon, I pair rade
Mrs. John Kilpatrick, Mrs. Plane
Scott,. . pelts each.
The thanks of the Circle is also due
the iee fOr their donations : Mrs.
David Parrish, sr., Mrs. Jas. Alton,
. Mr,. .John Little.
1 pillow and slip each ; Mrs. Jae. Ed-
ward*. Mrs. John Dtt,th., 1 ,.hest esch:
Mrs. Het h. Alton, Mem, Chart Alton,
2 pillow slip. earth t 2 ',rat& tiekring
Inc pillows, Mrs. John Mu n ; 2 pil-
lows, Mrs. Wm. ?Bothers.; 1 quilt.
Mrs. Rohr. McKeith; 1 woollen .ket,
MM. E. Andrew. Three two ar cles
for male by committee. Thanks e
due Mre. Thor'. Dougherty for her do
nation), Patriotic tea, 118. Mrs. Wm.
Carey. patriotic tea, 713."5.
On November et bale of goods was
phippost to Hyman Hell, &intim%
valued at .51.54. On December 19th a
bale of Ave& sent to tioderich for
shipment HI Hyman Hall, London,
"ire ir8Xrt
Ttsoteal in aid of Asheeld
Soldiers' Aid (livens held et Pnrt Al-
bert Decent teer 2)0 VMS a gram! sue -
hem, 1154.:10 being veitlized.
-.- -
Weettnav, Dee, 17.
NOTV4 PRcle Ponc-hfise T.
Hawkins, of bit Mae, 15 spending
the Chrititrnas holidaye with her ulster,
Mrs. Wm. Orrap' Mr. Hector
Hawkins, wife ais4 children are here
on a visit from Roger City, Michigan,
and at preenot are with the lectr'e
mother, Mrs -B
. (4, orrow* r.
Thema* Green left for Detroit hut
week ., ...Mr. ao4 dirk D. Martin of
Detroit, are tieitali with the tenet's
mother, Mrs. Jae, ' Young. Pte.
Ot way Hayden, of the C. A.
D. C., Londoo, is visiting under the
parental roof Pte. Hugh Mc -
0 len e in home iron, London to
spend 'Clerisonss with his relative*.
Mr and Mrs.. A. Holzkamp,
Miss Albania and Master Lorne
are spending the Chrietinas holidays
at Pit retrofit Mr. Ven. Brindley
ie still under the doctoem rare
Mei.346lb McGee, j ., of Windsor, is
end( ing her mother-inlaw Mrs. Jacob
McGee, or The conceit and ho*
social held in the Foresters' Hall here
last week wax a grand Nieces, and the
goodly sir. f $.-4.35 was realised_
Magner Lorne aletile, who has been
under the dctor's care for WIMP time
with pnetinomis, and pleurisy, is not
mending as qukkly as bin
achoolreetes would like to see....
W. T. Gilbett, wife and ehild of Lon.
don, spent Chrietnote with Mr. and
Mee. Tom Wileen,
mmtain Pens
Both Safety and Standard pattern,
$2.50 to $5.00
"Blackbird" Fountain Pens
si.00 lad 11.30
All Pena gnarsinteed to gi‘
"Central Drug Store"
Corner North Street and Square
Bug AO 'Phones Res. *IN
-"' .enitcLAIAtaawAIL,414e.
or •
• '