HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-28, Page 64S Tisu ainAT, Dittman an 100 191tt
usually stops r stubborn
cough or chest cold when
ordinary specifics fail.
It helps #rengthen the
lungs and throat—adds
energy to the blood—and
gives the system the force
to help resist disease.
Refuse Substitutes
&a tett & roses. Toronto. Oat. tH
Stand up
under any
tests --no
matter how
irregular and
severe. No
separation of
plies. No rot-
ting of duck
from damp-
ness; no
�): 4 BELTS
the. Rest
Furniture i seal
and Underti
the 'Cheapest
liouse Furnish hg
The Store of Quality
a r o K r: •9 ..-WIGS 197
The monthly meeting of the Red
('row Society took place in the North
rtreet rooms on Monday evening,De-
cember 18, with President Reynods in
the chair. Among the correspondence
was a retort. from Milker Blaylock,
head of the U. K.U. workers In France,
describing the work of the Society in
supplying the hospitals there, and out
home provhriona recently made for
supplying advanced dtesring stations
and distributing centres. lie pointed
out that the C. It. C. 14. is the main
outride rource of supply for the French
hospitals, and that the sock. sent
from Canada are of a letter quality
than thore produced on the Continent.
On motion of Miss Clifford and Mrs.
Taylor, Miss Allen was added to the
Ked Craw representatives on the cen-
soring committer, and since Huron
county is to ship supplies on 4he $hird
Wednesday of the mouth, it was de-
cided to meet in future on the fourth
Monday, and in the jury room of the
court house during the winter months.
The shipments during ttte month
were : 8,101 yards gauze, $271) 110 ; two
cases uoowbsorbent cotton, $25 ; 20(1
lbs. absorbent cotton, $00 ; 24 dressing
gowns, 2124 ; 15 dozen ehlrts, $22.50
•M pyjama .vita, $54 ; 21) towels, $4; 12
housewives, $9 ; its pairs bed rocks,
$6.30 ; one dozen fomentation wring-
ers, $1 tel; 144 pairs socks. 1122.40.
Total value of shipments, $899.90.
1'hefollowing were the penditures:
Sewing committee, *141.60 ; Britannia
branch, $14.73; yarn committee, 1140.113;
total. $23i.4A.
The secretary reported a balance
from last month of $430.40. Of this
1100 bad been sent to head office, leav-
ing $350.44. The receipts during the
month were: Victoria Workers, Vic-
toria street Methodist church, $.i ; Ed-
ward Horst, greys East Orange, N. J.,
$ ; Archdeacon and Mrs. Jones -Bate-
man. 114 ; Mr. anti Mrs. Macdonald,
iii.; Mrs- Jainism (:lark, >Ki ; "Mies Ford,
SI ; Miss Clifford, $8 ; %V. C. F. M. em-
ployees, $'214. I:. ; ward collections.
285.10 ; total, $201.24. After the pay-
ment of the bills for the month,
amounting to *2;i5.4k the balance
available for next month is $385 i9.
The sewing committee was Author-
ized to purchase supplies to
the Moment of $21) ; the yarn
committer to the ,tuount of alert;
the Britannia braneh W Ib. amount
of $20. It was decided to rend Ikid to
head office,
Mr, Reynolds reported that the local
Warmth 4i is receive .ra *hare of the
county grant for Red Cross worn:, and
it -was derided• to nee the money in
the purchase of yarn under the super-
vision of Mn. McKim --The uieeting
mein adjourned.
Many thanks are due the following
crtutt•ibutors of socks : Mrs. D. Fer-
guson, 11 pain; A Friend. 8 pairw
Mi,s Mahe! ('urwen. Mrs. Woods, Mrs.
' (leo. Porter. Miss W. Ball, Mn. Dur-
nin. 4 pairs ear•h ; Mrs. Bannister.
Mr,r.,Jas. McWhinney (Port Albert),
Mrs. Kolrt. Sher•nurn, Mrs. Leonat-a,
M171.Xatr Msfohald, Mrs. Shipman,,
Mr Laby, Mrs. Will Carey. Mrs.
icurvitt, Misr Hut lit), Mrs. Cake. Mime
M. t•Isik, Miss li_ Clark, Mrs. H. Bul-
lard, Mrs. McClinton, 3 pairs each ;
Mrs. Feign, Mrs. Id.'MeI)onsid, Mrs.
.1. P. Broken. Mrs.Drinkwslter,
Mrs. Ma,shaff, Mrs. Ioliltle, Mrs.
Hillier, Mre. John Roti tern, Mre.
Clement, Ain, Jonlan, ire. Jss.
('lark, Mrs. Mc---, Mrs. John Stur-
dy, Mrs. Bali, Mlee Tiffin. Mrs.
1Vr1ler, Mn. Carrie, 2 pairs each ;
Mi.. Mtra';han, Mesa Mefwaine, Mira
Cnr,ninghuu, )Mn. 1 Hawkins, Mrs,
Will Foster, Miss Em Foster, Port
ILert ), Miss M. Dari
ar Mrs, Chas.
Cisrk, Mrs. Longmire; ,Mrs. New -
lir, Mrs. Irwin Foster, Mrs, Dina-
r., Mit. Chas. Uirvin,',Miss C.
Miss M.- Aitken, Mte:l~llincke,
Sale of 0. C. Whitely's Bankruthl
Stock Still` Continues !
BLTthPsPp1 • a .. ' . ' , - : - - who figure—on the hi h and low cost of
living should buy and store for future use, as you do not get goods offered at 'these prices many
times in the ye4r. Here are a few of the lines and prices, .with hundreds of other articles, ,not in the list,
equally' as low in price. All must go as I am going out of business in Goderich.
Redpath Granulated Sugar 12 lbs. for $1.00
Redpath yellow Sugar - 13 lbs. for $1.00
Japan Tea, regular 40c and 50c a lb. for 25c
Vinegar, White Wine acid Cider,., a gal. for 30c
Salmon, regular 18c and 2.0c........2 cans for 25c
String Beans“...__ .. _....per Can 10c
Tomatoes, large.size, regular price 22c, for...14e
Campbell's and ready-made brands of Soup,
regular 15c per can, for • 10c
' Mince Meat, regular 10c per pkg., at:::..,..
-`7c per pkg. o: 4 pkgs. for 25c
_ .....: ...7.1'k$s: for 25c
. Salmon, regular 1Qsire, at ...,
• ' _ - -7c per can or 4 can for 25c
Toilet Soap, regular 10c, at........7c or 4 25c
Castih•,-Oatmeal and Glycerine Soap
-mac or ,lxii Tor
-=-Hand--Sepelia -regular--1 to -for .... ...........10e
Bon -Ami, regular 15c, for 1bc
Butter Color, 25c bottle for 20c
_ Loose Spites, regular 40c and 50c per lb.,for25c
Package Sp u , regular 5c pkg. for.." 'ic
Tooth Picks, gular 5c pkg. for 3c
Sealer Rubbers, gular 5c and IOer doz.,
at - 3c and 6c
,Seasoning,' regular \ Oc per can, at -...` ....-
IC or 4 cans for
GROCERIES—Continued ----
Sardines, regular 20c can for.
15c cans for 1Oc
Fit cans for..... ........ 4c
Extracts 7c per bottle or 4 for 25c
Sheriff's Extracts, regular 25c per bottle, for..20c.
kippered Herring, regular 18c'a can, at.2 for 25e
McClaren's, and Sheriff's Pure GF Id jelly
.,:.,.7c per pkg. or 4 for 25c
Royal Baking Powder, regular 20c, for 15c
. l0c size ...... ....................7 c or 4 for 25c
Olives, Club House, regular 20c bottle for15c
Ice •Cream Powder 7c'per.pkg. or 4 for 25c
Heintz Pickles, regular 25c, for. 20c
15c size for 10c
40c size for - 30c
Worchester Sauces, regular 35c, 25c, 20, 15c•
and 1Oc, for 3(k, 20c,
Aufitje inia Buckwheat Flour, regular 15c.. t�
Riling Sttn-Polish- - .2 plkgs� fo T
GET'tter acquainted with Canad . :id Canadiian
Hew about Canaria and ('anadi:101. MACE EAN'S A
/1NIC. 1.,•1 4.he best. -Enron (..anarli,tn w f avers entertain )-u
interpret. for you the land. lite, th..�rijftt� •end ' ririt lir Canada
t 6e ea.natl au peuphie_._ - _ __ - --
MAOI,KAN'f:-l►lAf.4%z, vF: for Jauwu y
•mnnthl1. tinl,y• a Canadian na)i,oujal norgnzi
is es Conde nee 1
theJanuar •�t
price 15 teen r,
r. Here
sunirnar•y of the pr inviter. inn to of
r, now ee .ale everyw-h •--
Te t fiening r ha steer., of a new serial, 'Jordan
��� part,_ Is a 1ltiyd Road. -it O�,ory of the ('tutudiau
Nttrih%V',.(, iutr,eluving Some ulil friend*:
Leacock •'Ire Ilry Tot•hnta,"-rieli h r, combined with
a-latmt seriousness. rw'arock is ulaaye .sats
"'lire (lost of tht• War" -an international hominess
article lay this brilliant Canadian writer, whose in.
A are bankers and flttatu lees, and others with inside
tirnslo jrr
k nowhxlgr.
a _Betty An. her Canadian w•.ruan writer with the ' 1 of
a bus ems man and with a horning love .fur her
• Western hot eland yitei 1-ibut -"Putting t1•c Yasslstirk
on Iran . a -ta at atfw.arurney she made last mummer t.
the Mkagwav region r ritish Columbia --a part of that.
1'rovince N rennin Yisitd am 'bout n hieh t of um knowlit.tle
�ai Jaime l
Mr. t$ 1'. secretary, and who .ueorn-
manieri ir. it,wo11 , . is recent trip abrru1, and
visit.4c1 THF EK(ON77"\wit.h 1 ' . r. ,lnhmmon contrilntt•s a
vivid story of .whathe item and team .n the Western Front.
w. Ari�st ra1Ck write• of ,the New Shit uilrling Ind4iNtry in
Uunada-a timely article 00 , matter of the first
i rel purl vi re
Storied by the following distingui l(`oted hot short ..nrywriter. :
Alan t4ulliran, A. C. Allenc ri, Peter McArthur nd 11. M.
7 :u,rt y.
( artm • It j•1"e(v ,.f Review., wires. are condens d \\‘, for r homy
tr�a fees t he 'seat. things 'rn current literattrre ;
Dominoes (h tlrw.k, a wolf-infnrtned survey of (•anadian bnslnriaa
conditioner, and Informal.' for Investors, a valuable depart-
n...nt for those with money invested or hwiking for'nvemtnrent•.
SO you see how 'filly ('an,ulian MACLKAN:S MAOAZiNE, is,
and how much winh-while r,ading It Rive,. It is big vain.. for
wrnney to every Canadian deeirars of knowing his country better.
awl its, rna.kere and interpreters. (ret the January her from
your bookw•Iler or news agen)..
The January : At all News Agents
MACLFAN'S : 15 Cents
Package Raisins, full lb 12c
Matches, regular 150 pe box, for 10c
Matches, regular 5c per x.,for...34c or 2 for 7c
All Tobacco in stock 7c pkg. or 4 for 25c
Mustard. per lb_. ,_..._.. 25c
Mustard. 10c cans forjc or 4 for 25c
Brushes , 12c, 15c, l Sc
Mixed Candy•••• -•-•••IDC per lbotlbs. for 25c
Seedless Raisins, regular l8c per lb., ...2 for 25c
Cow Brand Baking Soda, regular 5c,
3}c o 2 for 7c
Dates, per lb.. w r .. ..,i 42c
-Apples,-per lb -
' : t Barley, per 1b 4c
Tap'• a 9c per 1b, or 3 lbs for
Split ' as, per lb. ......................... .:...4c.
Washin• lue ::,, .........3%c or 2 for 7c
4►als Petra, r
Pork. and fie . s, :regular 13c size for. 9c
Horse -radish, r • ular 15c per bottle, for..... 10c •
.Canned Preserves, egular ]Sc and 20c, a cast.'10c
Canned Peaches 2 cans for tic
.7c per can or 4 for tic
:.7cor4for 2►c
Bath Brick 4c
Axle Grease, 'regular 25c, for 15c
Liquid Ammonia, regular 10c bottle for.. ./.....8c
uid Blue, regular 25c, for....,..... 15c
B a Cat Polish , 12c
R liab' Shoe Polish, regular 25c, for 12c
D ap Chid.. ....- 7 pkgs. for 25c
os- ecit-Sisid 25c, for...,.""'a`a'.r ... •10C .
lett's Lye 10c
n to Wash BSc
Dust, regular afld tic, for 4c and 20e-
Cbffee, regular 40c, for.... 30c
Potatoes, per bag $2,25
turnips, per bag ........ 60c
tlson's Fly Pads, regular 10c, for :5c
5 Tpilet�Sets, regular 1.5.00 and 17.00, for..$4.00
1 Riner Set, regular $14.00, for..... ........ $8.00
1 Set, regular $14.00, (3 peices short), for..17.00
Lamps, regular $2.00. 11.50, 11.25, 75c and
60c, for,. ..... .::.ti.90c, 75c, -60c, 50c and 40c-
41ardinieres, regular 75c. for..............' 40c
1 Hanging Baskets, regular 50c, for 25c
1 -Gallon Oil Cans. 10c
5 -Gallon oil Cans with top, regular $1.50,
for 75e
Flower Pots, regular 8c, IOc, 15c, 25c, for
4c, 5c, 7c, 1'
Butter Crocks, regular 13c, for 'rc, 8c and iOc
Regular Sc Crocks, for 6c
Lantern Glasses icor 4 for2.5c
Lamp Glasses ?�
1 Tea: Set 1$2,
slum, regulaFSc, for 2 for 5c
um, regular , for 8 for Fit
orn, Oat and elft Meals,.,pet-fb 4c
lour, 24-1b. bag *1.0))
ter Oats, regntat�2k"and 10C tier pkg4:01)
for 20c and SC
uffed P. -ice, per pkg.
odas, per pkg. 14c\
uffed Wheat. per pkg. L 10c ,-
Spick and Span
Cl'oth'e of Lime.
Brasso;,regular lac per can
Window 'Cleaner, regular 10c • r.oan, at
7c. or 4 for -25c
Shoe Dressing, regular 10c per r ttle, at
.,.....7cor4for 25c
Iq iktVeneer, regularT5lic, Tor. ............
Liquid Coffee, regular 25c, for ,
omato•Catsup, regular 10c, at 7cor 4 fo 1251:
Regular .rc size at...... ...... . ...... :4c or,7 for
ato Catsup, regular 25c bottle for..... ........ 1,
Salts, regular 15c can at..10c or 3 for 25c
. regular 20c can at ,.13c or 2 for 25c
kg .................... 4c or 7 pkgs. for 2.5c
per lb
>. 5
•, re`15c, for .............15c
se Borax
our's So
,raham Flour, per lb \.
hredded Wheat .. ........ ?..... ,,,...11c
omaea a
ted Wheat Flakes
. �,a,•
ellogg's Wheat Biscuit 8c
Corn flakes
Line Juice, regular 25k, for..,
10c size for
Grape Juice, regular 25c, for 20c
Orangeade, regular 10c, for
Jams, regttlar 15c, for. 16c
Honey, reg4>lar-450.-for-
Olive Oils, regular 90c, 75`c, 25c, for 75c, 60c, 20c
Christie's line o Fancy. Cakes;- regular 20c
and 25c, for:. , per lb. 15c
Calf Meal, Royalurpte, regular `25 lbs.
50lbs. 1135,, 100 lbs. $4.00; for
85c, $1.60, and $3.00
Flax Seed . 10 lbs., for 25c
Lifebuoy Soap 7 bars for 25c
Monkey Brand Soap 7 bars for 25c
ape Nut per pkg. 12c
--'ages;.-.regularZi ,-50e, for:. „,...e
12 White Tea Pots, regular50c, for• 25c
Tumblers, regular 80c per doz., for45c
-Brown Earthen Tea Pots, regi r 2k. 30c
and 35k, for - 0c, 2k and 30c
1, -,Gallon Jugs • , 111c
I,Stone Croek with cover
5 on Milk Cans
5 Glass 1laehtne Vans, withj9R••,
Large Mt int Bowia. 20c
Pie Plates
Saui'ers, per i..................................................150
Dinners Plates, r doz 65c
1 Berry Set, regul • $2.25, for $1.50
And all other article4<in Crockery and Glass-
ware not mentioned ort bill sold from 25c to
335c on the dollar, discount.?
Wooden -Pails i0c or j; for 2:c
Lard Tubs 3 for 25c
Butter Tubs 3 for 25c
10 -Gallon Syrup Kegs 90c
Syrup Barrels
Wash Tubs:
rg. and 75c
M'as't Boards, from
Barrels .....
nr '•i `•• l5c
Chicken Crates
Bushel -Basket
Small Baskets ..
• .i
ppy Thought Heater,,No. 6, in good
Condition, with 22 lengths of pipes ant:
bows. at
ales 1 Stenson Computing Scale
ale 1 10 lb. Scale
1 2401b. Scalia 1 Safe
1 Box Account egister
1 National Cash Register
10 -Gallon Syrup Kegs 1 Coffee 111011
2 Cheese Cases Several Show Cases ,
1 Set of Mirrors, 4 piece Set - 20 Tea Chests
-SCofree Chests 30 Spice 'Iins •
�25 Pictures With frames and glass
$, Spice, Broom, Mop and Brush Stands
1 Sets of Blocks and Rope
1 Sort of Curling Stones 1 Ste Ladder
ba 24 Shop Scoo
I Clock
4 Sets of
1 1,200 lb.
1 -To cco Cutter
2 Pape. Holders
Candy jars
2 Coal Oil Tanks
1 Currant, Raisin and Prune cleaning machine
And several other articles in the fixture line not
DEAN, Prop.
Armtmr, Mrs. (Jarrow, Mre. O. Drink -
waiter, Mrs. Randers, Mrs MeRee.
Mri tioldthorpe, or., Mrs. J. Mc -
Ewan, Mrs. Frank KIliott., Mies
Dreaneje fflungannon), Mrs. W. R.
hefty, 1 peir each.
ROMP K NITTINO for OM bnys in the
Srertford Red Cross Society.
Many thanks are due the following
Sere. tillddon. 12 ita Mrs. Kander-
mon, fiery tilid on. pairs ; etre.
8 pairs ; Dolly flown, Mee Bown,
Bisset, 5 pairs ; Roby McLeod. 4 pairs;
IMrs. P. MacRwah, Mrs. Baxter,
Winnie Oliddon, A, Buchanan. Mre.
1J. Walter, Mrs. 0; Bisset, 3 pairs ;
Mrs. Oibits, Mrs. J. McLean. Mro.
Currell. Minnie Jollies, Mrs. McLeod,
Florence Hheardown, Mrs. Lippet,
Mr.,. Robinson, M. Bisset. 2 pairs ;
Edna MacRwan, Clara Jones, N.
Hurhanan, Mro. R. Walter, Mrs. Dew,
1 pair.
Sewing of trencli shirts--Misises
McManus 10, Mrs. . Bisset 4, Mr*.
Melesan, Mrs. Connell. Mr's. Adams,
Mro. Depot, Mrs. MacNeil. Mrs. H.
Morrie 2, Mra. J. McLean, Mrs. Cur-
rell, Mrs. Dew, Mrs. Harrison, Mrv.
Steep 1. Hospital shirta-Mra. W.
%Vatter 3, Mrs. Darr. Mrs. Morison,
Mro. Steep, Mrs. Connell 2, Mary
The following are the cutters : Mrs.
Morrie and dire MeManuoi, and Misr
A. Brevet knIte ell the tops of Rorke.
The nett meeting in to he held at the
home of Mre. (Attn.!! on January 4th.
Experimental Union.
The annual meeting of the Ontario
Agrieultural and Rxperirnental Union
will be held at the Ontario Agrieril-
and 10th.
PIMP Tome 1P11/111‘ TM IRCT h. "e1117111RIIT" at tamest
mestlemt existing Mr 'more shim emirs or • ealetem)." a Ions one.
AND PR OFTTA PLR returns. WrIts for Ey Obtatbm lbAstinor,."
the eelY raltakke. aneerate market rotwet arel pries list published.
Melee ter tf-MOW--tire PRIM •