HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-28, Page 4• Tr' 'simor"7-71P"'""w9Palkim e TROs.DAT, Dscvaiva ffi 1916 i. HE SIGNAL G ODERICA SPECIALS FOR New Year Buyers King Edward Cafe (aoMETMINo NEWT The weather is now cool. People coming to town can be served Hot Coffee, tea or Cocoa at 5c Meals also served 35c 11 iibe..t pricer paid for butter and The best barn in town f.)rstabling. l Mr, Frauk AWtin, of Detroit, are spending*. few days et their howe here Miss Alice Dalton. of Perry I*bond, and Mks* Aunts Dalton. of De- troit, spent their Christmas holiday with their mother, Mrs. JAe. Dalton. Miss Adeline O'Keefe, of Unica- go. is upendiu$, a few days et the howe of Mr. add Mrs. Con. O'libefe. -Mow Prireilla halt and Mr. Chas. M. Dolton, of-Poicupine, epeut Cbristuuts et Mr.. Jas. Dalton's.... . Henry Remhatdt, • of Guelph, spent Christmas will) his wife and family byre . Mien Margaret Garvey, of Brantford, Mi. Jus Garvey, of Torose to. and M. Leo Garvey, of Detroit, slant their Christmas holiday with their patents, Mr. and Mre. Thomas Garvey Misr Pauline and Mr. Joe O'Reilly, of Toronto, spent Christened st theft borne here .. Miss Maria end Mr. Roy Meyers, of Toronto, spent t3hrhtttneu at their bonne'- .atter Mr. John P. Sullivan visited , is sister Eileen, at London, on (Arista' Day. Joseph Murray Kingston Street (100ERICH House Coats and Bath Robes all rguced. Stanfield's Blue Label Underwear, In size 42 shirts `seconds', $I.25 All -wool Black Sox "Anti -Rheumatic", 25c the holiday week. - Mr•. Hugh McLaren, of Pdrt Elgin, Ma'.: #twee. =Wstttte ++11+'j.ke: teak. , are visiting at. the 1 ,e of theta mother, Mrs. Writ. Stirutg. Allem Mildred Cameron and Mensr-. Wm. and F, ant Came' on, of , Drt root. a, Builder—ibd-3tAnd�-"Tr i1ir home of their father, Mr. Alex. Cam- ; eron. Min Dolly- Row who has been teaching for the part year in 'Lincoln county. hem resigned her school andr'iv at present upending the holidays at 4 howe,, A PM -Witt -1. CHRIMTMA$ DAY.- 1'ihuuss 1).y 1M16 will lag remem- bered tae a perfe `•t. Christ near day—that le, es tar as weather gees. It was a typieal 1!snediau winter day, with id sleighing; bright. sorbins, ur no wind. and just enough cold to give a tang Lost he air. A good 1.nuether of the young rople spent the afternoon skating on he river and 'others went driving or v iting friend,.. There was no public even in the vil- lage, the entertainment w 'ch was to have been held in the P shyteriau church having -Leen postponed until -Wednesday, 'owing to the 'onn-ar- rival of the magic lantern outfits,. .Black Worsted Sox `•seeds' Walter C. Pridham SOLE AGENT FOR 20th Century Clothing - Borsalino Hata BAYFtELD. TUESDAY, Dec. 26. Rev. R. L Williams.: of Ooderich, is upending a few days at the rectory - Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Cameror, of 'Tor- onto, are spending the holidays with their parents in the village. Mr. and Mrs.' Rat tatty. of Foto spl4t simple of days at the ago with thwr dw t hfee Aar. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollard, of Lou- don, are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mr.. James Spack- man. Mise Pearl Taylor. who is attending dad Toronto Faculty of Education, is spending the holidays at her home on the Front road. Meagre. McGee and McLaughlin, of the Sterling Bank, spent -Sunday and Monday at their homes in Woodstock rod thew wel. Mir tinttart -Watton, of Fiske, Meek.; s amending a iteww ., treks at the n we oY Mr. ani-Mrs.o 'T tio-Wr�ron, of the Sauble line. Mise Marcia Macdougal, prinripal of Dashwood public school, is home for the holiday. Mie Anna Elliot, teacher at Benwiller, is home also for -"Reef ICS Witt) rhe Gimes I. AND have your house lighted in the modern way—with electricity. We know how to tib it, and - will cheerfully furnish plans and --estimates for wiring, fixtures, etc' Robt. Tait West Street, next Postoffice Phones 82 and 193 Home Defencei- Men Wanted for the NAV R. N. C. V. R. Atlantic Division The inereaaed German submarine activities in the North Atlantic call for increased cruiser protection for the chorea of Canada and the trade routes. Men up to 45 years of age of previous sea -faring experience will be enrolled at onoe for the NORTH ATLANTIC PATROL SERVICE PAY : $.120 Sawa$20 Applicants must he of good physique and chars. -ter and not over 45 years of age Also s limited number of boys from 15 to 114 year* old will he enrolled for the hearse defence service. r.ceiviag pay at the rate of 50e. per day. AIy be COMO/ODORS &E1141LIUS JARVIS Maya Reereitaag (Meer for Ontario BOYS TOO a Jarvis tasiWI,u TORONTO . KINGS RIDGE. lbtitlDAV, Der. -6 A Bun TIME.—A large number the young people of this parish gay Mr. and Mi -s. Con. O'Keefe a surprise when they called on them on Christ. nine night. Mr. and Mre. O'Keefe made them heartily welcome, throw- ing open their house to them, and it wee not long before the folks began to hammer the floor in great style,and they kept the hammering up. tell 4.419 in the morning. Then, atter thank- tng Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe for their kindness, all returned to their reepec- Livr. Bowes, thinking of the great time they had spent. PEHaoNAL Meiree g,—Minae° Maria Sullivan, of Guelph. Patricia and Madeline Sullivan, of Uoderich, and Mr. Jive' Sullivan, of Detroit, spent their Christmas holiday. under the parental toot Mice Mary O'Connor. of lioderich, is spend• Ong her Christmas holiday° at her house hereMint Josie Dalton, of Kenilwol•th,--lir spending the Christ- mas holidays at her home here.... . Mr. and Mrs, Arthur O'Connor, of Pickering, spent Christmas with the latter'* parents, Nr. and Mr . Morgan Milton.-.. Mr. Keating, of Guelph, is visitiug at the home of M•. and Mrs. P, M. Sullivan .... Mies Violet and THE HOLIDAY DREAM HAS BEEN FULFILLED KI AND EVERYONE APPEARS JOYOUS AND HAPPY HIS store has proved its advantages as a shopping place for holiday gifts. You have been very kind to us in the Christmas patronage, proved by our sales having climbed to figures far beyond any previous holiday season. In the future as in the past nothing will be left undone to merit your confidence in this as a usiness house. Good gfoods and correct prices are sure to keep u is n t . front -ran ks. TU10DAT, Dec. 26. Mr. John MacKenzie spent Christ- mas Day at St. Helens. Mise Lillian McLean, who teaches near Blyth, is spending her vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Matheson, of Detroit, aro visiting friends in this vicinity. Mn. Robt. Scott and children. of Auburn, ate visiting sr Mr. Kenneth MacLean's. • Mr. U. McIww, TriVl1garry, is spend- ing his vacation at the home of his father, Mr. Kenneth MacLean. Miss Donald', MacGregor and Mr. Frank MacGregor, of Duluth, are the guests of Mr. Duncan Mackay. Misses E.Mackenzie, V. MacLennan, Isabel Mackenzie, and Messrs. Elmer Bradley. Elmer West and SAW Brad- ley, of Uoderich Collegiate Institute, are speeding the holidays at their re- spective hooves. PORTER'S HILL, TUESDAY, Dec 211. Noise —Mr. and Mye._W.rn. Mair and son returned to their home on aturday, accompanied by Mrs. John z Misses Florence and Alda 'M Donald, of Detroit, spent the Chiistdtis boltday.at_Mre. James Mc- Donald's Mr. Hiram Cox re- turned W�,/ronto ou Tuasday,.having spent Cbrieltn$e at his Misr V*nstone, nt . Goderich, spent Ctgisf• atmtitling McPhail's— Mr. John lair is visiting at Wing - ham .. ism Fioagle McClure is spending the Ohristmar holidays under the pat ental rout Mr. and Mitt. Andrew Sloan, of Myth, epent Chrietwas .with the Layers brother, Mr. Reid Torrence Mr. and Mrs. Armour, of (iodert h, spent Christmas at Mrs. J. H. Elfinit's-- ...Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Elliott, f the West, are visiting the tot -rimer tot her,,. . Mr. Wnt. Morgan'and siste Nina, of. Port Stanley, are visiting in he neiahbott hood Mile „Nell A Donald, of London, is visiting in the, neighbor- hood Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Dongdll and children, of- Winnippeegg are visiting the fotaner's mnthilr, Mrs. HI.ewart McDougall ..Miag\ May Lindsey, of Goderich, spent the holi- day at her mother's. Mee. A. Mc- PFRSONAL MENTION. Mrs. M +eM.i'h Ind daughters. M-'. Mae- .Ihme.'t,and Mi,.. Rulit, .ire vb.ttin. relatives at uetrolt this week. Mr. and. Arthur Hopkins and tandly, of Det.oit. Mleh.. wpt•rit the holiday with Mr.. sEa Hopkin, st et, uTl. Mr. Cleve Tlchbome. of Walkervllle, and Mr. Harry Tichborne. of Parry :bund. spent. Chrlstu as with' Mr. surd Mrs. Thotnaa Tich- bonue. Arig le.ea etreel. Mr. Clt7u.d Mmr_nisof, of Ernr.dd. M,uk.; Ira %letting ht.liltnFileirrs: Mr. and Mn. Treble. 01 ,uw..cr Ferrers. Mts. May rhurlow ani 'Mr. Gordon a't!f.k- a.nd. of Hraa Mod. .twatthe bolala) wilt Mrs. Jame. Thurlow. At glee., street. Mi.. K''te Dunn:trig.% of Galt, wax one of the holiday vMltors in town. MI,. Violet McDonagh, of Toronto. I. spend- ing her Ia,:.iion with her patent,., Mr. and Mrs, )'rank McDonagh. Albert street. Mr. linear Nwart., of gion-'s Colyer-lt y. Kitgel cm, i, Keane tot- the vauntinn. Mr. arid Mr. Wilbert Million. of (tetrott, ate Chri-ting visitor, in tow n. Mi -,t It tri.. Hay.. of McDonald Hall. Guelph, le home for the holiday', Srtreant litany Hsydeu,.of he('. A. D.C.. Loudon. was up on leaveVer (hristoac. Mk- Ruby a'oddart, of'lhe Normal School, Sl int fmd, I. .pendlugthe Vacation at home. Miss Gladys and Mr. Seemed H.tggi.rt h. of Detroit, were in Goderleh over the holiday. Mr. end Mrs. George West brook.., Tra falser street. spent I'hrtatmnm n ith Mr. Yodngtent, of Auburn. Mr. Janie. Hume. of Toronto. l+ (pending the vacation with bis parent". Mr. and Mra. J. P. Hume, Hritumla road. - Mr William Stewart. of Trafalgar .levet. celebrated his eightieth birthday nit Tuesday of (hi. week. The old gentlemen Is young for his year., however. and to able to get nr•ourd with the e1.e of one many year. younger. Many happy returns ! Mamie Down sad Sidle Hate.. of Toronto. spent theft holidays at their ro,•pnct ive Monte. here. Mr. Harry Tudord, of Detroit, .p.'nt ('hri-t• rats at his home here Mr. (arnau, Stoddart was horse from De- troit for the holiday. MI'. Anna Whaling. of Stratford- le visiting Mr. end Mts. Wm. l'hiaholin. Trafalgar at reel. Mr. and Mrs. Will Green and Mi.., IUohai-d 500.01 Detroit. were In town for I'hrlat ms-, Miss Grace Hoggarth, of Woodstock. li spending a month In town. Mr. Athol Meginirrie after ,pending ('hria• tan- with 1,1, parents at nrtl.sei, left Gndartell on Wednesday morning for Victoria Harbor. Itev. J. W. mud Mr.. Itobin.on, Lansdowne avenue, Toronto tformerly of Goderieht an- nounce* the engagement of their daughter. Ruby Asides. to Mr George T. Kigmnl, hart, ter, Yorktoo. Meek-, non of Mr. and Mot Wm Kiliani. Poses. N. R. the marriage to take phage al High Park Methodl..t. church, Tor- onto, Thur.4at-. I)er•ember 51 Mr. i1, IMnaldaon, of Sarnia, es. here for the holtda mi a visit to him mother, Mr. :Don. mldion, holiday avenue, who celebrated her nMetleth hitt Nlay umlverwery on Sundey Mat. Mr. H W. Yeo. of the H .herr Simpson Co.. Toronto, visited hi. brothers In tow n over the holiday. MI.. Donald"' Ma,Gregnr and Mr Frnnk MsMiregor, of Duluth, were the goes . of Mew Carrie* otter Sunday while on their mer to ♦hill relative. In A.hfleld. L rut t,,,worth Jones, of Toronto. agent Chrbtt elm at hl. home on Kepler ,trees. Mr. ,Howard Jones, of the tlnlvendty of Torono, la spending the vacation at his home here. Mr. Wilfred Dancer. of Toronto University, 1« home for the holiday.. Mr Jamie McClinton. of Toronto, wee Aimee for-( hristtnas. Mla-e-Jean and Ethel Nairn mad 111.. Mary Clark wase c41Ung *1 Stratford tale week Mr. Jan* Praelteot 1. Immo hem Detroit ow a holiday rl-It. Mia. Strong, of Arnertnr, mad Mt.. (argon Strang. M Grange ville are ermilteet the i .hart rasa v*eaI lm at their Wow Ears. MW Mud A -:',shat', et Mow York. see Me F. Roy P1, -eat, of Sr, Thema.. are attending the c'hrbdmae holiday, at their home. Kest eti051. Mr., W. J. Doer and Mre. air./ (kern, or Ul- cer). are •i -Ilius Me and Mr,. Geo. MaoVicar, Pluton Street. i Mt.. Myrtle Wells, of Detmit, spent Christ. nut- with her plot her, MIK Welk, Nest Street. Mr. Karl Kelly, who ham been teaching at Forest, 1. home for the vacation, Sc.geant Jame. A. Dickson, of Toronto, IS visiting friend -lin lown,I Wlnehartt Times : Mr. and Mr+, R, Young 'kited with their *ora in (ioderich fur over the trotitturKi rdine Review Miss Helle McLe al, of Go.lerdch Is vI.it Intl ttlend- in 101f0. Exeter Advocate : Mr. and Mre.'Y'Iw. Kerr, of tiudeticb, Mr. end Mr•. Woodof London, were the go st• of 'he Misses. Wti on, of Lee. trail*. over the holiday. Hlyth Standard: Mr, (tyle. Jenkins, of°ode. • .pent C hi i..tnt,m with hes soh. Mr. Wm. J. nkln.: d. Ewe Wawanoeh, Niles I illi in M ,cVlcar, who has been teach - 1• u at Welland. Ira spending the v,ea. ion with Ler parent-., Mr. and Mn.. James MacVicmr, Mr. siel airs. R..Nlltt and ehjklreo, nI Want 1. rd, ant the hnl, t,y with she Latter'.. par. ens-, Mr, and Mr. Janata MacVicar. Mr. and Mrs, ):d. Demi and MI+s ,Marion Duhn, of town. spent t:hrlatu... in Toronto. Mr. John Nir hoison, of Toronto, 1s vi -ling hi. parents. Mr, and Mrs, John Nicholson, tiarb•c street. Mr, ilarry Martin was hp from Toronto for ('hri,tena.., Mte.es Hazel Hartwell and (trace Wool ten, of the Norni.l School, Stratford, are .pending their vacation herr. Mr. and Mra. Wm, ('rslgie of Toronto. are spending the holiday's with relatla-es In town. MIA. intra Howie, of Toronto, 'pent Christ mai In town the motet of the Misses Nairn. Mr. ('has Kidd.. of Montreal, spent Christ. n ig. At his home here. Mrs, Jos. Kidd returned home on Friday after visions at 1'Otont., and Detroit. Captain D. P. McCarthy Is in town for the %%interaftes' laying up Ma boat at Kingston. Mr, Mb hael Howler, Mi-ae, Ir. neand Lorena Howler, of Detroit, are spending a few days at t h. Ir home on Nat 1••r street. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Detroit agent t'htf+tm, whh the tatter's parents. Mr. and Mi. M. Howl. r, Napier street. Mr. H. Kari Elliott. of tee stat! *1 Hew Canada College, To onto, earl at home for. 1'hrl..tmaa and left :on Tuesday for a visit to Chicago. Mr. an 1 Mn. "Jock" Campbell, of Port Col twine. ere visit ore In town. ('aptakin Ed. Itobinmon, of the 'reamer K. H. (Met. Is In town again atter • .ucoes,ful season on the lake.. MIs. Minnie Taneott was home for Christmas. She has been at. London fors few weeks, but will return ehoetly to Toronto. Mr. Pert Cutt, of Rime, le vitiating atthe P arental home this week. Mr. F 0. Colborne le attending the week with Mende at Toronto. Mr. W. T. Millar U away on a holiday trip he Det and Toledo. Mr, HarryWiggins, of ( Mimeo. spent (bM t. mac. at his ome hen. -. Mises. Vertu ann r rartw Wtsgl ns, of Detroit. Were holiday visitor. at their home here. Min. Msryrar ( Strong. of Toronto, vleit.ed et het home over Christens*. ristens*. The W. M. S. of Knox choroh hold • *peeiel prayer meeting in the lectors room of the °hunch on the afternoon of Thursday. limitary 4th, et 4.30 o'clock, and extend* a meat. cordial Invitation to the women of the 1 other churches to be preeent. ltdwarAa• are arsle of ktntr that ipate homemade candy. A sample will eottvlwta you. ft -Overs In seasonable qu tities for those who omitted buying for hristmas or left the for New Year Handker- chi s, Hosiery, Gloves, 'ars, Ties, Scar Fancy Linens, Tow s, Silk Waists, Tablings, Parasols, Silks, Serge dress materials and scores of other articles that we cannot mention here. OL(/e? ai and ` ll5/6/ne.)) t(e t.) arr.)/inadiale and /4':7,u/' 1(/tt' r'(vrr"i y /ear. J. H. COLBBBBBBBORNE Dougall and Minnie have retuned from the West and are visiting tat the neighborhood Misa Walters, .)f Godetich• is visiting at Mrs. Lindsay's, AUBURN. WEDNKRDA T. f)ee. 27. llfferr'McLecd, of London, la vt i W.id dell's. 1'. R Idell's Mr:—A.'Anquith 1. at warm -4 over the holiday season. Mr. E Mole and faintly, of Meaforth, spent the holiday with his parents here. Miss Cora Ferguson and Mies Fein Patterson are howe for the Christmas holidays. Mr. Key Petttrson, of queen's Uni- versity. Kingston, it howe during the , vacation. ' Mies.s' Annie and Margaret Jack- son, of 'j, -rentor spent Christmas with their mother herr. Mr. Rarefy McLaugbl3D..oLEdn.on- tun, Alra., called on a few of his I fi iends thilt.werk Mr. Bert Smylie and family and , Mr. Win. Smylie, a returnei soldier, arrived Satntdsy to, spend a few months visiting their' mother. Mrs. Smylie. 1'he nomination and election of police tCuetees was heid Friday evening and the following w.r. siccant for 11917: Joht. Phillips, Oso: Lenlp and %Vatter Pfeffer. ',l'ue Sunday scho •1 concert on Fri - thy night was well attended and all of th-. characterp acted their parte well: Prnceeds were $71), to be need in aid of Sabha' h *tinsel work. Our subscriber% are very much pleased with the handsome calen- dars issued this year by The Sig- nal. Be sure you get yours by re- newing early . ®- i 1 THE MASSEY- HARRiS SHOP --a,'r,O O. ONT. We litave Commercial. S1iorthasid and' Tderah Departments. g Pl -�r� rhe a ?m'nan• t h )[ ugh. up , u 1 1 - It t- dateaud practical. The insuurlatr.' tut• experienced and we place inlet - 'dates in IM ,sit t,ms. ',Vt' are neeevia•- i ng s(•, t ws of appl ieat i..ttm fur trained help which wecannet supply. %Vritr et once ft ,r particulars. D A. McLACHLAN. Principal he Saults Coal Co. -scesseoe. to Menefee/hit (:hslhil! I XCLI'SIvr AGENTS FM( LEHIGH VALLEY . THI¢ C ti.- THAT tieliTISFIES, We deal in and Soft Coal, Lime, Ceme . Fire Brick, Fire, ac also Ha land Soft n lint, Maple and He ock Slabs. HE.Ikck Slab, per cord. Fresh cars of (V me and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE, , - - 1•i B. j. Saults'- Residence 275 W. \V Saults' ResidcnCe 202 41111111111111 ters We have Cut rs front Wm. Dray of Chitin's an.l from McLaughlins of Brock Wieleaetelargu sutra: ones—black ones and red ones some with tops and some without tops.' We should he plca.sed to show them. RANGES from Orillia—just a few lett-- I'eei'lex, Corona and Peerless Leader. All kinds of Massey-Ilarris Co.'s gods. Robt. Wilson Phone ISS Ma.n.Itod 81 . Goderich 1 Some men are horn emall, some - t shrink and some others never find ttNst 1 how small they really are. WALTERS a& CO. Greit 30 -Day Sale is Over ! Bu's', LISTEN! WE have still a large stock on land. Therefore will continue to sell at the old familiar prices. Broken lin nd odd sizes will be marked to sell at startling low figures. The word cost has lost its meaning on the prices adorning these goods. We will dear them out and out they mut go. So come and celebrate an old-time reunion with these goods. This means two pair for the price of one. We would strongly advise you to take advantage of this cut-rate sale. It is an opportunity that knocks at youth door for the last time. You Know ! We Know ! . Everybody Knows ! The great advance in the price of all leather goods. NOW is the time to stock up in footwear. When one pair is gone you have another, to put on. We will again emphasize the reason of thir ridiculous carving of the pili es, which is due to the fact that we are Closing Out This Branch of Our Business. Kindly accept our many thanks for your generous patronage of the past and to the conclusion of this sale. LET US DO YOUR SHOE REPAIRING AT THE OLD PRICES- WALTERS & CO. EAST STE SQUARE GODEPICH, ONTARIO aan, 111110111111111 SEIM 11111,11111111111111111111 •11111111111111111