HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-28, Page 3011111N11. IND ONLY IENUINE SIMARD OF - WEEK OF PRAYER. The Illoistarial Amociation has ar- ranged for the ob•ervapoe of the week ot prayer, December 3111, 1916. 10 January tab, 1017, the services to be beld in Temperance Hall and to be Interdenominational in character. All the citizen* of the town are urged to attend. The following is the pro- gram; Stisnair, Dee. 31st, 1916. A day of National Prayer. MoND•t, Jan. lst, 1917. Chairosan, .1. P. Hume, M. A. Address, Rev. G. M. Holmes. Music hi charge of North street or- ganist. Subject -Thanksgiving and Humili- ation. IMITA- Thanksgiving -For the witness of the oNa living Church and of the Holy SOLD ON For t e two eternal fact.: "Ife bath made Him to be sin for ns Si rSUDDEN. DEATH issd br Obsess el tits Klikevs, THS Who knew no sin." •'Ele.... jugiumoc_pliveth, and vrtiwor rafrit4telliked." Abet been purging human life. For tbe deepening of spirituel thought and lib within the -...... Church. iitiieff Humilleton-For our Where ta ISMll in "the communion of the Moly or Ghost." B 0 0 liBl N DIN G For worldlinesien ittdclibuercisfirit of MAGAZINES, For The desecration of Use Lord's PERIODICALS and Day, the neglect of the sanctuary, the contempt of Ood's Word and LIBRARIES .......i. the 09C.A.LefinStil.Y_PletY• bound or repetted. Seripture Kaadings-Psalm all, I- 5 ; Romans viii, 31-39 ; Psalm li ; OLD LETTERING ' _ Ravel/aim lh, 14-1V. - Teicalmu, Jan. 2nd. • me LEATHER wadsdisarm* , .'J J. I. Marshall. Addresaltev. W. K. Rages% ousiaaliffirldatausi "wade'dGcoaddr all.`''''""1, Music in cbarge of Knox church or- . .. .st 4. a TAYLOR. 821111414.6"' Subleet-The Church Universl- a m. ganist. UDICAIi of which Christ is Abe Head. IL GEU. HISILEMANN, engiso , Penitence -For the failure of the Church to bear such faithful and united wiliness an would make its influence more deeply felt among professedly Christian nations. Pra -er-For such • realization of Use ENID'S PATE. specialist Is WORM' Seine. 11114 ee. ear. DON Malaya sad - aside reseavei wilitest tee astalit44.= eitraad iseadars. Tli NO . ' aei "MI". br ..""11.1" • %SIM lill may teed to revival. presence and meter of the Holy It.. DENTISTRY -For the purification of the Church ,‘ se • in every community througbout 1111. H. 0. Aist•ILNINELL -HONOR the world. 15 tiraduAte 'lucent° Ualveralty. UnaduAte For the growth of a spirit of unity s---_rat-)...,011.1:Itybeellittlp=l•aitio. oinces amid diversity of o rations. raer Wears as4-weet.satinatieli, . ' - For the man, kiad• • I' Reallines-kialith lie, 2-5.• - - -• ---..=.___.- --.---4.---"-71-411114:17ix, 19 Zi ; Acta' if, 14 ; L AUCTIONEER' eUcTIoNEER , -.Ufa.-- W. leigilitts7. DAY:Sise. 3rd. 111110MA8 GUNDRY !. ' 'T Cliabrinan, Mr. U. M. Robertson. biz a. Ottlerteb. All lost t settees by Rs Address, Itev. J. Hamilton. tett at Bleard /Mee will nPui • Music In charge Of' Baptist organist. ended to. Residetios Subjoct-Nations aud Their Rulers. Prayer -For the world-wide recogni- tion of the supreme law of love. YS For the development of brotherhood. ' HA wrong the najons. •'• Sr Ea •Ir .111AR I _Ma t the argwing_pnirit of_ national- - ism may be guided by Chitstian ideal... ainow• "mot. Tart righteousness, mutual consid- . Imonimoo. , eration. and fin heal -woos may pre- vail, and lasting peace be 'stab- , FEW DP001'. LLO 1000K liehed. , , _ . __ That men of integrity, full et faith "IMMO 'me - nal of the Holy Ghost. Mar Sellei the net ions. Saw Scrip, sire iteadings-Pealen II le : Prains-ci ; 1 Timothy ii, 1 8; 1 Peter ti, 13- stti.,'A.-M. - ts0 lib, • Chair ia 11,-11. A. TquicsD Address, 11*. CAMERON. IL. 0.. Mimic iii charge oi 'of Irtis Eitiestetervipsigr dew m• toric street church. _. At chums of wee weak In' Subject- 111 inclose Anson LEGAL • Tin Nom eineneetkin whit* exists 1Neween the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon 'as kidneys ars dimmed, arterial Hugon is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth wait*, uremia poisoning orilmrs and the person dies, and the sense is often Oven as beast digs," or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance egeinst such a risk so send 10 cents for a large trial package of l'Anuriew -the latest disk. eovery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. This will be examined without chariest expert chemists et Dr. Pierce's Inv ' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. •'When yon suffer from` backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that tionstant tired worn-out feeling, it's Alms witeantr. Pieres_, desciibe Jour gooptoms get -bis micruird opinkn without charge -absolutely free. This Annric of -Doctor Pieroe's is found to be 37 times more active than titbit, for it dissolves uric acid in the mews hot water does sugar. _ Simply ask for Dr. Piereele-Nselete Tablete. There can be no imitate*. Every package of • Anuric is euro- be Dr. niwws. Yon will And the signa- ture on the package _just as y_ou do on Dr. Plaree's Golden Medical Diacovery for blood pad stomach. _ Waists: DISPONDER117. =so when patients complain of kache Kidney Disease is suspected ticineelleal or seder with irregular twin on. ells - Sorbed, too frequent.. scanty or painful plumage. The general symptoms are rheu- matic pains or neuralgia, headaches dizzy spelis, irritability, despondency. weakness and general misery. Worry is a frequent cause and sometimes • symptom of kidney Wawa. Thousands lave testified to Immediate relief from these symptoms after using L. Pierce's Laurie Tabbts. NALDERICH ONTARIO '•••••••••••.W•.••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••. 1 fittertiaiag Pays ! MARKET QUOTATIONS • i DECEMBER 28th Toronto Cattle Market - ter., choice weighty. ..68.76 to 0.25 ' de. medium ,. 3.30 5.611 Dittchers', choir,* handy. 1.10 IL 40 do. good 7.40 7.76, do. medium 0.60 7.00 do. common 8.00 4.40 Butchers' cows, choice4.76 7.26 - do. good 6.25 4.50 do. medium 5.00 6.60 Butchers' India, choice7.00 7.50 ' do. good 6.00 4.60 do. ' median . • 6.40 6. --16:- -.,-g.a----.-ss 1. Ireeders. Me to LON lbs. 6.25 4.71 Stockers, 000 lbs. 6.60 4.110 de._ elk 4 60 4.70 do. teed.;/411. to t240... 4.10 6.40 Cutters 4.40 4.70 Canners 4.10 4.10 Mtlkora.-good to choice80 .00 100.00 do. common to med60.00 70.00 altensers 65.00 100.00 lres, veal, choice11.50 12.50 ---111b medium 1.00 10.60 do. common 6.00 7.60 do. grass 6.66--- -11. Sheep, ewes, light 1.71 LS do. heavy and bucks 7.60 5.50 do. culls ' • 2.40 6 At Hogs, weighed off cars13.10 .. 0.0 de. red and watered 11. sf.,* s Apk, D I LLAR Ey SON EARL -NG SALIE • . GENUINE REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Toronto Grain Markeis Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports. No. 1 northern, $1.$0%; No. 2 north- ern. $1.87%; No. 3 northern, $1.82%; No., 4 wheat, $1.72%; (Md crop wheat. 4c igher). Manitoba oata--Treseh.- parte. CAC; Otte. - Ontario wheat -Winter. 8 iv crop. No. 2. $1.62 to $1.64 (ace° g to freights outside); No. 3 winter, new crop, $1.60 to $1.62. Ontario Oats -According to fre t outside: No. 2 white, 110c to 62c; N 2 white. 69c to 61c. Peas -Ne. 2, 52.40. Barley -Malting, $1.16 to 8:.18. Buckwheat -$1.26. Rye -No. 2, new, ;1.32 to $1.33. Manitoba floar--First patents In jute bags. 89.40; seconds, In Jute bags. 88.90; strong bikers'. in jute.' $8.60. Toronto. Ontario_ '.flour-Ranter:-Iies.- track., Toronto, prompt shisiltent according to satlitda $6-70 to Miiii.-111-1Ut Millfeed-Car lots, jeer ton, deliver- ed,- Montreal: Shorts, $37; bran, pa; good feed flour. per bag, $2.70 to 82.80. Hay -No. 1 track. Toronto, new. $12.60 to 313.50, carlots; No. 2. 29.50 to $10.60. Straw, carious, $9.60 to 810. mamma- sou eltlibe &pare, - W. PfalliessetT, LC. 14.2:111. mom Censer lasiodreel:Street tone Square HIGH CLASS end SANITARY W. IWO* excellent meals a la Carte deity PIES TO TAKE OIJT Priv'ete Lunchema_RnOm- 4"60--Latflat lour Ountrenarrr CAREFUL SERViCE, Our Motto- Cleanliness Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. • end the He.athee.--:-- _ "sow" h -e Season s on Albeit Wiest opeupled br Mr. home& toe P er-That the Chnrch armee 4600 is, LliA.ItLitti LiAltitOW, e (limpet in its -fullness the _ - _G reetings - - IMMITIMItmd as DOWDS. MO. - -Tim . angelical 4 strine maarte\rt leiter. Notary Public sod Conveyantor. order tts compromise with Wig r - ' aaa-. .1*.,-uourt House Goderlels. - Dleitoss • Tbat a tactf faithful. and, fearbie • teaching itzi systems. . - •=, --7"--:-----1115111141116Br-IsaAllis-rtes ' pre•entatton 'of Cheiel. -1011,----bil--.\- sinTalt. attorney, selmitor. en*. Sears . o race. • 8RAGER, BARRISTER. nue, ndered hy mission OKILLOP MUTUAL FIRM M- S V II • Na4.0.-TanD soil hawed a petlfisOf teseWly, Pre... &Were* P.O.; sees. Vise-Pree.„ Beechwood P. al k- Hails 1110.-Treis.. ISselorth P. U. . Motiregor,Eloatorth ; John ; W Woos Kloti,uonstamen firodhsgen ; Geo. liet, ierrla, Haricots ; Md. , Yee. Bolmesville; William Cheouey, eleatorth ; Mostorth Poliey-Doldats can pay sesseniaeit get their cords reeMpted at M. J. Mossisk's Clothing Store, Mateo, R. N. Gates Grocery, Kapott..1 street. omismob..or ,J. IL Reld's General MOM Mayfield. 000. PRIVATB__MIZAPItZ12 imp. Amity to Ss. te. CAM- - N. Barrister liamilton truest, Gederieb. wR. ROBNItTSON, • INSURANCS AGENT. rIC AND LIONTNINO British, Oammilie sea Americas. ere : floe 'Llasteent 414rotener ilioneA sse ND/YIN ARO ITILILM111111 UAL siat Ow elites reellsoes, artbssit, d IllsoDavite anew 111 node to Moslems. That wisdom nay he given in deal! • ing with mane moSeroents in lo - dia. racial problems in Africa, sad tendencies toward materialism in China -and Japan. W*1,41116- • OE LICENKIS -• &WAAL J.P.. - CS, OnT. 011 ISSUER Or Patents, TratieNiblfb, Desips - litmured in All Countries. `WM 101 fres book "PATIINTS PR TINliE. Tells all about and how 1. 005,001 N IL ,111A1KOCIC & Mal established 2017 Witastly Potent calm lismaisser. 116.55 01 Potent Laws, itort.tarat Patent AStessags aloe, 5501. Jaws West, *6.,.L1. sioaolmo.- (Maws see Weaaloasia. Beersiestadvss to sa temigs eseawssw istia0.derbos"0•4 Bropho Bros. 12143DERIOS The Lesdlig Fusers! DIresters - aid Embalmers Were ameatally Wooded to at ail Imam alglit or day. TT) all the 'good pedrle of Goderich. We -2 wish everybody- -a - stocking.many pleasant remembrances. and a heart- in tune with the spirit of Christmas. Scripture Headings-Pealm 11; Luke __MOO Komwsvi, 25-27. tit h. Address, fiey. 11.0. MeDermid. Music lo ebaile of St. George's or- Subject -Families, Schools, Colleges, and the Young. Prayer -That family altars ndty be multiplied and parent', be in. ftueneed to prat with -diets dad.- dren as well as for them. That true religion may have first place in all education. It is advised that all interested should keep it copy of this program at hand. that there might be preparation for the meet Inge. He Took the Mint. He had complained jealously that she had too many other young men around. "The ideal" she laughed. "Why, 1 can count them all on the fingers of my left hand. The index finger is Mr. Smart, the wood finger isKr. Blader and the third finger of my 1st% hand - the third finger is you." _. Next day be got a Ibis tor IL -Bos- ton Transcript fitikt tha year 1008.4 8, the its - your Meade and IOW at boos still your beat friends. YOU CAVISIT THEM BY NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS Wholesale Produce ^ wholesala trade: Eggs - New -laid, cartons- .S6toi 1711 New -laid, ex -cartons -.06 Storage. selects .43 .43 Storage. No. 1 .40 .41 Butter- ereainery prints, fnisti: .47- .48 Creamery prints, iterate .0 • . Crearner7 Ittsilde -- .1.1=41_- 1 Choice dairy prints.... .42 1 Ordinary dairy prints- - Bakers' .23 .34 Cheese -New. large. 25%c to 026c; twins, 26c tO 26%c; triplets, 26%c to 27c; Stiltoqs, 27c to 27%c. Pourter- Live Dressed 11161: Millar,s Scrotch Store Puts • Bird Oita Asia - • ye or minim staff otliose wiOtedi " neat with three wee found In the a Waage had been eaptimepartotaina DOW s. This vales* practically right on the o14 front line, and ass the old bare sat on its seat the preliminary subeinnont bled the whole, inutittiT liaising Persian Lambs. The practicability of raising Pers- ian 1111MbS country has been proved by G. W. Johnston of Ply- mouth township, Ontario, who has made a successful` experiment with ICarecnI sheep. commercially known as "Persian" lambs. A year ago Mr. Johnston took initial steps In this sew hiertuese, sed this spring his fourteen Earscul ewes gavebirth ftftaanhigrbill'02 which -spare _ covered with the glow curl so es- sential from a commercial stand- point. To secure best returns the lamb must be slaughtered at from one to three days old, the fleece being then In small, tight curls, which loosen each day later, tbereby deter- iorating in value. Desiring rather to increase his stock, *one of die lambs of this year were I sacrificial, and in ad,ditIon an impelled lie bred yearling male has recently bee. -*archaised. • GAkIN MARITIME PROVIN J. Armstrong ANT TA/L-13 111111111111111111 P1111111111111111 ."6111111111111 3.911,1"% Jules./ , via Canadian Pacific um* Fmts-isw., Mow tilAtmitilerirn tet. Fialt. AND 0/111-THAB_D - Dee. Mk IOW Pm 81.4 Stet, ROM OHL Jr& Peden in eesine. Titian en 1.1 1410. Any Ulm As Carsasa Nee Whew. • A Well -fitted Bathroom is one of the greatest luxuries imaginable, and et thesatne time it is comparatively inexpensive. If you want estimates or any information! a ho u t, ba t h room fittings, x consult FRED. HUNT "TIM PLUMS= oteednee erne - Heim 11111 Spring chick**. lie 17c Elo na 014 foivir4V., . 11c: 12e les Turkey.. lb. .. OOc see !Oe Sae Cleesei. .... 00c. 00c 20c fila Ducks, lb... OOc OOc 21c-- -230 Beans -- iiand-picked, $6; pekoe, $5.50; t'anadian, hand-picked, bushel. 37; prime. $6.50. Honeys --Tins. 2% -lb. tins. 13c....to 13%v a lb.; &lb. tins. 13c a Ib.; 10 -lb, tins. 121/ar a Ib.; 50 -lb. tine, clover, 12,e to 121,12e, a lb. Cobm honey - Selects,' 82.40 to 42.75; No. 2, $2 to 82.25. Buckwheat honey, 60-1b. tine, 9c to 9%c a lb. Meate-Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade .s follows: Beef. forequarters. . . .$12.50 to $13.50 do. hInquarters ... 14.00 18.00 Careattes, choice 13.00 15.00 do. common 10.00 12.00 ' Yeats, common, cwt9 00 11.04.-N the summer season the Province me ' 17.00 18. itruttawtok- bappy diiiin 17. 00- 14). land, where the Runny hours do. prime Heavy Hogs • 11.50 12.50 see d away on the feet of delightful Shop hogs 16.00 18.00 droops. In the fall She is lovely In Abattoir Hogs 16.60' 16.00 • her rich drei s of brown; and in the Mutton, heavy 10.00 ,32.00 wIntsr, wl.en she Is arrayed in her do. light 14.00 16.00 - rube of virgin whitinrss. she is fair any charming: and if she is then Chicago Live Stock old, 11.-r admirers do not feel that bur rhigness Is a chlliress of heart. Cattle - Receipts. 1.500; market This favorite Canailinn haunt is steady; beeves. 87.00 to $11.75; West. • preeminently a land o1 the holiday - ern steers. $7.00 to $10.00; stockers maker and sportsolati. tt. Ar.drews, and feeders. $6.75 to 38.10; cows and where is situated the popular Cane - heifers, 34.00 to 1110.00; cal $3.26 dlan Patine Alsongoin /five!, and • to 111.7ft- -- - - -- - - --, - Hogs-lteeeiptir, MAW strong; light, $9.50 to 810.20; mixed. 61.80 to $10.45; heavy. $9.90 to $10.40; rough, $9.90 AO 00.25; Pigs. $7.60 4o 39.25: bulk a -sales. -59.90 to 310.30. SheeP- Receipts, 4,000; market steady; lambe,7tive, $11.25 to 313.46. East 1114113de Cattle Cattle- Reeetpts, .$-can; steady. Hoge -Receipts, 40 .care; higher; heavy. 810.86; yorkers, $10.75 tio $10.85; Pigs. 39.50 to 39.16. Sheep -Receipts, 20 caret steady; many other eeaelde {dares are loved hatItIts- of the bather and outdoor game player during the holiday sea • son or June, July, August and Sep bomber. No sooner .have the sum- mer hdiditilolks anti liNermen left the province than the' hunters of the big game tikelkeir places for at the -.One-nitre et-- Bus big wane Domaine 17 0 numbere of hunters of both es appear withtheir gums amidst the thick forests of the land. New. Srunawick is one of ths most popular of the, Canadian pros -truss for big game hunting. Moose, caribou and is 0- • e, pointed. Frederictoa, castle, _Bathurst, Clainpeelitee _Ind Perth are good starting point* A graceful antiered monarch of New lirtaireViek Is the caribou. He weighs about 600 Me. on -an average. it in a doligbtful sight to watch him Mride at walking rate, or trot, or gallop over the country. A full grown caribou stands from four and a half to live feet tn height. Of this deet are plentifts1 In this region. top Iambs, 813.60 W $13.75; yearlings, A magnificcnt inuteinicn of big ill to $11.75; wethers, 89.25 to 49.711p game is th.' moose. When fully ewes $8.25 to 68.76. a be weighs over 1,00(1 lbs. His Calves -Receipts, 401) head; it tops. $14.50; fair to good, $11 to $1 calve;, 35 to $11. iilee antlers ire lobe -and genes*, lair average BIZ feet In width: He. trarbe found in twelve of th0Firfteen minties of the provfnce. It is only tomting folks and the wary Seed Quotations The following are the seed Deices Toronto wholesalers are paying at country points: Alsfire. No. 1, bushel..$10.00 to $14.54 do. No. 2 do. No. 3 do. rejected Tiaiothy, cwt. 40 fled Hever, No. 1 sow grades 10.10 do. No. 11.11 ,••.111611. as Ila. 7.110 11.0 4.26 3. 1. • • . "'NIL` Nr"-r",ertiis 'ewes • e Wort. Sportsmen desirous of hunting, the - big game of New Brunswick May 'se- cure good aecommodatIon at Use homes of their guides. Ocotel hotel - - and boarding houses are A180 able. The season for the hunting of tJe mood. caribou, and deer opens fon September 14th and enatinucs to No- vember 30.th. Shooting on Sunday It( animal there are two varities, the prohibited by law. Non reside:it woodland and the barren ground hunters must be acrompauled by a specie& The woodland Is kornewhat lIctinsed guide. The license to 891 taller than the other and its color is one buil InOneO, cme bull caribou, and darker about the body, but the hornego deer earns a bona fide resIdeet are lighter. It is generally found In of the provIllg.13and • non-realdent herds of about half a doren. The Vn. Hunting with hounds is for barren ground reribtre travels in bldtlet,-.1 large herds, and its test is light. This tear the opening of the big This kind Is note& for Its migratory • mune season was marked by the es - habits. In New nrunewlek the places hibition for sale on the St. John trier - here the hunters are likely to ket of moose sind deer meat. In re- . uide, who know brow to hunt the *thieve the • ben mouth* are Notth cent times there has been a conelder. moors, There le the "calling- done West MiramIchi. Restigottehe, Penal- able behictIon le Ilia number of early In the season, and the "dill qulteb, Neelsigult. and Talm� males amongott otto larger New Preen. hunting- pint. later on- In the mid Rivers. The startrne points for these Mirk game, and the people arr. be- outher. September and Ootober areas ate Newcastle, Cempbeliton roming alive to the aereselty for be - the motes is often surprised mid liathsrit. Chatham and Perth, all nitng more careful. 4 Indiscriminate shot wading in the lakes and rivers, which are ?inched by the Kdmundo- shooting le being checked to some extent at all events. and It has been suggested that the sale of the meet of big gime es the inerkete should be stopped to diecoorage the beater whip hunts tor the purpose of making ..ot• messy. feasting oe the mots of water plants+. persting wooss, 18, ban -..-tor non dNtinguleb between the Madge of the male and the female, tor ten firemen of the Canadian Pacific. There are few lora/Wee In New Bettitswiet where a deer may not DP located. Like the Mood and the Miellesle leaves round tracks and caribou 8,s:40m thee* who fellow 01 tbi bash, are somrirhat him an 1ato$111$1016 81110 1101000me • • Ole • • • 1.1 s • •