HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-28, Page 2!'.law••tc1r7p'--
2 THtfltSDAY. pat+sltfset: 33, 1916
Ti►x 81o01AL l+ published every Thureda
one the Wine In The !throat Building, North
Street, Oodericb Onl a Telephone No. At
tIPTION tl'gklte.--One Dollar and Mita
ants per year; If paid strictly In advance One
Dollar will be aooepted ; to eubaurlbere in the
United States the rate to One itollar and Fifty
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Mil to receive THg HI0NAL regularly by mall
will pouter a favor by acquainting tbe publish -
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change of address le deelred, both old and
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may be made by bank draft. expense money
order, post -once order, or registered letter.
Subscription.. may oommence at any time.
ADVCHTICINO TLKMe.—Itatee for display and
_ eautraot advert reursate will he elven on appU•
• cation. Legal andatherslm/bar%dre-liemeute.
:au mots per lion for drat Insertion and four
- - --sesta per line for each aub+equent IneerUoo.
Measured by a .Dale 01 maid nonpareil—twelve
lioee to an Inob. Burins. Dards of six lines
and under, Five Dollars per year. AdverUee-
moota of Lost. Found, Strayed. Situation
Vecaet,Sltuatfone Wanted, Mouses for Saber
to Resit. Farm. for bele or to Bert, Article..
for Pale. eta. not exoeeding eight line.., Twenty -
ay. Cent, each insertion ; One Dollar for first
month, [Mir Cents for ~lieu resonant maoth.
Larger advertisement. in proportion. Ao-
Donncemento in ordinary sreadingrtype. Ten
Cants per line. No notice Ire than Twenty.
eve Cents. Any special notice, the object of
which bp the pecuniarybenefit of any Ihdicid-
oat orassociation, to be ooneidered au adver-
tisement and charged a000nlingly.
To ( oKklteeoNDLNt9.—The oo-operation of
our rubusriben and readers is cordially invit-
ed towards making THg HIONaL • weekly record
01•11 local. county arid dlstriotdoinge. .o coma
w nic•tlon will be attended to unless it oon-
Wn+ the name and address of the writer. not
n eoe+earlly for publication, but as an evidence
of good faith. News items should reach Tog
Steam. oalorrrot later-ttran--Wedneeday noon
el ems week.
#_ Ti41r 4YDRO BYLAW.
-- ""Dr -that m. -the treasurer of the-
eouoty of Hurbn, could nut under-
stand the statement that' the cheaper
Hydro power becomes the worse off
we are, relatively, in Godericb.
There is no mystery in the state-
ment. Suppose (for purpose of illus-
tration) the price of power at Niagara
is 60 and the cost of transmission to
Godericb is 50, making the price here
100. The price of, pewee at Goderieh
is tbW twlCe the price at Niagara: If
the price at Niagara is reduced tt. 25.
and the cost of transmission to (:ode -
rich remains as before -namely, :Si-
the price of power here is 1s. or three
times the price at Niagara. In other
words,— Niagara's advantageover
Q• detich increases fioor 2 to ) to 3
This is not advanced as en argument
against cheaper power. W. are all for
cheaper power ; and cheaper power is
ready assured through the action of.
th Legislature in atoll. r.zing the
Move men: to develop power on the
Niagar Iver, instead of depending on
power pu haled from private com-
panies. Tb Hydro Cownliesinn, rep-
reeeAting the unicipalities, peeks to
take this power velopment from the
kends of the Oote Government and
keep it in its own han. •, This means
that Toronto and the other large
cities and p ,int nearer N is which
already secure their power a . figure
only a flection of the price at ode -
rich, would still control the pI ie in
their own interest+ and would secure
still greater advantage over Goderich
attd other outside points. Under thi•t
control Godeiich has absolutely no
chance of cotppeting fm any industry
requiring any serge aimount of power.
Ott the other hand, if control is
vested in the Government, Goderich
and ot,heroutside points can approach
the (internment to 0...k a readjustment
GI rates thrat would rerdovr at least
eoiue portio of the handicap i.galnst
which they. la r. Such a readjust -
meet ern-- ed for oil various
grounds, Which it not necessary to
set tot th here.
Tjte point of the whole matter, then,
Is !big : - - _
If.youvote ''!Yes" on the bylaw
it6teitarrdsy, you --vote to take the
power development out of the hands
of the Government and place it in the
bands of the . Hydro Comair«ion,
which means control in the interest
of the hig cities.
1f you vote "No" on the bylaw, you
tote to leave the development in the
hands of the Ontario Govern i ent,
which can be approached with some
prospect of success to secure justice
for all the tsi(Imiclpelities.
The question of cheaper power ie not
at i.eue. Cheaper power is already
assured. and anyone who makes a
contrary assertion is either ignorantly
or wilfully making an unwarranted
and misleading statement.
A IIeppy New Year to all the
readers of The Signal.
President Wilson's diplomacy is
making the United States second only
to Germany in unpopularity among
the Allied nations and their aympath
Those who take their politics ;from
The Toronto Globe should beware of
confusing politica with Hydro mit•
ter& The power question Is not a
political queetloo : it is s business
question, and in hoMneee affairs the
lettersets of Toronto and those of hut -
side pieces like Godericb mei frequewdy
opposed. The Globe and the other Tor-
onto pa pers.of con rse. in Hydro ma Mere
seek to serve the Interest of Toronto;
their readers in (ioderieh .would re-
member thie sad out allow tbemeelvee
10 be utivled into looking at these mat-
ters from the standpoint of city Inter-
ests. If the people of Godericb do not
assett their rights for themselves, cer-
tainly the cities will not do it for
"A To winirter has declared
thatii}'tb ad been a religious daily
In every city the war would not have
motored." This remark ought to be
qualified. If the tuinirtfr means that
if (here had been a religious daily in
every city in Germany the war would
not have occurred, the atetett 1ent will
passe.- On the other hand, if he means
that "religious" influencer in Britain
sed the ether Awed countries would
have allowed Germany to do as she
pleased. hisreligionisn't worth much.
If ministers would talk Ines about the
hereon" of-wir -wm1 more *hoot the
horrors of murder and brigandage and
spoliation and sacrilege as practised
by the enemy, their addresses would
be wore to the pulpoee than they
sometiwee are, It is the glory of the
Allied nations that they went to war
rather than allow Germany to work
her will u . ppored.
The weather, of
ideal, and with g
esay for shoppers to
armee on any day of the
ing Ohristowas. Theo, too,
remembered that the Petri
and•rlber war allowances put
alai t4 money in local circul
flood ,witges and high prices for to
product `trod to Improve business.
and perbspe some money was further
,diverted td Christmas shopping
through the recent tightening of the
ie•u-ictioos nn the sale of liquor.
Probably the greatest factor io the
Targe business done by the Goderich allo
merchants, outride of the fact that this
the people had the money to out
spendswaa lhe_attractihe advertidgg
put -forth-hy the tuerehants in the
local papers and Lb. iuduence thereby
exerted throughout the district in
directing people's mind+ to the fact
that Godericb is a good place in which
to do their shoppiug. The merchant•
followed op their advertising by mak-
ing very attractive displays of their
stocks ; the stores around the Square
prevented a succession of tastefully
and handsomely trimmed windows,
and altogether the mrrehant of (lode -
rich showed thrwselves to be thor-
oughly alive and up to the times in
their methods.
e appears to have
than usualthis-year,
time. was almost
sleighing it was
e long diet -
eek preced-
must be
c Fund
rR STGNAL • • 0141.7A RIO
A Scheme of Certain Municipalities to Serve Their
Own Selfish Ends No Proper Information as
to Liabilities Involved --No Provision for Proper
Audit --Municipalities Asked t6 (Jo It Blind.
Mr. W. B. Doherty, city solicitor of
St. Thames, in a letter published in
The St. 1'goplas Journal discltasee the
Hydro bylaw; the sante bylaw that is
being- atalititj to tl)e elegtnn of
Goderich. Ha writes :
1 have been asked by several 'rata.
peyrta to explain the meaning of the
mush-diacit••sed kldro-Irl t b i
and the reasons why the oily council
declined to promote it, at the present
'mower the question "Yes," then
cxl motion will go 11 Govern-
1t • •
the l ern-
went and the Legislature and say, the
people have voted to give us the sole
control of this work, and the rxpen-
dttute of this )ung juud,__wklie4 end.
Shit you amend She- act of last sem-
.ion accordingly.
If anyone doubts the tru•b of /this
'statement. then I sty, wait till the
: eC r c jaw
awn .e..i,,n -. of Lila
see what happen*.
No Estimate of Cegf..
First, let me say that n.0 0110 is mak-
ing any attack upon Sir Adam Beck,
or anyone els., persuuslly, but against
a scheme, and a propaganda, which
he Is r..p"uriug, supported by eel t 'in
wunicipalil ie« tor their own eelflsh in-
trust.. .and which it not in the best
iitereate of the municipalities geu-
rrally, and which, if allowed to go on,
would lead the tuuuiripalitiee into
flnaewisi Intldensshe-eptenb of wit►eb
they are not told, and hove no wrens
of knowing.
Let me say in the second place that
there is no dispute or difference of
opinion about the necessity o1 obtain-
ing more power at Niagara Falls. But
opinions do differ materialjly as to
how and by whom the enormous ex-
penditure for the proposed new power
development at the Fails, estimated
now t 510,000,000, is to be made and
controlled -Is the work to he done and
the money to be expended oy -the
Hydro Power Commission, under the
upervision of the peoples representa-
t ves, the Government and Legislature
o Ontario, and the accounts therefor
au sect to audit by the Provincial aud-
itor or- is the-.Commiasit.n to he
d to do this work and expend
oney as they alone see fit. with -
v, Governmental or Legislative
ion. and free from any tiov-
Hind that this money ono -
sed eiiber by the Commis-.
e io»elcipilities stone, hin-
t. sired
it.sired by theguaranty of
e of Ontario, and inion the
people of tlntario. Then
not the people. upon
the money will have .to
some right to exercise
er its expenditure, and
to an audit o1 the ac-
Friend Called and Told Him of Dedd'r
Kidney Pills.
Tarhotvale, Victoria ('o., N. S., Dec.
Ed (Special i. -Cured of rheumatism
that bad crippled hew, Angus W. Mc-
LtGd, well known and highly tr.peetrd
here,teelr it bailie duty to let everybody
know that he found bis cure in Dudd's
Kidney Pills.
"Last fall," Mr. McLeod states, "I
uok sick, with it severe attack u( rheu-
1 ties. The rheumatic pains lodged
th r swell of my back and left hip.
c Id feel darts of path shooting
tbdo ug my loins like shock', from a
galvanic tttrry, and in two days 1
was a Grip • e. 1 was obliged to limp
•round with stick, and 1 looked
Weave 1 to the ight side becau.e 1
could not let to • weight on toy left
toot.. 1 suffered this way for •
week, when pickily ft tend came to
see me who recon ded i[odd's
Kidney Pills. Before 1 d finished
the second box the pain w en',itely
gu►fr. 1 have sines been ex and to
cold and wet every day, but 1 h en't
had a twinge of pain to soy bouy d
Fifty Millions Dollars in Raw Furs.
"Fifty million dollars' worth of rad
furs." Quite a large sum of moo. Y
when you conte to think of it. This
is a normal season's production of
North Ante'ican raw flus.
Oats you imagine fifty million dol-
lars changed hands for North Amer-
ican raw furs ? Yet ouch is the ease
as near se can be estimated by Mr. A.
B. Shubert, president 01 A. B. tehu-
t,rt, Inc., Chicago. U. S. A. (said to
be the lergeet house in the world deal-
ing' exclusively In American raw furs).
Mr. Shuhert saye : •'The merry old
world still goes around and the cor-
ing of winter bt Ings on one more raw
fur season. It is one of the oldest i
dustr.es known to mon, dating 1 k
even he fore the tanto of Christ, • in
spite of the fact that millions o fur.
bearing nnimsls are killed off every
year -in spite of the fact them rigid
game laws are enacted to peetect the
fur -hearers -the gene is let from be-
ing extinrt.
•'1t is wonderful the part that furs
have pleyed in the history of nan.
Thew have caused war's, ted to the ex-
ploration of new lands and changed
the maps of natiuhs, but more won-
derful stool are the varied fluctuations
in the market. /It is the greatest spec-
ulative game the world. When the
raw fur mar et is at its highest pitch,
Wall street fades away to Nothing
tonight*, of it. Before people knew
what s I and tobacco were, they
were ginning fur -hearers for their
pelf and still the game has not died
out; in fat t, this season promises
more ruvtivily than ever in the fur
Fur' fill an ahsolute neceseity, as
they form tie protective clothing of
those whose occupation beings them
in contact with the elements of win-
ter. Ftithermore, flue are extremely
feshionahle. Milady's wardrobe Is
not complete without most of her
niter garments for fall and winter,
her hat, evening gown ant drearier
trimmed with fur, and it is not un-•
common to see shoe tops, handbags
and parasols trimmed with fur.
not lie
'lion or
can only 1
the Yrovin
credit of th
why ghoul
whose credi
he raised, hcv
supero' o
have the sigh
cuuuts 1'
-What Autbonsed. -
-1W—Legiclatur , at it last sberlon,
massed an act givi g the Government
the right 10 sutho ize the Commission
-til carry on this rw development,
and enacted that the Uomwis.ion
might he authori , .' to carry on the
wnrk as follows :
1 -To sus trey and sy out all land,
waren, water privi .e* and water
powers required for a construction
of the work.
=1'11 acgnfre-opt • and enter into
preliminary contrast., for the pur-
chase of Lind for sites, 'milt of works,
and machine,y and -&tliancer re-
quired for the works.
:i. -To construct, erect, maintain and
ort. -rate works; fur the purpose of di-
e.tting the waters of the Niagara
River, Welland River, and trihutary
waters or any of then', and conveying
them by aqueduct, conduit, or canal.
or in any of other manner, from any
point on the 1Vellend River or hisg-
ata River.
4 --To construct, erect, maintain and
operate such works for the develop-
ment of electrical energy.
The act further provides that the
met rat this work shall be defrayed
out of such looniest as the Legislature
may fiom time to time appropriate for
the purpose ;ant that the Comma
eball keep an accurate and
tailed ar:Dunt of all the cost of
work ; and that the Government
have the right to appoint an
to check and audit the aceou
that thio auditor shall id.
port to the Government,
place the -elude before th
ithin fifteen days of t
act also provid
supply of
is new
r . t
supply of pn
source avails
this suthorlt
contract -'d•
s, and
Ids r.• -
ho shall
opening of
that until an
twig 1. obtained
development the
menu. an additional
the Fella, from any
; and acting under
Commission has
r 50,1 additional b, p.
The natation then arin what is
the m ening of this new Hy o bylaw,
by ono is it put forwerd, en whet
!ti object ? It ia the offspr of
t. Hydro Power Commission. h
father, and the Hydro -Radial Associa-
tion ite godmother.
Stripped of its frills it simply means
the renewing of an agitation, started
selfishly 3Ismoring to be centre. for it
network of Hydro -radial railway., to
change the act of last session, and to
place all the work and expenditure
connected with the propotted new de-
velopment of Niagara Falls in the
ham, and under t be sole management
and ctmtrol of the Hydro Power
Commingled), without any Government
or Legislative supervision or contml,
and without the arcounta for such ex-
penditure tieing subject to Govern-
ment audit.
The question *et ft -nth in the bylaw
ie unfair and misleading, bemuse the
people will not understand it. The
ordinary person reading it would ins-
egine that he Vraa being asked to say
if he was In favor of ohteining more
power at Masters Falk and that
alone. If the question had [wen Nit
in the 'alternative, thet is to *ay -
Aro you i• fevor of the municipalities
incurring the expense and mistiming
the cost of obtaining more power ?
OR Are you in favor of the Province
aeatiming the cost, tinder the act of
loot session ? the people would have
a chance ta know what they were vot-
ing open, and a chance to media
their judgment, but on the question
in the byte* it le, -heads. I win, sod
utile. you Mee.
Cassdian Artillerist Have Cool and
Airy Billet, but Are Enjoying It.
Following are extracts from a letter
received by Dr. T. E. Uase, Ouugannon,
from his son Hendon, who is with the
43rd Howitzer B tttrry in France.
The letter is dated December :
1Vell, we have !!loved ' position
again, and are once in ire around civil-
izatiou, It Is a eight for sore eyes to
see green grass and trees rgatu, after
'seeing nothing but mud, .hellholes
a I for two
d desolation 1 v
month*. We had flue runrhiny days
for our trip, and although we had to
walk most of the way, on account of
the condition of .the hurry:,, it was
wont enjoyable. The country was
wore or leas hilly and very beautiful,
the woods looking .owewhat as they
do back home in Indian rummer.
oLi _meaent we are "'wino a. a
fare,' which means we are in the
loft above the cow stable, with plenty
of fresh air and no tire, but we soou
No estimates of the cost of this pro- 1 nod out where the good firer are dnwu
pewit, new development have been in the village and make out pretty
placed before the municipal councils fair.
or before'.he people, who are aeksd to n the morning before we get up we
vote oo the y Ieet n0 atat••went ' hear,the farm hands pulping tur-
given of the awuuuty of liability a nips and milking below m. The hens
municipality would he arked to 110. oleo are doing pretty fair work in this
suave (other than the verbal statement district, and are apparefitly working
made by an assistant engineer of the overtime to keep us all supplied, as
Comwiesion the other night, that the this is the brat opportunity we hove
'tntsf cost woutd t somewberesrouil'3-tlrad-of tasting eggs for two months. •
610.000.000) . Yet the pr neuters of I am not up at the guns at present,
till. scheme want the people to vote as it is my turn down here at the
Wildly on the question, and 10 assume horse lines, but expect to go up to the
a heavy financial burden the amount battery this week.
of which they have 110 means of know- We are in a great position -here, and
ing, and that in face of the fact that our gunpils are ideal. and have good
the Legietture has already undertaken dugouts for sleeping quarters. We
the Hnaccing of the woi ks necessary do not expect very strenuous work
for this new development of power. this winter. 50 7011 ;an rest •nosed j
The promoters of this agitati, ��put for • good lung time now sitar •e we
forward the argument that they stub are concerned.
the development works to be the p
erty of the municipalities, and
the Province.
If so, when the works are con-
slructad and the actual cost known,
it will be time enough for the muni- 1
cipalitie• to consider whether they w•
are willing to assume their reepeclive to ride mare than ,4e were, and I can
shares of the cost, and if they are honestly say 1 never felt more tired in
the matter will to one for negotiation my life than when we pulled Into our
and agreement with the Logidal ure. billets at night*. Andy Lane arrived
'At present, when you c emitter the lack in the battery last -tight, but
existing indebtednee* el ail the urban wasn't able to ke Blight with his
municipalities, and that the resource* dam
of the country are being taxed to Ihv
limiI to meet the demands and ne-
cessities of the war, municipal coon•
cite, and the ratepayer generally, will
do well to go slow and. take stock of
their financial positron, before blindly
plunging into an enor;►urui monii'ipal
liability for the works tit question. or
for a similar financial-t•r.pnn•lltility
for the construction Of Hydro -radial
railways; -
The Financial Post, the leadin
financial paper of the PI oviuce, in i
issue of' December A warn. MO"
nicipat;iies against submitting tees
bylaws to the people, and the , pie
from voting in favor of them, until
they hat had an optimist
thoroughly considering the
resp ,nribility they will •
until proper estimates of
cost of lite win ki a.nd the
to be rsesumid tsy each
have been submitted to
Sale of Smart Warm
Coats for Women
Sale of Smart Warm
Coats for
P- 1 happened to .be down in the vi1- I •
lage yesterday and saw Howard on •
his way up to the guns. 1 had not
seen him for quite a while, as /the •
�irigader didn't rouse out at the mane
e, but he didn't seem an the
se for the trip; They were able 11.
51, Thomas, Dec. IS,
Some are loose 'flaring
styles and some belted
chinchillas and lined.
Coats clearing at
effects, some are in -Bel ted
at back; tweeds, beavers,
All our $10.00 and $l2a
Black Beaver Cloth Coats. sable trimmed, quilted
lined. Regular $25.00. Clearing at $15.00
Women's Furs
Boas, Muffs and Scarfs of sable, mipk and
Persian lamb, ranging from $7.50 to $1-5.00.
Clearing at 13.50 to 17.50
Men's Black - •
China Dog Coats •
.Lamb collar, select skins (No. 1). Special •
.$25.00 •
• r
Women's Muskrat Coats •
Satin Tined and perfectly matched skins of Q
Canadian rat, all sizes, at 150, 160 and $65 •
•w� w sow: ___- W e..w,•� •
wound. A _ .iii piece of •hell easing t VV
went, Mlle
boy et- list,
from under bun.
You have liar
ford hy this time
you an idea' of w
like out herr. He w
getting back home fu
Bad a letter from
in Sb rncliffe, where
or an NI finely comwisnit,
clipping from a Listowel
night stating that Gilmer is
miming and believed to he
Our old crowd has been prett
shit -us, as there are hardly an
the fellows l _;hummed with last y
ty of 011.
,,*racial Hv the wary, if you could get hold o
cur and a Christmas Windsor Magazine there
e whole are some very good pictures and
pn,poriton Photograph, in it, Bowe taken not far
nnicrpality from where we were. and would give
urn. you a fairly good id.a of whit the
eeraery is like out here.
QuHltlaTT. Well, it will be about Christmas
7*k. — ' when this letter reaches you, and I
certainly wish i were • going along
with It, hut to los it has seemed a
Teaching 5 niers' Wives. parity short year, as I have been
changing about hom one country W
-^-- another and have had some Aside from fonking after (he►mme wonder-
ful times, hilt I think hy another
dints Swum' 1 wants of the depend year this little dlsagrerment will tie
ante of Ca diary soldiers, the, office's settled and we will ere back from our
of the ea action Patriotic Fund have, Cuntiwntal-tour'
where p acticalde, widened the -
of its energies so at to emMace th
moral and social welfare of those
who the exigencies or war have GIRLS WANTFDi -
• of case• soldiers will return from
e war to better wives and to (tetter
Doles. The Fund workers are grap-
pling at the very roots of the soci;.l
problem when they disregard the
effect and at once seek the cause. A
notified home is not an atmosphere
for degradation and crime. The Cana-
dian Patriot is organization aims to
lift its charges not only above want
while their huebends ale battling for
our freedom across the rear, but with
a far-sighted vision of the future is
enhancing the home environments of
wives and children ro that in the years
that are to follow this exhausting
struggle the present youth of the na-
tion will heaome an seest to the state,
01 thousands of homee throughout
Canada women are being taught do-
mestic science, the care of children,
buying and the keeping of house ac-
counts. Charity is not bestowed on
these dependent. They are simply
given an opportunity to become better
'rr$ and he war a lucky
*had bis ltorse shot
v\ Men R.e Ruther-
nd he would give
conditions are
pretty lucky in
a Sew months.
arold swan
e is training
!raw a
per last
killed: 1
u Into their keeping. 1n hen -
citizens, the effect of which, while oh
wore for the moment, will yield rich
remilts in generations to follow.
When the Patriotic Fund is sup-
ported by thine, who cannot fight we
are helping ourselves, not only the re -
For oMee work to VIII the places of
men she nate gone tit are going to the
front. Y01111/7 women can rend. r the
country real service by preparing to
take positions In bank. and bu.loe..t
!rps•Ial Coors., of training In hook
keeping. Shoe t hand and pill "other Com-
mercial subjects now in Defiers....
Students admitted any i ime. Illustrated
catalogue free
Northern Business College, Ltd.
C. A. Fl.. IND. Principal.
••••••••••0•• • ••••••••••••
q Copy for the next Telephone Directory
closes on the above date!
paw telephone now, •O thet
will be in the new issue!
changes required to our Local
The Bell Telepho e Co. of Canada.
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%icin al
A National Call
1 What • your 14,1 name 7
M wan Estate
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