HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-21, Page 10,wwwrassetrer,.l,ee.a
1 • ?autism/Or, Dgc 21, 19111
Few Presents
sive so great and so last-
ing a pleasure as books,
and nothing that gives so
much costs so little. if
you are looking for inex-
pensive b u t attractive
presents give books.
Besides books. we are
showing an immense range
of White Ivory. Ebony,
English Rock Crystal, and
English China.
Special selling agents for
Waterman's Ideal Foun-
tain Pen. from
$2.00 up.
Rev J. B. frothed -Ingham Addressee the
National Service League.
At a meeting of the National Ser-
vice League in Victoria street Meth-
odist cburch on Tuesday evening,
Rev. J. B. Fotheringbam gave a very
interesting and instructive address on
"God and the War."
••At. Hret sight," said the speaker,
"it --seems ridiculous to Cbibk that God
has anything to do with the war.
We think of Him as love, compas-
sion, as ruler of a11, and when we turn
to war we get a directly opposite con-
ception. Unless as Christian people,
then, we g t • clear idea of Ood many
will stumble in blindness. I oowrueud
this question to you : What part has
this war in the purpose of God ?
"God cannot ne absent in the war ;
he is not absent. He must be on the
battlefield with the German army,
with our army. He is not a God of
one nation. as WIN) Kaiser's boast.
"Btu. Ood cannot be the author of
war, for he is not the author o!
undisguised ills, and the war destroys
Iivee and the fine works of man. Not
a sparrow Valletta without God's know-
ing It. The lite of a sparrow does not
seem much to us, but (god knows it.
it, then, there is any calamity in the
world today we may be sure that Ood
is conscious of it.
We weey ask why God does not in-
tervene. The answer is that He it
intervening. There is no crisis in
which He does not intervene. He is
in the midst of the,bsttlef3eld and the
nations are circling around some de-
finite purpose.
"God is not an Eh, allowing his
sons to be brought up in indulgence
without training or ideals. allowing
them to break the molal laws and the
laws of love. Neither is He a blood-
thirsty monster that demands blood
and the lives of little children. How,
then. are we to form a conception of
Him in the wilt? We must believe
that the will of God is being done.
The prodigal son was a long time eat-
ing husks before he understood how
good his father's home was. So with
us : we must endure much hardship
to be able to appreciate our feather's
home. He is in the wap' and for a
purpose. and we may feel assured that
he purpose is righteous.
"Our faith must be such as to see
standing in the midst of the
cid in righteousness, not on
or the other. We must be
ut• tenth before sskim/ then
e are asking thew not
naet'ificee, but to ,take
resume of our faith,
he wee btetius.
ole ' ea of war in
n, hut when
de our _ faith
her nations,
ve had e
t1ve a
nsco, you
start a chain
of happiness
that begins
:on Christ
--rotas MOta-
to itse'If
every time
picture iss
th rough-
out the, year.
The Ansco Vest -Pock -
Camera is 90 compact
light you will always
w it wtth you. Fine
tnla enlents can be
trade a its picfures.
Several stet pond Nae", 57 up.
- s .(.titer Ao&'u melds arc priced
bout 82 tic.
bat tt
one w
right in
to fight.
only to ma
human life.
then, we believe
('here was but
Brlt.rin, little preps
the time came to d
forced ue to fight.
perhaps our allies, may
selfish object. but in tire
the primary step was one
The neutrals did not strike
. lid t. They %sited for other
Swett. They should keep their he. s
,alt -our hands are clean. We don
want the help of doubters.
"There is slab our own will -A cer-
tain agency from which may come 511
kinds of evil, Our greatest power is
that we can refuse God, reject his pug.
pose. This is where the origin of the
war comes in -that passion in s man
or in a cation riee9_�untrary t.0 the
purpose, to the good of tete world. it
man impulse against the good. We
believe that we are th the goad and
that victory will ulti tely come.
"In weighing the evi once els to the
right or wrong ew of thdo not at-
tempt to absolve cur own 'te.' We
were hu' lag a big navy, consolidat-
ing a great empire and pilin up great
ocoe`mCw. ostARiO
,A aright
New year
May Peace be secure over
the World before another
New Year comes.
Mrs. Zaps
No Turkey
This Year !
1',e snit,, Nat'.. to till the plan-. Of
.waris hu nee. e gone ut are gotnk 10 (tie '
front Noon" women AAA, unlet the
dell) te.,l ...•rvlon by aerborios to
10.9 puc*IWOe to bask; and bosuns.,
eaw•,y.,.l Cour., or I ruining hr- Honk- -
Le,•puut, nd and all other (lout.
,,w rias. a,h)r. t.. new it, prortrw.'.
144enienle ruimil Itel Any Univ. tlfh.1 ruled
ertalnirue facie
Northern hers College, Ltd.
1'. A. Vt,K,M1. O. Principal.
For the Children's
Christmas -
Price $1.25
A Brownie that makes good
because it make' good-pieteres-
two finders, no focusing -so simple
(*operate that even the Kindergar-
ten kiddies can use it successfully.
U ff'i an Eastman swirl find if 8sre.
Brownie Cameras from
$1.25 to $12.00.
Kodaks fro. $7.00 up.
We also c. rry a large assortment
of Christmas Gifts, such as Toilet
and Manicure (in single pieces and
set*) Iluylrrs' Candy, Perfui'nes
and many other practical and
useful gifts. ,
r Central Drag Stare
oriter North Street anal Sprit(lnderich
Huse. 110 'Phone. Re*. 3*
material resources. We sa
being strong and Great Bri In le-
g practical dictator. W could
not see beyond this idea, but O saw
rou bC
something bigger. lie b R
war and swept aside all these though% e,
He said, •1 will make of this earth At
new earth.' People are being brought
hack to see different things and are
beginning to have. faith,,,_ which is
sight. Just as the Illiet•n,COPP reveals
to us new worlds, thus faith reveals
another world beyond thee'. of He/hand
blood and hattleflelds-that of -'`!he
hosts of God.
"Some people say that the war has
rotor by fate or by blind chance.
This in it horrid view and we can no
longer cal! ourselves Christians if we
believe this. -
"Many British say. the werhascome
as a dreadful calamity, but we will
stand and face the hail unflinching ;
�you cannot by mitering snake usgnail.
t. oho etoteat attitude -of the -Beulah.
although not Christian perhaps, -is
magnificent. Rut we trust get beyond
this. We must say. we have to en-
dure seeing the purpose of (Ind. We
@atter with the knowledge that God is
in this war working nut His purpose,
That faith helps um a• we tackle the
problems of today. of our own part -in
the war. We believe that our cavae
is righteous. Therefore our soldiers
are co-workers of God and their work
is A mission given by God."
Other numbers on the program were
a solo hy Mies Little and a duet by
Miss Maude Million and MN. Redfern,
which were much appreciated hy the
lergesudience which nearly filled the
lecture room.
11te subjeet for the Mon's Sunda
Club at Nth &treat Methodist church
West Sunday morning is t "Lemons
fpo Y1e Life of Rrrnabas..•
But you may have a
bad liver just the
same, and if you have,
just try any of these.
They are all good.
And if the one you
get does not suit you
bring the package
back and get your
Rex -
Liver Seks,3St'%Bt
Stomach and lint
Pills. . ....'151
Little Liver Pills, Lit„
Seidlitz Powders, 2Sc
H. C. Dunlop
"The Rexall Store"
Godertch - Phones 1 & 324
Toronto Cattle Market
Misers, choice weighty 58.76 to 59.24.
do. medium . . 8.30 8.60
Butchers', choles bandy. 3.30 8 80
do. good 7.76 8.00
do. medium 0.60 7 00
do. common 6.00 6.40
Butchers' cows, choice6.75 7.36
do. good 6.26 6 60
do. medium • 6.00 6 60
Hatcher: bulls, choice7.00 7 60
do. good 6.00 6.60
do. medium 6.40 6.60
do. bologna 4.66 6.20
readers. 900 to 1,000 ibs. 6.26 6.76
Stockers, 600 Ibs 5.60 6.00
do. mea, 700 to 600 4.80 6.40
do. oo union, light4.50 4.70
Cotters 4.40 4.70
Conners 4.10 4.14
Milkers. good to choice 30.00 100.00
do. common to med60 00 70.00
Springers 66.00 100.00
Calves. veal. choice 11 00 12.00
ao. medium 7.60 9.00
do. common 5.00 7.60
do. grass 6 00 6.00
Sheep. ewes, light8 76 9.26
do. heavy and bucks 7.60 2.60
do. culls 3.00 5.00
Hogs. .weighed off oars 11.00 0.00
do, .-144-and watered 11 .75 11.66
this mat
s delegation
of the
Cross Sc
so that
hording to the last equalized
Toronto Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat-Trsek, bay porta.
No. 1 northern. 51 90; No. 2 northern.
SWhMt. 5170= (Olde p 51 a.4No.
toba Date -Track, .W porta
No. 2 C.W., 65c.
American corn -No. 8 yellow, new,
$1.0611. December ahtpment, subject
to embargo, track. Toronto.
Ontario wheat -Winter, new crop,
No. 2. 51.60 to 51.61 (according to
freights outside); No. 3 winter. new
crop. 51.66 to 51.60.
Ontario Oat.-Accordln8 to freight
outside: No. 1 white, 60c to 62c; Na
3 white, 610c to 610.
Peas -No. 3, 52.40.
Barley -Malting, $1.18 to $:.18.
Buckwheat -11.26.
Rye -No. 2, new, 51.34 to 51.36.
Manitoba flour-Flrat patents fa
tote bags. 59.20; seconds. to tuts.
56.80; strong baker., in jute, 58.60.
Ontario dour -Winter. new, track.
Toronto, .prompt shipment. according
to sample. 56.90 to 57, 1n jute bags.
Millfeed-Car lots. per ton. deliver-
elivered, Montreal: Shorts, 537; bran, 531;
good feed flour.per bag. $2.70 to 52.80;
middlings. 533 to 540.
Hay -No. 1 track, Toronto. new.
$12 to 513; carlots, 6o. 2, 59 to 510.
Straw, carlota, 59 to 59.50.
Wholesale Produce
under the D. and W. Act af-
ese same properties %%„u1.I
a satisfactory monition ,.t
ter. The Reeve also infoinned
o adiee present on behalf
plelgrav branch of the Red
Society aha .rocediire to take
they could ticipette in the
of money anted by the
council at its
t meeting,
being set aside fo Red Cro a
posse, this amount to dividers
the different municipA 'ties ac•
MPH, -
meet. On motion of Bu hanan nd
McGowan, the treasurer was meth
ized to prepare 910 copies of the finan
tial tttatemeut, and the collector was
given time till February 1st, 1917, to
return his roll for the balance of
taxes remaining as yet unpaid. A
large number of accounts, which will
appear in the financial statement
Shortly, were ordered to he paid, and
the council adjourned.
The Colbornit township council met
in the townehip hall December 10th,
',members all present. except Councillor
Hetherington. Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted. On motion of Hill
and `!nyder, et large number of ac-
counts were passed and ordered paid,
which will appear in the financial
statement. Moved fir Ynntlg and
Snyder that we refund William iVal-
ter his taxes on account of his having
his barn destroyed by the. Carried.
Moved by Hill and Young that the
council pay the clerk 110 for 1915 and
CO for
1915 and 95 for 1910, e
and chargetor � the
same against the telephone. Carried.
Letter received from T. S. Ham'Iton
re the 5 per cent. of 1913. Moved by
Hill and Snyder that no action be
taken. Carried. Moved by Young
and Hill that the collectors time he
extended till February let. Carried.
Ilrbved by Young and Snyder the. the
treasurer receive the auto of 9141 for
his services. Carried. Moved by
Young and Snyder that A bylaw be
pwaead fixing the hour of nnmina-
tilm at 1 o'clock p. m. December 'l2,
and that. if a poll he demanded Heavy Hop
the following shall le deputy return- Hop hogs
ing omrrrs At the several rolling 'Abattoir Hogs
places No. 1, Temperance Hall, Ben.
The last meeting of the conncll for
19111 was held on December 13th, with
all the members present. Minutes of
last meeting were real and approved.
Communication from Lieut.-Onlonel
Brown, from headquarters mllit*ry
district at London, asking the council
for their assistance and co-operation
in bringing the different unite now
quartered In Western Ontario up to
full strength. R.-Harrierin was present
and asked for compensation to the
amount of 912 for a sheep'deetro ed by
dogs lately. This claim was laid over
till next meeting. Three dollars were
ordered to be refunded R. (Joultie, be-
ing refund for errof h( dog tax. Moore.
('ole and Johnston add reseed the
council, claiming an injt»tire had
been done to them by the conned of
late having placed three culverts on
road opposite lot 40, conception 11 and
threatening to take legal proceedings
against the municip*Nty. If injury wan
done their respective propenes,
through the putting in of these cul-
verts. The Reeve poured oil on the
troubled waters by suggesting se A
remedy that if the parties" mentioned
were not satisfied with the culverts be-
ing put in, a reconsideration of former
Toronto wholesale prices
Eggs -
New -laid, cartons
New -laid, ex -cartons
Storage. selects
Storage, No. 1
Butter -
Creamery prints, fresh. .47
Creamery prints, storage .46 .4'
Creamery solids .44 .46
Choice dairy prints.42 .43
Ordinary dairy prints.34 .38
Bakers' .33 .34
Cheese -New, large, 25isc to 26c;
twins, 26c to 26%e; triplets, 26%c to
27c; Stilton', 27c to 27%c.
Poultry Live Dressed
Spring chick's. 16c 17c 21c 22c
Old fowl, Ib... 11c 12c 16c 18c
Turkeys. Ib. .. OOc OOc 29c 32c
Geese, ib. .... OOc OOc 20c 21c
ticks., lb. ... 00c OOc 21c 33e
ns - Hand-picked, 56; prime.
• Canadian. handpicked, bushel,
s -New Brunewicks, to car -
52.10; western, in carlotl;
Prince Edward Island,
1 11
Friday and Saturday Shoppers
Will Find This a Good Place to Come !
you have to shop the last day or two before the
coming here. We have made extra efforts to have
to see easily and buy quickly if you are in a hurry.
useful and sensible holiday gifts to pick and choose from.
holiday you will save time
everything arranged for you
Big generous assortments of
� g rt Made to Your Measure- ,
for $1.75 -•
WE are glad to be able to announce that we
can continue our special offer of making
Skirts to your order for 51.71. We will
make these Skirts frau any material in stock at
51.90 per yard or over and charge you $1.70 for the
staking! You have your choice of four of the
semen, s wt»t popular styles, The Hkirta are
made to your measure, and we give you one ptting
Or re of desired. We guarantee the workman-
ship, as they are made by the laxly who grade all
our skirts for the pest four seasons. If you need a
eiiparaTaSkirt, or are likely to in the near future,
we cannot too strongly recommend you to take
advantage of this offer, as not onlyls the price of
work remarkably low tut the price of goods of all
kinds will le very much higher within the next
few months ai, soon as present stock a are exhausted.
The Re -modelling of Fars
AVE a fur stat or a set of _furs you
would like to hates r` -modelled? We can do
work of this kind for you in first-class
mariner and now that'the holiday rush is over can
give quick delivery. Estint/te•e given and price
" definitely settled before the work is touched.
This is a good meek to bay a 'Eureka'
Electrsc le easun Cleaner
WITH the rush and hurry of the holiday over,
it is s good time to sit down and think
seriously of buying one of these wonderful
laborsaving devices for your h . if you have
not our already let us give you a deuaonstration.
You can try it nut for yourself or we will scud an
expert W show you just what this renally wonder-
ful machine will do. It does away with the labor
and dust of sweeping day, keeps your rugs and
carpets clean all the time, is s guarantee against,
sloths, sucks up every bit of dust, does not raise
or scatter it, lie dors a broom, and is a health in-
surance from that standpoint alone. It runs so
racily that a child can operate it. is light enough
to be carried upstairs or down without trouble.
The amount of electric current it nonsunnes will
not be boticed is you -it -light bills. 1t saves all the
drudgery and tabor of taking up carpets and ruga
et housecleaning tints.. The price is moderate and
ratty terms of payment can be arranged if desired.
Think it.over and let us send one down. You are
not obliged to keep it if yus do not care t,.
MR •
After the New Year L r
good time to-jtet it done.
to the
5 , 85 to 1
.42 .43
.40 .41
'lots. 52
51.60 to 11
91.70 to 11.
Hodgens Bros.
,Ditect`importers -- - \ Goderich, Ontario
Native of Huron and Postmaster of Sea -
forth for Half -a -Century.
Fr„m The Seaforth s:rpo.dtor.
It was with sincere and generally
voiced regret tbat_-the people of Ser -
forth learned of the wrath of Mr.
Samuel Dickson. which took place on
Satntday afternoon, December gib, at
his late residence on High street. Far
more than a week he had made a
brave fight against a severe t attack
with ktb1
pleuro -pneumonia,
weight of seventy-five years • upon
hint it steadily became an unequal
contest. His devoted wife and daugh-
ter were by hia bedside when, like a
tired child, he passed peacefully
l y Dick-
sonmore 'than fifty )
son was one of Seaforth's beat known
and most warmly esteemed citizens.
He was the son''iof the late James
Dickson, registrariof Huron, and was
horn March 31st, 1$41, at "Castro -
wont," Tuckersmith. He became a
resident of Seaforth in 19115, when he
was appointed postmaster, and two
ears Idea, in 111i7, he was n.arr ied to
} of
Nancy Ann Hannah,
Mr. D,rkson was thus a native to the
East B silo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 4.100; fairly ac-
tive; shipping stee 58 to $11.26;
butchers, 56.50 to $9.26, heifers, 16.26
to 58.75; cows, 54 to $7. bulls, 55.26
to 57.75; stockers and fee rs, 55.26
to 57.60; fresh cows and s ngers,
active and steady, 560 to $116.
Veals-Recelpta, 1,000; slow; 50
to 514.50.
Hogs -Receipts, 14,600; slow; heav
$10.76 to 510.86; mused, 510.45 to
10.76; yorkers, 510.50 to 510.85; light
yorkera, 59.76 to $10.25; pigs, 59.75;
roughs. 59.50 to 59.66; stags, 57.50 to
Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 9400;
active; lambs. 58.60 to 514; yearling*,
7 to $12; wethers, 59.60 to 510; ewes,
54.50 to 59 25; mixed sheep, 59.26 to
Meats --Wholesale
Toronto wholesale houses are quot-
ing to the trade Ls follows:
Beef. forequarters, ... $12.60 to $111.50
do. htnquarters ... 14.00 14.00
Carcases, choloe 13.00 16.00
do common 10.00 12.00
\gels, common, cwt9.00 11.00
do. medium 12.00 14.00
' do. prime 17.00 12.00
11.60 13.60
16.00 16.00
15.60 16.00
10.00 11.00
14.00 16.00
Mutton, heavy
miller, Cherie,' Oke, D. R. ; No. 2, do.
Temperance Hell, Saltford, A. J.
(ioldthorpr, D. R. ; No. 3, Township Chloag. Uva Stook
Hetll, Oarlem, A. P. S d, D. K. ; Oasis -Receipts. 2.000; market
4, Temperance Hall, heehum. weak; beeves, 57 to 511.60; western
readShaw, jr., D. it The nosh ',Sheers. 57 to 510.10; stockers and feed -
read a letter from Went �\'awanosh . 56 to 58.10; cows and heifers,
to 510; calves, 58 to 511.50,
Bogs- Reosipts, 70.000; market
light. 59.10 to 510; mixed, 59.66
10.26; Year,, 59.6[ to 510.25;
$9 66 to 19.80; p10. 57.40 to
balk of sales, 59.75 to 510.
tilseep - Receipts, 20,000; market
sfkady; lambs. natives, $11 to 514.
Med Ouotatlons
• The following are the aced prices,
ars paying at
.59.76 to $111.00
8.60 9.00
7.60 8.00
8.00 6.01
1.60 5.4e
10.11 .01
9.90 .1:
1-M _ .7'
niemberr of our church the war has
been very real trout the beginning.
Has Christmas any message to
people situated as we are :' Surely it
has. For tie who was born on Christ-
i/ISA Day was•the resurrection ar.d
the lite." "In Him was life ;" and
He announced the grand purpobe of
His coming into the world to be that
"men might have life and have it
more abundantly."
Life -lite for eve. more ; this is the
crowning gift t.( Ct..'stunts. For 119
wbo was twin a. on Cbriatluan Day
was the eternal lite. and union with
Him in heart and wilt and purpose and
effort is eternal hie fur us too. lo
Christ, not death, but life is the
triumphant thing. Ouly let us tie
clear as to what we mean by lite ; it
is not mere existence in this world.
Life, eternal life, is to ►RuW (hid as
revealed itt His Soo sews and to live
in communion with Hun. Ou that
life death will have -no effect. To
every oue living that life death is Drily
w transition, from a lower to a higher
1'heref.,re existence in this worl d is
not the greatest.bleseing. Truth and
rightrousurer and fidelity to Oral are
infinitely more piecioua. For these
soil of Huron county, and tow very »rr eternal, and an order to 'Vallee
them in our own twee and to vindicate
unusual degree his heart was in for in the
theplace of bis birth. The hills and I 'Mould uecessi y d e should
to P
woode and Herds and streams of this , mere earthly ealitteuca. That ia- 11141
neighborhood arra kbit to his enol ity crural meaning hf the Weed Hiw who
a fond and cultivated companionship. was tarn se on Christina." Dry. Th.t
His int of regaid and tevrt- istheconoictionthetinepire.endsu.-
since the best was a strorttbe tains us in this grey couHua.
marked characteristic ; and to the tains.Lbstfence in this v rld way he cut
poor and oUled and sorrowing be was abort. as it bas been cut moat fur
a whole-eoulell and lifelong helper. thousands of our buvirsL and beat
in some the man is lime in the official, since the beginning of the war. As
but in Dir. Dickson's case the man martyrs to truth: are they not ousted
found beautiful self-expression
with who said, "1\ this end
through the office which he held for
so many years. Nature had given to
hint an almost extraordinary endow-
ment of kindness, COM troy, sympathy.
and considerateness and in interesting
nd ori:inal ways be used the post-
** a medium for the ex-
on of these qualities. Often and
the anxiously looked -for letter
on the late Saturday night
iven a quick Sunday morn-
hy the tenderhearted
Wetly 104 the letter
Ile excelled in the
deed that ^ame as a
rought joy. Mr.
oyal friendship
ds, who now
he missed
to mem-
e sym-
ut in
(Bulletin oI Reed Branch. Ottaws.l
The past unfavorable season has
caused e. great shortage in the supply
of good seed oats in OnLatio and
Western Quebec. Keen the beet
sample+ we have Been should be graded
t. stout Al per coni. W wane thane
imitable for seed. Rauber than sow
light grain from a /tented crop, term-
er. ate well advised to purchase their
The special grade for seed oats es-
tablished at the Government Inteetoe
terminal elrvanors.last year will sores
awe moch-needed sun re. cf supply. This
No. 1 Canada Western seed oats must
to Wiper cent. white oats, sound. clean,
free front other grain and froom noxi-
ous weed weeds within the meaning of
the Seed Conteel Art, and shat' weigh
not Ieiw than :t4 Ito. Lc the bushel. it
is available through the usual channels
of commerce for grain.
council re money for Young creek
drain, but the time being late no ac-
tion was taken_ R. McILwwtie, Clerk.
Holiday treating Cards.
See the tine line of Holiday greet-
ing cards at Thr Signal. Your own
name and address and greeting printed
on a next of yrnlr own selection. Noth -
ing more elegant for the holiday greet.
(Toronto wholesalers
try points:
Welke. No. 1. bushel..
do. Nn.
do. No. 2
Timothy. cwt
do coin. grades
HIM clover. No.
do. No. 1
6o. No. 4
eu rivin
mail was
ing Jelive
omciwl who
under the doo
generous ohligin
sutpriee and that
Dickson's capacity fo
made him hosts of fri
mourn his loss. He w
most of all by the how
term of his family, to whom
pathy of the community goes
this hour of their bereavement.
will be greatly missed In the esu
where he worshipped regularly an
reverently, and of which he was al-
ways s very generous supporter.
And his ramlttat and striking person-
ality will he missed on the street.
Through his death soother of the
landmarks of the enmmunity has been
removed. Besides his widow. Mr.
Dickson is survived by one son. Mr.
N. A. Dickson, tarrister, of Edmon-
ton ; also by four daughters, Mn. S.
0. Jones and Mrs. W. M. Corbett, of
Fort Saaketchewan ; Mrs. (Rev.) K.
A. Oorbett, Montreal ; and Mrs. A.
D. Snt.herland, Seaforth.
His Lordship the Bishop of Heron
has issued the following Christmas
pastoral to the Anglican churches
throughout the diocese :
Bishopetowe, London, Dec. 2.
To the Ohureh People of the Diocese
of Huron:
Dear Brethren, -We are spprareh-
ing nor third Christmas under the
anxieties and horror,' of the great
war. Through the magnificent enlist-
ment of our young men, our commun-
ion, more than any other, bees sof -
ferrvd from depletion of its members
and from sorrow in its homes. To the
Woe 1 tarn and for this cat
into the world, that 1 should
nese (tie a wattyt) unto the
United with Him wkolathe cru
the life, they live with Hon. Bemuse
He lives, they live also. "Go tby way,
thy bon Itveth," is theassurenee f
Hum who "visited" our wotld as "Lb
daystar from on high" for this very
purpose : "to give light to tbetu.that
wit ui darkness mal in the shadow and
death and td guide our Met into the
way of peace."
And so the angels proclaimed at Hie
birth : "Beholo, I bring you glad tid-
ings of great joy which shall be to all
people ; for unto you Is born this day
in the city of Davids Saviour whicn
is Christ the Loud."
Believes Inc yours faithfully,
came I
al wit-
t•uth.' f
BORA L CLUB Common -A concert
wii be given by the Darlow Choral
(Ault in Smith's Hill Presbyterian
churcti n Monday evening. January
8th. In !addition to local talent, the
program wiUj include solo numbers by
Mies Hildr•ed.M0Uoll and Mts. Theo.
E. Sunbury, of Uoderich. The Club
has been rehearsing for the past ten
weeks under the direction or Mr. Sun.
bury, and an entertainment of real
merit ie promised. Adltiesion 26c.
h.Nr neared No 14 Eu, 5,r.et 'oovo.,,. Kewx
choreal as . f,rK.class Shoe Rep..r.nt depot
ask. asa • ,nal. S.v
tafu,nn su.nteed- All
_ r tjlrw E..10/0.1i "4 rawly..
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
Furniture Dealer
and Undertaker
House Furnishings
T■n■abay. Beosrober 11.
wheat per Isiah $ 1 el 10 $ I.01
Oat.. per )m•b .an to .df
Harley. per bushAll to 1.40
{�t..a. per Miwh Ill to 116
Honk wheat. per bm.h......
.. 1.0010 1.10
It bore family. cereal.4.00 to 4.10
(lour, patent. per cwt
Bran, par ten
pe$110 tel MAI
44.c. per tan w
10 1n.011
Phew. loom. pertea...,.., MO to ILO
Wood. per load 6,00 (a AAA
Dalry Rutter. Perth .40 to ..43
l;reamb s ary Rutter . ..10
Itsjr., fnteh, per dos . N M
Potator.. per beak.1.Q 80 1.N
Cattle. M, tthers ohofes, for es►t. to 7.71
Cattle butcher. medlne.per cwt I130 to 9.74
Bar, nye wNgbt, per emit11.13 is 11 40
Ihma per eat . 01.411 (0 7 m
Hades,, pat Ib10 a IA
1 allow,
,tendered. per ib .. . . .M to a ra
UN to xl.
4.76 to 100
ISM to t0t.00
STORE 89 RES. 1.7
Alacavan Estate
Exclusive agents for-
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity beet alt Maple
Mahe, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling feeder or Pine.)
TELEPHONES, office 99
residence •1a ay 99