HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-21, Page 9.";.•••.,...e..
Won't Shrink Woollens Because it's Different
Here you hat e a preparation— tiny, satin -like
wafers of the purest essence of soap—that actu-
ally makes woollens as fresh and light and fleecy
as when new. ..
Socks and stockings—swriaMrt and sweater
coats—white flannel suits—underwear— blankets
—all come out of the gentle LUX bath absolute-
ly unshrunken and CLEAN. Get a package,
read the directions, it will 'be good news if you
want your woollens to last.
• wcirr
w.s%shriek WCOLIEM
i grocers a
B,.:r k ..t. b,
Lever BBr"rhere
Teroat. IN
Mr. 8. E. Faust of Z,u ich. hair bold
his residence to Mt. Aitarew Iters.
1 Calvin L. William., of Buffalo, it
visiting his old home at Zurich.
;Mr. and /Airs. art.hall Armbtvng
haver•emoved (rule b'urdwich to Har-
w and Walter-..Jyc-
Reeve oto returned to Ford -
reach from 1Veatern trips.
Dr. Maier, of Mitchell, formerly
of Hensel', has removed to Holstein,
here, he will practise medicine.
William Darcey, of FurJwich, had
the misfortune to cut hie hand severe -
y while manipulating a buzzetw.
Pte. Wesley Caldwell, of Hernial',
(bas been awarded tom military medal
or distinguished service on the Held
of battle.
Mies Helen Kelly, teacher of Y. y.
No. 12, Hullett..is leaving at the" clo.,e
of the terra. after two years of very
satisfactory work. a
On 1Vedue.day, December 13;,h,
Mies Anna It. Dearman wee married
at her parents' home, Hawick, tel
William 1Varwick.
George 1'. Currie and Charles Tay-
lor, of hart Wawanosb, have returued
to their bozees after spending the
bummer in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. ltd. Neil, of Nolomon,
Kansas, have returned to their house
after spending it couple of months vis-
iting relatives in Huron,
Archie Roberta, of Mount Forest, tet
brother of W. J. Roberts, of Fordwicb,
bas given up a good position to enlist
with the laird Hattation
- Lieut. Holtzman, of Zurich. who
Ibws been in the trenchla ported to be in hee hospital,for iome(ouf
faring from appendicitis. -
_ — — The Piesbyterian congregatlona et
Whitechurch and Laug'We have ex -
a call to Rev. Jawed Grahr,m,
of Knox College, Toronto.
' Mn. Thomas Hemphill, of Bemoan,
died on December 111th after ai brief
illness, and was buried in Henson
Union cewetet•y the following Wed-
Beautiful I+andscapef, Marines, Heads and Figures, artistically
fratpret! in square and oval frames, from____ -----1543 to $15.00
C,oderich Views in brown, gilt and maht)gagy frames__ -_250 and 600
Photo Frances—silver, ivory, gold, Circassian walnut and mahogany,
ranging in price from 250 to $3.00
Serving Trays in mahogany and Circassian walnut, .n.1 ami
square $1.60. 52.50 and $3.00
Statuary Busts ani•Figures in bronze and Ivor)
Riatoa, Coul
China—Wed 600 up
ream '•..port, Shelly and Royal I)oultm mat
Leather Goods—ladies' and gents' Travelling Cases, Raga, Purses, COMM-.
Rags, Photo and Card Cases. .
Everything re ladies' fancy and plain Combs and Hair Ornaments.
Pearl, jet, rose and colored Beads and Beauty Pins.
Beautiful hand -embroidered Cushions and Centres at about half-price.
—Christens Note Paper, nicely boxed .100 up to 75o
'Christmas Cards, Booklets, Folders, Tags and Seals, very dainty
Ab and cheap.
Christmas Decorations—Holly Wreaths, Festoons Silver Tinsel, Christ-
mas Snow and Candles.
Come early, we have Gifts to please all tastes and parses.
Phone 198 Goderich, Ontario
Mrs. Henry Stinnett died
home in Mole.wwtb on Decrial
atter an Blume of two weeks,
'age of seventy-two yearn. She
vreed by one daughter and four
Mr. Alfred Coater, of Osborne
at her
ser 5th
at the
is sur-
___-- --- TegatenAy Der. 211010
AUTOINTOXICATION Dand le now a eggletered 1.••••••0•••••••.••••••••«aurae.
The funeral took place no Tttrsday ti:,„.
ast of Mr. Richard Van pr(tuund, of • ChristmasORE ,rpneuwoni+t,eS LfP NING ar the ale rtxty three years. Five • Novelti ,sisters and one brother survive him. e s•
Jark Pringle, Rtaml.nn of Mra. J. •
Wise, ,.f (Guelph, formerly of Yea
The Dangerous Condition
Which Produces Many Well
Known Diseases.
Fruit Medicine— will Protect Yaet
Autoioloxication means self -poison.
ing, caused by continuous .or partial
constipation, or insufflcieot action of
instead of the refuse mat ter passing
daily from the -body{It is absorbed by
the blood. Asa result, Me Kidneys and
Skin are overidorked, in their efforts to
rid the btlfod of this roi oislag.
Risonin6 of Me blood in this way often
causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite
and Disturbed Stomach. It may pro-
duce Headaches and-Sleepleaspem. /f
may irritate Me Kidneys and .bring oc
Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, (lout,
and Rheumatic Pains. It is the chief
cause of Eczema—and I cps Me whole
system nskeallAybyNteeiinstant ahsorp-
tiou into the blood of this refuse matter.
"Fruit-alivts" will always cure .9sla-
inloxication or self-poisoning—try
"Fruit-a-tives" acts gently on bowels,
kidneys and skin, strengthens e
bowels and tones up the nervoussystem.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial site, 23c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit -a -ti yes Limited,
H. Hioadfoot, of town, and H
have Leen granted a carious i
limper lel Army.
Nursing sister Edith Neelin,
bar been home on rest furloug
several months, left last week for Tor-
onto, to join a draft of the C. A. M.
C. for for their overseas service.
Anniversary services were euti
(Neter' fn "First 1'reshyterian church
ou I).gnjor loth, Rev. James Wil -
son, of Dovercourt Road Presbyterian
church, Toronto, who war, at one time
arr,irtapt to Rev. Mr. (tjc_Bona)d here,
taking tbeiers bboth wotuing and
Pte.Jack Van Egmond, who returned
Rom the (runt to mix months' leave of
absence last week, received a hear)
messy ....
fort ht
n the • pWE have a full line of
ea.,)Christmas Novelties. ••
it for IP
Everything suitable for men's •
r 1'nr •
• a
Is A Few Suggestions to Buyers: •
• Ties, Sc.orfs,,rSus-
• r • penders, Umbrellas, •
• • - 1e, CombinationSets, •
Braces and Garters, •
Holeproof --- Hosiery, ' •
•1 Gloves, Shirts, Caps, •
Sweaters, LInenJ_ •
• • itial Handkerchiefs. •
pe a I•s fact, everything to be found in an up-to-date •
welcome. A procession headed by
the Collegiate cadets marched up _•
Main street to the town hall. where •
addresses were delivered by the Mayor,
members 01' the clergy, and others. •
John Helm's cottage on, Shiver •
street" tiitY ere ti purchased by A. J •'
Miss Glenna lipotton, who was n
aced on for appendicitis tecently
progressing nicely.
• G
Furnishing House.
Mrs, WiIHarn McKercher and hire.
%Vdliam McClennan were recently
preeaented sirh life-membertthip eertt.
Hcetes ip the Bed Cross Society, in ap-
prwciatiaA of their untiring services In N
patriotic work,
Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton an.•
pounce the eoggegedtout of .}}heir
daughter, Betty Bolt, to (3: W. Mer -
son, son of G. D. Neeson; C. 'A.,
of Totoutu.\ Tom marriage Will take
place QuieU_*n Droe_mf
l (ford,
formerly .rf nghamBlair, of ' _
Rev. Fatbe
pointed Vicar- ienerai of, the new
Catholic arcbdioeepe of Win ipeg
and last wart to assume Innew
lett _—
and left
l nduties. ties. Before . env-
••••••••••••••••91/10 • • • • • • • i• • • • • • • • •
reg he received rummy valtaalti. a.C.a,
--- -----,-.-- —
Buy Him His Gifu; "at■ This Store
i ----.......McLEAW--BRS. i ...
Semi -Ready Tailors /Le 11
• -
ince early spring. _ _ --
The Lees property en Wheeler street
has been».purcbaeed by H. D. Woods,
ship, haw the British navy. He- cert' husineea. fi
of his Rev. J. S. Duncan, paator.of Luck -
of Mr. now Presb)terian church, has reeeived
It call from St. Paul's dburcb, Mlt
Rte. Marie, and has decided w rccepi.
He wiHpreach hie farewell sermon on
December 31st.
Aiming thein an add
ress and puree of
town- wh
aw ,co recently bought . Bogue'a gro-
fore his uepa•-ture-slttuuttrer
fa leads gathered at the •h,•we
and Akre. !-.(Goatee, of Edell, an
*anted him with a wrist -watch.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Maclaren, pf
Ivanhoe Faru1, Hensall, ennouoce
the engagement of their only daugh-
. 1e'r, Mary Alice, to Edward, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Olen, of Clinton, this ma,.'
+stage to take place early in January,
Dr. B A. Campbell had a narrow
escape when returning to Zurich from
Hemel( one night tart week. His
horse took fright at an -auto end
jumped into the ditch, tbrowing Dr.
C..rupbell with great force against •
telephone pole. Fortunately his heavy
, for coat. rayed hint from serious In-
'One of the earliest settleia of Tuck-
mltb, Mr. Donald McDougall, died
1on December 8..b h at the holm,of his
daugbter, Mrs. William Sinalldnn, in
I Craubroak, He had. ferehed the ripe
old age of eighty-five years, and bad
been dl for some month-. The funeral
took place on, Uonday, December 11th,
to Brussels cemetery.
Death came very suddenly, on Mon-
day of hart week, to Mr. Jamie 11.
Johnston, of btanley, who passed
away from heart failure at the age of
f iieventy-t fro years. He rvived b
bis widow, two .one, George and AI
tr'ed, and one daughter, Mrs. 'James
vcBride, The funeral took place no
Wednesday to the Parr line ceme-
Mrs. Morley Hutchinson died ea bar
bome in Grey township r n December
3rd, at the age of sixty-five years,
atter more than a year's illness. She
is survived by her husb.,nd, two sons
and a daughter, and by her mother,
Mrs. P. McDonald, of Brussels, who is
ninety-two years of age. Interment
was wade in the Brussels cemetery on
December 61 h.
of the
Book. '
9 Copy for the next Telephone Directory
doses on the above datel
q Order your telephone now, so that
your name will be in the new issue!
q Report changes required to our Loaf
Manager to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. of
a Its
No more Dyspepsia for Us'
Thos isn't • naambwr of the family Med suffer from irwNawf elek
ieoiss'fermented etomsek, etc., If he or she will take
s Otoni&t and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stoma&
and and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and toes up the
lentos. uts . Tato ane at night and you're RiGHT in the morning.
Y lankee lie. evt+. d Ise Asesa.dala Ydi ins Guar. 11tea•as. IS
One of the pioneers of Asbfleld
passed away on December 1st, in the
person of Mrs. George Drannen, at the
eral, of vhiich was largely attended, took
{dace the following Wednesday to
Dungannon cruieter . Her husband
predeceased her by lees than a year,
and rhe is survived byher six sons
and two daughters, or whom deep
sympathy is felt in their bereavement.
A pretty wedding was eolemnivd
in SI. Peter's Lutheran church.
Zurich, by Rey. H. Reinke, on Decent -
bei -13th, when Mios L.uretta Cath -
rine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Decker, or., became the bride of Wil-
fred Weido, son of Mr. and Mie. John
Weido, in the presence of • large
number of relatives and friend•. The
wedding march woe played by Mise
Celia Hess, Mise Ethel Weida being
bridesmaid, while William Decker
supported the groom. After the re-
ception and wedding breakfast at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Welds left for a trip to Buffalo.
On their return they will live on the
groom's line farm on the Parr line.
Mr. Arthur Mims has gone to Toron-
to for a few months.
Her frienda were relieved to hear of
Mies Retie Bennett's safe arrival in
it'nRle nd,
Mr. N. A. Taylor left last week for
Chatham to take • special course in
automobile repairing.
Pte. Gordon Moore, whose death
was reported last week, will tie re-
membered by many here, as he was
employed by station agent G E. Mc-
Taggart about v
two years ago.
s•, ld Dever,wino l pin r
that Pu..
Hahospital in
Rnglend suffering from pneutnonlgti is
making favorable presence* towards
Mr. and Mrs. Kearney hava returned
to town after a few months' *menus.
Mr. Duecan McOharl., bas returned
!brow the Waste where he bad been
The Mistier. Jennie and Dora f eel
and Mien.Cbt•i.t'. left. Cast stark for
Detroit, where they will in haute re-
side. Before tbeir depart Mise
Dora L -es was presented with gifts
by the Pre.bytetian cbu,tIt choir,
and also by the Presbyterian Guild in
appreciatl'on of her faithful services
aa orgaol
state of tM10. FAY,
ky 0t Toledo,
Loos+ lbaotY..u,.
Jemmied, ('henry mate[. teat beirwntott
partner or the firm of KJ. *obey & t o., &iog
0.. iersea In the (silty 01 edo, muter and
teats atorn.ald, and 1hat add ,art will pay the
.001 of one hundred dollar+ for sech and every
care 0t catarrh that cannot be rood by the nm
of Haile t'ats'rh Pure. FRANK j:(, Jl}. t-.
Minor!' 1n before me and-cub•eribe,l
Dreamier, (ht.., 1th day of Dec tuber, A. ,u
Hall- 1 a'arrh t'ure H NotarI- Pon
act. thronsh ter 1,10.4 on the env o ,...tarnallY and
of the eraetn. :w•0 for . -cue ree. ee
F. J.l'HM\hly ontar+, Gee.
3014 by all dri,,yx e., Toledo, UMo.
Hallet'amlly I'iI1n 10, eoon.[lpal•iee.
Mrs. (De.) McCrae, who has been
vet y serioualy 11, 1. sole progressing -
favorably. •
Nle. sod Mrs. "W. D. Causley, of
Medicine Het., are visiting here at
their old home.
l'te, Ernest Rivers, of the (pith Bat-
talion, is hack in the trenches, atter
being ill in a hospital in France, '^'
Mr. William L.atheidale and son
left for Winuip..g list week after
ependiug a pleasant holiday with rela-
tive, and tsiends.
Vernon Ross has passed successfully
hie third year exaniivation in dentist-
ry, after taking the extra summer
terra, and hopes to graduate in the
epring. ._
Lieut. T. M. Thomson boos heen
given a commission in the new—Grey
county battalion, and is at present in
charge of a recruiting office at $6a1-
luw Late.
Aire. William Newsom celebrated
her eightieth Idithdey at the home of
her daughter, Mee. J. C. Cooper, in
Chicago, recently. Children, gland-
childreu and greet-ersndchildren were
prrtsent, and Mrs. Newsom was pre-
sented with many beautiful gill'.
Miss Barbara Sproat has success-
fully passed her hospital examinations
Many People Will Don Goloshes
Early This Season to Com-.
bat the High Cost of
Leather Foot -wear
"Buy rubbers.'" nays the .hoe -
man, the dealer who playa Lair
with hla customers.
Leather la up and shoes are ftp to
such ae extent that the buying of a
pair of Ohms 1. almowt on a level
with the acquiring of a new suit
or coat. Shoes must bo worn, but
the economical person will don rub-
ber, as soon as the weather gets
the least bit "damp under foot ";
not only for th• protection to the
health that.th. rubbers afford. but
to maim the early oho.. he •r she
There wax never a problem In
economies tart wsa not solved
sooner or later. and rubbers and
overshoes s..e, to be the answer Ing to•
to this automated pries of shoes branch
tale wtetart 114 On 8
goldfrom his fellow-psrremts-_is_tlre
In Knox Presbyterian cburolt,
onto, no Decernber lith, Mews J.•
Wilson, daughter of Mr and M
Thomas %Villein, of 1Vu.ghanr, w
married to 'Thoma. A. Powell,
Swift ('wrens, Seek., by Rev. A.
Winchester, Mr. and Mre. Pow
will spend a few weeks with friend.
Ontario before ,laving for the Paci
Coast, where they intend to spend t
to town
aftersiwo yrrats spent atrench has itlletakis n, 1
Seek., with her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walton
moving to (ioderich, where they w
in future reside.
Mrs. W. P. Mc ntoeh, who w
called to Clintair by the illnees of b
nugherr the Mt. Mrs. Young, has -r
turned to her borne at Montr•eah
' W. -J. 8: Young was in town for th
funeral of bis mother, the late Mr
Jemee young. It is over twenty
year* sitter Mi. Young left Clinton fo
the ('sited States.
snecesefnl anniveraw irFrvtcee ware
beld in Janie, street Methodist
Tor- church. Large congregation@ attended
an Loth morning and evening services
re. ' and heard inspiring sermons ft OM the
ad It... W. G. Howson, of London Mr.
ofBatrdr-p.ator of,thechnreh, end .ether
B. clergymen of the town aer,isted in the
ell ,.ervicees, and special metric was rend -
in Bred by the choir. .1 special offering
He waw asked for, and a very .ubrtantial
he sou .was given.
man litho is always right is a1-
t nuisance.
etaste of emcee"' Whetter than •
`... pf defeat. '
see I Cloth"—
Never judge a man by hie stylish
ill I Clot "—perhaps hu: wife bought them.
Marcy a men'. wife dread..* stylishly
as because hie creditors can afford it.
be I
e_ t. !Give tome people a dollar and they
will believe anything you tell tlsearr.---
el Many tt,'rraan waIke around on hie up.
a. pers because he is •'nahteir,-r„u int
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wel .4h had a
marrow escape front gas—poisoning
.from a faulty *toes., fast W M . but
Nith have recovered (rem the effects
of vnpleaeant experience:
The'engegetuent in announced of
France, ',Jane, 'daughter of the late
Josiah' Ha ton and Mre. Hampton
of Mount F:. t, to W. J. 471 -mike of
Veneottver a Tilint.l', the
marriage to take 1 •e_i i 1)ecenria'r.. i
C,pt. the Rev. t.. Jeakins, of
Brantford, who went the front es
chaplain to the.;M b Bit lion, told it
very interesting story of his a-xner-
iencee ata gathering it the town hill
on.tbe lith inst., under the *t)epicee of
the A. V. P. A. of St. Paul's church.
The closing exercises of the Model
Schaal were held on Friday of 'last
week. when Principal Bolick dire
presented by the students with an a.
dress and a handeotue r. ckinet ,ch,. ir.
Addresaes to the students were de-
livered by Mr. Houck and several i)t
the lacaI clergy,_
-An of re.ident of Clinton passed
away MI Der•enther 50, where death
claimed Mee. David Hagge.. -The. fun-
eral, which took 'place on Friday, was
conducted by Rev. Dr. RotI-dge, and
a large nnuther of Mende and }}eels
lives were in attendance. Mrs. Barge
is survived by three sone and two
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Howey are
home from the West for a visit to
Mr. Howey'$ parents.
Miss Ruby Treble, who bralte her
arm recently -while in Toronto, is vis-
iting at her home here.
Mies Pridh•int hers resigned her pori -
tion in the high school here, and ac-
cepted a similar one in Paris.
Sergi, Thomas Tapp, for two years
an active service motor driver in
France, is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mts. William Tapp.
Mr. and Mr.. H. Lyon. of l.nndes-
horu', announce the engagement of
their daughter, Mile Evelyn, to
Arthur It. K.,rsfske, only son of Mr.
and Mr. Robert Kerslake, of Exeter.
The tuartiage will take piece in Decem-
Mr. Robert. Hnwcliffe returned last
week after spending the sumrnar in
Belheck, Mask. Robert Pickard and
hi. son Allan *leo returned recently
from their farm at Fmhishire Mack.,
while Clarence Pickard remained out
A pretty wedding took place in Mar
nia last week, when Mi.. 11. N
Ronne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.
R. Anderson, of Rxeter, was married
to Mr. Alvort Baker, by Rev. Mr.
Havel. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will Ilse
In Sarnia.
The Domini. Machine Com, any are
closing down their plant here, owing
to the blah met of raw material, awl
the present small demand foe their
Itfr. Weller Connor is woe -
Windsor, and will open a
of the plant there.
unday, December 10tb, very
Don't need your wishes by m,nl ,
present them in person. The fo.ks
will be happy to see you.
Canadian Pacific
SINGLE FARE- Going Decem-
ber 23th. 24th' and 15th Return
limit, Dec. 26,th.
-Going Dec. 2tst, 22nd, 23rd .end
24th. Return limit. Dec 27th. -
ar a. n
A.,. C.-uJ..n A.... R.•d.. ,.
Give Gifts That Are
s \ _ : Useful _ --
We carry a large assortment
of goods for you to choose from, such
Pocket Knives
Table Knives
Carving Knives and Fork'
Electric Table Lamps
Electric Toasters
Electric Irons
Electric Percolators
Hockey Sticks
Coal Oil Heaters
Coal Oil Cooking Stoves
Happy Thought Ranges
Coal or Wood Heaters
For Plumbing, Heating, Troughing,
let us figure on your job. All work
promply attended to and fully guaran-
Chas. C. Lee
Phones: Store 22 The Sq ua re
Houie 112 aoderkh