The Signal, 1916-12-21, Page 5"
:} GOpERICH 0 , U
Ttv}ertAT, Decerseee 21 1919 d+
Bargains in Auto and
Bicycle, Supplies 1
I N order to make a clearing �o�f p_ur stock of Automobile and
1 Bicycle Supplies, weare offerin special bargains in m
Y PP r g pane g Y
lines. Read 'this list and see if there is not something you
want or that w =flake an acceptable gift to a friend. These
prices are good until Saturday, December 23rd.
Dunlop Tube Cement :I for 25c
Trouser Clips 2 pairs 5c
Bicycle Bells, from 25c to 111.00
4 Acetylene Gas Lamps, fro ...13.75 to $4.00
Tire Tape 3 for 1(k
Cycle Enamel,,
can 20c
Wood Rim Cement, per bottle.• . 20c
Tool Bags, to clear,' , y , each., '0c
Leathei Saddles, from $ • 50 up
Leather Gripe; 2 fo :10c
3 only Wire -Mesh farriers, each.
1 only Rear Carrier and Stand.
3 Foot -Pumps, each
1 Robe Rail for Ford Car.
I Set Chains, 30 x 3/1
$2 LI0
Spark Plug Vire for 1 car. 12.00
3 Luggage Racks for Ford Cars, each12.00
1 Ford Bumper . $2.50
2 sets,of Front Fenders, each........,,.... 12.00
1 Rear Spare Tire Carrier (usually
13•).00), for ' ..:$
Cementlesa Patches 40c.her dozens
3 Tire Gauges; each-- —IV&
Spark Plugs 75c up
1 Grease Gun 81.00
1 Spare Tire Carrier, Ford size 82.00
1 Inner Tube Carrier, velvet -lined 81.50
1 set Side Lights for Ford Car 820.00
I Monarch Dashboard Ford -Oil Guage.. .11.00
. . oodyear Blowout Patches 30c
Owned and Operated by A. M. GLOVER
a Practical Man Phone 243
rail tan sent). a pillow.
llemrs. Proudfoot, Duncan & (ir
bookies wan others from Toronto,
Loudon and °oderich.
Two QId Officers Retire.
Two old °Mons of Court Goderich,
No. W., C:aoadiau Order of t orest.err,
0Gave witbdrawu atter wavy ybarr'
service. Mr. Win. McOreath was re -
'cording secretary fur over. twenty
years, and Mr Win. Lane had beru
treasurer fns tweuty-there years. At
the lest regular meeting the following
officers were elected for tate year 1917 :
C. H., Jeans. A. Watson; V. U. K.,
Hobert E. %Vitron; Iluanciel reel etary,
Albert J. Wilkens ; recording recie-
tary, John T. Newell ; trea�mer, W. day, Uecemloer 11th, at the g
J. McNevin ; chaplain, Jos. 1 . Wdson; f h N
THANK the people of Goderich
and vicinity for their gener-
ous patrohage in the past and
wish one and all a Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year.
pecial Christmas mixture of Chocolates
and Creams
25c to $5.00
A hosts Novelties and Decorations
See our windows Get our prices
We are agents for Neilson s Choc�vllftes
Blackstone's, West St.
"The Christmas Store"
too, Auburn, Blyth an Lordesbora'.
Over 100 slides were titled, the object
ammo,ing ammo,interest and to find
mos for little boys and gide.e Society at present wants a hove
bright, healthy little boy, este
re, who is a ward of the Set
is worthy the beat of care
footer -parents. He will
nshiue into the hose.
(i M. 'Elliott. county
t his office in the
two y
ciety, an
by Bowe k
surely bring
Write at onee
secrete' y, or cal
court bougie, Uodet
The Late Mrs. Vanston
An old and esteemed
(ioderich,in the person of 'towed and Vanstone, sed away 0
indent of
Mon -
lt. W.. Allen McDonald ; J. W., John aye ° rig ty-one year r. .e.
Sproul ; S. B., Stephen Weller ; J. B.,
Williaco B1al.e ; auditory, 1'. Drennan
and H. J. 1MMEwan ; trustees, W. M.
Knight, A. Hadden, Wm. Sproul.
The members passed a very hearty
vote of thanks to Messrs. Lane and
McCreath for their long and faithful
*artless to the Cou. t .
The Kindergarten's Christmas Tree.
Cue of the happy occasions associ-
ated w i b the Christmas reason, I puked
forward to by the cb;idren, and .cerce-
ly less by the '•grown-up" who
through interest iu the children or in
the work itself shine the privilege of
attending. it the Chris iii . tree held
aunually at the kindergarten at Vic-
toria school at the close of the terui.
Half -past nine WI Tuesday worning
found the chairs provided for the
gooks' filled to ovetfiowing, while a
full attendance of the clam tilled the
kindergarten room. Songs, searches
and gamer wade up • program of rare
excellence, and were entered into very
heartily by the little ones, till the
proud moment arrived when the gifts
which decked the gay little Christmas
Lee, and which were the children's
own handiwork (chiefly specimens of
weaving); were dirtribrted, and each
ehi1J carried his offering to the proud
Mother or big sister awaiting bis in
the audience. The perfect order an
precision with which the drilla' ant.
r out
Board of Agriculture.
Supplementary meetings of the Board
of Agriculture of West Huron will be
held at •Holenesville, January 11th ;
4 Helens, January 12tb; Kiotail,
January 13th.
This Kitties Are Coming. —_
Manager McLean of Victoria Opera
House has secured the Tom Marks
Dramatic and Vaudeville Company
and his Highland (eddies wi' the kilts,
bagpipes and drums, who will appear
on New Year's, matinee and night,
with a complete change of program at
each pertorrriance. Kiltie parade
afternoon and evening.
•tone was the youngest daughter
the late George Stirling and at the lige
of rix years came to Canada with her
parent in 1540 from Carnuustie, Fore
tar.hire, Scotland. There were in the
party three brothers with their wives' —,-
and children, nineteen persons in all. s
They were *is weeks and three days the nineteen
on the water. nod on their arrival at partywf.niune
Hamilton they hired a man and wag- living : Mrs.
on to convey the children and luggage township. and Mr.
to Stratford, the others walking. town. bah cousins 0
Another wagon brought them to Mit- Its 1832' the subject
(-hell. from which piece they could not wee married to the late
p,•oeure further conveyance, so the et,de, who diad about. forty
whole patty had to walk and carry leaving a fetidly of five girls
their luggage trove Mitchell to their' hose, of whom only two now su
destinaton in (iodericb township. Of Mrs. W. 11. Thompson and Mire
Give Your Wile
an Interest
In the family's finan-
cial progress by open-
OF CANADA Ing a Joint Account
In the Onion Bank
of Canada, 1n her name and your own.
You v7111 find 1t a very convenient arrangement, for
then either can attend to .the banking when igitown,
making deposits or withdrawing money. Incase of
death, the balance automatically goes to tht survivor:
t'erich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
rsons ronipoeing this at
only. two etre 9n1+ her
refill.. of Unclench for,ove
lex. Stirling, of i the char
e deceased.-. 'ducted the
this Hketcb day of last week at the family rew-
ard Van- ! dente, Angl street. The pall -
ere ago, 1 bearers were four nephews : (t, Biesst,
two 1'. Bates, Stirling McPhuite,Mt Charier
ive, 1 McPhail. The interment was in Got -
borne cemetery.
IUs. M rr V sw.i ( ole WPM* rts sus
North street MMthodiet church`
thief y year �ritT th pallor .1
Rev. W. K. Hager, cow -
neral Nervier. on Wetj r. -
motion plays were carr ied bore,
eloquent testimony to an in9nite de-
gree of patience and skill on the part
of the children's teacher, Mies Dickson;
and the enthusiasm with which the
babies4wng in their childish treble
"We are happy ! for we know
- God loves His little children,"
made one realize that order and discip-
line, nor even accuracy and the deft
uie of little fingers, ars not the only
lessons learned by Ore RWe folk trove'
their devoted teacher.
Children's Aid SOttety.
thly nteetthg of the
iIdren'e Ltd and
ass held in
the court house on l resday,
Drremb er 12.h, with \a good attend-
snce. In the absentee of the president,
Rev. J. E. Ford teak elastic. of the
tuur,ttre -io;
The regular mo
Huron County
Hunisne Society
meeting. Accounts a
949.50 were ordered paid.
The following am am
eeived since last -monthly
Town of (iodericb, 150; -col
lantern meetirgg at. Ashurst
Mrs. Frank li'idgens, 81 ; M
Aitken, 11; Blyth hranrh,
meeting, $9.85; lantern meetir
fondeshoro', tits ; Mrs. D. Millar,
us. F. Smeeth, Clinton ba'.
Death of an Old Re$ident. lantern meeting, W10.75; refund reit
Miss Catherine Ann McKenzie. old- of ball, Clinton, 11,7t; rnite hoz, Bank of
est daughter of the tete Alex. Me- Montreal, $4 ; site box, Brink of Com-
Krnzie. Quebec linen, died on Wed: .me $:i.
nesday at the home of Mr. and Mise A rcel of new gement" for
Alex. Johnston. The deceased had no children Will received from Tay -
relatives living here ; a brother and • Ior's Comer branch of the Gide
sister are in the United Stats. The rich Township Patriotic Society ;
funeral took place this afternoon to clothing frog Mr.. D. McDonald ;
Maitland eewetery, R.v.,K. C. Menet-- books from Mr...F. F. Hedgene; clothing
mid conducting services. The de- from Mrs. Long. .-
ceased sees a resident of the town for 'I'hs count y secretary reported three
many years. children mate wars of the Society
during the th. A feature of the
Holiday Week at the Model u.onth's work was fout\illhetrated ad -
Marie Dorn, one of the most beauti- Acetates givep by the secs'etary at elku-
ful and clever artiste of the movie
Headquarters for Ice Cream and Oysters Phone 240 world, will he seen we the Model
Theatre hn NVedne,'day and Thursday
next in a new production, "The Heart
of Nota Flynn." For Christmas Day
and Tuesday Mr. King has a special
program. including Mary Pickford, a
five -act drama, "The Voice of Love,"
and a rollicking good comedy number.
% ��`• v �^ , l �■ t:. The .Model will no doubt entertain
large audiences during the holiday
Seven tfig Freighters to Winter Here.
were re-
tntwtgog :
tion .t
$12.00 ;
J. L.
Thele were two arrivals at the her-
bor chic week. The Beaverton came
in nn Monday with a cargo of wheat
and oats for the Western Canada
Flour Mills Co., and the America ar
rived on Friday with 110,000 bushels
•nf wheat for the (ioderiob .Elevator
Thie makes seven boats in all that
will winter here : Doric, Martian,
America, Pellatt. Franz, Edmonton,
Beaverton. The first five are storing
their cargo for the winter.
A Bight Young Life Cut Short.
The death occurred in the private
pavilion of Toronto General hospital
Ion Saturday lost of Norman MacLach-
len,deariy beloved younger son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rumba'', Eliot
e•.reet. (inderich The young man had
been ill only a few days of septic pneu-
monia, and although five of the fore-
most doctors of Toronto worked to
ease bit life it was without avail.
Norman was born at Clinton twenty -
maven years ago and weer edneeted in
the schools London and (ioderich,
and for the last seven years had been
with the firm of Proudf ot. Duncan
A ((rant, barristers, Toronto. He
was studying for the legal profession
and was in the graduating class at
Oegonde Hall when his promising life
was cut, +bort. He was a tine young
man. much esteemed among his
friend.. and hie death is deeply re-
gretted Besides his parents. he
leaves to mourn their Ines a brother,
Caswell, drupelet, of Toronto, and
two sisters, Mrs. Win. Webster, of
town, and Mrs. Herbert Nicholls, of
London. The funeral took place from
the family residence on Monday after-
noon to Maitland cemetery, Rev. W.
K. Hager (fiMiating. The pallbearers
were the two hrothere-In-law, Wm
Webster and Herbert Nicholls (Lon
don) ; two cousins, Armour Todd
iens.11) and Hay Rumhall : Charley
Black and Wyville Millar. The
1w401.s were numerous and beautiful,
inchding • broken cirete from the
Law School, • tat*e *math from the
Tenthly* drug stnrw• Toronto, a
Iwokes'ernes horn the par.nta, • pit
low from the slitters and brother, a
"breath tram Mho MacGregor. of Hen -
�HE gift that arouses interest on
Christmas morning, and sus-
tains that intereste through
all the days to come.
Kodaks exclusively, because we can
not afford to take chances when we
buys --tenor can you.
A woman'+ reproductive
organs t+re in the most in-
tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorderin the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease in
the reprodaetsve organs.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
GEO. E. KING, Proprietor
--FAInimg B I
Special Cliristiitas Program
Monday and Tuesday, 25 and 26:
Mary Pickford
in attractive role.
-- 7v -
"The Voice
of Love,/
an absorbing Story of love
and mystery, in five acts.
Paddy McGuire
\'. 1
G3 pay Abbott
II'innifred Greenwood Starringss "Thi V.oiie of Loam."
Rolling to Run y a sittpectacular comedy mttultiple reels.
PRICES I0c and 15c.
Wednes. and Thurs.
~December 27 and 28
JESSE L. LAS,KV present,'
m 11. • III! "I iicnl.ttll
"The Heart of
Nora Flynn"
Do you remember
"Dipbnlaey ?"
Also "The
Yellow Menace"
Dec. 113, 21, 215, THIRD
god for return '2l .22,23, 24.
until Dec 26, ooh fair return
also Dec. 30, :31, until Dec. 27.
1916, and Jan. 1, Om) Dee 2t}, 29,
10l' . valid for re- 30, 31, 1916, valid
turn until Jan. for return until
2, 1917. .lan. 3, 1917.
Above reduced fares apply be-
tween all station,' in (:ana1a east of
Port Arthttr and to Detroit. and
Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black
Rrtek. Niagara FailsandMuspenei,n
Bridge, N.Y.
Ticket. now on axle at all (i,T,R.
ticket ogees.
Town Agents Phone 9
Prices 10c and 15e <.
Friday and Saturday, December 29th and 30th
Hazel Dawn
in an original detective" My Ladyy Ineog''
comedy drama
in which this charming actress for the first time in her 'creen career i; presented as a girl detective.
Coming -- MARY PICKFORD -- for New Year's.