HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-21, Page 44 TeeVADAT. Gecun ra _I, ltllf)
r l
Walter C. Pridham's for
for Men. ana )os!
it prices away_ below
present values.
Men's Furnishings
A large set Ion bf the
latest an b -e -e -t to
choose from.
King Edward Cafe
The weather is now etxi. People
coming to town can be served
Hot Coffee, 1 ea or Cocoa at 6c
Meals also served 36c'
H iaht 't Vrice µ.1d for butter and egg..
Che hem. barn in town for stabling.
Joseph Murray
K.ntston Street 001DERICH
Tuts.t,.AY, Dec. Ill.
Mr. M. 1. Daiten. of %Vinnipeg. I
visiting his pareutr, M,. and Mr..
John Dalton.
Mr. Hugh McMillan Mid -Miss Mantle
McCort, of 1Vhitecburcb, were vie, -
ors here on Sunday.
I Thomas Quigley. who bits been sail-
ing on the steamer Wolf the past sea-
son. returned home Imo Tuesday.
1-- ars," the fatuous+ red, white
end bite ben, met with a panful ae-
ident Iart week. She received a blow
ft a horse'. foot. "retaking in a
broken leg' ur het, but the latest re-
port is that a intelligent bird it pro-
gressing taro hie.,
recently occupied by Mr. K. Ward.
Mr. Evans sold his farm lest spring to
Mr. H. Talbot. of the Bronson line,
And is now retiring G. enjoy a well-
eerned rest in our breezy village. We
extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and
Mrs. Evans.
Mr. Molt. Penhale returned last
week froui Nsskatchewan, where he
went a month or six weeks. He took
with hiw a car Toad of apples and
honey and has brought back a carload
1 of oat., which are bring quickly dis
posed of to the feigners in the neigh-
borhood, almost all of whom had a
failure with their oat crop last anm-
lner anda e forced to buy to get tood
tot tbeir`btock.
Walter C. Pridham
Agent for 20th Century Clothing and Borsalino Hats
PhOQe 57 Goderich, OntaJtip
s1:T4ect*CF*******4444404 'tic *43► Our store is the
tner aA
ndsae headquarters' for 1
l f Candies of superior qual- 4
\ E+ i t. ity. - Our assortment for
Christmas is unsur-
I Lit-.
U(. passed. In addition to t,
:f r
Chocolates and Candies
t % , : ;+ of all kinds made fresh
Y<? 44 in our premises every
4* Phone 64
day and so popular in
Goderich, we have a 4,
stock of
W ensizanev. Dec. 3o,
Mise Ina 1Villiattrs baa returned '10
her home, baying completed ber four
months course at Clinton Model
Miss Blanche Shaw is awayat p
ent nursing a eco of Mr. J. cGee,
Port. Albert. who ie laid up with
Attack of pneumonia.
That enterprising resident of I
burn, Mr. James Chisholm. last seek'
sold three head of purebred ca -
Mr. Colborne, a buyer from the
who is taking a carload of big
,t.ock to his Western home. I
WicDNasoer, Dec. 2).
Mrs. A. Asquith is visiting ber
daughter at Watford.
Mrs. John Philli does not improve
ashermany1rienc . would like.
Mes.`jotpb Lawlor started for her
horde at tladyatd. Mich., on Tuesday.
Mr. A. Asquith is unloading a car
of Western rebs at 67 cents per bushel.
Mrs. Wm.'Symington`has gone to
Toronto to spend a few mouths; with
her daughter
Mr and Mrs.
Gull Lake, strived
the wiotet months
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
for their home at Reginal, Sask., on
Tuesday after spending eiz months in
our village.
The play entitled "The Minister's
Bride" was given in the Foresters'
Hall last Wednesday and drew a full
boo -ie. All enj eyed the evening. The
proceeds. $4i, go to aid the Red Crow
work. This makee $5J(( raised by
various productions of this play in aid
of this aortby fund. e
South side Square 4*;
*414 *61 ' * 4 *6,4 4444:
In s•J rnontrles. A=k Lor 01r tX% '=v -
TUI: AI,V1SER,whlch wJ' t•.• sent 1 ea
114 University 8t., Mentreal. -
ftsw ilteLatty. 'of
week to spend
siting relttives
one. started
MONDAY. Dec. 1S.
We are glad to see Mr. James
Young around again after • long ill-
Miss Marion Glen is home from
Guelph. where she be. teen taking a
course at the McDonald Institute.
Mr. Allan Green has moved into
his new residence. It is a beautiful
home and ands greatly to the appear-
ance of our little village.
Municipal affairs are now a tout-
ing topic of convereatioopp We hear
that some of our Loyal -may
take a band to the contest for seats at
the new council. Good lu, k to then,,
say we.
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
ageist for THE SIGNAL at Duogsait.a.'
Order. left with him for rubcriptllaa
advertisemeMS a Job WNW* win'r-
eeve prompt auenttea. Itikehree
iGoderlcb Rural) r s1.
W ItUNK$UAY, flee. J.
Misses Myrtle Allen and Lillian
Pentland are home for their vacation
from Stratford Normal School.
The regular meeting of the Women'.
Institute will be held on Thursday.
Sk ineL Miss Cora Allen will read
paper on ••ICconomy 10 War Time.•.
large attendance ie ezpectea.
Wznoiso.—A very pleasant event
urred on Wednesday evening of
t is week, when Mise Esther Hasty,
daughter of Mr. and Mn. Robe.t
Homy. of Dungannon. was united in
marriage to Mr. Wallace Twamiey. of_
Ashfield. The creel'', in was per-
formed by Rev. I. McKelvey in the
preseoce of relatives. Oongrstele-
tioga are in order.
N w MANA(itilt FOR TzLuPHoNK
CoM¢ANY.—Mr. H. Myers, of Hamil-
ton. tllba.asaa secured tie posit' oI tnaneger
of the Goderich Rural 'Telephone Co.
vacated by Mr. Jae. H. Johnston.
Mr. Myers has already arrived, and is
getting everything in order to assume
his du• es and responsibilities at the
heginntpg of the year. `Ve extend to
him and Mrs. Myers a be ty welcome
to our village, hoping they will have
the same success and give ill nue set-
iafaction as bare eharacteriq-d the
management of their predecessor's. We
regret to hues° capable a man eld Mr.
Johnston. Probably very few , an
surpass him an an electric an, and Ilyt a
iboroughg ling workman, in n -
chanice, as well as in bookkeeping. hi
' HENMILLEH. is a prodigy.' \Vr wish M». and Mrs.
A Hl RI'R1R6 PASTY.- -The home of Johnston at4 badly succus wherever
they ...,
Mr. and Mre. Paul Steeds,' was the
scene of a"surprise party .one evening
this week. when the members rat the
Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church,
conducted by Si into Clan. in peri, n,
,•ailed with a Christmas gift and aft er-
wwArds .pent a pleasant social evening
with the worthy host and hostess and
their daught-r. Mins Amanda. The
Evangelical pastor. Rev. W. H. Camp-
bell, was in the petty and made an
appropriate .perch, and Mt. Maedel
replied. The host was especially
pleased at becoming peieonally ac-
quainted with Santa Claus, and they
-will doubtless befa.1ferendw'alter this.
Make This Store the Base of Your
Holiday Supplied
Just two days more to get your gift goods ready
Our assortments are bewildering in their extent and attractiveness.
Many thanks for your liberal patronage during the year almost at its close.
We Wish Everyone a Most
Happy and Joyous ous Christmas
if our goal intentions could only 1*
used for paving, mermaid in this world
what a saving for the tavpeyers 1
Atter you do a men a favor he is
apt to be afflicted with a partial loss
of memory. -
Don't forget the Rebekah social
evening to he held in Oddfellows' Hall
I'hur.dey. December lith, Black-
stone orchestra.
Bankrupt Sale of
0.T. Whitely's Stock !
Still Continues at Reduced Rates
And will continue 14) (In nmol every collar's wort is iloid;
an I do not intend to keep it as a going concern. ou all
know this was considered one of the high-class st ks of
Goderich. ThIA- stock wds sold for $2c on the dolls con-
sidered high for a bankrupt stock. but nut high whenon
consider the quality.
Of course there are bankrupt stocks sold much lower, Mil,
'from fisc to 62c on the dollar. Rut as you know such stockS
are not in the class of goods carried in the Whitely stock.
Stocks are sometimes known to the bankrupt trade as rejects
and consequently can always be sold at a very low figure,
whether kept ou as a going concern or all sold out.
The merchant who tries to deceive the public deceives
himself. So come often while this stock lasts—where there is
no deception. Von see what you want, and pay a very low
price considering the quality of goods you get at 0..C.
Whitely's old stand, east side of Square, McLean's block.
See dodgers later for a fresh int o4 goers and prices.
THE FARMRI(aL...CLt'H. -The Col-
borne Ferri era Club held its annual
business meeting .on Thursday, De-
-cemher 7,h. 'Fite suditorit report
showed that the business done nuring
the year wan very satisfactory, In
the neighborhood of 110,10).0U wortt.
of business was transacted and the
Club bas on hand a work-
ing Italance of over $u(1. , The
preei ent, Mr. H. Hill, gave a
very good addrels on co-operation.
The manager. Mr. J. N. Kernighan,
then gave a talk on the business done
during the year and showed the bene-
fit of hoovers' joining together in the
aisle of live stock and farm produce.
There was quite a lengthly discus-
sion cf the management of the Cluh.
after which it was reorganised for
another year. the new officers being :
President, Arthur Fisher ; vice-pres-
ident. Wm. Young, jr, ; necretary-
treasurer, D. F. Schwans ; malager,
J. N. Kernighan ; advisory board,
Arthur Fisher, Levi Snyder and W.
F. Young ; ezecutiwe committee.
Aaron Fisher. Wm. Stevens, Arthur
Fisher and G. L. Lamb. It was de-
cided that each Thursday on or before
the full of the moon shall be the regu•
tat night for meeting.
The topics for the oast night (lento -
'Ley bthlare"A,Iricultural Lime," taken
by Will Young ; "Feeds and Feed-
ing," taken by John Kernighan, and
a report of the Guelph Winter Fair by
Ezra Fisher. The next meeting fol-
lowing will be a social evening and it
is hoped that a large number will he
come members before ` then. Five
carloads of supplies here already been
ordered for the ensuing month, con-
sisting of lime. corn and salt.
Ontario, paid* .bort vt.1t :to the Collective 1.
+tit ate on Tue.dey.
Mrs. h*vldeoo, of Coboum ta reading her
ia,eent., Ileo..1. k, and Mra Feted, at the Vic-
toria street pan.onage.
Mr. John H. Lauder wM rueora.ful in the
Junior examination,. of the Ontario College of
Pharmacy. held tht. month.
Mtge Bawd leaves today to rl-It her A augh
WC Mrs. Joe. Hoak, at Toronto, sad will prub.
ably be in the city for .one weeks.
Mlas Beatrice Prldham. daughter of Mr end
Mr . F. J. Pridhaw. has retuned to Toronto (o
take up her (little. to the nick Children'- bon
pilar after »tending several eror.tbe et home.
Dr. Oeorlre J. Rellemano leaves Friday- mon
Ina un 0 viilt .W.hld parents, Ker. A. E. anti
M•: Heilrmann. who have ,e^ently retired
and are living h. Chicago. He «(11 be .moo-'
p.o lad by MI.• rtoratbes. and sill be away till
after New Year's.
The Women's institute intends
and donee in i he
■ Thursday. Janu-
holding a euchtl
Oddfellows' Hal
at•y llth.
The council of a Board of Trade
met Tuesday even g and took action
with reference to an industrial pros-
pect of whdeb we f4ope m ire will he
bead later.
The merchants of Goderich have
taken i great deal of sins with their
Obss m : dt►pla and _s— vielk
around the Square rev ale many show
windows delightfully '\trimtned and
filled with attractive Christmas goods.
Gorterigb merzhantsaro eight up to -the
•• +
I ;lillli llll.
Shertliod And
CTelegraphy oweereirl,
Depart seals
Students are entering each week The
demand upon us for trained help is
many times the number graduating.
Get our free catalogue at once.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
The Sunday school of Victoria street'
Methodist church will have \an enter-
tainment on Tuesday evening.
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment of the Baptist Sunday school
will h+ given on the evening of Thurs-
day, December •kith. The public are
Rev. G. M. Holmee will preach ser-
mons suitable to the Chtistmas time
both morning aid evening next Sun-
day in the Baptist church. All are
cordially invited.
There will be special Chrismiel!
music at Knox church o0 Sunda ,
including solos by Mr.. W. F. Sarin.
dere, Miss Rlda Stoddart and Mr
TvrenAY. Dec. IA.
With good sleighing and good
weather. loneliness is exceptionally
brisk in our village thee, days.
The young people of St. Andrew's
church are commencing to pesctisefor
replay which they intend to present in
the town hall about the beginning of
February. The War Auxiliary is
planning a concert for thesecond week
in January. Details have not yet
been arranged, hut will be announced
Rt. Andrew's fishtaath school enter-
tainment will not be held in the town
ball as usual this year, beet in the
chureh. The Stet pert of the evening
The pastor, Rev. J. E. Ford. will
conduct the service. at Victoria street
Methodist church on Sunday morning.
His subject will he : "Oo4 with us.
for us, and in un." in the evening
Rev. J. C. Million will preach.
There will be a special Christmas
musical .ervice at North street Metho-
dist church next Supday. The pro-
gram for the morning service is :
Ores. voluntary-"ChAetms Ch1 Ne w'' Osda
Antkem--"Ria Name Shall Re Called s "..-.
. Simper
Oahrbr -or •
aold- 1'M Marone Are
Te1lirat' ..... . .....
tloprsnoe sero="The SGr rat fl tleeph n" Aches.
Mrs. (leo. H. King.
Postlede--••RallsluJah Chorea" Randal
Sermon bythe pastor, Rev. W. K.
Hager, 'e Chri.tmas Spirit." in
the evening the choir, assisted by the
orchestra will render the Christmas
cantata, "The Shepherd.' Story" (by
Florence Morse Kingsley).
The Saults Coal Co.
Suoce-.or in Mt Ik,, ogh It (:hdhill
nig COAL -THAT 1•ATUiE Nib
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime; Cetilent. Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs. ,
Hemlock Slab, IC' per cart
Fresh rs of Lime and
Cement at received.,
rfICE I 1 , ' i - - - -
Saults' Residence 275
•W. W Sanits' Residence_ 20''
_— AVe Cutters f-_.
Wa. ra al (athate
a,• from
Mc • .f Brockville.
We have t st g. Vne:f AM small
ones—black ones and red ones
.some with tops and wattle
without tops. We should be
pleased to show tm.
RANGES from Orris - -just
few kft—Feeriies \Corona,.
kinds of Massey -I rris
And many it girl es
mans because
tier wrong ,
tan _faded to
Mr. R K. akk la home from Kingston for a
holiday vial
Mir. Jean Nairn. of Toronto, la home for tM
('hast.' belMwvs.
Mrs, CardN are edlnl the Chrt.t Mal rear
sen V. I• rsl.tIveaat noirnet
Mr Althea M.(insrrlee of Vietorba H.mhnr le
a violin' an fawn thee week.
1M. C. A. Vales. If Moot ans. bar been sees&
will be devoted to games and a short 1Ing a Mw day. 1n the old home Were
prostrrra in Ibe base•n.ent, after which I Mn. Van tens and .nr.. Johnny. of Kitehere
theta will he a display of war pictures or. e..alttntrawl. and. le town until alio
In tine auditoria • pre. Ira M. Mals, e< w'Iwnlna'• b'rNlesr,rl the
Mr. and Mei VI'le. Reims of theWks Male' este. ea. the gee tnt Mr.. R.N a
Rauhle Nne, are moving tells week Into i,.w ears Ind weak
tis leillags to thseouss as the Square crud. Omen, metal ieerp.our ler wesfsrs
Our Great 30 -Day Sale isOveri
E have still a large stock on hand. Therefore will continue to sell at the old
familiar prices. Broken lines and odd s will be marked to sell at startling
low figures. The word cost has lost meaning on the prices adorning
these goods. We will clear them out and -they mut go. So come and
celebrate an old-time reunion with these goods. This means two pair for the
price of one. We would strongly advise you to take advantage of this cut-rate
sale. It is an opportunity that knocks at your door for the last time.
\ You Know ! We Know ! Everybody Knows !
The great advance in the price of all leather goods. NOW is the `me to stock up
in footwear. When one pair is gone you have another to put on.'., We will again
emphasize the reason of this ridiculous carving of the prices, which is due to the
that at we are
dosing Out This Branch of Our Business.
Kindly accept our many thanks for your generous patronage of the past and to the
conclusion of this sale.
& CO.
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