HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-21, Page 1Printing THE SIGNAL is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your nest order. Telephone 35 The Signal QW ssytls:=1.01w1 LTY4143111TY TLL -Ne. Jet3 8ADEBIOH, ON FhJ O, THURSDAY. DEC. 91, . 1916 ISM ear STERUNGB4NK 1. OF CANADA ;Aresseereeesee•aiersweaeaseireesswenweserivesesseeeosanneeneeeMMIIIIMsolminmem SAVE, Because - Pc verty ecause--Pcvefty is the fruit of thriftlessness. �•v . • HERB JANE sends his greetings for Christ- mas and tbe New Year tee all his old friends and customers. His dray business is still going on. While he thanks all for their past favors, he trusts that they will still con- tinue to send their orders to the old name as usual. IKI+t Hurons, Shornchge Camp, Kent, England. s PUBLIC 10TICltr-__ ._ S1a TOWN OF GODERICH. �\ BYLAW NO. 13, OF 11'15. 901 SALE OE RENT. GOOD BYE, OLD YEAR ! Our Tows Clllllllllicil Leeks Back Over Its Year's Work and Thinks h Has Dote Not Badly Final Meeting el 1916 Closes with A1-rosad Felicitation -Some Important &hers Discussed of Felay Eva*. 110 RENT. -SOUTH SIDE O h 1 epartneat hone oo North *trod; six room. and bath. basement laundry. all modern ooaveeleaew; newly decorated and easily boated. Rost r.sooeablc. A.M. POLLEY. Stitt A�shoko the vote of the ratepayer* of the towo -'\ Of Roderick entitled to rote sal money Iv- a.. - a . of a .tueen:n lobe •ubmltted wheafer mid ratepayers are Lo tavor of having our•i, ipallty develop or "owl Mr., through Hydro-alertnc Power Comtolsaloe of w hates or wort. may be required ler the mpply of electric energy or power e4.ttl Ilan le aneb ekeitztc power u 1. mJ. abg, •,)ppl.od or can be obtained ander s• &be ea id tog aontrac• with the Hydro1i1ee- 4ir Ina or tommiwekanof Ontario. Wbmres+ the moni. teal coon. it of the cor- poration of the town of Urden, h deems It ad vtaable en orifi it `, 1 , the ratepayer,, of the .and own tit U✓ terlrh em it tot to rote on money by• laws. , qup.tion u. to whether the wild rate- payer. ere til favor of hating the municipality oeveloo or a/vfulrr through the Hydro -Klee nc Power 1'0 ishan of Ontario. whatever wort+ may be requited for the atiPPIY of eleetrlc energy or power In addition to such electric energy of power V i1 already applied or ten be obtained under the exit -tine tract with the H1 die -Electric Power Comm len of 4In- talio Therefore the noticed of I he oorporafion of the town of Iloderich enacts o. follow. : 1. That the following que bion be aob$litted PO the ratepayers of the municipal corporation of the town of Oodvrlrh entitled to voteon nom: Agit'OU IN rAVOR HAVING solluN11tI UV( DKVICU'K UR AC L7 FHn000 TIM HYDRO-F,t,ECTIt C ) ER NO rat COM ION OF ONT RIO WHAT- `YS MAY IC RR UI1�KD FOR THE SUPPL OT ELECTRIC'KHOY UH Mow ERIN AD ITIUNTOBUCHKLICUTRic PLOW ER A9 IS .HEADY OHTA1NrtD 1.1N• DER THE KXI INO CONTRA( 'T WITH THF. HYDRO -KL 'L,TRIC POWE COM- MISSION OF ONTA 10 t 1 That the vote. t the mid ratepayer. shall be token on TMT nrmuon at the tame boon.. on the .inns day,* .the .rime place. and by the .ame deputy-return)pg i•ftl.wrs 10 for the .i*e•lion for the municipal aiq nos for 1917. & A tree n0p y of thle bylaw shall be pub. •Mhed In the following newer* r on the day* hereinafter mentioned. that I. sa : In The liolerich Signal on the 7th. 14th, nd 21o1 day. thin bylaw copy 7 of it December. 1918, and a l7 HO11, at the Mail be mi Ibm t the Town MotoRlor. al the acnes of KMelton '1(n:et and the Square and at the corner of (Montreal street end the Square. �, Ont he moon day of ' December. lata, a COM In the toenail chamber on Eget sem bre , In the town of Ooderloh. at 10 oelnek forenoon. M&70? will. in wrung signed by him. *p- t two iin p up of the vote. by the clerk oilfdthlaal tnor- , and one ptnae to attend each pnllirrn behalf of the person" intere-ted In and h, of the answering of the "aid question le the A4lrtoative, and n like number on be. half of the persons Interest.d In and de.lroue of the rens, sting of the rid question in the nee. - 11 vs reopen Iv ply. i The 2n4 day of January, 1917, at the .aid council chamber, town Oode lc summongocp k a. m.. le hereby b,ppo by the clerk of alar corporation of the numbest of vote. given In the affirmative and in the esu t P respect 'vet*, Ma.lc. peened and etiactrad this first day of December. A D, 1916, R RENT. -ERN HOUSE ON HOUSE FOR SALE IN VILLAGE OT AUBURN.-8.veo rodme. washroom. pastry and woodshed ; Rood ostler ; bun with -lined stable ; smoke bowie, frame b-tlld- imes; fr•-ft trees noel _garden, Apply on ismisMURRAY PAERSON, Auburn, 13Ot FOR SALE VVAN OR KERSENE ENGINE P'I BAIA CHEAP. -3D b p.. portable. ,11; OX MI. B.yfoid P. O. 442t A Christmas Gift What finer Christmas gift could you make than a year's subscrip- tion to The Signal, It would be a weekly remembrance all through the year. And it costs only Oue Dollar. TIIIC/11t)LAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Preriseas CUUIITY COU RT. Judgment Reserved is Davis vs. King - Verdict in Port Albert Case. The County Court opened 011 Tues- day, December 12th, before His Honor Judge Dickaop. There was a lengthy docket, but several of the came were postponed, the Court being occupied until !Saturday in the hearing of three or four cases. Coulter we. Button was an notion for breach of covensnt.-*o a farm The WWII council of 1916 celebrated with a ilttlo Ade thanking the conn- testae, the parties living near the ,11 - its own obsequies on Friday evening ciI for the they bad paid to lege of Lucknow. Tuesday afternoon last, when the last meeting of the I their duties d the year. He mid all day Wednesday were taken year was held. All the members were hoped the ineoestag council would be up with this case. The jury returned is verdict for plaintiff for $30 damages. His Honor reserved the question fur costs. W. Proudfoot, 8 plaintiff ; R. Vsnstone tWingham) for defendant. McConnell vs McGee -This was a case from Port Albert, the plaintiff, David McConnell. ruing for damages to premises and crops. The defend- ant was John McGee. The plaintiff claimed $10e for garden stuff des- troyed and other damage caused on his premises by McGee'. cattle. Me- tier bad • counterclaim. The hear- ing occupied all day Thursday. The jury brought in a verdict of 540 for plaintiff and nothing to defendant on his counterclaim. The question of costs was reserved: L. E. Dencey for plaintiff ; W. Proltdfoot, K. C., fur defendant. Mann vs. Appleby was an action for seduction, the patties living io._.the township of Hullett. Judgment was entered by consent plaints for $&J0 damages and $1 M. Hest (Seafo ith) for plaintiff ; Dud- ley Holates„K. C. (Winghe.m), for de- fendant. Davis vs. .ing g attention of the present, with Mayor McLean in the progressive and would do as well ac, choir. nr even better than, the council of 'i'be tax collector reported receipt of ltlltl, sad that their successors would 1918 taxes of nearly $57,()110 have less trouble with the manutac- 'L'be usual motion for extension of I turfing plana than thie year's council the time fur the collection of taxes to 1 bad had. February let, 1017. was peered. Councillor WIRIe followed. Of his A communicet•ion from Aemilius } throeears at the council tbis year, be Jarvis, of Toronto, naval recruiting said, been the most !whinier,. officer, eking That a meeting be ar- The finances of the town had iwpcoved ranged for the purpose of inlet wiling leowewbat as he boiled would be LMR SALE. -AT THE RESIDENCE L of Mai JOHN 1LNUX. opener of Waterloos &ed 8t. Patrick's street, s good coal mad wood range with reservoir, FOR BALS CEDAR POSTS ALSO H. C. *Magic,. ,.Apply W. T. RIbDELL Auburn. 96 tat WARTED the people of U.•derich in the navy, wru referred to the special committee with power to act. The opinion of the council appeared to be that the shown by the statement shortly to be issued. On the other band, proper attention had not been paid to the rioting fund in previous years and the meeting should not be bend until alter dsy of reckoning was at hand. In the boliday season. May a debenture of $M,60B would tall The Bell Telephone Co. asked per- due and • loan would have to be mission to place three poles on Tar- floated to meet it. "We do the best falgar street. between Victotii street with what we have to do with," said snd C&mbria road. Referred to public works committee with power to act. A request from Capt. Murdoch Mc- Donald o-Donald for a reduction of rental for his stall at the town freight shed for the winter months was sent to the harbor committee. An enquiry from Mr. J. J. Mitchell, license inspector for North Huron, ea to wbetber a bylaw bad been passed under section 120 of the Ontario Temperance Act, appointing an officer to enforce the Act in the town of Goderich, was referred W the spec - I committee. The clerk stated that rid, such bylaw bad been peeped in Goderich. A communication from Mr. J. Youngson with regard to a proposed shipbuilding plant for Uoderieh was received and It was decided to co-op- erate with Mr. Youngeou in furnish- ing blue pripti. e`tc.,for the informa- tion of the people with whom he 1. in communication. Councillor Muu- uings, chairman of the hartor cum- mitbee, bavieg been in touch with Mr. Youngson in connection with the pin- point!, ro-poil, the matter wine referred to his committee. An enquiry from t • Paget brain Door Co. ate to the beble disposal of the Doty 1plt was read: e a letter ja•.4an i�aemirs. Prtnidfuu:i.. .+i.it r- an & (joke outlining a proposi min from the Dominion Road Machinery Co. (or WO rental of the Doty plant fur a munitions factory. The clerk was instructed to send each of thi-, en- quitets a copy of tba advertisement olfet ing the plant for sale. A communication from the tour solicitor, enclosing a letter from Mr. W. ProudRwt &eking an early Nettle - went of the Beechler loan matter, wee sent to the 'finance committee, with the suggestion that the committee at an early date. The town has be holding beck $5,0111) of the loan because Mr. Bsechler has not hunt the dry kiln mentioned in the bylaw. An a ury kiln of this kind is nut needed for the work Mr. Beecbler is now do- ing, and as be has about eighty em- ployees at work in his factory, at was considered that tome settlement should be reacted. The report of the finance committee included a large number of accounts to be maid, and the following recom- mendations : That the request for a grant to the National Maniteri As- sociation be filled ; that the Ooderich Collegiate Institute lamed he paid 55011 on the 1010 levy and the aepat&te' school board 53(9.); that the firemen's payroll for the year, amounting to $450, including the fire warden's sal- ary, be paid. The reportwas adopted. Councillor Munnioge premeoted the report elf the - ep eia4 committee a#i., pointed to look into the condition 0( the huilding and maehinei y of the Wheel Rigs factory. The rep.nt stated thea the committee had looked over the huilding and had agreed on certain repairs, which MT. .Hodgenm ad already made. Other repairs hick had not been made would cost about 592.511 and the committee had agreed to accept from Mr. Hodgen a cheque for 51,400 in full -91,322A being the amount of rent owing as already &greed upon, and 575 for the repairs to he made. The report was adopted. Oohncillot. Monologs remarked in allusion to an.enquiry made at • pre- vious meeting "We have a lot of boats tied up et a harbor and there is rowan fora lot It wise mored by tVl(1 . ARRTA� R WANTED. -STERE I3�Tir�a_ T�" RACHKK vt(AW'I'ED FOR S. b. No. 1. 4olbereN township. bolding a oec- cadcla.s profreseem1 certificxate. Ualary 5410 to OSP. et,eordlug to experience and quellara- tien+., Vatic. to commence January rd, 1917. sup*. atinsaxperf nCA»!AJ_,l', 1 0F11114►. Hee, nese!. R.p. Nil tl nsyerleb. Oat. 11-11 (� JNSMITAiNI;.-Ila YOUR GUN 1r la out sd eclair. decd. truing, or the r - p clog of any pert. bring it In me. I mm pre- pat ed' lode ail work in this line. 1 hder. m y be left at the West street barbershop. W. LUNBY. 1 CTj� R STt S :iv '1VE mI IJ wanted at ores for Urdareh and the ooantyof Huron. A eplendId oppot lenity for the right man_BTONF K WELLINGTON. The Foothill Nur.ei•ise, Toronto. Ont. PI 57 ANTED.-MACHiNj8TS AND T Vun on.. and tad-mrnJltlrm form Int 1'Ogulst machine work. Splendid opportunity for nev- em% young men who have ambition 00 become foremen. Apply, BOX V. THE 9IHNAL. lioderieb. (Corporeal .call L L KXOX, 18gd.) it. McLEAN, Clerk. Mayor. NOTiCK. NSw.p.N cby the he abotie le true opy municipal evened n}o the town of Ooderieh on the area day of December, MM. AND F1'RTH*R TAPP NOiTea that at the bear. day and pleas• therein need for taking lbs votes of the elector. the poll. will be held Wird publication 7th day of December. ,c,nbe t L L. gi19. Town Clerk. Council ('rasher. let d('y of December, 1916 SIC. lH EO. E. A. A. 0. O., L D. C. M., 1l�g� n st and t'hoirmae er of ox Church. Teiche - Nano. voice, o n. Pupi le prepared foesexkn.Matlon., Studio -- Nelson street. four donk. dmarff Dr. Hunter's. �tISSNINA WOt? L.'OM BE, 1l�s�l TKAC$KK PIANO.- pile .pared for Toronto Coraervatory e1tkID1 tlno+. Appyresidence. Trafalgar street. U erlch. t fa t - When the good man begi, to e bad man should be on ,_d to ,-pointers. 1.1A1R000DB.-111RS.A.4 I HO ride l Nelson street. 1. prepared o bur work made from ern heir or (smiting.• wad impeller hair for orders, scientific treat •osewt. ening, eta• and also has tor make toilet rsee mise, shampoo powders, cream De R mute Or Masag. weans. Herbal and Uloesellee. M tf CAU OF THANKS. MISS iDA VANBTONB WiSHR$ to tender tar meet mincer* thanks to her `many Mende wbn were so kind to bar donne the re°eet (lingo and at the death of Per dear anther. t a the councillor, "sod under the cir^umstanoee it is bard to be progree- sive.' He thanked the Meyer for the consideration .bown him during tbe year. Councillor Muuniogs also expressed his •ppreciatrem of the Mayor's re- marks. As chairman of the harbor committee, he esu sorry he bad not yet got the agreentetttt with the C.P.K. (with reference to floe tracks at the harbor) signed, bate was informed by the solicitor thaty t was now "up to" the 0. P. R. people to sign it. The other members of the council. one after soother• followed with a few words, until all It•d given expression W sentiments appropriate to the oc- casion. The Deputy Reeve particular- ly was In good shape and said he had been glad to sit at the fret of Oswalt.' luring the year. eon a of the friendly co-operation .hat h charactm•is d the work of the cot -i and declared that "oo council anti /'1t 1D OF THANKS. -1 WISH TO lJ thunk 1 tsillpbfsCoounrseel. loo. 1157ot08.1)14pPo ilIC lirmoa+at elf wriatkassa4. 'to N1t' int. . CARD OF THAN[& -1 WISH TO J meek the Refs' Tollegre74111r=e Y1cToR till% LD. How about a case of Pale Dry Ginger Ale or one of the following for the Holidays ? I case Dry Ginger Ale, pint/1.$1.20 1 case Dry Ginger Ale, splits.$160 1 case Cream Soda, apllts....51.00 1 tater Lemon Sour, splits -.51.00 .51.00 1 case Birch Beer, spite( 51.00 1 cave Apple Cider, splita....51,00 1 case Cocoa Cola, split(' 51,00 1 case Orangeade, split. 51.00 case Setting Mineral Water.$1.00 , limb (linger Beer and Root brewed in pint atone bottles, per dozen (tOc- Double Club Soda and Syphons. All goods glade front pure spring water. Mein Spring Witter, delivered in 1 gallon jugs nr more. We have a number of gnar•ta in (linger Ale, ('ream, Lemon Solar, etc., while they Net, per dozen 75c Goderirb Mineral Water Co. WruT *TnrrT Phone 701 (4oderith THE LADS IN KHAKI. In comparison with other battalions,, the Hurons made a very good record in England with respect to the num- ber declared msdleally unfit. The medical inspection lnCanadaevidently his not been sufllciently rigorous, jedging from the -number of men re- ected to the various battalions bythe old Oounirji inspectors. The ath (calf) bad 190 men rejected out of a total of 835, a percentage of twenty- nine. The 142od (London) lost 1111 of • total of 381, a percentage of twenty- n ine. The 100th (Bruce county) and the 14811 (Ozforc) lost fourteen per trot. -the former 140 of a total of 007 and the latter, eighty-seven of a total of 04. Of the five battalions the 181st (Hurons) made by far the best showing, only sixty-seven being rejected out of 740, or nine per cent. Lieut. C. S. Piste, accompanied by Mrs. Pone, was in town fni a few digs the past week and returned to Toron- to on Tuesday. Although he carries arouud with him several pieces of shell, which it will require a series of operations to remove, be looks well, and he expecte to be hack iu the fir- ing line next spring. Lieut. Pute was wounded September I(kh in the grert battle (f Courcelette, on the Somme front. Several pieces of a hand gren- ade hit him, and be was so seriously wounded that he lay for three, days in the clearing station. He says the Germans are beaten on the west front. Our men feel they can go right through them any time the Gemini,' gives the word. Lieut. rote may re- cruit a company to take over with dim when he returns to France. ficial. occupie,d the rt, on Friday. '1'. M. Davie, 'leery -ma \ of Goderich, sued Robert C. lei f and, Claude Murray for damages oiking to alleged negligence. tl. Uarrow ,appeared for the plaintiff and L: NUL L city for the defendant Wing. Murray as not represented by counsel and Pee- cey moved to dismiss the a n as against King. Hi. Honor, \h ver, directed that the cane be 'him he jury bring dispensed with. On etre 1st of Auttuvt lief Murray hil. horse and baggy from Deepened ROntarli- LMachine Meeker L M Howatt M Sullivan Pe•M ;111. a. Permit.5.. e4.3 81. 78.7 las 75 t 0. Pinder (2) A B Medusae P5.se - I3lWeeper 0 t8r' P Sullivan 1 (.'utt J. I'agio . 1• issue J E McArthur. 1L .l4oXen4 rldhean si t_ Q0't'minor .. R WnreeU 11 M Lee it w o any better." driving on East stl est he crotne fir) Co uncillore Wigle and Wilson that A. P4. Roherteon and C. L. Jackson be the fawn auditors for 1017. Carried. Councillor Moser suggested that the rook, dies, ete., lying loose at the Wheel Rigor plant.hould be collected and locked up. This was left to Mr. M neer to be Attended to. The Mayor suggested that ma thing should he done with'the 1 Riga plant now that it wolf on the town's hands again. The general opinion was that it would not look well for the town to utvertiae two manufacturing plants for sale at the same time, and it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the indus- trial committee (the Mayor, the Reeve and Councillor Manning.). Councillor Wigle suggested that the plant would he meltable for the making of toys or for a boot and shoe factory. Bylaw No. 14, appointing the audi- tors for 1917, wise passed. This concluded the business of the evening, and a little time was then spent in conducting the aforemen- tioned obsequies of the eountfl of 1015 -•• 'other pleasant 'election. as it turned out. His Worship commenced tern) _ to the readers of THE SIGNAL 73.7 714 71.1 741 70.7 641 The towdwas not in bad shape. The lison with an $utcwobile driven by rate was Tither high, but in compari- ene with other places it was not a0 bad. Councillor Pelts idge, as chairman of the fire committee, congratulated the town on the fibct that there had been no serious lyes this year. When all bad concluded it came arnnnd to -the iteyoreatarJtn.Rain, and he took the opportunity to pay a trib- ute to the work and worth of Town Cleric Knox. "Without -exception," be declared, "he is the finest clerk this tpw,n ever had." Abox of cigars then eppearerj the Mayor's treat -and in the scratching of [Hatches that ensued everybody rec- ent shout joining hanlds-and singing "Auld Ling Syne," "Say An Revon.. but not 0aod-bye," "Till We fleet Again," and those other classic songs popular on such ocasione. And so ended the . meeting_ of the town council of this dear of grace nineteen hundred and sixteen. 1 G. 0, 1. TERM EXAMINATIONS. Hen 21 1918 a eilbemeo (1% • def ISA A Hume ..... . 60,5 Below-- 3B3 s Walla°. 38 &Goldthorpe - 513 .1 McMann. 10.8 A J Saunders V 4 IC Bradley -M.2 S Mutate 2 H lyduraey ('9 Below 511 par neat., t•aaked-D Dtsebarnle, K LetPontin, A Aodrewa. C McRae. S McManus. who was, present eel, .two Bieutlr is not ranked. roam 1v. Yarn 1. ijononr -0 C Newton BIW " -B Stn hers m Wits Belo, -H M Shack ie Wl 51.4. Put II. Hot 1'ridMm 698. M C Galt 75,0. Part.l.audIL \ H I He -o 78.6. Pas. -J Bowl. r In 71. H IC Welter. 70. ---�- OOMMaie:lAI. 7000. The twoltk-of the fall term -examin- ations q[lbg Goderich Collegiate In- stitute are given below. Parents of students whore standing it not satis- factory are asked to confer with the principal so as jointly to secure a ttettetmrut. The figures after a few names indicate the number of ezana- in•tione trout which such students were absent. Detatleel repo'te are be - up sent buube with each student 70530 1. A. onerw- Percent. 79.3 the defendant King. The horse was killed and the buggy and - harhese badly, damaged, and the plaintiff clhisneol 950 and costs, alleging that both defendants were negligent arnd. careless -Murray in driving at en un- necessarily high rate,of Speed and not keeping a proper lookout for other vehicles, and King in failing to 'give rau5lcient warning of his approach and iu driving on the wiring side of the -road. For the defend*nt King it swam claimed that the accident was caua011 eodely by the negligent# of Murray'; that King was on the right aide of the, road and swerved his car in en st- tempt to get out of Mnrray'e wav, hut 'could not do so quickly enough to avoid' the collision. A large her witn••sses were heard, and (wig- nt wav reserved. Jones ve. .tones judgment was ante d by consent. This was* din- weetft pita# at ' Meaforth, in connection with the build- ing of a use • --- -- s our... 0!' anthill... . .... ,2.I (t, ' Milton 71.1 Aate Ii. Me 4,'«' 1• 1917 U. Down ......... .F.•, 17:.5 M. Pelt• 15.7 .. n.tie't. I _ P. McLean .. .a .......... ... .... .. . IRS K. Harmon.....-.. ai.1 .. ... .. ... 412.4 1'. Newer. . V. Mare.. . \.. .. C. Hwecbler.. Hwlow- M. Webb. �••..i V. 117.her K Marttu........ .. 55.8 5'. S5(a lnchertS, . .... ..81.5 tr.r.raig._.:.... ... 52,1 Dt Below .$) r oat rank- yowled,. lit L. rte 1.1.8r, P. Bogie; Ey. elloruld. Ponta 1.rb- \ Honor.- Percent. 11. Y"uttir 111. al, 1:. ,,.,,,tuglmr.. - ,,,la„, I. N hiker ....... .... .. ....... 77. NI:'ftgert 74.3 1 - 1 . 1y Pas. - i.. 5incklin .... .... . 1. King U. Mawhinney _. - -ti. N:Howard 7141 5h U.rrow ... 67.3 W. Web . ,le,. 1. Young. . .. ... E. rine,i ' i. Heaver. . .... 9 0. A. 1.amb .... .... .... at 1., Treble Mi. (l. Medford el. t 1.. Htowi, 00.8 Helow - P llosigherty 1 507 J. I.e•vy tit - 50.2 51. \1cYe. In. t9.1 H. 51rgaw MI 1: Nairn 111 ... ....... .. . 58, 1. 1'banthere ..... (... ... 37.1 1. l)uort r ..... . ..... .. . .... _ .. .. :N. J. Kidd t11 ' , 5161 H. t'err) ....'............. .. 5i H. Sandmwun .,1.7 A. l.nithwalte . 311.3 Bolos .94 per cent. --W. Thou,µeon. 61..5 59.6 57.7 Why You Should Vote "Yes" on the Hydro By-law! BECAUSE you will be owning, operatic) and controlling, your own generating Station. BECAUSE you will reap the benefit of the cheapest power possible from Niagar9''alls. BECAUSE if the Municipalities own their own development you will obtain power at COAL BECAUSE the load oar the Hydro System in 1915 was 110,654 h.p.; in 1916 over 150,000 h.p.; the estimated load in 1917 will he 183,000 h.p.; and in 1918 2.27,000 h.p. and the total present power arranged for, only 150,000 h.p. BECAUSE it means that the Municipalities wish to control the additional power developments on the Niagara River in a manner similar to their present ownership of the Distribution Systems. ;CAUSE a vote in favor of the By-law is t ,voteQ'MtPltici- C'pal Ownership and not Provincial Ownership. USE the passing of the By-law does not commit the Municipality to any financial outlay. WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION vOOD11RIC LQNTARIO Percent. KPHHoandy M te.e - 11 Phelan 11) H Longmire. J Habkirk... A .Armour. H Smith ICurrie .:... -• H low - H Au.dn.... 51 Pinder L Waleson. A Wlggtn, 111 J Wilson U Meekell 14 Wo.too Below lepsr•est., H Inkster. �. 74.3 at 67.3 •Q. r� /P. HONK, Peinctpet Seat-shipt-vystenr,- solid matt and always fresh, st Edward'''. Phoua one. WILL 0. W. 5. R. HE TORN U Enquiry for Railway Material for Army Work in France, in pursuance of an inquiry from the Brit irb Government for rails and rail- way material for use in France to facilitate the work of the Allied armies, the chairman of the Dominion Ra - way Commission ham wired an enquiry to Mayor Mclean nm to any material on the line of 1 he W. -et Shore th.l may be avallal,te. peen forwarded etai,op; V w tin ATTNrkwuIn bivtr to t price wilt he paid for iles of railway in ern up in order to wanted, and it ret Shore nilly ringing some er material, would pro - number roast n. • 'tenor. Perreet, Psis.-- . T. ilia hwalte..- ....... ............. 7:1, J. Marshall71.1 1 1t. Ohm_ .........' 71 H. Levy tit.2 C. Hay.. 111. L. New ell - 196.5 M. Howler 4M. J. Donald -on 044. H. Kilpatrick.. ........... 67. L. John -ton MI8 b:.ion<... 4p 8 F. Washington....... 614 H. t'ooke 0.ii M. McNevin 71.3 1. McKenzie 114.5 H. McNoe .... 62.3 1:. Mogridee el I. Poole. - tin :1 B.low- H.Kidd ....... 569 D. Mc1i•ennld .. 57.9 K. Prllham 57.1 `i. Mountain 57. E. 8od'erby. 1111 7 K. Hawingthwalte ' F. Humber i H. Chl.holm 1. 8owetb int the line wl and a.kiuIg w tuatrnal. Hundreds of (;+nada are being peovi4e the materi may be that the old tweet this tote. Reeidee return for the mile and n the tearing up of the line vide work for a considered of men. !tome the ago to ( ffer e- cFi el for the mile. but sabot'the ,price was high, in accordance b the greatly advanced price of si 11. the offer was not accepted, as it w felt that if the rails were once tak up it wtitild be the flnieh of the rail- ry project. a re - ^rtmne o/ ria atn,n w ^.« notice. ,uworld if you I Maw hM"Por nen 1 tof I' by of a I ing *del snd half their flora n seek. y, t10 by tji Ing the Pon roamers th half in Aodr- `1 0.7 95.3 52.1 T. Billie ......... . . 1.1 Below.20 trer cont. ranked -0. Pearson. J. NcKanole,As, Menem, I,Mc$evin. H.I'3nleen. K Muhninge, M. dproul, M, Dougherty. L'. Durran. hot ranked, befog absent for more Ihan sit- examluatiode-K. Murney, 1'. Tape, W. Sturdy.. 71)830 111. R. POLITICAL HAPPENINGS. ral political happenings of tote unced this week. Hon. R.J. resigned his post in the On; veern,gent as Provincial Secre- t! remain v nteml,er of the 4)911 portfolio.. Hg.)situk�. W, D. McPherson 1T ale ..onto. fire office of ulture, rendered ole.-' drath of Hon. J. S. by Premier Hearst to being, and Mr. ertu president of HAnp tario G troy, lou Cabinet w (ceded by M. P. P., Ming? of A cant by the rev' Duff, is bring fll himself tor the ti G. OrOreeltnan, hit the Ontario .3g.iicultu &1 College at r\ ' inner of (iueipeh, hecu reap C%�.e A(t <ijlftt(re. \ \ At Ottawe there iii fiu�ering in the p,eliticaly#oveeutee neer t e'reaigna- tion of, 'ol. John S.'nfi«Id;., member for t'u{ehester, Nova Scotia, and chief whipiof the Conierv$tive parttyy,in the Home of Commons. The reeig tun ib the result of a dienute over pat °n - age in connection with the in r1. colonial Railway, and Stanfield sa he hen had enough of Cochrane, means ing the Hon. Frank Cochrane, Minis- ter ini♦ter of Railways. Frank Stanfield, a, \ brother of the Ottawa member, has resigned hie .eat in the Provincial Howie as an aelditionel protest against the Railway Minister's methods. Blackstone'" are giving away abso- lutely free • huge Nanta Claus stock- ing nn Sstnntav, Irecemb. r ?Std. Every tan -cent pnrehase entitles pur- cbaser to a guess. Edwards' are again snaking that pure homemade candy. A sample will eoneince you. 9 V. Kllpatriek 1.. Adams T. Me(,Iu.pid (1) M. Kelly K. West. M. Peachier K. W caro, Ml. J. Kelly U. i . M*lttln 0. Porter (1) K. Railed(' 0) `. M. lox B. McNally 11 Hay 11). Below - U. Jetts, McKay ( I) V. McLennan A. Hrophy. I. Thompson.... M. Iwaldy a. Brodie, (I) A And on Percent 778.•1 7.2 T14.2 712 . 11,5 67 41 17,1 N2 11.2 FM Rt 11 8 11. Mal w3 57.7 511 S't2 IIpL sl.L1�1 a 1 �,ra ws 31, H. 4'Intton lis.... --- 51.7 Rebus Ar per hent.. ranked M. McLeod.iR. McPhee. 0 -li oeohler. D. 1. WARD, B. A. AUCTION SALES. 9AraenAr, Dee. 2�1e,r.�--Auction sale of hor,esn, colt., barn., .matt�ta furniture etc.. at t he yani+ west of (7nins hotel etehlee,ifelenn +trent, Uod.rieh, at 1.39 o'clock. Titoa. GCMLHV, auc- tioneer. TneaenA1. nee. 2A-4'ieatinganetIon -ale of term stork, impl,mente end household hrrnit- uro at lol 24, conrc+.Inn 3, We -t Wawano.h, commencing at 1 °clock. Mau. At rile 1;. 4 'al•Ne'rt. propriet rl`... Tu. MAS GCNnNt. ossa t loneer. -_ MARRIED. SWAN TORIIAWE. -On Wednesday. De. °ember e. by Hey. A. McFarlane, of Hay- field. Urawo I+abPi, yrsgngrod Mr and Mea. John Torrence. Gad.rinit township. to Mr. Andrew raR1ran yogeet .on of Mr. and Mrs. A W. Sloan. Myth. DIED. RUMRALI.-At, Torontoem %Dirtier, De- cember 16, Norman Macloehlan. .on of Mr. and Mn. K. J. Rumbsll, C,slerleh, agent 17 Stam PHnNIr 206 f M. Aceta. PRINCIPAL i