HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 16$ ltI tot eY t i• 11 ply,
Just a Few Days Left For
IF you find it hard to decide oa what to buy for Christmas,
call and see everything of the very beat sad Christmas like.
now on exhibition here.
Allnew Nooks worth while, also the old favorites in their
w Obriet.MeJtiadinke. Pt prices most reasonable.
Children'h Books, mete iu number and more attractive
fascinating than ever. 10c, 15c, 25c end (Mc. up to $1.50
Jtibles, Prayer Book a, H5 inn Books, for all Churches.
Christmas Stationery, beautdull', boxed, (rout 20c to $3.00
per box.
White 1,0-6oedg'"r-,n immense stock, wonderful selections,
both French and English,` prices very reasonable. Smart
pieoee Brom 35c, up to a heti tiful outset( at $4.50.
('hinn, Cut'Mass, �'$
Rool ai, S ver Pinto_and� .Ston ing;$ilver•
Art Calendars, Christmas Cards, Se s, Tap, £c.,
Weterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, a best gift of the new
Self Filling Pen, $2 50 , p
to $6.00.
Waterman'• Betn - Fonn`
iron P e -n. micron/4 for
Christmas. $1.00.
1erger size $1.50; fitted
with Clip Cep.'
no soot nave la
1 four or ten hours,
had }wt shut his •7to test them little difference to
from the tight when he • card a sound, meat, eggs, lata. traits,
a very tlttie bit of a s.und. He sat white bread toeing atit
up quickly to bed and list red eagerly, Constantinople- for th
because it sounded. 1t reall did sound, Dal the high war prices.
as tf 11 might be sleigh • b. fu a recommended the gees
minute, he dldst kuow jus
was leaning out of the wtndo
He didn't feel as if he bad
A New Picea for Spreading Ysltur to
the Grind.
Some 260 Turkish scholar*, taclud-
lag a few girls, recently arrived 14
Germany in order to avail themselves
of arrangements which have been
made for the.taore or less free educa-
tion of a nurpber of Turkish youths
at German high schools, This is
part of the Teuton scheme to Ger-
manise Turkey. Pp to the present
12 different German towns have ot-
Ifered to provide the necessary mala-
tenance for one such scholar seck.
while 30 German families in Berili
and the provinces have declared
their willingness to receive and eda-
• este one of the visitors free of
!, charge, and the Turkish war omce 1s
paying for the journey and equip -
Meet of 16 others who will then be
supported by the German -Turkish
1 Association. In other cases se141-
to be
ed, sad
11 Mt others stillce IS
the childrenvd will be
educated eottrely at the expense of
• their parents. The choice of candi-
dates was entrusted to a committee
of the GerMan-Turklsb Assoclatloa,
wbteb, It is stated, found it possible
to accept almost all the applications
received. Asked as to what profo.-
. on they desired to follow, a large
proportion of the children. who range
from 14 to 17 years of age. Df44]lg[-
answered, engineering: and it Wan 1
noticed that nearly all ezpreseed a
prefereOOP for a practical calling.
Dr. Wilhelm Feldmann, the apectal
corespondent of the Berliner Tage-
blatt in Turkey, writing from Coa-
staatiaople to his paper. made a
point of recommending the visitors
to the very special eare of his fellow-
eouatrymea. For one thing, las ob-
served. it would probably be eery df-
0cnit for the young Turks to accus-
tom 'themselves to the German war
r menu. The majority of them, he ex-
1rom good Turkish
it, while the fare of the
was very sparse in-
verted to live sa-
tire war had made
els mode of lite.
and excellent
avalleble in
who could
families w
lower classes
mere roe annus
e thought. and deed• were
tremel7 well, w
i sat upon the too step of the
that led to the street and rested
chin In the palm of his hand.
e of the fellows oame along and
to hint, but Teddy didn't an -
Ha dust now, tor be was Dat -
want to play with
fallow• just
with a great sorrow.
Tom had said 1t,. so 1t mast be true.
LIom war eight years old and didn't
to ' to bee ants wad ck. Tea-
halfpast Gour for r•ettr(ag Daled he realised that the extra f
trade a mac of the world .wt of
while it lett the antortunate
y .1111 a baby.
Torn had stunk his hands into his
teeny -Tom's trousers were lovely
rough, lust like bis father's -end
swaggered around telling all the
s that there wasn't any Sant
1 When questioned
Said that there used to be. but
this year there wasn't going to
M and there uever would be a{atn-
No Santa Claus! It Teddy might dn't
twee six years old. he one as o1Q re
cried. but of woes*
he never cried.
Teddy wondered If he'd better tell
mother He decided he wouldn't
should his mother. whom he for
N! so dearly. be made to 'utter ani
r than was necessary!
wsa hard, though, during the nett
weeks. which seemed like years.
of to tell, and when ChristmasDrought
seam, and his mother gayly
hta biggest pair of stockings and
them up at the end Ill the mantel
ooukl hardly keep back the tears
disappointed he and We mother
4 be when they gut up In the
mycvflnz and found the stocking emp'
ql Rhe leaned over and ktseed him
tenderly. "Are you tire& dear?' she
naked_ "You don't sem as happy as
Tedd *seared her, as well as he
wise able tor the lump In hie throat.
that he war perfectly well 1(15
pike tS* cote one she war.
't press the question. She mere
w up her low rocking chair and
the bed until she thought
was asleep and then crept
y down stain.
ti lay for a long time after she
watching the firelight flicker on
paha. He ooaldn't go to sleep
beetles what war the ase, when
wasn't anythtng to wake up fart
� _� many tears rolled oat of the
rear*.** of Cts eyes. but he didn't
tiara nova
h test circum -
how, be
spect ion and gentleness is dealing
alked with the children on the ground that
there at alt, but moue as if had much spoiled. and therefore very
lust ealong without any effort sensitive and llkete to permanently
un his. part, as if he had been some resent an affront to their pride. It is
sort of delightful nigh bird. He lowed of gest importance (bat these Turk -
away out of the • window, trot feettOrOt laeholara should teal comfortable
$ Mt afraid of falling, and looked dawn ish In Germany, wrote Dr. Feldmann.
upon the street. �, Teachers and foster-paaeats may ss -
Yea, down there on the street, se- surediy be looked to to recognise
plain as day, he could see the rein- elexrly the fa;yortano• of the an!>t-
hear shaking thele long horns and siert entrusted o them.
prancing wotil the bells that seemed _
almost to corer theta tilled the air ,TME GODERICH MARKETS,
with thele musical Mottle. And then ,ty.,
there was a gleam of red. Somebody -
7 urx+.nar.
V(,at,AM bew.
h... el to 16
Llai,., p.rpbn.h ... ... . .
Barley. per harsh ... W W Litt,
l' . per bo.h.. .. 22.11 to 223
Ito• k *teat per burp. .. .. 1
Y lour, fatnilr. per cwt
Flour, upend, par sort .... ..
Wen. per ton ..... . ........
Mort:. hereat. ... .... ..
Hay. per Um .
ell raw, loose, per ton ,
Wood...per load.
Dairy Mutter. per lb
the majority of young Turks are very
las climbing into the sleigh! There
was the echo of a jovtal voice calling,
I'Pre.eber 14.E
Site to $ Lai
1.0) to 1.1
1.101 to 4.:41
5.96 to 6.11I1�1
3400 to 126(
31109 to 95.00
10,09 to 10101
5.00 to a.1*'
sal to a:+,
.f0 to .46
Creamery Butter .... .. - .fit to .SII
POW.. fres., per dor. ... ...... .111 to .46
toes. per btph 1.60 to 1.70
tattle, botcher.' choice. per cwt. 7.61 to 7.75
- - '(t.ttle. nplrMr•i+ medium.Dercwt fl60 to et •3
.Irtl• live welahr per owl IP Ifl W 11 .re
S cep per rIot .. ... .. rtes tar 7(91
the horns of the reindeer quivered r b,. .. .1a to .lm
. pe es to 0.111
7 allow Pens
per lb 1 (01 10 'Lel'
)oytuilly. lh•lt the whole turnout gesso Pens
seamed to leap tato the sir. and like
• fiesh coxa gonel
Teddy r.,hbed his eyes. It was
tunny! 11,1 thought he was at the
wtadow. hid here be was in bed.
Re sat op and hooked around the
rose!• The fire in the -grate had gone
out. but the gray light of the morning
Iran begtnr.ing to steal through the
,curtain. Teddy slid out of bed and
erupt softly to the fireplace.
The stockings were bulging in all
directions, as had been their exhlllar-
eking wont 1n other years! He put
oat his band and touched one of them
teria117 It was no dreamt The etock-
as full to overflowtng,
th a !stile sighing, whispering
w�sre of ply and reset Teddy clasp-
_ lla bands until the knuckles show -
white as the snow outside. Then •
cry of absolute delight be
Intothe mother's bedroom.
s opened a pair of sleep?, eyes at
sound of the pattering little feet
threw himself upon her, laugh•
mother, inotther, motherl" he
"1(e cams after a111 Banta
did comet Santa Claus ltd
i nodal He did, he d14 he did!"
1),c. f, 24, 26,
weal for return
until 1)ec. 26.
also Dec. AD, :tl,
1916, and Jan. 1.
1917. vet it! for re•
turn until Jan.
2, 1917.
ihw. 21,22, G3, 24,
good for return
until Dec. 27,
also Dec. 28. 26,-
:01, :tl, 1916, valid
for return until
Jan.:;, 1917.
Above reduced fares apply be-
tween all etat.uns in Canada east'of
Port Arthur and to. Detroit and
Pbti tttttvrr. Mich-ButTalu, Black
Itack, Niagara FallifatidSuspension
Bridge, N.Y. . Y ..
Tickets now On sale at all (1.T.H.
ticket offices. -.
Town Agents Phone
!••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••Q••••••••
• That's a good resolution. Instead of giving a lot of useless novelties, give only sensible, •
• practical, useful things as gifts. Here are a few choice offers for the practical giver. •
''',I e s, 1tufere,
+cssnm, lil
linivr,N, No -till -ken':
tine), Nail Bleach,
Orange se 0 b od
Rtieks. We can
make op a eel, in-
rluding any nom-
her of pieceet sad
combine.+ beauty
withutility. Itis
jfat the tfsiuR t,
het• the -baby's
food at the proper
tPfll torture over
night for a nrxon-
d a y luncheon.
ing party, etc.
No material Pm-
ployrd in mailing
(Filet houses ever
reaches the vogue
Wein have n !these
gINN1N in Hair
lirllshes, ('nmbs,
Toilet Sete, Man-
usury Sete, buret-
fent, Files, etc.
Ilillette Razor,
sed .- e. actor,
ordinary Razor,
Itasor S 1 e 0 p m,
Mugs . lininhes,
Shaving Sticks,
Toilet to ater end
Creams. (Cigars.
1 igxw Pit r Nee ,
Tobacco, (1 i g a r
(.amen, Shaving
Gifb for die Begs
Pocket Books,
Tooth Hntaher
and Tooth Pante,
Nail File, iromn•
Iain p,n, (loll,/
Iiox, Hair Brush,
Military Brushes,
!'laying Oarrla,
Mouth Organ a
Fiean,t.hinit NLP
at bey for her-
melt, hut, would be
appreciated as a
gg i f t: Hntwatrr
13ottale. box of
(;and bottle of
Perfume. box of
(Christman Mia -
tis/n Pry. (lard
(Case, P o e k e t
The average girl
is fickle: Benne one
I,f these et wire
leo suit ! Toilet
Water, Perfume.
ef *magi, ()mans.
Fere 1a o w d e r.
Manicure lista or
indiridual plecte,
(sundry. 11$ r
Brush. (1 o m h.
nice (lake
eloap Hnxee, pow.
Smokers rroodl
Fine etwort.mii
of (' ig a r N i r
iei Iloilo! o
10and 2fr. pipes
Tobacco. or, (!iAar
Are wlwngm in dP-
mural for eerioue
old a n d
toilet uses, but
during the holt-
days they are pot
Li) ext , purtxwew:
SPiet t !► in! from
100 to $1 BO.
Leather .roods
1'. •het Books,
(earl (;lees, Wel-
let., ('.liar Helene.
••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••
The Christmas Store
GyS �
►fit• •
or the '•\.�
1d faldX,
25c Will Buy
Linen (rash Irundr Bag
. Three Ladies' Initial Vandkerchiefs
put up in fancy enve
Pair of silk ankle Hose
Three whttewereilki Handke
with navy 'Wilke dot border -
A pair of babies' Cashmere Hose
A pair of infants' Bootees
A pair of -infants' silk and wool
A Japanese Doll for small babies
A Doll either dreamed or undressed
fb with navy
polka dote
Two pretty lace•edg'ed Doilies
A gtset *bite crash Towel
A nice pair of Cuff Links
A pretty Belt or Scarf Pin
Two gold plate Beauty Pins
Japanese silk initial Handkerchief
Japanese Waste Piper Basket
Fancy Japanese Lamp Shade
Fancy Japanese Basket -
Two khaki Inloroilki Handkerchiefs
Patriotic or khaki Inercenized
1 A
1NHOL.E store full'of Gift things is here
ready and at your service. It is ready
with the useful and the practical for hol-
black or iday giving. displayed -for easy seeing and easy
�-�uyirrg: 'Make it your holiday headquarters. It
hieta- will save you time, trouble and money too. Here
are some helpful hints boiled down for quick
reading, showing some of the many things that
can be had -at moderate prices.
osiery For HQIiday Giving
ANf,OT of people will select it this Year and a
\useful gift it is. Many lines here that are
especially suitable for holiday giving, with
exe'tptional values in the staple every -day
wanted_ qualities as well. Each pair at 50c or ober
put up in a gift box if desired. Put Hosiery on your
list. You . will make no mistake selecting it here.
Ladies' or gentlemen's pure linen
Initial Handkerchief -.
Beautiful muslin embri'idered cot-
set of Side1 limbs in grey. amber
r shell ((/
Fan ahelldHair Pins set with bril-
Very prey shell Barest• set with
Pair of all -wool Mittens either
Lidice' or children a size
A mercerized Neck Scarf worth 50c
Two fancy embroidered Handker-
Tare embroidered Handkerchiefs in
, • pretty folder for mailing
A boy's wool Cap with peak
A girl's wool Toque
A plain silk Tie
A fancy : flkTie
And many other articles ave can-
not Mention here.
39C antt Will -Buy
A knitted silk Muffler, cream or
colors. worth 75e
A dainty embroidered Handker-
chief, real Irish Linen
An embroidered linen Centre
A knitted wool Toque
Fancy silk Neeft.Corl
The Christmas Skirt
Our big Christmas skirt -making
offer continued another week.
Skirts marls to your measure, per -
feet fit gguat•pntetd, tailored in the
best etyhe and my $1.75 charged
for the makin You select any
material 141 our dream gsx,do stock
at $I.01 pe f yqaa (Tr mer and we -
will make it for you in any four of •
the season's lx•st styles, guarantee
a perfect fit and the best of work-
manship, and charge you only
51.71 for the making.
Our Chistmas Blouses
We have now on view a erre lerful
display of Christmas Blouses,
Many regally handsome new Waists
befust openel out. Of moat of the
tter ones. but one or two of a
kind. What better C.•hristnete gift
titan a handsome milk or steeps•-dI•-
ehene Blouse.
Waists-. 5•(11VvQQ
$1•t7a7 W,, $(1
Crepe -de -('hese Waists. at
$5. $5;50said $6.50
Bzquieitn.Y,jsile Waists at. -
$2.001.,, $4.50
Ladies' Handkerchiefs,
Real Irish Crochet
Th...am 0110 of the novelties of
the searem. They are just a wee
bit out of the ordinary and exceed
ingly dainty. The Handkerchief
itwelf in of fine muslin or pure linen
and the corner either plain white or
white touched with some color
Real Irish Crochet. Prices are
25c/30c slid 3
Mint Hose 2Se '
Silk boot Hew% good quality. Lu•ight, TtwTtoitg ilk Nnk!•
with Lisle top. White or black, at per pair 250
At 3Sc
Better quality Silk boot H .se, hen weight, reiuf•Ba1
heel and ankle, white or black. per •
silk Hese 7Sc
Ladies' silk Home, top of !good quality Lisle t reed, superior
ng in every way, black, white, grey a• surd shade.
at 1•.•r pair . 750
Silk Hose 61.ZS and $1.50
Lathe.; {nue silk Hose, two goatlike. that are ester. ' anally
god. will give excellent wear. 131a•k and white a 1 all
the wanted shades. special per pair -.51.28 and 51
Cashfa•re Hose 3Sc -
Fine quality pure -wool Uashnn're Huse, seatrile•$N fret,
spliced heels, will give excellent wear. Ail sizes per lilt,
Cashmere Hose 50c
Very fine quality pure -wool Cashmere llolee, soft flnisl,
excellent wearing Stucking,at per pair
Extra File Quality 75c
Extra fine quality pure -wool Caalunere Hoer•, all sizes, very
711k6 -tine and soft, at per pail
Indies' Ribbed Cashmere Hlogood quality, toad frmn
soft, good -wearing yarn. All sizes
at per pair . woo
A box of these famous Stockings gs ma
ukes a most asleep a
helidag --H'-1' have theta in two qualities of silk, put
'1' these pairs In a box. - .
1 t 55.00 perbox we can give you black only.
At, 55.50 per box we have them inat white and
1,alm beach. These Draw are guaranteed by the er.
Heavy ribbed worsted Huns, made from strong yarn^,
se*rllPNm ft -et, spliced heels. all Slz•N, several qualities. at
\per pair .... .4001.4' 750
Rllobed Cashmere Hose
Fine, strong, hard-item-itig yarns of undoubtd Ilnatity.
IAll sizer(. NI or 2.1 rib, at per pair 400 to 600
Efbbedd ftahmere Home for t•hiklren can be hal in black,
white, tan, eardinal or sky. Splendid wearing, p et feet
fitting Stockings, per pair .. 25o to 40o
A Bete- Quality
children). fine -ribbed t%ashniere Hose. This is a splendid
wearing Stocking if you want something extra strong.
Conies in all sizes up to real large. Per pair. -..310 to 600
A Ribbed Cashmere SOc
(load quality ribbed (.:asp 're Hove, ••n.• that gr, - "It
factory wear. Special valor per pair ....800
Silk Plate Socks 50c
Thi« im a Sock that will pisses any man. Fine quality silk -
plated Lisle, in black, white, grey or palm beach. At per
pair - ISOo.
We put up all Hose at 60c per pair or over in a hand-
some gift box if desired.
Gift Umbrellas
for gentlemen,
attractive hand-
les, strong
ft amen... 52.50.
53.50. 54.50
Handsome Gift
Umbrellas for
ladies ...51.50,
5,x:50, 53.50,
Hodgens Bros.
Direct Importers
Goderich, Ontario
50C Will Buy
infant's white wool (letters
An eutbioidered °ur.t'lc we
A pair of men's Socks
A pretty fancy Collar
A pair tR woollen Gloves
A pair of Penman's Cashmere Hose
A pair of silk ankle Howe
A woollen ('loud
74 gsrorl (Jell
White or colored knitted w"foo,
Gentleman's plain betteallne silk
Gentleman's fancy Tie
White Bath Towel, 1141aln se with
et dor•d border 11
Fancy Japanees LIMO t3,h+µt)
Fancy Japanese Bead
75c Will Buy
Pair of silk How
Pretty fancy Collar
Habits' wrs,l Jacket
,1 hair of fine Cashmere Hoer
Euubr idered linen Tray Cloth
Embroidered linen Centrepiece
Heal Jladeira hand-entbro1dered
1i.oe Will Buy
('hntct•.-T-any article on our big
$1.01 table.
An embroidered Huck Tuwe
A linen embroidered Centre
A Tippea'ary Is.11
A ited ('pews Doll
A rites, of dainty white rdnalin
h nd.•rwe to - -
- flamnelrtte Sight (lawn
Affair of kid t3toven
X pair of silk- 016V«T ' - - -
A knitttl silk Muffler _._
Four pure linen Initial Handker-
chiefs, ladies' or gentlemen's
$1.25 Will Buy
\ A child's Klemm,
Tray (loth
A ancy Centre
'A •r of Chamois (Hove*
Ho • Dress
A fine w Ito w(oilTen Vest
A Veit of 'tt (linves
A pair of •i MOW`
A pair of Fo t«e English Walking
= $I.50 Buy
.t heavy knitted silktitter
.1 pair of kid (doves
A knitted wool Underskirt
A whit wtlol Shawl
.1 half-dozen Initial Handke •Jets
Christmas Sale of
l'lu istnuu. Snl,' of Millinery con-
tinued all week. Many Inure Hats
have been trimmed up for this
special asci. don. The newest and
test shapes with high-grade trio*
ming.... Hate that are all the way
up to $5.00 and more. Special
('hristtuas sale. your $2 25
choice only e
The Most Beautifui
Neckwear We Have
Ever Skown
A•e are well within the mark when
we make that statements for the
Collar sto•k exerts anything wP
have ever attempted to show our
customers. The styles are really
beautiful, shapes new, materia
exquisite. They are made in One
Inhaling, georgette crepes, pure -
wool cashnieres, either plain or
t : ed. We rennet begin to
describe the many style, but we
know you will be delighted when
you are there. Prices are ......
25c IIp to $2.00
A Great Array of
Hand Bags
We are showing this Christmas an
exceptionally large stench of ladies'
Hand Hags in black and eolors.
They are the product of some of
the beet makers -and guaranteed
qualities. All are silk moire or
leather lined. ronplo•te with rain
purse, mirror, etc; A most steeple
able gift, each in a venerate box if
desired. Black, grey, brown, oto.
Each 51.00, 51.75,
52.00, 53.00 and .. .s5o
Get your Christmas stmas Greeting Cards at The : Signal