HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 13THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO THVrtaDAr. D,ePMafl 14' 1910 1l. Bargains in Auto and Bicycle Supplies ! IN order to make a clearing of our stock of Automobile -and Bicycle Supplies, we are offering special bargains • many lines. Read ,this list and see if there is not somethi you want or that would make an acceptable gift to a friend. se prices are good until Saturday, December -z34 Dunlop Tithe Cement ,.... 3 for 25c Trouser Clips ' 2 palrl_ Bicycle Bells, from . ............. 25c to $1.00 4 Acetylene Gas Lamps, frotu...13. 5 to 14.00 Tire Tape 3 far-lOc Cycle Enamel, per can 20c • Wood Rim Cement, per bottle...... 20c Tool Bags, to clear, (3 only), each �Oc Leathet Saddles, from 12.50 up Leather Grips 2 for 30c 3 only Wire -Mesh Carriers, each. SOC 1 only Rear Carrier and Stand.. 11.75 3 Foot -Pumps, each 50c 1 Robe Rail for Ford Car.... ......... :...75c 1 Set Chains, 30 x 31.. - ......... 12.00 T Spark Plug Wire for 1 car...., 12.00 3")~uggage Racks -far f't,:al Cara, rjlth :,$S.&9 1 Ford Bumper ...:r --r:. .... ...... �:........ 12.50 2 sets of Front Fenders. -each '82.00 1 Rear Spare Tire Carrier (usually 15.00), for $3.501 Cementless Patches 40c per dozen 3 Tire Gauges, eacd , 11.25 Spark Plugs'.,.. 75c up 1 Grease Gull* 11.00 1 Spare Tire Carr er, -Fora} site 12.00 1 Inner Tube Carrier, velvet-li ed81.50 1 set Side Lights for Ford Car 120.00 1 Monarch Dashboard Ford Oil uage...11.00 Goodyear Blowout Patches 30c \EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and Operated by A. M. GLO • a Practical Man Phone ER LOCAL TOPICS Remits Bisset Retiring. Reeve Bisset of Colborne townehi announces that be will not be a candi- date.for re-election for the cowing year. Mr. Bisset has held the Reeve's chair for four y gars. Board of Trade Council Meets. The council of the Hoard of Trade met on Wednesday evening. Among the ulatterw di.cuseed was that of harbor improvement, and it was decided to move in the direction of asking the (iovero- trrent to complete the outside break- water, in order that adequate protec- tion may be given to shipping in Use harbor. '-The removal of the oheckwr- ter last suwwer has made the outside protection more necessary than before. The G. C. 1. "Lit." The O. C. T. Literary Society held its last meeting under the present executive in the aseetuhly hall of the street, on liunday. December letb, ech000l on Friday evening last. The tiodafich lost an esteemed and re- program opened with an instrumental specked resident. Mrs. Elliott'. Ire - by Mira Edna Pridbaw, rater which illness war a brief one, though ohs Ernest Lee gave a declamrtlon. Mi•s had been in poor heap�i Gar some Limo Hilda Austin gave •reading, which previous. The deceiitA win horn in was followed by •violin solo h• Miss Ooderich town .hip sixty -rix years ago. (.ladye Jeffreys. Leonard Macklin a daughter of the late John Cox. in gave a very interesting talk, whack,ja•rhru•ry, 1877, she war worried to was illustrated by Intern slides, on I the late Robert Elliott, and they coo - hie trip to England and Ireland, tinned to live in Otiderich township After a reading by Mies Hodge, the until their iewoval to town fifteen Journal was read by Leonard Mack- years ago. Mr. Elliott. the late Reeve lin. Much amusement was caused by of Uodericb, died in August of last the closing number, which cunni b' h ted the winter. Several other boats are expected to lay up within a few day.. Kicked to Death by a Horse. A terrible fatality occurred near Auburn OP Sunday, the victim being Me. Austin E. Church, r farmer of Woes Wawanosb. About 10 o'clock in the morning he was found lying dyad in the barn, having evidently been kicked to death by a horsy. He waelying face down in the stall, with the Ido ..r'e hind feet un his twice and its f1,1111t, ben fin the manger. lin head and face were badly crushed and some ribs broken. Mr. Church war tarty yeare of age and lenses a wife and two little daughter.. He formerly Clothe lived in Cloricb township, and his wife was Frances McCullagh. of thpt township. He had a male of bis farm: stock * few weeks ago and intended to go West in the epring. The funeral cemeterytook place to Colborne cemetery on Tuesday. The Late Mrs. Robert Elliott. In the death of Mrs. Robert. Elliott, n which occurred at her home. Picto year. One sou and three daughters or several selections by •symphony 1?) are left to mourn their Irreparable orchestra of boys. lose : Reg. R„ of town ; Mrs. H. K. Harbor Notes. Burke, of Unclench township ; Mee - The following are the arrivals for Albert Uox, of Morris, Man., and Mrs, the week at the wharf : For the W. J. yyiuonde, of Seltford. The de-' Western Canada Flour Mills, the ceased Ir aw vived Manby three 'deters Doric and the Martian arrived Tester_ and four brother,. : Mrs. John A . day (Wednesday) with 110,0011 end Bradley, of Lurgsn, Out. ; Mrs. Ed. 2410,000 bushels of wheat rrapecuvely. Jenkins, oTfois-i-; Mrs. Wm. Walter, For the Ooderieb Elevator Co. the I of Uolhorpe township ; John, Ales., Velcartier arrived on Friday with Jamee and Robert Y. Cos, of Uoderich 2110,000 bushels of wheat. barley and township. flax ; the Edmonton on Monday with The tunerd took piece on Sunday 97,1100 bushels of wheat and the W. C. afternoob to Maitland ceiuetery. The Frans with 7190,000 bushels of mite. services were conducted by Rev. J. E. The 11. M. Follett came in yesterday Ford• pastor of Victoria street Mei,ho- with 80,000 bushels of wheat. diet church, of which Mrs. Elliott was The Edrnbnton, Franz, Pelistt, Ia member. The pallbearers were Doric and Martian have laid up here, MeCo Messrs. John z, lt. Y. line, Wm. the hart four storing their cargoes for Walter, John A. Bradley, L. O'Neil (Clandehoye) and kobi. Young. Among this., present for the funeral were Mrs. A. Cox. of Morrie. Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, of Lurgau. is Rheumatism of the fiats Uric Acid left in the Mend by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause is the same ea in all Rheumatism- disordered Kidneys. The cure is like. wise the same- D.dd's HARRISON'S BIG ORIGINAL OF CANADA Whe■ will You Save 11 you don't Save NOW? Though your aalary or income will no doubt increase, so will your expenses -and many find that the latter mcre than keep pace with the former. Now is the time to start a Reserve Fund -and the Savings Department of the Union Bank of.tanada Is the place to keep 1t. Deposit the extra you have on hand now -you can open an account with any sum, down to one dollar- and draw Interest ow IL Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. r throwing nut Mr. McKnight an4.bis wife. Mrs. McKnight war bailiy cut about the head, and it was ascertained lawn that Mr. McKnight had three rihe broken. The horse, which is a quirt, well-behaved animal ae • rule, was caught at the old hotel stable. Mr. Bisset took the unfortun.tte couple home in his auto, and Dr. Whitely. of He Remembered Father. The judge's flv.-year-old sou John bad been .Doughty when hie ))nears were having company, and hail hose reproved. That eight when hie neither went up to hear J,.hn say bid prayers she euggeteted that no oak (hod to teach his parents bow to bring hila up prop- erly. John' was quite prnitenl aad town, was quickly on the scene. The prayed h bly : "Please, ti,*i, reirch buggy was badly damaged, but_ the another how to make we a good bey.' horse apparel/Ay was net much Hurt. He paused fur o tuowent, than ,uhl.S. KiNGSBRIDGE. thougbtfull77 And titter, too, it you caw do *alibiing with him." MONDAY, Dec. 11. The physical culture ride of the vrerk Miss Julia O'Reilly lost • valuable of the li. C. I. will be prswynted in a horse last Friday. Joseph Da/ton made a business girls' folk Hong and dance end .� boys' Mr. Jcalisthenic exerci-r drill at the Opera trip to osephOnderieh on Friday. Mies Ursula O'Connor spout a few House, December 21st. - i 1918 s days of Tait week with her 'Mer, ,lolly Fine. Too Genevieve, of Ooderich. ••IL's a pity to pot hie overeiwt 00 ,•• Lee?desire. Ed. '. O'Reillyt, Kenneth Me- exclaitued Ibe fond parent, as she Ciro and J. T. Friday 'virit.d the gated admiringly et her young hop e - Ci e,JohnTnwn ie fol attired for a party in a new vel art .spent ntQth , and )liar at. of veteen tint; with tare enllar and ruff Ofthten. sppeent thy, week end at. the Oh, it wont rain 1 grid Mentor Mr. and Mia. Wm. Quigley ixabeth Tierney, of tiode- present spending a few r. and Mrs, Peter Austin. DUNLOP. TuttaDAY, Der. 12. Mrs. Williams spent the week -end Clinton last week. Mr. James •Cbisholu and bis eon Will attende•Fl the fry cattle show Guelph last week. • We are glad to stite that Mrs. Clut- ton, who has been`so ill of poeuiooni is gradually improving in health ,Ur. 11 crane Horton and family will reside at L,eburn for the win months. The majority of the „theta- num nha G►nts of Dunlop have 'unveil aw within the pin two years, and empty hooves are the rule rather than t exception. . TgACHart RE-aNOAOSD.-plies Pent- land e land, the piement teacher of No. 9 school, has been re-engaged for the coming year. She seems to have given general satisfaction in this ...c- lient and as this is unneual here the ratepayers may consider themselves fortunate iu being able to secure her services. HORSY FRIuiITENE°.-What might have been a fatal accidentoccured here Ion Friday afternoon, when a horse owned by Mr. William McKnight, from near Nile. took fright at .Bisset Bros.' auto and ran away. upietting the top buggy into the _ditch and borne Mrs. rich, is, day, with LBORNE. &DNEADAY, Dec. 13. Dsc.1HOF Mt. -BLIZk LINFIBLD.- News of the death, of Miss Eliza Lm - field, at Bozeman, Montana, is re- ceived with much regretb her friends in this township. been making her brother Prof. F B. ism i.infleld had me with her Linfield, and Montagu. Ignoring the remark:Awe gssrl nip- reheneively oat of the window. •Look here. N' int mart." she s til. -tette this 'hilllos, and if it rains whew me out of Mrs. Pinfiot's, take a cah h 'e." "fiig . aa," rem -irked young M. n- Wlu.' Three re tataF_it was r.aininR cats and 2 nd the (ond m ► hl s.wl her forethought. Brit. Monty re- turned wet to the-,ekin, with the vel- veteens clinging to hint like a bullies family, at Bozeman, tor\be past three shit. years, and her death ocenered on De "Didn't yon carne b at camber 2od after a brief illness. For 1 Gold you r' 9ndiunan several months she had not, leen in the mother, surveyinfr bar usual health, but it w at few weeks ago that the eeriou her trouble became known, e failed rapidly during these few a Che funeral took place from the field home to the Bozeman Ge1,,ppet on the 4111 inst., Rev. 11. P. Sant ter pastor of the M. C. church, officiating bi. The deceased was horn i" Newfunnd- ay land, but spent most of her early years in this township. A sister, Mise (trace he Linfield, is a deaconess in Montana ; another lives in Toronto, and there nt re two hrnthere, John, of this town- ship, and Alfred, at. the Northwestern Univereity, Even,tnn, 111. 1111 a cab v domen.led only a .wig anger. mss of 'Cooree t dtir era;"' .-mor Nt wa -_ d tn. cited anewer. "Ip was jolly _ I rode on the hoz by the drat t. n- �. TRAPPERS! RAWFURS tu!OHN HALLAM He Was Short. Early one evening a frail little girl entered a candy store Ana asked for a Este of chocolate. After she had the candy she put four pennies on the vaunter and stetted out. The eteirekeeper. though averse to frigbteng the little Tbilo>t; `(mated after het in a gentle voice: _ ''You're a penny short. "No, you're a penny' short," aha called bock as she disappeared. w waw 'Mr .. spinaei re ....v a. re ••• er i.• ..er..a MWs. Y�..•Ia..Fana -Dar•F. los••a. 1 Mr.....�tr.W I.w M...wr.r► w� r..i.W....I.-amid Tom o.1I.1r ti Ir mmstere.•• 1....r r•.. 3.dim e.• a.r a...r.. FREEya.rrr.tierrr 'id,: T.MIA= a'..y JOHN11111.1A11 Liaised 167 Hallam Building, Toronto, Voting Contest Closes December 23rd At 10.30 p.m. ONLY 8 MORE DAYS TO VOTE 1 it Ivory Toilet Goods Individual Pieces and Sets. 1111111101 .rfidl««at, �01.• 411v 1430 1-1511 ,,.. � 41 44�r- • USEFUL Solid Ebony Goods - - lndici11n.11 Pieced:" .11111 St•t,. Votes will be counted by the committee on Monday, Wednes- day. Friday and Saturday after- noons of next week and THE FiNAL COUNT willjbe made on Saturday night at 10.30 p.m. Get your votes in for your choice Watch our windows 1 Special Values •1111•1111. AIM FOR EVERYONE Full -rine of Ivory IddiJidtIal pieces 35c, 50c, 11.00 up to 15.00. Sets $2.00 to$b0. lE verptCAna iii -Ebony Individual pieces 25c, $QC, 75c to 14.50. Sets $1.54) to 1R l$). ?rats Smoking Sets, 75c up. illarb's 7orkbtpt Chocolates In packages Pe to 12.50. Bulk 40c a pound. Christmas er f times citta "Gottet Waters 2:oc up to *1..07. CALDWELL'S DRUG STORE GODLRICH W. H. Harrison Jeweler and 1 Optician Gederic► • Willard's Forkdipt ChocoLaatea Packages 25c 12.50. Christmas Package Perfumes 2'e- to 12 '4 1 • .w • tate.► -sus-