HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 12-rw 1S t'niloato.'Y, DSC !x RSs 14 Ma t HE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO W. C. PRIDHAM'S Men's Cbritnas Store COME in and see our display of Christmas Goods for nen and ,boys. Our advice is to buy early and have your choice before . the goods . are C over Presents for Dad and Young Men Suits Overcoats Underwear Coat Sweaters Shirts Neckwear Gloves Pyjamas Night Shirts Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Suspenders Hosiery Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Hats, Caps Presents for Boys Suits Overcoats Coat Sweaters Shirts Neckwear Underwear Gloves Scarf Pins Suspenders Woollen Jerseys - Caps, etc. - Special Order Department Leave your order now for a "20th Century" Suit or Overcoat and we will have it ready for you by Christmas. Walter C. Pridham hona.,57 PPj .•. gni i Goderich, Ontario rd Cafe NEWT The weather is n cool. People coining to town can served Mot Coffee, 1 ea or ttpcos at Sc ',Meals aii-s.o- NtN•l :; Lew*. petos laid tertltautWand sea. . xhtbste learAi p1Rh for sti\bling. ` Joseph Murray Kingston Street 000etnCM --� DUNGANNON. 1 • Mit. N. F. W'IIYARD is the agent for TH 81(IN AI, M Dungatime . _ ()dery left with him for Fnb•.eriptioas. advertt-ement. or job printing will re- v ave prompt attention. Telephone ((.oderich Rural) r WEDNEanAY. Dec. 13. Rev. G. Gomm condi.cted, services at Keit* Curoers on Sunday moto- rs. S. breves' bras returned from ojerich, where she spent the last two onths. v. O. tiomto 'attended rite Malt - Presbytery meeting at Winghaw last uesday. Lie . Buswell Rutherford: while in (hie icinity, wade hisheaaquarters st Dr. C 's. Mr. F. ones has told hie pretty dtiviug po v to M•iae. What will be nrzt. rant ? Mr. Wm. 'rawford, of Taitinto. visited his . M. Mr. and Mn. B. Crawford, at tit end of last week. Mrs. Jai. Medd, of Auburn, was the OHM of her lath - and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Du for two or three da)s at the heginotn of the week. We regret to say at Mrs. Jot. Cousins n still in poor health. She ed to Gode 'ch hospital y ,. Al I was remov last Tueed•yy. We hope t treatment there may bring about a - - y re- covery. Mr. Wm. Smith and fami who Tett here but April for.S•.ketctiewan, returned last week, preferring Oe- tario yet to the allurements of the Wert. We welcome them heck 0 their old home in West Wawanoab. J. It. McNabb, our popular produc merchant, has purchased and disposed of a carload of oats. and has this week purchased • carload of corn and another csrload of oats. This grain le shipped to Mc(iaw and will he dis- ported of upon it•arrival. Mr. Wickens, manager of the Sterl- ing Bank herr, received the tad news Tuesday evening that his brother, Lance -Corp. Kwert Wickert, was wounded and believed kifled, in France. Mr. Wickens bas the entire etympathy of the community. The Methodist and Presbyterian churches ars preparing'connert•t in aid of their Sunday whoa'''. The Metho- dists are yrs hold thein on Friday even- ing, Decembtr'2ltnd, in the Agricul- tural Hall. Admision 25c and lir. The Presbyterian Sunday school con- tort will he held in the hasemwet of the church on New Year's night. A Mrowrlxo Kvavr. A very spec- tacular dentona.t.raIion in the way Ma footrace occurred no Main .treat the other day, when two of our aWw•rts gave the citiz •ns a free exhibition. Our genial butcher Ming inured ,lp the physical .ndtrrenee et chasing, cattle sod sheep had • slight Mean - tage in point of wind over his antag- onist. woo soon bad to stop for Dant. of breath. Practice tip, Mac. Yu*'11 beat bio yet. _ Lofts. K. Kutheiford visited friends here last week. His acquaintances were pleased to see hint, atter his te. turn from active ..ervice. He carries wound marks which speak plainly of the clone call be wiraculously escaped. He returned on Monday to Toronto and Ottawa. whence he expecte to re- turn again to the front. Dungannon is proud of his heroism. and hopes to see him attain term u when the sword is rheatbed and peace declared. TY! ANN IVa)eARY C, ![RT. -On Monday evening tb•e Agricul'.ursi Hall was comfortably tilled by an at- tentive audience to bear the fatuous "old-time conceit," and see the an- cient costume. *. exhibited by the Cltuir of Knox church, Oodericb. Wiese thirty ave menthe's of which wee present. It it needless to say that\ the chorueee, solos, quartettes, etc., *ere much appreciated by the atsdiene. The tare. "A Woman's Won't' , was well received and ap- plauded.\ The receipts of the evening were over $75. Enswt:t�tE'a Atvivrl'gf$ARY, - Lest e church was tilled to Sunday brae its capacity, b' tit morning and even- ing, to hear Re U. M. Rutherford, of Reid'. Corners. worthy past patinae u[ ErrkiUB. ChYCC Rutherford .. delivered a very le end' Practical sermon in the mo ing, taking bis teat from Psalut 1(r verse 14. He showed the sacteduew'ttf the church, the reasons for bolding` it in rever- ence, its aserociationa tipd environ - menu in the life of the., Christian. The choir was ably 'Misted morning and evening by the Aitchison Q•tar- tette of La:know. in the evenly M-. Rutherford addressed the youn men lu a soul -stirring appeal for the urgent need to respond to the country's kelt to tight the battles of church and state in this day of serious crisis. He pictured the situation, revealed,. atrocities and the invasion of all privileges and liberties held so dear in state and churcb. 'rhe voluntary offerings of the day amounted to 87 (iOOERICH TOWNSHIP. TUESDAY, Dec. 12. Mise Minnie Johnston is spending e few days in town. Mr. (,oldie Newton h as purchased a Ras -power outfit for attaw and wood. The Misses Willa ('ox and Margaret Yaill will complete their Model School course on Friday, and will take pont tions as shoot teachers after New •• • •1 • i a• • • •: • t%. .• 4 .40 • clndless7�ar (2. •d • • •d • i •s • • Handkerchiefs EVERYTHING in Handkerchiefs for ladies, men and children, Our Christmas stock is most complete in every line. You have a wide range to choose from. --USW* plain Linen Tlaladkerebieri"at Ibc,"•20c. tic, 30c and 83c each. Ladies' plain Linen Handkerchiefs at 12#ic, 15c, 20c, ' -;125e, 30c and 35c each. Ladies' and men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 25c each. All pure linen. Ladies' fine Corner Embroidery Handkerchiefs in -\\lawn or linen, from l5c to 81,00 each-- -- \ \ Ladies' fine lace -edge Handkerchiefs, in . lawn or v linen, 20c to 81.00 each. Ladies' colored -edge Hand- kerchiefs, at 20c, 25c and :15c each. Ladies' lawn Embroidered S a riAll iHandkerchiefs, at .ac, 1 1f :15c, 3 for 25c and 2for25c,• ���� Children's picture • Hand- `�.�Itfa�! i� kerchiefs, 2 for &, and 5e each: • Girls and boys' colored 'h Handkerchiefs, 5c and 10c each. `II #9ado 0 I 1 11 f Men's Excelda Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c and 2 for 25c. Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c. We have many other lines too numerous to mention. sit.uaBuy these useful gifts for everyone in the family. Silks Just new for the Christmas trade, in green.- blue, Copenhagen, black and broafy, Me yard wide. at 81.50 a yard. This is a Duchess Silk and heavy. Knitted Goods Children's Gaittet- C*pa -in fine gota_mopl.-at 60c each. Babies' Bonnets in fine Angora wool, at 50c each. Babies' fine Angora wool Sweater Coats, at 75c each. Collars EVERYBODY needs them and they are very acceptable as gifts. These Collars are smartly new in the latest designs. satin Collars with plain or pleated back , in long and short collars, 50c to 81.50. Brnadelotb-Collars are the newest and can be had here in many shapes, at from 50c to 81.50 each. Georgette Crepe Collars in all the latest shapes and Jsizes, large and small collars, at from 50c to 82.00 each. •n •• O• ./j.. Silk Waists • SILK Waists are IT. Our lines consist of at- tractive models with handsome collars, making Waists of decided beauty. White Silk Waists in silk crepe de chene and habite u silk, from_ $1.90 to 85.00. Colored Silk Crepe de Cheng Waists in maize, Copen- hagen, pink, black and flesh, from 83.50 to 85.00 each. . LadiesSilk Hose Ladies' black' Silk Hose, in all .tit -,s, at' 50c, 85c, 81.00 and $150 a pair, Linens - • Linen Guest Towels, in good pat*ras, at 25c, 35c and 45c each. �� Colored BatlrTotrels, int gooditze, at 45c, 50c, 60c and 75c each . ' Plain white Bath Towels, from 20c to 55c each. Plain Linen Towels, at 22c, 25c, 35c, '40c, 50c and 60c each. White Quilts, - iron- 81.25 .to 11310 1•c6. -- big sizes. • Tray Cloths,'in linen, at -c, 50c ane -80c each. Centres, Dresser Covers, Doilies, Table Covers, in fact everything in linen, in a range of prices. Aprons . New. Tea Aprons, made of pretty muslitts, with or without pocket, at 25c and 50c. - Boudoir Caps Boudoir Caps in fine lace, beautifully trimmgd, at -25c, 35c, 50c and ;lac eaca• _.. Gloves EVERYONE -wears Gloves and they make a very u FuT_[esent.. White Gloves are exceptionally good this season. Ladies' fine Doe Skin Gloves, in all sizes in white. This glove is guaranteed to wash in soap and water -no gasoline needed. l'er pair 81.75. Ladies' real Kid Gloves in , R white, black and tan in alt sizes at $1.50 a pair. Ladies' Lamb Skin Gloves in white. _black and tan in all sizes, at 81.25 a White Kid Gloves with black backs, 'aJ1 sties, 81.50 a pair. • , • White Chamoisette Gloves, at 9Oc and 31.00'a pair. J. H.COLB9RNE •• • • • • • e` Ca to s ►a • •• • Ilk e' w•, l : •• •' 1 Year's. A large number of the Mende of the late Mr.. R. Elliott attended her funeral on Sunday. Say. boys! you haven't forgotten the 22nd is the night of the Christmas tree and entertainment at the Union church. Borrow a quarter and come. The Taylor's Corner branch of the United Patriotic Society will hold a sewing meeting at the home of Miss Nettie Sturdy on W n..day, De- cember 27th. All ladies stip cordially invited. A UNit UK CowrIl r. -On Pride , December Nth, a number of people gathered at the Union church. This night eras decided on by the W. M. S. to he the gathering in of the talent money of the Monday school .ebolsr.. in the spring •til was voted by the W. M M. and divided into quartets and each pupil received a quarter. By various, method• -Inch as raising onion■, potato**, citrons, chickens, ducks. etc. --about 530 was raised. The competition between the girls and boys was won by Miss Margaret Yuill's clam. Miss Bessie Davidson receiving the hanner for having made the most of her "talent." Mrs. IRev.; HamlIton lave • reading on the deaconaas' work. A report of Pointerus-Trews- hlwe and also a letter from the school were read. Annie and Dave Dav4Mnn reordered 'wearifully two dues.. The program was closed by the singing of the doxology. All were very well pleased with the amount realized by the talent ronteet. AUBURN. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew, of Auburn, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Stratford. A union Chrietmee entertainment will be given by the member* of the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday schools in the Foreeten' Hall, BENMILLER. Auburn, to Friday evening. December 22nd at 5 clock. The program will TottermY. Dec. 12. Tho•. Wilson. Mee. Frank Willis received the wad news that her brother-in-law, Mr. Austin Church, of Auburn, was tramped to death by a horse. Dent forget to reserve Wednesday, December 211th, for the patriotic con- cert and box social to he held in the school house here. A good time Is expected. as a splendid program has been prepared. consist of choruses, recitations. drills and a splendid .erred cantata en- titled. "The Sign In the Sky." A good time is expected. PORT +LBERT. Wsnt4RRt)'. Dec. 13. Mr. Williaie Beiadley is (-outlined to his room the peat week. Mrs. John Fritaley is coder the doctor's care. Her •saey friends look for a speedy recoverr Mrs. John (lreeosaid little son Alilo returned from Stratford after a pleas- ant lea•ant visit with triewde there. Mr. and Mrs- R. DKennaa, of (lode. rich, and little son Raymond ere spending a week with Mr. and Mr.. Jake Cousin.. Pte. W. T. (iilhert. wife and child. of loseina. spent the weekend with Mrs. Gilbert. parents, Mr. and Mi..• itev J. W. Hedley, of Nile. ex- changed circuits with Rev. P. S. Banes on Sunday. The Sunday school convention on Wednesday afternoon and evening of last week was well attended and much enthusiasm was shown. A Ohrietmae tree entertainment will be held in Benmiller church on Thursday evening December 21st A gond program is bring prepared. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY, Dee. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robertson visited Win ham friends last week. Mrs. 0. (heaves and Jim visited (i.tdeticb friends resent!_r. Mr*. D. C.Ilaian, of Whitechurch, visited Mrs. Gem. Brspb this week. Mewls. Wm. and John Thompson :tend ed tit • tat stock show at Guelph last week. Lieut. M. R. Rutherford. of Raid's Corners. visited at Win. McAllietet's last week. Messrs Wm. Redmond and Jame* Ureavee are cutting wood for J. W. Boyle at present. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the concert at Dung annon on Monday night. ABHFIE LD. fhb monthly meeting of the Ash- field Moldier.' Aid Circle will be held at the bonne of Mts. Thom,. Dougherty on Tuesday, December 1A. In /pins of unfavorable weather, the lox social held on liriday evening last at the 4th oonre.•km .choolbou.e, in aid of the AahAeld SoIdiers' Aid Circle, was a great sweetie. The pro- ceeds were 11161. CARLOW. W.Dwwaoay, Dec. 13. Mr. Jos. Connor took a carload of sheep to Toronto last Saturday. Mr. Harold Walter hos returned from the West. after spending three months. Wm Annie Walter left a few days ewo to visit her enter, Mrs (Di .l A! - new, of Lura., liblo. A neswiser of the farmers monad took in the fat Nyack show a: (ittelpt hast week. All report it wilt worth att.ndingi M it le ao education to any far We 'Mend to Mrs. McPhee and fenslly• our moat heartfelt sympathy In their bear of sorrow. Mr. Tom Wilson left last week for Parry Hound, where he expecte te spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer. of Stratford, spent the week -end at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. end Mei. Job. Lev y . 11 The singing school Oee.M usual an Tne.day crewing. Mr. flvobttry es - Peet. to give a concert on or shout the Yttt of Jacuary. The annlvereary services on Heb - bath were well attended. Special ost- lection• were taken and amoewt.d se 571. Oa Monday evening the ogee pert was a greed sucees.. Mr. LeRoy Kenney, the entertainer, of Toronto. supplied meet of the program and Mr. Rinser Rohm -ton gave some vomit mueie which wise much aporeoiabsti. PATENTS :tt1::l.ati [1--tiT: In el) raantrt Ask fns oar i Toga AD VI•] whleh will La seat dot► MARION a II It101t, uaIwiMlg Mttr . .... OW r