HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 9THE SIGNAL is ready to
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satisfactory job et ery time. Let
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TelephOne 35 'The Signal
A Christmas Gift
What finer Christmas gift could
you make than a year's subscrip-
tion to The Signal? It would he •
weekly remembrance all through
the year. And it costs only One
Dollar. •
MITT-LttiliT11 Tilt -No $2
'''s114111101•4•:::,.011~111•111e4s.7.2•21110.41, Artrigier•IIMI:
New business opportunities will arise
after this war. The man with
capital will be able to grasp them.
F(1111.1C NOTICE.
BYLAW NO. 13, OF 1918.
lte take the vote of the ratepayers of the tows
• of Osiderieh entitled to rote on mosey on a reseideen Lobo submitted whether
lho odd rotelmfete are in raver a
the mur icipality develop or require through
the Hydro Electric Power Commleain of
Ontario. whatever work. may be required
for the eunply of electric evenly or power
0. additioo much electric power ea is al
ready •upplied or can be obtained ender
the esbitincoontrac. with the dro- alto
Uric Power Jointuteioc of otters.
— — - -
TO RENT. -80U CH RIDE 0 is
apartment home on North atreet , six
sal bath. baretnent laundry. all modern
Eveloiemee, newly decorated and easily
tee. Relit reameable. A.M. POLLEY. KYtt
Experiences and Observations of a Goderich Boy in
Some months ago The Signal pub-
lished extracu from the letters of ldr.
Tbos.J.Salkeld, written to his mother,
Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, from lialonica and
the adjacent territory, where be hoe
been engaged in the motor transport
service of the British army The fol-
lowing are extracts from letters received
during the interveuing mouths :
Aug. 13. -We have had much differ-
ent weather ever since we left 84 -
(mica. It. was hot, dry and dusty
there all the time. It gets dusty here
sometimes, but the weather seems dif-
ferent. We were quite busy here for
the Niet two or three days after we
Mime. One day we started to work at
6.30 (got up at 4.30) and kept going all
day and the nest night. until I.' in
the morning, just getting tin, for
ineale---tWent y hours at a st tch-
and then we started that day at noon
and worked until 10.30 at night. That
is the only night work we've bad to do
so far, but mite get more any time.
The roads are fine here.
We lied an aeroplane raid Over the
station a couple of days ago. There
was only one machine and I don't
thiok it dropped any bombs, but be
soon made himself scarce when a few
shells got, after him.
There is s kind of valley along the
river here and it seems very rich
land; in fact, it seems to be the only
land here that. is much good. They
grow a lot of enrn and *owe of it. gets
seven or eight feet high and good
healthy stuff. l'ele.eeen a'few patches
of good alfalfa quite Orme to the river
and it was great stuff-eeenried to be
just the right piece fur it. They use
water to irrigate, but I think they
'haven't much judgment, as I am sure
titration would do a lot more good.
Vith the corn tbey pull or cut off the
tops of the stalks and let the sun have
a chance to ripen the ear. I don't
know what they do with it then. I've
seen some herds of cows, mostly .lersey
strain. so 1 suppose' tt --goes_ to fetgl
them in the winter. • '
They grow some sorghum, too. I
saw some stales last night that were
about twelve feet high, and, by the
way. when we see • row of sorghum
stalks in the shape of a square out. in
the 'middle of a earn &lilts we know
Thir week we publish the Christmas
Shopping Number of The Signal. In
the sixteen pages will be found the
announcemente c: the merchents of
our town, who are prepared wi
and well-amorted stocks for • briek
Christmas trade. Readers will find it
to their advantage to read these an-
nouncements carefully as an aid and
guide in their shopping.
In addition to the usual departments
of the 'paper, there will be found in
this number several articles of specie'
interest, along with Christmas stories
sod other 'packet readiest matter ; and
if we are a little late in issuing it sub-
scribers will kindly bear in mind thet
the production of • paper of this kind
has meant many extra hours of work
for the editor and steff, and wil
• make due ellowance.
jog since I got on the train to come
down here sod I owes it is time I was
getting back to wock•
I've been up and around for over a
week aow and these Ono. ars able to
be up in the weed are supposed to
help do the work, go to the 000khouse
and get the grub, wash Mabee, and
sweep the floors. There are generally
five or six in each weed able to get
around, so the work doesn't take long.
%Vs get, quinine three times • day and
I've been gettiog • kind of tonic the
kart day or so. you know how fond
of medicine I am and this stuff ie as
horrible -tasting ea any, so l'w gGing
to get oth as some se possible. I've •
euspicion thet is ooe reason they give
it to us. A hoepital isn't woy plats
for a healthy man. We had a couple
of concert," in the boepital and it was
good to beer a bit of must?, again.
&opt. 30, -I'm hack to the convoy
again and feeling fine and ready for
work. The weather is much cooler
now. Alshougli It gets warm in the
middle of the day, the nights are
coal, I 'night say cold.
The thre-hing has been done some
time and tbe people are wotking at
their cool, doing a little plowing,
hut mostly taking it wary. They use
tbe old-farbioned method of plowing,
a yoke of oxen and a bit. ot a plow or
ecrAtcher with one handle. They only
scratch &both three inches deep and
sometitnes it is rather herd to tell
whet they have done,
The Engliiih welnuts *re all gone
now. I guess tbe Greeks must have
captured thew The figs have all been
picked too. You wouldn't recognize
them by what they took like when
dry. They are pear-shaped, the out -
1. quite green and the inside a
deep red. They are not very nice o
the tree. ,
Oct. 21. -This le Elatbrday morning
about 9.30 and so far we' ' , A holi-
day,*Ica for the reason diet irs. Ming
Write cheserf011y. There I one or
two places on the road which get vei y
slippery when wet. YOU get part
way up the hill and tbeu most likely
slide back. We are in the tents
where it. is dry ; most everyone sis
busy writing letters or doing needed
clothing repsirs.
We get au apple now and again
(knit anple).; not lunch table, but still
better than none. We: had Mater for
tea eight before We And radishes last
aright loxirito. We cettainly get
pretty good grub, 101 4 of i- .Lt meat,
good bread end lately we have been
getting good j -on, apple jelly, plum,
quince.. Logan berry, and, IhoPlteriri
most nil inade in Afflltrallit,
we fare well in that way. We don't
get potatoes very often. hut get vege-
table marrow and eabbage and loos of
good tea. I am quite satisfied with
what we get.
Nov. 4. --We have had a shift since
1 last wrote you and we are now
where we were last June We got
here just last night, and have been
busy getting things straightened cut.
Around whet e we are now the Bul-
garians are doing all the heavy work.
A couple of Serbs with rifles keep
watch. The priemiers seem quite con-
tented and do their work cheerfully.
1 spies. they are glad to be out of it
All ; they are well used, too. I don't.
think the guards hive a very hard
time of it. The languages of tbe two
countries eeem to be niuch the same ;
we otten see the guards laughing and
talking with the prisonere. They
tainly relieve the Serbs of a lot of bard December 1311i :
work. • Lillian Fos 54511, Gertrude Fax 5315,
The countearepeople are buey plow- Verna McNally 46, Viola Young
ing here. -I' drill% know „hos...many 1:3891% Cora Allen 34011, L. McConnell
than they dirk. Before we left our 3145, Olive *Nee 31241, Ethel Nairn
last crimp they were busy- sowing Lagi5, Jean Bogie 2l485, Marion
something, I supposed, it was wheal. schmanw Voll, Edith McManus 2,1:15,
They juet sowed it on the stubble and Winnie Gledhill 2175. Agnes Saunders
plowed it in. They only plow ebout 2100, Florence Stowe WOO. Lulu Hetes
three inches, deep, so I guess it 1706, F.leanor _Joye 1521), Oral Stott-
svoulein't get too far down% - I don't dart 1480.
stirne of the fields, for many are on the Keep in mind the G. C. I.,entertain-
think they could use implements on _ .
'eides of very steep hills and most any- ment in Victoria °per* Hoilse.Thurs-
thing, except perhems it plow, would day, December 21st. Admiseisni 25c
reserved *eats :loc. Tickets will be
Well:\ it is near bed -time. I am sold by the stoidents at 27e. and these
with 10c will ' be exchanged at Ed -
box, with a candle sticking on the wards' for reeerre,d seats.
corner for light. I've had a good filacketone'a are giving away also -
many different styles of writing desks lately free • huge sante Claus stoek-
since 1 joined the army. ing on Meturday, December :tit d -
Preparations are being made for Every ten -cent purchase entitles pur.
vrinter, heavier' clothes aud water- chase_ _ .____
r to a gin....
proofe, so we ought, to be comfortable.
We certainly get good outfits.
Gloucester Terrace. Yet/ to JOS. C.
rF1N. 37-11
II OF AURCRN.-8teren room, washroom,
pantry and woodshed : good miler : barn a ith
°risk -hoed Weide ; smoke house. name itriiiii
Ins 1111t1 ; heti trees and garden. Apply on
Remises. MURRAY PAIT.IMON, Auburn,
701 SALE
ot ten. JoRsi KNOX., warner of iKaterloo
land Po.aans,___triek and wood
ranted with weerrolt.-
Whereoa the municipal opened of the cor
poratron of the town et Guderich deem. Med
Merible to subu It to the ratepayers of the said
Sewn of Oolerieh entitled to vote on money by
laws. s question S4 to whether the Gard rate-
payer* •re in favor ef having the municipality
lavabo or acquire throuel the Hydro•haeci rt
PoW411 I' lllll nossim of °mono. whatever work.
May be rewind for the r010)11 of ,electrie
ewergy or power in eddition to such electric
energy or power a- it. `already supplied or coi
be obtained under the exMting coarse% with
the Ili dro Electric Power Commissiuo a 00
Therefore the council of thecorporation of the
town el lloderich Ortact• as fOilowe :
I. Vont the folio, ...br a oestion be submitted
be the ratopeyitr. of the inunicipal corporation
ef the town of Goderich entitled to vote on
Forie"-,,,„mw... Apo, W. T. RIDDZUL:
auburn. \ tf
AuprrioN LE or xi cowa
Prettied 1\Of WH. LOBB.
Rev. H C. McDermid conduc ted
Min V
Mr. John &snows received word on Presbyterian church lart Sunday.
Wednesday that. his son, Pte. Reuben Seirvices will be held at Zion church.
Bellows, bed been adruitted to a field Tisyloi's t.,o` rner, on Sunday eveuing,
d with the 71st ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. R.
December 17t,b, at 7 o'clock, to be con -
i emery wiry ices of B
hospital sufferiog from concussion.
Pte. Sa o
Battalion in August, 1915.
From various messages received in
town it is learned that drafta from the
Huron Battalion have already gone to
France. Evidently a large portion of
B Uompany (made up chiefly of (lode -
rich and Blyth men) is already &cram
the Channel. It speaks well for the
training of the Hurons that they
should be sent forward within three
weeks of their landing in Englind.
Sheriff Reynolds has received a very
interesting letter hom Pte. Wm. L.
Yule, formerly chief of police of Gode-
rich. "Billy" joined the analyst Van-
couver and is now with the Canadian
Overseas Reilway Construction Corp.,
-aossiewhere in Feeney." While -he
seems to have been up againet hits of
discomforts and hardships, he writes,
that he is in the very best ot health
and opirita, and desires to be remem-
bered to all his old fliendri_jo Oode-
Lieut. 0. R. Elliott. in • letter re-
ceived a few days ago by his perente.
Mr. and Mrs. LI. M. Elliott, mentions
havirg been at. La Havre, in Fiance.
Om steamer Turret Crown which used
to call frequently at tiodericb-barbor.-
It would be like ineetiug an old home
town acquaintance.
Doty Works Now ,,in Possession of the
Town -A Vitluable Fleet
roceedings taken
the Doty plant
to the town for
rtgage held by
ial meeting of
on T-uesday
I of the
at lot 47. Rialtleed ooticeedon. Goderich town-
ship, on
Itegistered and grade Holsteins, a number doe
thishnooth col •emiss twit in. Alm a number
of slow good grade liurhain cow.. In calf. and
Young steers and heifer.
Every ordinal is ounrenteed tO be as repro -
mead: Terms all montha'serealt.
TanOlKIII T If: lilitleto-t.t.ict. ERIC POW -
EVER %WENS MAY Rg Rliatt1IRED • 1011
Pt OK Ft LIN .t.itt:TiekiN To PICC II ILLIf&'TRIC
POM MI AO Ist • itgIVY oirrelstalr UN,
DKR Tkig,_ KXt I l'ON'TRare wait
T141. II YIHtt rELEt.. • toc ouw Eit COM -
MItieltiN or oNT•titlit 1
2 Met the rower of the, said ratepayer..
shall be taken on this question al the same
boom, on the sone day. et 1115 .4005 place++ and
by the cote deputy returning racers aa for the
Meet ioo for the municipal coattail for 1517.
1 A true copy of title bylaw shall be pub -
tidied in the following newspaper on We days
hereinafter nemtioned. that is 10 157 : In The
lloderich Signal on the 7111. 14th, and Vet days
of Decembor. 016. , and a ropy of tin. bylew
K hali le patted •1. the Town Hall. at the
postoffIce. at the cruel, of Kingston street slid
the Sousse and at the corner of Montreal
atreet and the *mare.
1. on the 31eh day of December. Ulla at his
oatess in the council chamber on Itaet et reet,, in
the town of Oodeilch. at la o'clock forenoon,
the Mayor will, in writing Memel by him, ap-
point t vro pence4 to attend at the final sum
ming op of the votes by the clerk of thIs ter-
peration. and one pennon to attend each polite.
plane on behalf of the persons interested in and
desirous of the anewering of the said question
in the affirmative, and a like coulter on be -
hod of the persons interested in and destroy* of
the rinse ering M the cid question in the muta-
t. The Ind day of January. 1917. at the -alt
tlre restiertively.
council chamber. town of Goderieh. .1 10 o'clock
st. ro.. is hereby appointed for the anointing up
by Mr clerk of this corporation of the numbet
of VOW. Itiveri in the affirmative and tri the
megatis e reepeet iv elY.
Made. paaned arid enacted thle aro der of
Ileoernber. A. I). ME .
tcorporate way -
00.1 R. McLICAN.
flerk. Mayor.
Tema NOTt4.4 the above la • true copy of a
tallow-Mireed lir the municipal council of the
town atiodertet on the nod day of Disconber.
Arm r'l'ISTIISR TASK MOTO'S that at the
tete. ,
boar, day and pinowitherein fixed for taking
the votes of the electors the eons wilt be held.
Ildrst publication .7th dey of Decipher. Innt
Town Clerk.
Connell Chamber. 14 day of December, 1916
T. OUNDlitiArsotioseer.
As a result of the
by the town counci
has been handed over
the fulfilment of the m
the corporation. A .pe
the town council w
evening to consider the di
plant and it was decided t
tt, for sale.
Meerut'. C. A. 'Reid and A.
vAltiators eppointed
st Colboroe tewnehip. holding'ese-
end-elms. profeedurral certideent eaters SIS4 to
fen, according to experience ,ord quell ca-
tions. Outle. to commetice January tod,
pplr. stating experience. to J. P tiNei KU/.
Sec. teem., It.M.. No. 4: fiwiffirtelf. Oat- -Oat _
.red to do I work in 1140 -LC HY.
lof out of repair. needritz Meg, or. the re
cing of anj part, 11. bring to mm e. 1 apree. (wrier. may
left at the West street barber shop. W. G.
i3 keeping bstie a Apply SIGNAL UPTICK.'
there is to, melon patch, and we SCI &C'
We never eep any beet..
carrot.. peas, parsnips. I •athtt,agott, celery
or other familiar kinds of garden .tuff
growing. And very modest] pee a potato.
plant. About the only kind of garden
stuff they grow are melons. cueurnbers,
marrows, onions, tomatoes and- a lot
of peppers.
There are quite a number of English
Walnut trees &wound here, but the nuts
won't be ripe fora month or so yet ;
they have a tbin green skin And when
on the tree look like very large pl ..... e
Aug, 22.-Weff, the threshing is get-
ting mit° a finish here. Just imagine.
over tyro tnonthsto do the job. I
don't kneis what wages they pay
here, but l'tli gait, sure one month's
mitres at tisane would buy the whole
crop of some Of them, They (oft it lot
of hay down on the river fiats. The
land must be fl ed hat two or three
months in, the w ter, but it grows a
Omni, •
The pastor. Rev. J. E. Ford, will
conduct. both services at Victoria
street Methodist church mixt Sunday.
Morning sul.ject : "Faith and Its
Object." Evening : "The Plea of
The oubject for discussion at. the
Men's Sunday Club, at North Area
Methodist church. next Sunday morn-
ing will be : "Is It. Right to Visit the
Iniquities of the Fathers upon the
Children ?"
by the
town, bave made an inter report
trout inventories pieced in \ their
hands, and they find it valuati 11 of
$73,379.50, made up as follows :
inventories l . ..... $58,
Deduct for machinery and
petterns....— 7.476
$51,607 96
Added to boiler shop pIant- 4,091 86
tlZ5,5419 911
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both service* io North street Metho-
dist church next Sunday. Morning
subject : "The Value to God of Our
Prayer* ." beeping subject : "610-
Land and bultdiblge
liT3,3713 30
The indebtednees of the DotY Com-
pany to the town Mali in the neigh-
borhood of $30,0100. The Cimmeny. of
course, will receive any balance from
the sale of the plant above the amount
ceving 10 1115 town.
Edwards' are agein making that
pure homemade candy. A sumpie will
convince you
Much Interest in Harrism's Voting Coa-
tes* fee Valuable Prises.
--every - yOung lady greatly
prizes a diamond ring is clearly shown
by thetriendly rivalry for the hand.
Milne prize to be given away on Christ-
mas Eve by Mr. W. H. Harrison, the
This voting contest haebeen a very
popular one with the yn;qt
and we may say with the ung men
also. That there may be pc disap-
pointrnent Mr. Harrison is 1n11 a
bracelet watch to the lady whe will
he second In the final list on Christuas
The committee. Mr. C. A. Nairn
and Mt. W. H. Robertson. ore mak-
ing special ballot counto 'low sand will
prihl Wit results ip Mr. Harrison's store
window on 114onday`;'Wed0etelay, Fri-
day and.liaturday trfnencionsi of next
week. •
Below We give a list of the tint
seventeen in the count of Wednesday.
JJ wanted at Or ce for Ooderieh and the
oounty of Huron. A spleadid opportunity for
the right man. STONE & WELLING CON. The
Fenthill Nurseries-, Toronto -Ont. 40-5t
sebool motion No. 17, Aahffeld. Duties to
COmmence January 3rd, 1W. SecOnd-C1"55 pro-
fes-ional certilioate preferred. Apply. 'tinting
torah tioations and salary ex peeve`, to DAVID
McILWAIN, Sec.-Treas., It K. No. I. Shop -
pennon, Ont. Phone. 23 r s. linneannon. 36-I1
tool.makera for munition'. and regular
machine work, street:MI opportunity ,fter rev -
end young men who heel ambition tIfberie
foremen. Applys. BOX I6, THE SIONAL.
A meet Mg for the nomination of. Reese and
four eouneillors for the towmbitt et Colborne
for the year 1517 will be bead the townehip
hall. ( clew. on Friday. December 2And. 19141, at
I O'clock p. m. R. Mt.11.Yi' AIN,
TOWnallip Clerk.
Five or ail handy men or boys wanted.
Mod, to PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO.. Otirle-
'Rol:. p,iss tiller tre that ilterMby williat
the Judge of the County of Huron, at
(curt boric, Ooderich. on the t wentr-ildt,
ot December. 1916, at le o'clock a m., to
and determine complaint,. et error. and
oesterione in the voters' list of the municipal
near las town a Ooderich for Ma
Dated at Ooderich this 7th day of December
OM t, I.. KNOX.
41-61 \ clerk* Towaof Goilerleh.
-HAI!! G a DS', ;IP--------\-----i----------------1R8,:e.:11 .11,MI.d.r. ;
a'ealr work made from cot heir or erymbins.•
sod supplies hole for orders, enlenUlio treat
mont, cleaning. std., anA also how for relki5 tenet
enulettee, shampoo powders. cream De Beata.
or Massaire eream. Herbos and Oloweeltne. SAtt
lot of hay in the mther.
will take until Christmai to get that
I sew s lot of wild ',ducks on the
river yesterday and I wait wishing for
• shotgun, some ammunithin and some
spare time. ,
They keep bees in this country, too,
hut-in,ratber a crude wee. The hives
are plumed like & 'corte'Iitiout two and
a-halfeet high and about. a, foot
across t the bottom, made of some
kind o basket work and plaste
with mhd. Then there is a con
shaped straw thatch over the' top.
This thing is up abouttwo loch**
They are
just cutting that now. 1 suppoee it
Mr. David Nicholson. of Cornwall,
has been engaged aa organist of 91,
tieorge's church, succeeding Mr. C. P.
8. Contour. Mr. Nicholeon couimences
his engagement here the first week oif
The tiadvation Army -Sunday ser-
vices, December 17tb : 11 a. cu.. holi-
ness meeting ; 2 p. m., Sunday rehn011
73 p. in.. peons meeting : 7 p. m., Sal-
vation meeting. Subject, "Five times
married anti still without • husband."
All are welcome.
Al. Knox church next Sunday morn-'
Ing. Rev. R. C. McDerinid's subject
will he; "The Word in the World."
On Bunday evening there will be a
special service for the sailors and fish-
ermen. lbe theme will he: "The
Men Who Go Down to the Sea In
Res. O. M. Holmes will preach in
the asps* eburch next Sunday at 11
and 7 o'clock. The morning subject is
"The Christian Hope," the second ser -
on the first epietle a Peter ; the ,
evening subject is Our Vision of God
in Time of 'Double." A oordial invita-
tion itrestended to all.
Another of Goderich'o wounded eol-
diets returnel home on Monday.night,
in the person of Pte. Sidney Drew, of
St. David's street. Pte. Drew en-
listed at. Clinton on August 4, 1915,
with the Mid Battalion. Upon the
arrival of the battalion in Rogland its
was broken up and rte. Drew was
transferred to the rth .0, lc In
he early part of July of this \y ,
rea, he received iihrapnel woundsi
in the left side and the left arm.
SI that time he had been in
tali England. Pte Drew will ke
th monthshospiest toressam nt
and at the end of that time expects 'to
be discharged. -"On being 'asked hnw
Much longer - he tshought the year
Would latit, he replied that, in -his
opinion. it would be at least two yearo
before peace is made.
the grouicl ; the entriinee etnr141*
The es were just -well, bees ; they
looked se though they wouldn't be
any respenter of persons. I don't
fancy they, get very much honey, for
this doesn't seem to be much of is
honey country, or for anything else,
either. 11111Ciqa
This is the greatest country for
mulberry trees and I never could find
out the reason until a few days ago.
1 beard that they use the leaves for
feeding silkworms and 1 think it is
true. I've seen oome evidence of silk -
making in soine,of the small places.
They keep the trees out down low and
keep everything (leaves and branches)
cut off until June, and then let the
leaves grow. If the trees are healthy
they wonld get some fine leaves. I
don't know how tbey keep them. I
guess the worms have to eat them
dry . I'd like to ree more of them
perhaps I will get a chance some day.
Sept. 4. -I've & little bit of news for
you this week. rife been taking an
enforced holiday this last two weeks,
resulting from gettiog a fairly healthy
drew of malaria. 'The flrst week
spent knocking around the 'amp with
very little or no medical attenUon,
and then we, nine of us, came down
to a hoopital In naloni0o. I've been in
bed ever since and getting along line.
By the way, this is my first experieness
of being in • real tied since leaving
England, so you can imagine how the
treat is being enjoyed. I've often
wondered what it seas like to be in •
military hospital. I've had the lest
of treatment and care. so don't worry
neath. urther than that. I didn't
veaticte,, for reasons of my own.
At the meeting of the National Ser-
vice League in connection with Vic-
toristStreet Met bodiet church on Tues-
day evening. the likh inst., Hey. J. B.
Fotheringhant will give en address on
"God anu the Var." There ought to
he a large aodience to welcome Mr.
Fotheririgham, as thio will ne one of
the last opportunities ior the general
public -to hear him. Collection in aid
of the Red Crime is ork.
Ahmeek ChtMer. 1. 0. D. E. will
held ito regular monthly meeting in
the court bowie on Menday, December
Nth, at 4 o'clock. '
Mr. J T. Goldthorpe arrived in town
'Wednesday night and is preparing to
open the Weft street rink for the
sleeting, mason. _ -
Bleckstone'm (fencing cless.A5Tav,
December 19th, 9 - p. Masonic
Temple. Join now. ?or pertieulars
apply at, Blackstone's-restaurant.
A Christmato tree and entertein-
ent will he held in the lecture room
o Victoria street Methodist church on
Turiay evening, December 201.11.
Temtple 01) Friday evening -of
the weer& to he given to
rpoees. For those who do
d tables will be provided.
acdiarmid, of the Pro-
this wee
not dance
'fon. F. 0.
hl is to be held at the
The autiqat meeting of the W. M.
K. of' Knox cburch urea held on 'now -
deg aft.' noon, December 12th, in the
lecture room. After the routine busi-
ness of tbri day harTireen dioposed of,
the following oflicers were elected for
the coming year: Hontnary president,
Mrs. Strang ; president, Mo. Hume;
first vice-president, Mr*. McDermid ;
second vice -.president, Mrs. Stiechan
thirl vice-ptesident, Mos Warnock ;
fourth vice-presidert, Mrs. Wilson ;
treasurer, Mrs. W. J. McNevin ; con-
vener of 'supply couiniittee, Mrs.
Murdoch MeDirnald ; pianist, Mrs. W.
Naftel ; recording And correeponding
secretat )7. Mos. Malcolm McKay ;
strangers eecretriry, Mrs. W. F. Clark
and Mite, Kelly ; Messenger secretary.
Mies Dunlop and Mime Feripillon
resit secretary. Mine Strang. Fol -
the elections Miss Fergit-
eon ad a beautiful paper on the true,
meaning of Christniss-The Gift of
Love, which was vet), much 'acme-.
elated by all present. The Society
tanks foreword to • new year full of
fruitful work, and cordially inyites all
the women of the congregation
sochtte themselves with it.
The Presbytery of Huron held Re
regular Deceniber meeting on Tome
day.`tinel2th, at Clinton. The follow-
ing were protein : Mr. Laing (moder-
ator,) Des. Fletcher and tken and
Messrs. Sharp, Johr.ston Carswell.
NIeDermid, M. farlAne.8 ith, Woods,
Abory and tl.e elerk, °inters, and
Messer. Span- tiv, U11111 art, McLean.
Cunningham &old You g, elder's. l'he
tressurer, Mr. Habit presented his
annual report end matera for the
ensuing year and rate of 12 cents
jo. The remits
-per fatuity was as
trom the Atleelli y *ere considered.
11 Waft .greed to pin ove of the remit
allowing the r upon the roll
of the mon of retired ministers.
'The remit tieing the proportion of
Mr. Charlet WaehinatOn Is here ,from the repreoeniati ri to the Assembly fr out
holiday 'bolt.
one in six one lu eight was not ap-
Mr, J. It Lauder is home from the School 0 prom! . The .standing ord ere
Woe on a winter visit.
Pharmacy. Toronto, for the Christina. yam \ of Presbytery were revised, with
but few changes in the order of
Mtn. D. 3. 07..,_alop and children are temovitive
„.„.„.„ysinp„...anwld rompe_busibese..164fassA spreccia JI rhfunemointtee. 8, mcoitmb:
tirt‘makWeedie thel4"1"4"144Lr home there. --4°_in .14r. -H
De. W. V. Clerk werey en1/4 tire weeks. lo„r• Laing and McDermid, was Appoint ed
In ttlinncoo county ander tno '
t (insider the budget allocatio ns.
nent hes Annoirnced
vincial Gore
that the time of the 1910 autdinobile
permits has been tended to Jisnuary
Retnember the I feature at
the Model Theatre Fri nod Matur-
TexHEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. 0. 0..
Church. Teacher piano, voice, organ.
L. D. C 38-. Orgenbit and Choirmaster of
Pupil* predcm for examinatits4nri,,,IttUdi.0-.
Mabee- skew- , t r doom east of . H
gontoceessatere mounInations. Apply at
TEACHER PIANO. Pupils prepared tor
residence. Trafalgar street, Godotch. . tf
day of this week-"ThKing's Mer -]
•ice," showing the Britiith\ navy in
many phases.
The senior boys' Eng a dein,
called."The Parade of Nations,' ap-
prepriete 'costume, will be an a roc-
tive n twr at the 0. C. I. entert in•
meet. at the Operis House, Deceni9et
See tbe Point?
It was Dean Swift who mild that it
required a surgicel operation to make
Scntarnen see the point. of joke, end
• young Englishman, who, at a party
mostly composed of Sdoternen, had
made Several attempts to crack • joke
and failed to evoke a (mile from hio
companions, remembered this, and
exclaimed, angrily, "Why, it would
take a gimlet to put a joke Into the
men I" "Ay," ono
t the gimlet would
than thaa jokes!"
hows wponet1 He . M Ewa Street (sepal* Kr.*
churels) so • hwi-elaes Shoe llopart.i &pet
ara alai. • mai Swohntaine oneriimwel All
moans Seee werwely sorl code
heads of you 8477
of them replied, '
bee to be mai r poin
An event of tbe holiday mason will
be a &Imre whieb has been arrenged
by O. C. 1. exstudents, to be held in
the Masonic Tempts on Wednetelay
night, December E71.11. Mr. Harry
Buchanan is secretary of the commit-
Winter Tours in Florida, Louisiana,
Splendid choruries, vocal and instru-
tnental solos will form si pleasing part
in the G. C. I. entertainment In the
Opera House, Thored&y. December 21.
The vocal number* ere snider the di-
rective' of Prof. Then. K. Pintibney or-
ganist and ohoirmariter of Know
Mississippi, etc.
The Canadian Pacific Railway offers
particularly good seesaw) to Detroit,
where direct connection is made for
Florida. •ist Cincinnati and Atlanta.
Gs. Jacktionville, Florida, is reached
second mot' Wino after Westing Detroit.
The Canadian Pacific -Michigan ()ol-
ters1 route will he found the ideal line
to CtieliVo, where direct connection
is malM Ow the Roothern State,. New
Orleaski-las reached second morning
after leaving Toronto. The dining,
parlor sled sleeping oar service between
Toronto. Detroit and Chicago Is np-to-
date in every particular. Connecting
linsw operate through sleeping
d dining cars. Those contemplistinti
Word has been received of the safe
*trivial of Mies Helen Strang at Mslts,
whither she went with nt. number
of other nurses to help 7.arry on the
work of the Queen Alexandra -14P
e ri al Nursing atervice at that point.
Mos Jean Lawson 14 home from Detroit for •
An incident illustrative of Imperidil
rivalries! occurred during the recent
display of the films ot the Battle of the
Eloinrue in verious movie theatres at
Toronto. As those who saw the pic-
tures at-envy:me, they deal with inci-
dents of the Brat few days of the great
offenelve in 31117 last, when the regi-
meuts engaged were nearly all Eng-
lish -a fact which caused some heart -
burning among spectators of other
nationalities who did not quite under-
stand the situation. A Cockney sol-
dier, who had returned from overseas,
happened tn be present in one theatre,
and, swollen with pride at the achieve-
' fellow.countr peen as
Mrs. 111r.) J. 13. Whitely will receive for the
lir4 time im Tuesday. Docember 19th, from 1 to
si. at het home, tit. doom 1Areseent.
Me.. Albert Cox, of Morris. Mar., who w
celled home lythe death of her niother, the
late Mrs. Robert Elliott, will requain here for ri
few mont
The next meeting will be held*
ton on Toviday. February 27th. at
II a m.
Slittpioes of the Farmer.' Institute.
Mr, ilcsige, of London. has come to Gorierich tS tit on +v. Dec. la Aosignee s sale of house.
to spend the winter with her daughter, Mho - hoM furniture and furniehings. piano, etc.. at
0. A. Hodge, of the Collegiate Institute staff.. the 0 C Whitelr resflience. Neerrate street.
Mrs and Mier Hooge have rented Mr, Fred tiederieh, commeneing at 1.30 o'clock. Thomas
Craigie's house On V% ellington street. , OUNDKr. auctioneer.
Mho Viola Matheson. of Mt 13th -trhet. De. Wen...turns v. Iterc, AA -Sale of form stock.
teen. gave a lunchoOn on TUredny in honor of ImpMments, etc., at lot 2. cone...don II. Vi.• D....
her oomin. Mrs. Mr. 1 Bright, of Toronto, OM , ()Aherne, commencing at I o'clock. J Attila la
who le the cleat ---------------10'Ramond AlaT110411404i. proprietor. Tem, OVINORT, SOC.
finerie01 1110 s
ishown on the screen, called out to dormer
another army of sobliers : "Where
are the Canadians now ?" "tinkling day morning after a Week's It home.
Miss Retta Clerk returned tO Toronto Mon -
back the Oermans while you fellows While 5.0*he Was preniented by the members
he taken " was the h life -membership
belle tioneer.
get yourp
quick response. -Saturday Night.
Real-shipt oysters, solid meat and
always fresh, zt Edwards'. Phone 209.
A short comfit Rrench play will be
ing soirdo at The Signal. 0
shout me entertainment. Deasember 2Ist. in the'
name end addrees and greeting printedl lorbard "D"t°111's aired al Ina"
one of the chief parts in the G. C. I.
t.omertlen:ter..:i.: Memento o/ her Interest and
setivity iti the (Vele since it was organized
of the Arthur
Chrittmas Greeting Cards. DIEU.
See the fine line of Christmas- greet- I
eneeTwer. In Onderleb, on Monday. Dit-
1 Mary Stirling. widow of the late
Nre lees Of Birth., Deaths and Marriages
25 rents an Memnon. To stillaOrthern of
The Siehat, free. Memoriem notice.
cents an huddle?, Additional charge
for tented+, not let+,
1918 a
Rept. 17.- I'm still in the hoepital a mit) of any nature will receive Opera House. The Olot is a love story,
and will he not of here in a dity fic agent or W. B. Howard, District rescues, passionate outbursts and sp.', Ing more eiegallgor the oliday greet- ttarchl 1•1*/...1V.,°•.*.iltprunired" "
and ',soling about all right again now I information from any Canadian Peel- 1'1111 of humor, striking episodes and on • card of yotIr own ee
two. It Is just three weeks this morn- Passenger Agent, Toronto. 41-2t. witlya satisfying. ending. \
M eil . -In (*sleety . °moral htepitel. Mt De -
lection. Noth- ember Loin ilisnuret Jerui, Milliliter of
sad ktrs Mason