HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 6trIaarw • THE SIGNAL ' = GODERICH ONTARIO Peps are the new treatment foe coughs. colds and lung troubles. They are little tablets made up from Pine extracts and medicinal cbsences. When put into the mouth these medicinal Ingredients turn tato heating vapors. which are breathed down direct to the lenge. throat and bronchialfubes. The Peps treatment is dikect. Swal- lowing cough mixtu esinto the stomach, to cute ailment's and din I orders to throat and lungs. Is in- direct. Peps are revolutionizing the treatment of colds.' as their price Is within the reach of all. 6ec. box all druggists, or Peps Co., Toronto: gimmemmimnimemegemmee MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. 111111111111, alliU Grant of $5,000 for Iced Cross Work Good Roads Question Sent Over to 1917 Counc Dr.ac••••: • 111=11111111•111111111111111.1.II #► Appointed G. C. 1. Trustee County Gaol has Only One Prisoner—Presentation to Warden Livingstone. A Silver Tea Gaddy •y SOPHV F. GOULD Eie was a frail -looking little girt. 1 Who had been self-supporting for over three years. since her mother died, and was tired now, as she walked throagh the street crowded with shop - girls like herself. Listlessly, In order for • minute to avoid the onrush of hurrying humans, Nairn, • resolution was passed reteod- she passed before • shop window ing the thanks of the council to the where antiques of an kind. were members of the Comity War Ausi- grouped attractively. liary and to the Warden and treasures Then was little In the window to of the county for the able and eatis- interest •mite of • girl earning • p•1• try $6 • week, yet. of • sudden her a, a moment before so tired. llgbt- Y=cltedly, and • casual observer Int have noticed how exquisitely utIful they were. The tired !!n8 her mouth also relaxed, and hope - y she stepped closer to the plate The education committee reeom- ``(►ss and peered for • long, conoen• mended tate payotent of $37.U1. to Crated moment at a silver tea caddy Walkerton high school hoard and 1133 of quaint design. Atter a second's to Stratfotd Collegiate Institute $coin hesitation atm opened the door and for Huron tour• r pupils attending walked bravely into the little shop. these schools in 1013.. It was retool• i"The tea caddyr she eth ked or e mended that the resignation of Dr. woman who greeted her Inquiringly. M. Nicholson he accepted, and that.l'How much is its' Dr. A. H. Ma.•klin be appointed in '-The little silver one" The woman succeed hem ee trustee of (soderich looked her surprise, as she noted the Collegiate Institute.. _ shabby black coat and much -worn The executive committee retort- skirt, "You wanted to buy it'" she mended that -tine aeleeltiedvettlese:,taw salted kindly. for something in the tenders for the supply of groceries, girl's eyes made her know she was ptovisioon, etc., for the gaol for 1917 ; is earnest. "It 1s $96." that a grant of $3,(111) be made tor "Twenty-five dollars!" the girl gasp - Red ('roes purposes. particularly for ed. and as suddenly as it had come the supplying of material for the work the brightness lett her eyes. "Twenty - being done by the various Red Uroae Sys," she repeated. "1'm afraid I 1¢ never afford that." . She grip - N het` pay envelope firmly end, turn- , walked out of the shdp. her tiny room, as she cooked meager Qlnnor over tees gas plate, late, when lying Wide awake in sr narrow bed. she thought of the tltul tea caddy, She thought until %A 1 cherished Ideal, vested The Huron county council met at the court house onTuesday, Decetnbet 5th. All the members were present. A number of communications were read and referred W various constant - tees. It was moved by Messrs. Fotd and Lohb that the sum of 1rd110 paid by the town of Clinton to 'the 161st Hurons, before the Gnostic War Auxiliary was. forured, ire refunded to the town. Re- ferred to executive committee. The resignation of Dr. M. Nicholson as trustee of Ooderich Collegiate in- stitute having been received (he having left town). it was moved by Messes. e add that Nairn be appointed in hie sed. Re- ferred to education committee. WKD)KADAI•. Nome further communications were received and dealt with. 1)- Paitatrswt, county engineer, re- ported on the work done on the roads and bridge. of the, ?minty since the June session. Orders amounting to 51,514.67 bad been passed, the largest ones being': To Wm. Hill--& Son. for bridge Hooting delivered et Benwtller be idge, tt103 ' to Joseph Lawson, first payment for tweeting bridges on Aux Bauble coneeseion, Stephen township, $7*M; to Joseph Layman, first payment for repairs at. Iittlmesville bridge. 51.- 5011 ; to Phit'pp. Aweot, for bridge floor- ing, joists midterm k ou Bruseelsbi idge. $AI8.811; toA. McLean, for bridge flooring and joists for Fisher's bridge and repaire'tweottntg-4-tr'slge at Wing- hain. 5496.78• It was moved by Messes. Elliott and Ford that inspect ors of eminty bridge Any quantity best all Maple -, _Mixed Wood. Menace; anti Kindling (Cedar or Pine,) } to Mclhtn.tgh & 1.1.dL1❑ 1\(t31vi; AGENTS Y(tK LE (511 VALLEY THF. COAL.\ItAT S%-Tlh1'ht.` We dentin Ha and Soft Coal. 1,itne, Cement, a Brick, Fir.: Clay; mist Hart Soft W04.d, Maple_atid Henilock las Hemlock Slabs, $2 per card. resh cars of Lime aud •_ ment just received. factory manner In witch they retried out their task of aaeilting in the re• cruiting of the Huron Battalion and for their patriotism in perforating this work gratuitously._._.. Committee Reports:--- • branches •hroughout the county, the pueounts to he apportioned on the naris of assosswent ; that a grant Of $'25 he wade to the Women's War Con. 11 tlpgEut Aseoci:ttton ; tbRt 5200 be t e he funded to the town of Clinton on ac- an count of recruiting the 161st Betts - tion : that no grant be made at pres. ant to the British Sailorselief Fund. With regard to the applice- with wonderful !canes among the tion for a grant to the county poultry greet people 9f thi wrld show at Clinton in January, the cow- The follbw1ne day-lhe Jeglected Dei work be paid 59 00 per day. Carried. I nl,ttee recoinwended (het."no grant. lunch, and hurried to the shop to The ,rner rale was ='..ilerdayT-.- should be made to fancy shows until once more view the wonderful caddy. It a moved by.Mrssre. Stewart fittano?iat matters art+ normal again.' When she entered the woman (Sea(oii ) and Nairn that a grant of The wed And bridge committee re• greeted her warmly, for the expres- t0,090 be a to the, Canadian Red Ported that its June the Eagleson lion in her eyes had proved haunting crow.nnwa-AW by liyiden at,, brt1ge on the Lake road, Stephen to the woman all the past night. cording to the asseesmeots of the era.. tntrmahip. was inspected by the cow- "Did you really want to bas the pa -in ihr cnnuty. Be. mittee. This was Id wooden caddy?' she asked, as she handed it • r. eti•tt tore and woe unsefe. - It tr'sts de- to the girl, "for it you do-" co Powells and Mit- tided that a hew concrete 'hridge' 1 must buy 1t," she interrupted. bit the B liar. in 'should be erected, The Trimer bridge, rte assunted .on the 551115 Mad, _31.111.111 _ shout the T uty, it being atone condition. end it was decided to I and bridge replace it with a• ebncrete bridge. The contract for both these bridges was awarded to Jos. Lawson at 85.50 per cuhrc Nabi for eemeht work. -4%r per square foot for flours, and .i.: p•.. Its for reinforcing steel. 11 was d.- cided to elects a new concrete bridge in place of 'the old Wailis bridge on he Lake road. Goderich township. the Maitland hridge it was found that the old stone abut•eents rbt}uired to be about mediate evil enamelled feer.dtoexecuti Moved by Mess civil"that the britt the tow :whip of Testi and kept 'tip by the et over :(IMI feet. Sent to cotuwittee. A letter was- received from \V. Bry- done, Clinton, pie-ident of tl1 . urof l'ouuty SVwr Auxiliary. giving ac- count ofalte "wort done in recruit' . , ' (louder Griffin retorted one prisone in hie cutody, his senien'c being ,ry • he,for fraud. It was.' arched, on motion of Messrs. Save red and Ai•u,strong; that any brink discount charged .for cashiuft io- lier-t coupon.' on the Patriotic Fund bonds he charged to the county. Cat- ' tied. Trovnnn.s-s.. in rteply-ta.an_ enquiry hy.Mr. IlnK alt lanationa were given by the War- d and members of the Warden's coin titter respecting the Dungannon bride , which it is bought to make a count% bridge. Judge Dickson, before aced with concrete, at a coot of as she took it reverently in her two. ,ft). As there was no in,- bands, "but 1 can't pay the money ail auger, it was decided 1 s at once." She t!resftated. make no ispairs this. year. Some rt.. "How much could you pay'" The pairs to atite bridge-. were decided.' woman suddenly understood the girl's \ need, and a great kindness came to 1 - - - • PH . Sault,' Residence 27:i tilts' Residence 202 STRATFORD. 9(1 • `� ONTARIO'S BEST \PR CTICYIL TRA!RING SCHOOL.' WITH Commercial, Shorthand ani Telegraphy Departments Students are entering each_wxeti dcurAnd u ,,,it es for trainedylic many times the number gradient' (:el our free ,- ,t ,logue at once. _ D. A. McLACHLAN, Pried• e matter was brought, ad - bridge in question to be a, e, and the Warden's mini- on ee lir teed that an appeal be take 'from t is decision. This appeal bas not yet be heard. 'The couneil h motion npptovedihe uintee in appealing soon of the co from the decision, .the questiuer being cou-idered •tmportst owing to the fact Hirst there are 1 her locations in the -county in much th same position, and a judgment of the Appellate t may fettle the question d Astutely, A motion was introduce -by , esare. Elliott and Lott.... and was\epproved by the council, that notwithstanding ✓Ilpythit}g contained in thereeblutien, (fport'of the exeetitive conwittee, or bylaw, giving- it grant to the British Red Crass of one-half mill on the dol- lar, no municipality having raised nione'y in 1016 be given rredit therefor in the cminty levy for 1917. This means that any municipality ich tuade-ta grant to the British Cross this year will also pay its fell hate of the county- levy for this _ _ puss i next year, the mttnlripaftttes 1••e•ee which rade giants for 1918 teeing will- ing4opa their full share of the county GIRLS WANTED grant. \Nairn and Bmallacombe 1'or office ..(irk to All the places of y gl•ant of 52.515) to made n,cn wtM na,r Kane of are going to the hut.. Young worsen eon, render the ti 111trr reel. -.r, lee by prelatt to to 7ssakepositions in book, sttq bu-list's, oatp `Ilt!•cik) 1011 -ter of Raining II, finok• keeping, Shotihmol and „11 other rant• ,,,i,rclaf411,34.1- now in program, eee' Ann, •. :Omit, :.1 -, d y 1 i,,1 -. Ill. -t r..led ..,.logo 1•. Northern Business College, Ltd. nNl , .u„ ♦I, :.. 1 ( . A. 1. 1 1 .11'.,. 1.4,. What Mothers Need id a tin of the antiseptic ` Mecca • moved that to the Brit ffefet'red to ex .iteliet....h'und. it ive commit tee. nay. e presented with Two motion, lv regard to the dispot of it large num- ber of heaters purchtwed by the men of the Huron Hattalior at ()amp Bor- den front the canteen fi tda and now stored in the grmofy at \Vingham, It was decided that these should be distributed among the verie/\ea munl- cipalities as ordered and that they be sold 'tothe hest advantage, at nae less than 51.59 earh. it was resolved that for selling county debentures earh member ht the committee he- paid a'tual ex. parkas and the sum of rot Just before the noon adjmtrnment a pleasing event took Wee, in the pre- sentation in the retiring %Varden, Mr. Livingstone, of a handsome gold - headed (rine, suitably inscribed. • An address of nppt'eeietion was read by Mr. Leckie, and the Fermentation was made by M . Stew.i't (4eafotlh) and L.d,b. The Warden replied, thank- ing the members Ste their expression The road and ported furthest action he taken re of John Glenn, o atringcra pat in the D idge commiteee re- her. "Perhaps we could come to mending chat no tonna.- arding the claim I have (2 that 1 have saved, and ungannon, for I think I can spare 50 cents each her bridge st week. I only make $6," she added, Dungannon ; thatno act 1,e taken apologetically. in the matter of the bridge. in Tuan- "Six dotter'!" the woman gasped, herr y which Messrs. Powel chell had moved to !stake a bridge ; that the disputed rti Turnberry with regard to w"bich i was a p• )'tion ?before ebb eons and Mit- as the enormity of the girl's project 0 itnt• came to her. "You mak have It at in your own terms," she said impulsive - "Oh!" For a moment the girl held should be asslanrd h y y it -to her breast, then she handed the lotion road, but that the township of -money without regret to the woman. Turnherty should legally- ebtablish.I In the days that followed the woman that fart. ' became very fond of the girl. for she Thi hones of refuge committee re came often to gale with awe upon ported having_ visited the house and the silver caddy of quaint design. and (mind curt ything in goad order.' The m the short visits the woman learned adjustment of financial matters in re.- to know what a difference an ideal spect of certain of the -inmates was can make In a life:---- in watching reported. it was recommended that the girl's love for the thing that kept 1)r. (sandier be appointed pphyeici•n her poorer than she need have been of the horse during 3)". J. W. Shaw's the woman found her own life broad - absence, Dr. Milton Shaw Miring re- ening. signed his place as sett,stitute. 1n Christmas__eve a young man est The report of the inspector of the Distantly, tried to buy the caddy, until county.hmtea of refuge gave the flay- the woman finally told him the story lowing etatisties : fits Sala. Ile listened 1n wonder, anti Total number of inmates admitted en asked for the name of the girl, since opening of the house, .484 ; num- w o seemed so great a marvel that her of inmates nn let of December, h,, wanted his mother to see and help 15116, 51 ;admitted for the first time during the year, 18 ; deaths during , The same evening, after the young the year.. 8; absconded durit.g the sial year, 1 ; discharged during the year, 3 ; inmates in house on 1st Decemb. r, 1916, 80. - Admitted during the year from the several municipalities as follows : How ick, 1 ; Hay, 3 ; Tuckersmith, 1 ; lsrey, 1 ; Honest, 3 : Ashfield. 1 ; McKillop, 2; Uolboine, 1 : West Wa- wanosh, 1 ; lsoderieh, 1 ; Wingham, 3 The average daily expense per in- mate was 16 4-bc. The county property committee re- ported : We have via'ted and in spatted the county headings in the town of Goderich and found them in an efficient state of repair and scrupu- lously clean. We were pleased to find the county jail with only one in Ointment of The oulwill. good roads yueatbon was brought. utt at the afternoon session and two motions cadre prrsrntwt. It should be kept in every house Alesst•s, Lnhh and Lai hwail iiloyeti for immediate use for burns, that the Reeve of emelt nuutieipality sores, cuts. open wounds and all bring the mat tar of good roads before his people al the nnlntt.atlrlttf Til DMC - wale.A ;number (rf recommends- the woman threw her arms about th tions were made, including one that a stri, and peering over her bead espied new flag be procured for the county the man. building, the present one being prat- .'We have Just been married," he deafly worn out.l explained. y mother found her for Among the recommendations of bee, and we wanted to come to thank t� special committee was one that iron for what you have done." the`eminnll approve of the suggestion SI have entailed your example so, from Elgin county that the Ontario the woman held her very close, tweet- Legisleture levy a rate over the whole ing softly thrnugh her tears, for th ' Province to meet Ontario's share of were sudden!' all so happy. and 1t the Canadian Patriotic Pond. 13. (!brfsti as, for outside faraway man had left, the girl made her went, and with a wild joy throb- tn g ha her heart carrjed the tea caddy and with 1t a beautiful bunch of holly. • festive touch from the woman. She had pinched hard to save the 60 cants each week, but her reward was great, and worth the happiness the ideal had always given her. It was again Christmas eve, and, a ty wodban, wrapped In a soh fin. t, opened the door of the little p and with extended hand cams the woman. "Merry Chrlstmsst" • exclaimed. "Don't you remember tut?" In the leap, winsome eyes the wits something familiar, and sudden WALTERS 8� GO. Our Great 30 -Day Sale is OverBUT LISTEN! sioE have still a large stock on hand. Therefore will continue to sell at the old familiar prices. Broken lines and odd sizes will be marked to sell at startling low figures. The word cost has lost its meaning on the prices adorning these goods. We will clear them out and out they must go. So come and celebrate an old-time reunion with these goods. This means two pairs for the price of one. We would strongly advise you to take advantage of this cut-ra e sale. It is an opportunity that knocks at your door for the last time. You Know ! We Know Everybody Knows ! The great advance in the price of all leather goods. NOW i time to stock up in footwear. When one pair is gone you have another to putWe will again. emphasize the reason of this ridiculous carving of the prices, .w .• is due to the fact that we are Closing Out This Branch of Our Bus S. Kindly accept our many thanks for your generous patronage of the past and to the conclusion of this sale. LET US- DO YOUR SHO- REPAIRING AT THE OLD PRICES. 'ALTERS & CO. GODERICH, ONTARIO I GM. 211111122122 EAST SiDE SQUARE 11111219 111111101111111111111.11111111 i \ G your Christmas 2 rds at The Signal TJtings We Never Hear, "1 did not run h(eause so many friends urged me to : i wanted th offer." '1 cannot answer. 1 never talk with eustnmere while shaving then, ' "None of our children ever may cute things "The pinmhers have Always been fair with ns." el akin diseases. ernter llhd and report at the .lnttuary 1 _ Get it today and be *wee if is "Mecca". Do not lot them Oft Oat, or ,oast &tuts an inferior article. Foster-Dack Co., Limited Toronto Reil le ?lie , Me., 76r. and $1.25 *MI* JAMI S A. CAMPBELL aesseon. Mesar.. Nairn and Cemplefl moirl that the .gored roads committee ap- pointed at, the June session be in- structed to continue its work in col- lectingg all available information and fnrmntate some scheme to he pre• sehted at the January .15.100- Hoth motions were adopted, Un motion of Messrs. Leckie and were ringing. An Assurance r ;'Don't yon think a holiday is more b�b6�je'Wei when there is al arge family sired about th4 festive board?' t off( do," answered the sardonic per, eon. "A large family is a glad sasnr apes that there is not going to be isndugh tnrksr left to supply the menu for the nisei few drys." Preparedness Indians say the best time to catch "When my bitahand proposed tom., a doer is on Christmas night at twelve I the poor fellow's voice stnek in hi. QQcloctf. when they believe the deer 1 Goa throat," ' you know lie was In mkneel.. "Then how did yany countries where they go ginsthig twelve days before. prop Laing p,. by th• old calendar Christmas 1a cels "Wi-Il, ;yn,r se,, 1 was efrei,l' hbeaded January i, the celebration be, might, happen, so 1 had taken lessons in hip reading."—Roston Ttanacrlpt. 1,5 4 4 ♦y6 t \ At, `@''11111'I.I IIIphOifI)ifitll41I dllllililll:Itklti1N r EIZTIM==1M This oi v t 1 ..07.1 � • 3 1 ( Iry „ 40 a- ku Ifild011111916fll111I1111111I111I11191111h saint, Let us Give Moderately to Each Other' and Generously to the Soldiers' Families Nineteen hundred and sixteen years ago came the very first Christmas. af1d for all these centuries there has recurred the Great Anniversary ;IT tits message of will to men. - ., -- - _ ' And so we giveIra. Men and women of Ontario! We who stand for good will among men and nations; we whose men fight that there may at last be real peace on earth—let us make this a Christmas worthy of the day it commemorates—let us lay aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money for the families of those who are fighting the good fight. Give tQ the Canadian Patriotic Fund the fund that guards the soldiers' families from want. Great as the result will be among the families of our soldiers, greatery%Cmnay the blessing be among us. the givers. Christmas will have a more vital meaning for us than perhaps ever before, and as for the children, who can measure the impression they will receive and keep of that Christmas Day when they shared their Christmas with the loved ones of the men who saved their country I Let each Canadian boy and girl get a lesson from this historic Christmas which will go with them all through life. Good men and women of Ontario! Can the need of our soldiers' families cry in vain for the relief which this Fund alone makes possible? Can we—can we, in the face of it all, again give lavishly among ourselves? Shall we not this year, with hearts full of the spirit of Christmas. 12_y aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money for the cause which so urgently needs it? "Somewhere in France" he is fighting the good fight. Somewhere in Ontario all that he holds dear is depending upon our decision. Truly "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Ontario will he wir- ed In January to sn- orers the ('anadlan Patriotic Pond that 11 can depend on having all m11IMn dollars in 1417 for the famllln. of °n - who a iroldlt'rs. Poor million of theme dollarm moat be .miner) from Individ- ual .uhrert dons. If tri rn 14 no ltranrh of the Fond In your Inc. or rountpp .m11 your .o,lwrrlptlnn d1- irvt to the (feed ufnrn, ('anal e• patriotic Pend, vit. torts Knott. Otavrtk $ el