HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 44 THURSDAY. DLit esBuR 141916 THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO 'Almost the Last of His Generation. Mr. Thomss Elliott, of Ooderich Township, in His Ninety-fourth Year Is Still in Good Health and Has keen Recollections of the Early Days in This Section. • 'TIwr roll. at, ee•relnee course. The raoe et on which i tholes vt liewdly yoredrys we walked Who danced our infancy upon their knee 'through the moats to iiexlericb. Some And told our marvelling boyhood legends -loss uletl W go up by startd the lake in Of theft strange .nature. Nipped by and ors from half a I log hol�lowedrout. 'That iu roost 11ewas an easier of H Timearo they eblottedmaeli from the things that be' wink along on gfootftwit'h inthan t. The4utlrst Time roU bis nee stow oouree." conveyance in the Kettlenient was r two -wheeled cart belonging to tb. Wallis e. '• Ve threshed our grain with the poverty stick. The first 00'1 was on place doing for myself I took • e hoed of oats to (l de:ach to raise We do well to honor the few pioneers who are still Tett to us, the last repre- sentatives of the generation thai blezeu the trails, hewed down the for- ests ono laid the foundations of tba Mitt. prosperity which we Dow en uy' money -to' pay my fasts. l went round One of the patriarchaloo� these is, the little town, but the best offer 1 got Thomas Elliott,os of the Bayfield rood, II war ten cents r bushel, lull cash and o the town. tn. His touris wiles south halt trade, till the tavetukeeper, of the lows His n a rustic 0hbehind Durso h, helpedwe out bytaking my the willows has been •favorite subject load rt a yushilling a ushel cash. --d Wc- for photographer :'Saliowe, tures of Mr. Elliott and scenes from f • The amount of my taxes was • dollar d w -halt bis home have appeared in wan5 port is s good Deice now, but I re- tie illustrated papers aod•magazinee. weather Mr. Wallis taking a load of Here, in his cheerful, he year, hair• dressed hogs to God.rich and all he hearty and cheerful, he iso rr d ing got was *2.50 a cat pGh ort the pork ev.atittte of who (no him. and }w Lbes. Js'is was tax nut pork. The esteem el by all who know him. i * were fattened on tbe nuts they The main part of his comfortable!Pg* in the woods. `pd homelike dwelling is the cedar log got tl-Id in the old days before the h ouse in which eben be ea hie ago. to I railway was often • better market Ufa needy- daysy- seventy years .than Goderioh. l have known the er he wan 7, (.0 as Thomas rice of %wheat Lo be as much us five Kitt ot the gully, to dirtiDguish Penta a bushel baler. '*bey took the him from the other Elliott. of the n int in scows and pitched 0 bag tame. township. . The garly. which , 1.p •(Ler hag into the vewrls anchored out gave the name adjoin. his term. the lake. 1f a man got a day's work .Fromeec ent couversations with him 1WI� mese times. fifty Ceuta war counted Ilse fofldsiing reutihiscencee have been bi weave.' oed • RECORDS OF 469-70 IN GODERICH Older Residents of Goderich Will Re- member Many of These Names. A copv df��Sutherland's County of Huron Gazetteer and Directory, 148{1- 70, which has been handed to The Sig- nal for perusal, contains some Interven- ing information shoat the various communities of the county in those S ic I ' fat --Wed several to come 'Blackba of James, cameo from Ireland with my , Thom 'Elliott, in 18339. they khswk', y aim bad been in Canada and ept writing for us his wott4erful ccuntry. George illus and ve Robert We may add to the foregoing that Mr. Elliott. though far past ninety. dues hotbit of ,wort yet and may be found any fine day doing little jobs about the farm. Besides his immediate+' family. the only members of that branch of the oft was father Elliott clan left\in Ontario are Mr. rrhie Elliott. U. M. Elliott, of stioderich. and Mr liott was a The Is w. John Elliott, of t high school, graover, Mitchell. The Miser* Elliott, dress - "We We h hard is quick pro twenty-sin dere, of which o safest, of doderieb, are daughters. GRrNeer The ilignith•Visitortfer .and all. spent at anchor in the fog oonno!!!llttitt others of his class ye* more of fo (he d. came ou tram t):nettec honored rest before they {rife ue to to Montreal, then to Toronto, or Little . York. then to Ha nilton. all by (coat, go home. From Hamilton toIieelas'+ob we cause COUNTY WAR AUXILIARY. by team. I enjoyed"•..Mrdsis4brough- the woods and by the MMNMs�clearing, io goalie from Its Work Der - thanroads in some pieces little mole 7 g than trails. Besutifal 4.ig etrawher- in the Year. a ries were plentiful as„seestne along. tollowirig letter from Mr. %V. "Cioderich was emelt tt-en. r few . president of the tun little stores, the only building of anyrr AY. was preseotcd account being po the Canada at where Company's rifling et the county council offi.te. The poet office was wlulut where �� the block on the eoutbrad side of the Square now stands. and therevwrs r log crossing Madiig to it. They_was an imitation of a bridge over the -Malt - land. but it was 'rot very rate. ' Le summer before webra road ow (;pderi b y had been chopped out towards Bayfield. 4' "All the land amend where we now live had been takes up thee exceptul4(10 acres about the stream And ly, where a mill -privilege bad esen re- served he the company, Father took up Doti scree of that. He often - wards bold nut to Juba Netted and bought in Colborne. where be and my brothers. George and William, lo- cated nn the 7th coseemion, near Young'. school house, on farms now owned by'the Rntwrttuns. I took up the lot which I own now, cleared it erect have held it ever sinre. Besides Uncle Gouge, when we came W the --- bs eigh•rbo.xt, :here were Mr. Wallis " and his sons, John and Jame., any neighbors for many years. His daugh- ter, Florence, Mire. McKenzie. is still i teighbor left. ut nAnother settler tbe (wold hen r came was Mr. Ayle+worth, known as'tbe Bishop,' perhaps boecau*e he had twee educated for the ministry. He, like Mt. %Vallis, had come in from the bistro, and be ea+ g • g to show, us ,all how farming should he done, 1.ut. - be never made much of it. My win • William now °wise tbe lot by the lake days, nearly half-a-cenuu+y ego. Under the heading "lowu of Gude- rich," we find the following : A port of eutry, and the comity town of Huron. It is tweitt'flllly sit. uated on Lake Huron, re 1Lr u.outh of the Maitland River and at the western terminus of the HALM) •lu anJ 4i ,olerich e•ction of the (h and Trunk Railway, 157 tulles nor nwe+t of Hof - boo. 31 wiles w..st 1111thwr.t 01 Lon- don, send f:i utiles from Toruuto. It is the only shipping port for many miler int the lake. and bar a horror, protected bf a r w'itSa" iigh.ha,uss ployed. --` et tit- wunth If the 111 .island River. Mr. Wm. M. Swage employs about ,rhe town is elevated above the lake eight bands is his cooperage, and 11ufeet. hot theta is a good road made1 tiros out about five hundred barrels to the what( The books ot the Take weakly. ar • *Int .-t 1-i pe.,d•cul Rr and are ot There are two newspapers published lu .:e g, ovally, clay. '1 lie G, and l'. ut.k Railway have here elec•ed all exter•ive elevator tor the 'co 1.0w of facilitating the transfer erected some very Ono busioeee houses. or which tunny are brick. The town emitting many fine churches. a list of which will be found in another page. A lac ge central school building. i built of brick, two stories high and erected at a cost of ten thousand dollars. Ther•at ale several extrusive manufac- tories' of iron, *soh, blinds and doors, woollen good+, lumber, bather, flour, and several silt wells. ;rhe salt well compaui.S have lately .Walgamited into one company. having Mr. Win. Sevinuur, Esq., of lioder'•h, as agent. The salt manufactured hese is of the very best description, and the prospect for soccer,. in this very iwpotIant trade is of the moat Betteringkind. Mr. Platt, of (loderich. ately in- vented andohtaioed letters patent for a new process of evaporation, realiz- ing • saving of about two-thirds the fuel ordinarily employed, and feting (bus enabled to supply the dewatl'1* with a cheaper and better article, several hundred barrels of salt are turned our at thew wells daily, and a bogs number Sf hands kept 003 - The Brydo County at the m last week : l'lleton. U. t • Dec. 5, 1$16. Toth. Warden an my Council. GKNTLrMRN, perking file the es- ecutive of Huron ounle War Aux- iliary, I diorite at year's business to t erous aseistanne the •1 1 tartCafe Corner Montreal Street and Square HIGH CLASS tied SANT TRY We serf excellent rn $ a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKE OUT. -p•rive e Luncheon Roo.n • for Ladies and Gentlemen CAROPUL Movie( _ Our Motto - Cusanl.noss Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A M. he close of the oil.. the gen- laity • council baa given us ; whatever'Qe have been eh a W accomplish has horn due to tjte teadinees ut the council to grant ilpde for every ocJasioii anduire- wopt . A' d we did accomplish some of niet•it in Minding together in 101st * battalion iwhicb at Camp B deo t eetved the, highest please toi' its fieid work, trl.nen wgrk.aod title practice.'4nd to England. as we learn Gann recent lettree, has received mach attention trod cothouendation as to MI the officers with pride and to inspire in thew the \hope that the Hurons will retain their identity and go 'to Fiance as a unit., The executive -desires also to eck- knowledge repecia((11y the valuable co- operattrm and assidtatnre rendered by the Warden and the ounty treasurer, who have been unsparing of their time and their energy in forwarding the work of the Auxiliary. • For the present thri seems to be no urgent r•. quireutent tor the expend- iture of money or effort io any part- icular object. or direction. 4'lte Auxi- liary, in common with nee y every other public organization th ughout the county, has Men invited tot d ae- n,tatlee to the recruiting oM it in filling the ranks cog these incom rte battalions which still remain in it military district, but Do suggests hat come front the authorities as t I he torus such assstrnre should take. 1 When a amend working plan has • been settled upon hy the Militia De- pet•twent we shell he glad to join with the council in seeing that the county of Huron shall do its part in mertiug the needs of the Empire in whatever particular those needs are most urgent, and in whatever way this co'tnty can most effectively lend I the helping hand. IIn the meantime and when further opportunity for set vice shell arise we shall continue to hold ourselves at the diepoeal of conitii toed author it y. Obedientlyyou", W. Rzteneg, President H. C. W. A. The council pissed a revolution of thanks to the mrtn)wn of the War Auziliary and to the Vs erden and the county tiesserer for their services in ' connection with the 161st Battalion. hero. viz.: The Hurou Signal, one of the oldest newspapers in the Province, and The Goderizh Star, aOoneervative journal, of g,vin, shipped to this place torit has branches' of two Woke here, ea+tet 11 111/4 rs, the B sok of Moei a nl. agd Roy•I Gude. ich originally commenced Canadian Sauk. 'eis s early as lit{:. being laid�uut M t Isere are vattitJooib stna atsith • \ MR. THOMAS ELLIOTT. God_erich Township's Patriarch caught by the photographer in unconventtbnal pose. cit -Hobert Gibbons, Warden ; Peter *damson, courty clerk ; A. IL hose. treasurer; Andrew Bay, county en- gineer, Clinton P. O. ; Ww• McKay, James Allan, comity a,uditure. Gtderich Ventral school (opened 27tbJammu y, 1867) -Beard of school trustees -Anthony l etroy, M. A., chai.•wan ; Willirw MacKay, secre- tary; William Kay M. A., Thomas Hood, Hugh Gardner, Ueoiel Fer- gusson, Edwiu Clifford, Chris- topher Crabb, E is Mcriay ; H. D UameruO, principal. The cowwou schools consist of the central school, comprising *even de- pat•Iments, Cud three primary ward schools. The number of teachers employed is ten. The number of pupils enrolled for the year 18(18 was OM, 4t+tl boys and 481 girls. The average monthly atten- dance for the *ante year wasta5. The average daily au.endance, 51.2, There is a public school library in connection with the school, consisting 0.10 volumes, well as the pupils; tree the schoto the obliC as school. The setbool&aro entirely free: The cost of sustaining the common schools for 18(38 was about $6,000. • NOTE RY Eni'roti.-Of all the par• eons owned in the foregoing. the only ons now living. we believe, is Mr. Thomas Hood. who, well on in bis ninetire, is still • tesident of Goderich. Further ext rants from this Gazetteer will be given in succeeding issues. DECEMBER 11th r Toronto Cattle) Market Steers, choice weighty ..19.26 to 99 66 do. medium weighty. 9.76 9.08 Butchers'. choice handy. 8.60 8 90 do. good 8.00 8.40 do. medium 7.00 7.40 do. common 6.25 6.76 Butehers' cows, choice7.00 7.60 do. good 6.60 6.80 do. medium .. 4.76 6.50 Butchers' bulls, choice7.60 8.00 do. good 6.011 6.60 do. medium 6.40 6.80 do. bologna 4.85 6 20 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 6.20 6.76 Stockers. 900 lbs 6.60 6 00 do. med.. 700 to 800 4.80 6.20 do. common, light4.60 4.70 Cutters 4.40 4.76 Canner 4.10 4.26 Milken. good to choice .76.00 120.00 do. common to med .60 00 70.00 Springers ,.66.08 110.00 Calves, veal, choice... .11.00 12.00 • do. good 9.50 10.26 I do. medium 7.60 9.00 do. common 6.00 7.60 do. grass 4.60 5.00 -Sheep, ewes, light ' 8.75 9.25 c. do. heavy and bucks 7.50 8.50 do. culls 3.00 6.00 Hogs,' weighed off cars .12,00 0.00 do. -'Nd and watered.11.75 0.00 by the late Dr. Dunlop, and its\gre.eut number of well-filled stores, doing • limits are very extensive. large b.sinew in the aggregate. it made hilt little pp-„gresr, from aha All the professions. and the various title of its eomn10110Amen , until Ilse1 manufacturing end commercial pur- yaar ISM. when it began to mike eon- 1 suits are fully is esenied. he pees- .idereble advancement. and now is Loot p •P one of the most import•Dt *owns in ' four dsouls.e town of (itodericb, the Province of 1) tarso. It h' aI Officers of % spariour, eft'rket gr.mnd. °cure. in 118MP : Mayor -U. Ceshb ; Reeve -R. h 1 is ibe 0 taboos • Deputy Reeve- H. Horton ; woodRemember the G. C. 1. entertain- ment. Thursday. December 21st, at 8 p. m., in the Opera House. Half the urt proceeds an. for patriotic pus. poses. the balance for the school library, etc. Don't send your wishes by mail ; present them •n person. The folks will be happy to see you. CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS vu Canadian Pacific SiNGLE PARE -Going Decent bee 33th• •4th as/ stns. Return limit, Dec Atli. FARE AND ONE TNIRD - Gereg Dec asst rind, aad sed a4tb. Riders limit. 1).c. 37th. Purchase ,n .Manes T..i•„ sn ode New Any Tibet Agent Cnrd.n P.nhe :corn. in the centIel.t w is t Court house, a handsome brick h'.tild- ing, con .raining a en.mndious hall for a court roots.. The county officer are on the ground 11 tor. The entire cost of the buildir*g bee heen eighteen thousand dollars. It is two stories high, and quite an `ornament to the town. The jail, it very strong and auMtan- tial stone building, two *W. les high, surrounded by w h'gb stone wall foot- men feet higb, is situated in the noel h - own, near the hanks River. The naso Den, or rather 1 he those streets asp Her Walking Feat. • The teacher in the village whorl' was enlarging on the beneStr to he de- rived fn walk ng. One lad seemed part ieularly re.tive. The teacher 10 - rim r rd, •sarcastically ••Now then, Willie, have you .ome- thing to tell the claw?' Ye., sir." replied Willie. M' father says that our wsaherwomsn (. the greatest walker in the world." "How i. that ?" "Because rhe walk* from pule to pole. errs part of the of the Maitland diverge from obs octagon, and Handicapped. The traveller had four minutes In which to catch the train. "Cant you gee any faster than this T' he •eked t h. curet ear conduc- tor. •'1 scold " the onrtditetnr aMwne'ed. "but thaws to stay with my ear." T�y�lute Grain Markets Manitoba stheat-Track. bay ports. Na 1 northern. 11.98%; No. 2 north- ern, 91.961,4; No. 3 northern. $1.905%; No. 4 wheat, $1.7914; (old crop wheat. 4c higher). Manitoba oats -bay ports, No. 2 C.W., 6414c; Doo. ' C.W.. 6114c; extra filo. 1 feed. 61 -Its 1 feed. 61 clerk -J. Thomson : ireasutyt-Rev. ('has. Fletcher Councillors -E. Clifford, R. 'Rowel, R.Runeinan-St. David's. Alex. Wa- gon, (4. Rumb ell, D. McKay -St. An- drew's. M. H. Seymour. W. G. Smith -8t. Oe"rge's. W. P,.smore, W. Van Every. M. C. Cameron -fit. Pat - County Judiciary and OM .ere -9. Brough, judge John McDonald, sheriff ; Ira Lewis, county attorney Hugh John.ton. Crown cllerek t �gtniel Limns, clerk of the pe D.ekson. registrar. Officers appointed hy county coon - American corn -No. 3 yM1ow. new, 91.03. immediate shipment. track. Toronto. Ontario wheat -Winter, new erg% No. 2, 91.70 to 91.72 (according to freights outside); No. 3 winter. crop. 11.68 to 81.76. Ontario Oats -According to freight outside; No. 2 white, 62c to 64c; No 3 white, Ile to 63c. Peas -No. 2, 92.40. Barley -Malting, 91.18 to 91.20. Buckwheat -81.30. Rye -No. 2, neer, 91.44 to 11.42. Manitoba four -First patents. in Jute bag.. 89.90; -;-seconds, In Jute. 99.40; strong bakers', in Jute, 89.20, Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, new. track, Toronto. prompt shipment, according to sample, 97.40 to 97.50. In Jute begs Mlllteed-Car lots, per ton, deliver- ed, Montreal: Shorts. 837; bran. 932; good 'feed flour, per bag, 92.70 to 92,80; middlings. 138 to 940. Hay -No. 1 track. Toronto, new, 912:50 to 813.60. earlots; No. 2, 110 to 811.50. Straw, carlote, 89 to 99.60. HOLIDAY R ATE S FOR CHRISTMAS SINGLE FARE December 23, 24 and 25 GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER •6th FARE AND ONE-THIRD Dec. 21, 22, 23,24 GOOD UNTIL. DECEMBER nth r FOR NEW YEAR'S SINGLE FARE December 3D, 31, January i GOOD UNTIL JANUARY and FARE AND ONE-THIRD Dec.s'8, 29, 30, 31 GOOD UNTIL JANUARY Mit-My r tictr'ts-freet4ite 4own-town agency and avoid the rush at the station. Money refunded if ticket not ttsed. MONEY ORDERS TELEGRAPH EXPRESS Call telephone number 8,forrst'ctaaa fllitvice. Fe F. LAWRENCE `r&. SONS esswemmlilllImmemoimema 1 1 J SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS OPPFRS ! at Thomson's Music Store • Heineman & Co. Pianos and Player Pianos. Victor Victrolas and Edison Phonographs eat Violins. Cases and Bows. Harmonicas. Accordeons. Music Rolls, Etc. Holiday Gift Papetertes. Christmas and New Year's Folders and Cards.' -- Hymn. Birthday and Psalm Books. Bibles. Testaments, Etc. . - Snapshot Albums and Fittinis of sill ands. ALL OF THE LATE POPULAR AND PATRIOTIC SONGS IN STOCK OR PROCURED ON SHORT NOTICE! Wishing All Our Customers A Very Merry Christmas ! JAMES F. THOMSON Music and Stationery Store West Side Square, G oderich Wholesale Produce TOMMY "Wholesale prices to the trade: - Eggs - New -laid, cartons 9 .86 to 8 .70 New -laid, ex -cartons .....82 .66 Storage. selects .44 46 Storage, No. 1 .42 .43 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh. .47 .48 Creamery prints, storage .45 .48 Creamery solids .44 .46 Choice dairy prints.40 .41 Ordinary dairy prints.35 .37 Bakers' .33 .34 Cheese --New, large, 265kc to 28c, twins, 26c to 26yac; triplets, 2614c to 27c; Stilton., 27c to 2714c. OUR STOCK OF - --- Staple and Fancy .Groceries, Fancy Fruits and Nuts • and Christmas Specials is even more complete than in other years and we are sure they will please. See our display all the coming week. .` ---OUR SPECIAL-_ i just what volt tci11 want for yourCh fast. The Coffee Stith the right flavor. -COFFEE mils morning \` DEAN BRO PHONE --110 GROCW break 1cR{CN You Kiuw Now That We lead in ValooGiving EBONY and IVORY JEWEL BOXES CLOCKS USHES COMBS TALC BOXES MANICURE PIECES TRAYS ODD PIECES • LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATES CHERRY COCKTAILS PRINCESS ELECT FRUIT CORDIAL RED FEATHER • THISTLE • FiNE STATIONERY THIS YEAR WE HAVE REAL MONEY SAVERS BOUGHT EARLY, , CARDS AND ENVELOPES WHITE AND LORS, SEVERAL S • 4Sc,'T`0 $I.2S jk Vie; so I I I I 944 H. C. DUNLOP THE REXALL STORE PERFUMES TOILET WATERS FINE SO A I S 40111111121. MiT. er