HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-14, Page 3•
THE R•u-•: i
MERIT8 01.
bound or repaired.
All orde. p 810 attendeW d ea leavis
nes /t Tr.H
A. R. TAYLOR, rww'nnttn.-
it PATH, speclattat to
dosses theories, acute. AtontE • nereouadh
Bede s, eye,
Bear. nose sod throat,ppertW demi
and rhe.,matleeoa,®tt10i1G.Afe-
math remove without the knits. 0111le a
residence, ooruer Nelson and St. Andrew'.
tresis. At home ernes Mondays, Thu.sday.
mid Saturdays: any evening by sppufut ment.
i1R- H. 0. MAcDd)NI LL.-1HUNOft
11 Graduate Toronto Unit eralty.Graduate
gqat=e leiceof Dental Surgeon..
aeooer.ur to the late Major !cats.
steer Square and West street, (loderkh,t
kJOaapat, Dscaxlaas 14 1V16 a1
Me preparing tor Christmas ---Axes.
Goodness knows I wtsbt 1 was. but
Christmas doing ain't for me no more.
And lust because 1 was a -baking some-
thing to eat to -morrow, which happens
to be Christmas, she thought I was
preparing for that day • special."
Betty Green sighed as she placed
the pie In the oven, and pulled • kit-
chen chair up beside the stove. The
new neighbor, who had but recently
moved into the town, and who knew
nothing of Betty's history, had just
Left With the Christmas spirit every-
where she had thought of course Betty
was preparing • feast for the day.
"Now, if Jim hadn't never sailed
away on that water-logged old Mary
Ann, as he did a -going on four year
ago, I guess I could a been preparing
for Christmas like other folks. If
there hadn't been nobody else, Jim
and me could of enjoyed Christmas,
and then maybe there'd a been some-
body else --somebody what just about
now would a been liking dolls or tin
cars, and If so Jim and me would a
been having a
Christmas tree
for that some-
body, and we'd
b e a -having
the Bert
('hristmae 'In
all South
"My, hour --1
did try to keep
Jim from salt -
Ing in that
Mary Ann.
Anybody what
knew anything
about silky
knew she
wasn't lit to go
to sea tn,bpt
Jim ttyl W
he's . 1II[ely to
get, a'6lT"' tak.
ing 1t would
bring, About
Qui marrying
just that much
Ae• sooner, and
the Mary Ann
o . Jiro ain't never been heard of since
THOMAS 6IINDRY �' d "Tett that South American _a..,face
a AVCTIONm, to go round the Horn on her way to
z t a1na.'
Pia t7,Otdetkl. All Ir,lrortlr r. 1 s
lift at els; a1 ,nice wIII to prampUp s
waded to. Reetdenoe telepbm:e 119.
Lt t. nsla
1i.RARltleTiClL sluLlt:l2V(t. MbTAIIY
SAC, _ _
moo -Sterling Hank Rlock, Hamilton SAW.
edwrwn. Teicpnuse vs.
Real K.tate Loans and Insurance.
liAlUttsl'slt$, !COLIC 11'titte, KOTARIit--
Glees es
Glsses the equate. ~Owl duo, from Haw
Oleo .newt, Owasso wk.
Priests feud. lu Waa at lowest raft,.
W. Paot erouT, K.C. J. L W t ums&
H. J. D. Coots.
gizG. CAYh.KUN, K. (3.. IARRI!
1 Lit. ...heifer: uulary public. Om..e••
Iltoo Street. Wasatch, third dour tr
Sesare. At Chntos Thursday of each frier
office on Albeit Newt ' eeeupied by Mr
Flouter. (,meg hours a a.m. to h p.m.
g 'EARLh21 OMt1tOW, LLB.. AAs.
tj hlb1klt, atietuey, aslbttcr, .to., God.
etch. Moser to lei at WWIM, Mee
• totter. Notary Public and Coove once,
Howe Ciodetich. *lam
INSO_kAlte>i, LOANS, g1'C.
taws R.1 lworet 0. -gym and Isolate.
Gelosis Jr. Cpnoollf, Pros., Goderlcb P.0
las. Es., Vice -Pres,,. Hee4hwcod P. li.,
Duane. s. syn tiec.-Tress., bealorth P. 0
Dlreota . F. McGregor. Seatorth ; Joh.
3. Grieve, W tarop - W in.am Rin,, Con.tauo.
John Heuunwe , Stud haeen; Geo, blcCartuay
Hanoi th; Ho rt Ferris. Harruck; Malooin
tiekw,u., brute old.
Agents: J. W Yeo, HolmeevlHe; Ales
Leitch, ('limon ; "Mans Chesney, Seafortb
Y- Hlncbley, boatel . Yoltcy-holders can pa
aeewniense and get heir cards recelpted a
It. J. Morr4b's Ch.thi •g Store, Clinton, !t. •
Caths G,feet y, filers o street, Goderloh,o.
J. S. field's General Sto ., hayfield, /
$2010l/ 0 PRIVA It FUNDS T(
moi+ loan. A • to 1L G. C.M
LHON, Barrister Ham5loa Goderksb,
FIRS AND Ltenmip. s British, SDI
aoolnall7. swim** ANDk.IirLOTint '
lai(.ITT : The Ooeen Accident said Gusran1•
Corporation�t Limited, of London, k;i.a.
fmauTy •Ns (lvaasNTaa Bogue : The U.
Fidelity and Gus .enlee Company.
Oeloe at reeid_•noe, urtheast corner of
sena and 8t. David'. streets. 'Phone 176
GUIrkltl(:H, UHT.
Patents, Trane larks,
Secured in A11 Countries.
Write for free took "PATENTS PROTKC
TION. Isla. all shout and how to gets pa
sets. HAIR & SONS, tel abash, d Irl.
loemerly Patent mice Masminer, Master o.
Patent Laws, Registered Patent Attorn.y.
stn, W St. James Street. Montreal. Pranchee-
Ottawa and Wa.hlnaton. Representatives In mea night you will hear what most
The brut-.ey a of Betty Green
were wet with tan as she opened
the oeen door to raise the pie to a
higher shelf..- EveS tnce.:]ImDusby
tailed to return In time for the wed-
ding which Bettl! had so carefully pre-
pared for four -fear. aRR¢a Rerddirig
which wall' to be the bfg event of the
Christmas season or South Cove—,ho
had had a 'lonesome lite.
Two months after the Christmas
that wa's to have been Betty) wedding
day her aged father had been carried
to the viiiage . cemetery, leaving her
alone in the World. With no- other
relatives, and with no frtende,excet,t
abase at SOUth Cove Betty rc•maii.ed
In the little hshitig town in vf1 kit isms
bid been born nearly twenty.auvra
years ago.
With the baking finished, Bet:y left
the kitchen and went into Lel. bed;
room. She wanted nothing ao much
as 'o he alone In that room that had
bests herfaefter'F= nrtllnrrod111:
she kept carefully preserved the wed.
ding clothes she h:td lavished -so mac¢¢
care upon- four years ago. __Tlses$
clothes and the faded photograph of
Jim Busby on tiler, bureau were .all
that were left tie*' of her romance.
With these she would spend tier
('hrismas eve, would live over again
the courting days. And JIM should
Lig there with her. That would:he her
With care she took each garment
from its wrapping, •In the bureau
drawer and spread them on the bed.
T;tr• pretty wedding dregs Which
Sarah Glover had helped her make -
yes, she would put It on to -night Just
as she ha4 planned to -four years ago.
Jtin11would like her to do that; he
had'alwsys like to see her prettily
dressed, and maybe Jim might see
her from alb spirit world to -night.
As she fastened the gown she al-
most forgot that Jim could not be
there, that it waw all t make-believe.
As she stood before the mirror the
smile of fur years ago came back
again. She noted Atte color In her
cheeks; it was like a bridal blush.
A rap at the door dispelled the
illusion she had permitted herself for
a few momenta She could not go to
the door in that dress. The caller
Mould-amen-ta- watt, but he did not
waft. She heard the' door swing, a
heavy step on the ftoor,-and a voice -
oh! such a familiar voice --calling
"Jim! My Jim!" she answered, as
She pulled open the door of her bed-
room and sprang into the arms of a
rong, bronzed sailor.
Far Into the night she listened to
JIM'. tale of shipwreck on the Pata-
gontto coast, of the months and years
of practical captivity before he could
get hank to a seaport.
"And ow," he said, "T am home to
claim my Christmas bride."
"And I have our Christmas baking
done," said Betty.
if you will go to the cross-roads
between eleven and twelve on ('hrlst-
W foreign countries. Concerns you in the coming year.
It is unfortunate to carry anything
forth from the house on Chrlstmag
� morning untilsomething has been
neo It.
Brophe) Bros
brought i , •
If the flre burns brightly on Christ.
The Christmas Store
Christmas Handkerchiefs
Here are thousands of Handkerchiefs
that will matte The must delightfur Christ-
mas Gift and you can make the gift as
choice or as inexpensive as you please.
Ladies' and gents' pure Irish Linen
Initialed Handkerchiefs, daintily work-
ed initial in corner, beautiful quality.
:5sach -.25c
Handsome Sit tese Handkerchiefs,
very •dainty. Specially priced,' each
from.. _.....', .. 75c up
Wonderful value—ladies' Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, some designs worked
all.around, others handsome corners,
others lace edge. A great variety to
select from.' . Special. 1 5c or.. 2 for 25c
Ladies' and gents' -Fancy -Handkerchiefs,
daintily boxed, d doz. to the box. Spec-
- ial, at per box 50C, 75c. $ I.00 to $2.00
Silk -Khaki - l nakerchiefs for the
soldiers, each at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1
Cm's Haadkerc`iefs ii ewes variety.
Table Linens make most acceptable
gifts. We buy direct from the beat
Irish mills. f
Beautiful sets of "Old -Bleach" Linens,
consisting of table cloth and 1 dozen
napkins. ---Very special 'values, at per
set 310.00 and 311.50
Fancy Linens in Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths,
Table Centres, Sideboard Scarfs and ,
Doilies at special prices.
Such Beautiful Collars
Never before have we shown so dainty
Neckwear, in every Conceivable- style,
in voile, silk, crepe de . chene' and
white broadcloth. All priced at popu-
lar prices, each 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c,
75c, $1.00 to $1.75
Men's. Neckwear
Just received our Christmas stock ,of
men's Neckwear, splendid assortinent.
at each 25c, 35c, 50C and -?SC
Smart New
Hand Bags 75c up
The new Bags are so smart and at-
tractive that your friend will be delighted
to receive one for a Christmas Gift. -
A great many styles to select from, fitted
with change purse and mirror, each
from 75c to 34.50
Dainty Christmas Aprons
Thtnsaif. Aprons are real cute,; ilii law!).
voile, Swiss muslin, etc;. daintily
— med, at a .. 25c to $1.50•,.
New Boudoir Caps._
Dozens of the most charming little dainty
Boudoir Caps, boxed separately, cash
from 50c to $ I.50
Gloves-areSure to -Please
* We /specialize in Gloves. All our Gloves
will both fit and wear splendidly,. , `• We
feature Perrin's Gloves and every -pair is
guaranteed and neatly boxed.
Ladies' Kid Gloves in black, white, tan.
saki fey., Alt sizes in -stock, per
pair.;, ' $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
Kayser Chamoisette. Gloves in white,
Some with black stitching, perfect -
fitting, extra nice quality. Every size
in stock 31.00 per pair
Ladies' Fur -hied Cleves and Mitts Best Value.
Wool Blankets
A pair of these swell wool Blankets
would be -a -most welcome gift. They --.
are much under present prices, at
$5.00,'$5.75, $6.50, $7.50 and $9.00
Hid-d1some Down Quilts
One of these handsome Down Quilts
•would make a most acceptable gift;
they come in handsome designs in
blue, pink and gold, at each.
,. , , .$6.50, 37.30 and 39 50
A New Ruud
A new Rug would make a splendid gift. We
have them in all sites, from the small
door mat to the largest size made. All
'at prices that are at least 25 per cent.
below present prices. .
Old Bleach Towels
These handsome Towels would make a
most practical gift; they come in beau-
tiful designs. many suitable for initial-
ing, from ...... , , , , :BSc to -$1.25
New Sweater Coats
A- new Sweater Coat would' delight any
lady, Either' In all -wool or- silk, in all'
styles and colorings, at keenest paces.
Children's KnittO Suits,.
Children's Knitted Stlt'Sdin, greatvariety
for the little tots, in pullover
sweater and cap to match, incolors,
from -
12.25 up
Handsome Waists
;ffandsome Scarfs Handsome Shawls
„We ask you to shop eqrly, if possible. We will do our utmost
- to make your shopping -.a pleasure during the few rush days.
" The= Scotch Store " . 'Phone 56
+ti . 'f.. i ei i I. 11'
Goderic , ario
The monthly meeting of the Red
CI pas .Society will take place in the
North street ter me on the evening of
Monday. December 18,
Our socks ate marked "Field Com-
which reach Boulogne. both from
Canada and from London. What an
I amount of loving care and foresight
ggn the part of the wot•kei s and con.
t1•Ihutora throuehant the world is re-
, presented in these stores ! Nothing
seems to he larking, either in the way
medical and hurgice I supplies or
I°teatime comforts. The need is so
great that in the month of July the
forts ;" ate, therefore, banded over to;
the War Contingent Association, and
distributed among aoldirra on-ot'a<er-
set vlee In France. In London, 10
which, as the nearest receiving centre,
we are no* shipping supplies, the
Red Crnes and the War Contingent
Association ate affiliated. When
knittingdier. , do not forget the friendless
mtlliun dullnrx. ,,Ind no mattes b..w . by the women of Canada. f fair4+. 1t ", frt.' tr .15-r rt-
, on behalf of our sick and worm (1.
NE the %Alehoses inky he, their Letter from a.French He t t rr t is a conaolatl°n fan a
whole ecnsigt merit iA eleared "sat, and
Cas t° tie renewed on An average ones
a month. Let the workers in•.Canode
and elsewhere continue 11.rit• at Relic
The follow ir g i. • t.r•anel i -nnt.t,
'is t' t16Jialia have corn
a4s• ti tont are stater-
of the letters in the •'(nil4g1/1111,-wh 1 t
hit Au}�er-
relent : -
Ausilisr cine t W' be
efforts in the Tull confidence flint � � �,r.l-�: �• •y,t Iwttq t s sb�
.. have 1011) fats '°n their
rem is
eveky ounce est the goods they eup4ay i_ -_-ear tri With the'pr t,ty�p1 r
reaches its mark. and that herr, a in the war our needs l l MFiiS 4p I t hMe
everything rise 1 was puivile f., ACA ids e An
Pie y sinus (some , e,tt, ' IQI ia•X, . r ht,jttk, L .
witness, the work of acLuunittt •s (sur resources ft -i -6 -d -.i inR. It wt
above ctiticiem." then a piece ong 1 crone fyr on
hospital that t�l nststnelt" a.. Menai
-Inc.' Sir William taw those :tore- numbterofiheAtttit fMrM
houses, the heltlr of the Somme has to the French Ned tftiir-yo
been fought. draining neatly dry the I ,r f (.:..
accumulated acmes of the society. -,1 ,•1 •^te
What Do the Women of Canada Say 1
The supplies sent (.sat during the
month of September were : To hos-
IN 1'
pital. in England, 1,8i.i cneeA ; to C.
R. C. N. Depot itItoulognp. F,anee;
888 rases ; to Complexion Nationale
de Raviteiilement (French Govern.
mens sends for these. Caries), '1,153
elves : to Italian Red Cross, A(111 Ctuesq
Belgian Kt Cross, 141 eases : RusA n 1
Red Ciotti, d1 vases ; Belgian Relie4,tgut'
atmos : total, 8.811*) caseri. The msec dr1'
from Cansda doting the month w r
4,827 eeseo, Shall we b.Rln stow si
nlrr commitments to the Fre nch Nu h-
tgtQt!sere t) th
contents represented a value of h�lf•a- shunt Li Mh • trill'teewreTM t
• I mag morning 1t betokens prosperity,
lac Leading
Funeral (Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended 1.,
at all hours. night or day.
1f 1t smoulders, adversity.
"They are to be married on Christ-
mas day."
"Would you call that 'Yule-tledi
Chriatmas seem! to...hgy,e bead Brit
observed between 180-190, ,D. -,Noir•.
01d Christmas tare did ne,t Include
the turkey, now the modern Christmas
bird. In the olden days a roasted pse-
cock took its place on the fMtlte
What Sir William Peterson Saw.
The following are elf** meta from The'
Nudtt.P'er Red ('rose Halletin :
u-.Blriffiant Peterson, preside -d, of
McGill University, Montreal, has to -i•
gently visited France and describes!
some of his experiences in the October
number of The Univei silty �Magasine,
Speaking of the Canadian Red Crossel
Iteedquartese stores at Boulogne In
France. Slr William says : "Hent
urs stored all the multifarious suppiiss towns, °titles Y The answer must be gist n
Tells How To Cline Chronic Cough
lac?;ti..n, Miami—•'I am a carpenter,
and the Gripp.- left me with a ehronio
cough, run-down, worn out and weak.
I took all kinds of cough synrps without
help.; i read shout Vinol and decided to
try it. Before '1 had taken a bottle r
frit In•tt..r, and after taking two l.nttles
my couch is entirely cured, and I have
ggained new vim and anergy."—Join L.
Vinod is a delicious noSeagret tonic
which la guaranteed for teeeghe, colds
and bronchitis aid for alt Sulk, run-
down condltlone. ' . d--
C.rpontop,.d _ t7:uderich, Ont.
Also at the best d�i"th:7flt'Ontisio
r -1
W Its
t;mir, 11reat}wd ,
• 1r. epi the 1N y..,ri c.iS°
001/ 1tnll 1isro.
{� Ansi I Allard,
-aAMeI e P
T^4 Ck01.1 fi'l'l
n,f v.; Z94, haPs a
foot is not di.
fermented m:
Ii dose of Cham
�h�ts, �d t r r-
gr. twit ,sftYallOihi tour
s m ha ur,
e t iyyp�t�, s ..l, gyp
e f its lnd.tb aX%� �`i Cr a
etc 17 ' e , tothh h'add' lye aid
liver do its work -t1ley t�hat4.a and
rh mad *wet. thhabtlfl•srie e'qa-: 7pu'n
"Oklir Ot!.t11 /lntgfi.ta,2;.c., et by Wal rots
min Ceseany,:reffmllq, 14
. •-•.__ ..tea , e..