HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 9Smith's Art Store for Christmasts ! Beautiful l.:ulds• I" s, Murines. He,.dr add Figures, jjjartto 61.11) fratued in square and oval frames. Iron . .. _ - ---M 15.00 Goderich Views in brown, gilt al Circassian Rani• :. 250 and 50o Photo Frames -silver, ivory, gold,and ma to 6y, 3.00 ranging in prier from_ ._--- ----- - - ServinjF Tray's in ntal!ogauy and Cires1iwalnut,and nuovaval and 50. .50 square ----- ___ -::.c-: ---------- R- -- 500d 0 Snatuary Busts and Figures in bronze and ivory _ _ up Cbina-Wed{lw°4'- Minton, Coal{wrt,; Shelly and Royal Doulton at tegoonable prices. s Leather Goods -Tad'ies' and gents' s Ttav`dliug Ceees, Bar, Purses, CuiL.r - - Bags, Photo and Card Cases. Everything in ladies' fancy and plain Combs and Hair Ornaments. Pearl, let, rose and colored Beads and lira..1tyu1 Mss at shoat half -prier. Beautiful hand•erhb "teredCtnhioito aa`t t< --t about al1-� Y� • Christmas Note Paper, nicely boxed -_--.---M- cud Seals, very dainty Christmas Cants, hooklets, Folders, Tag and cheap.- T yillrr Tinsel. Christ - Christmas Decorations --Hull' Wreaths, Festoons. lilac Snow and Candles. THIS IS THE CHRISTMAS GiFT STORE! Come early, we have Gifts to please an tastes aad pis. nes SMITH'S ART STON L ,. -_.LAST STREET tNEXT TOµ L) Goderich, Ontario Phone 198 Christmas Gift An Ideal THIS WEEK A limited n ber of medium, large and fantail i 1. 5- L THE SIGNAL. GODERICH ONTAltic, navy years and was:ftfyflve ye•r•,,of COUNTYd DISTRICT age. .r BRUSSELS. 'ttk:"' �n David T boron narswl>awa>fit his hours bete of the 27th ul'., aged sry eat v -seven year... 11-caa,ed N tr a .urn. .0 w••'•-. --- ovoid resident of Creditondiet/ un the _.,.h ult . Michael 'lf cludt hn, f eo D,aahwoosl, ,tied November; Miss • Rae t,totben pf Mmfe in hie eight y• third �earr. It _ kinK . has I returned hour troll'. a three utuuth' visit to Saskatchewan..` Henry Bruer, of Crediton, died on thLo on,h where he ad gone to I.undun, under- go an operation, Mr. and Mrs. James Beynolle and family hem. returned Ln Ilullett town- ship frills Portage le Prairie after an absence of nearly five years• John Ballanty former to Flint, ent who of Craubrookt limited Mich., 'a year ago, died there owtb '211th ult. He brad passed the fourscore mark. Pte. Robert jtcelntont sb, soncof Mr. r. and Mrs. I4uj� wee c reported who some time ago ruining, ie now reported killed in active Gold Fish We have some beautiful fish. Let the children see them. Green Plant - Pebbles - Fish Favi -+. Fah Globes Take home a 5c Tadpole and your$ t Wi l live longer. H. C. DUNLOP %AIL stORL" PHONES: 1 and 324 use To Our Stltbsen f firsts« .d Uafut,) comfy. Mes.'ibis sigh.•, of Calgary. rdu t- foru.er re.iArn, ret B•ww•'I the P4:11 lilt.. in her sixty -101i ever. sur- vive. husbandand four uhilaren .... ,-. AL the recent annual meeting of the Capadian i.-drj,rud• lit-l'rlrpb •,•c' A'- -loclatyion: held lit--t4oruuto. Mr. V. S. Ment(: lit ilruaselaJ 'Mas rl a ed pre.: - dents At Hills (ireen on the ::Sth ult. Rev. W. E. N. Aitken united in marriage Milton Love and Miss Libel] Work- man. Mr. and Mrs. Love will reside at Heneall. • has send Dr. Rogersof Brucetteld, his property ;Bed practice to Dr. Glen- field, of Appin, sod is removing _to Mtlijtbatu.. a hod been at Bruceli ftd for fifteen years. R. Yule, O. T. R. agent a t ;,el$rave, has taken to himself • bride in the person of Miss Mary Sutton, of Shipka. the wedding was solemnized at the rectory at Hlytb. Pte. George Spriggs, formerly of Belton, is reported kilted in France. Before enlisting with tbe•1d:.b,-Batta- lion he was employed on the farm of Albert Alton, Belfast. ?Ire. Moir, wife of Bev. D. A'.. Moir, a fgristif 1'tunur pa.Uor of lirusaiir Methoui4t Jturch, died et Mt. l'ath- ai Ines on the 111 li ult. Her lwoii was cuuard in I► {'rculiar way. , wn' ago she was operated upon for appen, dodo., and the physician left a small pair u( pincers iu'flea thfl! wound when it afinally 1x oiliing trratt f appal rut (fu oitRh Daft. Itdtrtfsue fir• swan was perfornied and the inairu- ment was discovered. s However, h it had worked its w in y Mrs. Moir was 'My - four yens of age. BAYF.(ELO• W N Div r,au:... Dee. fl. Mise hunter, of K:eter, is, ependit>�r a few dere in the village_ V. regret to 'emu that •Miss Par - sone is again ill tical under the doctor's care. - Roy . A, Macfarlane was in Clinton on'li 'lien:lay eundu,•tiog the i:tnerkli Jr Mr.. Young. $fiss Falith.Spackwan is spending a iley or too viettnig Mies Edith Rath - well, of the Goshen line. Rev. P. Rickard ie still on the sick list, being coytlined to hie bed the greater part ot1the Lir'e.Wiliawo.ki s being taken Y (irus, of oalerich• UxArtt tare Join \Vr:I;'rt.age.-Mr. John Westlake of the Sable line The Carter scholarshipfor Heron county have been awarded an follows 1st, .lohnl.'. Bell, Se•forth : :3rd. W. Vi• -tor Johnston, Wiogbaw:..Srd. Muriel K. Johnston. Goderich. Miss May Bretbauer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bretinuer,of \\'rozeter, died on Mondayg f twenty - for some ilI h•• the ed • tet days of last ears She bad kb een i three years. months. Arthur Kest's, of Stephen, laidpp for two or th months ' reaultiof injuries sort* NM- -]J was operati when' his le{t V i wheel and badly torn. Ales. McLeod, son a -f lb ILeod. of Walton, who went with the :tied Brtta1'lor. h1 f awarded the military medal sdieuou• bravery on the field. I barely eighteen years of age. I The merchants of Zurich, Dashw Blake and.Drjsdale have decided t I do sway nith the old systtin0f twelve months' credit. After January 41st the cashsy- •Teti wttt-p1evail,with three months' credit in some cases. a grinder WEAK, SORE LUNGS • Restored To Health By Vint l'amden, N. J. -"I had a deep seated rough, was run -dos u, and my lungs were oral and sure. 1 had tried everything •ug gr et ed 1.ithimt help. line eve- ning I read.. als,ut Vinol and decided to try it. Soon 1 noticed an improve- ment. 1 I:. pt on taking it and today i am • well man. The senor..* IS all Kine from my lungs. I do not have any cough and have gained fitters pounds -Iih*aa 1111.I. YAY. We gnarante.• V i n o l for Arnie roughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, ruadowh conditions H. C. Dunlop. drugl>`ivt, (:o jrricl). Ont. Also at the test druggists in all Ontario towns. u u Stanley, died on Monday of this week THrHPrlAY, DItt i Mltalt 7 !',lel .1r, - at the humof bis sister, Mrs. Snow- den. liar. \V.•atlake was a bachelor and had lived alone for a d years on hie farts. Ile had *uttered for a ber ot years with a running sore In bis leg and last .luly had the mis- toetuue to Lill front a wagon and break his sore leg. The fracture did not heal anti lie h.ae been lying entire- ly helpless ever Niece. Mr. Westlake was bairn in Devonshire, England, and wall on of the older children, uta 1411ge family who came t more. Nies rime hme ad years ago or I ravelled a great deal and was a very Intelteting talker. elick Mc - oversea r leen con- e is SEA FORTH. - ltev. James Wilson. !metro of Dover- ' Toronto, will count iroad church. C. rUDL preach at the anniversary services of the First Presbyttiisii church, Sea - forth. un December 10th. Richard Wright, ' a former well- known resident of Se•torth, died at the home of his sun, James. at. Toledo, on the 'nth lilt. The remain.' were hrnugh' beret. r interment. The death t) .k pine on M tturday, b lilt., of Helen Florence Gillespie._ ytiuD4er daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. five pears. Rhe bad beeniTnie. at the age ff t rnLy- fot a 'derable time. 'Miss Edith Scott, a graduate of Sea - Newspaper conditions are such that publisher' 1 over Canada may be forced'n very short `ffotice to iticreaa sub- sciiption rates: - We h The Fancily Herald and we can guarantee one -w takes place. That means great popular weekly will -tsweised ding owe week of ve concluded\ an _agreement writlla .'eekly Star of 'Montreal by, which k's notice before any change at our clubblisgr• h that Id good for any subscriptions publish `a notice of in- , cfeAse in price, , It does not f low -that the me ves- sarily be aii ititrease, but publishers must otect them- selves in some way against the extraordinary conditions that are changing from week to week. \ Our clubbing rate with ' r of Montreal • =1.85 one week a ter this s to -- t ---- L, Godard - The Family Herald and Weekly St Per y•ar__._Thiii.iate is guaranteed f paper reachesISubscribers. Send ord --THE SiG 10 PPEN. WBDNHHDAY, Itee. ci. Several (rout here attended the fun- erel of the late J.W. Moore at Hensall last Maturdey. Ile ase a man re- spected by everyone. London, and Carson On November _22nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Baker, titb conces- sion of Grey towuship, their only 1 daughter, Frances Elizabeth. was united in marriage to John A. Spelt: - ser of the same township, Rev. J. Johnston ofliciatiogr- - Mise Moore. Moore. of Sema iI Attending their Marie. were items i•othet's tugeral. They •pent a few s in the village theg*lestsoftheir hr her William. Milton Love and Lill an Workman, both of llill.green, we married last Wednesday in the manse Rev. Dr. Aitken and left on the 3 0., ock Ii-ai' for • trip to Toronto and oth Points On Tuesday eveping o eek the barn on the farmed. Thomas \\ Turnberry.near Wirigham, was burn to the ground,,. with hay, Ruin, im- plements and some live stock. insurahe nce. e. loss is sup sedcov' ed o be the work of The fire is supposes en incendiary. Much has been raidand written about the depopulation of rural com- munities. inn geDeral and abot county in particular.--X1dbt over -'the school registers of the county for thisthe past. thirty years would pray fact perhaps more quickly than almost anything else. twenty pupils being now about the average numbar on the roll where it used to number over four times that. The limit is reached, however, in one section in l:oderic township where there are only three children of school age in the whole section. These all belong to one fame ity and a teacher is employed to teach ahem; These children ought to be wen grounded in the three Ws, W O dividual attention is what the pupil nom. -+News -Record. Cullegi,.te Inatitote, G., -.1 tint essay. writing towpetdt ion a' ity 1' .H e. To onh". L k Il here it of a ter ny atttjdent, in the, rises. were -v John Losrery. a native'of Meafotth, died oh tee $i h ult. at hi• leant at ',Jolliet. Mich., after a lnug iltrte .. es, and (ism a Lowery. of sterile s.e brothers it she deceased, end John Powell, of Tuckersmitb, is a rhe deceased is survived by and two danghters. - THEY ALL WENTTOGETH R. '. A. Bonnot's Rheumatism Cured by Dodd's Kidney QiIla. Grand Clairiere, .Man.. Dec. 4th ISteciall. "All pet eons who Nutter from the nulatiem should use Dodd's Kidney Pille." This is the statement volunteered by Mr. 1'. A. lionnot, a well-known resident of this place. Asked to give the reasons why, Mr. Bonnot said • '1 suffered for three years from rheumatism. I consulted a dotter itbout getting 'Airy 'result,. Fout. boxes of D.idtl's Kidney Pill liked me u That rbeunee ism 'is canoed by sick kidneys failing to strain t •\uric aeid out of the blood was again tlliown in Mr. Boonut's clwe. His earlierr eywp- were: heart -fluttering",, broken tite, Mrs erste his wi arid Suits and Overcoats ' Christ late Hug -of her dal on the 281 b year. The early resident of Seafortb. The re- Maine ware hrougRhl to Seaforth and wese`}lid in Maitlandbank-kemrtety. 1 BLY PH. Dr. Allison has volunteered flit overseas service. Mr. •and Mrs. John Colelnugh an- nounce the engageurrntof their daugh- ter. Mabel M., to Ogle L. Miller, the wedding to take phtce late iu Decem- ber. • l,anmpbell,\widow of the \{cCosh, died*t the hone bter at Crone:ell, Mich., ul ., in her eighty-tlrvt and was one et the and uniefntshing sleep. fitful ap a tired, nervous feeling, a heay' after inealn, neurelgia and backac When he cured his kidneys witbHol Kidney Pills his rheoroatfetn and • the other symptoms of kidney trouble diaeppeared. ems 0. 'a DONT put off ordering your `linter Suit ' ' and 4.vc r t..oat.,, 'hll� cold weather, will soon brhere. such a- splendid -r Y•• variety` in goods. and styles that you cannot fail to. be pled. 45., •OC]OC3O McLBAN BROS The Square, GPder.rh s Semi -Ready Tailors . wilding. John and his lady friend *ere both killed, while Oar others of t . pants were r jla o eriuush• injured. Mr.'dohnsl.n was a `former Goderich town . ip boy, a sun Charles John inR friends aud'rrlatives there. •ton, f erly of the h concession. He went . Saskatoon nunetwr of Sir. Bonen Ritchie has returneaibou!s ears sgo J 6 ►Hsi ipll• ed in I again, having t_!rent r y q (uwnlhq. in Lhe \V ret the McLsug lin c r ofliare. � Ili• ww Duly twenty- lir years of Jin'$Ad }trndrreon is sjwnding a wrrk . r e,0. lwried onLli ,,. t.bday anntyei .uy. visiting his bruhrr at 1)elioft Lk I MIA Ihsi MacDonald has rot inyead-ti LOTMI&N. - .,yurnAY. Dec. 4. Lr,1111AN 1.14 AI.s.-Drinald McLean.. left on Saturday for Chicago, where he intends wending ding t. few weeks visit- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter was the scene ot a happy event on the'27Lh ult.., whet' 'herr son AI- ber t and Miss Ethel M. y Vincent, late u Norwich, England, were united in marriage by Rev. W. B. Hawkins. The flywheel no the engine at the tannery flew to pieces on Tuesday afieruoon of last week and wrecked hinge considerably. One piece, about 1114. in weight, went through the f and landed about one hundred s away. Fortunately no (:1' was WINGHAM. Me sad j\les. R. J. McKenzie, of the Bluevale road, recently celebrated the }twenty-fifth annivelwary of their wred- .dding. --. Min Hannah Wilson, who was given great praise by the city papers for ter heroic work at the recent fire at Grace hospital, Toronto. is a W ing- ham girl. a daughter of 'Foie. Wilson of this place. INN r1r,11011naMMRq I NI xw's Suyyo SUITABLE AY^ PRESENTS for MEN Give your smoking friends something they d,y really appreciate. See our stock of Wipes, sigat and cigarette cissa., ,. match boxes. humidors, H Pnewt are rs aspable and the quality A 1. TAME BIRD PARLOR, F. H. stood,. ICA Xeffit I 10 ion geed rakish 1 SO TOBACCOS - IA a wiT611 60 Elsie Mae Stone. daughter et' Mr. and Mn. John Stone. of Winghatu, was married at Nonce Jaw on the 14th ult. to Frederick J. Kennedy, o'014/Me Crest. Sask. The happycouple reside at $ring ey. bleak. A young( man from a neighboring village carne to Wingham one day rec- ently to meet his tride. The lady was on ham,. hut the wedding did n.4 oome oft. for on visiting an issuer of marriage licenses the world -he grows was shocked to find that the demand was greater than the supply and he was unable to bay the important doc- ument. EXETER. The death tntookp�aplaceof Uefx,rnP {ted in niarriagP at in rt eter o the 2lith ult. of argslret.Nto uls Hes- ..let, aged sevputj-thews yews Him fiuN nn•KrNy and Jason.1. b'Bden, of 6h. same t0wnntip, weir en the Main street Methodist NILE. TUHNDAY, Dec. J. RYAN-Youtru. - ..Loch Mellon" was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, No''ember _9, when Flor- ence Viola. daughter OI Mr and-Mrv. A. W. Young, became the bride of Reginald Morgan Ryan. Promptly at :..:iii o'clock, to the strains of \len- deiseohn's Wedding March, played by Mrs. R. Walter., cousin of the bride, the bride, leaning on the armed her father, entered the spacious drawing- rooni. The happy couple took their positions in front of • lovely bank of palma and ferns, after which the wed- ding •&vice was read by ire Laing. The bride looked sweet and charming in a lovely draws of white duchess satin with taffeta stripe and trimmed with silver handing., and She carried bouquet white rn ferny After hearty coogr•atul.at lone, the guests. nuwhei ing over forty, sat down to -a delightful wedding dinner, served in the dining - room, which was lovely with its dec- orations of pink and white. pink candles After-dinner l sneectieshwmums!. given Icy Messrs. S. Bisset, Bordon Yoong and R. Ityan. uncles of the bride and groom. - The prevents were beautiful and useful, including several eiihetan- tial cheques. The grootu s present tri the bride was a handennte gold watch and fob and to the pianist a brooch set with pearls and emeralds. The evening was stunt in .0001('. conver- sation, carder and dancing. rhe happy r eny friends at their home"le will he "at me to "Cedatheir- dale." after December 25th. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, Dere. i. UR1I. Mr. and Mr,. C. St tors at Salt ford on Sun Our leacher. Miss Ann visited her parents at Kin week -end. Mr. and Mr*, . Harry T. spent last Stand with Mr. an 1. Hunter. Mr. Wilber fit art returned h from the West on 'ridgy looking w after the trip. The many friends of Mr.. A. H. utton are sorry to bear she is laid with an attack of pneumonia. • Ego AY, Der. 5. art tvere viai- y McKenzie, i1 over the i11{mms Mre. CLINTON.. Mrs Janata,' of last week afterlumed v•ytwo Wednessdayay resi- dent, of Clintonforalmo a She had st. d thirty years. The annual meeting of the Moron County Beekeeper" Association was held here on Toesday of teat week. Mr. Bernard. of Lambeth, was the principal speaker. The old officers were re-elected. Mr. and . MM: John Wild nikn that re- ceived ofl)cial wind las tbeir son. Pte. Will Wiseman, had been admitted into a military hospital in London, England. g fr wounds. Pret W ieeman was formerly a neeneher of the Northwest Mounted 4'.clicr and enlisted at Fdwonto') for -service overseas. At Ontario etreet Methodist church nn WWednee.lay morning of last wrrk Iter..1. A. Agnew united in Marriage 'Me Alberta, daughter of Mn. George Pickett, of town, and Glen Wray Oorniah, sou of Mr. and Mn. James l',rnielt, Huliett. Mr: rand Mrs. Corn- ish lett the saute morning tor a honey- moon trip to JKfithigan and will he away for wi0etdv- in u h at Dongann her an atter .wens ing slew dity„ vi»,i inn her another in- law, Mrs Jas. Marlonsld . . Wb are µLid to report that Master Basil .Mogan re inapt oAing and sinvert'ly. hope he me imit ince so. Macrae Against Accident. � 1"1)11 amine yet don'tgit. bur -rt. Pat,' `\ avid Britet. "It'•• dangerous a work- biotint!oar ry." - said P„4 "That', :a I might. Biddy.' I've bori°Weil two dollars Ilona th' mete. and he don't let ole 110 any roue workany,nu re."-1)ntvhrd. 0 parsonage land the nd ult. by Rev. f!. W. Mu • worthy. . Mrs henbane ef omas hha late W*M4•Mt timbals, died at ith distilled tilt.. fn ber eighty-four year. The 4.c.ed was • residyr�. ktaNhr for .7s en /earn and the le i s wore brought bare for interment. T I *lb odic place it If skalds, l>l a "*51 Thto Zed ult., of William Johns, an*Uve of Exeter. He received no- Iasi sal; the galit of the West or rat Gouty bee frae to Fort Will lam to ripen the vt flier months with Harr/ Rogues &oil fatiOtbi hare moved to Detroit, where they will make their horn*. Dr. Pattersolt lama reivived official word that his eon. Pte. Prose" P.t tet - sou, has b•en wounded in Fr...aer. PT.11P. Plot/mews oralltted with the Ili d Mien Olive Cos spent the week -end ist ind you eve the smile on Reg. Snit - dy ? Well, no wonder, because it's rt. Jim McMillan. jr., left On Wecine.• day for 'Toronto to work at mom Mestere. David Elliott and Huttla Devideon have returned home froin Mr, IRMA. Johnston, of the ith cor met with an ace.idant on Piqesday hist, when horee fright- ened at s car and plunged into the Iiteh. striking • tree and throwing Me. Johnston out. 'tb. bye,* broke bee of._ the rig and ran into Joe nseebler'a place. Mr. Johnston loam mg. the own save for a few *crotchet,. trivalelleeisty "Di nava itelti011 the home of Mrs. lane fialleld ma Fri- • qeessober litb. members haw- ( SO old hid loves WO *eked tO kb, • Society, wile 1. oneettitg,,, alovol tn iand to Pince. *here tali ate 14104.10 tins «tiefs• tht Society hor to make a shipment ot A the is Pays to Advertise S Give Gifts That Useful We of goods fo NAL carry a large assortment r you to choose from, such v. bo doer violate as dile* teethe will he so • with the t letting by ding t Iratili 10 II Mt 1% Arernifitt sfh,selohretx,olatil.,iveareo:ifvedJovh,noraJniambnewt74 0011 frosty pavesiest wed crashed into a A Few Sug- ges- tions • Pocket Knives Table Knives Carving Knives and Forks Scissors \ Razors \ EledriC Table Lamps Electric Toasters Electric Irons Electric Percolators Skates Hockey Sticks . Coal Oil Heaters - Coil Oil Cooking Stoves Happy Thought Ranges Coal or Wood Heaters For Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, let us figure on your job. All work promply attended to and fully guaran teed. Chas. C. Lee Phones: Store 22 The Square House 112 tioderich i