HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 6•
u'nlight Soap
A little of Sunlight goes a
long way; every particle is
pure; there is nothing to
harm the clothes or impede
the rapid progress of the
wash. Every cake of Sun-
light Soap carries a $5,000
guarantee of purity. 141
Send your
441044 ....41.44 ►tp•.t 42.414 prima. orb •oei
=rosy e+.N---uennew__ 184, all cborUr Mama Jar la* tura an moo. e.
W. b•'. M.• w1 =Moons of soilss l., buu
trans.* la C.e.a..bo mead la•..
rent•. •..fart• ileo. W. Ms/ res • w,..'•
••el..na reel... • om wawa r.. bM. bur.
1...ma.• w• ►ar=•e. taw from w••.'.
M sea tans say °Sam a.. a... le 1.•w.
llei.i• 11.11.m .Tr.•.•. 0.446 ,94414.444.
H•11., • sp,rWea • CNaLyu•
HMI.= • a.. Fa. Q,oSI.oa.
H6.11..,, . 1.. nlrl• Kook Al p,•.&
08.4 err •. ,..c.•.4 site•.... 1.,14,,.•
167 Hallam Building, Toronto
Nearly Correct. •
Johnny' came running home one day
with a book under his arm. His
mother said—"What's that., Johnny r
Johnny -"A prise. mother." •'A
prize. Johnny. Whit 1114 . "For
natural history, mother. The teacher
asked me how many legs an ostrich
had, and i staid three " "Hut, Johnny,
an ostrich has only Lwo-leµ+." "1 ken
that nlo, =tither ;shut• the rest ii the
class said fawer, and I was the near -
An Ounce of P tion.
For the third lime in one afternoon
1110 lady found heir' new maid fast
asleetrin the kitchen easy "air.
"What, asleep again 7" she said.
"When 1 engaged you you said you
were never tired."
"1 know 1 did." the maid answered,
"lett 1 should be if l didn't sleep -
"No more headache for you ---take these"
ylat.Juet -.mother" the headache without removhtg the canoe.
• Chamherlam'e Stomach and liver Tablets. They not only euro
headache but glee you a buoyant. healthful feehog bemuse thee
tone the I, ver sweeten the stomach and cleanwe the bowels. Try thews.
All Drsrrt.t., 2k.. w 1, nail
T.r.ete. 0.1 I I
ath o
V -tw-
inoat re,
marks b 1,-t
est the matey_.:
Eamous lilt11turn-
OP( ted . with- fila
1(`.anadl'( Pac,h •
Railway pass.'Q_
away on Sundav.
lsrlth the death of
Mr. David • Me-
Nicoll et Guelph,
bat. From. __ ttu-
y of. hie "birth -
t Arbroath..
cottond,. In .ta
N52,'up le the dig*
o his death, the
tffitpf the lute Rl'nt r
vJc president of
e '. 1'. It. is
tine etude.
Caen haat! _ 1
high aa,
of au Y
Abi l i t ie
Mine t t wt'ro.
b few men can
-*MO themse
go the exertio a
!that are need
00 be applied bine-
yak.11.. At an early
\ to work befere
re be saw his
lin as plainly as
7e might see a
v.eat ladder
• Little, Is known of David Me.leoll the child ands s'hoolboy, big In 186C -a --
file Year the -Fontana Invaded Ca ada front the ['Weal States—we are told
that the lad, then a—g7irl 1 years. k Tip the nost 'of Clerk with the North
'Britiah Railway ComPany la Stadia mad IJ 1873 he got,a poen-leo as clerk
In_137Ltherettnkreile ay clef* erne, ei_._!anada and a' weh!y two years; old
young /al was lucky enough to ge a humble poi -Mon olt The Nal -Mem
!Railway, h ran from Toronto to -Col retsod, tn Ontario. \\At the latter
*tenth -mei little toe n he' was billing cletk or a year, and thea went to To -
void° 'alien, he was installed as chief cle k in the (Ace .of the gene -rid
inaneaer of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce The year 1882
brought him another "h:titge, for then he bccante geneynt freight and pasisen-
Per agent._ Aheut this period' the C. P. R. -it; laying steel across the
1)oeilnion ot•Cantida sod people were beginning awaken I.) the wonderful
neasibinties of the Canadian Pacific. MeNiroll wee one of those who savr
liz%st (uture/or this roil rood. arid in Ille3 hse otitalne%!..akeppointment in the
Th e was a PM farther reengration of bts worth ris 1 when -he took up
The heirrbt of
gleett the lin-
ear he found
t vire-preen
ne to VI eaIth 1914 this distinguished railroad career was rotieht to
• and M David NinNicoll retired, having left behind him r ord that
anis he di.. nit to heat.
Such the (try of the datee Of thr advanciments of the mart ho
avid: McNiccll.
Incidents of Military Cam I l i, 11
The following letter is from Lieu..
O. H. Elliott to his mother. Mrs. (I.
M. KithiLt of town. Lieut. Mott, who
is it siguslliug t,mcer, writes from
Crowborough, Suwez, leuglimd:
Delis Mo'ntKit, —Received two pack -
*gee of tapers, Signals for September
:24 and October 5. which l reed thor-
oughly. It i` s nice. dark, wet., rainy
day. 1 am writing in the anteroom of
the mess, which is not fuuliahed yet.
1'he only furniture is the table and
chair I'm using. All the officers are
eating here, but some of w have wuvrd
our quarters to two busses some dist-
ance f here. There ie no mesa
warkiug up at the other bouse yet.
Fitteeu mf ua Signal officers are up
there. The -house is called "Warren
Wood." It is twenty minutes walk
from here.
Speaking of musk, I saw in the
paper shout noon yesterday that the
Royal (Choral Society wart singing
•'Klijah" at Albert flail at:( o'clock. 1
took the t*ltion, senr a telegram to,
Albert Hall, •'II,IW aur balcony seat
for this aftermsou." Took a taxi
which came out for another officer in
to Orowboroutih, left 1.07, changed
twice, arrived London Hridge station 1
3 o'clock. Took the under round,
changed Lwiee, at rived South Kenning -1
ton station, hooped into es taxi which
brought use to Albert Hall in a couple
of minutes. 1 got my seat An right
and wag listening to the concert at
11.15. It lasted sant d5.15and i enjoyed
every minute of it. About 1,1100 voices
in the choir ; you'd never think to
look aft them there were that many on
account of the rise el the hlttlding ;
orchestra 1511. huge pipe organ. Sir
Frederick Bride conducting—it was
wonderful music.
Had a club sandwich, apple pie and
cream and chocolate at Lyon.' Corner
Huuer restaurant and then took the
underground to London Hridge. Left
8.10, arrived 11:61. A gentleman who
rode in the same eowpartwent took me
along in his motor car to within a few
steps of illy house.
The weather hltsat't. been very cold,
but it genet:illy rains a little every
day. We are still fixing up the canto
liner. I've been won king with a bunch
of wen making eidewnrks, along w i h
another graduate of S.P.S. It aquae
an engineering job We have a lot .1
"School" men in the l':ngineets; that'.
quite natural.
Santa Claus Castle
Ifor the Dinner Table
T HIS little tau,:
of Santa .t lau
castle. built upon the summit of •
mountain, makes an attractive center-
enterpiece for the Christmas dinner table.
The first thing to build is the moun-
tain, and for this you will need a
large enough piece of cardboard to
make a base about sixteen inches to
diameter and a top nine or ten inches
In diameter (F'tg. 4). Cardboard
a suit box will do.
The low.•r portion of the ,ciiptle Is a
square cardboard box (Fig. 5). )overt
'this box. !tad around its bottoglue
• strip of cardboard having no
cat to the edge, as shown, for
'embattled parapet waft. The le
Rower stands upon the box bass
11 made of • piece of rardboar
notcbed along the upper edge. and bent
;into a cylinder with the edges lapped
and glued together (Fig. 6). Make a
'roof out,of'a .circular piece of card-
board with pro cttng tabs for turning
down and gluing to the sides of the
tower (Fie 7) Make a second emall-
.er tower and fasten it upon the lower
tower (Figs. 1 and s).
To com;,l te the castle. paint a num-
ber of tone narrow windows upon the
Today we had • little epeech from walla, and fasten a slim stick flag -
our Brigadier, Colonel Snsxrt. He all-1pole upon the upper tower.
'trounced he was arranging for a 11.c -
The mountain side must be covered
tinre show in the camp and other. with snow, lend the beet way to obtain
sc=ents fur, the men and Iva.
going to allow then) a pass to go to J:he snow effect Is by gluing cotton
Lindon once every four weekn—so Ito the cardboard. Put the cotton on
long a'. they playred the game _mint iIs varying thicknesses. to give the
acted propel ly,arottnd bete.
- The Ninoeunding• here are just 1•ke
a N.,t•i j14.114 011441141 'metier camp. The l ,
camp is in it cleating • ,g the pine
tinea. - We are high up, afoot t(It) feel.
l'he air 1 expect Will I.e clearer tail
collet here.
Extract from letter dated London,
Noveuilwr 11 :--. •
Ara nndutg an hoot heti on
way through, Lnndnh caTilucrmtivy,
troops t Ftnpce. There are two of t1.
,n that g" : 1 was glad to get the trill,
9'hev hirer a gtent organi:eition here
for free lunches my soldiers' and sleep-
ing ac • •.uultumil'tiion, etc. It is the
early helms of the mornieg now awl
we hn ve Tanen on the • road quite tl
while N 111 likely he back at carttp in
a few any.. Rv,:.
State of Ohio. tams('ity of Toldt..
Flack J, l henry oath tlrll he 4..e1.Mr
pruner of he Oruro( 14'..4..4'heory K t'o.. d,. ing
tith�lte -._,;n she Ili') of I'Idert', 1 maty •i,el
rtaf •• afoil" 1,4, iota .hat .•'d^I (4' no 4401L' pay the
•ono of use, headrest dollar. for each stet rt, ry
w• of . 114.1 M•.T •:.14
•fIlih• ..rt.Cuto FKAtl:4F: V.
.sora t• t .for PIC mud -nh alert fel to
pr1•v.,t'.'• 1 h 4th day ofA*,,, std. • 4. I .
r.,. ••, - Ktttary pubItr
"• ,cit (.41me 4. taken tot, rn>.11r a.,.4
th,u.11.n..b" too for 011 lit .muco.Iottaulter,
ware.F'• J. ('I1F:VM.N. Toledo, /plias:
by 411 d, 'gk,• .,71c.
anitlx rill+ syr constipttion,
the stirs • r Passenger Traffic Mnnaeer for the entire aceto
• hie. a anc"n,.•nt Wig not attained even In is99 where he e
portant „h- f A•slstatit General Manager, for the folhitrtng
himaulf „ •, and Vier -President and General Mannrer. the fl
ser):hip a. tltkcn tip by him 1n 1903, and in 19416 he wits glad
blow mn mor too TngTwelt nn his career we can onit see the mark3`o the
'bounds he ma e, the\ncrcies'that prompted his rntitd movements are ht en
from me; not those data labored with him and observed Ills labors ca
of his anobl,, bon.-atnf,
gelding to 1oseey and Mkt
.drove the engine of fila
McKim!! always moved It
This lean, who leek a b1
wax the Draw -strew of a strong in(ltaldnr.11ty and a manner none of which was
Oaken from the manner „t ethers. in all that claimed bre attention he war
most synipathetl.'; he toiled 1A gntetird.' and atter he had finished arduous,
work' he did not tell Isla friends that ho. had been working hard. He en -
(havered to make 444, nen partlrn r -business pert•^t. and he wanted nil who
=iertrlriit'Tn'ennnM'tinn with h: ;r te\haro alms "Imttrt9 to tilt owe. To rhos*
above him he_ttnl,nrted hnatnees ideal and evpottnded policies that Night lead
fowardio nets expanatons. if he were etaetlhtt at tildes, he was allays lust
1t-fe true t at there were neeaalons nn *bleb hie demeennt was brusque, bit
hruserueneesPl► often the rover for a soft heart; with him It way frequently
the beginning of kindness, '
The omee of Mr. MrSieo41 way one of the menet plensant of nffres Ill
fitrmtreal. an4 thFrr the first vire-president BIM to •It'In a swivel chair whde%
tiUowed him to eh nge bla pose *she .hanged the thoughts wMe1 he pre.
Merited to Ntpae whip none,to speak with him There was none of the emelt
about' him; be was a piste man, erectly wore Aark .'lathes, and hl$ attitude
was always .tnevetentatinno. He way able to pack a large bundle of wisdom
'tato a snail Nteaf of wurda, ano he was as praetleal In his . onversatlnn ea 1n
7t1* wn*. ' Tiers were few questions wlth regard to the genera) details M
Qhe t R. R. which be eenld not *newer extempore.
Beelei 111e 4leol all not alt ttrorhtlne ever the d*feniteey that tame In hts
pub: he rmmnenter) them; hit energy made his memorial. sta=nd kis
calm., en the cher( of ttmw..
L We rasealies wort Iaterrel at Montreal on Tuesday.
..trwiglee-the long days of tlrciese thought,
king grade cheerfully—which were the tomes that
ldttnn. The eengtne of the ambition of David
it making an andlble puff.
rt in the maktne of .a Orville Itaferplrlee.
Shot • r Marto Whose Wife He
as Protecting.
Iletrr•it, r 1.-- She and wheedle
wrlundt/l w attewp ing to act as
peer. m,k41 rr-a_ an and We
wife he-te Inst i *day, lief i-e'in.
Ibit 4 .flVe years of et men, Ont.,
died' front him in a in H .per be..
pita' het. bite 44, q4 y tm t. Tl.r
body wen then taken his ,rue et
Crediton Ilsley for int • sent.
,The ti ag••dy occurs :.\' hen art y
«`ikon, • el -vying a eiz-ah ter, ruched
into a 11' u.h et,eet poolro ,t after his
1i shelter,
fearing mu er er.
Weiu :kily held the crsz• man
at bay white- the- wumau Aped
tbrongh a near door, but when a% 0se.
saw he was balked in his purpos.:4le
ilred two hitfletainto Weite's abdone
The assassin i etill at large.
-1ta,j-j_1rd 'bete
British Government Has Given
Von Rubber at Low Price,
Ho Von Olin Wear Rub-
bers and Overshoes to
Protect Tour Exnen-
sive Shoes.
Persistent Rumors Prove to Be Exag-
'(loodon Advertiser. Drcembet 2, Ivltl,)
Capt. 8. N. Dancey. who was prom-
inent in recruiting circles in No. 1 die-
t' ict, bas not departed this life.
I'ereistent reports to the effect that
he young lieu.euattt, who described
1.1s exploits ea a tartan service agent
,o the Hrivab in (ier•tuany, and held
sodieners spellbound, its able to trot
cut Mark Twain'• famous denixl. about
reports of his sudden death while on a
transport bound for England, being
very much exaggerated.
Capt. Daucey walked into The Ad-
vertiser editorial rooms last night for a
chat whole on a brief visit to the city.
ile is in training with an eastern bat-
talion, and expects to leave the coup;
try within a ebort time.
••1 guess 1 haven't been heard of
lately because t have been too busy
getting ready for overseas to make
warty speeches," be said.
Capt. Dancey's book regarding his
war experienees will soon be published.
The Third Degree Again.
A famous captain who was stupid.
but brave, ignorant, but willing to
(earn, once had • suspect in the ”third
degree loom and was endeavoring to
find out who were his accomplices.
"Vete ver you last night asked
the captain. - -
"In the back of Blank's saloon."
"Vat vas you doing?"
"I was playing solitaire," answered
the suspect.
"Acts ! Now 1 have you," shouted
the officer. "Who vas you playing
solitaire with -'—Pittsburg Chronicle.
Will You
to to -day that neces-sary
tin of
Be sure
tions or subs
obtain the real
not take any imita-
A real good eu re
and dteensea. t
• strata
Foster - .
Sold in 25e.. R6e.. -
all skin eruptions
atm no Injurious
. Limited
Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental straits or any sickness'
disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs teat and wear
the sensitive lung tissues.
should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds,
or when strength is lowered from any cause. Its high
nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick-
ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality.
of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is
soothing and healing to the lung tissues.
Ahs Alrehic 3sistitates Snick &deb the Gd Luer M. ,. a
The Gonadial- P itrIottc Fund helps to Keep Slimy
Policies Alive. ' •
The vast amount of 1 work under- otherwotoso. whets bushed is daily
taken by the Canadian Patriotic Fund facing (fermate bullets, would have
lowed her policy w lapse rather than
for the relief and will probably
of oil_ take the amount of the premiums out
diene' dependents probably Dever of the saving• hanks Another instance
he fully appreciated. in most cases worth recording is unfortunate) typ-
this work is carried on by voluntary icsl. The wunlsn had an idea t� in -
effort, and as the organization extends Isurance was all right for the rich, but
into *Iwost every tows and hamlet in that io her straightened circumstances
the dominion but few deserving cases lithe should not bre ezpeeted to make
can the overlooked. In the Department any *actiHre to maintain her bus -
of Insurance. for instance, the Mont- i band's insurance. in this case amount -
real branch last month saved for twen- ling to SOM. After an hour's ergo-
ty-two families policies which would : went with her on'. behalf of herself
otherwise have lapsed and been lost and baby boy, she reluctantly Ion-
to the beneficiaries. These policies re. , rented to accept a loan of IISO from
presented insurance to the value of 1 the Il'und to cover the premium. this
about 11),1100, tb annual premium be. 'amount to be repaid in monthly in-
in'g over $R)I). In all this branch is stalments. The hu,.h*nd was subtle -
looking •ftertnsur
not less than MI0,000.
through carelessness or
ity to pay premiums, this
protection to soldier.
would have been lost if the
tion had not financially
keeping the policies alive. In ad
to what the organization is direr
financing, the total amount of insur
once saved to depeodents within two
years by the committee is adt!ige and
cooriel is an excess of >i'J111,000.
e experience of the committee in
tb matters is a revelation in human
nature. One woman preferred to buy
a new !shirt rather than renew*. policy
on the life or her bar+hand, who was Igenerelly el••aI
ce representing .guently killed in action, and the wile
n other words, received the full fare value of the pol-
cieQ-in_sbil- .icy. 11 was a grateful mother who
amount of called a few days Inter and tearfully
(dents Ithanked the comlltiltee ,for their -id
aniza- , vice and aael.tam'e.
ia,- S4ica Thi+ trancb .of . the workjfM
ion organised reetically every woman in.
terviewed has acted on the Coffin)
tee's advice. In many caxrs the c
ittee has Led to act quickly and
out consulting the woman, and
here ain there was little' friction`..
matte being afterwards satisfactorily
ezlaine• to the dependents.
In this ineci ism it is gratifying to
nate slat the ,.,,ratter ctnupatie. have
11, -rally and-ym,path-
Flande►s tr<peh. Arg etjeally with rel
Ibatting hi a _
der by
mountain elopes a rocky appearance_
:Anafroin-tfte base form $ trail up ono
side to the cattle, by dampening and
pressing down the cotton !Fie. 1)
There must be trees, anti excellent
-o-ne%-7nay be made by cutting long.
slender wo"den cones, similar to that
shown in rig. 2, driving a nail into
the base of e•ac r and then whittling
the surface wi a sharp knife so ae
make the avings stand out 1n the
form of , • glia (Fig. 3). The way to
pre • e- , e boughs is to start at the
apex the cone, and whittle 1n the
same nn(r that you charpen a pen-
c1U but very carefully so as not to
GPM off a • y of the shavings. Staid the
trees -a da green. Then stand them
erect upoh , e mountain sides, stick -
Ing the, nail in their ends down
Before` ant• a taw enat attty
dollars; it a eels'. hid. .'nate a.
the w e ch. Thin manly a* h nor eans eepeneive ewitil
a price fast ap nachingf double that
formerly paid. .
Ahnt'a t0 be\ arse?" a aka the
10041 Or ansa 1 moderate .'ir-
eematane ee. .
Buy Rubbers ane Pave vmtr
filhnee " 1 the answer\the Rrfttsh
GeefrRement elves
The Pettish (lovernment has pa'
the pries or rubber .1 ,ern en that
yes may benefit. T it• k of this rind
think et the rise In the oldest of
Other startle article* Then, br
patriot!, and weal ru4Aerre- rubbers
Imn,te from Rrtthnl (l.,vorrlment run-
her--ond save your shoe leather
from winter's anew sad fall tants. _
coats us u .
R aTOWICIc, oar
�7t1•+ sia:a'
. 1 r sea +F .e 1 s:�
COVir L• %-� "i� ll.tV IMIT(t7A
IltlrOugh • i ' ! a rd board. Pull tbs tot
OM up at.....d their bases.
-Banta u...,te 144ould be shows la bis
aeroplane cutleialight at Ms Gas- t
pre (FlR. 10. me .�Ileropl&ne may be
rnapended n9 0 Lf
The aer01•I, ne (rig.' ) consists of a
p of c.,relboatd 1\ inches long Ee 1 inch wide (fir), wtt0 a V-shaped
oe gleed to bath sides of tta cen-
(11, F og1 9 and 10). a tall plans
rigs n nd 11) glued to plana A.
Otbd a pro!, 'ler (D, rigs. 9 and 12).
voted by , pi run through its con -
r into the ,•age plane A (Fig. 10).
t out the. daub! lcture of Santa
gas in For. 13, fold Ione the dotted
s, and p'tste together the two
yes with the exception of the feet '
mast 011 separate to Straddle the, 1
network •:f the anmplaottt Collet' t •
to Ctau.' clothe* and toy pick *Ws t
$star -colors or crayons. - -
1 . It;oprriat.l, by a. Neely MAW
Ycugci' Men
mar c--rstcimr.if:y in
anal `!r.ish
then any clothes en
America. See t,'ieyrn>and
you'll agree.
Walter C. Pridham
Goderich, Ont.