The Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 5A. THE SIGNAL : GODERTCII : ONTARIO EAST STREET GARAGE SUPPLIES FOR AUTOMOBILES, BICYCLES, Etc. PHONE 243 A. M. GLOVER OWNER AND MANAGER TI -#E DEL TMET GEO. E. KiNG, Prop. 1 E Monday and Tuesday Dec. 11 and 12 Now have Baby Marie Osborne in " _at MERRY S-NSHINE" This is one of the hest screen offerings of th year l'„n tt ill like it. Also -'itis Ire Shaw orxiay lid Pate rr M travel pictures Tuesday. Wed. iiti4 -__ 13 and 14 DANIEL FROHMAN presents in a coined .,f rotnancrrtnul adventure John Barrymore " NEARLY A KING Also "THE YELLOW MENACE" PRICES 1Oc a 15c !May and Saturday. Dec. 15th andl6th, with matinee Saturday Animated pictures tit life in "THE KING'S SERVICE" in a,l.liti ii to "tor HEARhr T fcat wt. Lenore Ulrich iii "THE OF PRICES 1Oo AND 15o Great Speciai Feature at the MODEL THEATRE Fs=;d,Dec.Dec 15 AND 16 AND SATURDAY MATINEE (2:30 p. m.) "The King's ervIce LOCAL TOPICS County Court Next Week. , The Decewbergeesious of theCotioLy Court will open on Tuesday, nestles - fore His Honor Judge Dickson. There is quite a lengthy ocket, comprising six jury cities and for non -jury cases. Nominations D,am 22nd. ' Municipal fii5lnln is this year will be on Friday, December 'j'ad. Cruelly they are ou the last Monday of the year, but Christmas c ' g on that day the law provides for the holding of the nomination meeting ou the Friday before Christtuas. Death of Mrs. Robert Elliott. Mrs. Elliott, .. widow of the late Robert Elliott, passed away this (Thursday) morning alter a brief ill- ness, surviving her husband, the -late Reeve of Goderich, by about fifteen mouth*. The funeral will take place from the residence, Picton street, on Sunday afternoon W Maitland ceme- tery. Harbor Notes. The following are the arrivals at the harbor during the part week: The Doric en Sundry with 110,0 00 bushels of wheat for the \Vestern Canada Flour Mills ; on Tuesday the Graham at the (lode' jai Elevator Company's wharf with 117,111111 bushels of wheat. Several other boats are expected, but owing to the high winds of the !sat few days they 'are behind schedule. Rev:J. B. Fotheringham Accepts. • At a meeting of the vestry of St. (ieurge'e church held on Monday evening the resignation of the rector., Itev. J. B. Fotheringham, was re- ceived. the same to take effect at the end of this month. Steps will be duly taken towards the filling of the. vacancy. Mr. Fotheringham has ac- cepted the invitation to become the rector of Grace church, Brantford. ;- Mrs`t,•asgraln Home. Mrs. Ca.grain (formerly Mas Alma Dancey) arrived on Wednesday on a yieit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I- E. Dance),. Mrs. t•aegrain went civet -- peas in April, 1915. as a'Decbber of the aims nursing service and was married in hgypt to Captain U. t'tagrain. son of Senator J. P. B. ('aegraiu, of Mon- treal. Mrs. Casgrain will be in town for six weeks and will then return to England to rejoin her husband, who is on active service. slowingg George with his fleet and numerous phases of naval service, including pictures of the ships recently engaged in the battle off the shores of Jutland. This is in Addition to the Regular Program or these Dates ! Pictures showts-°' "The King's Service" Arrival of the Royal Yacht. Divine Service. Phy al Drill. His Majesty's Arrival on Board the Flagship. Scenes from the Bridge of the Flagship. / Ilis Majesty Proceedito'ies-'with His.DreadAnctttRht Fleet. Working the Heavy films. Fleet at Battle Practice. Dinner Hour. Views df Ships corning the Fleet. Manning the Lifeboat. Midshipm)tn'at Gun Drill. Sports During the Dinner Hour. Ills Majesty Signals the Fleetst nchor. Taking Up Positions for Fleet'to Enter Harbor. Taking Soundings. Presentation of Officers to His Majesty on Lewin, theFlagship. Types of British Navy from Its Inception to te"? esent Day. 1588 -Period of Queen Elizabeth ; Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. 1800 --Nelson. 1840 -•Guard of Royal Marines. 1900_ -Army and Navy Veterans. 1916 -Scottish Regiment on Their Way to the Front. So great has been the demand for bookings on "The Kings Service" pictures that it has beennecessary to limit their appearance in each city and town. Ac- cordingly they eats lie shown in Goderich on only the two dates mentioned -.-Dec. 15th and 16th. BE SURE TO SEE THEM ! f Prices --Only 10c and 15c 1 GEO. E. KING - 1., Given Away Free ! Two Large Hand Embroidered Centrepieces will he awarded to the two nearest guessers as to the number of candies in the jar in the window. Every 35c purchase gives you a guests. One person has as egood a chance as *wither. JSpend your Honey where yon get full value for it anti also a chance- to wia .. finnd.o»ice price. Fancy Goods, Dry Goods and Children's Wear - Special Sale of Christmas Novelties MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE GODERICH TUUHMuAY Dat 7 LII(; 6 l very special feature -" to the King e Service." a sense of ,pictures depicting Gloat Britain', naval service lin the present war as well as types of the B.•,tieh navy from its inception to the preaeut day. In order that as many as possible may see these pictures, a matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in addition to the regular evening performances on Fr Wei. and Saturday. , Dead( of Mrs. Arthur Ford. The death of Mrs. Font. wits. of Mr. Arthur 11. Ford. of the Prrlia• mentary Press Gallery, Ottawa, ()centred unexpectedly on \Vednesdry ' of last week, the result of an attack of pneumonia. The bereaved husband is the son of Rev..1. E. and Mrs. Ford, of town. and on receipt of the sorrow- ful news Mr. Ford and his daughter, Miss dellen, left far the capital. The (amend took place on Tuesday after- noon. Impressive services were con- ducted by Rev. Basil Tbompsou,. of St. Paul's Methodist church, of which Mrs. Ford was an active member. and Has. Dr. bparling. of Dominion Me•11ndler church. Both of t iei1ergy- fuer. paid touching tributes to :he noble lite and example of the deceased tidy and spoke words of comfort and conentatirm - to the sorely bereaved family. interment was made at Beechwood cemetery. Among those present at the funeral services were Hon. Itohert Rogers, Bon. Arthur Meigben. Hon. F. 0. McCurdy. Sena- tor Denuis, Dr. J. W. Robertautt, Mr. R. H. Coats, and many others. ,, The late Mrs. Ford of Ra J W. Room of Ottlwadaugh- ter Rev J,B..\Find has returned from Thr capital, bit Miss Ford wilt remain latch her brother f, r a while. Petimaeras of War benefit. "Nearly a King."'rhe plot is said to be a fascinating one, combining hu- mor and thrilling adventure in unique fashion. A further episode of "The Yellow 4,enace' will be given on the same evenioge. For Friday and Satur- day Mr. King has been able to secure a Congratulations to Capt. Ewart. 06 his way down the lake this week Capt. J . A. Ewart, of the steawee Graham. received word at Sault Ste. Marie of the birth oU .on and -Weir. Isndington, Mich., is the birthplace and December 3 the birthday of the young captain, who is to be known as Donald Allan Ewart. This is Captain Ewart's firstborn, and though be has not seen him yet he is absolutely cer- tain thathe is the finest boy that ever happened. And no doubt he is. A Good Program for Next Week. The Model Theatre has an interest- ing program for next week. On Mon- day and Tuesday, in addition to reg- ular features, Baby M.arle Osborne will be seen in "Little Merry '3un• shine," an attractive piece of screen work. On Wednesday and Thutadey John B.rrymore, one of the most em- inent of playwrights, will play the leading roil in the comedy produ,•tion Proprietor ART- ISEI is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has said, 1 never yet madea post-nrortemex- r.minationinaease of death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine whickwas first on the market, twat success- ful for *art LJ..ea'me and all Kidney Troubles. and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidhey Pills Great Big Clearing Sale of Christmas Goods ! ACHANCE to buy your Christmas Gifts and, to know that you are getting Dollar for Dollar -on- the articles you purchase. We are offering some of the greatest inducements in the history of this store, all real bargains that save you money, as our stock is heavy and we must reduce it, which is to your advantage. Every article in this sale is exactly as it is repr ted or money refunded. Thdbenetlt for the prisoners of. war given at the Model Theatre on Friday evening VIKS well uatronized, and the net proceeds were $77.70, which wait divided equa y .a g the three Gode- rich boys whore_ held pi i+oners in G ermany c W ter Johnston, Wui. Itobinsen and Vic r Bell. Mr. King, proprietor of the M eI. put on •ood Mtn service, and Mere, Hem !t He.. King sang Pte. .1'. Pritahard'I latest song, "The Girl front Huron,"d as an en. core rendered sweetly a t Gbh song. Mr. Hector Hays. to whores enthus- iastic effort the success of the benefit is chiefly due, hands The Miguel the following statement of the receipts and expenditures : Received from. ticket -tellers : Annie Kerney $11.35, Mrs. Reid $7.75, Clara Foley $1.75, Marion griffin $4.1x), Hilda Austin $4 50, Woodba Sturdy � Fred Craigie $2.75, y $2.. s '9i. Alice Nairo $1.Ta Merle Weise $I.73. Harriet Porter $1, Phyllis Baker 30c, Red Cross girls $24.25. Rose office sates,'R9 AR Total $105.70. Expenses -Theatre, t$3bi, leaving a balance of $77.70 to b$ divided as stated above. N. The management wish to thank the ticket -sellers, also Mrs. King for her services and Mr: George E. King fur the use of the Model Theatre. OF CANADA i Co-operative Saving Is.facilitated and en- couraged by the open- ing of a Joint Saving., Account in the names of Husband and Wlfe, FathetandSon, Brother and Sister, or any two or more Members of the family Either cast deposit or withdraw money atwill. and the Interest accrues to the credit of both. Ask the Manager forlilt particulars. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. White ivory gooas Besides our present immense stock we have this wee received another large consignment which we are putting on sal at prices you -cannot afford to Id pass, - about 1-3 less than regull prices. ` Photo Frames, ManiTire Sets,. Combs, Brushes, Trays, Clocks, Scissors, etc. The same above prices apply to our large stock of Ebony goods. Everything in the lines of Silver and Cut Class, two lines we specialize in, about 20 per cent. off regular prices. Speclolly Selected Mika From the ;following high-grade English potteries : Crown Derby, Minton Coalport, and Royal Doulton, for which we are special agents. Prices reduced so as to come within reach of all. Christmas BooksJor Roth Old and Young "Mr. Britling Sees It Through," considered the best book written this year. "Johnston of the Border, by Binc:lass ; "Wonderful Veer," by Locke ; "Mary Agusta," by Lincoln_; "The Worn Doorstep," by Margarete Sherwood, $1.25 "Skinner's Dress Snit," by Dodge : "The Romance of a Christ- mas Card," by Kate Douglas Wiggin ; "Rhymes of a Rolling Stone." by Robt. W. Service. h CAllrreq's ,Books From a 1Oc linen book to Churns, Bay's Own Annual and Chits Own Annual at *1.90. )YiTw Store for C)jr/stnlas .. Ia order to handle this sale to the advantage„ h, "Ot public and ourselves we have opened a second store next to the Telephone Office, where yon will find many lines suit- able for Christmas, such as Gaines, Toys, Dolls, Books, Fancy Goods, Fancy Baskets. the ifl • CHURCH NOTES. BANKRUPT SALE of GroceryStock AVING purchased the bankrupt stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware of O. C. Whitely at a rate on the dol lar, this stock will be sold out at reduced rates commencing Thursday, December 14, 1916 at the old stand -McLean 's Block, east side of Square. All wishing to reduce the high cost of living will come early and often while this stock lasts, Good butter and fresh eggs taken in ex- change at the cash price. Ste dodgers later for prices. Terms Cash. EMEMBER THE DATE, DECEMBER 14th mean, ..-trap. At Knox church next Sunday morn- ing Rev. E. G. Powell, of Clinton, will conduct the service and }rev. A. Laioft, of Auburn, will conduct_ the service ut the evening. The choir of North street Methodist church are preparing a cantata, "The Shepherd( Story." to be rendered Uhrretmss Sunday evening, assisted by the orchestra. The -subject for diecuesion at the Men's Hungary Club, at North street Methodist church, next Sunday morn ing will be: "Public Spirit and How to Cultivate; 1t." Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at both services in North street Metho- dist church next Sunday. Morning subject : "Prayer is the Christian's Vital Breath, the Cbriatian's Native _fir." Eveniog subject : "Pharis- aical." The Presbyterian, in reporting the observance of the seventy-ninth an- niversary of Knox church. Elora. on Munday,• November 13t1, says : "l'he musical service was exceptionally line, being under the talented directiou of Mr. Bert Ure Cutt, son of One of the elders in the church at Goderich." A Definition "Pa, what is diplomacy :'" "Diplomacy, my hoy, is the art of being disagreeable pleasantly." -De - ton Free Press. l VICTROLA FREE ! Regular 'I$o. iX. Price $66e 50 Get your frieDds to save their vole s Smarty. Wife (nibbling her pen) -Let's see, what is the term applied to one who signs aaotber person's name to a cheque ? Hub -Five or ten years, nsusually,= Boston Transcript. Man's Way and Woman's. When a wife dies a husband says "1 wonld be a better husband if 1 had it to do ovet again." But when a hus- band dies his wife says : "Well, 1 did nay duty by him." -Topeka Capital. TH. GODERIQH, MARKETS. ' Triwaseay.l)ecember 7. Wheat. per bust $1 60 to $ Len Date, per twit .. .. •e41 to 63 Barley per busb 90 to 1.'n Peas, Ver bwh.. - 22.60 to '2.S Bnekwl.eat per bu.h. 1.(x1 to 1.11 tient., famtif. Der oat .. 4.00 to n..'+l Flour. patent. per ewt 1.76 to 3.410 Bt eh. per ton .. ... 310.1 to 32.611 Short& per ton . 34.09 40 500 Hay, per tau • ... 10.50 to 11.40 Rtrsw. tonne. per ton ... . . 6.00 to 1.444 ppeer load ........b.00 w ale T)% Wand, 1Snrser,-Der4b .. .. ... .40 to _13 Creamery Butter •M to .91 Esse. fr. h, per dor .NI to .s.6 rotates•, per bu .. LIel to 1,70 i Cattle, butcheni choice, per cwt. 7.00 to 7.23 cattle,butchers'K medium,per cwt ao to6.3 Hop, ive wetaat, per cwt....... j1AtpiA m 6 Mheep, per a t.. .00 to 7 to . 06 Hides, per lb ....,..... . 9 Tatumtreseesecestre r 68th c09 A Real Puzzle. Hera Hankins, conetabte of a Naw England village, had an exalted opin- ion of his aHcty as a defective. He shoo read everything be could find on the career of Sherlock Holmes. until he imagined that he had thereby ac- quired wonderful deductive abilities. "Now. gentlemen," said he on one occasion to his aasimtrinta in a particti- I lar cane, "we have traced three clue. -- the footprints of the horse and the I footprints of the man, right up .hers ' to this *lump; from the stomp 06 there's only the footprints of the stion aarrw. ises • Now. What gentlemen, ribecomeofNthe 1 man ?"-Exchange. e FiNAL COUNT MADE DECEMBER 23rd Christmas Suggestions Parisian Ivory Individual pieces and sets. Solid Ebony Individual pieces and sets. Christmas Perfumes In fancy packages and buck. Willard's Forkdipt Chocolates in pkgs. 25c to $2.50 CALDWELL'S DRUG STORE GODERICH, ONTARIO