HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 4THURSDAY, 1Kt'P-MBKR 7 1918 De wfl}ber lStb, try. ills Auburn Urs+ nosily Club.,._ The play has been pre- seuted at a number of places during the last few weeks and has been every - W. C. PRIDHAM'S Iwhere enjoyed. and the Club her had • repeated requests to give another per - fin ui•tnce here. The prccverts will go to the lout flet! Cross fund.. Advent - non llic and :ea. HE SIGNAL GODERICA ONTARIO Christmas Store News! 01l�1� in and see our display of --Christmas. Goocis for men and boys. Our advice .is to buy early and have your choice before the goods are DUNGANNON. Presents for Dad and Young Men Presents for Boys • Suits Overcoats Underwear Coat Sweaters Shirts Neckwear Cloves Pyjamas Night Shirts Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Suspenders Hosiery Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Hats,_ Caps Suits Overcoats Coal Sweaters Shirts Neckwear Underwear Gloves_ Scarf Pins Suspenders Woollen Jerseys C s, etc. MR. N. F. W IIVARD is the agent for TilK SIG NAI, at Dungannon. Utdrr-left .n ith hint for .ubaiipttoaa, it(hrrtiwmentsor Job print -lug will re. c live prompt attention. Tetcphuue tUodeI Leh Rural) r 311. WEDNKNI)AY, Dec. D. We regret to say that Mrs. Jas. Cousins is Will keeping poorly' in health. The Methodist and Presbyterian churches. are preparing for Chi isturw rntorlailuueuts'u eid of tbeir Sunday schools. rummy Johnston. son of Mr. James Johnston, has been laid up for several days with a very painful knee. We hope to see him around again soon. The Methodist and Anglican churches are to be closed on Sunday. lidtb morning and evening, owing to the anieversery services in the Pres- byterian church. Our soldier boys in England are gladly heard from these days. Mr. H. Bellamy, our former genial editor. has been spending a few day* right/tee- ing in Scotland and at notable places in England. Remember the "Olde-Tyme" con- cert on Monday evening in the Agri- cultural Hall. Those who fail to see the old-time costumes will miss a treat. The choir ot Knox church, tioderich, has a reputation -Chat needs no comments. l Onier -f_,ta�treou o er now for a "20th Centur " Suit or Overcoat and we will. have. it ready for you by• Christma. fGODERICN TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Wigginton bdeaeased her farm on the Bayfield road, now occupied by Mr. Switzer, 1.0 A. Biebeek, of Monk - ton, who takes poaseesion in the spring. Mr. Bisbeok is a Belgian. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Hickiof Valley Farm, announce the engagepeent of 'their only daughter, Nellie l'iley, to Oliver R. Wendt, youngest son of Mr. land Mrs. Alexander Welhh, of the ' Bayfield line. The wedding is to take I place this month. NILE. Tuesday, Dec. 5. Mrs. 9. Weller, of Godericb, le visit- ing her sister. Mrs. Tabb. The monthly meeting of the W. M. . was bald at the home of Mr. 'Toe. eppard on Friday afternoon last. ire Jennie Marquis, who has been ill . r several weeks, is h improved in health and it. able to be about again. Messrs. Lloyd and Darrell McCann have retukaed bowe from the West, where they ,had been for the past Three menthe. Preperationsare being made for a very special trent in the Christmas concert to be held here on Thursday evening, December 21. Do not miss Walter C. Prid Sin Phone157 Goderich, Ontario King Edward Cale (SOMETHING NEW) Thr weather is now cool. People coming to town can he '.used Hot Coffee, 1 ea or Cocoa at 5c Meals also served 35c Highest price- p,id for hurter and The best torn 111 Gown for .tom 'tt��uig. • Joseph Murray Kingston Street 000ERICH ST. GUSTINE. Tueol AY, Dec. S. i Robert Smith. jr , returned home from the West last Friday. Miss Betsy McAllister visited Luck - now and Ripley fa lend' this week. Mr. John Shanahan, of Clinton, spent the week -end witb his daughter, Mrs. Jos. Boyle. Mies Annie Itnhinrnn and Miss Lena Chsmney, of Marnoch, vlaited et. Wm. Thompson's list week. The regular monthly meeting of the St. Augustine Women's Imtitute will ne held at the home of the prseident, Mist Rebecca.Thompson./on Wednes- day, December 13tb, at 2 p. tn. Advertising Pays ! it. Res. P. S. Renee. of Benmiller, will occupy the pulpit here, next Suuday. preaching as missionary sermon. Jia . J. W. Hedley will perform the same - duties at Benmiller. 9 CARLOW. WKUVtssoty, Dec. (i. Theannivereery services of Smith Bill church will be held on Sunday_ next. On Monday evening tyre wi Ire an entertainment for whi fink - class talent bas Leen secured. Every- body invited to come and have a good time. DEATH OF THOS. M • ltBli.—The death occurred at. his home on the 81b o ecwssiou, east of Carlow, on Tuesday of this week, ot Thomas McPhee, a well-known resident of Colborne town- ship. Mr. McPhee had, been ill for about five weeks with pneumonia and complications. The funeral takes place on Priday afternoon toColborne ceme- tery. The late Mr. McPhee was a son of the late Duncan McPhee, one of the early residents of Colborne township. He was born in this town -fillip fifty- nine years ago. and for nearly twenty- five years had lived on the farm on which he died. He is survived hy his wife fa daughter of the late Gordon Young) and two children, Minerva' and Gordon. both at home : also by three brothers, Duncan, of Vermilion, Alberta ; John and haniel, of Col- borne. SHEPPAROTON. PORT ALBERT. WKDNKSDk1: Mr. William Gauley was • tate from Gpdericb for Sunday. Mr. (ierdon Pearson we. home G,sterich or over Sunday. Mtr. J. ! Green is at. Stratford thi week, the guest of Mt. and Mrs. A. J. Sylvester. Mr. Albert McGee left on Monday for Windsor, where he intends spend - 'ng the wiutet. en is at Stratford her art classes in oil peioting. t the C. A. D. eek -rod with .b. Miss Evelyn Ha_ !!s week reopeoia spa, water -color it t. Otes,y Hayden.' tb cb d C., "London, spent the his parents, Mr. and Mrs.\H. Hayden. Mr. Jacob McGee retirned home trove Windsor last week and was ac- companied by his daugh r, Miss Bertha. The Ladies Guild of Christ urch THURSDAY, Dec. 7. Tit A VI'L TA ILK. —The fowl supper end +erases is the Sheppard ton Maltby, - dist church on Wednesday evening attrected a large attendance and the affair wee a great succese, the proceeds amounting to $72. An exacilent sup- rer was served, and afterwards Rev. Geo. Gilmore, of Ripley, gave an in• tereeting travel talk on '•Britain in troductory address, and Rev. (1. Gomm also was heard with pleasure in • tract addre ss. AUBURN. WILLOHOMAT, Dec. 8. Mr. James Mutch bad • Blyth tele- phone installed in his residence last week. Mr. Rotart Jones is engaged finish - SCHOOL FrPORTS SHEPP4RDTON. The following 1 The standing of the pupils in el S. 0. 11, ellsepparriton. for the month November : Sr. IV. — Florence Joh stone. Rota Graham, ing Mr. Chat les Aequith s homes this ,•Johony Bolsi Jr1V.....Walter Tiger(' week. j'Harvey SIM .14r. III.—Mary Wilacm. Mr. Ralph Oravirstein, late of Dun- Orville Ry ,r Frank Hawkins. •Eve- gannon. moved into Mrs. 'Junking's line Dougherty, Harold Johnstone, remise on Tuelnay. Miss Fanny Scott. has moved her eRects into Mrs. Munro's house, fourteen/ the Presbyterian menu. Mr. Arthur Sims arrived from the West Monday andli visited hie uncle, Mr. J. Arthur. and on Wednesday left. with his wife and child to visit, his father in Biyth. Anniversary service+ were held In tbe Hatptist church Sunday afternoon and evening. The preacher was Rev. t4. Pd. HOlinfli, Of (I KfOriCh. Mee. Cohn Fl lamd readowed woke' M wish Iwirsine- lithe collections of the day , diere' Aid Orel& nut at the home of amounted to $70 I Mr,. Wm. Carey. There was • lanes Fon THE Ken Ortores.- The play attendanee. Mews were elected tor "The Minister -fa }hide" will be this routing year as follows : Honer - presented in Auburn on W y . are prestdeat, Mrs. Wm. Blake; prase •Tornesy Bogie.. Jr. III.—Orace Eby, Hector Mimi. 11.—Bryden Vroomen, Laura firahem. Clarence Bennet. .Ir. I —Edna Eby. Primer— Frank Vrooman, Elinor Graham. McNee. Willie Bennet. Those marked with asterisk were ab- sent for unie of the exisminationa. Number Mr roll, 21. TABITHA Kewiersie. Teacher. ASHFIELb SOLDIERS' AID CIRCLE Oa November 14th the Aishilleild Sol - !.i *46% Christmas Gift Suggestions ! B" your gifts early. This is good policy this season. Our stock in all lines is coinplete at present but cannot be re- placed. Take advantage of the assortment. Select your every ivant before the lines are/broken. Here are a few samples of the vahies to be received at this store. Gloves ! Is there anything quite as sensible for a gift as a -pair of Kid -Gloves -1- __Everyone_ Peels. Glove. and we ate giving useful presents "this year. „Xi- "I.* ;vs. White Gloves are Yrdress kid or v. shable kid. all sizes, in white, r Kid Gloves, all sizes, -es, all sizes, in, white., per pair - .411111 Doeskin G Washable kid loves, all sites; in white, per pair 51.75 Black and tan k sizes at per pair Tan walking Gloves Long kid Gloves in and lambskin' Groves in all all sizes at per pair.$1.25 k and white at per pair ves and know we caii We specialize in,G please you. fashionable as sCollbss, so Our stack Styles are the w and dainty ranikfrom each. Never have Collars been at the present time._ Everyone 'Ay not send a Collar as your ` of Collars is most complete and t newest. Dainty filmy fabrics in n designs to choose from. Prices .23c tv Silks ! HosVtippropriate and useful %you'd dress or waist for mo er or daughter. \carry a large range of S in all colors *Inas and dresses. Ext value in bl H. We for Linens ! Tray Cloths, Drer Covers, Linen Towels in all sizes, Napkins, able Cloths, Linen for table cloths, Stand COVers, Linen Handkerchiefs for men and women. We have everything n Linens for gifts. Linens are useful gifts and nge in price kom .00 each a 25 Silk Waists! In the very latest designs and good qual- ity of both Habitue silk hint silk cre at from $1.90 to $5.00 each. W. bite raists aye very strong and can be had in all, sizes \in many " designs. Colored Waists are also good in maize, Copenhagen. blue, black, flesh and ShalUung. Buy while the lines are complete. Handkerchiefs ! re is nothing so acceptabk as a Hand - ketch' f for everyone in the family. Buy Band- kerchie for all your friends, frotn the little ones to father d mother. We have everything in Handkerch fs from the dainty lace Handker- chiefs at $1.00 to the, picture Handkerchiefs at showing of Handkerchiefs at lines or lawn, at lir one and can be had in - corner or hill embroider -if, hiefs al for 25c and 2 for 25c hiefs-at Children's picture llandker Khakiihnsikerchiefs at 3 for 25c Ladies' sad men's linen Handkerchiefs at from to 35c each. Lsdies'iancy embroidered Handkerehiefs with lace or plain edge , 50c, 75c We hate everything that could be .ititc(1 • RNE ft (1; vis kik 1 • Kenzie ; Kingsbridge. rs. I'. M. Sul - 'rhe social commit e Cirel EDI PROMPTLY SECUR In :I cnuntrIPs. Ask foe our INVEN- TOD'S AI,VIBER,which will be sent tree. MARION MARION. $64 University Itt.. Mentreal. dent, Mrs. Rd. McWhinney ; vice- president, Mrs. Thos. Fergueon ; 5v: - rotary, Nina. Alfred Quaid ; treseurer, Mrs. James Oliver : eiscretary of knit- ting supplies and censor of shipments. Mrs. Robt. Higgins ; work committee, concession 10. Mrs. Jas. Cook ; conces- einn 12, Mrs. John Helm ; concession 9, Mrs. Wm. Blake ; concession 6. Mrs. John Menary ; conceftion 4. Mrs. Gordon ; Sheppardton, Mrs. Thins. Dougherty ; Cedar Valley, Mrs. D. McIlwain ; Port Albert, Mrs. John Quaid ; Lake Shore road. Miss M. Mc- I Often the Cheapest— Always the Best. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Undertaker House Furnishins The Storg of Quality Phones Store 89 Res. 197 met et the home of R. McWhinney on N vetuber ?2. Mr. John McKenzie pNesided. The committee outlined tbeir work tor the coming season. The following conveners in charge : Port Albert. Alfred Quaid ; Kings - Percy Grisham , concession 10, Cyril Campbell : concession 9, Stephen ittothers ; concession 0, Samuel Sher - concession 2, Eerie McIlwain ; conces- sion 12, Miss M. Hackett, John An- drew ; chait man of committtee, John The thanks of the Circle are due the toliowing for their donations of down pillows Mrs. Wm. Leine, Mrs. Win. Jamieson, Mrs. John Parrish, Mrs. John Johnston, Mrs. Wilson Irwin, Mrs. Devid Hackett. Mrs. Dryad H. Alton, Mrs Andtew Stein, Mrs. W. H Reid, Mrs. Jas. O. Drennan, one, and one pillowslip ; Mrs. Harsh Mc- Donald Scott, 2 sheets ; Mrs. Ralph Nixon, it.. 2 pillowslips. The Circle wishee to thank Mint Lillie Alton for donation patriotic tee; Winter Tours in Florid*. Louisiana, Mississippi, etc. The Canadian Pacific Railway offers particularly good service to Detroit. where direct connection is made for Florida. •ia Cincinnati and Atlanta, 1.49.. Jacksonville, Florida, is reached second morning after leaving Detroit. The Cenadian Pacific -Michigan Cen- tral route will he found the ideal line to Chicago, where direct connection le made for the Soother's State,. New Orleans Is reached seeond morning after leaving Toronto. The dining, !urine and sleeping ear service between roronto. Detroit and Chicago is up-to- date in every particular. Connecting lines also operate throligh 'deeming and dining cent. Theme enntemplatine • trip of any nature will revive full information from any Canadien Peel. fie agent or W. B. Howard. Notelet Passenger Agent, Toronto. 41-2t. .. 4/44 11, oge Offer Extraordinary__ UNTIL END OF DECEMBER AN ABSOLUTE GIFT OF Zan every $1.00 purchase on every $2.50 purchase 50c on every $5.00 purchase on any goods dere. Any purchase however stnall will entitle you to a receipt ticket from cash register. Keep them. Every one counts. In- clude everything, Drugs,Toilet Articles, Proprietary Articles, Rubber Goods, Fancy Goods, Stationery and other things too sainerous to mention—ex- cept todaks and Supplies. Car Square and North Street Geiger le