HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 3THE MOW IND ONLY IENUINE 1OUR OTTAWA LETTER I FEEL LIKE 44+041•••• By H. F. GAMY 0404.414.0. Ottawa, Dec. ith.-The Duke of Devonwhire will certaiuly be lotereeted in Canada. His first official duty on reaching Ottawa was to read a buneb of letters between Premier Borden and his thorn In the flesh, Sir Stun. which are as full of eurerise• as it pumpkin t of erode. "My word :" one imagines His Excellency saying, "Things do happen here." Perhaps the Uovernor-Ueneral does nut appreciate the surprises inherent in this correspondence to the same ex- tent as we du who have been watching the oat jump for the lest two years. For ezample, Premier Borden's ulti- mate indignation hinges on the small- est kind of gtievance- the tone of Sir Sam's letter. He stands for papag shoe*, Roes rifler', spavined charger*, the Bertram shell committee, Colonel Johp Wesley Allison. the fuse con- tracts...Crum Borden, and a hundred other crones against the Dominion of ()amide. and then fire* Sir Sam for BEW•RE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS ON SINIRD'S LININENT BO o 1031N bi MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. JOLD LETTERINO on LEATHER GOODS all THITIVILL!eigaggrtgotta " leaving A. E. TAYLOR. ela RATFORD. me_ MEDICAL 0E0. HEILEMANN, oartio • PAM. specialist in wOmeu'd awl cal Armes threader, acute, :brook and nervous dim e nters. eye. ea. luso end throat, pianist deist efts lumbago and rheumatic conditions. AO o okis remove 1 *about the knife. Office at residence, oortier Nelson and St. Ai:Meese+ treets. At home oMee Mondays, Thor...days out Seturdays. any evening by appointment. DENTISTRY ;it? For his offences againta, the state? No. For an affront to Pre- mier Borden's personal digni-y-he doesitit like the tone ot Sir Sant'e last letter. True, Premier Borden inentians the fact that Sir Stun has been acting off his own bat, not consulting bis col - leaguer, disobeying orders, in fact. but all there misdemeanors pale be- side the (reek language Sir Sam 'uses In writing to the head of the tiovern- ;nen*. Sir SAW may behave like • load of hay for two years -that is to say. take up the whole road -but be mustn't be saucy las the Premier. That is the unforgivable sin. Just for that. you'll all get ollf. Inciartutelfy Preurieediorden ie the neatest. little stable -locker after the horse is stolen now extant on tha northern half of tbe North American cnntinent. Sir Saws teeignation after post of the harm has Is Premier Borden's 'Meet tea dil-ection. But before that the excommunication of W. land. M. P.. and A DeWitt M. P.. -both gentlemen having viously got away with the go v. Thin, le. perheps. the briskest thing nit. tioNt•nt tirsduate Toronto University. Graduate oTaltullegu of Dental Surrnons; titans...tor to tbe lateolo.ei site ards. Mom orner Square stoleWesi • 0001trtett. AutTiossiat _ P• HOBIAS UUNDRY AUCTIONEER Box et7, 0 cderich. All iret net 0 re t m loft at hone) attic will be prtitudiy • 1111101a1 W. Reeidenou telephone 119 I HE SIGNAL GODERICH, QNTARIO A I MARKET QUOTATIONS NEW BEING II DECEMBER Erth Toronto Cattle Market Mbiners. choice weighty. .. 11 .411 tO •FRUIT-A.TIVES" Brought This Joy Of do medium weight). 7 71. Health After Two Years' Suffering Butchers' choice bandy. 7.40 do. good 6.40 do. medium 5.60 do. common 6.26 Butchers' cows, choice6.60 4o. good 6.76 do. medium 4.76 Butchers' bulls. choice6.75 do. good 6.00 do. medium 6.40 do. bologna 4.86 Feeders, 900 to 1.000 Ibe. 6.00 Stockers. 900 lbs 5.60 do. med.. 700 to a00 4.80 do. common, light4 60 ' Cutters 4.40 Calmer „ 4.10 Milkers, good to choice.75 .00 do. common to med60. 00 Springers ., 55.00 Calves, veal, choice. _10.50 do. good 9.60 Premier Borden does-tuaking othees do penance for bis lack of firurnees. Another Nut prise in Sir Kane. For respondente-e surprise whieh ist in the tire of a rumor confir .4 -is ttruation that' Premie - a. nosing around for a way riot, either as High 0 mistioner -,in Lon. don or as Chief Justice of (*anode. via MirCb.uies Fitzpatrick to be sown- anatuaterk -Of_emtme, Premier Boi- den denies ',hat be contemplated quit- ting in the fece of the enemy. but the feet that Mir 50111 noticed a wistful look in the Pl'enuiet's eye is worth Er - tube -Rog. Ane tiler surprise Ur Hie Excellenayt atilt not notch 01 11 purphise to MI have beet. keeping tate on Ott twit, It the fact to which Sir Sant di LIW4 tendon in hie own artless way-- alstate- ly, that the enttinet fairly 'willies with tiers. What t he 4 keeriteasein ter; frim, 1- not I.•ek ni leaders, but an ellaiNAI rats -went of riche -Witt thisaira- !wet tfri ,,Afttorl, nay., on. • that -trot (Well pt • hi LE L • art 1 ,s lialittin CFA, Is0I'AttY Puni.. • Am. - ,a.-itterling Rank illoakMaiiilItoo Smoot. odoncit. Telephone M. Real Netate Loaner and In PRt/U Drove, 1 LUIRAN BAR ItIS44..ittl. SOLICITORS. NOT pu bac. Err:, • 4/11ECC on the Sousa e. seeped Soot from WA's Oterei . 'to Alt tO 10IF lawi!tri'llu. K.G. J. A. iLtOPAN 11..1. D. &aroma • - Pol tt. CAMERON! K. C., HARRIS ....Moor. ninety pitalc. utinos two balant. =ch. norm Maur tr . =rare. At Ullman unAity ofillicirweek 10 Qlk Albeit t occupied by Mr. Router. °Stec hours 9 a.m. ton p.m. QARLES tiA/tROW, LL.B., BAR- 1.4.1811ilt, attorney. solicitor, ste.eztioas- Monty to lend al lowest rates • ji SEAUER, BARRISTER, SOL- ictar, Notary Public and Coos eyancor. Ilko,-Court kimuie (lotted( h. toga= a-- _ INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. nRILIA3P MUTUAL FIRE ' arnANCk CO.-tarm and isolated proven, immured. ers-J.' t moony, tioderich P.O.; Et one, Viceltice., late litautrn P. 0.; beatorth P. O. oes-i . MeGregor, Seeforth ; Jobn 31.0cietrawinthreP:% iltutMation, Constance: John Bentieweis, firoditattirn; Geo. McCertnry, &atm th Robert F et I to. kiaziock ; Maloolni Agent.; `1. W. Yeo, Barnesville; Alex. Lein h. Cliot cheene , seafeeth • 21. hinchley. lot tteelhelicy-bol ers can pa assomentenui get their card. reosipted It. J. Morrtslis lotinuit Store. Clinton. IL 1. Cutts Oneerv. meson inert. Goderiern, or J. H. told. Geue I More, IBA) field. VATIC FUNDS TO olx_IA_AL 0. CAM steset,.(1eigrists. _ 11112041.90arrimer- - Igt R. KOBhKTMO St 124 INCE AGSNT. ham ane LIOnTNINa t- Brit , Canadian anti American. a.0011..ANT_, BlelLaille AND 16111PLOTER11' ITT : The Ocean Accident and Guarantee CorporatIou, Limited. of louden, Eng. VIDICI.ITT AND UU AN ANTAX BONDI I The U.M. F Minty and Una emitee Mice at residunce. urtheast corn of Vie - meta and M. Drevid's atroetss 'P 176. MADAM Lion -ANTE 85 St. Itose St., 'Montreal. April 4th. " For over two years I was sick and miserable. I suIrt.reft from iv/is/net Sheep ewes, light 0.60 do heavy' and bucks6.50 ileadathts, and had Palpitation of the /least's° badly that I feared I %timid die. do. culls' 3.00 Hogs, weighed off es:810.52 There seemed to be a lump In niy do. fed and watered .11.2a stomach and the Constipation trae dreadful. 1 seffern1 t104I% -Pasis-sf Back and Kidney Disaaa'. - I was treated try a physician for a year and a half and he did me no goptLat all. I " Fruit-Atives as a resort,, After using three boxes, 1 casiivaffy imposed and twelve helms, made me well. Now I ran work all day and there arc no lleadarhen, no Palpitation, uo Ileart Trouble, no Constipation, no Pain or Kidney 'Trouble and I feel like new being 19 60 8.26 1.00 700 6.25 6 76 7.00 6.26 6.261 7.26 8.50 6.80 6.20 8.40 6.00 6.20 4.70 4.76 4.25 106.00 70.00 106 00 11 50 10 25 do. medium 7.60 9.00 do. common 6.00 6.60 do. grass 4.50 5.00 9.00 8.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 "Fruit-a-tivea" that ga lebuck Id) health". Arian A la it tut, 50c. a box, 6 for 12.58, trial size, 25c. At Iltdealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives 'Limited, Ottawa. Toronto 43ern Merest@ --- Manitoba wheat -Track. bay ports.' No. 1 northern. 11.8914; No. 2 north- I ern. $1.87; No. 3 northern, $L$0%; No. 4 wheat. 11.18%; told crop wheat 4c higher). No.1"1112 Ct°Wba..°1164t11-Ci Track, bay ports.1 No. 8 C.W.. 62%c; extra No. 1 feed, 12%c; No., 1 feed, Ile. American corn--Noiyeillow, $102. immediate shipment, track. Toronto. Ogled() , wheat -Winter: new crop,' No. 2, $1.68 to $1.70 (according ! freights outside); No. 3 winter. new j crop. 11.66 tO $1.68. Ontario Oats -According to freight outside; No. 2 white, 61c to 63c, N. 0,Arhtte, 60c to 112c. Peas -No. 2, 12.40. ' \ , _ I i Barley -Malting, $1.18 to $1.20. anything, including iiimaelf. Some Buckwheat -11.36. day be will be caught trying to sell Rye -No. 2, new, $1 40 to 11 42. the deer _ public a milk mine itt the, Manitoba flour -First patents. In moon1,Wewilsilirbae three valets \ te bags, 19.90; seconds, In Jute. f -one for his necktie, another for- bar- .40; strong 'oak *Pei ILI, -Jni.e. $9.20. shoes and a third for the text of hie _pronto. clothes. Working tAnethee they dress-- Ontario flour -Winter. new. track, Sir Max in three minittes, their dia. Toronto, prompt shipment, aocord1ng tinguished employer talking -the to sample. $7.40 to $7.50, In lute hagn. while to half -a -dozen reporters and Millfeed-Car lots, per ton, deliver. telling them what a great tuna be lef ed. Itontreai : Shorts, 136 to $37; bran, Not to east too fine a noint on it.. Sir ,81111; mod feed flotar. per bag. 12.70 Ma x* a bit of 0 b. ler, it.t•I to Vilin;;; to $2.t0; tatailinee, ft:a, int..ti is widely L114)161:11 it. ....4.11. in., -nr---NritY=-Nol, 1 track, 'formula, new, difficult 1.1 aer wilot (11717TrY 1.'4114.14 $12.60 to 0.3.4o, carlots; No. 2. 110 to would have eituferred Oil her by maks $/1.54., Straw, &riots. $0 to $9.:,0. _ ' Ing this rwineksr Alefestiefoi Mud -ma -s.i3 ' phi i... \Howe asibihs seilrtia,ateditt:4011We cuctirnstisneen, rind we. Tilriisnait, Inn itlitina 7 1910 ••••••••• D. H I LI:AP u SON Everything in Readiness for Chii4stmas! H STM AS is only a few" weeks away now. .We have been planning for-several-menths, gathering together the best assortments of useful and inexpensive Gifts, as we belie -7\ e that will he a .most practical Gift Season. Handkerchiefs • Hanakeschiefs for women, men and children in endless variety, thousands to select from. Prices 5c to $2.00 each. Gloves Notwithstanding the great scarcity\of Kid Gloves our stock is most comple in Perrin's make. All pairs guarantee and neatly boxed. Per pair $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Waists:- _ . We are showing a most extensive range in Waists in Voile, Pique, Silk. Crepe de Chene, at all prices from $1.00 up. Neckwear "'Always one of, the most popular gifts. Our stock is most pleasing in all the newest effects in Voiles, Net. Crepe de Chene, etc. From 25c upwards. Hand Bags. Our stock of better -grade Hand Bags is very large. We have them in all styles. ,From $1.00 each. Furs Furs make the ideal gift. We ale show- ing a splendid range of popular -priced Furs for women, misses and children. Nov_ Veilings New Tea Aprons New Linens New Curtains New Boudoir Caps - New Down Quilts Mike__ Our Store Your Christmas Store ' Wholesale. Produce ver, Sir Mem believed rIll bit" Toronto choice'? ',prices tO tbe li-ved in Allison. 'ender POWs,- trade: Nieto." 'retie • among tnat.y-anT. -rather -it` 111 • 'Anointing hinti forsthe j tif. New -laid. cartons • • $ -.AO to $ .65 ity mir max f-hs%\lfttler. Neirdald. exLcarto;. - . .57 • ' .64 . _ ._ - _ . so ----- ch for "11" thine Storage, selects ... .. .. . - ---- ' - ,i da b-7-st frirtta,c whet it it ye aroraae. No. 1 . ,, CURRENT LITERATURE. : McKel-V. y 1311. is root noted, nei welt ..11,1N740 , Butter- . ..... (*Aye). Amy's ad ' tilde series en• 11=011r!Fx1111tL. WAIL- .4.1 --- -43 a or. CANADIAN alatiAasszs:„;--Tire'';uhti s.wtrai-vorwii„.,, 4„,,, 'he C unary mi:. aL, storage .46 ' .40 t at i -i mas le r of 'The 4:nnailisti 010.- In bi„. ..14 ,Ara,;iss -isrini, /3:-.- .45 3,1,4047,,... iwaii,„ vs.', h mil los ells • : I era, History el intim tar"- -ffr. J. lt. - .44 4.0 ire - tie might 1., („rminc . i., Sfax Creamery e.•iii1is , Chorfar d dry printy... :.40 .41 line short eG•ry hp a (Amid' in W.; i i r. I L, y I in, i ' I 'Kass COOD t.e Aim in titer catleak:401" "I!'"'01" • ''' t i ;lid PRONE 56 S Scotch Store PHONE 56 isoma.:4000,40410404.40,404.1.0460114.4.00410411/14110411041 4111114111011104141114114 en 'intik. l'a di no state er_ pear._ . _Sii _ SAM ttemstiope at. "' A" 41P • ni- le t a o si.-rite!--11.7wrirstfle 11Obi,-- -111"n- 14 !!'"414 k.'"» r of ce\ ee, ar.ri Sir Thou's* White. Max resitectI„Itie, w tiir.h Cala -fil.ve MieThe is seems to be neriing' tepid- been a good thing Itir mite 4 1, 1.040- panies is Imo Sir SA ly. Mir 1. osier; t tear -gar glimpee Mu' en, eeething vie tex which goes ha the n Cabinet is like a peep Another slam Iva is of Sir Geroge Perle alter mentions Sr George Ade Wind, AM tieing far tatter gives into the. pereonal rivelriee e of tbe Borden I to Vettovitie ethergence ieorge has in his tune I -e,, net g • NT, fur every one •4 his rad agues t the Cabinet. They haul no fear of le ing hair in char ge. Wa.. understood to have nn pers. .1 tonbitione, so bi colleagues ti ea 1 ' me* earn sort ed chairwet tie r alio never set. the world, on Rte. Premier Kaden Telt, satiate of hirti that, h two.- 1 High Cons- miseirmer 11. I. Iti.1-pr :I tent. M k that ''p1.'t tam' Premier Bord may not In• r.,f from that High (lonuntiedienet,hiprothe,professes• At all events -14k tieorge Peary it still - High Commi.ameer "pro lesei..7 be. Niles being ()% er..-etas Nlinist et 0 Mili- tia, which 3. 40.;tift to take up a lot of his tripe. Th • "pro t job will probatily final n good matt to handle it presently.. Mem while, Sir Geo' ge itt Overseas i It tete" Militia, a position which he keniti to have filled for year pestreata-wisisasisamaw-atixen.. iI.6_ teal name. With Virdontaile rfulness Sir Hemi palate out that Sir George Per - ley kits 'teen eponsiltre for most the thumb*" ma-m.4y . mansatement -in England for r lielastawelve motahri; MARRIAGE LIMOS V%, ALTER E. KELLY; FAWN. ONT. ISSUER r salamieon Licari awl Patents, Trade Mark Design ni'sirenr_hantimter reeking tile kind of- - 1, t; f t,-1 .• - Bakers _ _aPoultsay_-e'N, '-', 74111:/;'2".. 2:::: twins. , cm • d young-Milli-41ot ot by 51*'YPIll'• •Iih rot -and -ink drawings' Iv Dressed. , ttollatallYit'll ill'"I''''""" '11Y ' P • 111 •"4.pider Islend." by l'ittric Miriam). .34 •••riir Morse of Win:towel" with e-'',01`.1; iLeira tine,'whi„,,,,,,,hi .7+4.44,14. ' ' 1 F ' '' '''''"'' ." '''1`").• 411'1'14' "f a till /11 e •itiVC 11.111 I' . %%tifea,.. /ra ra- .,..r.:ry print. .... .fla , 26tic; tr :-.--t-rilltdrir. 2tit- to ' who oa-- rite- stchabualtilt it_warit'd -arateasarl,.. AV, Jeffreya-__Thr l'illie.- , last ;entrell th; Raver -.011711`''"" art eat Ill'er are tinitsiirOly good, in -1 Old fowl. lb... 11,c ,12e lee" Itic i °ellen( short storiee Ity verit ere m &wort,- etribm. pniii 14,11.44. W, 44.1 Brans --• liandriv!ced, ' rl; prime.; ;ti argat et Bell. Me zo- de Its }bele.% ,flica by , 4 Secured in All Countries. %lite for free book "PATRNTS PROTK(;- TION. 'tell, all about and how to get Vat Mt, BA K & SONS. established 1177 formerly Patent (Alice Zzaminer, Matter of' Patent low.. Settletered Patent Attorneys etc., iilt St. JAITIC.. Street, Montreal. Firanchea- uttewit mid Washington. ItepronentaUves In all foreign countriee. sligsarsgvossaPsPsossossaaeassossoursP~PaI Brophe) Bros. OODERIOH 1 se Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers (inlet it earefully attended to at all halvah -Might or day. FUN -DOWN WOMAN LEt111141. ONTARIO'S EST PRACTICAL -SCHOOL, WITH Commerciil, Shorthand and fielitraphy thpartments. Str1ng 17nt 21c .22r Acadetay of Art. There toe o chilli teproduetione paintings lat iir-640-.13Iiong By Our vinol Eort EdwartI,N. pas in a run - Duelilin.gs. lb.. 12.e 17C 19c Writ Ole. includieg Stillit en, eau, '1;11,11 Thrrnial.14, and rA1 eteh. , • Tedvtess find wiek conditien. so I 18.5o, Jet•@ie Pm)" "1"1 Mittel He, heft\ RoStre on 1 W. J. Timm - .::d tiot-ib) ttiv bounestirk for my little Potatees--New BrunswIcke, In car- al'ho erer h ids* tab 01 8:‘ ppy c ton en family of three. 1 had taken cod liver lots, $2 to $2.10; western, in earlots.First Canadians in FitiviNa" by F. • 41.90 a suit Cowansville. fered-la& tie guar tee Nino! * to restore, factories sold at- 4 debilitated dittoes.- hoyes of cheese -erten ✓ r-nisl. 1 trio! it and it. soon built up my ; ten tied made nit. a ,well "man so 1 LT.,1,101. InTfin:Thir.:4-:...:,:rlkies__n:itrlis-. !emetic A friend tola me about Er vex Ca DEC tr..nxtIv. and 1, 'Id tip ntn.down, weak 1.0nd m -Six bun No sees. Student, Art cot, Hoge:tell seek The dessartiol up it p for trained help is litany time, the 114.t out free i..italtigue more, D. A. McLACH LAN. Principe and Checie AMMO IIIMNI111111 ••■1111111110 OM. IIIMMIONIP UM • - -Five factories of- • Or -Futter. Four (Me unsold. Bidding. 22o. red and thirty WALTERS CO. '160 boxes of I . C. Dunlop, (Inn,. st,G•elerich, Ont. qt Hyacinthe. tale - Also theibest druggis .4 to _ allIOntraio fered. All pelt] at 2 towns. I 'trod and twenty. fit e .Any q n for eninnier , wood at 31 1'.watt's da tit of dry he nek slabs ter sold at 401,2e. (phone 98). `$2.00 ;per cord t f Brockvilte-Cheese colored. 600 white: or at highest Lid of 2: the ruling price via, . One hull pack gee of but hoar( el, 1,500 inn sold n board trn th street 2.'r for ex ange - p1abottt-ai600-boceve-, - SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLAMER BONER Ingto Mests--Wholessie wholesale houses are quo trade ;,s follows: •irterA ...f10.50 ter 811.50 • no -8..142.5,1 13.60 12.50 13.00 9.50 11.50 . 8.50 10.60 Beef, fore st limits. le responsible for a pretty bad 1 do. hind, Carcases. choir. which is equivalera tit'aaying that Sir mess, la i 1, oho would have thought Harmless to flnrh Kidneys and neutral 1 do. comp Lei .. It orgif tiettig,• Pettey ? That quiet ii.,.. -....,,a 111 inister oice irritating. acide-Splendid Veattk, conunon, cw wnd ater of A enAit f ilitia aeitaTrsti• !Mr ireveyh11r-4-for system. do. medic ID - Heavy Hogs it was like Trrir-klAntrfiriteffith hy a ak It Shop hogs !PlInfe beetle Another surprise in Sir Mam's fatal fondness for Mir Nlax Aitken. Citnadt' bud no idea Otto, this' ittleir of the heart. bad RAW*. NO far. Canada knew of Sir Max ss the Canedien hye•Wit- the /rent who did his Eye -Wit- nessing of the bottle dangers by proxy of The Mornitat Post, thus' leaving the left -EYe bee to follow Sir Sam On his nuns/stows visits to tanolon and tbe Right Eye, bent on the main chance which Mir Max pester loses sight of at any /gage ot the gatne. Camoin elan knew Mir Melees a vicarious writer of books of conotion prints, for Lieuten- ntaieners1 Sir Mena Hughes, his friend and pet run and companion on roller eke, re. Crumb' nler• keewHir Mee an an ex- patriated Celina Cin, somewhat cloudy in him begitinitaa,, who win fame and riches as the midwife of the cement merger and other progeny` of the mune I kind, who Is crime the partner of It. H. Bennet 1, M. P., Wan elevator come bine whose iitject was . to give the Northwest fel mer 'mother squeeze, and who sidaequently took hla money over to ICI, 'lend, where he twilight a Unioni-t n 111 •,a ion for Parlinment and in due tinte a baronetcy. The veneer of Si Mfti ill England to much 1 as to Papa, the NVYII age Canadian IA iay,/ "If he ein get taltIng. then any- body can." for Max is not what you I would esti the higlieet, type of Cam- &las. lie is a prosooteri-wiil promote . Kidney and 13Irulder we nr_en resti 11,60 13.00. 60 17.60 11. 12,60 15.00- -MOO' 15.50 8.00 10.00 .00 14.00 16. from uric acid. says a, noted authority. 'Abattoir Hoes The kidneys filter this arid from the Mutton. Ilea% y blood and pass it on tothe bladder, when) do light it often rennins tet irritate and infl.one, causing IL bUTIOng, scalding sensation, or East Buffalo Cattle Netti4r -up an Irritation at the 'reek ef--- - egrati.‘- Feetartitk..._4900f, _ the bladder, obliging you to seek relief shipping steers, $8 tei $11; butchers, two or three times (hiring the night. so 511 to $9 46: heifer?' $5 25 to 18 50; , . . Tbe sufferer is in constant dread, the cows, 43.75 to r..15; bulls, 86 to 5750; Water passes OOMetimpa with a Balding smorp," Ind ,,a,,,r,„, 1535 10 17.64; *carnation and is very profuse; again, fresh cows and springers. active and thete is difficulty in avniding it. strong, 150 tO 5115. Bladder wealtnerei, most folks call its Veale--Reeetpte, 1,000; active and because they can't eontrol mtinatlon. steady; $4.60 t J 113.50, Indic it is evtremely annoying and POMP- Hogs --Receipts, 19,571; slow; times very painful. this is really one of the meet simple ailments to overeome. Get &trent four ounces of Jad Salts from aour pharmacist and take a tables spoonful in a glass of water before fireside/4, ontdinue this for two or th reel days. This will neutralim the "Ada in the 11114 00 it no longer ii a entirer. 01 irritaticm to 111* blander and urinary or - 'ns whieh then net normally senin. dit•I Salts in ineXpeniliVe, and is mane from the acid of grapes and 'noon juiee, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are ; subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salta ia splen- did for kidneys and causes no bed effects whatever. Hero you have a element. off-rveorrnt ._flbeep- Receipts, 3o,soo3 marks* lithis.water drink, wkhcb (peklymiliever mos: .1101be. $9 SO to $1141, bladder trouble. heavy, $10.15 to 110.35: in tual. 110 to $10.16; yorkers, 1080 to $10; light yorkepi, $9.25 to $9.75; pile, $8.76 to $9; roughs, 58.15 to 19; stags. 17 to 18. Chicago Live Stock Cattle --- Re. elpts. 80,000; market , weak; beeves. $AW to $12.60; western' steers, 16.10 111-$11Y.SO; snorters and ' feeders, $4.80 to 57.75; cows and heir- ers,..4»,itli to 110; Calves, $8.7t to 513.25. Hogs - Recelpte. 60.000; rfilirket weak, Sc higher; light. $8.60 to $9.70; wipe, 50.10 to $10; heavy, 16.40 tp RIO; rough. $9.40 to 0.56; pigs. K. EAST to $8 40. bulk of salsa. $920 to 11/640. 1 Our Great 30 -Day Sale 4 Over! BUT LISTEN! F. have still a large stock on hand. Therefore will continue to sell at the old ei0 familiar prices. Broken lines and odd sizes will be marked to sell at startling ' low figures. The word cost has lost its meaning on the prices adorning these goods. We will clear them out and out they must go. So come and lebrate an old-time reunion- with these goods. This means two pairs for the ce of one. We wouki strongly advise you to take advan age of this cut-rate It is an opportunity that knocks at, your door for the last e. ---- Know ! We Know ! Everybody Knows ! The great dvance in the price of all leathcr goo. NOW T;IliFiime to stock up in footwear. When one pair is gone you have another to put on. We will again emphasize th reason of this ridiculous carving of the prices, which is due to the fact that we ar Closing Out This Branch of Our Business. Kindly accept our m y thanks for your generous patronage of the paA an( t ite conclusion of this sale. LET US DO YO R SHOE REPAIRING AT THE OLD PR1Cr.S. ; ‘r4 WALTERS & CO. smommommissa GODERICH, ONTAR$O 1_ 61111111101111111 MN. 1110111111111111. MD II SIDE SQUARE • MEI 41/1111111/11/1111 MN. "OW r.. ,es ,