HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 2oriar:. ..♦r.:r:a,1'
not,WILh the idea of s:.yeig "We told
Q you so," but of urging that the civic
ortNiQ11dl, ,authorities give their earnest Mien*:
_ _ _ tion to an ilnproveueent n( the power
HE SIGNAL PRIMING CO., LTD. 1situation tded dowlntby''ethe Hydro contract
" - for a period of the ty years ; but when
TUC SIGNAL ►e eblle,ed every T.Asreda (that cgnlraet was flet p/resrbp d ;tt/,
the urate i1, The digital Building, North o
Y41'Att the town it was accompanied by thie
7KHler year;
'Taxan.. One Roller and Fifty power would be ttevel-
m,t+. per year; 1f pled +n1ctiy .e ibere .w One 1' oIll% a the t\ island driver and would
huller will b1, the rata ; to a Dollar
i1, the
Colt.d Sate. the adv ie one (UI CI rill lifts be delivered in Glafrrit h at a .oat of
Pinto +molly in advance. dublarlyen who
Jail to receive Tile DIUNx1. ntingeth by hell $2. per N1wer. Last week
x111 confer a favor by acquainting 1ebleunhitch-
. b to , • ' or near r horar'p
ot the factat*meetl edam eapoe+ thesect•etory tyttio, lucid water end
cbi.:ge of addroo. I de.tred, both old end
the new addree.-.b.,uld be given. Remittance.'
light commission, i1, bis IY'port on the
may ire made by bent draft. ezpte
order, pont omco order, or rel[biWnd letter. recent power convention in Tot'outo,
4ub.,crlptione may oemmeucw at any Woe. raid
A ovgsnai Su T►awr.—ttstr„ for di.Plxy sod «I'ertllit u1e to suggest that, in Ilea
°outrun advertlw,menta will twyhven on 1141/1 - of the prrrrun trouble of the Uuur
e•Uon. t,egalandother.•holler%dvertientent... the
leo Dent+ per line for nest menti imp and four f .
^auto, per tint for each uMwquent ilteurtlon. JUisaion in obtaining power
we.UTedin.•..aleu(.o114 II twelve ivat.e,eQit! ianfes_and the intent
neem an Inch. theme esedo billli+e- t theUmuutirriontodedelop power•,
and under, FiveoI Lollar+ peryear.
manta pl�t.o.4 Found, Si rayed. dduat lou. it may now be an opportune tittle. for
Vacaot.'tlltuetions K rntod. Roue. for dale tr the .ltlnicipalities in tbir district t i
to hand, Irvine for Sale or to Kent, Article+ endeavor to have the Uuunuie�sion di -
for:Cent..t.webioertiol; Ono touer.Twmuy power o1, the Maitland River.
five moth. Fifty t'en+.sf r en. en culler tar nee. MiroA ase Beck in his Address stated
mouth. Fifty l'eut+fur eta tea .• anent month.
.Larger edverti••ementy u. proportion. Tenn- that they were quite pleased with the
C.+oleper line.LsNontotice I,0 than 1ing wentY-,development of power et Eugenia
hails, obtaining more power and
ave cella. Any + noltt the
oiler 1. the tt01 , to bo benefit
io iadver- I better results titan were ever ex-
Ltoeme ,a,ociiit►o11, Pd.. ex-
Urement and charged act -untimely.
p „Nilo would to an opportune time."
To t•uattraritaOast-J.—The cooperation of
ourrrkrdem kifig ^' Beni Ltl a kly record landthosewho were chiefly reeepcliribleof
tains the name and ►ddre.. of the write Upon the Lown ought
oeoe.rartly or publication, but se an evidence im
of gond faith. New- item+ .bound reach Title
$IG 4AI. omoe not later clan w edoerda7 noun
of each week.
mu (Md. -etch Ootaro Telephone No. 11
ed tewardnmaklaa Tqa taxa No corn
m all lotion county a attended
munit*0011 well be rneodrd to unlace it con- I for the settling of the t (.0 e,intrac
r not to (eel an
Wbenever thewar aituat do de-
velops an acute difficulty there is a
Cabinet crisis in Britain. It indicates
a weakness in the British political
system that just at the time .when
Ministers of the Crown should be most
free from "hr.memade" worries, @attest
all their thought and energy should ge
to the solution ot the problems of war,
they are at that particular juncture
hampered and harassed -by harsh Crit-
icism, estate and intrigue. Certain
elements in Britain seem deliberately
to have set themselves to make trouble
on every convenient occasion, and
there is mole than a donee in the
minds of many that their abate have right, why don't someone suggest
been actuated solely by disinterested sticking 'tin--in'to some of the Gen -
patriotism. Mr. Asquith had weath- reals at the front? Perhaps a shake-up
ered so many of thee* crises that those in the army commands *mild do more
who placed their trust inhie judgment, good than any possible change at
his patience and hitt skill in rnucilia- 1Vestminster.
tion had almost come to the conclusion
that be w1, proof *gainer attack ; but
B Ik situation
You may be deceived
some day by an � imitation of
and possibly you will not detect this imitation until
the tea-pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine
"Salads" in the sealed aluminum packet, and see
that you (yet it, if you want that unique flavour of
fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed -
t Letters from Soldiers Overseas
ways more or hoes pleasant, sometimes
cooling down on a spiral or volplaning
it the rerodionie isn't too near. The
Pointer C. P. R. Mai in Godench Now i last 411,8 or
two thousand feet are
Probably with Allred Armies in Balk�� liable to be interesting. if it is bumpy,
lien a-rouggh ilea 1Hn't in it. You
The yo�ing roan deterred to i1, the have the plea@orr of being t.lewed
bole / The 'Toronto afloat sidewevs or on ehd Or perhaps
folioStar l9 we no bteelii wise or den you to the exleot
been on the C. P. R. staff here, as 111 of itfew hundred feet.'
locouiotiveengineer. fors considerable I At the time of writing this letter
wearing the kilt, for 1 have a son in
Prance who was once a Winker In
Dundee. He it twenty-four the day
and 1 thiaight maybe be would be
tome the day." Then l went ups to
Ritchie's, who have two sons killed
already and Another is getting ready
to go. The meal they spread wail ex-
cellent,wanted ate to stay all night and
used we fine, couldli t use ate Netter.
Alter dinnerMr. Ritchie took the over
to see other relatives, the Kielwotads,
who live on a farm near by. I have
now addlesres of friends all over and
invitations to cows to see thew any
One cannot realize bow Lpc Scottish
people use the eoldiere till they go up
and see. It is perfectly grand. One
rides anywhere in Glasgow on the
street carr for a penny. That night
when 1 came hack to Glasgow the
Doctor, Marjorie and 1 went to one of
the best sbowejn the city. 1t was fine
The next day the Doctor took me
round the city in his air and thaw the
differeot floe sttuctores of the place,
among which were Glasgow Cathe-
dral, the Royal Infirmary, where he
lectures, etc. We also sew his other
residence, which is certainly fine. I
Haw the room in winch grandfather
died and also S(rathhungo station.
•\Vben I cause back to London I spent
a day visiting Westminster Abtwy,
Nelson's monument in Trafalgar
Square, and Buckingham Palace. To
see the guards changing at Bricking -
hem Palace is the sight of a lifetime.
1 must close. hoping you are well ;
t with love
so goodbye for .he preeeu
to all. MURRAY.
1114 a,
11 known i1, t;odetich having' a current will cake your machine and
especial responsibility for the , ap-
p { period. His adventures as a wtlitsry Lieut. Sinclair wits just about to take
plication of the remedy. Councillor aviator ire followed with great Intel- his gunnery and bombing coupe. Two
Mannings toot s prominent part in i ret in this sewn. The engraving which I of his brothers are in France, Gunner
the. Hydro • itatioh. He is no doubt 1 Uonald with a siege battery, and Pte.
9 B accompauirs the article is published George with the Fort 0
looking for acontinuance of the public . herewith by the courteyo( The Tor-
onto Star
Toronto was probably redEwented in
the squadron of airmen wh made the
notable Hight from Saloniki to Heeh-
awed a week ago, in the- pek.ou of
�Flight -Lieut. James L. A. Pinola sou
of lire. C. Sinclair, of 80 De son
1street." Mre. Sinclair received a le
I(rom her son (row Malta a week
saying that he was en route- to Sails
oniki. Just before sailing from Eng-
'land be wrote to sty that his destine -
tins was probablyRumania- Ten
aviators were in te party, but the
names of his comrades were not given
not be foremost in urgidk- in
strongest possible manner that the
Hyo ro people deal. fairly and honor-
ably with the town?
Only elgbteen day. to CbtIItp(M.
Have you got your eye on a
n for next year's town council
'bat has become ni the Goderich
of Trade ? Ditto, the Collodion
Club P
Lloyd Ge
Minister w
of blaming Asquith, or
, or some other Cabinet
the war does not go
Senator J. K. Kerr. wire died the
other day at Toronto, must hetes been
with the bele of the t an NI us another of those disloyal tiri
the irrAr have ",int him' at nnl won and his four sons -in -la
nut. Afterfter a a tensen� e situation continu- all overseas on military service,
ing over seven) days, it was announced 'l ala daughters also are in Frvice. so
by the cahlee published 011 Wednesday Ibis daughters
y one member of his family -
Mr.ars ip 'an h had resiAned the thahis wife-vvsr with hire when he died.
Premienhip attd list Mr. A. Bgmr Mentor Kerr was Speaker of the Sen -
Law had bean called upon to form a ate from 11109 to 1911.
\ innate . A later cable shred that
1 y
Nr. Law had declined the task, and , 'h`beee must -still -he a terrible thirst
in (be Province of Ontario, judging from.
thee -number o[" liquor advertisements
that are being offered The Signal, and
doubtless to other newepepers. Every
few days we have to reject business in
this line. The advertisements de-
clined within the last few weeks would
have filled two or three page. of The
(Signal. We hope:_hobody will now
rise up and say that The Signal is dry
that Mr. Lloyd George would probably
to invited to head the Administration.
The situation is so chaotic, however,
that at time of writing no definite esti-
mate can be wade of the probable turn
of events.
There is no denying that the Ru-
manian situetisn in desperate, and if
for this the Asquith Government is re-
sponsible no one nerd worry at the
Time is
the tall
however, nothing to indicate with any
clearness that the responsibility does
lie with the British Government ; and
it is difficult to see how the situation
is to be inNoroved by the upheaval at
London or by. any change of Ministers
that' is likely t follow it. There ie,
however, a cite ',lance of vast im-
portance affecting rest Britain and
is participetion in War that should
I* brought sharply.. t the front by
lovers of freedow ever . This Is
the state of Ireland. How can Great
Britain expect to wage a ocessful
vier for the liberation of -the "little
FLiOHTT T. J. L. A. ts1N('L.\IR,
former Gude `' rung man who is
1 an air ilgl" pie in the Balkans.
Signaller Fisher Sees the Sigh
Edingburh and Glasgow.
Bargain in
W e have the privilege of making
the following extracts from a long and
interesting letter sent by Signaller
M. M. Fisher to his mother at Kippen :
Shorncliffe, Oct. 23. 1916.
BAR MOTHER,-I_aail in last Sat-
urd • 'e letter that I'd write you more
art:. tardy, of my trip to Glasgow.
We got. leave last Monday nigbt and
taking the train to London arrived
there anent 8 o'clock. 1 suppose y
know that 011 their Hist leave all Cana-
dian troops travel tree. When we got
to London we bad something to eat at
a free lunch counter for soldiers. it
was real good, ell the tee. coffee.
sandwiches and cake one could eat for
nothing. That is how they use sol-
diers in this country. \Ve went from
(;haring Urooe station\ iu London to
King'e Cross station bY t
ground railway. These tsilways a
celled tubes and are in planes eighty
feet underground. Our train didn't
Terve till 11.30 that night, so we fooled
around till train time and when we
went down.to get it we saw it pulling
11)11. ; but as trains run so often in
country we got another for Edinber
fifteen minutes IKLSL,,
1Ve were on the train all night and
orri vett in HHdinburah Tuesday morn-
ing. 1Ve had b,eekfast at the Y. M.
C. A. building. In these places they
furnish good meats of haw and egg,
ct fY e, 104411, etc. for a little over a
shilling. Then saretent to the Victoria
League (%tub and secured • room for
the night for Is and 6d each. Here we
got cleaned tip and as we finished a
lady, (be wife of some official or gen-
tleman. citnrilong to git a pert!: to
go through Edinburgh Castle. We went
to It. She explained everything and
showed us the spot where a Zeppelin
dtsipped a bomb which failed to ex-
plode. We went - up into the castle
and it certainly was interesting. We
saw the hauery of guns along the
wall, the @tate prison, the room where
the Duke of Argyle slept the night be-
fore be was executed, Mary Queen of
Scots bedroom, the royal p place of the
kings of the d
went into
a and then
the room where tbey have $ collection
of armor, helmets, spears, lances, pis-
tols, used (rem the days of Nelson and
piawibly farther hack.
This took up alt the forenoon and in
the efternoon I went to the top of Sir
Walter Scott's monument, about 200
feet bight It is a magnificent struc-
ture and one can get • fine vitw of
Edinburgh from the top. Then taking
the 'bus we went out to see the Forth
Bridge, about ten miles away. It le
A Hint.
Kin,•a dine Roomier.
Don't "hog" your telephone line.
Perhaps somebody else may wish to
get a message through the same after-
Wko 1s Responsible ?
Toronto Mail mei Empire.
Following the shake -tip in the Brits
fah Cabinet, a wondering world may
be told who infected the army under
General Merrell at Salonica with the
sleeping sickness or infantile paralysis
or whatever ails it.
\ nations' of Knopp wheel she h pelt Make Big domini Pay.
• +fuses sell govrt n,iwnt to the peopleToronto Star.
of Ireland? This question ought to be ` income lac is olid in the United
faced squarely and fairly. %Ve regard (States on $fi,71K;.pW,:diti, of which •
the failure of the negotiations, follow- barter isln NPw York Cil Tho tilt
ing the revolt in Dublin, for the estate- yields ne:ein reg smfllinna, Even it we
lietting of an Irish government as the Ido not adopt an income tax in Oen-
wont blow that has fallen open Lir it ' edit, WP ought to have some means of
compelling wealth to bear a larger
ish poser since war was declared' share of the burden.
It has estranged the Irish people, and
it has disgusted people in other parts
of the Empire who have not • drop of
Irish blood. but who, believing in
liberty, ardently wish for its full
recognition and realization ander the
- British flag. The rwxmciliation of
Ireland would bring an immense addi-
time rn the moral fort* and the fight-
ing power of Britain, and any British
statesman who stands In the way of
such a redoncilialion tears a terrible
responsibility. Canadians care com-
paratively little who comes out on top
in the soyamble at Westminster ; they
care tremendously about the winning
of the war and the establishing for-
orever of {lance and liberty throughout
ties world.
Lucknow Hey with the Army Medical
,eorps Describes the Trip to England.
The editor of The Signal is in receipt
of the fothrning letteilreas Pte. Clar-
ence McDonald, 0, A. M. C.. a Luck -
now boy. It is dared at Shornclitfe,
Eng., November 20 a\
1t wits Saturday, October 21st,. that
the London U. A. M. C. draft received
their full equipment of kit for over-
seas and were then given a short time
to pack up and prepare to leave that
evening. The day was very cold, so
that very little of our time was repent
in drill, although we got just enough
to remind us of many a day's parade
on the same ground during the sum-
mer wonthe. ..
Supper that nigblet was earlyoulint
p. m. the_ Mister
'•tall in" for roll call. -11 was Sbc at
dark when we- were given the coma
wand of "draft, form fount, -right -
by that ;left quick march," and we
weep orf for tb + O. T. R. depot headed
by our pipe band. The boys were all
in tile beet of spirits and as our march-
ing order is light a quick pace soon
brought us to the depot. Our pack -
that is. what we carry --consists of
watertwttle, mese ton, greatcoat and
haversack. The blanket* and k ft-
6ags wale taken down in the ambul-
ance wagon. e
Upon *hiving -at the station two
hands, a berme and a bugle hand,
greeted 114. The crowd was Dirge and
even with our light kit •we found it
hard to board our train. We had one
coach -attached to the evening express
foor� Montreal. After a few tuinutes to
bid . our soldier friends and others
fareirell we moved off foram unkt.owo
destination amid cheering and the
strains 'Of "1'be Maple leaf Forever "
Our joulncy to the coast was full of
interest, as we were always seeing
something new. Sante of tbeee were
Victoria Brid'[e at Montreal. French-
Canadian cathedrals, Quebec bridge,
also Quebec city acmes the River tit:
Lawrence, and as'. we reached New
Brunswick and Novi -Scotia the people
could speak English once more.
people of Quebec epos
dian, so we were quite lest as far as
the language was concerned Prov-
Scotia is a picturel'g*
ince with numerous small lakes` wane
the hills and as we travelled apo (,be
hills many huge rocks could )w
The towns also present a striking a
We reach
e at •distance•
Halifax Monday afternoon and w to
what they did with w I must not
mention on account of the censor.done
The movement of troops
quietly, but i don't suppose it will do
any harm to say that we moved down
the harbor about 3 p. m. Thursday,
October :Loth, and at ti p. in. many of
us felt for the first time the waves and
breezes of the ocean. That night wax
calm, but I believe the change caused
more seasickness the next day then
all the rest of our trip. The moat of
us were sick only one or two days and
after that felt O. K.
We sighted a few ships westhotind
and one day taw several lexica por-
poises darting through the waves not
for from our boat- Sunday was a
little rough and the,h oat rocked quite
• bit, as we well found out upon re-
tiring for the night. We would roll
from one side of nae bunk to the
other. Discipline had to he ot•tterved
on board, but we got very little drill,
as space would not permit it.. Lite -
belts bad to he worn at all time* end
at night had to lie close to we went tyolew deckr ink.
in the evenings
end spent the time in playing cards,
checkers, singing. music, etc.. until
9. i1), when "lights out" blew for bed-
time. We moved ourw•tebes ahead
thirty in:nines each day and are now
about. flvasbnm* tartest than Western
Ontario time.
Lifeon the ocean was all right, Mot
land was more welcome when we got
first sight of it on Saturday, Novem-
ber 4th. We got to poet
night and disembarked Sunday morn-
ing. it was not far tothe *tektite,
where we entrained at once. and alter
travelling all day we reached Shorn -
chile that night about 8 p. to., having
to march nearly three miles to *amp
before we bad any supper. However,
We were fol t @nate to get a good sup-
per before going to bed.
1 found England very �esaceferect from
Mbit 1 expected.
but tritrid eery fast. Everything you
lire is kept elean, a en to p sed roads
lc the 00011(ry. y ger
If you don't take notice of something
to go by. (law •ttee�� are narrow.
Ndewalks able, N WDdel15a 1 fes
two to pars. and are winding, not
at home. Alt
lags Rht arelike
brick, stone or ewniwttf. not
pen wooden shingles.
(!amp life hero 885[1* all ri ix eo
r „specially as terilMek
We used oaf Rot Ares
jwo day hot ow have plates and
gnwq. law lief bb SOON with aecom-
'Iodatlon for twenty-two omen in seek.
by the lieutenant, although he did say
(bet there were none a the petty of
those who bed trained with biro on
the Niobea year ago.
Ills appointment. to R sola t, belp
the bard -premed Mies end t anuder-
art the work ief the 111101PloutoVelmittll
aeiatne with the invader+ wpb one
which he heti hoped might Conte to
Pd g
hint. Writing fi'tti a small .tationon
the east coast of Scotland a few weeks
ago, the Iietalen&Ilt said that if he wait
to get an overseas appointment, he
would prefer Greece or the Dardan-
Trained on the Niobe.
Lieut. Sinclair, who is twenty-nine
years of age, started his training
in the Royal Naval Air Service
on the Niobe a year ago. and
went to England in February.
-- all linen, bleached double Damask
Tabling. Six beautiful designs, scroll and
floral, to choose from. This lot is of old -
manufactured stock and of the highest -class
Table Linen we have ever sold. Could not
be purchased today from makers at any price.
s' • value and old price, at per yd. $1.50, $1.75
Ladies' Coats_ --
Twelve only ladies' heavy Cloth Coats,
Chinchilla, Tweed and Beaver Cloth, lined
and latest models. They are samples. .
Regular $14 to $18, at each __
. La:' s a'_$11aclr Beaver Clatit tm. henviht` —
lined with quilted farmer's satin, collar and
revers of No. 1 Western sable. Sizes 36,
38 and 40. Regular $25, at each $IS
Grey Flannel Sheeting
36 -inch double warp grey or cream Flan-
nelette Sheeting. very soft and strong, suit-
-- able for any underwear or sheeting (send
for sample), worth 25c, at per yard l6c
He Hnirhed his training in Lincoln l one and one-half miles long . and Is
shire, aid -In August was appointed to !consideredone of the wonders of the
$ Scottish station not many milesworld. Edinburgh is allrautiful city.
from his own hirthpbice. Writing to \\ a stayed there that night, tett for
his friends in the city of his period of !Glasgow iM,he morning, where we ar-
training, the lieutenant said that rived about 10.30. f wandered shoat
while the place wag not attractive I with the boys till 2 o'clock, when I
from a natural standpoint, all the de- called Dr. Love and told him who I
was. He told me be didn't see any
reason why 1 ebould not go down and
stay with them. He told me to bring
down all my thinge at 5 o'clock and i
did so. A maid showed me into the
study and I set down. Presently Mrs.
Lovecame in. Sbe is • lovely lady.
One feels right at home with her at
once. tVe talked away until the Doc-
tor came in. You ms imagine how
snrprired i was to see him in khaki in
the uniform of a inept. of hehRovyal
Arm Medical Corps,
flciencies in that respect were made
up by the good training they deceived,
which was, after all, the most iftiport-
ant thing to he considered.
Never Mounted Over 8.000 Feet.
-I had several cross-country flights,
which are always looked forward to
es a most interesting diversion from
making ordinary circuits around the
aerodrome," he wrote. "You are told
com N) t • orf to find your way to such and such
a lace then to another place and
-"-"�- - bask. 'Armed with a map +o1, get T
Globe Correspondent Forecasts a ilttseeo u- into • machine and start out, finding etmPt7 fine and chatted away until
tion of Parliament Early Next Veer. your way by landmarks, railways, f �M hells t e for notch.dinner.
d even being the thief ones, p
chatted away while Marjorie, the sec-
ond daughter, went to her club. \Vhen
she came home we had tea about. 10
o'clock. Then the Doctor and 1 talked
away until late ted he told me much
about my grandfather, etc., and we
planned what I was going to do the
next few days.
Nextmorning i west with the Doc-
7'neaday's Globe had the following
despatch from Ottawa :
Although the date of the opening of
Patliaoient has not yet been dbflnitely
decided 11000 by the Cabinet, it le alto-
gether prnbahlc that the sessinn will check yourself and fol ow on the earth
open on Thursday, January 18. it is everything that you see on the map.
understood.that this date has already ''Combined with a few of those crosa-
Ively decided upon by the country fli.hta we fly shout for erne -
At the meeting of the town council
en Friday evening Unoneill01 Wigle
forced frons Ouuncillor Sunning• the
admisalon that It iscostinbgy the
more for peoples water
before el t Hydro
prover than it dM by sea
was introducetd.
The Signal esHs attention to this
using a compass its well, until you
arrive back at your attuningpoint. 1 t
you have a good map anare on •
right course Itis alwa s lnterestiog to
trees reheat
(iovernment, but final decision will dee, monde nes climbing up into the
not he made until the 18[010 of Mir altitudes, although 1 haven't been over tor where he vas axamirung the
Thomas White to Ottawa this week. 8 600 feet yet. Pometimes we get tfor a time and roats of then ani took the mai tdd
It is generally expected In politics! rth u realize
for a to yMit he a I l[ train w.
circles Isere that this will be the last .i
trisects n[ ours She r Maggie aeesion of the present Parliament and
that dissolution will take place per -
baps in Mater), after Interim supply
has been paveed. Itldicatiopps ORO that
the (loystnment w111 ask Patliareent
Pdeetde gpltii On tttwnsion of the
arliamentary teem for another year
immediately attar the dehate on the
the Th in reply to theh from
the Throne b1, n peened. It d
the qquestion of ettsnsk,n eat% be e-
aided only by Peelianr»t itself, there
i. • general Nelle( among 1 he mem-
bers on hpth sides of the Roue* that,
the ettwnsion b(1[ Will not he Arte the bpm
threwtgb, or Nat as any
— - -----_�
and sidewalks err oleo et 0,11 di-pr••al. f At Least, Just aeThat Time.
so you can eke we
quarters. Blinds must be nulled down
before lights are lit at night ail a pre-
caution against nir \C" see
aeroplenee ever y dor.
has ,• excellent
Rastas. tbe-burly colored man. after
helping a worre•for-weer-sod-wins
student. up the dormitory 'tepe. paused
and wiped the perspiration from hie
brow, when a bystander felt himself
wovei to mete • comment.
••tVhat is your official capacity',
Rattus ?"
"\Vho, me ?" was the reply. -Well,
I'll tell you dight now, boss, and it's
this yere. I'm de di,ector rat sports
at this yeah institution of leeterin',
vwsuh, de direc.or•oh spurts.'•—EZ-
t i► _
above sea of clouds and with mother
earth shut off from view ys
more than ever that you are ons In
the ether. but this is forgotten In the
eostacias of viewing the crimson glory
of WP setting eon when it bathes the
clouds in color. Your desoent is al-
Bietb. o re. .
w M ie Love,
fnrmwriy. on tba way 1 elicited the
cemetery and the caretaker showed
me grandfather Love's grave. It and
the hoedston%are iogood condition.
An interesting Incident in this ll.a s
ezperlenlxis wise w at' get R
satewar to my rap L went down to we
hr old lady. the wife of the caretaker,
pealtion will propose deferring lIe Pee
sideration until the close of the see -
@ion .
it is not thought that t� tioTrre-
ren t
ant will agree to ►illi postpoopowst. *hosaw bellied the 110118P. libe
b the looked u ite surprised- 1 told bar
and a sudd5n dlssottltlQA 'diMat 6 pqN
debate to (h!ij extend mq he ex- .*byte t %seafront end wbel i mooted,
7bidt would hal the *lee- She called her husbaed. a cane and
time inth tbs showed we the weera Ti t ntd we
Janne ser nt pails sea the wont to tbei Meds. [fit+tt The aid tally
reassembling of • now Parliament to said t "i wed meotiat# Mitt, you man.
complete tile work of the interrnpeid.round the hoarse and to* firm twig t
sseslo0. hooded toe was to ease If lieu were
UrtE\s 1y these
for points.
We meet each as
- }ram -_satisfactory.
Style -latest.
Work --faultless.
Price -moderate.
Our goods are ready
or your inspection
a any time.
Christmas Confections
Kandy land
Have alguese 1141 tin• big rands
cane Gi be given away orr('hriat-
mas Day to the held gin -err..
south site eouere Goderich
We ha Cutters from
Wm. Gray of Chatham
and from
McLaughlin of Brockville.
We have large one. and small
ones --black ones a red ones x .
some with tops a some
without tops. We sh
pleased to show them.
RANGES from Orillia—just
a few left Peerless Corona
and l'eerless Leader.
•11 kinds of Massey liarrt-
Co.' .goods.
`\ ,. _4 4_ es -
Robt. Wilson
►aawa105 Hamilton et . Oode•kit
Fashionable Fall Footwear
for women can be seen to
beat advantage here and
now. We know that the
smart boots we are show-
ing this season will surely
be appreciated by fashion-
able women. A most im-
portant part of our store
service is our correct shoe
fitting, t b ,illatll'es you
comfortably fitting shoes.
Phone 168