HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-12-7, Page 1Printing THE S1(iNAI. is really to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal &IXTY.LWHTS YILAH-No All be 401. e 'Y InestinenselesesOssefteNWOSAISOWeseneasettea GODKRIOH• ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 1914 la the town fl,XM1 on order\ before GUDERICt! IS PROUD OF MINI. THE TOWN COUNCIL � �It :e►ober 13. L91tt.•'I BYLAW ON MUNICIPAL POWER DE- VELOPMENT TO BE VOTED ON. • reemant with Sidway Mercantile Co. -hydro Conneetesa Admitted to Be a Losing ,Proposition for the Water and Light Plant - Taxes Coming in Well This Year -Prepar- ations for the January Elections. Habits mold .character. a fundamental habit. Saving is 1 Alt the members were present at the Imeeting of the town council on Friday eve R• M.. Win. Campbell. tax collector, 1 submitted a statement showing that ' be had collected of 1g10 tate* to Doc. 1 ember let 8,;3,000, which with the die- counte allowed would make about I8;){,OOU lie had oleo raid to the 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. i Dr. Harald Taylor Receives the Military 1 Ilea otithe report were es Other c at follows That a cheque for $2)`#1.11 fron IfEad heed ngine Co. receivedLtd. orf tazes from i- the Jcan Jan- uary 1st to August'L1ird, and the com- mittee , icb rtlended that lhscrl+ swag t Ire applied to tbs Company's credit and that the Company be asked to puy the balance of taxes to Oetotwr eplcuotls valor •f t officer who was Mgt, iI UIL a• per their aKrttwept of . An r sat *raillery August 111th. observing war killed and tea of my That the 11}13 county rateart Il,IYLi, [nee were badly wuunddd, t'l' together with interest amonnUug to loin were wrist 10 thew And Ytlali.7t. had bund paid. dressed their wound right oat in the !'hat a refund of 84 be made to Mr. open. On smother -occasion he weriT, straight through &;wavy barrage W John Sturdy on sewer rental., That a bra be paid t he1 Collegiate id dress the wounds of an often who thrtit.t a beard oj[ the be and had lest= ►1N leg. His cornnia,uhog that the public library board be paid (ulcer st*1u that "he boa dune good 18.111 on the IplO grant. laid, murk conttunously." That it number of accounts be p The report is amended waeadopted. The public works entprmittee rra)nl- metided that D. Phalen, A. Clerk and John Johnston be, paid at the rate of twsety cents per brine, and i b it Geo. Beacom, with Leant, be paid at the rate of forty-five cent++ per hour_; the much pleasure /y r increases to take etyeet trove Decetu- A request from the National !Unit- her 20d. 1910. Cross far Heroic Work in France. It was with uiti h flh'avlltr and grat- ification the people of his old home own- iearwed ti,i .t r$L, fib.) A. Harold 'Taylor, U. A. M. 1;., had been awarded the Military Cross for con. hit 1„tttlefront in -A trea•uree on arrears of axes 810, 114. FOR RALE OR RENT 1 This • TO RLFNT.-ea(1Urlii auras,nd A itoearsas' Ne WOOMA atoevstliewe•s. new 1011 OP MIXotedera T. �" b Meeksilt n 11�R• _ � * beatartliWt eerwwabN, A. OR RENT. -MODERN HO TOWN OF GOD>�OM• BYLAW NO 114. OF II)ld. . F Olowyeeter Terrace. Apply to HOUSE FOR BALI* IN VI OF All B.ven aroma, w ash r old woodshed: scrod ostler . been w retake the vote of ntted ego vote eel of tt.e town vent ea;surd "able • weeks hoose.,longe b dl d (loderlah titled to vote on morns) "b7 I lea ISYS !ran_ trees etnd f{ N �b� MUiH tY Y �1 aKbU ver amen. A 17 on entitled law. on • aulr.tion to be submitted N bather quem - ' tY-7{, the said ,atepayerr are in favor of having I `. the mm�ir keellty develop or &equiv.. ! brough tabe,neot wa►s received with m t thecouncil. *rim') Aeinclation for a grant was The special nommittee repose of MIDI to the finance committee. from t the Mayor and Councillors Wigle and A note mat received from for fecal Moor,- appointed to Beal with the seelretary of the the coUn'r Aid SueMlforetlustnK of th re- lhanking council for t'^ ~a`1 sty. -- grant of 8:i0. A letter from the solicitor, Mr. Charles (;arrow, with refrrepee to the Kensington Furniture l'a, Mortgage. ran stated that in ructions be nacegdipgs to re - The report. was adopter!, A Christmas Gift \Vhat liner Cliristutas gift could y uu make th}u r a .ye subscrip- tion to Thr t `l:'I+lj(0' al i' It would lk'a 4eekly remembrance all through the year. And it casts only One I1.11Lu THE SlUNAI. PttINTI\O1'O., LIMITED. Pt'ettenet THE LADS IN KHAKI was read. Mr. iia accordance with would commence ver the amount doe. t, uOntarioations were Hydro-elrcireictvedComms- rom TOE SALE with reference to the bylaw it was desired rhoutd be sub - connection with the project 'cipal development of electric tae Hydro Electric Power t'omwiruloo of _ (lion tlotario. whatever wor ks mar be rrvuirad . R FIALM.-AT THE RESIDENCE wire !Oe the ,aunty a electric power or power of MB. AMIN 1!lNOL et Waterton mit readysid-applied to sash ten t'owln as n er yyyr i, a te+r0at -OW" and vrood_. for mu reads :upVlieot or ane be obtained under _ power the existing contras'' with the H)dro Elec- tric Power -:wmnitask otrOeter.o. Whereas the muo dost council of the cor- poration of the town of t)uderich deem. it ad- ehable to imbrul1 te- Ib.' ratepayer.. of the said tow s I'1 Milrich lon as 'Willed whether the saki ewe - payers a re i ye7erw err in trier of parlor[ the muoh•1{,silty develops acquire ihro' CD the H7,Ire-kaw•t vie PUN.! 1 "nblll.l.•1 .14f tinter!., oil...leve r MSN may be [cooped toe Use supply of ebe/er or wrier In Adoi,i1111 ... . *e,isetae ee energy -et poser a ie rll.nwA )' with be ..t.lidned under the ell -Deg . n asset the I idrie Jeatr to Power Commission of on no. f :be Imn o rrtkr Therefore t council of the COCDe T wan' •h enacts fe 1Y1(' r INd Y4 town rata � �( 'meDndtu d 1. Tree the bit rs'id n il, ipai alrournt 0. O the r:.s u entitled to rule oe Of Ihr I4N"a Of Uudotlt't1 rano,r� by ave" : � T�HI1 ANIS1t, YOU IN FAVOR OF 11 ' I (ltTHE )t11:Nl1IPA'TIHTY Il1Yla • CI:1o' PON. g. T n ktIl 1OE A R WIHK" MAY P .etiilihl t t: 7ltd '.H ,- .t'Xit of giltDT 0 orate w It was that the bylaw be fL10li ']ALBly new. '21 Al FUR requested. COAT -nearly •earlT new. Address! an submitted rep rt of he finance committee as dealt with clause by t clause was as fol - of the _proposals Ir)w Est 1. I,KR TB EICt4Tlali FONT'._ _ t THF. HAU14,-KI..*1KI(; POW Ed 1,, M- MT+tiIUN ut' •NT'Aetiot the: ore . o5r1 of the maid r trllIyer. .hail be taken on thin ,iU41 'lou at • t Weate n beer, on the :ante day,, nrn�he Myers to the by the -ante depot Y -n. R elation for the munk-1 `al rnuncil for I917. A A true espy of this bylaw hall l rp M Imbed In the following newspaper -the tut e ay birein.ner uteulloded. cloy ', rrich b1t Knai the ��7_.h,olnitthh. and ' In of platy Rhea to posted at ,the 7nWF1 Troll. et tele po,drifthe, et t he corner of Kingston f street 1 ro tlacid the Square and et the real erect and the Square. 1. ilii the sub Any of 11," .1,4.0 1'11,. at his office in the4mined chamber l tot I kt •1t eef. in flee sewn of I.:Lee ieh, i' o. the Mayor will, in wrltieg signed by him, a;s point t eo {wr-ons to attend a the 'fiat mum ming rap of the votes by to puler each hierQ' nor. pestion And oneq personmors inters: -ted Mend ppl1ace on behalf of the D•' in 11 . . of the nn-werflii' of the •aid question in 11.t ettlrtnaivn. tent n like number on bcd e - half of the persons inter,...iia in ane -tion in -troun w- theen-v sling of the ,MM riven es Vectiveiy 7 S. The 2nd day of January. I917. at the said Cornell chamber, tow•int tiodorrthe nnmt mmo'cIl op b. 11. is hereby wppa radion of lite number ebyl fele clerk of 111 .corp of van given In the wtlrmwtiv'e ted In the sees' Ke respect i very. Ma11e, pa.:.s1'and aelrtcted thi- flet day of tl_IFT. lat NAHOy ore ef11"Mlis: SAlokli 11N• r -r w Tis COR SALE. -CEDAR POSTS, Alli0 1 6. C. oblation. Spits W. T. 1tIIM)K15I« Arnherd. was read and clause. Tne' lows : ;pat !•lit aha e DotyWort ported that Lbe Ma•aey• Harris a hen note on the platform wa the plant un which 8NS wee otCtng, the orgiowl note, wade its 101:1. 'wing for 8173. The committer advised ttt to the batence of $46 he pa of the Massey-Harri0 Co., Mr., Robert Wilson, and that the town -take pos- session of the wagon and that it be brought to the town yards. The report war adopted. On motion of Reeve Nairn and Couo.•itlnr Wilson. the following were nwwed as the 'period committee to deal with the Ridway Co.' mitter: Councillors Munnings Moser, a al and Wilson and the Reeve. Councillor WIgle asked Mayor Mc- Lean when the public might expect • statement of the British Red (Noes fund. ed that .orae iof His Worship replied the subscript ions uwt nut yet been paid ir. *anted t 1 know councillor :wsu r �Wigleartar at also iff ev«ry,hingin read't the barb it for boats to tie up for the winter-- Cantncillor Munoings said every- thing very- l'te. Hugh \Ictiuir" arrived in town Tuesday night, having returner! front England with a patty tf wounded soldiers. As the time of his arrival waoirot known berm ehand, t.tuire-was no public reci•piioq Pt*. .Mrliuire went overseas wits[ the Will Battalion and was drafted into the Canadian fafrnrnted 441LNs and Loigittt with 'beau until he was iedistil' J it ed. lae ir right wounded et Tp 9 hand. lett shoulder anti lett thigh haiv-. Brett bit by slitapnel, Asked how he received lllr many wounds• be re- plieti, y yg..were..eating dineor olid hNdt4Jice wadiin'frosteoLli+t, hen along came a"Wirll and .Srouedtld`p h •h of tie, and spoiled. our metal,. lot•" From here Pae.It4c(iuh•e event on to Port Al►rrit, where .1:ulily have Meso Gyrus sin oversea,. He returns .1'�wrt don for further lreetnteft PERSONAL MENTION. Mn Y \Kel•aHne7 ret tune) toe' week hour s rail of ...stared mouths to o:adilme, Soots. .l ry for ., while with her .;.ter, who is very Mrs. J. Andrews has gone to Hamilton tltt Mrs, Grummet%returned on ltatnrday from a three moot h+ visit W hur sou and daughter at Cabo. ewe. Mis. Jeal Taylor has &arrived hems attar a {permoneM' k.alday vidt to Toretto.ltelLLnt- wpH and Midland. ,Clinton New Ern : Mr. Agdrew Halliday of (:.$tench, b vl.ttulg trivets end relatives to, Cliutop this week. nln Mr. r"kleFiad ell 4. el, titti t.AA woaa mak han to ie.v Y4 4Xeg.nu aur the olidaY swoop. is wife and he went r to Limi- t his wound*. w m "lieaforth ,owe : Mr. Hoyre returnlirt on ttatitirat forrona tioderien. where ast six v. er ,Ise yybad beeswl visMr- H. 0ilwl hDollnurr.ill reeelye foe Ih flet time copier of Pict on and t\ at erloo motet., on Mon- dy),..lreewruls r I It b, from 3.:N to e e eice:k. Mrs. guile,. who wa+. In England Inc sone' --�" time watt her husbwud, Ideal. 11. R Elliott. ho- returned to New York end will he there for ' . soots weeks bolero retuning to (rode -lob.. Mr. T. K :'tuntmrY organa .if Knox church. _ ha. removed front North .t'.Wl Orli 1e resider. nce ora Nrl.on .tit et late), occ•try r Mr.. Cita. 1e. Indy, Mr. Arthur J. Boyce, s of r. and Mts. Thomas Boyce, of wn. b rousted -tar service with the Army Medical Corp*.. Mr. Boyce finished a- medical course at %be �Ai- versity of Toronto. WANTED. _ trout the .mussy Aire ter,' ,• 0 1., r ,-�tlirir1el ufOasw• r:#"r, 10111. your - - _- - "lark tt tw:nrorn► d -ural Ihr pro• TEACHER WANTED P011 9. B.rItt,e�1 arked No. 25 accepted, oo 1 N4 I. • nitrons, township. Welted a Itrnt- loondition th the too Ip•vny sway in Iaddititon re for the its nth of Noy. the Ccnn- claps plofes-mrl certificate. ,glassy ISM "'1n lege .!tulle+ to eumolenoe JeCu$r 'ane. t1, . 1 -- r building ana ))� 1 i"u, th K ILFK 4e • o J. -) telt Apply. . y, en•., i t, 1 ri• li . 1 P patty f+�e.Trrla•.. IL,o. n. uaterlfb, Ont. t1 -at lin gc edit to alert t he air toitte . be payment of Nlb iner • n 1 OS of !hit - ;t5.4) Nir l3, ANTED. -A MAN EYPRHl- made on vor before Dvcsl >[�h 1O Ir petting up maehlltarr t. tvkt gill the niaPhiirry "1111 INP. • chomp of fir departmen• makblt{ 10.4 nucbin on wet ,nrrh-G m.chlnrty 11.o d job bra be put in cnnditiou M the ra• ref ammo, 1dYLXII.1Elt JIF0.l,U,eExeter �( 'flirt s;otumittre on or before IVI l kat n, A OItE d h built -ling and r ID gad war• ee n "mall Mondry m int li •tog put u1 1 THE It ler. work. TI ril t d.re1 0 '. cut u 1�Irnp1�11d trite � (a,'tion of chi PF'1I TI 'rhe C a (►1 NT 111 CT itgpREsKriTiert 11(stltuung the words a r spirts, f oe J) wanted at once' for nndurlchi a the the -words "thin committee" in each oounty of Huron. A ulendld opD{,1 ton ty for case, and adding the wird,, "the co' `1e the right -map. STONK ft Id'KLLINti FON. The I mitres referrer' to to be named by Foothill Nurseries, Toronto, out. tn'x council e g w tion c- . 48rb, ItAdrwnt or -tower t► posers -loll npuu pa'111ent lit the 111011 wxrhinr ANTED. -MOI . 1 t an lµootl. r condittou to the "ills C"EH -. i n Exeter:Ont. ot. by enh- - - _ - _ -� - I use was amended December. A D. (Corporate ssolY bylaw pa --ed by the MUnielnAl ilInneil of the town ot tioderich on the first de, of December. I9la r. Aso Fuer-31kb TAX li NOTICE illA1 AT TM hour. day and place. therein died for :atone the vote. of the elector. the polls will be held. _ kirst publication 7th day of Deoeutber, MIK Mewed eeetion No 1,. &Hine . Duties to eiliiiilleatiete. and sa ftry a peeters, to DAVI 11116, waive their intetest in prepaid commence Jenne', 3rd, 1917. Second entereter agreement forthwith the Com- feesionit, ornittemie vrefertrd. Apply, stating pany agree to tuay rent to October 31, rt'.AP'l'. A. H.TAi.I"l►1t. • In his letters hive ;'apt. Taylor stays niabing'h out hie work•lawd '• the dietin••tion contented_ upon him; and Pte. W111. Bahh. who was recent transferredlirom the 11Slit Battalion tt the A. M.'L„ has been olloseu w one of • draft witch will . lease London about Sunday. Corporal Howard Robertson, of Aubw•u, ie in the same draft. Both were home on their tart lelave this week.; -' Mrs:44Mt ('lark has receivca•d the sad intelligence of :Ile death of Second Lieut. Donaldson Users Savage, Royal Engineers. as the ,esult of wounds. The young eau war a r+-wY Montreal twenty years ago, the _only son of HelenOast, daughter of the late John lint, of "The dRidgeoon �t (ioderich. and a greet -R John Orlt, founder of tile tomtit of at d nephew of I;oderich and liurlph, the late SirThulursaud Sir Alexander • c:ur 111•ow.' band ereq*de+1 W. Wenn Camp- ._. - bell at noon on Monday. Mr. Campbell. wbo has been quite ill, greatly appreciated this act of • a'lrntwit (sup 'bruthor wu.lclane. -St. 1'Donta.{ Jwrnal. MIs heti* 1'lark 1, home from Toronto for a eek. tit ace hoepftal,.in *hub she wee train, for nursing, had ar rather serious aro lad k which MAaew11.t disorganized the work r ItllMI Clark •OCUrild the !tiny of making a visit some. She will her work In a few ears. L• AL, TOPICS.IN BHIEF. 1; Literary Society wits of 0 ts(arn a hit given. information. the Galt. His father, Mr. J. (i• • mirk one of the otiTIS1U omen the :1rd Victoria Rifler land late Sian and captain o1 the :it l) Highlanders. and served through frontier troubles ,,i the e'rly 1111'e a i