HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-30, Page 6• TtuaaDklf. Not gunny DO 1916
Buy Babbers and Overshoes
For Their Little Feet and
tit the Same Time Save
the Expensive Shoes
From Injury by
Water, Ice and
The woman who has several little
tot. to provide with shoes will
welcEene the announcement that.
through the efforts of the. British
e levsretnent. the pries of rubber has
boa) reduced so that the rubber
altars that keep the little ones' feet
rtry have not advanced in price. as
other footwear has Here's an
opp.•rtunity for the mother to keep
the kiddies, dry -shod and, at the same
says the expensive little shoes.
Oafhave almost do need M .yaks.
Mothers should buy rubbers this
tali. not only to keep the children's
feet dry. but to keep the fall rains
the the ext enelvet Ieatherrla their shoe:
ant,atc this and at the mains time h "
win he a patriotic act. a servlcs to
the British Government, every U t1
.the buys a pair of rubbers.
Sir Herbert Ames Teles of the Needs of the Patriotic
Fund in That Province.
Ottawa. Nov. 25.. -The declaim ar- -the nuiners, siuelterwen, lutubermen
rived at b the National Executive of l and other employed L•Iasses it is cure
the Canadiann Patriotic Fund et its I towary to contribute• voluntatily, one
October weetiug, that it would con- !day'. pay • month to the Patriotic
onus, during 1917, to appeal for sup- Fund. Sante of the wining ramps
port to the patriotic people I/1 Canada thus raise as high as $*1 per capita
alongeituilikr liner as heretofore, has each year for the Fund. For example,
met, with general approval and hearty the town of Phoenix, with a popula-
response. From all parts of Canada tion of 1,1100, has promised $21) per
are coming renewed assurances in head : Po ul- Will
tn. raise.
effect that the people are willing to - •• -_ tion.
give not ouly as generously, but even io $
more generously than heretofore. tireenwood 001,1)I 12.000
The honorer y secretary of the Pat. Silverto...,, p 1100 15.000
riotic Fund, Sir Herbert Ames, has K++to '
just returned to Ottawa tro• trip in Oeanbres'te arses. • •1y 5(111 1000
,111101 50.0000
the'1Veet of five weeks' duration..' His Trail......
time was occupied principally lb visit- Musset -.•.d• JJ.
iog British Columbia points, and he "Such giving cannot be surpassed in
reports that the response of the people soy part of Canada.
of the loyal Pacific Province has been "And yet, with all the sacrifice en -
all that could be asked or desired. tailed in the raising of one million
Bir Herbert entered British Colum- dollars a year by the people of arituh
bias via the Crow's Pipet Pass. and was Columbia. they cannot begin to carry
joined et Ferule is).
Mr. Fred Nation, their own toad. 'Thirty-five thousand
local organizer ofthe Fund for the mea base gone fruit British Ooluwbia,
Province. Together, they visited which represents one in ten of their
every principal point throughout the white population. A larger percent-
- Kooteuay, the Boundary nod the Ok- age of tarried wen have enlisted than
imagers districts.. Meetings Were bold from any otbsr Province. Hence. the
at twenty different points and pledgee\ Patriotic Fund is belpiug nearly 7,000
renewed fur the c g year. fatuities. The cost of living is nigher
The giving ill some parts of British there ihaIi io tete East, so the average average
Columbia surpasses anything we know rate per family is approximately s2o
of in the East. "In tact,- says Sir per month. Already they are spend -
Herbert. "we visited twenty small ing $l. MO a month, and this figure
/daces with a combined population of will pro bly mount up to $150,000 per
,..,000 son's, and 'secured promises for month be re long, for British Colum -
$t00,000 during the cowing year. We bis sill eon urs to send mIt is
also Wood Vancouver busily engaged estimated tha between $1,750, and
a m
in caign with a $00,900 objec- $.',0110,1100 will required to m t the
terve, and Victoria prepaying to as Its needs of the Fun 'n British Coluutbia
•citizens for $2110,000 more." during the cowing ear. Of this spm
Asked for further information re- all in excess of $ , .001 mud
'milling the I.oeitien of the Fund iu raised outside the Pro ince. That
British Columbia, Sir Herbert Ames to say, it must be cont' used in the
Mid : East by communities w carry a fax
"Britian Columbia, with. & total lighter burden proportionately than
White population at -the present1British Columbia and wbu may be
• time probably not, , exceeding justly asked to contribute towards
:Iio,Olq, has undertaken to raise next !nettling out this hard-pressed Province.
...-"-year for the Patriotic Fund no less is "1'he fundamental principle upon
sum thin $1.0011IMMi. _)t teen we con -,'which ..he Fund is administered is that
sides that there is very little agricul-each community shall raise what it
tural land -in Beulah Culuwbis. so that can and draw what it requires.- British
there ate no forming coinmunities en-
SAWMILL- •pyla$ enhanced prices : theft there ate
practically no war otdelA to be fitted ;
BELTS'.! that much of the lumber cannot be
-*timed fur lack of bottoms, and that,
generally speaking, 'British Cohimbitt�
♦ is profiting Tess than any otherI'rnv-
ince in the Dominion from. war con-
ditions. we will reali-r.e whaiit weans
for 350,000 people Um -raise $1,4100.000 foo
a -patriotic purpose in one year. There
are few rich -ten in British Columbia,
hence, few large subscriptions from
rorpr`tationa and from millionaire..
The bulk of -the giving eotnes from
Ilse people of moderate incowr. Among
4 Tey should always lumps
+.ttl• of Chamberlin .
ktor,..ch and U.e. T.blet•
ea the shelf. The little (Olt
after. need • milt' and
J. cathartic Mrd they do
.eprerlats Clamb.rWe'tt
{mama err ••...sone file and •
matures. For .tam mel
tn,ublw and ron.up.uoc. rive or.e lust t .tan
..,..paw bed. 911 druggists. 26s, or .end w
oliklIUUWM =mum CO.. TOxo,iO to
rr Known for freedom
from stretching. �\strtength
of duck and eitcellent
quality of rubberiction
een the various
plies. u
Mutual Meeting Held at Chinon Hears
Report of Successful Week. •
The annual meeting of the Huron
County Children's Aid Society was
held in the town council room at ()lin-
ton on Tuesday, November 13. There
was• good attendance, in.:hiding rep-
reeentatives froneWingbsut, Brussels,
(.odericb, Londeslkno' and t'Iint+ut.
The `county president, Mr. James
Mitchell. was in the chair.
The annual financial statement was
read and was as follows :
It aC KIPTh.
Balance on hand frolq Nov. 1silYti.34
Columbia is certainly roaring all it cau.wending .
�t is ending the money carefully and
the degree of comfort attained by the
soldiers' wives in that Proviuee is not
by any means' more lavish than in the
East. We look. tberetore,.confidently
to the older parts of Canada, where
the !armee s have good crops which
they are setting -.at high prices and
where almost every town with a ma-
chine shop has a .big payroll through
sun tion o ders. to make up the ball.
alums whir ntTsb Oolumbiy.will lack
during the cowing year. We do not
believe we. will lout in vain." -
From Heron county
Town of do dericb
Township of Morris
Town of Winghaw
Town of Seaforth
Clinton branch, C. A. `l.
Wingham branch, C. A. 8
Wingbam meeting, C. A. 8.
Ooderich annual meeting. C.A.B. 19.09
(Roderick' Women's institute 10.00
Township of Orey
Township Weet Wawattosh
Township of McKillop
Village of Brussels
Brussels branch. C. A. S. 9.05
N inthrop Pres. church, collection8 00
at entertaiuwent
Mite box collections, (iodericb 66..77
Village of Blyth 5.00
Blyth Women's Institute
Village of Exeter
Village of Hayfield
Village of Hensel)
Clinton Women's Institute
Township of East Wawsttoeh
Township of Hay
individual contributions
Rebate of advanced expenses, G.
M Elliott, county sec'y 28.00
How He Grit It.
"Th• a flue umbrella you carry'
1.1 1 it
Gifts for Mother's
Kitchen and Pantry
ERE are a few contrivances for
the kitchen aud pantry which
'will be appreciated by mother if made
hy her handy boy. Nothing better naiad
be selected for her Christmas gift.
The tool rack shown in Fig. 1 is
most convenient when hung curecttr
Calle the kitchen worktable. The
length of the hook strip will be deter-
mined by the space In which it is to
hang. and by the number of forrm
Salary acct., (i. M. Elliott,
county secretary 11000.00
Travelling evermore
county secretarye 79,15
. , 9 s'5
Postage account
• lAvery hire =.00
Doctor's bill, child atilrittaftem 15.M)
Children's railway fare
Telephone acct. 13,05
(lhildren's clothing "t3.5011
Organized 4,1. A. Societie*
Children's gifts
it. 11.-1101 we, photos
'milord shelter
rid stationery
Bank exchange -.111%
Advance on expense acct. etnesty
. secretary ' 115 00
Balance $9.31
To lialanzw on band, $179.31.
teeth.. and f thought if be was going
as far as my house I would heg the
shelter of his getup. So 1 stepped out
and asked, 'Where are you going with 1
that umbrella, young tellOW end he
dropped the unshrellai_and ran.'
Any quantity of dry hemlock eh -be
for s mer wood at MacEwan'a
(phone 98l. $2.110 per cord 11
The abundant. creamy
lather of Litebuoy Soap
ia laden with great
cleansing power,. a
antiseptic properties as
Se, whips you have weed LIFE-
BUOY ea skis, eseinsiet or
anywhere in dm home you ma
be sure of elesalieess and
The mild antieeptie odor
vanishes quickly
atter use.
People with bronchitis, asthma,.
and lung troubles ben very*
much by living Because Pine
treat h.Wh 'roam of they
breathe the healthy
Pines. Pepe contain beneficial,
Pine essences. together with theist
medicinal ingredients; and ti r
you may bring Into you
veritable Pine forest.. Peps are
tablets made up of Pine extracts'
and medicinal essences, which.
when put mato the mouth stura
Into healing vapoe
thbrrogt and bronchial hed down direct t tubeso the -sHnot
swallowed down to the stomach,
which is not ailing. Try a 511c.
box of Peps for your cold. your
cough. bronchitis or asthma. Alf
druggists ted stores or Pepe co,
Toronto. will supply
-411011101.01101111111011010001.611101001.11.1.0011 Olt I a
Lillie fob c===
or Big
figures are given :
Vi5its wade in the interest of chit- --
Applications received for children 53
Couoplaints received 70
Complaints inveetigated • 58
children made wards of Society
Letters received 4fie
Letters mailed 7Sti
Meetings addressed 20
Polic Court cases
Ward* laved or repleced 24
Words 'sited
%Verningii given
The nuniher of children made wards -
of the Society during the past. year
year, (Ws - as sinsinst thirteen). The
remote for this, iss suggested by thr
secretary., were Unproved conditions
in the cotuity sin* the licenaed her-
roons bad .be-ei voted out, and the
supervision Ind inveatigation by the
Society -e officers end the applying of
the needed remedy at the earliest pos.
aible moment. In some cases a warn-
ing to parents was all that was nece*-
vary to bring shoot better rit-of the
children. Mr. Elliott toN.,o inetatice
after instance in which Society
had befriended young phil_ i and
placed them in the way ot ing
happy and woeful lives.
In the evening a public meeting
held in the town hall and was well
tended. Rev. D. Wrem of Brume
gave splendid addnssa on "A Square
Des.' for the Boys and Girls." County
secrete!' y showed rover a hun-
dred elides. illustrating the work of the
Kociety and oleo rectiented interesting
feat tires of his woi There was slim
a musical program. A collection of
012 was token HI aid of the funds of
the SoCirt v.
The following contributions since
the last monthly meeling of the
are acknowledged : (ioderich
North street Methodist, church, '810
The ststement 'shows an increase in
receipts over last year of $1W2.47.
Officers for the county were elected
AA follows : president. W. H.
Kerr, Wessels : president, James
the resident clergy secretary. G. M.
Reynolds, tioderich. The only change
was the election of Mr. Keir am hon-
orary president in place of Judge
Doyle, who has. removed (con' the
The county secretary then gave an
interesting report upon the work of
the year. As showing in some degree
the Libor% accomplished by the .ecre-
tally duting the year, the following
ante at Onc
By 72nd Queen's\Battery
now training at Kingston
Twenty-five good men wanted at once, including
drivers, 131acksmiths, carpenters, farriers, wheel-
wrights, saddlerg, etc.
Our complete equipment of guns and horses assures
the best training. Free transportation furnished.
For further particulars, write to
Kingston, Ont., or
GEO. PORTER, Goderich, Ont.
spoons and other tools which It will be
required to hold
The appearance of the rack will be
Improved by plaiting a bevel os the
Dice edges of the hook stele and the
411111d blocks. as in the illustration. Ulm
brass screws or galvanized nails for
books. and screw a screweye Into the
top edge of each end block to hang.
the rack by.
The bottle rack Fig 2 will hold
your mother's bottles of extract. catch-
up. sauces acd dressings, and °limb.:
ties when reaching tor the asetWitatebtt
gate the possibility of upsetting
Narrow strips should be used for the
*vision strips of the rack. to save
iltpace and make the rack light in
irolitht. Laths planesi smooth on all
tides will do for the side and center I ,
From the
repairing of
__ complete
system. we
ped to do
ilton Street
The Presbyterian, Toronto: NV1 it -
ing to his fat li.r in Toronto from the
trenches, a young Presbyterian ser-
geant _stays : -Dear Dad„ -You wiii
reinember how fussy mother used to
be Owen my health : well; for 'come
tune I ha"5e lwen sleeping in French
chicken-coope and dirty old barns : et
other tittles I elept under the blue elty
on the ground, my mattress being in',
contented with it all, and feel that we
sae winning the war." Thia brave
lad. adds The Presbyterian, had ever y
comfort in his Toronto tonne that re -
procure, Mit he forgets all Mat for t le
I sake of the high Miele he ix helping.
True knighthood is still in flower.
1 Visitor -"Whet mikes you so ugly
Tommy ? Don't you love your nee
till somebody come in and said he
looked like me."
Mother's Troubles
Mother's unending work and
devotion drains and strains her
physical strength and leaves
its mark in dimmed eyes and
careworn expressions- she
ages before her time.
Any mother who is weary
and languid should start taking
as a strengthening food and bracing
tonic to add richness to her bbod
and build up her nerve* before It
is too late. Start SCOTT'S
a j i today-- its fame is world-wide.
No Harmful Drag&
strips, also for the tte• strIpia lrbe,
sada mast b• *bout 'throe Nam
The swinging sb If shown in Flg. 4
Is an excellent provision for the sugar.
and salt crocks, aa it Makes ft poestblfs
to swing these out fruit) between the ,
pantry shelves then bath into ,
after using, without lifting them. :
Fig. 6 shows how the swinging
Exclysive ag
• for Goderich
• and District.
Best Coal Mined.
AnVilluintity hest all Maple
Slahat: Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and thWling tOedar or nee.)
TELfirMUNES, office
resideace vga Or an
Advertising Pays !
bracket is made of a strip two Inches
Wide and ten inches long (A), with a
2110Cii tilt°. inches wide and six Inches
tong sailed to each side of it at onei
end 4). and how to the top of thie
brae a cake tin in screwed Or nalled
to which to set the crock. Hinge the
11112d of the bracket strip A to one end
pr the shelf alippobeTer else set tn
upright piece two shelves
tO wrest the binge 'Dee a mo.
r hinge for Ibis bracket
In tht same war OM the swinging
iffininatee the Wag th•
own la
r crock. the pia
Ifig. 6 saves Use 11=
tegfrom place to
se it le provided
dio It may toe embed
Fig 7 'throws bow toes aro
'Wowed to the platforms, afid bow
Ottlps are nailed to the edge*. term-
ite a rite that prevents the pail train
Wadies ott
tither point or shellac each article
after assembling it. and If you have
done your work carefully, mother will
bine something to be quad aL
(therrright., VS A. tie* OW
Not a Bite of
Breakfast Until
Ypu Drink Water
sari- • -glass of hot water and
phosphate prevents illness
and keeps we fit
Just as coal, when it burne, leavea
behind a certain amount of incom
bustible material in the form of ashes,
so the food and drink taken day after
nay /eaves in the alimentary canal a
certain amount of Indigestible ma- -
ted from the system eaeh day. be-
comes food for the millions of bacteria
which infest the bowels. From this
mass of left -over waste, toxins and
ptomain -like poisons are formed and
sucked into the blood.
Men and women who can't get feel-
ing rIght must begin to take inside
baths. Before eating breakfast each
morning drink a glares of real hot
water with a teruspoonfid of lime-
stone phosphate in It to wash out of
the thirty feet ot bowels the previous
day's accumulahon of poisons and
Minns and to keep the entire alimen-
tary canal clean. pure and fresh. 4
Those whn are subject to sick IMOD
ache, colds, biliousness, constipation.
others who wake up with bad taste,
foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff -
fleets, or have a weir, gamy stomach
after meals, are urged to get quarter
pound of limestone phoephate from
the drug store, and begin practicing
Internal sanitation. This will cost
very little. but is sufficient to make
anyone an enthusiast on the subject
Remember Inside bathing is more
Important than outside Mailing, be-
cause the skin pores do not abeorh
inipurities Into the blorld, causing poor
health; while the bowel pores do.
Just as soap and hot water meanies.
sweetens and freehens the akin, so
hot water and Maestros° pheaphate
aat on t'ke stomach. Beet, kidneys and