HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-30, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE SUPPLIES FOR AUTOMOBILES, BICYCLES, Etc. PHONE 243 A. Ma GLOVEROWNER AND MANAGER LOCAL TOPICS tiolhorne township, now of Coleridge, Alberta hes been appointed a return - III •• eturn- tnR ofitrer for the municipal •lSc'ioI' at that pls•e. Aitiwrtr cot only h,• {t Huronr Lodge Officer*. woman suITrcge. but evidently allow'. Lodge. No. 1T! i. l)• 0.F' ' for isdn•s to take a bent in the e.,u- held iU sr ay night with hn of .'ow- dutt of elections. Next year we may ere on Monday ., W. with de follow- 1 he chronicling the election of Mtws J. result; N•G•. W. R. Pinder; F. s.,Sshows to a place uu the intone 111 J. itnnlnhn: R. h.. f • A. Reid euuocil. Dr. \V. F. Uteri. s tre•ts.trer, J. 8• Platt: truetese, \V. Pr lforii, 11 .1'. P., V. F. lawr,lice; C. A. NeiI Harbor Notes. n. The Doric arrived at the \Vestela Loses Three Finger*. to a Flour Mill's elevator on Sun - we are glaed t lay that Tbeyoas day with I111,0U1)husbelw of wheel. Lucas. begMsgenran on the G Vit.. At the Rlevetor & Transit l' .. there wbo was cos sec by attain quickly as Olenfinnrn ont Buffalo wale the Iowing Thuredayrrival*: The (24th), with last weak, i• recovering The d 9 led 140,000 bushels of wbest and oats ; would be expected. The doe las w on with his arm, but he will lone thelastoust tbhu bushels of awbeat he Graham ,t on of o he on his right hand. OCO account of other injuries be will ¢y confined W 'ltires70000 b shelsofwheat. bushels of flax All of hie red for a couple of mont-b5. and 7d, thews veanele but, the lileottnnan were Former Goderich Boy Dead. out in the big storm of Friday. The death occurred at Los , Angeles, of A Nice Fortune. California, on November :.ird. Walter James Brown, aged forty-two Mr. Chas. F. Wheaton, managerTo of year., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. the Dodge Manufacturing Co., Jif. J. Brown, of Oodericb. The de- onto, bas fallen heir to an estate ceai•d was employed some years ago valued at $262.840 by the will of the in r..nnection _i1.h the local electric late Samuel May, a Toronto menu - light plant. Two abaci—sand a brother faoturer, who left an estate of over survive : Mrs. Nolan, of Ano Arbor half • million. Mrs. Wheaton iv a Minh. ; Alice, address uakoown : rod well-known former Clinton L and Mrs. bring H Arthur O., of Stratford. 'Colborne Girl Counts Ballots in Alberta- friend Miss Mettle Hallows. formerly of the eldest daughter z v L, • THE STGNAL i ° AFRTtW : (TART°. The latter was an especially good fee• tare, and it was Purprlew* to see so 'ergo a collection of trophies from 1 various theatres of war. it is sug- geated that a .lwllrr exhibition, per- haps on air uuratpomettoits later date might be g h assurance of outcome. r. understand , that the young Ivdtre took in about *19 as the pro - coeds . t their elfcrt. MODEL THEATREL GEO. E. KING. P,eoPR Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 6th and 7th DANIEL FROHMAN presents Mry y-ickford • and her brother, JACK PICKFORD, in "The Girl of Yesterday" Admirers of Mary Pickford will find her particularly_ charming in this play, in which she essayssome new en Miler, including as air expedition in compauy with the famous aviator. '• -w PRICES lOc 8 1St Also "THE YLLLOW MENACE" Monday and Tuesday, Ds. ST supported portal by Sheldon Lewis, Rutter ARNOLD• DAI.Y, I i -. and an all-star cast. in 4aTM-MENACE OF THE MUTE".. (ASHTON KIRKE, I`vEST1t;.\TOR USUAL PRICES. A Pathe Eve -reel feature. donald wilt have an Ulosteiooe neoad f pgr-the rwevice et -tit— peo-t--- *; people ofahie adopted Province. ----- A Kindly Service Recognized. e - At the time of the finding of the bodies from the steamer Merida at Long Point a few weeks ago. Mrs. E. Woodward. wife of the lighthouse- keeper at the Point, performed a very kindly service in taking care of the to doss that were washed up, &lung ebe innelshore. including tboill of t F. hree menthe,* of Huron 'Lodge, lioderirh. lu.treogtlition of this set - vice the Lodge has presented Mrs. Woodward with a handsome silver fruit-ba.trt. suitably engraved. • The iu iobers-of- the Lodge are very strait- ful for the care and protection r1T.0:dad IT Yrs:1uodwdrd-t.TZbe -remains of Wet comrades. - Death of H. Andrews. The remains of henry ("Hub") re they save Holmes, formerly,,pf town The old like this leaving town, ears and i *T' • o[ the family Congratulate, been with u• for many y Douglass. Mrs. Wheaton on the good fortune been excellent citizens. Mrs. uul ed which hes befallen her.—Clintoolwh„ goes with them, News -Record. &strong the town's ohiestarfside r be. see- . On Sunday evening, M. C. C. At Home. • vice in Knox church, Mr. Doty was The Meneeetung Canoe Club erLer- , presentee by the choir with a Bible, taioed on Friday evening and there I auitsbly inacritteoi, u a farewell gift cows nrilliant gathering in the Mas- from those with whom he bad toren unit Temple. The first pati of th.ni for yearn associated in the service of eve ' g wa•1 iiecupirtl with progressive' pearl. euchre, the p iv -winners heinr Mrs• Hon. M. A. Macdonald: T {i. 1. Prrwrns and 1)r. L M. Maher. rsMa dl na, uhf naw I,ilwrrl Lunch was served and then the (tor' The pe joyed by ed • laorge number which th. sewas pre:- nounced inet luand, so ext e. tedf Britieb lr Mos ',tal- ent. l- ent. Music was hnn1-inn by a elan y 1 ttoortoe7 UQ a 1. Mr.acdonald Macdonald iii an At - (leo. Tt. and tier. E. King an ur:beau& composed .,1 Misa L,sca Ashfield t►ndeVneiss f mi t R yttgh tm lyllintt and Messrs. C. V. Henry, Chu. I Rpt ne i public life, and him many Black and E. Spahr. friends here are pl to see that his Another Loss tb Goderich. t 1 abilities have with or him ec exalted' \udrewe, a former resident ut .loner This week Mr. and Mr•. Chita. Doty I and honorable a position as that for rich, were bent ht tr,nu Hamilton on end family ale removing to Toronto, i which he has toren selected by the the noon H. t_ R. train tod..v t'1'burw- 1 where they intend to make their l Premier of the Coast Province, The I day i end were iutet red in Maitland home. We are arty to tree families i khghal inlets ht the Hun- Mr. Mac- d Mts TRAPPERS! Send your RPWFURS L0JOHNHALLAM - r••' w. - ..•. te. ..,e•.I the Ion Jr..••.... Muse •.Y••t•Ww•.• .NMI .. NeF •0• •••••••••• se 11•011•••• •I lamso a.e.ls- •w .• t..u.I .,,•• u.r ••• I...N Y.N. WWW WO. Har. 101 eN..-• n•••• mosey r...Ia.IN 51,1••• more I•-1•slime. FO a Csseas. naw.a••w•owe•w•r Q n..f..•sse.11M.ortw» FO u.ur • •a. Flag 001•01•0•1. , ay.o.Iw •wM M+r • s„'•1H"HAL Limited JOHN 1HAL.l.A 167 Hallamauilding, Toronto 1 Popular Event. early' utornit Knox hwedding Wwas the riomday of this week, when Miss Margaret Mabel McDonald, younger daughter of Mrs. t. G. McDonald, became the bride of Mr. eonkGeorge of Mr. &ud Mee. Johnston, j Johnston. The ceremony was per- formed at d.:s) o'clock by Rev. 11. ('. Me- Derwid in the presence of relstivee and immediate friends of the bride and groom. Mr. liunhttr-y presided r(l the organ. The bride, wbo was elven sway by her brother-in-law, Mr. R. J. Smith, was sweet and charming in her .nit of midnight blue' with ofuet et - gray toque, and carrying 1 Tnussuar Nov. 30. 19,p a.. WOCage In Oe Bast Ten Can Bay N Advantage You, know how everything costlors whey you have to buy on cred t. Why not practice self -dental (or a while l( necessary, open a Savings Annan' in the Union Bank of Canada, and with the money In band. buy at Cash prices? The discounts vitt help to swell your bank balance, and you will have made a good start towards tlnantlaJ Independence. .rW aim"' tism.. le Uric Acid in the blood• Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid bring there. If the kidneys acted as they should they would 'train the-1-nic.,A`'id °"t of the,systent anal rheuma- to m douldn t occur. 'Rheu- matism is a Kidney Div - ease. I".•dd'. Kidney Pins .icor• nlaletett-fiscal part. their "n•putation can g Rheumatism. So et at the casae of those fearful 'honing pains and stiff, is aching joint*. There • but one s..re way— Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, white loser and lily•of.the-valley. Af- ter the conclusion of the cerrwonv the bridal party proceeded to' the 0.'1'. R dation. where amid showers of euo• (011.1 Mr. and Mrs. Johnston took t train for i (tip to Niagara Falls, Buf- falo a.nd other cities. On their return ' they will a route ICC boueekerpiog in then new 1 on lighthouse *trees. Thee ggrtouis Rift to hos brkle was • neekMow of pesa'Ir aiDil suntatrsi pit 1 One of the Many beautiful gifts . ceived by the Iii ide was • handsotue 1 cut -glare fruit Iowl froth t}r choir of 1 Knox church, of whichish:reeerwtrisiii:leierr:t:Id...':&-s valuedMember.Antbogwnypedrdal ft.-mofthepoetofi)eestall- for several years at the p,w.tofiice. latterly as chief clerk, hod d►.chbil td her duties with such diligence.ability and courtesy that her place will tont be an rimy one to fill. The Signal Voice lin the chorus of good wishes With which Mr. and Mrs- Johnston cai e- wenee their wedded life. "Above All Send The Signet." t)ne of the overseas, ...Idle' it writing home ssye: "Ik.n't fou get to write, and above s11 send 'rile Signal." We are glad to know The Signal is so heartily appreciated by the' soidieus. Reideis surs colxtutns inPrn1stniglto. the king boys across the caster by ,.....ling in any 1Leute of Ioe1 nl•w., that they think the aoldiers_ niid like to know lib- u1.. The editor nod e• ,,t1 do the Lest they can. but they ettuld do better ,.till with the c.• -operation and wwi.t- ance of the re&dere of the paper. oddrs Kidney M anager. Mr. A. R. ,Hradwjn. 7oiluwrly of ltaan p bushed at rtipedit rior, Ont.atrb- A Victrola for Christmas - F REE Regular •5o FREE We are giving away -absolutely free aagenuine ' to the person obtaining the largest number of trola votes in our contest Between Nov. 21st and Dec. 23rd, 1916, inclusive Between R _ The Contest - I. Any person may enter who will have a friend nominate them. 2. No names appear, every contestant is given a number. Votes counted arid bulletin in window every Wednesday. q. A vote with every tc worth purchased in denominations 5c, Inc, 25c and $t.00• m., by three 5- Final count made December 23rd at 10.30 p. responsible parties. GET YOUR FRIENDS TO SAVE THEIR VOTES. Specials for Extra Votes Each Week Caidwell's Drug Store - - Goderk cemetery. The deceased was the eldest sou of the late Mr. and Thous,. Andrews, weft-kuown mai- strata ut tiodattich thittY or tot ty years Iago, He bad lived tot many years at Hstttikun. Two sisters survive: Mrs. S. Peri y, of St -Thome,. Ont., and Mrs. Thos. Perry, of Manitoba. Ur. and Mrs. S. Perry accompanied the remains today. The funeral ceremonies were performed I y Rev. C. Mc Der - mid and Lbe-lxaiIbear•ers a Mea•re. A. Naha, -F. F. nce, Win. Weis alia 600.1-Alidt Ratty for Women's tea The Goderich of the Wo- men's Institute have a meeting on Thursday, De r7tb. at the house l'be of Mn. W. Amer-areap officers est d a very•corrddisl inviLs- tiun to all es -members to attend. Each - member has the privilege of twinging, r Mend, as this meeting Is to be r re- union or "Rally Day." All will be welcome. The progratu will consist of a paper on "Women Workers of Our Powe. by Mrs. C. Stewart ; • report of the convention held at London by the Goderich delegates. Mrs. Mc- Donald and Mrs. McNally, besides gtteetiotu and wuaic. The Institute will supply knitting and sewing for those wbo wash to occupy Lbrweelvee during the afternoon. Removing to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F.. R. H.dgens and daughter, Mies 1).,r,4. have this week taken up residence in Toronto. 1'he Sidway Mercantile Conrpeny, for whirh Mr. Hodgen• is the. C median manager, has removed its beade office trona Ooderich to Toronto, 0 c in¢ Mr. Hodg nus' removal t3 ebe city. He has been Qne of our most pr ent bueinews 1en. alert and progres- sive, and has taken an active tnterent in wo$eruents for the welfare of the cotuuruni:Y. His retoav1 is at die- ttncL loss to the town. The Sidway Comp toy is taking from Goderich also Mr. John Duff, who has been on its local st.tT fur some years. Mr. Duff is already in Toronto and his wife and sister, Miss Pen.l Duff, leave totrortow (Friday )- 1 The lioderich contingent in flu. t Provincial capital is growing all too Irapidly to suit us. 1 A Successful Effort. 1 The Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. O. D. E.• scored a tine succP.w with the limp Iwage Bale on Ft iday sod tutor's), I1Inst, in spite r.f the very inclement weather of Friday. A liege number of salable articles were _zontributttl, and customs•• a had quite $ large range • of goods front whicn to choose pur- chases. • There were otber vont re* of 'revenue, including the fortune- :eller'• parlor and the exhibit of war retie'. f i We Always "aim to give th.• largest possible vahie for the least possible money'. look after soar needs and give you ,erViCe. The Rexall Store" GODERiCH' The Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package CENTRAL the thing I like a.' et • t, atter when or where I buy -= it, h e flavor is there — full strer. th, and it's fresh and clean. So I ways make sure to get Wri _ fees the sealed - package — is the greatest five cents' worthof beneficial enjoy- ment .. I can buy. Officer Seal - he keeps this goody good.. - • Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. Ltd.. Wrigley Building, Toronto, for free jingle book by the Spearmeo. ONTARIO'S REST PRACTICAL TRAINING SCHOOL. WITH Commercial, Shorthand and T aphy Departments. Students ar entering estelt week The demand tipntt us Mr trained help i., many times the number graduating. Get our free catalogue at once. D. A. McL4H1.41N. Principal MADE •IN CANADA Chew ti It after every meal