HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-30, Page 44 TutrUI I IA V, NOV1[111111 :111 191$
When You Havea
Chance to Save ---Save
toE bought very heavily on clothing more than a
year agp-T-before the big advance in prices and
we are in a position to not only give you
Better Goods but save you money. Don't buy before
you ser our goods and get our prices.
r -
Hem's Overcoat
I,p Meltons, Frie;es, - Whit-
tieyS',:lrientta?h tchillas,
frotn $10 up to $2b.
]mss' Overcoats
Only a litnited number to
sell at last y'ear's prices.
$ to $12.
Ma's Smits
We have a splendid assort-
ment at prices that will
surprise . you -- Tweeds,
arbtedc•_and-_Serges at
$T2 to 1E'_
Special orders taken for
h Century Brand fine
tailored garments.
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57 Goderich, Ontario
` rived home on Tuesday to attend the
funeral nY their father.
Mre. M. Allen nndetwent an oper-
ation for appendici' is Inst week and is
doing tairly well at tithe'ofwriting.
Puccbaae your Christmas gifts at
the lied (roes bazaar. Auburn, coni,
utencing December 7th. "AO one
wishing to contribute to same kindly
leave all contributions at U. E. Den-
Rev. J. L. Small. of /leslteler, spent
part of Monday and Tuesday renewing
acquaintances here. Mr. Small was
formerly the popular pastor of the
A ubucn Presbyterian congregation and
his tnsny friends were pleased to, eee
him again.
1 Woolf el' HENRY LAWLOR.-
t Satuedey toreuoon Henry Lawl
awed away is his seventy -stn
year. Some titne ago he fell and frac-
tured his leg. which. however, healed
remarksbty well for a duan of his age,
and he was able to sit up. On Tues-
day of last week be soddenly took a
turn for the worse and from that time
i sank rapidly ti the end. Besides bit
I wife, he leace. three pens : Jueeph,
of Kudvard, Mich.: George, of Gull
Lake, Sask.. and Arthur. at home ;
and .ix daughters: Mre. B. Eskridge
and Mre. Srnith, of Rudvard, Mich. :
Mrs. W. Henry, Mre. W. Halt and
Mrs. Mc sty. W Gull Late.. 8.5k..
and hl re. -11l.--Arnistrongailtta.
The funeraltook place today to Beate
cemetery.; `.
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the
agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon.
(rrder.left .altk him for All W.ripids•',
ad%erb-etoents or job printiva will ie.
dive prompt attrmtboa. Telephone
Itiorterich Rural) r :at.
\\'r.nNttaittAY,Nov. '
MT. Ro rt Sprung, of Manitoba,
pent Sun1i ay with Mr. J. C. Clark.
The zhildteo of the Sabbath school
Dir. M ee, o[ Seaforab,
are precool g for the Christmas
can -
was here
J. '
today to tate the funeral of the lat..
Henry Lewitt i , of Rud
Yr. J.).. La mrd, Mich., Y
Me. and Mrs. en, Lawlor and Mrs
uN Lek., Sask.,. ar-
W.URory, o
PECIA . Fares std
to resorts Flocs
. uth Carolina. L
Geor : and. __other
States, d to Bermuda a
West 711d s.
Return Limit May 31st, 1917
For full information write to
C. E. NORt11NO, o.P a,
Venni Mahon
, F. F. t.AWB E;•.YL,XL" &CSCAS
Town Agents • Phone S
in effect
t, North
d the
King Edward Cafe'
The et -artier is now Cuul. i'eople
c• • to tot+n can he served
Hot Coffee, 1 ea or Cocoa at be
Meals also served 36c
Hight .t prim. pool fur butter and ens,
The last barn In too n (,ir sL.bltut:.
Joseph Murray _
K stoat 000ERIC,r
Iroad. Ooderieh township, one who bad
borne much suffering with great
chbterfulneo, in the persou of Sarah
i Wilson, widow of the late William O.
Elliott. The late Mrs. Elliott
born *evenly -nun earn ago
inanxgh, Ireland. Owning to this coun-
try with her husband and family, be
nettled on the Bayfield road, where
• Mr. Itlliott died about eight years ago.
I Seven monis and one daughter (wrylve :
i Alexander. of Philadelphia ; T. J.,
! Mornen. Alta. ; B. K., Ben Frani J :
i (1. H., on the homestead
David and Wilson, of Visitor), and
Mrs. Jued Wittinghale, orfatu .\pPelle,
, Sark. Another daughter, Mrs. M.
(rrlene, of Philadelphia, died some
7ears ago. The furter al took place on
Thursday af.ernuoo last to Clinton
cemetery. '
arranged a eperlel program for the
et leter months for the benefit of the
corumunity and the members of the
class. On Friday evening. December
Stb. they expect Mt. Emery, .c.ence
master et the Stratford Normal
:dude nI. mn ging an madders on 'Suilr
and S .ii Ohewistry. The politic are
cordially invited to this meeting.
t. TUESDAY. Nov.
Mr. N.d Jim Dalton Is home from
Miss Hstkie Young. of Entail, vis-
ited at Ute btune of Mr. fwd Mr -s. Utas.
O'Connor tart some*.
11ev. Father Ford, of Woodelee, vis-
ited Itev. Father- McCormack Ia,t
Mr. and Mrs. P. H Hogan. of Lanes.
came to the burg on Monday with a
floe little .untleam. You did look cute,
Messrs. J. 1'. Sullivan and James
Sennitt bought a fine bunch of cattle
at Mr. Thomas Harris' sale at Ripley
last Saturday.
We are vet y pleased to report that
John Hussey. who underwent a
serious o aeration last week at Sts
Sot.DlkRI' AtD tntwi .-The fol-
lowing is a statsment of -the receipts
and esppsanditatres of Ashfield Sol-
diers Aid Carole for the year Novem-
ber let, I9I5, bo November let,191tlt
RECEIPTS . . ------
John Menary, S. Sherwood, pro -
ceeds of entertainment
JAS. Sirmett, Jas. Garvey, pro- x).00
ceeds of entertainment
Ed. Oliver, Keg. McGee. proceeds
40.35of ent.ertleioment.
John McKenzie, Aubrey Higgins,
proceeds of entertainment 40.90
Thos. Doherty, D. Mcllwain,
proceeds of entertainment fi344.30
Autograph quilt 7
1 SS.1
Garden party and bazaar 14.17
Proceeds of tea 14.90
Collections .10
Subscription cards
Conti ibutlon from H. Bellamy 1.90 0
Sale of honey
Joseph's °spits', is getting along.
very nicely,
$100 Reward, $100.
TM reader. of this paper will be ',leaned to
learn that there 1. at le.4 one dreaded disease
and that t 1.. catarrhbeen 'sto cure! Catarrh Mingpa Rreatllstages. 0-
by- oon.tituliooal conditions requitza
ooh.tttutional treatment. Hat.. Catarrh Cure
1. taken internally and art.. through for Wool
on the laucou, surface. of the sy.wm. them*,
• trontnthe ayuof diipeivi•
the et strnntbhbui e,thm-
stitutiou ant assi,ting nature In doiue ire
work. The proprietors ba e KJ much faith in
Ibe curat.tve powers of Hall. ('at.nh Caro
that they offer one hood ed dulls.. for any uses
that it fails to cure. Bend for a. t of testi-
Andrew : P. J. CHEN CY & CO.. Toledo,
Ohio. eche by all druggist', 754.
Often the Cheapest-
' Always the Best.
Furniture Defiler
and Und lice
Nouse i'urnishinZ
The Store of Quaff •
Store 89 Res. 197
1, iCDNIisAT, ow. 29. `.
F 'int churvb\ will
ve its anniversary on Sunday and
y, December Itith and Ilth. • Oo
the colon eget ion *01 have the
of hearing a former pastor.
1. Knthetfottl, of Kids Corn-
, will conduct services et 11
p. m. The Aitcheeon guar,
uc k know, will assist in the
Mee. On Monday evening
rtainnient will be given In
»F Hall. The far-far-honedhunch, tsoderich, under
rut. Sunbury, prill give
ncert, appearing in
r flay., and render -
rime., etc. Then
ing piece entitled
o be given by
eatlemen ..of
re for those
The annual meeting of the Colborne
Itatwerei Ulob will tie held in the
'1'erlaperauee Hall on 'Thursday, De -
comity]. 7.1i. A full attendance Is re'
\ WEDNKBU..Y, Nov. 29.
lTR • tIYMRY! - ata
Rea.,(. ir
era, h
a. w. a`t,
lett*, of
service o
a grand en
the ARrlcn .
choir of Knox
the dirt'etioD 0 '
an "uhd-tyme'
costumes of form
ing solos, duets, eh
Yarn and knitting supplies
Sewing supplies and ticking
Canadian Ked Crossmid-
Prisonersnt War fund
Western Univ. Hospital Unit
Y. M. C. A. tents, France
National Service treasurer
Repairs to hall, presentation
box, felt, etc.
Honey reals
Goods toroverseee p•
Postage on parcels .
Goods on band
Cash on bend
Binges. -Mr. Reginald McGee re-
turued home froom the %Vest last Fri-
day, looking very well Mr. and
Dire. Jake Cuurin• .entertained a few
of their fttend. to abocbte party
Mir, Jessie McMillante
tt Monday for
Detroit, where rhe * II • nu the
winter mouths .. M
Kuntz ratted uu friends its'the village
thisweeartk Denslast Friday uigb was a
ore' Witte,'
dancing p y
grand success... All enjoyed \them-
selves very much ....Word bee been
received that Private Hugh Mc-
Guire of the :13td Battalion is op Ids
w sy home, having been wounded some
--- ago. -- _
-- (,a ansatoH TOWNSHIP.
$406 87
14'2 r3
o (10
12 15
- Treasurer.
Statement of shipments to Canadian
Red Cross Society : 113 hospital
shirts. 18 day shirt,, 56 suits pyj1was,
111)0 pair. socks. 71 pillows, 19 sheet.,
till) pillowslips. 1 doz. washcloths, 6
pereonsl property hags, 'S doz. hospital
handkerchiefs, 73 facecloths.
mouth wipes, magazines, bandages,
old flannel.
To Huron Co. W. A.-20 pain
-fo Patriotic League -27 pairs sbck,,
16 Christmas parcels oversea..
Total valor of shipments -$507.92.
... SrCy.
there will be it •pea
"A Woman'', Won't,'
mi we inciter. and.Owes
the choir. A neat is in pil�
who attend. Admission 3.
MONDAY, Nov. 27.
Miss Elliott.. of (loderich, was the
Unlit of Mr.. W, J. Patton test week.
Austin 8..ut:dy.is the purchaser of a
large new buzz aw. of His?, Mrs. (Rev R. J.Mt:Contact, Y ,
Wan the guess tit bee Gift -fears. 'tilos
Laic g. • /
Misses Maigwret YAW and Willa
ts d y from t
Cbnton. Ellen Sallow* nae Y
COLLARS for your
The newest patterns, clothsland designs in Collars are now ill stock and readytterns, atr
selection. Dainty satin Collars in the very latest novelties and SOC to $clusive 1 50 each
:1500. s, at
Broadcloth Collars for coats and dresses rs the newest ty of designs
aadwpatt C Cil
'comic in both large and small Collars in__a varier SOC to $I.50
Georgette Cr!'pe Collars are favorites and are shown in a very large ranee of selecte(1
patterns in large and small, round and square Collars. Also novelty designs with fancy
pleatings and trimmed with pretty laces. These Collars range in price front 50c to $2.25
We would suggest your making a choice while the stock is compleste.
QODSice more wear than .4
or a dress, suit or skirt there is nothing more servtceafblr rmr +�t'+1= K '1'}mr;r
rge. Fine Poplins are also good cloths and can be relied upon for wear and cofix.
,.... .................$1.00 to $2.50 a yard
cloths range in price from
Ladies' fine Stockings, plain, in all sires, at
Ladies' fine gibbed Stockings, in all sues, at ...... '
Boys' heavy Hose, in all sires, at
Children's fine ribbed Stockings, in all colors and sizes, at ....... 3SC a pair
.... 4Oc and 60c a pair
60c and 75C a pair
........ ........a pair
Fine grey Yarn, dark and light color, four -ply fingering, at
Factory Ya:n, in all colors, at
Nichol, of London; Mr.
ate Mre. Hor-
ner and laughter, of
jr;,,lgRVld, U LINT'S.
The death of Henry %Vdliaru Jervis
occurred Mt his house on the London
road, Clinton, oo Friday, 17th tort -
The late 7•r. Jervis was horn Mtge
Hohnesvifle `, end lived near - there
until shout five years ago. when he
bought a cornfortaUe home on the
'London road end retired from
r m active bve
work. During the last y
teen falling • in health acid bis death
wee not unexpected. He is survived I.y
his wife and a family of five dot ghtrrs
and• two sons : Mr-. Alex. Kline of
the Bayfield line Mrs. John Heikki.'
of the 14tb concesciou' Godei'ieh town
ehipniers,_'Tb!!s�„4ns rsutt. of Gnete-I
rich : Fred and Walter, of Alb -ria,
and Mattel and Laura, at home. Four
bets' here and five sisters also .wryly. :
Charles, of Clinton; Joho.of S•anley
Alfred and Jos •ph, of kIoluresvitle
Mrs. John Tr-ewartha and M e.
Thomas Potter. of Holniesville : ]/ .
SamnN Merrill. of Ebenezer :,1lre. H.
it. Hatband, of Clinton. and i*- .
Tnorn•tsrifnlLind._ of Wianipb$to
r digibn Mr. Jervis was
odist. worshipping in the Coterie)
street church. The funeral took
place on timidity afternoon. lVth in t.,
to Clinton centimeand was ve
Thankful Mothers.
Thousands of t nkfaI mothers
throughout Canada --many o- them
TI•NnDA Y, Novi:,
Misa F.'1'riebner .pent the week -end
at her borne near Exeter . .. Misses,
DARKEN GRAY HAIR, - 1,Ohler and Mugford, who are attend-
hog UIQ in���� of (�tm�rcr,
1 I largely rttxn !e/d, v. J. A. Agee
greatest praise of that .plendrd w conducted the services. Mr. Jere
Many O F" being a
your own neighbors -speak with t to
cine, Baby's! Own Tablets.
mothers would have no other medicine
for their little ones. Among there is.
Mu. Albert Nie, St. Brieuz, Sask.,
wha says : "1 have been using Baby's
Own Tablets for the past *evert years
end they have done my four children
a World of gond. I would not be with-
out stn." rite Tablets are sold by
medid'ne dellen or by mail at 25 cents
a box fiom The De. Williams Medicine
Co.. Bro(kYillP, Ont. --
On Meta hums tree* uo + As recorded in The Signal last wee
sed 'Awa at I ■ _ -
Mies Hila hicks CIi.lastunderwent b opera- Ary.
flop for rpprudicnie tart Thur.edry Alexandra hospital on the Z3rd lost.,
and is improving nicely, I re the result of shock from* fall in the
'the auxiliary Y. the W. M. 8. of street a few days before in which she
\1 ed a fracture of the thigh. Mrs.
Isaac 5alkr .. uv
Bi«.ey Bios.. of l3vlttnrd Heights. She was born in Goderic Elltownship.
was w mealier of the L. •
charter mehubrr of Holmesvtile Court,
which attended the funeral in a body
and conducted the burial serkice of
the Order.
In a'1 cn'int-Irs. A.5 f,,r our I�VI:N-
Tl)IL 3 ALVIBS.R,whlch will be sent fres
)L%RION a MAlt:ON.
3114 Unlwnite ate Montreal.
!brit• respective
100K YUUNU1 PRETTY I hooes _,"hatsig�-'47oldlintyc htter home
after an extended
visit with her
in tats SV.H. Foster
ems- Kr.
- - J. 0. Durst is erecting a driving sited
Tea and Sulphur Darkens this o of Mar ses . Cham hip have
mbers end
body can tell.
So Naturally that No- the contract .. Mr. W. B. Forster
Ihas purchased a new drag -saw out-
day, November
Rai? that loafs its color and lustre, or EAST WAWANOSH. away at her home
when It fades, tarns gray, dull and life- 1)H:a t1t flit, A NuN(r(aBNAHIAN,-There I
tae, a caused gr a grandmother
of sulphur ue in rd sway et the b of hi* eon.
the hurt. ()to l i a nand s -Sulphur a ons the 7th concession of EMY W awa-
keep re of Sage Tea dnbeal,to meth, on Monde y, 20 h i ut., Samuel
Wawa -
keep bed locks darn and beautiful, and
• thoumnMle of women and men who value t Fella, one of the pioneer residents of
that eves entor, that beautiful dark 'the town ',hip. The deceased was
ehoole of hair which is so attractive, nae Innen in N ottinghantshire, England,
t Apr {I 1Scb, too=l, and was thus in his
Union r hutch a at the bum• of Mrs. sustain y- year.
D, Id //NN elnbwr 23nd Sallow* was in her sevens third year
b•ve a plets'd the seAetat s contract
fur gathering cream, but the patrons
all took forward to seeing "Pete' on
the j•.h next year.
Mr. Gbadea.8-Yonog,. of Patter's
Hill. returned last Friday from ah ex-
tended visit through tbe Western
Provinces, North and S with Dakota.
Chicago and Detroit. He reports a4
enjoyable trip.
'Phe Taylo. s Corner• branch of the
United Patriotic Society will hold a
sewing meeting at the home of Mrs.
Reg. Fuller on 1Vedneeday, December
tb. All the ladies are cordially in-
Corporal Wilfrid Hicks, who was
wmstded in O touer,wri i'that be
a hosprtel in England, abates
wee Wounded in the kore and that
Pte. W. J Johnston t"`tcottie') helped
carry bin *out of the trenches. The
wound lel' paiuful be ispred into
unconscioust is and name to un hoard
*ship closely tate Channel. He is im-
w-provin .
• Ir, there punted
on the Hayfield
her maiden name being en
and afterwards moved to the township
of, Colborne. where she was married to
the Tale Robert Ballow... Their home
was on the 10 h concession, on "Poplar
Rog." Mr. Ballow, diedtwenty-nine
years ago and nine yews Tete
Sallow. removed to Godericb, and -had
*ince been a resident of the town. She
Was a member of Knox church and
was held in respect and esteem by a
large circle of friends. She is survived
North of
n Battles,rd. tSaskank wandsone
daughter, Mrs. .lames Long, of Lon-
don. Ont. ; also by one sister, Mrs,.
Chambers, of London. All of these,
and also Mr..laines Long, were here
for the funeral, which took place
Wednesday afternoon to Colborne
cemetery. The funeral servicer were
conducted by Rev. R. C. McDernad,
end the pallbearers were D. St�nr i1-
JJohn Somerville, John Long
ler•) and James Holland.
only this old time re•Ipe.
\on .dais we get this famous mixture
improved by the addition of other ingr•-dl-
ep is by making at any drug atom for a 50-
chnt bottle of "W'yeth'e tagr and Sul.
Ohne Compound," which darkens the
hair on naturally, so evenly, that nobody
can possibly tell it has been applied. Von
just dampen a sponge or soft blush with
it and draw this through your hair, tak-
ing one small 'tried at a time.
.. Ily morn.
but mra.
ing the gray hair disap
*► delights the ladies with yeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound, is tl-st, beside% Irmo.
tifslly darkening the heir after a f.w
applications, it also brine, hark the rL•aa
•ed lustre and gives it an ■ppcara.nne
of abundance.
Wyeth's sar and Ralpbnr Compound
is a delightful toilet requisite to ten est
calor sad • vnnthfet appears
eee Co the
hair • 15 is not Intended for the enr�
mitigation or prevention of gismos.
ninety-third year. In 1549 be came
to Canada, and after living two year.
in Oxford county he came to East
Wawandsh in 1851, walking from
London to CLiderieti and holo (lode -
rich to l ondon along ahlez•d trail to
the farm on which be had since re-
sided., Ibis
died nineteen years
Ito and he i* sn
survived 1.7 one son
John E. Evils, wh.. lives on the home-
stead. _
Tummies:, Nov. 221.
T1s. Eureka young ladies' Mile
lass of Westfield church, with the
help of the other young people of the
rutin utlunity, is preparing for a Rad
Crows enneett d, h' given in the
church ot, the evening of December
17), h.
The Excelsior young men's class has
Hensen Observer : On Sunday, No-
vember 11th, there passed away a resi-
dent of Heiman in the person of Mrs.
Usotge 'Todd, after a lingering dunes,
of some months. Deceased was the
third eldest daughter of the late Mal-
colm McGregor. She was born in 1802
on the old McGregor homestead, 2nd
concession illy. and livid there until
coming to Haman
ets ego.
in 1882ahewass married to Mr. Georg
Codd. Deepened was a valued en an
of Carmel Preshytetienchurch
God-fearing life of a
toed tbe eht *Hui Resides her husband,
sheayes ti.
she leaves to mMrrn ftewhsitmters Mr•
two sone,
Armour and Roy; ad ed Mrs.
B. J. Rwuball, of Goderlch, and
Mari, McGregor, who has es the
with thee'' "deceased sin ,,seal
on Toeela7 to Hornell
eemetsre Mid was *It •ndcd by a IarRn
uup.her of neighbors, friend.?their
i e-
lebaves who ga.herrd to P � e from
u to the dead
$1.75 a Ib.
$1.00 per lb.
Extraordinary Offerings of
Special Reductions
Cushions, hand -embroidered, in silk. oblong and
square shapes, in.conventional and floral -de --
signs. $5.00, for-..; _ . -
Centres, 30 -inch, on brown linen and oatmeal
cloth,_ embroidered in colored silk, finished in3.75
silk fring '$5.75, for
Day Slips, in beautiful solid white embroidery,
$5.50, for..
Handsome Grape Centre, 30 -inch, all solid'ivhitte, 0 UO
Dainty Rose Kimono, $8.50, for
Embroidered -Night•-`Q,wns, C9raet Covers
Boudoir Caps, Pin Cushions,Towels and small pieces
all at a reduction. Now is your chance to buy a good
Christmas present cheap. Hurry up before they all
go. Christmas will soon -be here.
Our Great 30-Day_Sale is Over!
tock pi
r mother The
dl'tanre who atten,fetd the funeral
were : Mr. R .iwtt dell of Se+fort h
Mre. Arthur Kitchen,Mr. John Rall,
of Kxetrr : M(. -and 'Mir H. J. Reim-
hill. of (lnderich: Mr. endy. Wray.
Mr. and Mr's. Rawentrite, Hr.
have still a large stock on hand. Therefore will\tontinue to sell at the old
familiar prices. Broken lines and odd sizes will be on the to sellatatadorning
low figures. The word cost has lost itis �neatitng Ort
these goods. We will clear them out and out they must go. So come and
celebrate an old-time reunion with these
goods. to This aeois ns two
age o�his irs fo t rate
price of one. We would strongly you
sale. It is an opportunity that knocks at your door for the last time.
You Know ! We -Know ! Everybody Knows !
The great advance in the price
f all leather
have another NOW is
on timeto est stock
in footwear. When one pair
emphasize the reason of this ridiculous carving of the prices, which is due to the
fact that we are
Closing Out This Branch of Our Business.
Kindly accept our many thanks for your generous patronage of the past and to the,
conclusion of this sale.
W.LT-ERS . & GO.