HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-30, Page 3t HE:SIGNAL GODERICil, ONTARIO r B00KBLND1N(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound orvelisHrd.-- THE Ot1fl1NSL M41 ONLY IENUINE BEWARE OF 4013I1TA- t1'$QNI'i SOLD ON THE MERITS OP IIN1tD'S LINIMENTpnsal t this committee for Its ex. postpaid by Fruit - RED CROSS NOTES. The monthly meeting of the Red Cross elociety took place to the North ith street rooms oo November 211, President Reynolds In the cbair, Mrs. Eliot, on behalf of the sawing committee, reported the pur base of material to the value of W. 0.23 and the shipment of 22 drawing gowns, 81 sults of pyjamas, 13 dayabiete. 6 pairs. bedrocks ; value $180.25. Mrs. Field re- ported the expenditure of $1.71Land the sbipwent of 72 pus uwor•ia j keta made hy the Maple Leaf Cbepter, 17 face cloths, b helpless shit t", 12 sheets value $128. Yarn to the amount of $04:40 bad been putcbooed, and 264 pairs socks valued at $2M.4U had been shipped. The total cost of the October -November bales was therefore $31r2.43. The following were appointed Cross representatives on the parkin end centering committee, with powe lo add to their number : Mr's. Et tot, Mrs. McKim, Mrs. Colborne, Mrs Phelan, Mn. Field: Mies Fora. 14 THE IONIC THAT MARKET QUOTATIONS BRINS$_HEALTH NOVEMBER Cattle Market Torola{s Cattle Market Moors, cholas weighty ..$8.26 to 88.76 do. meds. weighty. 7.60 8.00 Butchers' the handy • 7.20 11Frelt-a-thea'' Bellds Up De Whole syste� I d � 6.40 6: Butcbstrs' Cows, choice8.60 la 6.76 do. d• tao 4.76 Welters' bulls. choice6.76 do. good 6.04) do. medium 6.10 do. bologna 4.86 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 lbs. 8.75 [lookers, 900 lbs 6.76 do, med., .700 to 800 4.80 do. common. light4.60 Cutters 4.40 Canner 4.10 Milkers. good to cbolce.76.00 d�Q4 ,common to med50.00 Rpsingera4..... X66.00 Calves, veal, choice do. good do. medium do. common do. grass [beep, ewes, light do. heavy and bucks. 6.60 do culls 3.00 Hogs. weighed off ding 11.25 •de...,.fed and watered 11.90 Those who take "Fruit -a -fives" for the first time, are often astonished at the way if builds 'pees up and makes 'awn feel Mer an over. They may be takiag "Fruit-a-tives" for some specific disease, as Constipation, Indigestion, Chronic Headaobes or Neuralgia, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, ltheu- Red matismor Pain is the Back. Aed they g find when "Fruit -a -Lives" has eured the r1 diu,lee, that they feel better and stinger in every way. This is due to Fordo -Kim the-wn/erjeI Ma jrajvr1us of these Fold to ant ev secretary pro Lem. It famous tablets, made from fruit juices. was decided to place $IU at the die- 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire, 25. ° s At sIi dealers or sent pensee President Reynolds reported that a-Uveg Limited. Ottawa. Mn. Jordan tied agreed to malt the packing committee to use the store need our continued help. formerly occupied by the Howell' .OLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS ASesdsteptyattsoded to es revue -.. -esm at, THE SIGNAL. Gorlovka. A. R. TAYLOR. S?RATrono. ■EDICAL Tt___ 1' R. 010. HE1LEMANN. OSTEO it PATH. speolallat In women's sad chi' doe a Mama, acute. *rook and nervous dis sedate m ear. nose and throat. paras' deaf eaeveamo and rheumatic conditions. Ade .-.a Melo remover without the knife. OIfioe at ax. «a: reslaenoe, corner Nelson and tit. Andrew's "1.:.. wes*s. At tams nano Mondays, 'Mundell; 8aturdA7.: any evening by appointment. DENTISTRY DR. H. (1. MAcDONELL-HONOR .•Graduate Toronto Car erdty.Otacuate ee��aalCollege-a Mental Surgeons. gaooe..,or to the late Major eras. Offices erase Square and West amt. Oodurlch. AdCTIONEER +_ THOMAS GHNDRY - at 8ler-- ii AUCTIONZER eez 87.0oderkb. All lotusetlors ty m me receipt since the messing of tea -al lathe will be prcopUr • waded to. keudeeos telephone 119. 85 trout Victoria jVorkers, Victoria - , _ -- _ -- _-__- street Methodist'cburch,. is acknowl- LEGAL edged with thanks. 1... Herdwlire Co., end that Mr. Howell - bad donated a stove. • THREE DO'S AND THREE DONTS FOR KNITTIUl . .atllknit socks. Do w•leb-'escb Patr of sock's.Manitoba wheet-Track, bay porta, no faeteu each pair at the My --boa' No. 1 northers, $1.911%; No. 2 north- getber. • ern, $1.95%; No. 3 northern, $1.90%; [Noel' kont y o, splice it. rlq i,aat, 81.78%; (old crop wheat, DON'T have on sock 10 in. and ltr'4 higherhe). fellow 11 in. Manitoba oats -Track. bay ports, DON'T finish toe wl hard knob. No p C.W., 68%c; No. 3 C.W., 67Kc; extra No. 1 trod. 07%c; No. 1 teed, The Salttord rr . - cb ii/ the Re11 -47_y�, : ,_,,._�____.- -___.- - t;•ral"liererfelita ..Wytnalullalt;1 American corn -No. 3 yellow, new, London, Ont., ovemb*C 18th ; dl 0.04, immediate shipment, track, pain socks, 21 hospital shirts, 24 Toronto. trench shirts.. Ontario wheat-Rlnter, new crop. The work was dory try the follow- 2, ;1.78 .to $1.80 (according to ing : Mn. i). Connell, Mrs. J. Mc- freights outside); No. 3 winter, new Lean, Mrs. W. (Hidden, Misses Mc- crop, 51.78 to $1.78. Mantis, Mrs. A. McLeod, Mre. W. Mc-; Ontario Oats -According to freight Lean, Mr.. M. Baxter, Mise G. Bawn, 1 oatalde; No. 2 white, new, 64c to 86c; Miss D. Sawn,Bi • Sawn' Mus A. No. 3 white, 68c to 66c. ; Bisset, Mrs. G. Buret. Mrs. 8, Bis- set. Miss A. Buchanan, Mrs. A. J. Goldthorpe, Mn. A. Robinson, Mra. R. Walter, Mrs: W. Tippe(,t, Mrs. J. Waltiir, Mrs. P. McEwart Mrs. J. ker. Mrs. C McNeil, Mrs: 'J. Jones, MI M. Bisset. Mrs. J. A.- MiEwan, Mn. . Carrell, Mn. J. Steep, Mrs. . Ha .' • Mrs. J. Adam*, Mrs. M. - : uchana Mrs, W. Dew, Mrs. Tank, Mrs. W. S The Societ alsoehipped to the boys from Seittord ight Christine' boxes containing sec • gum. Christmas cake. 'tobacco, chi .•lobes, homemade candy, peanuts, Oren : , handkerchiefs snap, cheers, and writi paper. The gifts were donated by t ladies and postage paid try special col tion. MRS. SLACK'S IETTEIV; To Mothers of Delicate Clbild The financial statement for the net Balance $(4)011 ; received during t.3 month -$L5. Mr. Fotheringhsw ;$2. Dr. Tay- lor, Mre. Tayh t. Mrs. Geo. Porter. 8bwritt Reynolds ; $1, Miss Fotd • 75c, "ale of musico 75c, donated by divi- sion 8, Victniu reboot : 45e, donated by lilies Stub de's class ; 5281.37, ward collebtpioons, divided as follows : $81.79, 8t. trick's ward : $-5.89, 84. urd t 101. 75. St. David's' ward ; $51 70, St Andrew's ward ; $30.13, W. O. F. M. employees ; also a tot eiChaletChaletPort a totall receipt ceippt cif$3 .0'2.After de- ducting the experil of tbe October -November bales, alr2.43,acd $3 ad- vanced to the it -crept rf tbe censor- ee for eta- s, is bal- and ing tog and packing comm tionery and postage tepee arses of $4541.40 remains. On motion of Mr. Rot ertb Miss Millar Purchases to the Toile amounts were authorized : Sew committee, mss) ; yarn complicit'. $100 ; Britannia branch. $'.11.0n motion of Mr. Potter and Mrs. Eliot it was de- cided to *end $1111U to head office. The meeting tben adjourned.. 11. 10.00 7.60 5.00 4.76 8.60 Toronto Grain Markets 7.86 6.90 6.00 6.40 7.00 44261 $.26 7.25 6.60 6.80 6.20 7.26 6.26 6.20 4.70 4.76 4.26 110.00 70.00 110.00 11.76 10- 6 9.00 4.60 6.25 9.00 8.00 6.00 0.0 0.00 H. U. HAYS BARN-182ER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUML.IC, LTC. nese--Stoning Bank Block. Handle= Crest, edge-- TetepagDe 8a The .Society ilfa kfnlly acknowf- edges the .following e.outributione of socks : A Friend. 9 pairs ; Mrs. Jae. Dickson, 5 pairs : Mn. Donlitttle, Mn. W. H. Biruie, Mee. B. Sault", Mn. • Neal -:.tate Loves and Insurance. ( Will Carey, Mrs. Tburlow, Mn. PKOUDFOOT, KILWl(AN&COOKE Woo(1s, Mrr. 10r.) (Amok. Mrs. Bur- ritt, Miss,Bmiitt, 'l pelts each : Mrs. iLtatt 8TERS, eoLie TORS;. Ie;OTARIL8 Wm. Lee, Mr.. A. Murray, Mn. Craw - PUBLIC:, EEC. ford, MIAs Lnlie Murra , Mrs. Robt. fOeoe on tbe Smarm ssce:od doe from Baia- Clark, Miss llen, (311 r. Jas. MclVhin- fora.trtet, Uoderich. Dey, Miss EMMIILIA Foster. Port Albert). rrtvateMud, toloan atlowest rah* Miss N. Craig, Mre. \Varnook, Miss W. Prot senor. K.C. J. L KiEA.osart M. A. Burrett, 11111s. W. E. Kelly, H. J. D. Cooks Miss 8. !hark, M iso Freeman, Mre. W. J. Mceieviu, Miss Gladys Sault', Miss M. Dark, Mrs. B. Sault", Mrs. Robert Cheek, Miss Irene Saults, Miss Etta Haultm, Miss Mar- garet Murray, Mrs. Snider,•Mrs. (Jor- don, Mrs. Carrie. Mrs. McEwen. jr., 1HARLE8 GARIWW. LL.B., BAN.- Natio-31-E Ferguson, Miss J. Ferguson, RtirTIOL attorney. no0pttor, oto., Ord► Mts. Handy. Mrs. Peter McEwan. sr.. Mover to lend as lowest rotas No Name. Mrr. McKinnon, Mia.. (Joinery (Montreal), Mies M. A. Bur- ritt, 1 pier each. e� rt steed Sock'. -fprrmoet- urgently needed lo the treoehee. Don't let Godes. icli tall • INSUIIANCE, LOANS, ETC behind in sock production, but let us - try to better 1set year's unagniticent ad oKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE iN• output. Yarn and all information may taws gDre tt a insured. red.U. Perm and Iodated be had at Mrs. McKim's, Church Oeeere-Jas Connolly, Pres.. Goderlab p.o.; street. Jas. F:vlhn., Vlco-Pren., Beechwood P. 0.; Tirana ne ton �li 6. MMo Ucrettor,kleaf, Seafor b6 John 3. Grieve. Winthrop ; William Rion Constance; John BenDewele, Brodh,gen • Geo. McCartney, Seaforth: Robert Ferris, Matlock; MaeoIta Meeoren, Brumfield. Ageou: J.W. Yeo. Hokmesville• Alex. Leitch. Clinton • William Chesney, Seaforth; X.. Moakley.Seitorth. ioltcyholdere can pay „rtsseimerta and get their cards reoeipted at R. J. Morrleb's Clothing Store. CUntou, R.Latta H. J. H. Rel14's ...lepers' Starr, ton "Mayfieltreet. tiOderlob. or G. CAMERON. K. 0., BARRI! TLR, soUotter. notary public. °Maw ton Street. (IYdertcba third door fro sayers. At Littman Thursday of each week In gees at AibrIt street occupied- by M. H"eeer. tMlce hours 9. am. to 6 p.m. SEAGEfi, BARRISTER, SOL - y. -COU t Hurt' U rlcb. Cbo4rrarteer. $20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO SKRiO torn. Apply to M. O. CAM - f4, Barrister Hamilton street Goder'Io- W Id. ROBERTSON. -+-' • INSURANCE AGENT. Flag AND LIGHTNING I British. Canadian and Amerloan. • *Am ooaNT_ SICUNga* ANn s rrLortas' LiLBIL ITT : The Ocean Accident and Guarantee -Corporation, Limited. of London, ling. 'NULLITY AND V UANANTak BOND, : The Fidelity and Gus lntee Oompane. Ogles at resldenoe, erthmat corner of Vlo- ted& and 81. David stoats.'Plume 176. IicirmaE,K WALTER E. KELLY, J.P.. OODiLRICH.ONT. iasUER Or MARRIAGE LICZNS118. Patents, Trade Mar s, Designs Secured in A11 Couttthies. Write for tree book -PATENT'S PROTItC TION. TAW all about and how to got, pat seta BABCOCK & SONS, e,tabUshed 1117 formerly Patent Um.. Examiner, Master of Patent laws, Reentered Patent Attorneys eGlt, fe St. JAM/fewest. Montred. Braneb"s- Ottawa and Washington. Representatives In ell terelgs emrntrlee. 4 lalm�ra', Pa.-''lly little girl had a r!,roni.• leough and sen to thin you could e nt her ribs. and she had no ap},etite. Nothing we gave her ,.wmcd to he pi her, until one day Mra. Ncil,trt asked me to try \in"I, and now she is hungry aft the time, her cough is tome, she is 'stouter and has a more healthy color. 1 wish eyery mother who has a delicate child would try Vinul."-lire. At.raxo SLACK. 1t.. guarantee. Vinol, our non -secret tonic, to make delicate children healthy and strong. H. C. Dunlop, druggist, G iderich, Ont. 1Ise atthe test druggists in all Ontraio towns. BENMILLER. _'Intended for_lart week.) Tt'EKnw, Noy. 21. Tue. i•.tre Wm. VANIITItent -There died'at'.Benniiller on Friday, Novem- ber 17th, at the age of +Ieventy six years and live months, \Villiem Van stone. one of . the oldest residents of the village. He wee torn in (inde'ich 'j'he Society wishes to thank most townehip,only a mile or so Prow Ilenmil- heartily the following ladies for con- ler, in June, 1840, and in September of trihtitions of socks : Mss. 'Reyholds, the same year moved' with his parents sr., 12 Mn. D. Ferguson, 7 to the farm on which he had been Re- pairs ; Mies Ausebrook, 8 1aUA..i. JL s. Ing ever since. In Peet he was married Burritt, Miss Burritt, Mre. G. Porter, to Mise Elizabeth Oke. Three sons Mn. Taneott, Miss W. Bell, 4 pairs were born to _them : Augustus, Am - each ; Mrs. Horton sr.. Mise ` Lucas, arose and Edgar, who all live near Miss S. Cleat, Mr•8. McMath, . Mre. lleowillas .fir. Vanetone was well Thos. Johnston, ?Ors. Gledhill, Mrs. known in municipal life, having been McKee, 3 rains each ; Miss Tiffin. bits. tax collector pf the township of Col - Sinclair, Mrs. W. K. Kelly, A Friend, to. \\ illiarll borne for several years. He was a Airs. Weller, Mre. Cleo. s, Mrs, tnentber of the (lsnadian Order of For- te. W. Lecky. Mrs`Kll ate Meonald, re and the Mesons .' For many Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Jae, Clark, Mrs,' 'aerobe hail suffered from asthma and Robert/Warman, Mn. Walton, 2 pairs; heal lately been confined to his bed, each ; Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mies Fraser, , Mu$eral weeks ago he took a slight Mrs. Killoran, Mrs. Dancer', Mra. Belli stroke and gradually grew weaker (Nelson st.), We. H. Carter. Mre. until' the end came on Friday. Be, `rem. Howard, Mrs. Wright, Mrs.) sides hie wits and three sone he leaves Swaflleld, Mise Lawren.e, Mi... E. two siatrta,Miei Lucretia Venstone, of Drinkwslter, Mrs G. Dcinkwalter, A Henruiller. and Mts. Elder, of Wing - Friend, Mn. Macau, Mies M. Dark, 1 ham. The funeral nn Sund.i4 after - pair each. noon was very largely attended. The services wan conducted hy Rev. P. 8. Haines, and the palllwarere were Many thanks are due the following Messrs -tense Gledhill. Thos. Gledhill, Bexley -Malting. $1.18 to 81.20. Buckwheat -$1.35. Rye -No. 2, new, 51.40 to 81.42. Manitoba hour -First patents, la $tits bags, 810.50; seconds, 1n Jute. 0; strong bakers, in lute. 89.80, Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, new, track. Toronto, prompt shipment, according to sample4 $7.90 to 88, in lute bags. M1llfeed-Car lots, per ton, deliver. ed, Montreal: Shorts, 836 to 837; bran. '531; good teed flour, per bag, 52.70 to 52.80; middlings, 838 to 540. Hay -No. 1 track. Toronto, new. 511.60 to 813.50, carlots; No. 2, 510 to 511.60. Straw, cation', 59' to 59.50. Brophe} Bros. GODERiOH The Leading Funeral Directors aid Embalmers contributors of socks : Mrs. Jas. Dickson, 8 pairs ; Mrs. Jas. Clerk, Mrs. Peter McDonald, 4irs each ; Mrs, 0. \Voode, Mies Nelle Catlingq, Miss 14. Clark, Mri Hinck, Mre. R. H. Cutt, Miss M. Clark. 3 pain each ; Mrs. Jno. Sturdy, Miss Annie An- drews, Mre. Shipman, Mrs. G. McLeod, Miss Bingham, Mn. Clifton. Mrs. Jor- dan, Mre, ,W. L. Eliot, Mrs. Peter McEwan, kr., Mrs. Thos. Bell, Mn. Clement. Mn. H. i. McEwan, Mrs. Hillier. 2 pairs each ; Mrs. A . L. Rey- nold*, Mee. Sherry (Detroit). No Name. Mre, R. Clark, Mn. Will (Ma- ley, Mrs. Wm. (dray, Mrs. Erwin Fos- ter (Diing*nnon), Mrs. S. Dark, Mrs. (4. Drinkwelter, Mn. E. Drinkw*Iter, Miss F. B. ('ox. Mrs T. Gundry, jr., Mre. ,inn. McNee, Mrs. Burkholder, Mrs. Rw*'Held, Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mn. Foster, Mn. Carrie, Miss M. Dark, -Miss A. J. Reynold*, Mn. Emma Edward, Mn. D. Sproul, Miss Jean Sproul, Mn, Goldthorpe, sr., Mn. Clarke. 1 pair ascii. Samuel Bisset, Alex. Young. Fred Ynunghlut and Lt. -Col. J.A.A. Varcoe. The interment was in Colborne ceme- tery. Among those preeent from a distance were Mrs.Bert Hale, of Stret- ford ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King. of Bayifield. and Mr.,Wesley NN'alters, of W ingbam. Orders oegefully attended to at all boars, night or day. The Oodericb Red Cross has indeed reason to be proud of Its knitter*.. Last year (October to October) 3185 * of socks alone were sent rat let Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: 'Eggs- - w -laid, twft `.v $' ,68 to $ .60 Ne -laid, ex -cartons ... .5o 67 - Stora selects .44 46 Storage, No. 1 .42 .43 Butter - Creamery • Ota, free!). .47 .48 Creamery pri :. storage .46 .46 Creamery solids .44 .46 Choice dairy pri .40 .41 Ordinary dairy pri .34 .36 Bakers' .31 .33 1'oultry ' Live . Dressed Cheese -New, large, twins, 2514 ; triplets, 26c; Stilton 26c to D.MILLAR&SON Everything in Readiness or Christmas! Cu1RISTMAS is only a few weeks away now. We have been planning for several months, gathering together the best assortments of useful and inexpensive Gifts, as we believe that this will he a most practical Gift Season. Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs for women, men and children in,endless variety. thqusands to select from. Prices 5c to $2.00 each. Gloves` Notwithstanding the, great scarcity of Kid Gloves our stock most complete in Perrins make. All airs guaranteed and neatly boxed. Per pair $ I.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.(i0. Waists We re showing a most-extensiv range in aists in Voile, Pique, Silk, Crepe de Chene, at all prices from $1.00 up. Neckwear AlwaS's one of the most popular gifts. Our stock is most pleasing in all the newest effects in Voiles, Net, Crepe de Chene, etc,: . From 25c upwards. 'Hand Bags Our stock of better -grade Hand Bags is very large. We have them in all styles. From $ I.00 each. Furs Furs make the ideal gift. We are show- ing a splendid range of popular -priced Furs for women, misses and children. PHONE 56 Miller's Scotch,, Store PHONE 56 JUST A STRAIGHT AND SIMPLE STORY. Miss Blanchard Tells of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pssquetville, Gloucester Co., N. B. (especial ).-Simple and wtraight to the point is the statement of ,Miss Justine Blanchard, of this place. i suffered for a long time With my kidneys. 1 used Dodd'* Kidney Pills and they cured me completely." One simple statement like tbile is worth a dozen learned dfesertationslen kidneydisease. it tells the 'sufferer from idney trouble lust what he or she wants to know -that a cure own he found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. For Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure -ail. They are purely ani simply a kidney remedy. The reason why they cure rbeumatlwm lumbago, di s hetes, Bright's disease, heart-flutterinfs, 2614c. Spring chick s. l8c 17c . 21c Old fowl, Ib... 13c 14c . 16c Ducklings, ib.. 12c 13c 17c 1 Beane-- Head-pblai�'- $4.; prime 56:50. -... Potatoes -New Brunswfcks, in car - lots, 52.10 to 82.25; western, in car - lots, 51.85 to 52 it bag. 22c c East Buffalo Cattle catatle-= lteeeintsi 6,200: active; shipping steers, 57.60 to $10.50; -but- chers, 56.25 to 59; heifers, 55 t 88; cows, 53.50 to 57.25; .bull.: $5.641 to 87; stockers and feeders, 85.25 57.25; fresh cows and springers. slow, - 860 to $110. Veale -Receipts, 1,200; active; 54.50 to 513. Hogs -Receipts. 1,600; active.; heavy. 510.25 to 810.40; mixed, 810 to 510.25; yorkers, 510 to $10.16; light yorkers, 51.75 to 89.75; pigs, 88.60 to $s.75; roughs, $9 to 59.26; stags, 87, to $8• s erten) and; tatub0: J tplm_ 6;400; active; lambs, 58 to 512; yearlings. 86.5.0 to 510; • wethere, 58.25 to 88,60; ewes, $4 to 57.75; mixed, 87 to 88.26. An Acknowledgment A young lady o' 'Ior•tnto kr i'ted d pair of !Poem* file the Ited (•rose, so Experience has taught • never to buy imitations or sub- stitutes, because you do not receive the best that science has uced or money can buy. it positively guaranteed that ecca n ent is non -injurious -and- ' e , -poison - # ous for all skin troub : and iseases. There is nothi as good as Mecca. A free sample will be-mailed4pon rcqueet by the Foster -Dark -Co., Limd`Led Toronto _Bold in 2ic., 35c., '5r. and $1.25 sizes by JAMES A. CAMPBELL parr us not weary in well doing- A most dropsy, pain i the Mock and other ells - urgent call has come f.tr More socks moms is thaealI these are either kidney and the Society begs all those who dlima*ee br are courted by disordered can knit well to confine their work to `hem ye curing the kd's idoejR lis cure this branch. The boys in the trenchesby Chicago Livo Stock '.'r•:..:0.•t'•:•1"td"'r'r'r-:-:•-rt-'rt RUBBERS:1 Cat tle Receipts, 20,000; market ening., beeves, $6.75 to;12.35 (a new hielt record) ; western :teers, 16.75 to 810.25; stockers and illreders, $4.40 to 57.70; cows and heifers, 83.66 to 59.76; calves, 69 (8 512.76. Hogs -Receipts, 64,000; market weak at 10e higher; light. ;8-80 to 59.95; mixed, $9.40 to $10.26; heavy, pigs. 59.v6; rough, $9.70bulk to ;�, pigs, 86.65 to 58.76; $9.40 to 810.15. t Sheep -Receipts, 26,000; ms�� steers';;' lambs. native, ss.50 to 512H. Meats -Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beef, forequartera....$10.IOto $11.50 do. hindquarters.. 12.50 13.110 u:s Carcases, choice ..... 12.60 do. coh)mon . 9.1.0 Vests, common, cwt... 8. de. medium ....« 11. do. prime .....-i. 16 - Heavy Botts .....w• 11. Shop hogs .......e.. 16. Abattoir Hog* ..r-.. 15 Mutton, heavy ..a.« 0. do. light .......... 14.00 , Seed QeotMtlone The following are the seed pines, Toronto wholesalers are paying at country paints: Alslke. N0. 1, bushel...$9.75 to $10.QV do. Na 2 1.60 1.00' do. Nd; 2 ..,rpt. 7.60 Timothy, eat. 1.00 do. item. trades, 1.60 8, No. 1 10.26 10. x , tilt Ir iced clover. do. No. 2 9.00 9.76 do. No, $ • ..,:,..r. : 5.40 8.76 The season is here to have your shoes properly fitted with Rubbers. Quality is the most es- sential point in selecting .$ the 'make of goods you buy. The Lifebuoy and Rubber Leaf brands sur- pass all othets. In heavy Rubbers their wearing qualities cannot be ex- celled. Prices Are most reasonable. being of note in address. s rornantic nature slipped a t heir y to the btnjw1 the front, said (me, bearing her name and recently she received this verse in re - In due time the socks fount ply to hes. pole: •'1 retest/ yoursocks. Lady. someiit, A Well -fitted Bathroom is one of the greatest luxuries imaginable, - and et the same titre it is comparative'ly If you eepensit•e. , w;1 estlruatei. tl any infnrn tirnl 81) 0 u t h a t h rr fittings consult FRED. HUNT • THF. PLVMBFR" Sami:ton Street Phone 135 Plain Talk About Our Trousers ! REPAIRING CDC7K line of Trousers is as good and extensive as money and discrimina- tion can prodiie . They are made with a View to giving the wearer the hest value for lie Money, allowing a fair prat for the dealer. (lur putts will interest you. Wear 011e f • a helmet, and one for a mitt, 1 would like meet you when I've done my h . ' In the tueantinle, here did to knit ?" Why, of Cou A soldier, whose .head heavily swathed in hindag ohvio"sly h:"1 had a hail ti Ing feelingly sympathized solicitous lady. "And were you wounded my poor fellow ?" ••No, ma'am," 'I'niiwy replied, WW1 wounded in the ankle, but t bandages slipt."-Tit-Bit"; - No Romance in His Soul. The family win going onus outing in the woods and mother was packing 14. lunch basket. ` Let. me see," rhe murmured, "I've ' giL'Jettuee sandwiches, olive send- wisher,• peanut -butter sandwiches macaronne, pickier, gingersnaps ---ane--. chow-ehuty. I wonder if I've forgotten anything :' c'•\ "How abotl utting in something to eat ?" said lathe sarcastically. -Phila- delphia Public Ledger. fN f R BRITS IS r 0 KIDNEYS, QUIT' UT you learn d face were , and who wee ba- by the in the • teed, Muth the Kidneys at once when Back` hurts or Bladder bothers --Heat forms aric acid. Geo. MacVicar North Side of Square Goderich R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR Nn man or woman who eats meat regu- larly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys oocaaionally, says a well- knows-su$ho ity. Meat forms urio acid which elope the kidney pores so they 'rltrggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood. then you gel sick. Nearly til rheum- t ism, headaches, liver trouble, nervnute near, constipation, die -sinews, sleeplesaner� bladder disorders come from sluggish kids ncys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi- ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding get about four minces of .lad .Salts from any reliable pharmaey and take a tahtespennful lir-• a glom of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous ealt�.ia.as 1e from the acid of grapes and lemon juin, s,m- b:ned with Lithia and has beea..used Inc generations to flash cloud kidneys and stimulate them to activity. also to neu- tralise the acids in urine so it no longer ewes irritation, thus ending bladder dis- orders. .lad Salts is inexpensive and can-. net injure; makes a delightful effete. reticent litkia-water drink whish all reg- ular meet eaters should take now artd.- then to keep the kidney* clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding .riot. kid- ney oomplicatioos.