HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-30, Page 2‘Yt'
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' I ilE 'SIGNAL : GODERICli ONTARIO ' t e,Nogimkotom.i...!:.:L., ,.. ..„,„.. .
Orldv-4: .
itr tend
) PlInLutagsts
Tut airiest lo publiabad every Mendel
• r
tbe Mitre in Tbe signal BOU4WS. Nall
nest, iuderich, Omar o Telephone No. 3.3.
•rrtisli:141VTION KK --000 Dollar and Fifty
Lenge per year if paid strictly in adv awls Ow
onar will be accepted t subscribers in the
United States the rate is OHO Dollar and nfty
Vent& strictly iss advence. trhiliscribere wbd
MOM receive Tits bitiN Al. FOKUlarly by Mail
,ptUoonfer a favor by acquainting the publish.
of the fact at seearly &date as possible. When
change of address is desired, both old aud
slit new address should be trivem Iternitteisoes
may be made by bank draft. express money
order. pot -office order. or regirtered letter.
Subeeriptioms may commence at any time.
A DVISITMINO 't 1.14 M. - Rees for display and
couttact advertisements will be trivial on eppli
OSUMI. Legal and other similar sdvertisuent,
ten mote per line for linit tiwasUou and Nur
Oran per line for each subsequent insertion.
Mananrodlys &roe of ,olid ootrilarell -I witivo
lines toad +-Resineeamisda-1l* -
and under, rive Millers per year. Advert se-
piolite of LOPL round. Strnyed. Situations
Vacant. Sit eat is %V antd, Houses for Sale r
to Hem. Yriro.. tor Sale or to Ket, Article+
for Sale. etc., not exceeding eight line, T wenty.
five Cent...rich insertion tine Dollar for first
mouth, y Cents for ear b as e muent month.
Larger advertisements prOportiOn. 4,1
oonnennorom in ordinary reading type. Ten
Co(. per lne. No notice Is• than T scatty -
five Cent., Any special notice, the object of
which is the pecuniary benefit of eny individ-
ual or emaciation, to be oonsiderwl an adver-
tisement and chAreed anoonting11.
To Comicarispc-re.-Tbe oo-operation of
oar subscribers and readers to cordially init,
ed towards making Inc Stexat a weekly record
ef all Moat. county and district doing% ho omit
illontOntion will be attended to noires it 000 -
tains the name and address of the writer. not
eoewarily for publication, but OA all evideorre
of good fith. New, items should reach THII
rog•t °ee not later than Wedoesdar 0000.
et earb week.
"evritiletiVie rWerite-St '101004'1' 11":"Olf4A747f4,'AJOSirrtrfi:t isteaerestesiere
uught to entruet ite explaoationa to
sunw. other person than the lion.
Arthur Meighen. The Solicitenttlen
real bi the chain' hairsplitter end
verbal mideetemer of Canadien polities',
itad has practised hit: art. to such an
extent that nobody 'totem f.0 IIIIII f Or
tut honest statement of facts. .iinti a
plain, honest statement of, the fae•ta
with regard to the ails teition of Cana
dian ;ticket hi just what the public
- Only twenty-flve day. to Christmas.
Sir Sam Hughes preenisee_to address
constituelitir at an early date and
politicians are mighty t owe &lieu
what he is going to may.
tarhat a lot of trouble it w uld have
saved if Constantine of Greece hail
been dealt with • when he first showed
his traitor hand a little more t
year agreit-resees.
Lieut. Allan Oliver. son of lime
Frank Oliver. formerly Minister of the
Interior in the Laurier Gvtnment. the mat eight years could not he ricoc-
het' been killed 10 flitildwIre. "low cistea hy a Bourbon Republicanism.
loyal these Grits are. artyseter.
This Advertisement
W. K. McNutight, P , of
Toronto. has raised a storm nitwit hie
1,ters by' making a nasty tion
about the loyalty a Librat. Me are
acttistaimed to hearing talk of this
kind about &Attlee' time, when Tory
orators of a ernatill
• It et' in dace of argunwrit but
ilitrers-nitilifitZtitiertfthe. andLibet4111
who 'dont particularly mind it as a
piece of political guff arr. nut in the
mood to take it in these serious: times
when their boys are tittering their lives
for their try. If Mr. McNaught
were half a man he would withdraw
and apologize for his offensive words.
Mr. H. J. Pettypieees of Forest,
writes no The Globe protesting
againet- , --matenest 4-.-- which
the 'meting of the provincial
Liberal Aieseciation at Toronto last
wek' was condueeed. 'ffe tr
were -practically ignored aud no op-
pot4uni17• watt given for the full and
free discussion of party affairs. Eve
&ily the nieeting was ton by the
"Oranized party," which doesnt want
anY amateur interference with its
skilled tacticians. When Ontario Lib-
eralism conies to itself it will throw
the "tectielauts" out the window.
Tben.wrid not till then. will the Lite
causerAitke such headway as Lib-
eral tirtnenitter eh
banner Province of the Dminion.
may induce you to try the first packet o!
but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour
and quality to make you a permanent customer.
We will even offer to give this first trial free if
you will drop us a postal to Toronto. 11113
Newsy Letter from Bramshott Camp -1I
teeny Cenadians 011 10 France.
Pte. fdurrav Fruitland writes as
never, uvea iu the tradition of the
race, k now ti a natioual artuy or a we -
)come war.
We know now that the new British
army at the Somme began badly. al-
ways having in mind the military
fact. The inechinery that had been
treated out of nothing did not win k
moothly, easily. aucceiefully. There
were terrible losses and fresh mis-
takes. The advance did not sweep tor
ward ; it was held up : tbe delve be-
cme &meet at once a pounding, and
it was weeke before the British prog-
ress on the map began to compete
with the French.
Aturtiyet tbe fact that we can also
moo now is that every failure in the
Knit days became a thing of the past
promptly. In the °peeing days the
artillery rind the infantry were not
co-otdivated ; the British bad by this
time menufactuied guns as good as
the German, as good SO the French,
but not in a day or a month was it
possible to lbod enough trained ruen to
°partite them. Infantry officers who
had never been infantry atheists until
a brief time before could not by in-
spiratioo learn the scientific side
of the task ; they could die like sol
diery, but the science of living like
soldiers was less easy to acquire.
Yet if one could ineesure the
achievement of the British army by
those elaborate and confusing curves
that delight the statisticians, no one
could mistake the upturn of the lioe.
Each attack coo. a little lees, waa
done a little more efficiently end with
a gain In speed. The British army
disclorred itselt from J ely to November
engaged in learning a teak which it no
longer underestimated or affected con
tenupt tor.
And behind the army the nation
W8.8 learning ita issaon. Who shall
my that it sees not the mmy which
taught the people behind the twiny ?
Tqe French long anes...fricszakL.Thaa
ertten tiseBritih had • nettenat army,
when there waiiiiiilVellal serves, with
all that it iruplisd, then all the ob-
stcles and difficulties would vanish.
The war surprised British democracy
11b war would surprise UP. IL found it
unprepared and without men of orMIXIs
inence who could adjast. themselves 10
the situation and the new condition,.
The statesmen did not face the realiI:
ies of the war ; the people could not
discover them, and there was. at the
outset, no huge number of men at the•
front whose testiruooy ceruld illumin-
ate the darkness.
But that petted tow pased. In the
past five months not less than half a
million British have hewn killed,
wounded and captures& and very few
have tweti captured at the Somme.
In that period theme has been not (le
smallest etigge.tion oT ',tar nests of the
task or d 'obi.. as to the end, nor has
there been any change in the steady
upward match toward absolute coil..
itnry efficiency
It may be another year before the
British Army will find itself as cow
eletly as tile Ft ench or the German.
lint Francs Mut t'i send I,0 the rear
half of its commanders who began the
tiat nal service and ita genet oil
%vac: j Vrxrice it ith ita tradit ttttt s of
trained to modern war went front de-
feat in defeat in the opening weeks of
ti e war. %Yoh all their ed % Au tars in
I was down to Portsmouth lett t- mitt,. training and preparation the Germans
urday alteintentTs diesaner 44 kwr°F* I Whoa -the Great War began the --have not won the war and are not
follows from ilramehott Camp, En •••••••••••••••••••eeeteease
lad, to h,s parents, Mr. .tuid Mf.
John Foil/land, of Londesboro'. The
I Tbe latest progress of the British at
letter is dated October 15:
the MOLUUJO is a striking evidence of
Dear Folks at_ Hoene :-
Received your motet welcome letter I the real achievement of the new Brit
today ; elfio Lby-Inwenle- hail a which bib army in finding Reel( In recent
mir iietiep deity opened and- digested,'
14011U:is. The least careful scrutiny of
the latter fasting thirte•-nleie ateds'
and Do longer The weather has been i the official reporta discloses the fact
That protection has.lost its old-titue
potency se an election cry in the Un-
ited States It one of the conclusions
leeched by The New York Outiook is
its survey of the results of the Prete-
dentiitl mnimign. Tbe Outlook say.:
The chief_ lesson of the election is
that the spirit born of the strivings of
• - Hon. A, E., Kemp. M. P. for East
Toronto, who had been Minister with-
ut. portfolio.in the Borde.n Cabinet, is
the new Minister of Slilitia. sticOeeding
Sir Peen Hughes.. Mr Kemp he a
wealthy manufacturer. For moinetinie
be has been at the head of the War
Purchasing Commission
itz Germany are ellowed a
piece ot meat three inches in dianiet;r
and Yuleegg per week, having to get
--__akumewitoesand for the
rest of theft o wonder
the German itokliere at the battlefront went of our p life than y
other cuse. Daniel Welster win tied
fight so fiercely against being push. I : a
4 liglIallbt .1 on •t ••
s "rot appearance in our
Giber clear-sightd • men of
And iu light of the present us -
relent, the wedding id contradictories -
Hughes and Romievelt. Republicans
and Prderessivee-eelebrated at Chi-
cago, reveals itself as a sinister and
hypocritical thingit wee -something
worm than a marriage of convenience: -
Its evident effect in the true home of
Progressiviern eras to inspire diegue
Another demonstration which we are
grateful that Tuesday gave us is that
Use crass, niercenary, brute sporel of
high protection has lost Ito power. iu
the old days the Wert. teed to answer
to -it- unfailingly. And, -Me. _Hughes
attetupted to renew it in the crudest
form. Stout enemy of eon uption that
be is, he lent himself Set a dogma that
Las been the source of more debese-
baek into their own comiry.
. _
"If and when the Liberal party re.
rue to -power one of •ite fleet dutieti
be to cut off the seven and k het(
under t
nary war
prohnhly this
ifitrir 04
of extra
lie treasury.
his geoeration declared that if a patty
undertook to dettribute largess to
favored individuals by means of a
protective triff, the purest and most
profound atatesenanehip could not
additem to the tariff pmeed make head egainst 0. Andoo longer
pretence that it was neces- ago that. 190ti, when Mr. Hughes was
inlatien. but which puts speaking for Taf, and was using the
dollars of extra profit Janie snitinkitig language about the
tariff that he has been tepeatine all
through this campaign, William I loyd
'II _few every dollar
at reaches the put- Gerriumt jr, wows. to hum to expires
wonder that a Man who bitted corrup
don as Hughes did could he so blind
to the insidious undereniping of polit-
ies! -virtue thiough li lerolled and
purchesed tariffet Happily for the
Country. that hideous open 0, broket.
When the West resists mat resents
this form of political hribety, as it did
ay is ot fat nil when superstitious 1 nianY who have not, rnd the sick pr-
. ro esticapes like Shiloh, min best Not one million, hut five have ru
'boat proteetion will he put in 1 e b01118 der,. Quite 1 b t 0 1 the BritillbI ' • evet i uestion
topartarbmy far ;Awl larger
nn Triesdiy, we tnav hope that the
1 evet-Y failutes at Neuve Chapelle, sit Loos. of politicermeaning at home, save
Illy ot In
trete: ii nn 'it t),Y
aka ere very srg _ no erstitti w a un er ay
ay of ultimate extinction." si number of dr:distrait' neeil
batted' in are feeteleig tor Pttner t. in Ostlipoli. Them are costa amno,- only the never ending Irish question,
'44. - - ---- - -- -st7' morro and -weeStiree giving them a
AT OTHERS SAY. iin1:1 . good ti -off. I dou't eine bow 80011 p*rednesit and the inevitable Gamest -
Wants of inexperience. has been adjout•tied ; the British have
- -' we go, Inithave no Ida% worm Gust Like tM North and the South in tbe ha7 equipped millions ; they have
• ' -created ars army out of nothing : they
thirtnanym en vemen of the Bel,
glans niakes it all. t e steno petrative
that tlw war shalt 1 the
• power of Pritamisinistot Illy
destroyed and Belgian fee
solutely sectired--iot the ft
Belgian territeny alne, but
liberty of those 'Belgians who
been takenfriuretheir homes ter weir
tn Germany for their oppressett_
eery filles_DO frost yet and everything twit. Lee viaf hai learned the
is (resat anti green. I supporie par,le on lemon of modern war, that the British
aceouneof eomuch recent rain. They
England. We were out for an all -day to coordinate its fire with infantry
advance ; said the rapidity of the ad -
unwell across tke Earl of Surry's
vance of the intantt y is proven by the
estate. It certainly is the most beauti-
ful place 1 have seen yet. Rim number of prisonera that have tenon
artillery has waned the still necersai y
say thee the best time of the year In
hlackbet rites are growing on the
hedges everywhere. I ate nothing else
for diluter. Thousands of pheartants
ore flying around, so tame we could
altruist cat el them. Our battalion is
very small now, as 50u of our men
left this morning for France along
with two or tbree thousand Others
-tbe tramp We hated .t.O. gee
them o after being togethernemly
to the successful troops. t-
Feench and German reports, in re-
cent weeks have borne testionouy to
the saute fact, that the British army,
the new army, the force which has
been crested NAACO the war began, is
beginniog to give clear proof of bav•
ing learned those bard lerseotts amt. all
Armies hare to learnt when they are
created out of the S\OUI 114g the deco-
year, inn 1 dont know a man tion and patriotism iif untrained men
would not have changed places with and commanded by officers wbo Dave
any of them. We are equipped wroth
English manufacture •All the
old etuff we brought from Cisrada was
still to learn their own essons.
We have been accustaitned to speak
in An:eerie* oftbe marvellous military
genius displayed by the French, of
isc/eldest The new hamper ts far
the scientific ettainenent td the Ger
lighter anti is niade of heavy. canvas
man multi. We have pecessarly
cslled Web. 1 min% see why it is not
'made in Cmada. no it must have cost viewed the war as an absolete and not
, a relative thing. We bases not paid
thousands of dollar* t� rig us out
are C00-1 much attention to the physical condi
twice. Our Roes rifles, too,
I Lions of the nations which sent their
defused and the men are going over.
Without any, which is about as gesellarmies into the fl-ld, but cd the
achievement of the armiee themseves.
as one you can't depend on when cor-
The result uf this judgment snits
nered. The 134 h II ighlander 1111.0
went 500 men today ; among them stall beeti to obscure the mewed ahiee-
Roes Murray, of Si. Hebei. 1 'tient of the Britih. The French arid
olio to see loin last night, the UM. the Germans had universal srvie;
chaintst Lbeye had since teaving Caine general stoffr---all the machine, y of
hey- I modern war created by year, ot pa -
Borden. We have to paps a very
tient bit ir, administered by offliiers
ere medical criminal eusbefore_ going
to Frani e, especially on the teeth. whit had made the organizaton a life
Several hove been turned down. _.013 i work and given to it the devotion and
that account, while others bate mom I the ability thet in Britein, as in the
Put Ins United States, never finds its way into
them pulled out and bele* ones
1 may lose three or four. the srmy save in the hours of national
Taffeta Silks and
silk poplins
itee It SO flora about Britich had a relativel sstuferearoede-
the size of Tevonto and is t e chief toonary army, train tvcortling to
naval Port of Britain. so that tber* Britirh standards, unexcelled in lila
bilt, commanded by officers
are thousands of sailor* on tbe streets; Llia%
an'c'tierlinimadityia.naHthadereit. good' wars- and who hail never
whose training Leen in colonial
had the re-
book at "The Victory," Notion** Ada-, periencarof their brethren on the Cors-
iLinens in the great manoeuvres wined)
shlite"11.16mhiaBlig*trtalHondepooited their ere the real echoed of high commend.
--L°11-1 This little army was destroyed in
leaWtesuitrayiliPetesedr wA•shabereY•teking the first catupsign from Mons to
Its losses in men and in ofti-
ogitoreinget. as b,a,tuidt 201.0 hortypea
'iceYPreline Were tremendous, end the latter
because beh nd
A tee days hum :-Receisred your . war impanbie,
15 filen' was no reservoir of other an-
ti ett twe riatoditaaey ;roil
cere When the struggles in Flanders
weeks. There were o”.'r letters were over the British military estate
wtte4e iladh d10 rrt
for our baitaliou today aid I usaneged lishmetit, as it had existed in August,
to mistime -biz. The sebutemeno ft" was almost deturoye4; what, re-
neetlY craft,' **ell( "we the bag!" •"" meined was not even the skeleton on
nem:ices that the..Canadwe tutub hise which to build a new army, this t
rierd. The weather hes turbed wet of millions, not thousands.
The result wair the re-ilt that ia per -
and umwrabl, although qutte warm.
familiar to Americans who
anti we ore haying a tweeted mum, fpetly
musketry now sena it lot of -it -min he know their Civil War history. We
done in the flute. This suitemesill who had hill Rum Chancellorsville
vref bad cold at,, and all that, lay between", We who had
right. al 1 have a
r spent Hon ev er„ I here NIP 001. failures like Fredericksburg and tear
winning IL
The French Premier said the other
dory that France hati never made a te-
Epee. of her Hi itish ally that. had not
been hotioted and more than honored.
The severest crikes of British military I
-weaknesses amens( the French have
never heeitated to recognize that.'
%about British Beets and British
material suppoit Feance would have
been defeatd. Evety effort on tl e
part of the Germans to sow discord
between the two &Wet has failed in
We io America, who reilize what it
has cost Britain in her best Mood,
wh*t it hait cost her in tresure, in
36 -inch plain and figutect Taffeta
Silks in all desirable :new shads,
blues, browns, rose, taupe, gren;
greys and black. At per yard $1.25
and $1.50.
Women's Black Cashmere Hose
Penmansizes.ssiSeatoniller. ,Ofulkil-valfasueshiemted,ptdroupbalier msolessecanduateeflocl...
Rib Cashmere Hose, double knees, !wets and toes.Con-
taining only about lOper cent. of cotton, which only
impfzveow.ereyarsize.and pr;evretitmirt shri1/434king,...!iiszesmati; :o
Linoleums ,-fett45TivtPlift
A yard a wide, in splendid patterns, fioral or, scrollor block.
Extra heavy quality and worth at todays buying 85c.
At per yard Gk.. -
t A •t...}. ' 'i,,,yitl--
Blitrikets --.
....1., ; ,.......,4 ,,,,
Grey or white wool Blankt-4:1one size and pure stock,
_ ..
Special at per pair $6.51. --- -
Cotton Blankets, largest size made, best Amercan. Wrzrth
per pair I12.50. At $1.11S.
'Wieling, because she was
Wive been quick to emphasise
tint (if the cost and ot the tem
failure, that there might he o
vival in this °reentry of the easy stp-
timisni of the Britain that refused to
hear Lord Roberts. We have alwa
with us A Bryan, telking of the os
lion men that would rush to arms
the moment war came to America.
If anyone has been puzzled
widely-vrying pictures of
0.1 mreil CtIO, or tanker,"
British army, and hate
which picture is the
he interested in a
the Homo. of Co mons the other day
by Mr. 11lyd eorge. The War. Mn-
ister ..id: "I have seen some Of these
• -plosseir
100 Ar•Ns . . 11.00
100T&B . 100
100 Club thessia I 50
100 Special Turkish 1.50
What more acceptable gift lor the pipe
smoker than a good pipe. Just what you
want in our stok, whether a good old
*fashioned bnar. or a meerschaum or
calLeabasht uo. show you our tobacco pouche<
All the latest designs of the most satoi
factory matenah. Make your selections
Ncet to Itu,, •-• Store
wood, Prop. -
V, lb ter T & B 60
lb. un Onnoco • tO
by the
lit one, be will
atement meads in
110 Liant nate will 1*. bltre-w-tittrkta -0-13r- Civil War. the Beitieb people did nett, mi edam tired nonitons. guns, not
catup at nights, now, as it used to at one • learn the lesson ; they had to Itv mobilizing industries already or -
ti ler bushel Iftretv. et near Leamington sold show up like a city after dark, mil we come, ultintately, to conscription. se anized, hut by organizing induetties
sixty acrele‘of onicitthis year for are in danger of ten, raids. I woo -nil we oame to the draft ; they houi t't which were never conceived as ce-
$35,010. Th onsome notdoubt to London for sir ifew d*Yei nod while %stiffer from slf-deception from pithier of mobilizatofl.
cellomed about h pricre that we're Hullett. He is an orderly. in a hoe- Northern dream of Oti to Richmond." has answered German eittocracy
sollectiyism ;the great bettle has been
won for the kind a national life that
the British, the French end we in
America believe best. It has taken
long; the cost has heels terrihle ; the
risks have horn so dreadful that it is
not emery now to think of them. But
the sneerer is being hoi along the
Somme. The Briiitth Army has also
arrived isnd the British achievement
on the military side is no 'onset hid-
Tder:bfurnoem enemy or friend. -New York
L.. Niniktirtm.o4.44
AND votAtsPOse
ksi.0 OWPr 4#11/40_440,1i4,
irrnr-1,,wr 144,
i this ear writer see;re so durn there looked up Frank brown. of eerie from hopes as falM as the in this fashion British democracy 41
willin' to believe ha got $3:04100,000,• pital there land has • good gob ; it is a sa
...limy that they trusted, much thet British itidividualism has met German it
410,OU0,0110 for his crei4t. pretty classy place. The patients are they hped, failed. them, inevitably
"he Farmers Viewpoint - all Cenadien officers and the's-wit/to an competely.
tip the orderly with s Pound or. so Yet, as **Tne World' eorrs.poodent
-Vertu and Dairy
itudthezbeariMsdniel rm sad natTy-dni's lottt
pointed oat the other day, in e face
when leaving.
Una afternoon, who should Acne III all thie the British marched on to
along but the Doke and Duchess of the thing that the, Germans belieied
Connaught and their dauhter. lie eyes When they learned
ue ntsottadnembile.“ tattpotonedscitittindewtz bleiwi-enthinegy
t wu n*4 rwiehree cal rnedu!
oleo wade a friend with no AnWrati of victory, and in doing thie, ea Mr.
la with whotsi I had to sleep at the swop/ *ys, they struck tbe German
Club. liertas been in London sinew bop.* blow-ohnoet-nwore-emloas than
epring ieeneering from two bits te- marni..
calved at • He loath" fellow The British failure that the world
anti ties tainly showeet _me -around. has reen has covered Britisb success
which the world bets just Maim to see.
Time* chaps draw theif 'tub $1.50 per
dee andl ere the hest-hartd fellows And nothing is more patent them the
on ealth. I *leo nwt Will in London, fact that the British, who knew their
nut as he was the hoenitalt own spitit and their own determine -
arid we *pent two hill days together. tien, could as little understand the
sod onw day while on the street WS verdict of the world on their day by
met Donild McLean. lorillei 17 of ;tety performance as the North C411111
Blyth. sod hil wife ale living I understand or hear the commenta of
near thetel tie Itivtted us to hi* homes the British war correepondenta on the
We certainly accepted audited a royal
welcome+ from boils him and Mre. Me -
Lean. I will now close hoping you
ale all well.
blames /.0 the „tun! nterillf either for the fanner
manufacturer. SV e have the gr
sympathy tor those to whom the
ow in the time hi think .the frets a ihiestening
t. We believe howevn, tl-mt 1
niunieipalsmsdhlatee yin* want tO POP the high cost Of living to b.. etta.cked
isethe field at New :Veere. Consider- hy tinkering with thtariff, it should
ing the slight attentieb4hat its paid tee he with tbe object of teetering the emit
the Canadian miners cent, Rime, td
citizen, it is a weintler that the civic the consumers' larder. A good place
business i• gtteladOd to0 80 Well fin If ie. to begin would tie Wite the d'dy on
If the citizen not satisfied with the agricultural impleninte. Which is one
way • him businero managed at the of the primary moire; cont entitling to
the high cost of the productionof foodt°Wn hall` he haa a whae Prnth 'tlle. and therefote of the high cost
tween now and eleetion day to Isisy et living.
himself in getting new blood into th
town cenincil. The gest Christmas Present.
ipal affairs by the average of production of Mew Article,. which,
"You can call me grafter behind my
back, hut come up here within three
feet of me and say it, and your Mat.
wont know 7011 when they take you
• home in the Red (7roes wagon." Po
`'..rirsarked the Rev. Billy Sunday in the
urse of , a characteristic address at
Boston revive). That such •
stiouittemok SO Sunday should be
loomed and encouraged by so-called
Christ larechurches le a scandal and an
Out ratte-Ocillia Packet.
The Packet has old-fashioned ideas
and believes thee the occupant of
pulmt, should at letit talk like a
11 the Dominion Government wants
the peopie 1/4,if Canada to believe in ite
4 good faith in the matter of nickel, it
Thai is what wetly elite us who
Make. 8. gift of R ▪ (011111/LMOR
to a friend or relative.
Thotirtande ran retail the firet Christ-
mas that The Comp& came into
the house, end how it was pursed from
one to another aa • moit precions
thing, and the 5iatity of it was that.
every week ' it was looked for and
pounced upon and devored. and
everythine else put aside for it. you
can bring that same sense (if delight
into any home by sending The YouGi's
Companion to it for a year -IOW lees
than four ceett•week.
The Companion Horns Celender goes
to every new subscriber and to IVO! !-
one who makes • gift subecripi ion.
4011*. Paul mt., Boston, Maas.
army that felled at Bull Run, the
comments of "Bull Run Russell, for
The thing the British believed WAS
that their fruittres were incidents:
A Sorry Fate . they did not even see them es feiliere,
The na•y newest recruit WM becauee, we ix Inevitable, t hey awry not
hauled before ih• commandant Of the LBO fanner, tett the rsettes*, the hero -
naval barracks on a charge of mesh ism. the devotion, the merinos of the
ordintion. The petty officer Orr MNO IN h ChM iti all the strugglt..
plained that the man had resitted Th. thing that nutelde ethics saw
WAS necrestarily the military operation.
when they took htru to the swimming!
bathe. for the flied. lesson in the art r leWoo not net il the battle of I h•
natation. What beep you got to monism. Isee•n that there was a firiti.h
soy for yourself ?" asked the ctnneend- army in the modern senee, that there
mit. "Well, sir. Its like this .ere. was a Hritleh army in the erne* that
I've only Steen in the new y three deter. these had been es h tench or a German
Tbe first day the dnetor drasved pis of army from the start. But this •rnie
m• teeth out. the isecond day I wee te 13011111ill had iwen created in at-
oeulated, •nri this mornin' the petty ruiat ever, detail, not not of the
officer froutirls along to ms and he ear eurnillausi reernweve and espe•tericee
NOW subscriptions received at thie Come on, Eou pup, were agoin' ot many years of centneire, but nut of
office. ter drown yer. nothing hut British citizens, who bad
414141,,t. 4,1/4 -• r"
!" "4 4 '41'4$4:44141linte
144°V 714
"" '
r* ).'++++Wr,'"i‘s".;
To the Edit or of The Signal.
Mitt Kist, -1 melte no apology for
presenting once more the needs of the
Y. M. C. A. work for soldiers and its
claims upon mw generosity. Reference
Is made repeatedly in the papers to the
valuable work of the "Y" sectetaries
in the training camps rind *t the flut,
and soldiers' letters hem constant wit-
ness to their appreciation of the efforte
inside to help the boys, physically. so-
cially and spiritnalle.
•efieriring Moldier.' tells what the
Y. M. C. A. is hying to win the war
and show* that It, has more than four
hundred men And pre•enty bullets on Iss
steles or as helwrs in military erervice
ork. This mettle a, large Pipendit urn
which must be met by voluntary sub
scriptions'. Thomsands of dollars are
still needed for this yeters budget.
Flhall we not 30 our hit
The (4. C. I. Literary Mee i of y has
•ordributed III& Raved out of the ex
mimes of our field duty. I *Mill Ire abet
to rereire and l'artrard any anseemse,
large Or small. that any of glair cifisons
may wish to give for this excellent
Carry on"
comes to a
matter of choos-
ing the tnan who
is going to do your
Electric Wiri
it will pay you to See
All necessary information as
rerif'N 04.
• yours for the asking.
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