HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-23, Page 8Tt,.:,asTyuee„eseas•;aess w . 11."‘+ .i " . - r ,n":t' .� + y , - +►" �qy .; " 11."‘: a- r;!:�f.7r°7.47:.. '. _ /i W ,+' " -1i► 'g11F . m r+ r . ,i,r • THUngDAT. NOV. Z, !Old MR SIGN it • a'UDRRICH : ONTARIO Two Storesfor Christmas IN order to display our Christ- mas goods to addvantagr we have arranged for a see 1 store for Christmas, which you will Cud situated between the l'en• oral Tele!d • Office and Union Bank In the new store, will lie found goods especially suitably for Christmas. b. .th pmilieu and high class and al larked at very close price►, N at'h fur neat wt k's announcement. N our present store we have on duoplay manyof our Christmas Tines, inuding en • tense stock of entirely new English and French White Ivory at nowt reasonable prices, also a full stock of Ebony (loxia. Cot ($lass, Silver Plate, Sterling Sil- 'ra, ver. English China. etc., etc. Christmas'Tsge. Seals, etc. (bristutas Cards. BIMoklets, etc. • -- lbe •ubjeet foe discussion at the 'access'?" aubjeft "The Loyalty of the Church Men's Suodny Club, at North et .set Rev. W. E. Hager will preach at Is the Loyalty of the Individual Neut." Ketbodist church. next Sunday morn- both services in North street Metho- j Kveoing subject : "Sale—Saved— Sat- iag will be : "What are the perils of dist church next Sunday. Morning I idled." ACTION ON 1N$URANCB POLICY. Jaime Magas Dissepaard le ryoy and Wile Claims He 1s Legally Dead. Sir (Bonhotme Feloonbeidge was to preside at the non -Jury sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario for Huron county this wool. but on bis non -ar- rival the court was adJoutnod until Wednesday morning, when Mr. Jus- tice Lsunox was pewtwot. i be. sittings were very brief, betas concluded the same morning. Rsgau vs. the Canadian Order of Foresters was an action in which Martha Leah Regan. of Clinton. sued on an insurance policy for $1,000 issued to her, bullhead, Jesus Regan, late of Ha;- township. in 1 In 1907 Regan, who was then in California. disappeared, sod be has not since been heard from. and Mrs. eWmsieo the ground that he was ally dead. After bearing Mrs. Regan's evidenos Judge Lennox suggested that it was a suitable case foe settle - moot betwesu the parties, and counsel agreeing His-- Lordship directed that judgment be entered for plaintiff toe $&QQ and the further sum of $900 for costs. W. Pro udfoot. K. C'., for plaintiff. W. A. Hollinrake, K. C. (Bragtford), for defendant. James Regan, mentioned in this case. was at one time a teacher at Benmiller and was a rather eeeentric character, and hts eccentricities were "to a certain oxtail. made a defence to the action. Sisters of St. Joseph, diocese of Hamilton, vs. Walsh et al. was an action for ihiconstruction of the will of the late Timothy Tracey, of the township of H&ugeen. M. 0. Camer- on, K. C.. fob• plaintiffs. W. Proud - foot, K. C., and H. J. D. Oooke for defendants. Trial postponed to the city of Toronto before Mr. Justice Lennox on a da to be fixed. -- Welber* vs. Taylor eft al. --action on a mortgage. -Judgment entered by consent. Pharand vs. Cando. an action ole a mortgage, and Pharand vs. Hendry et a1., an aotlsistn set aside the sale of an tnsolvent'a(M. A. Cantin's) assetsi, were transferred to the County pout sittings of December 12th next. 1 • -14 Airt* �i�l�l�%i/ v24; r, ,r a e. ovemMillinery IG November Sale of Trimmed Millinery now in full swing. No need to wait until after Christmas r January bargains this year, for these big specials are even better than January values. - N early too of the season's best and. most attractive shapes trimmed for the occasion and selling at or below the half-price mark. i ro _ 50 flats at $2.45 Fifty only Trimmed Hat.. season's newest -and most desired shape* and good qual- ities only. Extra good trimmings owed. Regular prices $4.M) and $5.00. Choice commencing Saturday. Daly • • • • $2 45 • attar a 40 Hats at $3.45 - Furey of the season's lent sod uar•t popular shaYes. every one high quality. Nothing but good trimmings used. Blacks and colors in the 1st, Regular prises up to 1$1,5 and $7.00. Cleering the lot at your choice. et Ac • only....t KIPPEN. WIDNtHDAY, Nov. 32. Mr. NVm. Roes. of Stanley. was -ie, Buffalo last week with a load of cattle. He reports a profitable sale. This is his senond toad taken to Buffalo off bis farm this year. Beans are now up to $S a bushel. but most of she farmers sold for leer than.$:[. It is said shit Wm. ('onritt, of the Parr line. Hay, has enough beans to pay for a new fifty -acro farm he bought at $3,000. Last WedneeditJohn Armstrong, of Stanley, arid Miss Mabel. fourib slaughtm-ist- Seaforth and were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the Presby- terian church manse. Ou Saturday evening a reception was held for the young, couple at the home of the bride's tether. t•� HARRISON the Jeweler will give away absolutely FREE a For $1.00 You Can Geta Good Flannelette Gown It is a better Gown too than you can get "once`tII$U lot is sold.tfor prices have jumped and jumped since we placed the order with the factory for these. They are made from a good quality white Saxony Flannelette, full length and ample width, not skimped in any way. The flannelette will wear and the style is a good one. -Plardly worth your while making it yourself. Special at. . 1.00 _ A better Gown, a little heaqkr, a little finer flannelette and a little morr_trinuning, at each.-. 51.25 U Yea Waft is Make Ulf Owa Gowns Try Our Special Striped FLuehtte at 15c or Our Extra Saxesy at 17c These are Flannelettes of real merit They are full 30 inches wide, absolutely pure, colors are fast and they ire a quality that will wear. Again we remind you once present stocks are fold the prices will be consi rably higher, so we would impress upon you wi- . of laying in a supply now. Fancy tripod Flannelette, a doyen or more designs to select fr and fast colors, pinks, blues, greys, etc.. really su quality, at per yard I5c For Military Shirts J t in this week, ashipmentit air , seintars ier's shirt& There are scarce goods and hard to get. These qualities are exceptionally good; Military Flannel. at per yard 406. Khaki Flannel, at per yard 4$o and 47o. Special prices to Red Crowe Societies. 1300ERICH TOWNSHIP. Mr. Art. Patton lett for Toronto on Monday. The new cement bridge on the 6th concession. wilt soon be open for traf- fic. Min Minnie Johnston hu returned home, atter spending some weeks with her sister. Mr. Harold Montgomery has re- curved home from the West, where he spent a couple of months. Word has been received from Pte. A. Chisholm. who is in the. trenches, and who writes that the boys are well excepting for slight colds. ._ The Patriotic meeting was held at the home of Mr. H. K. Revell on Wed nesday, November 15, and was greatly enjoyed by the members. The young people of Unlgn church aro practising 'The Old District School," which will be given on De- cember 22, at the Union church. See handbills later. Remember the date. Two hours' solid fun. Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, (irate Isabella, to Mr. Andrew Sloan. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan, Blyth, the marriage to take place eat ly in Decem- ber. There will be a meeting of the Farm- ers' Club et Orange Hall ren Wednes- day evening, November' 2901. et -fl o'clock, for the purpose of elic;ing officers for the conning year. Will all members kindly' be peeeent ?—W. C,C. NAFTA', Sec. -Teas. PAriuoT a Soe•trrry NoTes.—The general business meeting of the United Patriotic Society of Uoderich town- abip will be held at the borne of Mrs. Bonet't Mcllwain, jr., Hayfield road. on Wednesday, November 29th. A case of goods containing 9'2 pyjama suite, 1 day shirt" t19 noire of socks has been forwarded to Hyman Hall, Lon- d`ub. 'rhe Society acknowledges the monthly grant of 1ls from the town- ship council ; Mrs. Clark, Huron road, $2 ; Mrs Cade, ilOe, and 91k• for butts[' purehaeed at fowl supper. $60 Diamond Ring Free ! • $I5.00 Bracelet Watch Free ! to the young lady receiving the largest number of votes to the young lady receiving the second largest number of votes AT HARRISON'S JEWELRY STORE Between November 17th and December 23rd (INCLUSIVE) I count made by them to be p"StrtrZECNNaturday in Harrison's each 25c purchase, Votes with each $1,00 purchase, etc'. ' .W. H. Robertson and C. -A. Nairn; and weekly Ballot 1. --Votes are given with end' Cash Purchase. 25 Votes with deservedly popular and deposit Ballot in Loiked Ballot BOX in Harrison's Jewelry Stoee. 3. ---key of Ballot Box in constant possession of committee, 4.—Pinal count to he made at H).30 Saturday Night, Dec- Jewelrfy- Store Window. ember 2:Ird. .- --Mark Yoffritallot for the young lady you think most RULES OF CONTEST 641 Get after this NOW. Either may be yours for a little try. Have your mune registered early. Tell your friends about it and ask them to vote for you. Diamond Ring and Bracelet Watch are on display in our stole window. rhea Come In and See Them ! W. H. HARRISON grAwawil3 Jeweler and Optician Ooderith, Ontario Saxssy Flaiuelette 17c We have cheaper white Flannelettes.thanthis if wapt_-them,. but this is a superior quality. real Saxony, soft finish, absolutely free from dressing, will stand no end of wear. Special per yard 17c qa " "Nemo' Corsets There is no need to recommend "Nemo" Corsets to a woman who has once worn them. They are per- fection in high-grade Corsets and there is a "Nemo" model for every figure. Tell your corset troubles to the young ladies in our Corset Department and we are sure they will be able to help you. The representative from the "Nemo" factory in New York was here the other day and he tells us that all grades of "Nemo" Corsets will advance in price on January 1st. In the meantime we have a hill stock of all our popular 'models and are selling them at the old price. Anticipate your Corset wants a little and save from 25c to 50c a pair, which will be the ,least advance on any of them. "Nemo" models m stock today at, per pair $2.75, $3.75, $4.25 and $5.50 Special --The 0yr-trines box of ebbe- Entertainment at VICTORIA SCHOOL Tuesday evening, November 28th tio,, at 8 o'clock Lottie L Tillotson, Globe Traveller, will give one of her elocutionary and lecture entertainments On "Hawaii," telling the customs 44 habits of the people; ancient folklore, mythology m40 by T. Sunbury, also will Ladies Knitted Underwear 25c Fine quality Knitted Under- wear. soft finish. either white or natural, et per virulent. —Elle Oer This 1' anSpecial optionally gond line. fine weave. very soft finish. neck and font trimntsd-Bepry- minutia cut full. Will give ex- eellent wear. ler garment . 2101 Extra Rossi . qualities in fine ',m. lairs r .,I and silk and wool mixtures, at ler garment 51.00:K1.2C 51.80. 812.110 Let the Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Do Your Sweeping One of these wonderful El,. trio' ('lr•aner,imakes sweeping shill's play. A child of six ran du your sweeping as well as yourself with one of theta. The ('leaner takestip every particle of dual,' and dirt Int your nig and carpet and -there 'is no necessity for beating the life out of thern.1Wx- tn wets of attarhments for clean- ing mattresses, upholetterd furn- iture, curtains. behind radiators, etc. Every Cleaner guaranteed and built t, ipso a lifetime. Sold on easy Lerma of payment it de- sired. Viiihrem Special Sale of Seeondt.in Da. • meek Cloths. Special Sale of • whitewash -rill( Waist st 81.1110. Special Male of black Messaline Silk at 51.35 HODGENS BROS. DIRECT IMPORTERS BENMRILLEN. TDXADAY, Nov. 21. . Mee. Michael Pfrlenmer is sjbwly re-' covering after helrg laid up for some I time with an injured ankle. Mrs. Henty McKie, of Toronto.. ie o, visiting her patents. Mr. and Mrs.1 William Straughan, foe a few day& Mr. Henry Fisher has been con- fined to his tied for several days. We hbpe that he wilt soon be around again. CARLOW. ANNIVERSARY Snaviellit AND CON- VERT.—Anniversary nervines will be held In Smith's H•11 church on Sun. day, December 10. Rm.will I be Hall ee• Woods, of Hturefield, preacher for the day. On the Monday evening following then will be a grand concert for which the services of U. LeRoy Kenney, entertainer, of Toronto. have -been secured, es well as local talent" Then should be a large atteedanes. GODERICH, ONTARIO Ildwarde are again snaking that pure homemade candy. A sample will convince you. ADMISSION At the meeting of Ills National Ser vim League in Vietssrie wrest church on Tuesday nest. the IS h, Principal IL -Houck, of Clinton, will deliver hi. popular *admen on "The Union Jack." Title is an inapirational and instructive address on the old flag, and bow it emu, to be in its present shape as an emblem, and stionld receive public at- tention. PottioNO Whelk.* Guessing Contest Twoillaadsome Hand -Embroidered Centrepieces with Crocistoi lace Ugly Gives Away Absolutely Free --December 23rd Every 25e purchase permits of a guess at the number • of candies in the jar. Two large Ambroidered Centrepieces giiten to the two nearest guessera 1st Prine—A 32 -inch white Cetlrepieoe embroidered on white Datuask with wide lace of crocheted coronation cord. 2nd Prize -22 -inch tan linen Centrepiece embroidered in silk, with crocheted lace on edge to match. rporis you money and a guess gives you a valuable piece sWes Good at the Singer Store, You get the best value of work. MRS. TAPE .Singer Store