HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-23, Page 7•••••••11,•,...•
eeeirestellete toeseesegiemesee, ,
so -7
31111.0 41V Vi44 QV.
wee -se
7s.74'erssosss, forn,..• olootxo't
o ',nee
044_ us ram ate'.
spos.ox •
Geeafr ' ".'esiee to".
Clean, smokeless and odorless oven means perfect
tooking and baking. This is assured by ventilation and
the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining in
. 'AI • ';'"Pil
os• "o" k
It won't be hard ro decide what range you want in your
kitchen after I show you the Pandora's special featurz7s.
Sold by FRED HUI4T
Hot Water for •
elity, became the bible cil Kara KlIlls, 11P.-
il••••••••,"•• •••••_••••••••••••
Sick Headaches
Yells why everyone should drink II
hot water with phosphate
11 in it ,befor.ebreakfast
i• Headache of Roy kind. Is caused by
anto•intoxlcation-which means mel
pawning. Lives and bowel poisons
called toxins, sucaed Into the blood.
ihresigh the lymph ducts. excite the
beset which pumps the blood so fut
that it congests In the smaller arteries
and veins of the bead producing vice:
lent, throbbing pain and distress, called
headache You become nervous, dee'
*pendent, sick, feverish and miserable,
lour meals sour and almost nauseate
you Then you resort to arietanilide;
oatertn or the btomiesis welch tempor-
arily relieve but do not rid the blood of
these irritating toxins.
I A glass of hot water with a teaspoon-
ful of limestone phosphate In It. drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
only wash these poisons from your sys-
tem and cure you of headache but will
deans°, purify and freshen the -entire
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmarist for a quarter
pound of limestone phospbate. It is In. 4
oxpensive. harmless as sugar, and al-
most tasteless, except for a sourish
twinge which is not unpleasant.
If you aren't feeling your best, if
tongue is coated or you wake up with
bad taste, foul breath or have colds.
indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin the Lees)
plated hot water cure to rid your
system of toxins and poisons.
Results are quick and ft le claimed
that those wbo continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any headache
ilmow a miserable moment.
In all et -entries. Aik for our INVER-
TOlertADVIllitiewhich V111'1,3 sant Imo
314 UniversitY it.. moue&
Gavin Wilson has sold his farm on
the lith concession of Turnberry to
Morrison. of East Niiewanceh.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Steithenson, of
the London r ed, Tuckerewitb, have
removed to Chnum, where they will
Eureti a Deilmage, wife of Harnett
tertian, of Renwick, died suddenly on
Wednesday, 8th inst., in her testy-
si th year --
Serge Keil Rose, son of Mrs. L
Ross, McKillop, hie been recom-
mended for a 'suede' for special con-
duct and bravery.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Voelker, ot Pigeon, Mich., t heir daugh-
ter, Ida Rebecca. was meted in mer-
riest@ to %Valise* ot Crediton.
,Mr. and Mn. Jacob Finkbeioer, o
I.:redeem, announce the engrgement
of their deugiltee, to Herten
Jethes, of Heiman, the meta loge to
take place in December.
Molten Munn bas bis liseacre
farm in Usbotne to Adam (t.., and
pity acres across tbe road .• to eateries
huckey., Mr. Munn will move 1.0 tbe
Teniessead leen ueer RenselL
lived a West tot a meatier of
of Stratford The perell °ay was per- - Outset. WOMMIL
formed by Rev. J. A. Aimee, of Me-
llott, In the presence of about fifty •Chatham, Ont. -"801110 time ago I bac
guesta. Mr, and Mts. Ellis will merle S 1pol:rat breakdown. It terminated ir
uite a bad case
at St 1.4 ',LA.
c,...iti44,11 mourns the death of One or
lasest, citizens, in tee. person of emu-
nel Drown, who le weed away on Sat -
November lkh. at .the age of
litty-six years. F. ir years he veleta. t -d
a taw e at Crediton end latterly he bad
iosoo, doing an extensive trade 111 pro-
duce and seede. lie was also the town -
treasurer of ti!ephen. Ile ho lour -
toyed hy big wife, five eons and
tie Monday; 13th inst., occurred the
1-41 11 of John Henry Petty, near ilen,
nem- - - u being good, if one will give it
sail. The deceased, who wad in his a fair trialii_,, e
roes( Acagur, 67
sixty-fourth year, bad been inlailing Edam St Chatham, Ont.
vivcd hy
h. alit for revere years. He 4s sur -
his wife. eee 40 44 So1 d three At the fine symptoms °Ferny derange--
•Liughtt Petty'r uncles, the- 'went at any period of life the one safe
la tro sage and .1 antes Petty'. wads really helpful remedy is Lg. Pieresei
the Mort survey of the village of Hen- Favorite Primeeption.
.all, and named'it after their old home Theusands of women in Canada have
in Tinekleireetrrigland. - taken it with unfailing success.
OLIN roN. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
true friend to women in times of trial.
Mr. and Mr.. 6. A. Bradshaw an- For headache, beckache hot flashes,
omince the engagement of their mental deprt4sion, dizzinese, fainting
daghter, Ethel Mildred, 10Lawrence leasitude and exhaustion, women
Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. ould never (sil to take this tried and
li. ritephenron of Tucitersmitii. The true „miukie
marriage is to take place thin month. ! prepared from Demme meta and
The official hoard of Wesley church berbs, it contains no alcohol or narcotic,
her extended en invitation to Hey. A. nor any harmful ingredient. In either
E. Jonee, ot titrathr.iy, to become tablet or liquid form. Write Dr. Pierce,
pastor of the church at the end of the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to-dAy for
present Conference year. Mr. Junes free medical advice.
well known in this district ea ou
tamest, able fitinieter. I IN. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets not only
tVord has been received of the sud-1 the eriefteei but the beet Lees Liver Pals,
first put up over 40 years ego by Dr. R. V.
den death of Win. t;ullaford, of Los have been much Items but never
Augelee, cat, which occurred recent- 4i'lecieeei
thousands , as attest. They're
ly. in betel at. Kansas City. Mr. and purely vegetable, being made up of eon -
Mrs. Cullaford visited in Clinton this centrated and refined medicinal prin-
mummer, the latter being a sister -in -
Airs. Kitty oetown: ci ies extracted from the roots of American
law 'A
O&M& Do not gripe. One or two for
The Clinton Board of Trade met stomach corrective, three w four fee
Fe iday night with a good attendance osikerlic.
of members present. -Tillieresoltitions
which are to be up for incursion at •
Pte. Aiken Bates, a former resident
of W mile op, Pik* in am et•
the fame en October 21sr. He bad
y are slum, temente therlieutty.
Atter au absence of teerty-one years,
the greeter part of whieb was spenteia
the West, bomas-Eandereon .arrived
Si-WM*0er 1,vit,n).4 oo_o 'kin. to bia
stio-14C D. D. and All: Sanderson.
Miss Edythe . am*, youn
dritighter of Mr. arid Mee. Fred Adams,
of 'i'oronto, tormerly of Fordwich, was
married on the 4...h inst. to Bower H.
Williams, MI_ Guelph. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallows ars minting at UOMPh-
Miss Seattle, B. A., of Hensel!, who
two years al cirrorit to loot tcrengaits
III mission wdirt for‘lbe-Preelbrerian
church, has been reissued or six
months io order tbat she may look
after the sick said wounded, soldiers
Who are returning to India.
itt the horns of Mr. and Mn. $1I
Tuckerunith. on Wedneeds.rof
last weak. their eldest dough Lucy
Pierces Favor-
ite Prescription war
recommended to
inc by a friend whc
used it and received
much beuetit. 1 be-
gan Miring it and in
months 1 Weau1.
completely cured of '
my ailment and
_have never had any t
r return of same. I
can recernniend the.
4r •
se-e'ree " -j
41,tir It
Owe e.
se r
e • sce."
THI:KADAY, No4. 23 W
en teotteeereereeeeeeee
Christmas Cift
Ideas for Boys
TI'' git s illustrated below have
bedialogued along very
Ilnee with the idea of providing arti-
glee that can be constructed easily with
the tools almost every boy owns.
The spool tack shown in Fig. 1 may
jes med. out of a boxboard three-
eighths inch thick. The base pieee
abould be cut about tee Inchon WIdO
and 1 inches long, with the top ales
Many women with disfigured complexions •
never seem to think that they need an occasional clent.s.oi
totaide as weU as outside. Yet neglect of this inuenal
bathing shows Melt in spotty, and sallow compleximis-as
well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. 1 t • because
the livet becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates
which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best
remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. welch
stimulate the liver to healthy activity, reznoes f cementation,
gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole
digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one et
night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get
Chamberlain's today--druggiste 26c., or by mail from
Cleasberkin Meelicise Company. Telerate t5
thrt annual meeting of the Associated
Boards of Trade were carefully con-
,idered, and John It{aitsford '. and W.
348e14400 were appointed to represent
the local hoard at this meeting. Com-
mittees were appointed to interview
the (+rand Trunk regarding the un-
satisfactory .ervice between here and
Toronto : also to interview the onunty
rootletl regarding the ado of a
of Huron. county
-lewd roadie' scheme for
- -
And Found a Cart in Dodd's Kidoe
• PR's.
Adamsville. St. Salim,. Kent, Go.,
N. B.,Notr. SOtk tflpecial).-Mrs. Pat-
rick Williams, *eft known here, is ad-,
rising her- litirMerouir Yrieildirx1Pr-rai.
Dodd's riene-y Pills.
that her brother, Pte. W. J. Sim-
monds, has been wounded in France.
Thom. McCly 1., it former residen
nI Winghain, died at Edmonton.;
MOE*, on the 8 h inst., in his
seventh year.
Dr. (leo. H. Rneriehea the
Army Dental Corps with e of of
caws on. His practice low 1 n taken
over by Dr. E.,11. Dimes. Toronto.
W. T. Miller and fitinily and Z.
Lnek man and frmil have returned to
Wiierhain (retie neaten and have
again tak lona wit.h„the Wes
fern ey
• ,
An Old-timer.
ert n Teleecope : A Ghepetcw
et whe tortures togroW old is
as 8- epleton. m r. M apietun
- teethe 'bush at the age of nine
ere wee * railway at ell at
-He A widowed mean
c one
Pays Best?
The Person trained in
Commercial School.
We guarantee;to give a Stenographic and Commercial
Course equal to that given by any School in the Province
and to place you in a position when you graduate. Write
for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possible.
Fall term begins September 5th. W4". ros,
Students may enter any time.
School of Commerce
yaws." Mrs. Williams, sa
troubles started with- az e
teemed to get ever et
or. "My the way f
I never dine, the Ir
ects of it. Chepetdw Oak,
Godes ich via Kirear-
(rem Kincardine to
leteedtys. 4.
had cramps in uey es'usclea and my a good deal of t hardships of former
were stile. )There were dark dsys h e and bee. ty,
Bound to Find
'Mee under mg' eyes. which were
puffed and evtoilen. I had it titter
Large in my geouthoind 1 suffered from "A man mune into inc • re the
severe headaehee. I frit he -ivy °owl, .aid the dee"( eerie
and sleepy after meals and had
nottioess *even prosetrip ono Lii put
atuic1ci...4 neuralgia. Heart flutteringr un
added to my anxiety, and flnelly 1111-11-± r.•• ib ne
Mt* TV' "rt,er
beveled off all around as shown. Laelei
thg a plane, the bevelling can . be 00140
Vet tbwbui nugp rtheigh tedpe
ewl tabsand pa,per.,
re about 3 inches wide and 3 inches'
pie). Cut the sides and top of these
on a slant as shown, being careful to
get opposite edges equal. If you find
it too hard to cut the edges slanted lo1
this way you may leave them straight
Ine possibly round off the top corners)
instead. After preparing the upright
'pieces Imre a hole through each three:
fourths Inch below the top and large
enough for a nall 414 inches long tot
Blip through. If you haven't a gimlet
with' welch to bore, make the holes'
iff driving a mill through the pleoes.
The nett forms a spindle for the thread
spool to ;turn upon. Fasten the up-
rights at tbe edges of the base block
with nails driven through the base tato
their ends.
The sizeTe-maite toe little caWndar.
board shown to Fig. 2 depends upon
Mattson 101 10. It wer
woo then I lUe-sel- a told,' I ...marked to hien. cam ily.--e-
wised to tty Dodd's Kidney Pill+. I
cannot be too glad I did so. 1 took 1„„Le. 6.
'Yee,' he returned. mud o hehi
just three boxes, ten they did nie so i
dag-ticed-i71 1 c:lellierelasbelbewr44w1 chriChltud,h..
much good I feel I can recommend
them to every woman who buffers."
d ric NV_nni
• •
HEAFORTH. 4vo mg en
Mee J. IL-Broadfoot, Mies tea. and
Mini 'Helen Young, of Mestforth, surd Will Find New Strength
Mre. James Pringle, sr., Mist Kate
Broadfoot and Mimi Ann Pringle, of
Hamiltor, , left last week. fur Neadens,
Calif.. where they wilt sperld tbe
Through the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
It in uselene to tell a harl-workipg
The Marriage of Mies•Ottlie Mourn,
sorrmian to take itfe easily and not to
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mn. e%V.
1 -worry. Eve' y ermie. at of
C. T. Morson, to William E. Olenny. a ,: -
formerly tof 0*. Dominion tiptoeevery girl in otEre«,4110)5ops
inion Bank staff '-
,and factories is subj,,cted to more or
in Sonsforth and now menagielor trod.
Bank at Reveler, took plate on ly"L'w"rrY• 0004)01 be 1" e'dee•
(tut y of eye, y woman wee
nesdey, November leth. at 0*. home But it it the
Ree. Mr»e girl to wive her sirregth se
of the bride's parents.
winch .as possible, mid 1.4) build. up bet
Brown lefeciated.
ovrturns to meet unusual &mends.,
Mrs. Wrn illiaMaeDiugeill pasw4 efuture heath depends upon it.
awe, at her hewn. 011I To, .gpard against a breekdowu in
beech the blood must beetept
red and purr. To kerp the lilood lia
this condition nothing can equal Dr.
Willisine Pink Pills. Theystie.igthen
the nerves, metro e the appetite, being
the glow of health to pallid cheek-,
and renewed allergy to tartlets people.'
Wonsan cannot always rest when they
should, but they can keep lip their
strength and keep away disease by
Mr. and Mrs. 140as Jolene hatensovedthe occasional use of De . Williams'
into -town from ElltnviiI.. _ Pink P Mrs. N. E. Tompeett,
Dr. J. E. McGillicuddy hits hese sp- Ottawa, Ont'
. writes ;-"Fur reverie
pointed medical health °maw in miry yearn 1 suffered terribly from nervous
cession to Dr. Qoackenbush, iernovrd debility end Was westerly able to do •
from town. thing. Dories that time 1 conoulted
Mrs. he Weber, of Malcolm, Alberti,
who has been visiting friends in On.
tatio, relent it tow days with her par-
ent*. Mr. and Mn. N. Hardy, before
returning to ber home in the West.
U. B. linen bit, purchased the Omit
meroial hotel property from eine WM.
Haw kshaw and will con vet t *1*., main
Monday, leth inst., in her seventy-
ninth year. She hid resided 'nearly
all her lite in Egmrindville. Besides
Iter husband sbe leaves two daughter*.
Mrs. Charles Stewart, of Portland.
Oregon. who WAN home during her
mother'. illness. and Meer Nellie. et
treveial doctors, and many medicines
without geteng any tele. mid I brews
to think_ that 1 would -newer get
b Ater. line dee' I saw Dr. Will area'
Pink Pelle edvertised and thought I
would toy them. )After taking four
boxer I was much better, hut 1 cue Ion-
ued using the pills for several mouths,
Itt f
floor into a gsrae. The second 44.ma
y breth Wilen 1 ret
began eating_ the.
will be mode into tesidential apart- Pjil 1 hed I 100 ounce. While
under their we with my r• nerved
health 1 n ow weigh 140. I reconterid
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to everyone
whom know to be idling."
'Tun can g•ot Dr. Watson' Pink
P11Ir fuom piny dealer in medicine, or
by mill Itis..s.40 011et 0 s, hog, or six boxes
for. 411.50 from The Dr. eVillianue
Medicuse Co., Brie kyle', Ont.
The Lessee ewe
rDon't you get awfully tired of tail -
Koenig. formerly of Brussels, now lie- ing part in All those theatrical pet -
Ing at Pris, Ontario. fornuoices the 1, tend of the amateur
Allow Leek+ Bryan, bag one on motor obit* Wolfed.
visit to ber Mother, Dr. WM Bryant+, yes, p.m -dolly tired," hp rep'ipd.
at earaingay, Alberta, where eh* will ..f.or 1 do,•• like to Ant st 11 a I
probably .pend the winter. know if I'm t42 00 the plane 111 bar,
tsit in the andieme !"
Mrs. smuitoel Johnston and family
hale removed font] Ripley to Wing
W. J. Armour le opening up a meet
arid produee stole in the National
hotel block.
(leoflpotton le opening is Nutmeg
eollege In Tormtn. Illak ing 48 ch.its of
ten college,' usnirr hoy control.
Mrs. A. Pullen has received word
Miss Kee emit\ Thompson died at
Victoria hospital, London, on the eith
Inst., after an Opens t low The funeral
wart held on Thwedny to Keeler ne-
tery, Loin the hem@ of S. et ert in. Jir..
Bastin being a mister of the dee
The Poetsas t Rumor hoe it tent
Certain Keenig, the intrepid wise
pander of the German seboaerine
'1)euttehland, is a brother to Adarn
41 •11.1
&IF ILI - ler - -
• Ti II ILI 11 13 1 1
44"-eet,r4,44ra4--eme4*Te4r!Sr.71.44711.4C.T :VtittnT.7.441V-AiSkStotaweiRewt rt'rx.rx,');ir .111)7CIF..0',4
the size of the calendar pad you can
Iget. Various sizes ti* calendar pads'
are sold in the stationery stereo., and.,
emit two or three cents apiece. Wb,
lyou get the calendar place tt upon
eiece of wood and mark gut around
It a design emitter to char shown la
17. 2. A piece of cigar box wood
tikes a very pretty board, and tblie
Ood is easily rut with a sharp Wee'
Pesten the calendar to the board with'
Ismail taring and- merely a screw eye
Into the top edge of the board to b
pp tbe calendar by.
Tbet Whiskbroom holder ehow n in
4 is made of six easily cut strips
(irtg. 3). Cigar -box wood will 410 nicety.
Hake stripe; A and B 114 Incites w
by 4 Inches long, C three-fourths look
arida by 414 he hes lone. 1) 1114 t
*1641 by the length of 0, and 10 1.41117
ot tha same size as 0. Nall strips 0,
IN awl F' to the edges of stripe It
ends of A aad le and the lower sii%
and p„ with 0, E and F eve* with
Of D even with the lower edge of C.
ADDIS the ends of the strips to prosett
as shown. Screw a small soreweyra,
Into the center of the top edge ogl
etre, D, by which to hang up the r
PPM each gift with one of th
'modern stain finishes moid In value
attires, or, where you have used Agate',
box wood, simply rub up the surfamitt
with boiled lineeed oil
(Copyright, ter A. Neely Mit)
Suits and
ON'T u t
off ordering
your Winter
and Ove
The coIv
wilT spbn be
We ca -n show
such a splen
ere. v..
;•i -
" •-"e"iv.
variety_ in goo(
a_nd styles tha
you cannot fail to
be pleas
Semi -Ready Tam
.111. .111 MID 011.
The Spare, Codondi
EAb'r w A %V .iN0814.
or Moroi
tit asby d
at, endenc
written( agt
nue jet. lie hi I
1)eaeon. ter
30 and 40, 'eon.
nting of t
entiletle place
ectionl. etc.,
ruse 115tbwt
'thee. Clei k.
townshiper share repairing
're 512 ; J. Net tiatembelle
on drainage matte's
rut/iota. *7: A. Mai mon.
y for ditch, $8 H.
et lot it -hi oug 011 1.1d.'11/111111
111, 117 50. After the
iterist-ierlaw-for. eip-
' nomination., pbocee
e council pijotirnesi
aIti ace
rding to eta tite on
o'clock. A. Pone
Mirelles of council roweileir held!
November 13th. All the hariabor
present. Minute. ta.lniet...Ineta•
were reed and approved. . The comity
council hewing decided 00 48 town of
halfeemill on the dialer teehr-13iitteli
lied Cross Society, to be retried by the
eiffrrept municipelities in 11/17, and as rie
e4/10 of a mill had already been levied
in thee township for that. purpose, it
was considered advisable that adrbro•
Lure for 5601* issued by .the county be
purchased with Inc money collirted
this year fee the Ree Clues Society.
Refusal Pleased Him.
Clerk --Can yon let me oft tornorrew
afternoon? My wife wants me to go
Christmap shopping with hr.
limployer Certainly not. We are
muck too busy.
art -Thant yds ram mach. *-
gee are vary kiallf
tsdheer, tetio.w4vnesili, iii;110ihiolrirlia..,.br, Hinii.gi Einoceskt.
Wawanosies share repairinge he tires-,
-by drain. Tbe following IteC011111.111
Mete raid : Wm. Love. repaitinv,
bridge eta1 road, con. tr,11.1; P. Leaver.'
114111Thal'and 'Ammer fedieeestiehD.
401111111 31, can. 11. 51373 ; Hownom
o Law. on. hi idge plank, $1.1-15.4.-J•
' nuey, drewiog 1/11ide plenk„, 54; •
Ed. leteireem, gee values_ 00 W. benne',
Mu y, leetene J. iiii kingliotten, in-
pect!ng same, $10; %V; Wieder,
-textile g on COPP, 2 and :t, eltitieei :
J. Celdwell, -inspecting same, *P2;
Wm. Anderson,gravel, $21:11e Mrs. A.
Patios' elm, gr. x.sl. $1U.At ; Win. W.I-
gnivolxing appo110.11 10 11 111/P. 1!.111, 1,
52, wail 1,ii glove', $2.51); Waite r I %mil .
shovelling g. reel, $2 ; Won. Dbio-,
pio Ling to eitviii, cos, 1, slAt; D. lim-
o r, glaselifing on con. 4 said 5, $27
D. ItolgTtetitt, gravelling. drawing tile, -
mil ting re culvert *tool 1,11.11Irilg ilitell
on reset tamodary. -011i; co, poratist
iiiscovrro to 3tltasagh a 14.4
ts Eli I V ALLE
44154 4*
:414.,:erss2;;"v".443414*4441't4 1-
•.1 •
. 1
' , •
ie. -erre .
scAss Pito v.; As.;
Ai'rs, 4"
leese ..
!et• e.
! „
e ct,
.rtos,s. ...041:d•I10&Tart. &
We deal jollar anIioft Coa
Thr -
Clay, also Hard a Solt Wood,
Maple and IfetnItx Slahtt.
Hemlock Slabs, $2 cord.
Fresh -cars of Li e and
Cement just recci ed.
B. . • Saults'Resulettee Jo
IV. W. Sult,' Residence
I I Extra Special Bargains
11E WE have ; number of the famous Clay "V)
Gates which we will clean out at
cost rather thaneArry'them over the Winter.
if you are going to require any No. 9 and No.
2 coiled Wire next year, it will be good
\bb. ing to purchase this Fall.
so have some great bargains in
ncl Stoves. Call and see what we
Th nuMber Happy Thought Ranges we
are delling this Fall goes to show that they ,s4
1`1! still lead the maret. If you require a se•
Range this Fall it will pay you to call and
the HapPy ThOughand learn its good
qualities and Wry -it is the best.
1 How about \your Plurnging, Heating And pit
A Electric Wiring? Do not fo that we
4r have competent min who look \ fter this
em*r branch of the work. All work is promptly
attended to and filly guaraneed,
utg We handle the best\ Scranton Hard ebal
ul and Dixie Selected Lump Cannel Coal.
This latter Coal does 'not crack, split or YR'
ft? throw sparks all ovei-y-- room.
We can also supply ', with Soft and
!A/ Hard Wood Slabs.
House I
Phone 112
Chas. C. Lee
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